HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-3417 - Ordinance - 05/24/2012 ORDINANCE NO. 2D/2- 3 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12, "UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE," SECTION 4.2, "OFFICIAL ZONING MAP," OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY CHANGING THE ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDARIES AFFECTING CERTAIN PROPERTIES AS DESCRIBED BELOW; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 4.2, "Official Zoning Map," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, be amended as set out in Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B ", and as shown graphically in Exhibit "C" and Exhibit "D ", attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. PART 2: That any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty -five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten (10) days after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 24 day of May, 2012 APPROVED: ..�`_ /jcii.. MAYOR ATTEST: ity Secretar / APPROVED: f IWSW,/ 1� City Attorney ORDINANCE NO. ,ZD /,Z -gill 7 Page 2 of 7 EXHIBIT "A" That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 4.2, "Official Zoning Map," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended as follows: The following property is rezoned from C -1 General Commercial to PDD Planned Development District: METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION OF A 0.15 ACRE TRACT J. E. SCOTT LEAGUE, A -50 COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION OF ALL THAT CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEL OP LAND LYING AND BEING SITUATED IN THE J. E. SCOTT LEAGUE, ABSTRACT NO. 50, COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS. SAID TRACT BEING A PORTION OF LOT 3, MEADOWLAND ADDITION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 94, PAGE 279 OF THE DEPT RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS, SAID PORTION OF LOT 3 BEING THE SAME TRACT OF LAND AS DESCRIBED BY A DEED TO 7 -D INVESTMENTS RECORDED IN VOLUME 1601, PAGE 138 OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS, AND THE ADJOINING PORTION OF THE ABANDONED PUBLIC RIGHT -OF -WAY OF MEADOWLAND STREET ACCORDING TO COLLEGE STATION ORDINANCE NO. 2010 -3232. SAID TRACT BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE NORTHWEST LINE OF UNIVERSITY DRIVE (FM 60) MARKING THE SOUTH CORNER OF SAID LOT 3 AND THE EAST CORNER OF LOT 2, MEADOWLAND ADDITION, SAME BEING THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF A CALLED TRACT OF LAND AS- DESCRIBED BY A DEED TO ROSSCO HOLDINGS RECORDED IN VOLUME 6173, PAGE 128 OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS, FOR REFERENCE A VA INCH IRON ROD FOUND ON THE NORTHWEST LINE OF UNIVERSITY DRIVE MARKING THE SOUTH CORNER. OF SAID ROSSCO HOLDINGS TRACT BEARS: S 41° 39' 11" W FOR A DISTANCE OF 116.19 FEET; THENCE: N 48° 20' 49" W ALONG THE COMMON LINE OF SAID LOT 3 AND SAID ROSSCO HOLDINGS TRACT FOR A DISTANCE OF 103.63 FEET TO A ''A INCH IRON ROD FOUND MARKING THE SOUTH CORNER OF A CALLED TRACT OF LAND AS DESCRIBED BY A DEED TO LEONARD M ROSS REVOCABLE TRUST RECORDED IN VOLUME 7564, PAGE 208 OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS; THENCE: N 41° 37 44" E THROUGH SAID LOT 3 AND ALONG THE COMMON LINE OF SAID 7 -D INVESTMENTS TRACT AND SAID ROSS TRACT, AT 50.01 FEET PASS A �A INCH IRON ROD FOUND ON THE SOUTHWEST LINE OF MEADOWLAND STREET (30' R.O.W.) MARKING THE NORTH CORNER OF SAID 7 -D INVESTMENTS TRACT, CONTINUE ON FOR A TOTAL DISTANCE OF 64.44 FEET TO THE CENTERLINE OF MEADOWLAND STREET MARKING THE NORTH CORNER OF THIS HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT; THENCE: S 48° 41' 06" E THROUGH MEADOWLAND STREET FOR A DISTANCE OF 103.66 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHWEST LINE OF UNIVERSITY DRIVE MARKING 'THE EAST CORNER OF THIS HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT; THENCE: S 41° 39' 11" W ALONG THE NORTHWEST LINE OF UNIVERSITY DRIVE FOR A DISTANCE OF 65.05 FEET TO THE J'OINT OF BEGINNING CONTAINING 0.15 OF AN A2 OF LAND, MORE OR 7 BSS, AS SURVEYED ON THE GROUND OCTOBER, 2007. SEE PLAT PREP - • alb FEBRUARY 2011 FOR MORE DESCRIPTIVE INFORMATION. BEARING SYSTEM SHOWN :a • 1 S BASED ON GRID NORTH AS ESTABLISHED FROM GPS OBSERVATION. BRAD IG?RR 1 i { O F _ REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL 4"-• i;7 }9 LAND SURVEYOR No. 4502 � , j� ° Q �a `-( BRAD KERR • D:/WORIU V. MAB /11- 047MAB ' oq a -7 4y °;a °:yt3 `l� ORDINANCE NO. 2h/ 2 - 3y 17 Page 3 of 7 EXHIBIT "B" The purpose of the PDD zoning district is to incorporate this small property into the larger mixed use development approved with Ordinance 2012 -3400. Building heights range up to 70 to 80 feet or eight stories. The development is proposed in two phases with the vertical mixed use and some of the multi - family buildings developed in the first phase with the remainder of multi- family areas along the former