HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch(REVISED) Single-Family Homes: (Does not include slab onlys) YTD 􀂱 1 yr YTD 􀂱 2 yr 8% 2% Year-to-date, single-family home permits decreased in quantity when compared to last year at this time, March 2008, and decreased when compared with two years ago, March 2007. Commercial: (Does not include slab onlys) YTD 􀂱 1 yr YTD 􀂱 2 yr 55% 61% Year-to-date, commercial permits experienced a decrease in quantity when compared to last year at this time, March 2008, and a decrease compared with two years ago, March 2007. 1101 Texas Avenue www.cstx.gov 979.764.3570 Building -Planning -Development Engineering -Neighborhood Services Type of Permit Permit Unit Amount Single-Family Home 138 138 $19,533,448 Duplex 0 0 $0 Tri-Plex/Four-plex 0 0 $0 Apartment 1 21 $1,800,000 New Commercial 12 N/A $7,741,687 Commercial Remodel 15 N/A $429,766 Points of Interest: Page 1 Rental Registration Page 8 Planner on Call FAQs Page 12 􀀬􀁑􀁖􀁓􀁈􀁆􀁗􀁒􀁕􀂶􀁖􀀃 Corner Building a Better Community with You Rental Registration Program Update March 31, 31, 2009 􀀷􀁋􀁈􀀃􀀦􀁌􀁗􀁜􀀃􀁒􀁉􀀃􀀦􀁒􀁏􀁏􀁈􀁊􀁈􀀃􀀶􀁗􀁄􀁗􀁌􀁒􀁑􀂶􀁖􀀃􀁕􀁈􀁑􀁗􀁄􀁏􀀃􀁕􀁈􀁊􀁌􀁖􀁗􀁕􀁄􀁗􀁌􀁒􀁑􀀃� �􀁕􀁒􀁊􀁕􀁄􀁐􀀃􀁉􀁒􀁕􀀃􀁄􀁏􀁏􀀃􀁑􀁒􀁑-owner occupied single-family and duplex structures began March 1. As of March 31, we have registered 3,087 properties with registrations continuing to be submitted daily. In April, the code enforcement officers will begin contacting rental property owners who have not yet registered with a friendly reminder about the program. If you have rental property to register or would like more information about this program, please visit our website at www.cstx.gov/rentalregistration, email us at rentalregistration@cstx.gov, or call our office at 979.764.3570. Anytime Fitness, 1311 Wellborn Rd INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Calendar of Meetings 2 Commercial Projects 3 Apt./Hotel Projects 4 Subdivision Projects 4 Permit Totals 5 Residential Permit Details 6 Commercial Permit Details 7 Inspection Totals 9 Rezoning Scoop 9 Bldg. Permit Comparison 10 Comp. Plan Update 11 􀀬􀁑􀁖􀁓􀁈􀁆􀁗􀁒􀁕􀂶􀁖􀀃􀀦􀁒􀁕􀁑􀁈􀁕 12 Total Permits: YTD -1 yr YTD -2 yr 18% 28% Year-to-date, total permits experienced a decrease in quantity when compared to last year at this time, March 2008, and experienced a decrease when compared with two years ago, March 2007. Tracking the Numbers Volume 10 Issue 3 March 2009 PL ANNING & DEV E LOPMENT S ERV I C E S PE RMI T S BY T Y P E Y E A R T O D A T E March 2008 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 2 3 4 5 ZBA 6:00 PM 6 7 P&Z 7:00 PM 8 DRB 11:00 AM 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 City Council 7:00 PM 19 20 21 P&Z 7:00 PM 22 DRB 11:00 AM 23 24/31 25 City Offices Closed -Memorial Day 26 27 28 City Council 7:00 PM 29 30 June 2009 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS 5/7 & 5/21 Planning & Zoning Commission Meetings 7:00 PM (WS 6:00 PM) 5/18 & 5/28 City Council Meetings 7:00 PM Submittal Deadline Every Wednesday, 10:00 AM Pre-Application Meetings Every Wednesday Afternoon 6/4 & 6/18 Planning & Zoning Commission Meetings 7:00 PM (WS 6:00 PM) 6/15 & 6/25 City Council Meetings 7:00 PM Submittal Deadline Every Wednesday, 10:00 AM Pre-Application Meetings Every Wednesday Afternoon Page 2 Volume 10 Issue 3 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 2 ZBA 6:00 PM 3 4 P&Z 7:00 PM 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DRB 11:00 AM 13 14 15 City Council 7:00 PM 16 17 18 P&Z 7:00 PM 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 City Council 7:00 PM 26 DRB 11:00 AM 27 28 29 30 May 2009 Page 3 Planning & Development Services Commercial: Hampton Inn & Suites, 925 Earl Rudder Fwy, (DP 06-100071) Enclave Apts, 1800 Holleman Dr, (SP 07-500066) (DP 07-100015) Adamson Lagoon, 1900 Anderson St, (SP 07-500150) TPC of Aggieland, 11501 Jones-Butler Rd, (SP 07-500156) (DP 07-100051) City Bank, 4400 SH 6, (DP 07-100063) (SP 07-500180) Taco Express, 1311 Wellborn Rd, (DP 07-100052) (SP 07-500158) 􀀩􀁌􀁗􀁝􀁚􀁌􀁏􀁏􀁜􀂶􀁖􀀏􀀃􀀖􀀓􀀖􀀃􀀸􀁑􀁌􀁙􀁈􀁕􀁖􀁌􀁗􀁜􀀃􀀧􀁕􀀏􀀃􀀋􀀶􀀳􀀃􀀓􀀚-500186) COCS Veterans Park Ph 2A, 3101 Harvey Rd, (DP 07-100070) Gateway Lot 13, 506 Earl Rudder Fwy., (DP 07-100077) Holt & Hollas Office Bldg., 410 Technology Pkwy., (DP 07-100080) (SP 07-500226) Brazos Valley Church of Christ, 1201 Norton Ln., (PP 07-500220) COCS Utilities Training Building, 1601 Graham Rd., (SP 07-500217) (DP 07-100090) T-Mobile, 8601 Rock Prairie Rd, (BP 07-2696) Aggieland Dental, 4040 SH 6, (DP 07-100097) (SP 07-500278) Business Center