HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-2633 - Ordinance - 05/22/2003ORDINANCE NO. 2633 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12, "ZONING", SECTION I, "ESTABLISHMENT OF DISTRICTS, PROVISION FOR AN OFFICIAL ZONING MAP", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY CHANGING THE ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDARIES AFFECTING CERTAIN PROPERTIES AS DESCRIBED BELOW; DECLARING A PENALTY, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That Chapter 12, "Zoning", Section I, "Establishment of Districts, Provisions For An Official Zoning Map", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, be amended as set out in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. PART 2: That any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty-five dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten (10) days after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 22nd day of May 2003. ATTEST: Connie Hooks, City Secretary APPROVED: MAYOR APPROVED: , City Al~tome~~ ORDINANCE NO. 2633 PAGE 2 OF 5 EXHIBIT "A" That the Official Zoning Map of the City of College Station, Section I, "Establishment of Districts, Provisions For An Official Zoning Map", of Chapter 12, "Zoning", is hereby amended as follows: The following property is rezoned from C-2 Commercial-Industrial to C-1 General Commercial. ALL THAT CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING SITUATED IN THE ROBERT STEVENSON LEAGUE, ABSTRACT NO. 54, COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS. SAID TRACT BEING THE REMAINDER OF A CALLED 35.854 ACRE TRACT AS DESRIBED BY DEED TO LICK CREEK, LTD., RECORDED IN VOLUME 813, PAGE 555 OF THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY "METES AND BOUNDS" IN THE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "B," AND SHOWN GRAPHICALLY IN EXHIBIT "C". ORDINANCE NO. 2633 EXHIBIT "B" PAGE 3 OF 5 COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SCHEDULE A File No. 137254 e LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE LAND: All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the ROBERT STEVENSON LEAGUE, Abstract No. 54, College Station, Brazos County, Texas. Said tract being the remainder of a called 35.854 acre tract as described by a deed to Lick Creek, Ltd., Recorded in Volume 813, Page 555 of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas. Said tract being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a concrete right-of-way marking found on the southwest line of State Highway No. 6 (variable width R.O.W.) marking the northeast corner of said remainder of 35.854 acre tract; THENCE: S 35° 05' 21" E along the southwest line of State Highway No. 6 for a distance of 200.25 feet to a.5/8 inch iron rod set marking an angle point in said line, for reference a concrete right-of-way marker found bears: S 14° 04' 13" E for a distance of 0.52 fee~t;___ ..... THENCE: S 32° 13' 42" E conti,~nhin~:.;~.j;~.~g.'::t~.?~':-.~6..htbw, es~line~of~tate Highway No. 6 for a distance of 400.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron :~:o~1 set"i~-"~-~ih'g-.7.a~..Tangle."pein+~:in'said-line, for reference a concrete right- of-way marker found bears: N, :~. . O ~ # ", -"' ' ' ':"' '"' ' '~:;~:'"'~?;-~ ~-~'~'~'"= ........... i.'';~'" -~ .- ,. ' ' THENCE. S 27 56 21 E c.o ttn.u~n .-.alg0g tIie.southwe:§l~ho~7of~Ste, te,.H~ghway No. 6 for a d~stance of 200.56 feet to a concrete"r-,i[~h..t>o_f~waY'~h~f~er found ma.',~,~rj'"'~i;~?~.ngle~'p0int in said line; -~ '~ :-, .-- '- --'. ', -~.: ~.:,q~;-.: :~5,v ,:,, ~ ~.'-'.',.., .' '.7 ..','.': :' -.' THENCE: S 32° 13' 42" E c(~0fi~aidg.al0hg;~th~.e so~h~.s.'t:..~!j0?;0f.;,.S..tate Highway No. 6 for a d~stance ot 79.65 feet to a point in the ~.,e.,fi,t~lifi;.d:';6f;~Ji~l?~cr~eE:.:~m~a.'