Meadowland Street and Hensel Street in the second phase. Most of the parking is provided in three parking garages located in different areas of the development. All existing buildings will be demolished before building permits will be issued for new construction. The C -1 General Commercial zoning district for commercial uses and R -6 High Density Multi - Family zoning district for the residential uses are the base zoning districts with a modified list of P -MUD Planned Mixed Use District uses as described below. The Concept Plan is provided as Exhibit "C." Meritorious Modifications Through the PDD, meritorious modifications have been granted to the following standards: 1. Zoning District Standards — UDO Section 5.2 "Residential Dimensional Standards" and Section 5.4 "Non- Residential Dimensional Standards ": Increase the maximum residential unit density permitted by R -6 High Density Multi- Family from 30 units per acre to 60 units per acre. Also, reduce the minimum building setbacks for the C -1 General Commercial and R -6 High Density Multi - Family based zoning districts to 5 feet along all property lines with the understanding that sufficient easements for utilities will be provided. 2. Use — UDO Section 6.2.0 "Use Table ": The P -MUD Planned Mixed Use District is the base zoning district for uses for the development with Health Care, Medical Clinic being added as a permitted use and Country Club, Duplex, Fuel Sales, Fraternal Lodge, Golf Course /Driving Range, Parking as a Primary Use, Single - Family Detached, Sexual Oriented Businesses, and Shooting Range (Indoor) uses removed from the permitted list. 3. Parking — UDO Section 7.2 "Off- Street Parking Standards ": For the commercial uses, a ratio of 1 parking space per every 250 gross square feet of use (1:250) applies and additional parking is not required if more than 25% of these areas are utilized as intense commercial uses. The minimum residential parking requirement is reduced to one parking space per bedroom. Also, up to 5% of the parking spaces in the garage may be compact parking spaces. 4. Transportation — UDO Section 7.3 "Access Management and Circulation ", Section 8.2.G "Blocks" and Section 11.2 "Defined Terms " - Public Way: Modifications related to transportation requirements: a) As shown on the Concept Plan, driveways are consolidated into one on Texas Avenue and one on University Drive as well as other driveways on the proposed Public Ways that do not meet minimum spacing standards due to existing conditions. b) As shown on the Concept Plan, the Public Way projection along Public Way Section C -C will suffice for meeting block length and block perimeter requirements. c) The maximum curve radius of a Public Way may be reduced from 200 -foot radius to a 45 -foot radius. Sidewalks may be back of curb instead of three feet off back of curb with sidewalk widths being at least nine feet in Public Way Section A -A, 10.5 feet in Section ORDINANCE NO. 11)12- 354/7 Page 4 of 7 B -B (can be reduced to 8 feet where parallel parking is provided), and 6 feet on the development side of Public Way Section C -C. The pedestrian facilities for the Public Way projection to the Texas A &M University System property may be located through the nearby amenity area. 5. Signs — UDO Section 7.4 "Signs ": Instead of using this Section as the basis for signage, the development will utilize the signage types permitted in Wolf Pen Creek (UDO Section 5.6.A.11 Signs) with the following modifications: a) Signs may be approved administratively by staff with appeals to staffs interpretations being able to considered by the Design Review Board; b) Wayfinding signage (UDO Section 7.4.AA Campus Wayfinding Signs) is permitted for this development; and c) Projections signs may be used for identification signage for the general area and not count against the attached signage square feet unless they contain copy of individual businesses. Projection signs may be oriented toward the public rights -of -way or public ways and one is permitted per tenant per public way frontage. 6. Landscaping — UDO Section 7.5 "Landscaping and Tree Protection ": Instead of using this Section as the basis for landscaping, the development will utilize the Northgate standards for the NG -1 district contained in UDO Section 5.6.B.9 "Landscape and Streetscape Standards" with the following modifications: a) The street trees along Texas Avenue and University Drive may be placed outside of TxDOT right -of -way. Street trees along Public Way Sections A -A and B -B shall be 50 feet on center with other alternating planting areas spaced at 50 feet on center consisting of non - canopy trees, hedges or seasonal plantings. The Public Way Section C -C will have planting areas of 25 feet on center consisting of non - canopy trees, hedges, or seasonal plantings; b) Building and Site Lighting shall still comply with UDO Section 7.10 Outdoor Lighting Standards; and c) The Street Lights section is not applicable for lights owned and maintained by the property owner. 