at College Station, 101 Gateway Blvd, (DP 07-100102) Creek View Elementary, 1001 Eagle Avenue, (DP 07-100098) (SP 07-500282) (BP 07-3385) CSISD Middle School Track Improvement, 900 Rock Prairie Rd, (DP 07-100103) Kappa Alpha Theta, 1503 Athens Dr, (DP 07-100106) (SP 07-500276) Tiremax, 2293 Earl Rudder Frwy, (DP 07-100099) (SP 07-500283) Gateway Office Bld, 101 Gateway Blvd, (SP 07-500302) 􀀲􀂶􀀥􀁄􀁑􀁑􀁒􀁑􀁖􀀃􀀳􀁄􀁗􀁌􀁒􀀏􀀃􀀔􀀓􀀖􀀃􀀥􀁒􀁜􀁈􀁗􀁗􀀃􀀶􀁗􀀏􀀃􀀋􀀶􀀳􀀃􀀓􀀚-500294) Congleton Carwash Ph 3, 1751 University Dr, (SP 07-500331) (DP 07-100114) Internal Renovation of Police Station, 2611 Texas Ave, (DP 07-100113) COCS Memorial Cemetery, 3800 Raymond Stotzer Pkwy, (PP 07-500318) (DP 08-100023) (BP 08-1133) College Station Marketplace, 4274 SH 6, (DP 08-100006) CSISD College Hills Elementary, 1101 Williams St, (DP 08-100008) (DP 08-100018) (SP 08-500082) (BP 08-1179) Rock Prairie Marketplace, 4005 SH 6, (DP 08-500029) (DP 08-500025) Allen Honda Show Car Sales, 1001 Southwest Pkwy, (DP 08-100009) (SP 08-500042) CS Hospitality Candlewood Ste, (DP 08-100015) (SP 08-500077) (DP 08-100026) 100026) Ware Addition, 2800 University Dr E, (PP 08-500078) Southwest Place, 1712 Southwest Pkwy, (SP 08-500067) CSU Meeting and Training, 1601 Graham Rd, (BP 08-905) Parkway Baptist Church Bldg C2, 1501 Southwest Parkway, (DP 08-100027) (SP 08-500116) (DP 08-100029) (BP 08-2244) CSISD Southwood Valley Elementary, 2700 Brothers Blvd, (BP 08-1434) CSISD South Knoll Elementary, 1220 Boswell St, (BP 08-1435) CSISD Forest Ridge Elementary, 1950 Greens Prairie Rd W, (BP 08-1436) Brazos Valley Church of Christ, 1201 Norton Ln., (PP 07-500220) CSISD Cypress Grove Intermed, 900 Graham Rd, (BP 08-1438) A&M Church of Christ, 2475 Earl Rudder Frwy, (DP 08-100033) (SP 08-500124) Copper Falls, 3202 Earl Rudder Frwy, (DP 08-100036) (SP 08-500148) COCS Adamson Pool Bath House, 1900 Anderson St, (SP 08-500137) (DP 08-100037) COCS Thomas Park Pool Bath House, 1300 James Pkwy, (SP 08-500170) (DP 08-100048) ADT Self Storage, 7103 Rock Prairie Rd, (DP 08-100044) (PP 08-500179) (SP 08-500180) 􀀶􀁆􀁋􀁒􀁗􀁝􀁌􀂶􀁖􀀏􀀃􀀕􀀓􀀘􀀃􀀸􀁑􀁌􀁌􀁙􀁈􀁕􀁖􀁌􀁗􀁜􀀃􀀧􀁕􀀏􀀃􀀋􀀶􀀳􀀃􀀓􀀛-500177) Aggie Pet Zone, 3227 Rock Prairie Rd, (SP 08-500183) Pleasant Grove Baptist Church, 1216 Detroit St, (SP 08-500193) Zeta Tau Alpha, 1403 Athens Dr, (DP 08-100047) (SP 08-500195) Castle Rock Amenities Center, 4251 Castle Rock Pkwy, (DP 08-100062) (SP 08-500245) Ewing Irrigation, 475 Graham Rd, (DP 08-100056) (PP 08-500219) Lowes, 4451 State Highway 6, (DP 08-100057) (SP 08-500225) St Joseph EDI Center, 4411 State Highway 6, (DP 08-100052) (SP 08-500210) Aquarium, 209 University Dr, (SP 08-500222) Legacy Retail Addition, 2054 Holleman Dr, (SP 08-500234) Southwest Place Bl 1 Lots 2A-4, 1712 Southwest Pkwy, (DP 08-100058) SourceNet Parking Lot Expansion, 211 Quality Circle, (DP 08-100063) (SP 08-500246) Oxford Court Office Bldg, 543 William D Fitch Pkwy, (DP 08-100069) (SP 08-500265) Walmart Supercenter Expansion, 1815 Brothers Blvd, (DP 08-100071) (SP 08-500267) COCS Northgate Public Restrooms, 302 Church Ave, (DP 08-100066) (SP 08-500259) New Bank Lobby Adam Plaza, 1 Momentum Blvd, (SP 08-500309) (DP 08-100078) Briaud Financial, 1595 Crescent Pointe Pkwy, (SP 08-500323) (DP 08-100083) CSISD Cypress Grove Addition, 900 Graham Rd, (SP 08-500311) (DP 08-100079) Ramada Hotel, 506 Earl Rudder Frwy, (SP 08-500320) (DP 08-100082) Aggieland Dental, 4040 State Highway 6 S, (BP 08-3044) Cutting Edge Self Storage, 7103 Rock Prairie Rd, (BP 08-3476) 􀀰􀁄􀁎􀂶􀁖􀀃􀀯􀁌􀁔􀁘􀁒􀁕􀀏􀀃􀀔􀀔􀀜􀀓􀀚􀀃􀀩􀀰􀀃􀀕􀀔􀀘􀀗􀀏􀀃􀀋􀀥􀀳􀀃􀀓􀀛-3476) Remax, 3030 University Dr E, (BP 08-3792) (DP 07-100101) (SP 08-500014) St. Joseph EDI & Imaging, 4411 State Highway 6 S, (BP 08-3061) 􀀦􀁋􀁕􀁌􀁖􀁗􀁌􀁄􀁑􀂶􀁖􀀃􀀧􀁈􀁙􀁈􀁏􀁒􀁓􀁐􀁈􀁑􀁗􀀃􀀲􀁉􀁉􀁌􀁆􀁈􀀃􀀥􀁘􀁌􀁏􀁇􀁌􀁑􀁊􀀏􀀃􀀔􀀘􀀔􀀘􀀃􀀨􀁄􀁕􀁏􀀃􀀵􀁘􀁇􀁇􀁈􀁕􀀃􀀩􀁕􀁚􀁜􀀏􀀃􀀋􀀧􀀳􀀃􀀓􀀜-100017 ) (SP 09-500050) CSISD Orchestra Hall Addition, 900 Rock Prairie Rd, (DP 09-100013) (SP 09-500033) Ewing Irrigation, 475 Graham Rd, (DP 09-100010) 􀀱􀁌􀁑􀁉􀁄􀂶􀁖􀀃􀀰􀁈􀁛􀁌􀁆􀁄􀁑􀀃􀀵􀁈􀁖􀁗􀁄􀁘􀁕􀁄􀁑􀁗 􀀏􀀃􀀔􀀓􀀓􀀚􀀃􀀨􀁄􀁕􀁏􀀃􀀵􀁘􀁇􀁇􀁈􀁕􀀃􀀩􀁕􀁚􀁜􀀏􀀃􀀋􀀧􀀳􀀃􀀓􀀜-100018) (SP 09-500051) Staybridge Suites, 1409 University Dr, (DP 09-100015) (SP 09-500042) University Park 2, Lot 12, 1221 University Dr, (DP 09-100014) Ewing Irrigation, 475 Graham Rd, (SP 09-500035) 􀀸􀀃Magnified Health & Rehab of Anderson, 1115 Anderson St, (SP 09-500060) (DP 09-100020) 􀀸􀀃201 Live Oak, (SP 09-500063) 􀀸􀀃Brazos Valley Recycling, 6700 Raymond Stotzer Pkwy, (PP 09-500065) 􀀸􀀃New Worship Center, 1550 Arrington Rd, (SP 09-500062) Commercial Subdivisions: East Gate Business Park, 10022 SH 30, (PP 08-500004) Aggieland Business Park