HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust(REVISED) Building a Better Community with You PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES NEWSLETTER 1101 Texas Avenue P.O. Box 9969 College Station, TX 77842 Phone: 979.764.3570 Fax: 979.764.3496 www.cstx.gov AUGUST 2009 Volume 10 Issue 7 TRACKING THE NUMBERS 1 NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN 2 USE YOUR CAN, NOT THE LAND 3 MASTER PLAN MEETING NOTICE 4 PLANNER ON CALL FAQ 5 BUILDING PERMIT TOTALS 6 POPULATION 7 BUILDING INSPECTIONS 7 REZONING SCOOP 7 BUILDING PERMIT CHARTS 8 Inside this issue: Single-Family Homes: (Does not include slab onlys) YTD – 1 yr YTD– 2 yr 7% 20% Year-to-date, single-family home permits decreased in quantity when compared to last year at this time, August 2008, and decreased when compared with two years ago, August 2007. Commercial: (Does not include slab onlys) YTD – 1 yr YTD – 2 yr 49% 56% Year-to-date, commercial permits experienced a decrease in quantity when compared to last year at this time, August 2008, and a decrease compared with two years ago, Au-gust 2007. Total Permits: YTD -1 yr YTD -2 yr 24% 23% Year-to-date, total permits ex-perienced a decrease in quantity when compared to last year at this time, August 2008, and experi-enced a decrease when compared with two years ago, August 2007. TRACKING THE NUMBERS DEVELOPMENT FEE INCREASES EFFECTIVE 1 OCTOBER 2009 The College Station City Council approved new development fees at their regular meeting on 27 August 2009. As a result, development fees will be increasing in two phases. The first fee increase will be effective 1 Oc-tober 2009 and the second increase will go into effect on 1 October 2010. At the 6 July 2009 City Council workshop meeting, staff presented infor-mation on current development reviews and costs, comparisons to bench-mark communities, and made recommendations regarding revisions to the development fee structure. Council requested that staff present a resolu-tion that addressed the discrepancy between development review costs and current revenue. The last comprehensive review of development fees was in 2001. Other discussions regarding fees have occurred with budget planning, however, no proposals for amending the current development fee structure have been presented to Council since 2003. For more information, please contact Planning & Development Services at 979.764.3570 or visit our website at www.cstx.gov. Page 2 /August 2009 /www.cstx.gov Central College Station Neighborhood Plan The Central College Station Neighborhood Plan is underway. This neighborhood plan will take an in-depth look at the area between Harvey Mitchell Parkway and Rock Prairie Road between Texas Avenue South and Wellborn Road. The City, along with resident and business representatives from the neighborhood, are preparing for several community meetings scheduled for this Fall to introduce the plan, identify issues and opportunities, evaluate existing conditions, and set a vision and goals for the plan. Over the winter, City Staff will be working with neighborhood representatives to turn that public input into a plan. The plan will include sections relating to land use and community character, neighborhood integ-rity, mobility, and sustainability. Drafts of the plan will be available for public comment in the Spring, with adoption scheduled for late Spring by City Council. If you live in this area, and would like more information about the plan, please attend the Neighbor-hood Plan Kick-off on Tuesday, September 29th at Southwood Valley Elementary. The meeting will be held from 7:30 to 8:30 with representatives from Planning, Code Enforcement, Recycling, Police, and Fire, if available. If you are unable to attend, please make sure to visit our website, www.cstx.gov/centralplan, to get the latest information about upcoming meetings, and how you can be involved. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Lindsay Kramer (lkramer@cstx.gov) or Matt Robinson (mrobinson@cstx.gov) with Planning and Development Services. www.cstx.gov /August 2009 /Page 3 Use Your Can, Not the Land Its fall again! The time of year when many of our residents return to College Station from summer break. It is also the season to celebrate before the big game. When processing all the trash left from moving in or that pre-game party, please be aware of the following: The City of College Station prohibits the accumulation of trash. Chapter 7. B, Health & Sanitation of the City Code of Ordinances states: It shall be unlawful for any person who owns or occupies any house, building, es-tablishment, lot, or yard in the City to permit or allow and trash, rubbish, carrion, filth, or other impure or unwhole-some matter to accumulate or remain thereon or therein. This means household garbage, alcoholic beverage con-tainers, paper, etc. must be disposed of in the trash can provided by the City. A violation of this ordinance could result in a citation and resulting fine ranging from $50 to $2,000. However, a citation can be easily avoided by knowing your scheduled trash pickup days. Every single-family home and duplex dwelling unit in College Station has a regular trash pick-up day and a bulky trash day. Information on when your trash days are can be ac-cessed by visiting our website at www.cstx.gov or by calling the Public Works Department at 979-764-3690. The City also offers an extra trash pick-up on a limited basis for no extra charge. Please contact the Sanitation Division at 979-764-3841 for more information on this service. Also, be aware that all trash at a given location is the responsibility of the resident(s) at that location no matter where it came from. Finally, litter can be prevented by securing your trash in a trash bag before placing it in your container. For more information regarding this issue or to report a violation, please call Community Enhancement at 979-764-6363. Page 4 /August 2009 /www.cstx.gov Third Public Meeting for Hike, Bike, and Greenways Master Plan The intent of the Bicycle, Pedestrian and Greenways Master Plan is to provide information and guidance on bicycle, pedestrian and greenway facilities in the City of College Station. This plan will build on previous rec-ommendations and policies outlined in existing adopted plans including the Bikeway and Pedestrian Master Plan (2002) and the Greenways Master Plan (1999). The goal in combining master plans is to address bicycle and pedestrian needs in a comprehensive manner to achieve multi-modal transportation, connectivity, recreation, healthy living and environmental protection. Each facility type will be planned for as a distinct facility type as well as collectively to achieve these goals. We will be holding a third community meeting to gather input on the proposed system, as well as input on the prioritization of facilities and other recommendations. Come and help us plan for a community that better ac-commodates bicycling, walking and greenways! Date: Tuesday, November 3, 2009 Time: 6:30 pm Location: College Station Conference Center -Room 127 1300 George Bush Drive Please join us to discuss implementation, priorities, and other up-dates for the master plan! PLANNER ON CALL FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTION The Planner on Call