7. Architecture — UDO Section 7.9 "Non- Residential Architecture Standards ": Instead of using this Section as the basis for architecture standards, the development will utilize the Northgate standards contained in UDO Section 5.6.B.4 "Building Design Standards" except that residential dwelling units in a building with less than 12 units may have access through a parking area or garage. 8. Infrastructure — Section 3.3.A "Applicability ": Building permits may be issued for this development prior to platting the remaining tracts of land with the condition that a temporary blanket easement be placed on the property and the property platted /replatted once all utilities are constructed and relocated and before Certificates of Occupancy are issued for the buildings. Community Benefits and Additional Enhancements ORDINANCE NO. 24/2- 3y/ 7 Page 5 of 7 The following community benefits, additional enhancements or improvements are incorporated: 1. Implementation of the Comprehensive Plan through redevelopment of an underperforming, blighted area that is designated as a Primary Arrival Gateway and described by the Comprehensive Plan as an area that should "focus on bringing vertical mixed -use and other aspects of urban development to this portion of the City." All existing buildings in both phases will be demolished before building permits will be issued for any new construction. 2. The Northgate Building Design Standards (UDO Section 5.6.B.4) apply to all buildings, residential and non - residential. 3. The Northgate Bicycle Parking Standards (UDO Section 5.6.B.7) apply to the development except that the design of the bicycle rack design is determined by the owner and approved by the City and bicycle parking may be located within the parking garage areas. 4. To promote transit usage, install a bus stop shelter as approved by the City in a location for TAMU Transit bus service, if provided, and another along University Drive to utilize District bus service. 5. The Northgate Dumpster and Mechanical Equipment Standards (UDO Section 5.6.B.10) shall apply with the exception that vegetation may also be used as a screening tool. 6. The Northgate Outside Storage and Display Standards (UDO Section 5.6.B.13) shall apply to the development. 7. The parking garage on Texas Avenue is wrapped with general commercial use on the ground floor and residential above and the other parking garages along the former Meadowland Street are wrapped with multi - family uses along the Public Way. 8. An eight -foot bicycle and pedestrian route is proposed along the southwest property line to connect multi - family buildings and two parking garages to the University Drive sidewalk to facilitate bicycle and pedestrian movements from the development toward the Texas A &M University campus. 9. As permitted by TxDOT, mitigation for the Texas Avenue and University Drive intersection is proposed through a variety of transportation improvements including the intersection and median break for the former Meadowland Street will be closed, a dual left turn lane on University Drive eastbound to Texas Avenue northbound and queue length extended, a dual right turn lane on Texas Avenue southbound to University Drive westbound, multiple driveways will be consolidated into one driveway on Texas Avenue and one driveway on University Drive, the median on Texas Avenue will be extended north past the proposed Public Way driveway, and a deceleration lane will be added to the proposed Public Way driveway on University Drive. ORDINANCE NO. 2D/2 -,34/ Page 6 of 7 EXHIBIT "C" m < a a . p 4 m 1, 1 € E e go A 3 w 1 0i UNIVERSITY DRIVE ti -, ii i i s A , ,` ,11. 2 I r s p�3 Sv 3 a ii I k w 1 1 i \\'' 1 , I 8 lir V t t' •.�i `E' : � �` ! 1 \\ ( �1 ` :, ' m 0 it IE \ + � I .mow... . y��" ' .�K«.. :: , _' ` , o I . , 1_111.... ' • Nv r s 1.; ,1 El l'; t - 1 1 1 M ;i m }'id a, y 3 313 II R � m I Al t a i i X 4 i ' � 4i I fi I '3 : .. � -' d 1 'I ' ' •• ! 1::::1:;1; 4. h .St u F„ S Y I y i ai 8 8 NOr t i j; g A . .. 1111 . 1 i J LLP 3 RUMPRREY$ & PARTNERS 111111111111111111111111 t g THE PLAZA REDEVELOPMENT i rill! � � AfY�HrTEC C.P. � 1 It t ; I s� COLLEGE STATION, TX ss >`+ 61 . WWOODPDGE COLLEGE S FN. II CL f� F � +�� 1 1 # � ""� , L ........,.... MITCHELL AND MONGA m N. . , I i ; tl I f it ORDINANCE NO. 20/2 -3417 Page 7 of 7 EXHIBIT "D" I23,373DD N ti .111 g CHARLES H AV xi ° aLr rte- 9 rn ° a °-' c a � W x. o"� - CT7 , 3 3 .. . n�a, 0 n ,373,v CO 0 3 - o m m�.��' v _ M m . 13 S NICOLASAV O o cm K 0 J� m moo w 9 444,6 r I xi C 00>M23732:1 . o�, .fi` r < ijijii n� 0)11‘' W . z. ? C. / r 4 , mm r, n� J� O S d 0 A-, ty j c z / al N 11, 0 / c° j 0 ccocN�w 0 G ��p nxc� \ ' / a�,4 m t-gi a g w ^^.( 2 C n i n N 's. ' J A i - -- _ Nn3 n g <3 it, =3 a L O 0.) �F w T.AO ZZ Z* • W N - * XH31 0 n a$mdQQ N i 1 Zp d N' p - o S n V op m O.3 Iz v D Oq�s , �, ST m T • a /1• _Z l' 4' n VV Q 0' /Z) Q • N IT",