HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/17/2012 - Agenda Packet - Planning & Zoning Commission д¿²²·²¹ ú Ʊ²·²¹ ݱ³³·­­·±² Ó¿§ ïéô îðïî ɱ®µ­¸±° Ó»»¬·²¹ êæðð ÐÓ Î»¹«´¿® Ó»»¬·²¹ éæðð ÐÓ AGENDA PLANNING&ZONINGCOMMISSION WM ORKSHOP EETING M17,2012,6:00PM AY AT CHCC ITY ALL OUNCIL HAMBERS 1101TA EXASVENUE CS,T OLLEGE TATIONEXAS 1.Call the meeting to order. 2.Discussion of consent and regular agenda items. 3.Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the status of items within the 2012 (JS) P&Z Plan of Work (see attached). 4.Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an update on the Southside Area (JP) Plan. 5.Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding block length and connectivity. (BC) 6.Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an update on the following items: A rezoning from PDD Planned Development District to PDD Planned Development District on 3.19 acres located at 2849 Barron Road, generally located at the corner of Barron Road and SH 40, adjacent to the Sonoma Subdivision. The Planning & th Zoning Commission heard this item on April 5 and voted 4-3 to waive the requirement for the applicant to construct a multi-use path, but required the dedication of a Public Access Easement for the future construction of the path. The Commission also voted 7-0 to recommend approval of the rezoning. The City Council th heard this item on April 26 and voted 5-1 to approve the rezoning with the requirement that the multi-use path be constructed by the developer. A rezoning from R-6 High-Density Multi-Family Residential to PDD Planned Development District for property located at 1024 and 1026 Foster Avenue, generally located at the intersection of Foster Avenue and Francis Drive. The th Planning & Zoning Commission heard this item on April 5 and voted 7-0 to th recommend approval of the rezoning. The City Council heard this item on April 26 and voted 7-0 to approve the rezoning. A rezoning from A-O Agricultural-Open to R-4 Multi-Family Residential for 5.379 acres within University Heights Subdivision at 3182 Holleman Drive South, generally located north of Las Palomas Subdivision. The Planning & Zoning Commission heard th this item on April 5 and voted 7-0 to recommend approval of the rezoning. The City th Council heard this item on April 26 and voted 6-0 to approve the rezoning. A rezoning from PDD Planned Development District to PDD Planned Development District to add an additional use, for 108.88 acres located at 3100 Haupt Road, generally located between Old Wellborn Road and Holleman Drive South, north of the Buena Vida Subdivision. The Planning & Zoning Commission heard this item on th April 5 and voted 7-0 to recommend approval of the rezoning with the condition that the wake board facilities be limited to two-tower systems. The City Council heard this th item on April 26 and voted 7-0 to approve the rezoning as recommended by the Commission. An ordinance amendment to Chapter 12 of the Code of Ordinances "Unified Development Ordinance" Section 5.6.B "Northgate Districts" related to outdoor storage and display standards. The Planning & Zoning Commission heard this item th on April 19 and voted 7-0 to recommend approval of the amendment. The City th Council heard this item on April 26 and voted 7-0 to approve the amendment. 7.Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the P&Z Calendar of Upcoming Meetings. Tuesday, June 5, 2012 ~ Joint P&Z Meeting with City of Bryan ~ City of Bryan ~ 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Thursday, June 7, 2012 ~ P&Z Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ Workshop 6:00 p.m. and Regular 7:00 p.m. Thursday, June 14, 2012 ~ City Council Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ Workshop 3:00 p.m. and Regular 7:00 p.m. 8.Discussion, review and possible action regarding the following meetings: Design Review Board, Joint Parks / Planning & Zoning Subcommittee, Neighborhood Plan Stakeholder Resource Team, BioCorridor Committee, Lick Creek Nature Center Task Force, Zoning District Subcommittee, Joint Task Force on Neighborhood Parking Issues, and Wellborn District Plan Resource Team. 9.Discussion and possible action on future agenda items – A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 10.Adjourn. Consultation with Attorney {Gov't Code Section 551.071} ; possible action. The Planning and Zoning Commission may seek advice from its attorney regarding a pending and contemplated litigation subject or attorney-client privileged information. After executive session discussion, any final action or vote taken will be in public. If litigation or attorney-client privileged information issues arise as to the posted subject matter of this Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, an executive session will be held. Notice is hereby given that a Workshop Meeting of the College Station Planning & Zoning Commission, College Station, Texas will be held on May, 17, 2012 at 6:00 PM at the City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. The following subjects will be discussed, to wit: See Agenda. Posted this the Day day of May, 2012 at time . , CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS By _____________________________ Sherry Mashburn, City Secretary By _____________________________ David Neeley, City Manager I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above Notice of the Workshop Meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission of the City of College Station, Texas, is a true and correct copy of said Notice and that I posted a true and correct copy of said notice on the bulletin board at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, in College Station, Texas, and the City’s website, www.cstx.gov. The Agenda and Notice are readily accessible to the general public at all times. Said Notice and Agenda were posted on Month May,2012, at Time and remained so posted continuously for at least 72 hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting. This public notice was removed from the official posting board at the College Station City Hall on the following date and time: ______________________ by _________________________. Dated this _____ day of_____________, 2012. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS By_____________________________ Subscribed and sworn to before me on this the day of_______________, 2012. Notary Public- Brazos County, Texas My commission expires: This building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive service must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Agendas may be viewed on www.cstx.gov. Planning and Zoning Commission meetings are broadcast live on Cable Access Channel 19. AGENDA PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION RM EGULAREETING M17,2012,7:00.. AY AT PM CHCC ITY ALL OUNCIL HAMBERS 1101TA EXASVENUE C S,T OLLEGE TATIONEXAS 1.Call meeting to order. Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Hear Citizens. 3. At this time, the Chairman will open the floor to citizens wishing to address the Commission on planning and zoning issues not already scheduled on tonight's agenda. The citizen presentations will be limited to three minutes in order to accommodate everyone who wishes to address the Commission and to allow adequate time for completion of the agenda items. The Commission will receive the information, ask city staff to look into the matter, or will place the matter on a future agenda for discussion. (A recording is made of the meeting; please give your name and address for the record.) All matters listed under Item 4, Consent Agenda, are considered routine by the Planning & Zoning Commission and will be enacted by one motion. These items include preliminary plans and final plats, where staff has found compliance with all minimum subdivision regulations. All items approved by Consent are approved with any and all staff recommendations. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If any Commissioner desires to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda it will be moved to the Regular Agenda for further consideration. Consent Agenda 4.. 4.1 Consideration, discussion, and possible action on Absence Requests from meetings. Jim Ross ~ May 3, 2012 4.2 Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve meeting Minutes. May 3, 2012 ~ Workshop May 3, 2012 ~ Regular 4.3Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Preliminary Plat for The Cottages of College Station Subdivision, consisting of ten lots on approximately Case #11-00500208 136 acres, located at 1430 Harvey Mitchell Parkway South. (JS) 4.4Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat for The Cottages of College Station Subdivision Phase 1A, consisting of one lot on 1.762 acres, Case #11-00500209 (JS) located at 2400 Market Street. 4.5Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Preliminary Plat for Villages of Indian Lakes Subdivision Phase 13 consisting of 9 lots on 30.33 acres generally located off of Anasazi Bluff Dr in the College Station Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Case #12-00500086 (MTH) (ETJ). 4.6 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat for Villages of Indian Lakes Subdivision Phase 13 consisting of 9 lots on 30.33 acres generally located off of Anasazi Bluff Dr in the College Station Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ). Case #12-00500062 (MTH) Regular Agenda 5.Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. 6.Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat for Lots 1, 2, and 3 of Southwood Holdings being a Replat of Lot ‘A-1’, Southwood Holdings Case #11- consisting of 3 lots on 2.763 acres located at 1103 Rock Prairie Road. 00500167 (MTH) 7.Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a waiver request to Section 8.2.H.2. of the Unified Development Ordinance “Platting and Replatting within Older Residential Subdivisions”, and public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat for College Hills Estates, First Installment, Lot 10R & 11R, Block 4 being a replat of College Hills Estates, First Installment, Lots 10 & 11, Block 4 consisting of two R-1 Single-Family Residential lots on 0.48 acres located at 1010 Case #12-00500072 (MTH) Milner. 8.Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a zoning request from A-0 Agricultural-Open and A-P Administrative Professional to C-1 General Commercial for a 0.85 acre tract located at 111 North Dowling Road, near the Case # 12-00500074 intersection of Harvey Mitchell Parkway South and Wellborn Road. (LH) (Note: Final action on this item is scheduled for the June 14, 2012 City Council Meeting - subject to change) 9.Discussion and possible action on future agenda items – A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 10.Adjourn. Consultation with Attorney {Gov't Code Section 551.071} ; possible action. The Planning and Zoning Commission may seek advice from its attorney regarding a pending and contemplated litigation subject or attorney-client privileged information. After executive session discussion, any final action or vote taken will be in public. If litigation or attorney-client privileged information issues arise as to the posted subject matter of this Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, an executive session will be held. Notice is hereby given that a Regular Meeting of the College Station Planning & Zoning Commission, College Station, Texas will be held on May 17, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at the City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. The following subjects will be discussed, to wit: See Agenda. Posted this the _____ day of May, 2012, at _______ CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS By _____________________________ Sherry Mashburn, City Secretary By _____________________________ David Neeley, City Manager I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission of the City of College Station, Texas, is a true and correct copy of said Notice and that I posted a true and correct copy of said notice . on the bulletin board at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, in College Station, Texas, and the City’s website, www.cstx.gov The Agenda and Notice are readily accessible to the general public at all times. Said Notice and Agenda were posted on May ___, 2012, at _______ and remained so posted continuously for at least 72 hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting. This public notice was removed from the official posting board at the College Station City Hall on the following date and time: ______________________ by _________________________. Dated this _____ day of_____________, 2012. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS By_____________________________ Subscribed and sworn to before me on this the day of_______________, 2012. Notary Public- Brazos County, Texas My commission expires: This building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive service must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Agendas may be viewed on www.cstx.gov. Planning and Zoning Commission meetings are broadcast live on Cable Access Channel 19. 2012 Planning & Zoning Commission Plan of Work Comprehensive Plan Implementation Implementation of Adopted Plans Summary:Project Dates: Implementation of adopted master plans and 1/23/12 & 1/25/12: Lick Creek multi-use path public neighborhood, district, and corridor plans, namely: meetings. Central College Station Neighborhood Plan, Eastgate 3/5/12: College Hills Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Plan, Bicycle, Pedestrian, and meeting to discuss single-family overlay. Greenways Master Plan, Parks and Recreation Master Plan, Water Master Plan, and Waste Water Master Plan. Staff Assigned: P&DS StaffAnticipated Completion: On-going Medical District Plan Summary:Project Dates: 10/25/11: Consultant presented draft plan at final In partnership with the College Station Medical Center Medical Corridor Advisory Committee meeting. and other stakeholders, development of a plan focused 1/12/12: Council update regarding plan. on the creation of a healthcare and wellness district centered at the intersection of Rock Prairie Road and 2/2/12: P&Z Workshop update regarding plan. State Highway 6. Staff Assigned: JPAnticipated Completion: Summer 2012 BioCorridor Plan Summary:Project Dates: 12/21/11: Councils adopted Inter-Local Agreement In collaboration with the City of Bryan and other regarding BioCorridor. stakeholders, development of a corridor plan near State Hwy 47 and Raymond Stotzer Pkwy to realize a unique 2/3/12: P&Z BioCorridor Subcommittee meeting. research district where plant, animal, and human health 3/2/12: P&Z BioCorridor Subcommittee meeting. may be studied in one place. 