II, 5942 Raymond Stotzer Pkwy, (PP 08-500019) Galleria 8 Plaza, 2711 Texas Ave, (DP 08-100010) (SP 08-500045) (PP 08-500062) Rock Prairie West Business Park, (DP 08-100031) Graham Road Industrial Park, 753 Graham Rd, (PP 08-500150) Harvey Mitchell Commercial Subdivision, 1981 Harvey Mitchell Pkwy, (PP 08-500238) Valley Park Center Ph 2, 400 Harvey Mitchell Pkwy, (DP 08-100074) (SP 08-500277) Graham Rd Industrial Park, 753 Graham Rd, (PP 08-500252) Gateway Ph 3 Lot 1 Blk 1, 1401 University Dr, (DP 09-100007) Graham Corner Plaza Lots 5R 6R 7R (DP 09-100008) Legacy Retail Addition, 2054 Holleman Dr, (DP 09-100002) Rock Prairie Marketplace, 4005 State Highway 6, (FP 09-500015) (PP 09-500014) Apartment & Hotel projects: The Lofts, 2240 Dartmouth St, (PP 07-500153) (DP 07-100072) Ridge Apartments, 2250 Dartmouth St, (DP 07-100093) (SP 07-500261) The Lofts Phase 1, 2240 Dartmouth St, (DP 07-100091) Crescent Pointe Ph 4, 2301 Crescent Pointe Pkwy, (DP 07-100100) River Oaks Townhomes, 305 Holleman Dr, (DP 07-100105) (SP 07-500293) Melrose Lt 1 Blk 1, 501 Luther St, (DP 07-100116) Traditions at Luther, 701 Luther St, (DP 08-100002) (FP 08-500011) (PP 08-500012) Projects Current and Completed Page 4 Volume 10 Issue 3 ABBREVIATIONS: SP -Site Plan MP -Master Plan DP -Development Permit PP -Preliminary Plat CUP -Conditional Use Permit FP -Final Plat SDSP -Special District Site Plan BP -Building Permit Updates in Bold (􀂾) Certificate of Occupancy ( ) Current (􀀸) New Development ( ) Filed Spring Creek Townhomes Ph 2 & 3, 4211 Decatur Dr, (PP 08-500003) (DP 08-100005) (FP 08-500021) Cottages of CS, 1400 Harvey Mitchell Pkwy, (PP 08-500007) University Summit, 3390 & 3994 University Dr, (PP 08-500031) (DP 08-100041) Chimney Hill, 200 Tarrow St, (DP 08-100007) Second Street Apartments, 404, 406, and 408 Second St, (SP 08-500065) (DP 08-100022) The Exchange 2, 1451 Harvey Mitchell Pkwy, (PP 08-500197) River Oaks Townhomes Ph 2, 305 Holleman Dr, (DP 08-100054) Country Inn Suites, 1010 Southwest Pkwy, (DP 08-100072) (SP 08-500270) Spring Creek Commons, 4405 SH 6, (DP 08-100065) Quarters at Luther Street, 701 Luther St, (SP 08-500317) (PP 08-500318) (DP 08-100081) (FP 08-500315) Kyleview Estates Club House, 3405 Treeline Dr, (BP 08-3380) Residential: Creek Meadows Sec 5 Ph 1, 15700 Timber Creek Ln, (DP 08-100059) (FP 08-500233) Horse Haven Estates Ph 4, 2691 Horse Haven Ln, (PP 07-500142) (PP 08-500060) (DP 08-100024) (FP 08-500106) Kyle View Estates Blk 1, Lots 6 & 7, 3500 Treeline Dr, (FP 09-500038) 􀀦􀁄􀁕􀁗􀁈􀁕􀂶􀁖􀀃􀀦􀁕􀁒􀁖􀁖􀁌􀁑􀁊􀀏􀀃􀀳􀁋􀁄􀁖􀁈􀀃􀀕􀀏􀀃􀀕􀀓􀀘􀀓􀀃􀀱􀁒􀁕􀁗􀁋􀀃􀀩􀁒􀁕􀁈􀁖􀁗􀀃􀀳􀁄􀁕􀁎􀁚􀁄􀁜􀀏􀀃􀀋􀀧􀀳􀀃􀀓􀀙-100035) (FP 06-500127) Pebble Creek Ph 9C, Royal Adelade Dr, (PP 07-500087) Sweetland Subdivision, 3105 Freneau Dr, (DP 07-100026) (FP 07-500077) Williams Creek Ph 3, 4744 Johnson Creek Loop, (FP 07-500108) Edelweiss Gartens Ph 5, 213, 215, 217, 219 Meir Ln, (FP 07-500143) Preserves at Stone Creek, 3370 Greens Prairie Rd, (PP 07-500172) Reatta Meadows Section 1 Ph 2, 2201 Barron Rd, (FP 07-500195) Creek Meadows Sec 4 Ph 2, 3659 Greens Prairie Trail, (DP-100084) (FP 07-500232) (DP 08-100020) Pebble Creek Ph 9H, 5301 St Andrews Dr, (DP 07-100104) (PP 07-500334) (FP 07-500314) (FP 08-500005) Creek Meadows Sec 4 Ph 2A, 3659 Greens Prairie Trail, (PP 08-500275) (FP 08-500093) (DP 08-100064) Horse Haven Ph 5, 2744 Horseback Ct, (FP 08-500160) (PP 08-500158) Oakland Ridge, 11800 Jones-Butler Rd, (FP 08-500154) (DP 08-100039) Tower Point, 951 William D Fitch Pkwy, (PP 08-500153) (FP 08-500292) Cedar Lane, 303 College Main, (SP 08-500159) (DP 08-100049) Pebble Creek Ph 9I, 5400 St. Andrews Dr, (PP 08-500202) Spring Creek Commons, (PP 08-500188) Castle Rock Ph 2B, 531 William D Fitch Pkwy, (DP 08-100061) Crescent Pointe Ph 4 Bl 3 Lots 2&3, 2501 Crescent Pointe Pkwy, (FP 08-500221) Duck Haven Ph 4, FM 2154 @Drake Dr, (FP 08-500226) Fairfield, 1475 Harvey Mitchell Pkwy, (PP 08-500216) Great Oaks Ph 2, 3998 Rock Prairie Road, (DP 08-100073) (FP 08-500276) Creek Meadow Sec 4 Ph 2B, 2301 Crescent Pointe Pkwy, (DP 08-100085) (FP 08-500334) Crescent Pointe Ph 4 Common Areas, 2301 Crescent Pointe Pkwy, (DP 08-100080) Saddle Creek Ph 3 & 5, 5449 Stousland Rd, (FP 08-500331) Bewley Addition, 2321 Arrington Rd, (PP PP 08-500322) Creek Meadows, 3659 Greens Prairie Trail, (PP 08-500316) F.S. Kapchinski, 1600-1624 Park Place, (PP 08-500329) Castlerock Ph 3, 551 William D Fitch Pkwy, (DP 09-100004) (FP 09-500013) Creek Meadows Sec 4 Ph 2C, 4299 Greens Prairie Trail, (DP 