~;l~!fig;;¥1i6:.:'rhost easterly corner of this herein described tract and the northedgt~r~,:'~::~,'~-~il~:4~b.~;dt~';.[~.t as described by a deed to Stephen E. Lumpee recorded in volume ~:5~i~?;-"-~="~,~'~'~?,~'~;"6~. ~.... , p;,:g:..,~,.: ,.~.. ,. :,the":~'0f:fic'i~l:'jv~'blic... ~.- .... records of Brazos County, Texas, for reference a 5/8 inch iron rod foand'-i~'~i't~!'..'-. S.'32~ 13'.::42' E fbr a distance of 454.63 feet; THENCE' dion the centerline of said'"'~:'b~;~:; :s~m'~ beihg';th~ common line of said remainder of 35 854 · g .. ...:. ,. .. . .. , acre tract and said 4.02 acre tract, for the following calls.." S 72° 11' 30" W for a distance of 103.49 feet to a point; N 76° 57' 43" W for a distance of 39.85 feet to a point; S 44° 38' 42" W for a distance of 30.07 feet to a point; S 28° 54' 08" E for a distance of 18.36 feet to a point; S 47° 20' 05" W for a distance of 31.21 feet to a point; S 53° 42' 31" W for a distance of 15.62 feet to a point; N 80° 31' 11" W for a distance of 54.66 feet to a point; N 33° 40' 20"W for a distance of 52.59 feet to a point; N 40° 07' 28" W for a distance of 42.64 feet to a point; ORDINANCE NO. 2633 EXHIBIT "B" PAGE 4 OF 5 N 13° 47' 31" W for a distance of 37.99 feet to a point; N 86° 03' 56"W for a distance of 22.80 feet to a point; N 66° 16' 24" W for a distance of 38.82 feet to a point; N 53° 33' 13"W for a distance of 23.87 feet to a point marking the northeast corner of Bridle Gate Estates, Phase One, according to the plat recorded in Volume 3744, Page 49 of the Official Public Records of Brazes County, Texas, for reference a 1/2 inch iron rod found marking the East comer of Bridle Gate Estates, Phase One, bears: S 34° 57' 44" E for a distance of 870.84 feot; THENCE: Continuing along the centerline of said creek, same being the common line of said remainder of 35.854 acre tract and Bridle Gate Estates, Phase One, for the following calls: N 65° 31' 02"W for a distance of 3.88 feet to a point; S 46° 18' 30" W for a distance of 126.71 feet to a point; S 39° 30' 45" E for a distance of 1...3,.~,,,3.8.,~.,,f.p~ tp .a.~P0,,int;, S 31 ° 59' 10"W for a distance Of"32.04~'f;et'to.. a point;~ s 68° 04' Ol "w for a distanC~'~)f'~l~31.23 feet-t°'~'p°iot;~- S 86° 15' 15" W for a distandi~ 0~ ~tl.lO.feet to'a"p0i"t~:-'o]3:~h'e~i:,~h'east'i line of the remainder of a called 25 acre tract as described. 15y 'it:~ ~t~ed to' Rh, B. Tolson rocorded in Volume 3115, page 35 of the Official Public Records of Brazos'~'Cb¢~; Texasi~"*':for reference a 1/2 inch iron rod found marking the east corner of said remainder of ~$'~tCm tract and'.an int~?i'0r west corner'of Bridle Gate Estates, Phase One, bears: $ 4° 49' 04" E for a disfafi'~ of 64.28 feet; THENCE: N 36° 45' 56" W alongl the common .li~e of said remainder of 35.854 acre tract and said remainder of 25 acre tract for a distance of:17.53i;'~eet to a 6 inch fence post found marking an angle point in said line; THENCE: N 45° 21' 14" W continuing along the common line of said remainder of 35.854 acre tract and said remainder of 25 acre tract for a distance of 482.06 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set on the southeast line of Graham Road (variable width R.O.W.) marking the west corner of this herein described tract, for reference a 8 inch fence corner post found bears: S 61 ° 40' 44" E for a distance of 0.56 feet; THENCE: N 41 ° 41' 18" E along the southeast line of graham road for a distance of 691.37 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set marking an angle point in said line; THENCE: $ 82° 25' 23" E for a distance of 78.10 feet to the Point Of Beginning containing 10.73 acres of land, more or less. And being the same property described in Deed from Lick Creek, Ltd. to Moray Mitchell Harper, dated August 27, 2002, recorded in Volume 4816, page 148, Official Records of Brazos County, Texas. ! !