5/15/12: P&Z BioCorridor Subcommittee meeting. Staff Assigned: MH, BCAnticipated Completion: Summer 2012 Southside Area Neighborhood Plan Summary:Project Dates: 3/20/12: Neighborhood Resource Team meeting. Development of neighborhood plan for a number of 4/11/12: Lincoln Area Association meeting. unique neighborhoods including Oakwood, College 4/16/12: Neighborhood Resource Team meeting. Park, portions of the Knoll, McCullough Subdivision, Redmond Terrace, and Wolf Pen Village. The plan area 5/1/12: Special meeting about Area 5 at City Hall. is generally bounded by George Bush Drive, Texas 5/14/12: Neighborhood Resource Team meeting. Avenue, and Wellborn Road. 5/17/12: Plan update at P&Z Workshop. Staff Assigned: JP, LHAnticipated Completion: Summer 2012 п¹» ï ±º í Wellborn District Plan Summary:Project Dates: 4/10/12: Issues & Opportunities meeting at Wellborn Development of district plan for the recently annexed Community Center Wellborn area that contains elements of a rural historic community with a unique character that residents of the 4/24/12: Wellborn Resource Team meeting at area desire to retain. Wellborn Community Center at 630pm. Staff Assigned: MR, LHAnticipated Completion: Fall 2012 Economic Development Master Plan Summary:Project Dates: 10/24/11: Statement of Qualifications received; Development of a Master Plan to provide consistent currently working on Scope of Work with top direction on how the City will help ensure its economic candidate. health for years to come while providing a positive business development environment. 2/23/12: Council approved consultant contract. 3/22/12: Project Kick-off meeting with consultant. 4/10/12: Staff meeting with consultant. Staff Assigned: P&DS StaffAnticipated Completion: Fall 2012 New Zoning Districts Summary:Project Dates: 4/5/12: P&Z Subcommittee meeting. Create and adopt new zoning districts to implement character and land use designations identified in the 5/9/12: Public meeting at 6 PM at City Hall to introduce Comprehensive Plan. draft non-residential district concepts. Staff Assigned: JPAnticipated Completion: Neighborhood Parking Summary:Project Dates: 2/16/12: P&Z appoints Joint Task Force members. Analyze neighborhood parking issues by engaging stakeholders, form Joint Task with Council and 3/21/12: Initial Joint Task Force meeting. recommendations that seek solutions. 4/25/12: Joint Task Force Meeting at 5 PM. 5/30/12: Joint Task Force Meeting at 5 PM. Staff Assigned: BC, TRAnticipated Completion: Employment Diversification Diversification of Employment Opportunities Summary:Project Dates: Discuss workforce and employment opportunities in the 1/12/12: Strategic Plan policy discussion with Council. community and strategies to increase their diversity and the City's role in providing a positive business development environment. Staff Assigned: P&DS StaffAnticipated Completion: п¹» î ±º í Housing Affordable Housing Summary:Project Dates: 3/1/12: Discussion at P&Z Workshop, led by Discuss how housing affordability is measured and Community Development Division. provide information on affordability of homes in the College Station and Bryan housing markets. Staff Assigned: P&DS StaffAnticipated Completion: Role of Planning and Regulation Summary:Project Dates: Discuss role of planning and regulation on housing supply and value. Staff Assigned: P&DS StaffAnticipated Completion: Impact of Student Housing Market Summary:Project Dates: Discuss impact of single-family dwellings used for student rental purposes on the local housing market. Staff Assigned: P&DS Staff Anticipated Completion: п¹» í ±º í 1101 Texas Avenue, PO Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 Phone 979.764.3570 / Fax 979.764.3496 MEMORANDUM May 17, 2012 TO:Members of the Planning and Zoning Commission FROM:Jason Schubert, AICP, Principal Planner SUBJECT:Block Length and Connectivity In response to the Commission’s request, anitem regarding block length and connectivity has been scheduled for discussion. As background, the City Council adopted substantial revisions to the Subdivision Regulations contained in the Unified Development Ordinance(UDO)in January 2011.The Commission recommended approval of the revisions after two public hearings in December 2010. Theseactionscame after years of effort that involved numerous stakeholder meetingsand discussions with the Commission.The revisions helped modernize the subdivision regulations to standards that are contemporary to the current City and legal environment and necessary to help implement the Comprehensive Plan that was adopted in May 2009. Staff held four workshop discussions with the Commission between July and November 2009 regarding block length and connectivity-related items in which various alternatives were scrutinized and the proposed language and concepts were presented.The applicable Sections of the UDO regarding block length and connectivity have been attached for your review and preparation for the discussion. Attachment: UDO Section 8.2.G Blocks, Section 8.2.E. Streets, Section 8.2.J Access Ways, Section 11.2 Definitions (applicable) Article8SubdivisionDesignandImprovements 8.2.G.Blocks. 1.Blocksforsingle-family,duplex,andtownhouselotsshallbeplattedtoprovidetwo(2)tiersof lotswithautilityeasementoralleybetweenthem.Asingletieroflotsmaybeusedifthelots backuptoathoroughfare,railroad,orfloodplain. 2.InordertoprovideapublicstreetnetworkthatiscomplimentarytotheThoroughfarePlanand thatensuresuniformaccessandcirculationtoareasintendedforsimilarlandusecontexts,block lengthshallnotexceedthefollowingdimensionsbasedonthelandusedesignationonthe FutureLandUseandCharacterMapintheadoptedComprehensivePlaninwhichtheblockis located: a.Sixhundredsixty(660)feetinUrbanandUrbanMixedUsedesignations; b.Ninehundred(900)feetinGeneralSuburban,SuburbanCommercial,andGeneral Commercialdesignations; c.Onethousandtwohundred(1,200)feetinRestrictedSuburbanandBusinessPark designations;and d.Onethousandfivehundred(1,500)feetinEstateandRuraldesignations. 3.Ifaplatisnotboundedbyapublicthroughstreetorotherqualifyingbreaktoblocklengththen theblocklengthmeasurementshallcontinuetoextendeachwaybeyondtheplatalongthe publicthroughstreetuntilthenearestintersectingthroughstreetorqualifyingbreaktotheblock isreached. 4.Blockperimetershallnotexceedthefollowingdimensionsbasedonthelandusedesignation providedintheadoptedComprehensivePlan: a.Onethousandsixhundred(1,600)feetinUrbanMixedUsedesignations;and b.Twothousand(2,000)feetinUrbandesignations. 5.Inlieuofapublicstreet,non-residentialandmulti-familydevelopmentsmayopttoconstructa PublicWaytosatisfyblocklengthandblockperimeterrequirementswhenthePublicWay connectstwo(2)publicstreets.Theplatshalldedicateapublicaccesseasementthatcoversthe entirewidthoftheprivatedriveandsidewalksforthePublicWay.Theprivatedriveand sidewalksmaybeconstructedwiththedevelopmentoftheproperty.APublicWayshallnot substituteforathoroughfareidentifiedontheCity'sThoroughfarePlan. 6.Blocklengthorblockperimetershallnotrequireanewstreet,PublicWay,orAccessWayto enterthefaceofablockwhenthesurroundingareaoftheblockissubdividedsothatathrough movementisnotpossibleoranewblockcannotbecreated. 8.2.E.Streets. 1.StreetsontheThoroughfarePlan. Whereasubdivisionencompassesorisadjacenttoathoroughfare,asshownonthe ThoroughfarePlanoftheCity,thethoroughfareshallbeconstructedandincludedinthe subdivisionplattomaintaincontinuityintheapproximatelocationasshown,andofthetype indicated. 2.RelationtoAdjoiningStreetSystem. a.Wherethereisanexistingstreetadjacenttoorthroughtheareatobesubdivided,the necessarystreetintersectionstotheexistingstreetshallbeconstructed. b.ExistingandplannedstreetsandPublicWaysinadjacentoradjoiningareasshallbe continuedinalignmenttherewith. c.Whenlandissubdividedintolargerparcelsratherthanordinarybuildinglots,such parcelsshallbearrangedsoastoallowfortheopeningoffuturestreetsandlogical furthersubdivisions. 