system helps over 1,800 people a year that call, e-mail, or come into the Planning and Development Services office with questions related to planning and development. This section highlights one of the more common questions. If you have questions for the Planner on Call, please contact us at 979-764-3020 or POC@cstx.gov. Q: I would like to know what kind of business I can operate from my home. Where can I find this information? A: The City of College Station defines a home occupation as an occupation, profession, activity, or use that is clearly a customary, incidental, and secondary use of a residential dwelling unit and which does not alter the exterior of the property or affect the residential character of the neighborhood. Section 6.4.C of the Unified Development Ordinance details which uses are per-mitted as home occupations and the regulations that are applied to those uses. For instance, a common request is to start a bed and breakfast (B&B). It is important to know that the B&B must also be the owner’s primary residence and more than four unrelated visitors may not occupy the premise overnight, in addition to other regulations set in place to protect the neighborhood. Another popular request is to open a day care center, which is permitted as long as they serve six or fewer people. There are several occupations that are actually prohibited as home occupations including but not limited to a personal service shop, repair shop, restaurant, and boarding house. If starting a home occupation, it is imperative to stay within the bounds of a home occupation. For in-stance, home occupations may not create an increase in traffic or parking that is abnormal to the residential area. Also, a home occupation cannot employ people who are not part of the occupant’s family. If you have any questions about what uses are allowed as home occupations or about the regulations applied, please contact the Planner on Call. We’re always happy to help. www.cstx.gov /August 2009 /Page 5 Month of August 2009 Type of Permit Permit Unit Total Sq. Ft. Heat Sq. Ft. Amount Permit Unit Amount Single Family Home 43 43 110,417 83,296 $6,005,771 23 23 $3,424,212 Duplex 0 0 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 Tri-plex/Four-plex 0 0 0 0 $0 0 0 $0 Apartment 0 0 0 0 $0 9 N/A $21,770,478 Residential Addition 6 N/A 6,744 2,351 $309,830 9 N/A $329,570 Residential Remodel 7 N/A 5,087 5,087 $231,754 8 N/A $89,150 Residential Garage/Carport Addition 1 N/A N/A N/A $18,000 0 N/A $0 Residential Demolition 5 N/A N/A N/A $14,500 1 N/A $7,150 Residential Slab Only-SF 0 N/A N/A N/A $0 3 N/A $14,350 Residential Slab Only-DP 0 N/A N/A N/A $0 0 N/A $0 Residential Slab Only-3&4 0 N/A N/A N/A $0 0 N/A $0 Residential Slab Only-Apt. 0 N/A N/A N/A $0 3 N/A $85,488 Hotel /Motel /Inn 0 N/A N/A N/A $0 0 N/A $0 New Commercial 2 N/A 10,708 5,909 $615,000 5 N/A $578,100 Commercial Remodel 11 N/A N/A N/A $511,137 7 N/A $301,500 Commercial Addition/Retaining Wall 2 N/A N/A N/A $22,915 2 N/A $100,200 Commercial Demolition 0 N/A N/A N/A $0 2 N/A $5,000 Commercial Slab Only 1 N/A N/A N/A $400,000 0 N/A $0 Swimming Pool 2 N/A N/A N/A $50,000 9 N/A $380,250 Sign 2 N/A N/A N/A N/A 14 N/A N/A Moving & Location 0 N/A N/A N/A $0 0 N/A $0 Storage /Accessory 2 N/A N/A N/A $4,518 7 N/A $4,510 Roofing 26 N/A N/A N/A $110,312 5 N/A $11,000 TOTALS 110 43 132,956 96,643 $8,293,737 107 23 $27,100,958 Month of August 2008 January 1, 2009 -August 31, 2009 Type of Permit Permit Unit Total Sq. Ft. Heat Sq. Ft. Amount Permit Unit Amount Single Family Home 376 376 912,085 727,112 $51,289,214 405 405 $61,361,539 Duplex 0 0 0 0 $0 29 58 $4,553,525 Tri-plex/Four-plex 