HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/31/2012 - Special Minutes City Council
JANUARY 31, 2012
Nancy Berry, Mayor
Blanche Brick
Jess Fields
Karl Mooney
Katy-Marie Lyles
Julie Schultz
Dave Ruesink
City Staff:
David Neeley, City Manager
Kathy Merrill, Deputy City Manager
Frank Simpson, Deputy City Manager
Carla Robinson, City Attorney
Sherry Mashburn, City Secretary
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present
With a quorum present, the Workshop of the College Station City Council was called to order by
Mayor Nancy Berry at 1:24 p.m. on Tuesday, January 31, 2012 in the College Station Utility
Building Meeting and Training Facility, 1603 Graham Road, College Station, Texas.
1. Review of Strategic Planning Process and Overview of Objectives of Special Workshops.
Discussion was completed on this item at the January 30 meeting.
2. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding use of the Hotel Occupancy Tax
Proceeds in the City of College Station.
Discussion was completed on this item at the January 30 meeting.
3. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding Neighborhood Parking Issues.
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Discussion was completed on this item at the January 30 meeting.
4. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the City of College Station's
Capital Improvement Program.
Chuck Gilman, Director of Capital Improvements, updated the Council on the Capital Plan.
Project delivery includes five project managers with active projects totaling $115 million, and
two land agents who are working to acquire 61 parcels for rights-of-way.
The Parks Revolving Fund allows staff to purchase parkland ahead of development. It has a
budget of $1 million, and they have spent approximately $711,000. Parkland was acquired in
The Rock Prairie Road West right-of-way was considered by the 2008 Citizen Advisory
Committee, but was not included in the 2008 Bond Authorization. A project was included to
purchase right-of-way for the widening of Rock Prairie Road West from SH 6 to Normand.
He briefly reported on ongoing projects such as the Skate Park (completed); improvements to
neighborhood parks at Brothers Pond, Pebble Creek, Emerald Forest, etc.; Barron Road
Widening Phase II, traffic signals; extension to Victoria; Fire Station No. 6; improvements to
Central Park (concessions and meeting room); and hike and bike trails. Projects in design
include Lick Creek Park Trail, Lick Creek Nature Center, extension of Jones Butler, extension of
Barron Road East and Lakeway South, sidewalk extensions, Lick Creek Hike and Bike Trail, and
University Drive Pedestrian Safety Phase II (Tauber down to south College).
He updated the Council on other projects that were not included in the bond, such as the Health
Science Center Parkway and sewer infrastructure (design consultants selected January 26), Wolf
Pen Creek Festival Area (expected to advertise for construction bids the week of February 20),
Scott & White Lift Station (construction to be completed April 2012), University Drive
Pedestrian Safety Improvement Project - TXDOT (construction to be 'complete August 2012),
Tauber & Stasney Rehabilitation (construction to be complete February 2012), Rock Prairie
Road Overpass, Bee Creek Trunk Sewer, and the CSU Dispatch Building.
Staff recommendations include: 1) the Lincoln Center Addition with a capital budget of $4.3
million and an anticipated annual O&M of $98,000 (proceed with a facility program in FY
2012); 2) Library expansion with a capital budget of $8.4 million and an anticipated annual
O&M of $208,000 (continue to monitor library usage in 2012 with the opening of the new high
school and commence a study in 2013 to determine long-term need for a library expansion or a
new library); 3) East District Maintenance Shop with a capital budget of $1.6 million and an
anticipated annual O&M of $12,000 (delay the project and continue to evaluate the need for this
facility as PARD maintenance operations change and/or expand); and Lick Creek Nature Center
(detail design and construction) with a capital budget of $2.5 million and an anticipated annual
O&M of $132,000 (proceed with design in FY 12 and construction FY 13).
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Staff recommends that Council direct the Planning and Zoning Commission in 2013 to
coordinate with other council-appointed boards and commission and City staff to develop a
preliminary list of capital improvement projects to be potentially included on the next bond
election. Council consensus was to accept staff recommendations.
5. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the City's Sustainability Efforts.