3.StreetProjections. a.Whereadjoiningareasarenotplatted,thesubdivisionshallprovidestreetprojectionsto suchareasbyprojectingapublicstreet: 1)Ineachcardinaldirectionaroundtheproposedsubdivision; 2)Atintervalsnofewerthanthemaximumblocklengthalongtheperimeterboundaryof thesubdivision;and 3)Toprovidestreetconnectionorstreetfrontagetolandlockedtractsthatdonot otherwisehavefrontagetoapublicstreet. b.Inlieuofapublicstreet,aPublicWaymaysatisfyarequiredstreetprojectionwhenthe PublicWayisprojectedtofuturenon-residentialormulti-familydevelopmentandcanbe continuedthroughthatdevelopmenttoapublicstreet. 4.AdequateStreetAccess. a.One(1)externalstreetconnectionisrequiredforastreetservingasroadwayaccessfor thirty(30)orfewerlots. b.Whentherearemorethanthirty(30)lotstobeservedbyexternalstreetconnections,a minimumoftwo(2)streetconnectionstoexternalpavedpublicstreetsshallberequired. TheCommissionmayallowaRemoteEmergencyAccesswheredevelopmentphasing orconstraintsofthelandpreventtheprovisionofasecondstreetconnection. Notwithstandingtheforegoing,two(2)streetconnectionstoexternalpavedpublicstreets shallberequiredwhenonehundred(100)ormorelotsareserved. c.Three(3)streetconnectionstoexternalpavedpublicstreetsmayberequiredbythe Commissionwhentwohundred(200)ormorelotsareserved. d.Wheremorethanone(1)externalstreetconnectionisrequired,atleastone(1)external streetconnectionshallnotbelocatedoverapotentialhazardsuchasahigh-pressure gaslineoracreekwheretheonehundred-yearfloodplainovertopsthestreet,regardless ofitsclassification. 5.Intersections. InadditiontotheB/CSUnifiedDesignGuidelines,proposedstreetandalleyintersections shallmeettheminimumspacingandrequirementsoftheAccessManagementand CirculationsectioninArticle7GeneralDevelopmentStandardsofthisUDO. 6.Dead-EndStreets. Dead-endstreetsshallbeprohibitedexceptshortstubstopermitfutureextension. Temporaryturnaroundsshallberequiredforstubsinlengthofmorethanone-hundred(100) feetorthedepthofone(1)lot,whicheverisless. 7.Culs-de-Sac. a.Themaximumlengthofacul-de-sacisbasedonthelandusedesignationontheFuture LandUseandCharacterMapintheadoptedComprehensivePlaninwhichthecul-de- sacislocated.Thelengthofacul-de-sacismeasuredalongthecenterlineofthecul-de- sacstreetfromthecenterofthebulbtotheedgeofthenearestintersectingthrough streetright-of-way.Culs-de-sacshallnotexceedthefollowinglengths: 1)Fourhundredfifty(450)feetinGeneralSuburban,SuburbanCommercial,and GeneralCommercialdesignations; 2)Sixhundred(600)feetinRestrictedSuburbanandBusinessParkdesignations;and 3)Sevenhundredfifty(750)feetinEstateandRuraldesignations. b.Culs-de-sacarenotpermittedintheUrbanandUrbanMixedUsedesignationsunless theproposedsubdivisionissurroundedbyplattedpropertyandwhereathroughstreetis notpossible. c.Regardlessoflength,culs-de-sacshallhavenomorethanthirty(30)lots. 8.GeometricStandards,StreetDesignCriteria. a.StreetsandalleysshallbedesignedandconstructedinaccordancewiththeB/CS UnifiedDesignGuidelines. b.RuralResidentialsubdivisionstreetsmaybeconstructedtoeitherruralstreetstandards orurbancurbandgutterstandardsexceptthatthoroughfaresthatcontinuebeyondthe boundaryofaRuralResidentialsubdivisiontoanurbanoneshallbeconstructedto urbancurbandgutterstandards. 9.ExistingSubstandardStreetRight-ofWay. a.Wheneveranexistingright-of-wayiswithinoradjacenttoaproposedsubdivisionand suchright-of-waywidthissubstandard,theadditionalwidthforthestreetshallbe dedicated.Fordevelopmentoccurringononlyone(1)sideofsucharoadway,the amountdedicatedshallgenerallyequalone-half(½)ofthedeficiencyinwidthbasedon theclassificationandtypeofstreet,asmeasuredfromtheexistingcenterlineoftheright- of-way.Iftheparcel(s)ontheoppositesideoftheright-of-waypreviouslydedicateda portion,theproposedplatshalldedicatetheremainingwidth.Iftheoppositesideofthe right-of-wayhasapermanentconstraintsuchasarailroadright-of-wayorconservation easement,thefullwidthofthedeficiencymayberequired. b.TheAdministratormayreduce,increase,oreliminatetheamountofright-of-way dedicationbasedondesignconsiderations,existinglanduses,existingdevelopmenton adjacentproperties,anddimensionsoftheproposedsubdivisionorplat. c.Notwithstandingtheforegoing,additionalright-of-waydedicationisnotrequiredfor AmendingPlats. 10.StreetNamesandAddresses. a.Proposedstreetsthatareextensionsofexistingstreetsshallbearthenameofthe existingstreet,unlessotherwiserecommendedbytheAdministrator. b.Newstreetsshallbenamedtopreventconflictorconfusionwithidenticalorsimilar namesintheCity,BrazosCounty911district,ortheCity'sExtraterritorialJurisdiction (ETJ). c.Streetsshallnotbenamedafteranylivingperson. d.Aproposedstreetnamemaybedisapprovedifittoocloselyapproximatesphonetically thenameofanexistingstreet,istoodifficulttopronounce,orcarriesundesirable meaningsorconnotations. e.StreetaddressesshallbeassignedbytheAdministrator. Section8.2.JAccessWays. 1.ExistingandplannedAccessWaysinadjacentoradjoiningareasshallbecontinuedin alignmenttherewith. 2.InBlockfacesoverninehundred(900)feetinlength,anAccessWayshallextendacrossthe widthoftheblocknearthecenteroftheblock. 3.Toprovideadditionalpedestrianandbicyclecirculation,anAccessWayshallberequiredona cul-de-sacstreettoconnecttoexistingorplannedfacilitiesinthevicinitysuchasschools,parks, transitstops,andmulti-usepaths. 4.AnAccessWaymayberequiredtoprovideadditionalpedestrianandbicyclecirculationwithina subdivision,betweensubdivisions,betweenculs-de-sac,ortoprovideaccesstoschools,parks, shoppingcenters,multi-usepaths,transportation,andothercommunityfacilitiesinthevicinity. 5.IfanAccessWayisgreaterthanthreehundred(300)feetinlengththenanadditionalaccess ointtotheAccessWayshallbeprovided. Section11.2Definitions AccessWay:AnAccessWayconsistsofaminimumfifteen-footwidepublicaccesseasementor publicright-of-way.Aminimumfive-footsidewalkshallbeconstructedinthecenteroftheAccess Way,exceptwheretheAccessWayprovidesconnectiontoamulti-usepath,aminimumeight-foot sidewalkshallbeprovided. Block:Atractorparcelofdesignatedassuchonadulyrecordedplat.Blocksaresurroundedby streetsoracombinationofstreetsandotherphysicalobstructionssuchasarailroador100-year floodplain. BlockLength:AmeasurementofthelineardistanceoflandalongaBlockfacethatisboundedon bothendsbypublicthroughstreetsorbyacombinationofapublicthroughstreet,PublicWay, railroad,oronehundred-yearfloodplain.Assuch,gatedstreets,privatestreets,culs-de-sac,alleys, privatedriveways,orAccessWaysdonotdividelandintoseparateBlockfaces. BlockPerimeter:Ameasurementofthelineardistanceoflandaroundtheoutsideedgeofablock, whichisatotaloftheBlockfacesforeachblock.Formeasurement,thepointoforiginandendpoint arethesamelocation. PublicWay:APublicWayprovidescirculationandthroughmovementsimilartoapublicstreetbut isaprivatelymaintaineddrive,constructedtocertainstreetstandards,andgrantedunrestricted accessviaapublicaccesseasement.Thedriveshallbedesignedtothegeometricdesign, constructionstandards,anddrivewayspacingofaCommercialStreetaccordingtothe Bryan/CollegeStationUnifiedDesignGuidelineswiththefollowingmodifications.APublicWayshall haveaminimumpavementstructureconstructedtoCity'sfirelanestandards,aminimumdrivewidth oftwenty-four(24)feetback-to-backwhennoparkingisprovided,andaminimumhorizontalcurve radiusoftwohundred(200)feet.Nohead-inparkingispermittedbutparallelparkingisallowedifthe driveiswidenedanadditionalten(10)feetforeachrowofparallelparkingprovided.Parkingonthe drivemaycounttowardtheminimumoff-streetparkingrequirementsofthisUDO.Five-foot sidewalksshallbeprovidedoneachsideofthedriveandplacedaminimumthree(3)feetfromthe backofcurb.Thepublicaccesseasementshallbeaminimumofforty(40)feetinwidthorwiderto incorporatetheentirewidthofthepavementsectionandsidewalksoneachside. Brittany Caldwell From:Jim Ross [jim.ross.qyep@statefarm.com] Sent:Wednesday, May 09, 2012 9:39 AM To:Brittany Caldwell Subject:Absence ”ƆªYË ñ«kª±†£††ª†ÆÜY1Ɉ¡«†ÃªÐk†£Ã†êЫY£ªÅԆÆYÈ ” ¼Æª´ æëƣ 1 MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Workshop Meeting May 3, 2012, 6:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Mike Ashfield, Craig Hall, Bo Miles, Jodi Warner, and Jerome Rektorik COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: James Benham and Jim Ross CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Blanche Brick CITY STAFF PRESENT: Bob Cowell,Lance Simms, Molly Hitchcock, Alan Gibbs, Carol Cotter, Jason Schubert, Lauren Hovde, Teresa Rogers, Erika Bridges, Joe Guerra, Adam Falco, Brittany Caldwell, and Carrie McHugh 1.Call the meeting to order. Chairman Ashfield called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2.Discussion of consent and regular agenda items. There was general discussion amongst the Commission regarding Regular Agenda Item 6. 