09-100001) (FP 09-500001) Foxfire Ph 1 Lot 47 Blk1, 1601 Foxfire Dr, (DP 09-100005) Lynn Stuart Pathway, 3101 Harvey Rd, (DP 09-100006) (SP 09-500003) Pebble Creek Ph 9C, Royal Adelade Dr, (DP 09-100003) (FP 09-50007) Lick Creek Subdivision Ph 1, 4050 State Highway 6, (FP 09-500015) (PP 09-500014) Meadowcreek Subdivision, Koppe Bridge Rd, (PP 09-500023) Saddlecreek, 5445 Stousland Rd, (PP 09-500024) Cottages of CS, 1400 Harvey Mitchell Pkwy, (PP 09-500053) Wellborn Landing Subdivision, FM 2154, (PP 09-500046) Cottages of CS Lot 1, Blk 3 & Lot 2, Blk 1, 1400 Harvey Mitchell Pkwy, (DP 09-100019) (FP 09-500054) Creek Meadows Sec 2, Phase 1A (DP 100009) (FP 09-500027) Gateway Villas Ph 5, 500 Earl Rudder Fwy (DP 089-100016) (SP 09-500044) Greens Prairie Center Center Phase 3, Lot 1, Blk 1, 950 William D Fitch Pkwy, (DP 09-100012) Subdivisions in the ETJ: Oakland Ridge Ph 1, (FP 06-500225) Robinson Sub ETJ, SH 30, (PP 08-500022) Villages of Indian Lakes Ph XI, Arrington Rd, (PP 08-500046) (FP 08-500131) Peach Creek, 19626 SH 6, (MPP 08-500110) Meadowcreek, Koppe Bridge Rd, (PP 08-500279) (FP 08-500304) Planning & Development Services Page 5 PERMI T TOTALS YTD BUILDING PERMIT TOTALS: Month of March 2009 Type of Permit Permit Unit Total Sq. Ft. Heat Sq. Ft. Amount Permit Unit Amount Single Family Home 66 66 151,484 132,612 $8,748,027 31 31 $4,559,025 Duplex 0 0 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 Tri-plex/Four-plex 0 0 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 Apartment 0 0 0 0 $0 6 N/A $2,833,021 Residential Addition 8 N/A 6,717 4,248 $261,860 4 N/A $181,565 Residential Remodel 11 N/A 6,855 6,854 $254,287 20 N/A $154,880 Residential Garage/Carport Addition 1 N/A N/A N/A $8,500 0 N/A $0 Residential Demolition 2 N/A N/A N/A $3,600 1 N/A $0 Residential Slab Only-SF 0 N/A N/A N/A $0 0 N/A $0 Residential Slab Only-DP 0 N/A N/A N/A $0 0 N/A $0 Residential Slab Only-3&4 0 N/A N/A N/A $0 0 N/A $0 Residential Slab Only-Apt. 0 N/A N/A N/A $0 3 N/A $55,120 Hotel /Motel /Inn 0 N/A N/A N/A $0 0 N/A $0 New Commercial 3 N/A 2,455 2,409 $190,000 6 N/A $902,000 Commercial Remodel 5 N/A N/A N/A $112,000 7 N/A $281,970 Commercial Addition/Retaining Wall 1 N/A N/A N/A $6,000 6,000 3 N/A $250,500 Commercial Demolition 2 N/A N/A N/A $35,000 2 N/A $10,000 Commercial Slab Only 0 N/A N/A N/A $0 1 N/A $200,000 Swimming Pool 6 N/A N/A N/A $271,700 6 N/A $187,650 Sign 8 N/A N/A N/A N/A 7 N/A $22,875 Moving & Location 0 N/A N/A N/A $0 0 N/A $0 Storage /Accessory 9 N/A N/A N/A $132,070 1 N/A $1,830 Roofing 2 N/A N/A N/A $6,000 4 N/A $156,500 TOTALS 124 66 167,511 146,123 $10,029,044 102 31 $9,796,936 Month of March 2008 January 1, 2009 -February 28, 2009 Type of Permit Permit Unit Total Sq. Ft. Heat Sq. Ft. Amount Permit Unit Amount Single Family Home 138 138 303,716 262,150 $19,533,448 150 150 $23,969,392 Duplex 0 0 0 0 $0 16 32 $2,365,440 Tri-plex/Four-plex 0 0 0 0 $0 2 8 $515,350 Apartment 1 21 17,226 17,226 $1,800,000 13 14 $6,442,873 Residential Addition 19 N/A 13,607 12,428 $592,190 9 N/A $365,315 Residential Remodel 27 N/A 20,171 16,658 $430,720 78 N/A $384,754 Residential Garage/Carport Addition 1 N/A N/A N/A $8,500 0 N/A $0 Residential Demolition 4 N/A N/A N/A $6,600 2 N/A $1,000 Residential Slab Only-SF 1 N/A N/A N/A $9,450 0 N/A $0 Residential Slab Only-DP 0 N/A N/A N/A $0 0 N/A $0 Residential Slab Only-3&4 0 N/A N/A N/A $0 0 N/A $0 Residential Slab Only-Apt. 0 N/A N/A N/A $0 9 N/A $361,664 Hotel /Motel /Inn 0 N/A N/A N/A $0 0 N/A $0 New Commercial 12 N/A 93,317 61,876 $7,741,687 27 N/A $86,251,400 Commercial Remodel 15 N/A N/A N/A $429,766 16 N/A $710,691 Commercial Addition/Retaining Wall 5 N/A N/A N/A $3,403,000 7 N/A $9,119,585 Commercial Demolition 5 N/A N/A N/A $112,136 5 N/A $196,025 Commercial Slab Only 0 N/A N/A N/A $0 6 N/A $385,110 Swimming Pool 15 N/A N/A N/A $785,050 19 N/A $620,415 Sign 37 N/A N/A N/A $164,458 28 N/A $135,959 Moving & Location 0 N/A N/A N/A $0 0 N/A $0 Storage /Accessory 12 N/A N/A N/A $162,770 4 N/A $97,680 Roofing 4 N/A N/A N/A $9,000 21 N/A $321,525 TOTALS 296 159 448,037 370,338 $35,188,775 412 204 $132,244,178 January 1, 2008-February 28, 2008 MONTHLY PERMI T TOTALS BUILDING PERMIT DETAILS: RESIDENTIAL PERMITS Planning & Development Services Date Permit Contractor Lot Blk Address Subdivision Total Sq. Feet Heat Sq. Feet Application Type Valuation Page 6 3/2/09 9-1425 O'DONOVAN BUILDERS, LLC 11 20 14110 RENEE LN NEEDHAM ESTATES 2,511 1,799 New