Jason Stuebe, Assistant to the City Manager, stated the rationale for focusing on sustainability
was identified by residents through surveys, and focus groups. The Council understood the
findings to say the City should be a leader in environmental stewardship, improve and enhance
the quality of life, save tax payer dollars, build local economy and create jobs, and create a
legacy of leadership. The Green College Station resolution was adopted in January 2008. The
City Manager was to develop a Green College Station Master Plan and establish a Technical
Task Force. In July 2008, Sustainability was added as a strategic initiative. In October 2009, the
City was awarded an Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant in the amount of
$791,000. This grant was used to purchase hybrid vehicles, parks facility retrofits, and the
sustainability program. In April 2010, we hired a Sustainability Coordinator, and in November
2011, the Green Technical Taskforce was dissolved with the Coordinator given the responsibility
to monitor the Master Plan.
Strategic initiatives were developed and current practices include 1) enhance conservation
efforts, 2) purchase of energy from renewable sources, 3) protect potable water supply and
ability to expand, 4) support and implement green building practices, 5) conduct sound land use
planning guided by the Comprehensive Plan, 6) maintain and enhance participation in FEMA
CRS program, 7) acquire flood-prone areas and their associated riparian areas through the
Greenway acquisition program, 8) support alternative energy production activities, 9) enhanced
use of hybrid vehicles in our fleet, 10) continue to seek grants and other funding sources, and 11)
community education and information about conservation efforts and city programs.
He noted that things have changed since 2008, such as the economic climate, council turnover,
administration turnover, and a shift in citizen opinion. Staff recommends changing the policy
statement to reflect the current climate and to re-align strategies with the new policy direction
stated as, "College Station is committed to a comprehensive sustainability program that promotes
and achieves conservation and environmental awareness that is fiscally responsible and results in
a real and tangible return of investment to the City". Council consensus was to accept the policy
statement with the caveat of obtaining a cost/benefit analysis as with other Master Plans.
David Massey, Director of Electric Utilities, reviewed Wind Energy program. Our wind energy
is purchased from the South Trent Wind Farm west of Abilene. In 2009, our contract capacity is
10 megawatts, and in 2015, we expect to purchase 30 megawatts. Existing wind watts rates are
based on program costs to deliver certified wind energy and the Green College Station program
adder (what Council added to the rates for environmental incentives, such as the tree program).
Enrollment has stayed pretty steady since 2009. Staff recommends the Council approve a
revised electric rate ordinance to eliminate the Green College Station adder.
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Jason Stuebe reviewed the suggested strategies moving forward: enhance conservation efforts -
~W electric, water, recycling (retain), purchase of energy from renewable resources (retain, but with
modifications to operations), preserve potable water supply and ability to expand (retain and
possibly expand), support and implement green building practices (retain, but with modifications
specific to City facilities and demonstration of clear fiscal benefit and to what standard), conduct
sound land use planning guided by the Comprehensive Plan (retain). Previously adopted
strategies include: maintain and enhance participation in the FEMA CRS program (retain),
continue Greenway Acquisition program (retain, clarify that activities will be limited to
purchasing land), support alternative energy production activities (retain, interest in expanding),
implement a more energy efficient fleet (modify the focus on hybrids, complete pilot program,
study additional fleet options: right-sizing, alternative fuels, fuel efficiency, hybrid, electric),
seek grants and other sources of funding to support efforts (retain, with modifications insuring
funding source compatibility with Community while being mindful of stipulations/matching),
community education and information about conservation efforts and programs (retain and
possibly expand).
6. Presentation, possible action, and discussion of other items within the 2012 Council
Strategic Plan Update.
No discussion was required.
7. Overview of Next Steps in the Strategic Planning Process.
Bob Cowell, Director of Planning and Development, said there are other items that need to be
addressed, such as the street maintenance program, Utility CIP projects and rate discussions,
roles of regional partners (funding levels), and the employee pay plan and benefits. These all
need additional discussion before we get too deep in budget discussion.
Budget workshops will begin in July or August. Everything needs to be completed by that July
so that the budget can be framed according to the strategic plan and policy direction. Additional
discussion on strategic plan items may begin in March and April. Council consensus expressed a
preference for setting the time for workshops in the late afternoon (4:00 - 8:00).
8.. Adjournment
MOTION: There being no further business, Mayor Berry adjourned the special workshop of the
College Station City Council at 4:20 p.m. on Tuesday, January 31, 2012.
Nancy B
erry Ma urn, City Secretary
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