3.Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the status of items within the 2012 (JS) P&Z Plan of Work (see attached). Principal Planner Schubert gave an update on the status of items within the 2012 P&Z Plan of Work. 4.Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding current development activities in (BC) the Northgate area. Executive Director Cowell gave a presentation regarding the current development activities in the Northgate area. Commissioner Rektorik arrived at 6:45 p.m. There was general discussion amongst the Commission regarding the developments. 5.Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the P&Z Calendar of Upcoming Meetings. Wednesday, May 9, 2012 ~ Non-Residential Zoning District Public Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ 6:00 p.m. May 3, 2012 P&Z Workshop Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 2 Monday, May 14, 2012 ~ City Council Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ Workshop 3:00 p.m. and Regular 7:00 p.m. Thursday, May 17, 2012 ~ P&Z Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ Workshop 6:00 p.m. and Regular 7:00 p.m. Chairman Ashfield reviewed the upcoming meeting dates for the Planning & Zoning Commission. 6.Discussion, review and possible action regarding the following meetings: Design Review Board, Joint Parks / Planning & Zoning Subcommittee, Neighborhood Plan Stakeholder Resource Team, BioCorridor Committee, Lick Creek Nature Center Task Force, Zoning District Subcommittee, Joint Task Force on Neighborhood Parking Issues, and Wellborn District Plan Resource Team. Commissioner Warner gave an update on the Joint Task Force on Neighborhood Parking Issues and the Southside Neighborhood Plan. Commissioner Miles gave an update on the BioCorridor Committee. 7.Discussion and possible action on future agenda items – A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. There was no discussion. 8.Adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Approved: Attest: ______________________________ ________________________________ Mike Ashfield, Chairman Brittany Caldwell, Admin. Support Specialist Planning & Zoning Commission Planning & Development Services May 3, 2012 P&Z Workshop Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 2 MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Regular Meeting May 3, 2012, 7:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Mike Ashfield, Craig Hall, Bo Miles, Jodi Warner, and Jerome Rektorik COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: James Benham and Jim Ross CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Blanche Brick CITY STAFF PRESENT: Bob Cowell,Lance Simms, Molly Hitchcock, Alan Gibbs, Carol Cotter, Jason Schubert, Lauren Hovde, Teresa Rogers, Erika Bridges, Joe Guerra, Adam Falco, Brittany Caldwell, and Carrie McHugh Call meeting to order 1. Chairman Ashfield called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Hear Citizens 3. No one spoke. Consent Agenda 4. 4.1 Consideration, discussion, and possible action on Absence Requests from meetings. James Benham ~ May 3, 2012 4.2 Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve meeting Minutes. April 5, 2012 ~ Workshop April 5, 2012 ~ Regular 4.3Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat for 717 Subdivision consisting of one lot on approximately one acre located at 717 University Drive, generally located at the intersection of Church Avenue and University Drive. Case # 12-00500064 (LH) Commissioner Miles motioned to approve Consent Agenda Items 4.1 – 4.3. Commissioner Rektorik seconded the motion, motion passed (5-0). May 3, 2012 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 2 Regular Agenda 5.Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. No items were removed from the Consent Agenda. 6.Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a rezoning from C-1 General Commercial to PDD Planned Development District for approximately 0.2 acres located at 1405 University Drive, generally located at the northwest corner of the Case #12-00500063 (JS) (Note: Final intersection with the former Meadowland Street. action on this item is scheduled for the May 24, 2012 City Council Meeting - subject to change) Principal Planner Schubert presented the rezoning and recommended approval. Veronica Morgan, applicant, stated that she was available for questions. Chairman Ashfield opened the public hearing. No one spoke during the public hearing. Chairman Ashfield closed the public hearing. Commissioner Rektorik motioned to recommend approval of the rezoning. Commissioner Warner seconded the motion, motion passed (5-0). 7.Discussion and possible action on future agenda items – A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. There was no discussion. 8.Adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 p.m. Approved: Attest: ______________________________ ________________________________ Mike Ashfield, Chairman Brittany Caldwell, Admin. Support Specialist Planning & Zoning Commission Planning & Development Services May 3, 2012 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 2 PRELIMINARY PLAT for COTTAGES OF COLLEGE STATION 11-00500208 SCALE: 10 lots on 135.887 acres LOCATION: 1430 Harvey Mitchell Parkway ZONING: PDD Planned Development District APPLICANT: Veronica Morgan, Mitchell & Morgan, LLP PROJECT MANAGER: Jason Schubert,AICP, Principal Planner jschubert@cstx.gov PROJECT OVERVIEW: Two different Preliminary Plats for this development were approved by the Commission in 2009.Phase 1 (as shaded on the plat) was filed for record at the Courthouse in April 2011. This Preliminary Plat creates Phase 1A out of Phase 3 so that a common area lot can be platted for anirrigation pond. In addition, the alignment of Market Street has been realigned at it intersection with Harvey Mitchell Parkway due to the overpass and ramp improvements. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the revised Preliminary Plat. Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 1of 4 May 17, 2012 Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 2of 4 May 17, 2012 DEVELOPMENT HISTORY Annexation: 1970 and 2002 Zoning: PDD (2008), A-OAgricultural Open and R-1Single-Family Residential on City property (as zoned upon annexation) Site development: Mostly vacant with an on-site oil well.The Cottages of College Station multi-family project is developing in the already platted Phase 1 area. COMMENTS Water: The subject tractis located adjacent to a 30-inch and 36-inch transmission line and an 18-inch main, which run along Harvey Mitchell Parkwayanda 10-inch water main which located adjacent to the western property line. Aseries of proposed water main extensionswill be provided to serve the various proposed lots. Sewer: The subject tractis located adjacent to 6-inch sanitary sewer main located along the eastern property line, and an 18-inch waste water main located near the southwest property corner. An extension of this waste water system across the subject property is illustrated on the City’s Master Utility Plan. Aseries of proposed waste water main extensions will be providedto serve the various proposed lots. Off-site Easements: None known at this time. Drainage: The subject property is located in the Whites Creek Drainage Basin. Development of the subject property will be required to meet the minimum standards of the City’s Storm Water Design Guidelines. Flood Plain: The subject property is encroached by a Special Flood Hazard Area -Zone A, in which no base flood elevationshave been determined, per FEMA FIRM Panel 182C. Greenways: No greenway dedication is required or proposed. Pedestrian Connectivity: Sidewalks will be constructed on both sides of all new public streets. Bicycle Connectivity: A multi-use path exists along the north side of Holleman Drive South. Bike lanes are planned for Dowling Road when it is realigned with Phase 4 of the development. Streets: The subject tractis located adjacent to Harvey Mitchell Parkway (Freeway), Holleman Drive South (4-lane Major Collector), and Dowling Road (2-lane Major Collector).Other collector roadways areillustrated on the Preliminary Plat to provide additional access and circulation as illustrated on the PDD Concept Plan approved Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 3of 4 May 17, 2012 in November 2008 and as revised administratively in November 2010. Oversize Request: None known at this time. ParklandDedicationFees: Feesin lieu of dedication was recommended by the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board at their meeting onFebruary 13, 2008. Fee in lieutotals$731 per multi-family unit (land fee: $198 per multi-family unit, development fee: $533per multi-family unit) and is dueat the time of building permit. Impact Fees: Noutility impact fees currently exist in this area. The tract is subject to the Holleman Drive roadway assessment as approved by Ordinance 2010-3235. The assessment fees are due with final plats that have additional frontage to Holleman Drive with payment prior to final plats being scheduled for Commission consideration. REVIEW CRITERIA Compliancewith Comprehensive Plan and Unified Development Ordinance: 1.The proposed Preliminary Plat in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan, Unified Development Ordinance, and PDD Planning Development District and associated Concept Plan. 2.Compliance with Subdivision Regulations: The proposed Preliminary Plat is in compliance with the Subdivision Regulations as contained in the Unified Development Ordinance as approved through the PDD and associated Concept Plan. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approvalof the revised Preliminary Plat. SUPPORTING MATERIALS 1.Application 2.Copy of Preliminary Plat (provided in packet) Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 4of 4 May 17, 2012 FINAL PLAT for COTTAGES OF COLLEGE STATION PH1A 11-00500209 SCALE: 1 common area lot on 1.726 acres LOCATION: 2400 Market St ZONING: PDD Planned Development District APPLICANT: Veronica Morgan, Mitchell & Morgan, LLP PROJECT MANAGER: Jason Schubert,AICP, Principal Planner jschubert@cstx.gov RECOMMENDATION: If the associated Preliminary Plat is approved, staff recommends approval of the Final Plat. Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 1of 3 May 17, 2012 Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 2of 3 May 17, 2012 DEVELOPMENT HISTORY Annexation: 2002 Zoning: PDD Planned Development District (2008);A-OAgricultural Open (as zoned upon annexation) Preliminary Plat: A PreliminaryPlat was originally approved at the February 5, 2009 Commission meeting with a revised Preliminary Plat approved at the April 2, 2009 meeting that aligned Market Street between Phase 1 and Phase 3. Another revised Preliminary Plat is proposed in connection with the creation of Phase 1A for this lot and the realignment of Market Street to Harvey Mitchell Parkway in Phase 4. Site Development: This lot is being developed as anirrigation pond. COMMENTS Parkland Dedication: No parkland dedication applies to this common area lot. Greenways: No greenway dedication is required or proposed. Pedestrian Connectivity: A sidewalk exists along Holleman Drive South. Bicycle Connectivity: A multi-use path exists along the opposite side of Holleman Drive South. Impact Fees: This property is subject to the Holleman Drive roadway assessment as required by Ordinance 2010-3235and $11,331,01 has been collected for the proposed lot’sfrontage to thisstreet. REVIEW CRITERIA Compliance with Subdivision Regulations: The property was zoned PDD Planned Development District in 2008. The Final Plat is in compliance withproposed Preliminary Plat and the Subdivision Regulationscontained in the Unified Development Ordinance as applicable through the PDDand associated Concept Plan. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS If the associated Preliminary Plat is approved, staff recommends approval of the Final Plat. SUPPORTING MATERIALS 1.Application 2.Copy of Final Plat(provided in packet) Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 3of 3 May 17, 2012 PRELIMINARY PLAT for Villages of Indian Lakes Ph 13 12-00500086 SCALE: Ninelots on 30.33acres LOCATION: Generally located off of Anasazi Bluff Dr in the College Station Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ). ZONING: N/A (ETJ) APPLICANT: Travis Martinek, Smiling Mallard Development, Ltd. PROJECT MANAGER: Morgan Hester, Staff Planner mhester@cstx.gov PROJECT OVERVIEW: A Preliminary Plat was approved for this phase at the December 1, 2011 Commission meeting. The proposed Preliminary Plat adds a lotand approximately five additional acres. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval. Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 1of 4 May 17, 2012 Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 2of 4 May 17, 2012 DEVELOPMENT HISTORY Annexation: N/A (ETJ) Zoning: N/A (ETJ) Master Planned: Master Plan approved in 2002. Subsequent preliminary plats and . final plats have been approved every year since 2004A Preliminary Plat was approved for this phase at the December 1, 2011 Commission meeting. The proposed Preliminary Plat adds a lot and approximately five additional acres. Site development: Vacant. Nine residential lots are proposed, ranging from 1.34 acres to 2.5acres. COMMENTS Water: Provided by Wellborn Special Utility District. Sewer: Sanitary sewer service will be provided by private on-site sewer treatment systems on each lot. These facilities will be permitted by the Brazos County Health Department. Off-site Easements: None at this time. Drainage: Drainage is generally to the north within the Peach Creek Drainage Basin. Flood Plain: There is no FEMA regulated floodplain locatedon the property. Greenways: N/A Pedestrian Connectivity: This site is located in the ETJ and streets are rural in context, therefore, no sidewalks are required. Bicycle Connectivity: This site is located in the ETJ and no specific facilities for bicycle connectivity are required. Streets: Access will be provided from Indian Lakes Phase 11 via Anasazi Bluff Drive. Oversize Request: N/A Parkland Dedication Fees: This development was approved as a Master Plan in the ETJ prior to parkland dedication requirements being applicable in the ETJ. Therefore, no parkland dedication is required. Impact Fees: N/A REVIEW CRITERIA Compliance with Comprehensive Plan and Unified Development Ordinance: 1.The Comprehensive Plan designates this area as Rural. The City, however, does not control land uses in the ETJ. The proposed lots will have access through rural residential streets Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 3of 4 May 17, 2012 that connect to Anasazi Bluff Drive and Indian Lakes Drive, a Major Collector on the Thoroughfare Plan. 2.Compliance with Subdivision Regulations: The Preliminary Plat complies with the Subdivision Regulations applicable to the development. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval. SUPPORTING MATERIALS 1.Application 2.Copy of Preliminary Plat (provided in packet) Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 4of 4 May 17, 2012 FINAL PLAT for Villages of Indian Lakes Ph 13 12-00500062 SCALE: Nine lots on 30.33 acres LOCATION: Generally located off of Anasazi Bluff Dr in the College Station Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ). ZONING: N/A (ETJ) APPLICANT: Travis Martinek, Smiling Mallard Development, Ltd. PROJECT MANAGER: Morgan Hester, Staff Planner mhester@cstx.gov RECOMMENDATION: If the associated Preliminary Plat is approved, staff recommends approval. Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 1of 3 May 17, 2012 Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 2of 3 May 17, 2012 DEVELOPMENT HISTORY Annexation: N/A (ETJ) Zoning: N/A (ETJ) Preliminary Plat: A Preliminary Plat was approved for this phaseat the December 1, 2011 Commission meeting.The proposed Preliminary Plat adds a lot and approximately five additional acres. Site development: Vacant. Nine residential lots are proposed, ranging from 1.34 acres to 2.5 acres. COMMENTS Parkland Dedication Fees: This development was approved as a Master Plan in the ETJ prior to parkland dedication requirements being applicable in the ETJ. Therefore, no parklanddedication is required. Greenways: N/A Pedestrian Connectivity: This site is located in the ETJ and streets are rural in context, therefore, no sidewalks are required. Bicycle Connectivity: This site is located in the ETJ and no specific facilities for bicycle connectivity are required. Impact Fees: N/A REVIEW CRITERIA Compliance with Subdivision Regulations: The FinalPlat complies with the Subdivision Regulations applicable to the development. STAFF RECOMMENDATION If the associated PreliminaryPlat is approved, staff recommends approval. SUPPORTING MATERIALS 1.Application 2.Copy of Preliminary Plat (provided in packet) Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 3of 3 May 17, 2012 FINAL PLAT for Rock Prairie Professional Office Complex 11-00500167 SCALE: 3 lots on 2.763 acres LOCATION: 1103 Rock Prairie Road ZONING: A-P Administrative-Professional APPLICANT: Joe Gattis, PE; Gattis Engieering, LLC PROJECT MANAGER: Morgan Hester, Staff Planner mhester@cstx.gov PROJECT OVERVIEW: The proposed Final Plat re-plats one lot into three lots. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval. Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 1of 3 May 17, 2012 Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 2of 3 May 17, 2012 DEVELOPMENT HISTORY Annexation: August 1986 Zoning: A-P Administrative Professional(2007) PlatActivity: Final Plat –Southwood Holdings (1993) Replat of Southwood Holdings (2007) Site Development: Vacant COMMENTS Pedestrian Connectivity: Sidewalks existalong Rock Prairie Road. Bicycle Connectivity: Bike lanesare not planned or required for this portion ofRock Prairie Road. Streets: The Final Plat dedicates an additional eleven(11)feet of Rock Prairie Road, a minorarterial on the Thoroughfare Plan. Proposed lots haveaccess fromRock Prairie Roadthrough the use of aprivateaccess easement running along the eastern property line. Parkland Dedication Fees: The property does not contain residential uses; therefore, no parkland dedication is required or proposed. Impact Fees: N/A REVIEW CRITERIA Compliance with Subdivision Regulations: The proposed Final Plat is a Replat of Southwood Holdings Tract A-1 into three lots and is in compliance with the Subdivision Regulations contained in the Unified Development Ordinance. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends approval. SUPPORTING MATERIALS 1.Application 2.Copy of Final Plat(provided in packet) Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 3of 3 May 17, 2012 FINAL PLAT for CollegeHills Estates, First Installment, Lots 10R&11RBlock4 12-00500072 SCALE: 2 lots on 0.48 acres LOCATION: 1010 Milner Dr ZONING: R-1 Single Family Residential APPLICANT: Donnie Helm, Garrett Engineering PROJECT MANAGER: Morgan Hester,StaffPlanner mhester@cstx.gov PROJECT OVERVIEW: The proposed Final Plat re-plats one R-1 Single Family Residential building plot into two R-1 Single Family Residential lots and requests a waiver to lot width. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the waiver request to lot width. If the waiver request is approved, Staff recommends approval of the Final Plat. If the waiver request is denied, the Final Plat must be denied. Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 1of 4 May 17, 2012 Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 2of 4 May 17, 2012 DEVELOPMENT HISTORY Annexation: March 1939 Zoning: R-1Single-Family Residential upon annexation Preliminary Plat: There is no Preliminary Plat on file for the subject tract. Final Plat: The subject tract is considered a single building plot according to Section 8.2.H.2.Platting and Replatting within Older Residential Subdivisions of the Unified Development Ordinance. The original Final Plat for this property is from 1939. Site Development: A single-family house currently exists on the property. COMMENTS Parkland Dedication: Dedication will be assessed on one newly established single- family lot for a total of $2,021. Greenways: No dedication is proposed or required with this plat. Pedestrian Connectivity: No connection is proposed or requiredwith this plat. Bicycle Connectivity: No connection is proposed or requiredwith this plat. Impact Fees: N/A REVIEW CRITERIA Compliance with Subdivision Regulations: Section 8.2.H.2 Platting and Replatting within Older Residential Subdivisions of the Unified Development Ordinance states that a plat involving a building plot created prior to June 1970, which creates an additional lot or building plot, must meet or exceed the average lot width within the block and each lot must be at least 8,500 square feet in area. The proposed Final Plat requires a waiver to Section 8.2.H.2 Platting and Replatting within Older Residential Subdivisions of the Unified Development Ordinance, regarding lot width requirements for platting in older subdivisions. The average lot width within the subject block is 78.6linear feet. The two lots being created require the following waivers: Lot NumberProposed Lot Waiver WidthRequested Lot 10R70 feet8.6 feet Lot 11R70 feet8.6 feet In accordance with the Subdivision Regulations, when considering a waiver, the Planning and Zoning Commission should make the following findings to approve the waiver: 1)That there are special circumstances or conditions affecting the land involved such that strict application of the provisions of this chapter will deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of his land; Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 3of 4 May 17, 2012 A special circumstance does exist for the property due to the large building plots in the block that skew the average lot width. For example, two building plots fronting Francis include commonly owned portions of two or three originally platted lots,with approximately 100feet of frontage. The original platted lotsin this block of the College Hills Subdivision were all 75 linear feet of frontage. 