Residential $118,735 3/2/09 9-1432 O'DONOVAN BUILDERS, LLC 1 30 14121 RENEE LN NEEDHAM ESTATES 2,511 2,511 New Residential $118,735 3/2/09 9-1416 STYLECRAFT BUILDERS 3 20 2604 ALEXANDER VALLEY SONOMA PH 1 1,536 1,149 New Residential $76,000 3/2/09 9-1418 STYLECRAFT BUILDERS 35 8 908 EAGLE AVE WESTFIELD VILLAGE PH 6 1,724 1,623 New Residential $108,000 3/4/09 9-1304 LAGRONE CONSTRUCTION 10 3 1728 CREEKSIDE CIR LAKESIDE VILLAGE PH 2 2,646 2,041 New Residential $140,000 3/4/09 9-1121 H & E CONTRACTING (CHB 25 40 4274 HOLLOW STONE DR CASTLE ROCK 2A 2,540 1,864 New Residential $123,160 3/4/09 9-1095 H & E CONTRACTING (CHB H 19 40 4286 HOLLOW STONE DR CASTLE ROCK 2A 2,649 1,929 New Residential $127,385 3/4/09 9-1113 H & E CONTRACTING (CHB H 12 30 4281 HOLLOW STONE DR CASTLE ROCK 2A 2,716 1,925 New Residential $127,125 3/4/09 9-1062 H & E CONTRACTING (CHB 13 20 2434 STONE CASTLE CIR CASTLEGATE PH 2 SEC 7 2,690 2,693 New Residential $177,745 3/4/09 9-1069 H & E CONTRACTING (CHB 12 2 2436 STONE CASTLE CIR CASTLEGATE PH 2 SEC 7 2,733 2,584 New Residential $170,544 3/4/09 9-1426 K D HOMEBUILDERS 5 20 8408 JUSTIN AVE NORTH FOREST 3,259 2,240 New Residential $148,000 3/5/09 8-3705 MERCK CONTRACTING LLC 36 10 3513 PIKES PEAK CT KYLEVIEW ESTATES 2,352 2,352 New Residential $155,232 3/5/09 8-3711 MERCK CONTRACTING LLC 61 10 3506 COLORADO CT KYLEVIEW ESTATES 2,398 2,398 New Residential $158,268 3/6/09 9-1422 ED FROEHLING BUILDERS 24 40 4028 POMEL DR REATTA MEDOWS SEC 1 PH 2 2,503 1,986 New Residential $131,076 3/6/09 9-1440 ED FROEHLING BUILDERS 25 40 4030 POMEL DR REATTA MEDOWS SEC 1 PH 2 2,590 2,108 New Residential $139,128 3/6/09 9-1470 B A CATHEY 17 23 135 ROUCOURT LOOP EDELWEISS ESTATES PHS 11 2,149 1,610 New Residential $106,260 3/6/09 9-1423 ED FROEHLING BUILDERS 23 40 4026 POMEL DR REATTA MEDOWS SEC 1 PH 2 2,779 2,227 New Residential $146,982 3/6/09 9-1468 B A CATHEY 16 23 137 ROUCOURT LOOP EDELWEISS ESTATES PHS 11 2,175 1,644 New Residential $108,504 3/10/09 9-1492 CHARLES THOMAS HOMES, 6 24 110 ROUCOURT LOOP EDELWEISS ESTATES PHS 11 2,190 1,506 New Residential $105,000 3/10/09 9-1494 CHARLES THOMAS HOMES, 7 24 112 ROUCOURT LOOP EDELWEISS ESTATES PHS 11 2,167 1,560 New Residential $105,000 3/6/09 9-1437 ED FROEHLING BUILDERS 14 30 917 LADOVE DR REATTA MEDOWS SEC 1 PH 2 2,378 1,910 New Residential $126,060 3/16/09 8-3712 MERCK CONTRACTING LLC 60 10 3508 COLORADO CT KYLEVIEW ESTATES 2,352 2,352 New Residential $155,232 3/16/09 8-3714 MERCK CONTRACTING LLC 59 10 3510 COLORADO CT KYLEVIEW ESTATES 2,398 2,398 New Residential $142,441 3/16/09 8-3715 MERCK CONTRACTING LLC 58 10 3512 COLORADO CT KYLEVIEW ESTATES 2,391 2,391 New Residential $142,025 3/16/09 8-3706 MERCK CONTRACTING LLC 35 10 3515 PIKES PEAK CT KYLEVIEW ESTATES 2,398 2,398 New Residential $158,268 3/16/09 8-3699 MERCK CONTRACTING LLC 40 10 3505 PIKES PEAK CT KYLEVIEW ESTATES 2,352 2,352 New Residential $155,232 3/16/09 8-3701 MERCK CONTRACTING LLC 39 10 3507 PIKES PEAK CT KYLEVIEW ESTATES 2,398 2,398 New Residential $158,268 3/16/09 8-3703 MERCK CONTRACTING LLC 38 10 3509 PIKES PEAK CT KYLEVIEW ESTATES 2,340 2,340 New Residential $154,440 3/16/09 8-3704 MERCK CONTRACTING LLC 37 10 3511 PIKES PEAK CT KYLEVIEW ESTATES 2,398 2,398 New Residential $158,268 3/16/09 8-3695 MERCK CONTRACTING LLC 42 10 3501 PIKES PEAK CT KYLEVIEW ESTATES 2,398 2,398 New Residential $158,268 3/16/09 8-3697 MERCK CONTRACTING LLC 41 10 3503 PIKES PEAK CT KYLEVIEW ESTATES 2,391 2,391 New Residential $157,806 3/17/09 9-1542 STYLECRAFT BUILDERS 4 8 2723 RIVERS END DR SONOMA PH 2 1,866 1,353 New Residential $90,000 3/17/09 9-1535 STYLECRAFT BUILDERS 50 10 2478 STONE CASTLE CIR CASTLEGATE PH 1 SEC 7 2,695 2,257 New Residential $149,000 3/17/09 9-1520 STYLECRAFT BUILDERS 25 2 2720 SILVER OAK DR SONOMA PH 2 1,483 1,073 New Residential $70,818 3/24/09 9-1575 B A CATHEY 29 22 3905 INCOURT LN EDELWEISS ESTATES PHS 11 2,367 1,733 New Residential $114,378 3/24/09 9-1430 BENCHMARK -DBA G D T 7 2 2079 RAVENSTONE LOOP CASTLEGATE SEC 1 PH 1 2,846 2,164 New Residential $142,800 3/24/09 9-1603 MAGRUDER HOMES, LLC 31 22 3901 INCOURT LN EDELWEISS ESTATES PHS 11 2,426 1,730 New Residential $114,180 3/24/09 9-1586 B A CATHEY 29 24 156 ROUCOURT LOOP EDELWEISS ESTATES PHS 11 2,149 1,610 New Residential $106,260 3/25/09 9-1573 STYLECRAFT BUILDERS 11 1 227 FIELDSTONE PL SONOMA PH 2 1,686 1,185 New Residential $79,000 3/25/09 9-1601 STYLECRAFT BUILDERS 1 20 2600 ALEXANDER VALLEY SONOMA PH 1 1,791 