0 0 0 0 $0 2 8 $515,350 Apartment 1 21 17,266 17,266 $1,800,000 27 N/A $31,867,931 Residential Addition 48 N/A 38,541 28,928 $1,898,183 41 N/A $1,503,041 Residential Remodel 55 N/A 33,243 30,726 $1,041,697 109 N/A $1,373,960 Residential Garage/Carport Addition 5 N/A N/A N/A $76,600 1 N/A $15,000 Residential Demolition 17 N/A N/A N/A $44,850 9 N/A $30,150 Residential Slab Only-SF 3 N/A N/A N/A $18,700 5 N/A $34,716 Residential Slab Only-DP 0 N/A N/A N/A $0 0 N/A $0 Residential Slab Only-3&4 0 N/A N/A N/A $0 0 N/A $0 Residential Slab Only-Apt. 0 N/A N/A N/A $0 17 N/A $2,051,604 Hotel /Motel /Inn 2 N/A N/A N/A $6,000,000 0 N/A $0 New Commercial 31 N/A 144,593 111,995 $16,205,736 61 N/A $124,515,739 Commercial Remodel 66 N/A N/A N/A $16,869,134 79 N/A $6,255,518 Commercial Addition/Retaining Wall 10 N/A N/A N/A $3,540,215 17 N/A $9,768,853 Commercial Demolition 7 N/A N/A N/A $211,636 17 N/A $382,525 Commercial Slab Only 1 N/A N/A N/A $400,000 9 N/A $1,360,110 Swimming Pool 39 N/A N/A N/A $1,635,232 63 N/A $2,324,558 Sign 70 N/A N/A N/A N/A 79 N/A $307,629 Moving & Location 0 N/A N/A N/A $0 0 N/A $0 Storage /Accessory 24 N/A N/A N/A $240,888 19 N/A $135,640 Roofing 44 N/A N/A N/A $136,492 56 N/A $664,975 TOTALS 799 397 1,145,728 916,027 $101,408,577 1045 471 $249,022,363 January 1, 2008 -August 31, 2008 BUILDING PERMIT TOTALS: Page 6 /August 2009 /www.cstx.gov www.cstx.gov /August 2009 /Page 7 * Citizen contacts ** Rental Registration MONTH HEALTH & SANITATION PROPERTY MAINTENANCE PUBLIC NUISANCE FIRE PROTECTION TRAFFIC CODE SANITATION UDO/ZONING PARKING CITATIONS PERSONAL CONTACTS* TOTAL OCT ‘08 -JAN. ‘09 425 117 298 38 167 2585 419 58 338 4445 JAN ‘09 -MAR ‘09 332 98 275 35 111 1417 486 0 664 3418 APRIL ‘09 80 10 14 14 7 86 1351** 15 67 1644 APR ‘09 -MAY ‘09 439 42 93 33 51 743 2112** 42 348 3903 TOTAL 1276 267 680 120 336 4831 4368 115 1417 13410 REZONING SCOOP: Project Number Location of Land Acres Request P&Z Date Status Council Date Status 09-500141 FS Kapchinski B1 L 17 3.71 R1 and PDD to PDD 20-Aug Approved 10-Sept 09-500139 McGill Tract 14.27 R1 and AO to PDD 20-Aug Approved 10-Sept 09-500140 1270 Harvey Mitchell Pkwy S 3.36 AO to R4 6-Aug Approved 10-Sept 09-500161 13601 & 13679 FM 2154 1.50 A-O to PDD 3-Sept Denied 24-Sept BUILDING INSPECTIONS: MONTH BUILDING PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANICAL LAWN SIGN POOL DEMO MOVING TOTAL JAN. 322 278 190 111 7 45 7 1 0 961 FEB. 324 238 174 131 8 12 13 0 0 900 MAR. 364 244 203 147 32 21 9 0 0 1020 APR. 361 298 227 213 27 11 13 0 0 1150 MAY 375 380 250 217 36 5 51 0 0 1314 JUNE 529 360 293 186 17 7 40 0 0 1432 JULY 400 256 209 190 33 4 14 0 0 1106 AUGUST 316 242 199 144 21 5 11 0 0 938 YEARLY TOTAL 2991 2296 1745 1339 181 110 158 1 0 8821 CODE ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITIES SUMMARY: POPULATION: The August population estimate is 92,856. SINGLE FAMILY PERMITS 3 YEAR—COMPARISON BY MONTH (INCLUDES ONLY NEW SINGLE-FAMILY HOMES) COMMERCIAL PERMITS 3 YEAR—COMPARISON BY MONTH (INCLUDES NEW COMMERCIAL & COMMERCIAL REMODELS) TOTAL PERMITS 3 YEAR—COMPARISON BY MONTH Type of Permit Permit Unit Amount Single-Family Home 333 333 $42,566,651 Duplex 0 0 $0 Tri-Plex/Four-plex 0 0 $0 Apartment 1 21 $1,800,000 New Commercial 29 N/A $15,590,736 Commercial Remodel 55 N/A $16,357,997 P E R M I T S B Y T Y P E Y E A R T O D A T E 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 Jan. Feb.MarchApril May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 2007 2008 2009 05 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 2007 2008 2009 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 2007 2008 2009