2)That the waivers are necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant; The waiver is necessary for the property to further subdivide. The building plot currently may only be utilized as one building plot allowing for one structure. 3)That the granting of the waivers will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or injurious to other property in the area, or to the City in administering this chapter; and The granting of the requested waivers will not be detrimental to the public health,safety, or welfare, nor will they be injurious to other properties in the area, or to the City in administering this chapter. 4)That the granting of the waivers will not have the effect of preventing the orderly subdivision of other land in the area in accordance with the provisions of this chapter . The granting of the requested waivers will not affect the future orderly subdivision of property in the area. The College Hills Subdivision was originally platted in 1939 and many of the lots have remained their original size; however, some lots have become commonly owned, which has increased the average lot width. The subject lots have remained near to their original size. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommendsapproval of the waiver requestto lot width. If the waiver request is approved, Staff recommends approval of the Final Plat. If thewaiver request is denied, the Final Plat must be denied. SUPPORTING MATERIALS 1.Application 2.Copy of Final Plat(provided in packet) Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 4of 4 May 17, 2012 REZONING REQUEST FOR 111NORTHDOWLING ROAD 12-00500074 REQUEST: A-P Administrative Professional and A-O Agricultural-Open to C-1 General Commercial SCALE: 0.855 acres LOCATION: 111North Dowling Road APPLICANT: Edsel G. Jones PROJECT MANAGER: Lauren A. Hovde, Staff Planner lhovde@cstx.gov PRJOECT OVERVIEW: This is a request to rezone 0.855 acres near the intersection of Harvey Mitchell Parkway and Wellborn Road from A-P Administrative Professional and A-O Agricultural-Open to C-1 General Commercial. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommendsapproval due to the consistency with the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use and Character Map and with the surrounding existing and planned uses. Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 1of 5 May 17, 2012 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 2of 5 May 17, 2012 NOTIFICATIONS Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 3of 5 May 17, 2012 Advertised Commission Hearing Date:May 17, 2012 Advertised Council Hearing Dates: June 14, 2012 The following neighborhood organizations that are registered with the City of College Station’s Neighborhood Services have received a courtesy letter of notification of this public hearing: None Property owner notices mailed: Three Contacts in support:None Contacts in opposition:None Inquiry contacts:None ADJACENT LAND USES DirectionComprehensiveZoningLand Use Northwest UrbanM-2 Heavy IndustrialConstruction supply warehouse Southwest UrbanA-O Agricultural-OpenConstruction supply warehouse Northeast UrbanA-P Administrative Storage building Professional Southeast UrbanA-O Agricultural-OpenBarn DEVELOPMENT HISTORY Annexation: February 1970 November 2002 Zoning: R-1 Single-Family Annexation upon annexation in 1970 A-P Administrative Professional A-OAgricultural Openfor area annexedin 2002 Final Plat: The subject tract is currently unplatted. Site development: The subject tract is undeveloped. REVIEW CRITERIA 1.Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan: The subject and surrounding parcels are shown on the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use and Character Map and Concept Map as Urban in Growth Area VI which allows for general commercial activities. C-1 General Commercial is an appropriateconsiderationfor this land use designation. 2.Compatibility with the present zoning and conforming uses of nearby property and with the character of the neighborhood: The zoning around and within the subject tract variesdue to the 32 years difference between annexationsin the area. The properties that were annexed in 1970 have been rezoned to C-3 Light Commercial, A-P Administrative Professional, and M-2 Heavy Industrial. C-1 is consistent with this mix of zoning districts. The properties that were Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 4of 5 May 17, 2012 annexed in 2002 remain zoned A-O Agricultural-Open. The A-OAgricultural-Open properties are relatively undeveloped with temporary buildings on site. 3.Suitability of the property affected by the amendment for uses permitted by the district that would be made applicable by the proposed amendment: The subject tract has limited access to Holleman Drive, North Dowling Road, and Harvey Mitchell Parkway though the site isvisible from the overpass. Commercial activities that do not require much access,but benefit from visibility,can be supported by the locationof this tract. 4.Suitability of the property affected by the amendment for uses permitted by the district applicable to the property at the time of the proposed amendment: Due to the abutting M-2 Heavy Industrial zoning district, the uses allowed in an A-O Agricultural-Open zoning district are not suitable. These uses include, but are not limited to, single-family lotsof at least 5acres and agricultural activities. 5.Marketability of the property affected by the amendment for uses permitted by the district applicable to the property at the time of the proposed amendment: The uses allowed in an A-O Agricultural-Open zoning district are not highly marketable in this location due to the conflicting land uses in the vicinity and the overpass of Harvey Mitchell Parkway. 6.Availability of water, wastewater, stormwater, andtransportation facilities generally suitable and adequate for the proposed use: There are existing 8-inchand 6-inch water mainsalong the along the south side of Dowling Road and the eastern side of the property, respectively. There isalso anexisting6-inchsanitary sewer linealong the south side of Dowling Road and a 6-inch service line extended through an adjacent lot to the northeastern corner of the subjecttract. Drainage is mainly to the east within the Bee Creek Drainage Basin. Access to thesite is currently available via an existing drive to Dowling Road which runs along the eastern side of the property. Drainage and any other infrastructure required with site development shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the BCS UnifiedDesign Guidelines. Existing infrastructure appears to be adequate for the proposed use. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommendsapproval due to the consistency with the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use and Character Map and with the surrounding existing and planned uses. SUPPORTING MATERIALS 1.Application 2.Rezoning map (provided in packet) Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 5of 5 May 17, 2012