1,313 New Residential $86,658 3/26/09 9-1610 STYLECRAFT BUILDERS 4225 CRIPPLE CREEK CT CREEK MEADOWS SEC 1B PH 2,051 1,586 New Residential $104,676 3/27/09 9-1642 STYLECRAFT BUILDERS 8 7 15517 BAKER MEADOW CREEK MEADOWS SEC 1B 1,614 2 New Residential $79,000 3/30/09 8-3694 MERCK CONTRACTING LLC 43 10 3500 PIKES PEAK CT KYLEVIEW ESTATES 2,398 2,398 New Residential $142,025 3/30/09 8-3696 MERCK CONTRACTING LLC 44 10 3502 PIKES PEAK CT KYLEVIEW ESTATES 2,340 2,340 New Residential $154,440 3/30/09 8-3698 MERCK CONTRACTING LLC 45 10 3504 PIKES PEAK CT KYLEVIEW ESTATES 2,398 2,398 New Residential $158,268 3/30/09 8-3700 MERCK CONTRACTING LLC 46 10 3506 PIKES PEAK CT KYLEVIEW ESTATES 2,391 2,391 New Residential $157,806 3/30/09 8-3702 MERCK CONTRACTING LLC 47 10 3508 PIKES PEAK CT KYLEVIEW ESTATES 2,398 2,398 New Residential $158,268 3/30/09 9-1457 MERCK CONTRACTING LLC 6 10 3500 TREELINE DR KYLEVIEW ESTATES 2,340 2,340 New Residential $154,440 3/30/09 9-1458 MERCK CONTRACTING LLC 7 10 3502 TREELINE DR KYLEVIEW ESTATES 2,398 2,398 New Residential $158,268 3/30/09 9-1480 MERCK CONTRACTING LLC 53 10 3522 COLORADO CT KYLEVIEW ESTATES 2,398 2,398 New Residential $158,268 3/30/09 9-1481 MERCK CONTRACTING LLC 52 10 3524 COLORADO CT KYLEVIEW ESTATES 2,352 2,352 New Residential $155,232 3/30/09 9-1482 MERCK CONTRACTING LLC 51 10 3526 COLORADO CT KYLEVIEW ESTATES 2,391 2,391 New Residential $157,806 3/30/09 9-1483 MERCK CONTRACTING LLC 50 10 3514 PIKES PEAK CT KYLEVIEW ESTATES 2,398 2,398 New Residential $158,268 3/30/09 9-1484 MERCK CONTRACTING LLC 49 10 3512 PIKES PEAK CT KYLEVIEW ESTATES 2,340 2,340 New Residential $154,440 3/30/09 9-1486 MERCK CONTRACTING LLC 48 10 3510 PIKES PEAK CT KYLEVIEW ESTATES 2,398 2,398 New Residential $158,268 3/30/09 9-1577 OAKWOOD CUSTOM HOMES 51 3 6915 APPOMATTOX DR HORSE HAVEN PHASE 4 1,670 1,670 New Residential $117,049 3/30/09 9-1579 OAKWOOD CUSTOM HOMES 52 3 6917 APPOMATTOX DR HORSE HAVEN PHASE 4 1,864 1,864 New Residential $120,460 3/30/09 9-1581 OAKWOOD CUSTOM HOMES 10 4 2821 HORSEBACK DR HORSE HAVEN PH 3 2,132 1,580 New Residential $104,280 3/30/09 9-1583 OAKWOOD CUSTOM HOMES 61 1 6910 APPOMATTOX DR HORSE HAVEN PHASE 4 1,803 1,378 New Residential $97,620 3/30/09 9-1644 STYLECRAFT BUILDERS 15509 BAKER MEADOW CREEK MEADOWS SEC 1B 1,536 1,149 New Residential $76,000 3/30/09 9-1646 STYLECRAFT BUILDERS 8 10 3810 TURKEY MEADOW CT CREEK MEADOWS SEC 1B 1,662 1,270 New Residential $84,000 3/30/09 9-1685 MERCK CONTRACTING LLC 54 10 3520 COLORADO CT KYLEVIEW ESTATES 2,392 2,392 New Residential $158,268 3/30/09 8-3716 MERCK CONTRACTING LLC 57 10 3514 COLORADO CT KYLEVIEW ESTATES 2,340 2,340 New Residential $138,996 3/30/09 8-3717 MERCK CONTRACTING LLC 56 10 3516 COLORADO CT KYLEVIEW ESTATES 2,398 2,398 New Residential $158,268 3/30/09 8-3718 MERCK CONTRACTING LLC 55 10 3518 COLORADO CT KYLEVIEW ESTATES 2,398 2,398 New Residential $158,268 3/31/09 9-1680 TRIPLE J CONSTRUCTION 4 24 106 ROUCOURT LOOP EDELWEISS GARTENS 10 2,363 1,752 New Residential $115,500 3/27/09 9-1632 DENNIS A. POMPELL 2 0 803 HAWTHORN ST DULANEY 500 500 Residential, Carport/Gar $8,500 Page 7 Volume 10 Issue 3 BUILDING PERMIT DETAILS: COMMERCIAL PERMITS Date Permit Contractor Lot Blk Address Subdivision Total Sq. Ft Heat Sq. Ft Application Type Valuation BUILDING PERMIT DETAILS: MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Date Permit Contractor Lot Blk Address Subdivision Total Sq. Ft Heat Sq. Ft Application Type Valuation BUILDING PERMIT DETAILS: RESIDENTIAL PERMITS Date Permit Contractor Lot Blk Address Subdivision Total Sq. Feet Heat Sq. Feet Application Type Valuation 3/27/09 9-1659 LAWRENCE GUSEMAN 14 5 805 MONTCLAIR AVE BREEZY HEIGHTS 1,378 1,378 Residential, Remo/Ren $20,000 3/27/09 9-1661 LAWRENCE GUSEMAN 16 5 809 MONTCLAIR AVE BREEZY HEIGHTS 1,498 1,498 Residential, Remo/Ren $20,000 3/16/09 9-1548 HOMEOWNER 1 30 1100 WALTON DR COLLEGE HILLS Residential, Remo/Ren $2,000 3/4/09 9-305 CORDOBA GROUP, INC 23 0 2900 MEADOWBROOK CT OAKBROOK VALLEY #1 478 478 Residential, Remo/Ren $28,000 3/6/09 9-1445 LARAN CONSTRUCTION 32 1 1202 GUADALUPE DR CAMELOT #3 384 256 Residential, Add $30,860 3/24/09 9-1554 CHARLES CHARLES WILDING 1 40 501 KERRY ST COLLEGE PARK 2,488 1,839 Residential, Add $30,000 3/27/09 9-1662 LAWRENCE GUSEMAN 18 5 901 MONTCLAIR AVE BREEZY HEIGHTS 1,261 329 Residential, Add $30,000 3/11/09 9-1476 LAWRENCE GUSEMAN 31 5 910 MONTCLAIR AVE BREEZY HEIGHTS 619 619 Residential, Add $32,000 3/11/09 9-1477 LAWRENCE GUSEMAN 32 5 912 MONTCLAIR AVE BREEZY HEIGHTS 550 550 Residential, Add $39,000 3/27/09 9-1658 LAWRENCE GUSEMAN 1 5 803 MONTCLAIR AVE BREEZY HEIGHTS 1,415 655 Residential, Add $35,000 3/2/09 9-1439 HOMEOWNER 55 1 305 STERLING ST RICHARDS Residential, Demo $0 3/31/09 9-1629 HOMEOWNER 22 2 2201 TEXAS AVE S RICHARDS Residential, Demo $3,600 3/3/09 9-1284 CORDOBA GROUP, INC 8 13 11907 FM 2154 1,937 384 Commercial, Store $20,000 3/23/09 8-1748 R.A.I . DESIGNS INC 1 2 2054 HOLLEMAN DR W LEGACY ADDITION PH 1 2,455 2,409 Commercial, Office $125,000 3/25/09 9-1569 MILES CONSTRUCTION CORP. 1 1 4030 STATE HIGHWAY 6 S GRAHAM CORNER PLAZA 960 Commercial, Office $45,000 3/10/09 9-1506 MADISON CONSTRUCTION 2 1 3939 STATE HIGHWAY 6 S CORNERSTONE COMMER Commercial, Remo/Ren $30,000 3/10/09 9-1291 J & K FOLLIS CONSTRUCTION 0 99 2301 TEXAS AVE S M RECTOR (ICL) 2,800 2,200 Commercial, Remo/Ren $45,000 3/19/09 9-1592 RAVEN HOMES 2 10 110 LINCOLN AVE COLLEGE HILLS Commercial, Remo/Ren $30,000 3/23/09 8-1741 R.A.I . DESIGNS INC 1 2 2054 HOLLEMAN DR W LEGACY ADDITION PH 1 2,455 Commercial, Demo $5,000 3/23/09 9-1612 STEVE E HARRISON CONST 29 30 1209 HADDOX CT SOUTHWOOD VALLEY PHS 500 Access/Storage $13,000 3/27/09 9-1451 STARFISH DEVELOPERS 0 20 305 HOLLEMAN DR E M RECTOR (ICL) 60 Access/Storage $7,000 3/27/09 9-1666 HOMEOWNER 3 90 2700 SANDY CIR SOUTHWOOD VALLEY #12 Access/Storage $1,770 3/16/09 9-1551 HOMEOWNER 10 10 2001 ANGELINA CIR SOUTHWOOD #24 450 Access/Storage $14,000 3/6/09 9-1485 RODS REPAIR 18 4 2710 HORSE HAVEN LN HORSE HAVEN PH 3 250 Access/Storage $2,300 3/12/09 9-1501 HOMEOWNER 10 0 1704 AUSTIN AVE SOUTHWOOD VALLEY PHS Access/Storage $0 3/6/09 9-1487 HOMEOWNER 28 0 2603 BROOKWAY CT WINDWOOD #7 300 Access/Storage $3,000 3/6/09 9-1472 GENE EASTMAN HOMES 37 1 4759 JOHNSON CREEK WILLIAMS CREEK PH 2 638 Access/Storage $90,000 3/25/09 9-1598 ANGI'S SIGNS & GRAPHIC'S 4 2 1808 TEXAS AVE S KAPCHINSKI 36 Banner $0 3/9/09 9-1455 FIRST VICTORIA BANK 1 1 410 SOUTHWEST PKWY E DARTMOUTH ADDN 32 Banner $0 3/17/09 9-1568 COLLEGE STATION ISD 9 60 2700 BROTHERS BLVD SOUTHWOOD VALLEY #12 24 Banner $0 3/20/09 9-1523 SIGN PRO 2 1 1200 UNIVERSITY DR E 32 Banner $0 3/23/09 9-1499 CHRIST UNITED METHODIST 2 0 4203 STATE HIGHWAY 6 BARRON PARK 32 Banner $0 3/23/09 9-1500 CHRIST UNITED METHODIST 2 0 4203 STATE HIGHWAY 6 BARRON PARK 32 Banner $0 3/23/09 9-1502 CHRIST UNITED METHODIST 2 0 4203 STATE HIGHWAY 6 BARRON PARK 32 Banner $0 3/27/09 9-1668 BEAUTIFUL SAVIOR LUTHER 1 1 1007 KRENEK TAP RD PHOENIX PHS 1 36 Banner $0 3/23/09 9-1503 CHRIST UNITED METHODIST 2 0 4203 STATE HIGHWAY 6 BARRON PARK 32 Banner $0 3/9/09 9-1459 CHRIST UNITED METHODIST 2 0 4203 STATE HIGHWAY 6 BARRON PARK 32 Banner $0 3/13/09 9-1540 HOMEOWNER 11 2 2004 MOSES CREEK CT WILLIAMS CREEK PH 1 Retaining Wall $6,000 3/16/09 9-1561 CREST ROOFING 12 80 1405 AUSTIN AVE SOUTHWOOD VALLEY #12 Reroof $3,200 3/16/09 9-1562 CREST ROOFING 5 70 1504 AUSTIN AVE SOUTHWOOD VALLEY #12 Reroof $2,800 Page 8 Volume 10 Issue 3 CODE ENFORCEMENT VIOLATION SUMMARY: MONTH HEALTH & SANITATION PROPERTY MAINTENANCE PUBLIC NUISANCE FIRE PROTECTION TRAFFIC CODE SANITATION UDO/ZONING PARKING CITATIONS PERSONAL CONTACTS* TOTAL 􀀲􀀦􀀷􀀃􀂵􀀓􀀛􀀃-􀀭􀀤􀀱􀀑􀀃􀂵􀀓􀀜 425 117 298 38 167 2585 419 58 338 4445 􀀭􀀤􀀱􀀃􀂵􀀓􀀜􀀃-􀀰􀀤􀀵􀀃􀂵􀀓􀀜 332 98 275 35 111 1417 486 0 664 3418 TOTAL 757 215 573 73 278 4002 905 58 1002 7863 * Citizen contacts The Planner on Call system helps over 1,800 people a year that call, email, or come into the Planning & Development 􀀶􀁈􀁕􀁙􀁌􀁆􀁈􀁖􀂶􀁖􀀃� �􀁉􀁉􀁌􀁆􀁈􀀃􀁚􀁌􀁗􀁋􀀃􀁔􀁘􀁈􀁖􀁗􀁌􀁒􀁑􀁖􀀑􀀃􀀃􀀷􀁋􀁌􀁖􀀃􀁖􀁈􀁆􀁗􀁌􀁒􀁑􀀃􀁋􀁌􀁊􀁋􀁏􀁌􀁊􀁋􀁗􀁖􀀃􀁖􀁒􀁐􀁈􀀃􀁒􀁉􀀃􀁗􀁋􀁈􀀃􀁐􀁒􀁕􀁈􀀃􀁆􀁒􀁐􀁐􀁒􀁑􀀃􀁔􀁘􀁈􀁖􀁗􀁌􀁒􀁑􀁖􀀑􀀃􀀃􀀃􀀬􀁉􀀃􀁜􀁒􀁘􀀃􀁋􀁄􀁙􀁈􀀃􀁔􀁘􀁈 􀁖􀁗􀁌􀁒􀁑􀁖􀀃 for the Planner on Call, please contact us at 979.764.3570 or POC@cstx.gov. Q: 􀀬􀂶􀁇􀀃􀁏􀁌􀁎􀁈􀀃􀁗􀁒􀀃􀁅􀁈􀀃􀁄􀁅􀁏􀁈􀀃􀁗􀁒􀀃􀁄􀁇􀁙􀁈􀁕􀁗􀁌􀁖􀁈􀀃􀁉􀁒􀁕􀀃􀁄􀀃􀁖􀁓􀁈􀁆􀁌􀁄􀁏􀀃􀁗􀁋􀁄􀁗􀀃� �􀁜􀀃􀁅􀁘􀁖􀁌􀁑􀁈􀁖􀁖􀀃􀁚􀁌􀁏􀁏􀀃􀁅􀁈􀀃􀁒􀁉􀁉􀁈􀁕􀁌􀁑􀁊􀀑􀀃􀀃􀀫􀁒􀁚􀀃􀁇􀁒􀀃􀀬􀀃􀁊􀁈􀁗􀀃 a permit for a banner? A: Banners are permitted in multi-family, commercial, office, and industrial zoning districts. One banner may be permitted per premise up to 36 square feet in area and set back 10 feet from a right-of-way. The banner must be mounted parallel to a permanent structure and cannot exceed the height of the structure to which it is attached. Also, the banner cannot obstruct any window, door, or stairway. The renewable banner permit costs $200 and remains valid for two weeks. This fee is waived for non-profit organizations, and an annual permit may apply to places of worship. The permit number should be on the lower right hand corner of the banner so that it may be easily visible to code enforcement officers. Planner on Call Frequently Asked Questions Planning & Development Services Page 9 MONTH BUILDING PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANICAL LAWN SIGN POOL DEMO MOVING TOTAL JAN. 322 278 190 111 7 45 7 1 0 961 FEB. 324 238 174 131 8 12 13 0 0 900 MAR. 364 244 203 147 32 21 9 0 0 1020 APR. MAY JUN. JUL. AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. YEARLY TOTAL 1010 760 567 389 47 78 29 1 0 2881 BUILDING INSPECTIONS: REZONING SCOOP Project Number Location of Land Acres Request P&Z Date Status Council Date Status 07-500002 Weingarten Tract 16.48 C2 and AO to C1 5-March Denied 26-March Approved 09-500048 Securcare Storage 5.79 AO to C1 2-April Approved 23-April 09-500047 Pebble Creek Ph 9I 3.14 AO to R1 16-April 23-April POPULATION: The March population estimate is 91,059. BUI LDING PERMI T TOTAL S : COMPARISON CHARTS SINGLE FAMILY PERMITS 3 YEAR􀂲COMPARISON BY MONTH (INCLUDES ONLY NEW SINGLE-FAMILY HOMES) COMMERCIAL PERMITS 3 YEAR􀂲COMPARISON BY MONTH (INCLUDES NEW COMMERCIAL & COMMERCIAL REMODELS) TOTAL PERMITS 3 YEAR􀂲COMPARISON BY MONTH Page 10 Volume 10 Issue 3 􀀇􀀃Lofts at WPC Sign Placement, 614 Holleman Dr, (09-500067) 􀀇􀀃Magnified Health & Rehab of Anderson, LLC, 1115 Anderson St, (09-500060) 􀀇􀀃New Worship Center, 1550 Arrington Rd, (09-500062) 􀀇􀀃201 Live Oak, (09-500063) 􀀇􀀃CSISD A&M Consolidated Renovations, 1801 Harvey Mitchell Pkwy, (09-500068) Reviewed Site Plans 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 2007 2008 2009 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2007 2008 2009 05 10 15 20 25 30 35 Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 2007 2008 2009 College Station Comprehensive Plan Update Planning & Development Services Page 11 The City of College Station is nearing the end of a long process to develop a new Comprehensive Plan! The pur-pose of the new Plan is to create a document that can help guide decisions about the future growth and development of our community. Draft Plan chapters have been created and are available for public review at the following web-site: http://www.cstx.gov/home/index.asp?page=2920. The following draft chapters are available for review: Existing Conditions Report Chapter 1 -Introduction DRAFT Chapter 2 -Community Character DRAFT Chapter 3 -Neighborhood Integrity DRAFT Chapter 4 -Economic Development DRAFT Chapter 5 -Parks, Art & Leisure DRAFT Chapter 6 -Transportation DRAFT Chapter 7 -Municipal Services & Community Facilities DRAFT Chapter 8 -Growth Management & Capacity DRAFT Chapter 9 -Implementation & Administration DRAFT -coming soon! The Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council are tentatively scheduled to consider the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan at their May 7, 2009 and May 28, 2009 meetings, respectively. Both public hearings will be held in the City Hall Council Chambers and will begin at 7:00 p.m. For more information on the Comprehensive Plan Update, please visit our website at www.cstx.gov/CompPlanUpdate or contact Jennifer Prochazka at 979.764.3570 or by email at CompPlan@cstx.gov. Thank you for your interest! Page 12 Volume 10 I ssue 3 With bathrooms getting smaller in some instances, and designers or builders getting more creative, the National Electrical Code clarifies the approved locations of light fixtures installed above and around bathtubs or shower areas. The code states that the restricted zone is measured by the bathtub or shower stall width plus three feet horizontally and eight feet vertically from the top of the bathtub rim or shower stall threshold. All cord-connected, chain-hanging, pendant light fixtures, track lighting, and suspended (paddle) fans are prohibited in the above listed restricted zone. They shall be out of reach of an individual standing on the rim of a bathtub or shower. Approved light fixtures securely surface-mounted or recessedmounted to walls and ceiling are permitted within the restricted zone. Another thing to take into account when locating an electrical fixture in the bathroom is to install fixtures listed for damp locations. Where a light fixture is subject to shower spray, the light fixture must be listed for a wet location. Contact the City of College Station Building Department at 979.764.3570 with any questions. Chris Haver, CBO Building Official Luminaire (Light Fixture) Location in Bathrooms 􀀬􀁑􀁖􀁓􀁈􀁆􀁗􀁒􀁕􀂶􀁖􀀃􀀦􀁒􀁕􀁑􀁈􀁕