HomeMy WebLinkAboutB617910_a LOT 12 1 1 I LOT 24 1 r I I 1 1 ' LOT 11 IS I _ 9' 4 O1 "E-500.9_8" RADIUS 635.00' v am usE,ort` O DELTA: 752'06' I I O - --- CRD BRG: N 4452'0, 1W < -- ---- --- --- --------- - - -- - l 11 - -----7 - CHORD: 87. 14' ------- -- ' � 1 1 I I ' I - - - - -- LOT 10 Qi I •.; y 1 : F7 � � 1 v y$ I '' • ,.t J $ Q LOT 7 LOT 8 '.:.�,f'C,'y •.. LOT 5 +r Lots 1� \ O ..•. •• . irj" I �+ � LOT 9 sc h LOT 2 -R -AI rJ I ; I LIJ h LOT 1 -R -A I 1 ; I I� I p L Q) I O ; q, uE I _c____ eIx>ESS�rwanw rwxron uNr ' I � I --------- - -' --------------- , i I I - - - -- - -- -- - r^ -- -- --- - -- -- - - - - -- vJ 5 0' i35 5 5 49 � 470.00 ....... ' E"'I C� .6OftO' DEACON DRIVE � 70.0' R. 0. W. .LS'ncr PAlEWW 11lDIN 47.0'&C. ro &C. Ex1571NG CONDITI - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- SCALE: 1' =50' w 79 /6 h f�/1 C z � n� �v � T m a m ,gPPROVAL OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION , T I T I 1, YLF_ .1.}- �T�� -N Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of liege Statio In T exas hep y� ertify that the attached plot w the _; ^ day of n t4 ax a( a1�t r 1 as duly approved by the Commission an 996. Chairm of tFie Planning & Zonl g Comm lion City of College Station, Texas APPROVAL OF THE CITY ENGINEER I, Kent Lazo, City Engineer of the City of College Station, Texas, hereby certify that this subdivision plat conforms to the requirements of the Subdivision Regulations of the City of College Station, Texas. Kent Lazo, �E�gii City of ColleTexas CERTIFICATE OF THE COUNTY CLERK STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS I, Mary Ward, County Clerk, in and for said county, do hereby certify that this plat together with its certificates of authentication was filed for record in my office the __ day of _ 1996, in the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas, in Volume Page -------- Witness my hand and official seal, at my office in Bryan, Texas. Mary Word, County Clerk, Brazos County, Texas OFT k ............. CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR S.M. KLING ............................. I. S. M. Kling, Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 2003, in the Stale of Texas, �':4 2003 hereby certify that this plat is true and correct and was prepared from an actual •y ' ?o survey ��'•'O of the property and that property markers and monuments were laced under fsst4•�-1 P P Y P P Y D 2 O , "•••••• J my supervision on the ground. $Ug -- S. M. Kling, R.P.L.S. No. 2003 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS OWNER'S ACKNOWLEDGMENTS AND DEDICATIONS \ i , I I \ LOT 14 I SCALE: 1' =40' \ I I �\ I LOT 13 - — t 1 :.. a t 1 1 LOT 12 I 1 •. Y.i I � � �� 1 LOT 24 ••. � — — _ �, — 1 I I I I LOT 11 I I I i i CF LNK 00 IRON FENCE , I I RDp rWND� _ = /T — ROD Sei I 4 _ _ ��49 4 O1 E 500.98 t wo s� c� FO g � 1 26 I RADIUS. 635.00' trT t I ;g 30• ACCOS a SET 0 „ ��- - � 4 5. DELTA: 7'52'06 8.29 " I SR ' UTILITY EASEMENT RD0 � � - - -- - -- L ; II 8 ; N 4PD4 N 1PO4' I -_____ r_317833,H4_�________L _______ ........... 07i _ 132. ___________________ CRD BRG: N 44 _ '52 02 ••�:.;, _ ----- - - - - - -- � - -- --- -- 4 s CHORD.- 87. -- - - - - -- - -- EASEMENT - Iq - I 1 Ri 30'.132' PRNATE DRAEASEMENT ' ' (DETENTION POND) � FOR THE BENEFIT EASE OF LOT SR dt eR. I I I , erErnec4l Fi55ANEWr A97FS e,l ' ------------- ---- -- ; I r - -- ; O f tp• 132.00 -- n_______ A14 6 L 7',55 r 70 0115T. S0115T. i s 40 ELECTRICAL r . 7'55 1.07 7 N 50'17''09 1.90 J s Jvnbr'r a1 De , I I i ',. 4 N 50'42 'W 100 , i ;; I O i 5 N 39'17 35.419 I I I F____ _LT________- ;U O ROD FO INp _ - ' Y b ' LOT 4R 0 rLzrn_4l FASCIA r�s LOT 3R I ,$ 0 i� UN[ �A1wNa 0167. 1 Z O O LOT 5R ; 2 s" u'59't 50 1� I 001 0 1 g i J N 49 T 45.34 I p 4 S 40'55'59T 73.00 ; N I �1 I N g l i I I 61 5 s 49'W '011V 60.34 N 2 2 h �I I p 6 40'55 59'17 75.07 I I = LV O I i N LOT 6R I h I;n � h I 10 I , I _T_ 70• B UILD IN G L E I ' —J I I -- ---------- �_ _ ' fb' ACCESS ! PARKING EASEMENT LINE I , O - --- -- -- - - J � 1 OD IRON ' 1 Roo rouNO� 1 0' UTILITY EASEMENT 10' lfaLflY ' trz IRON - - --- __ -- ---- -- - - - - -- _ _ -- ---------- 00 , 5ga . . ��� .� 1 ?6.72' Roo eer - ---- --- -� -- 8 1/T TROD B$ .DD! 2 5, p �p 55 Rap rouND SET S 4__ 9 04 O1l 470.00 C ' r45� RPO�TP g�.�5 S G ' iA t/T FOUND P 3 V ROD rOUND OERp 0p: 3g, G� DEACON DRIVE — 70.0' R. 0. W. ASPHA(T PAVFMENT WIDTH = 47.0' B.C. to 9.C. I, Mork Dennard, President - Deacon -Mire Corporation, Owner and Developer of Lots 1 -R -A, 2 -R -A, 5, 6, 7, 8, Block 16, Southwood Valley Section Three, as conveyed in Volume 2268, Page 315 and Volume 2268, Page 308, of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas, and designated herein as Lots 3R, 4R, 5R, Block 16, of the Replat of Lot 1 -R -A, 2 -R -A, Block 16, Resubdivision Plat of Southwood Valley Section Three & Lot 5 thru 10. Block 16, Southwood Valley Section Three, in the City of College Station, Texas, Brazos County, Texas, and whose name is subscribed hereto, hereby, dedicate to the use of the public forever all streets, alleys, parks, water courses, drains, casements and public places thereon shown for the purpose and consideration therein expressed. � - Mark k� P Owne ennard, President - Deacon -Mire Corporation REPLA7 SCALE: 1' -40' Q v J v Q J ( Q \ " X J W OWNER'S ACKNOWLEDGMENTS AND DEDICATIONS STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS I, Mark Dennard, President - Brazos Volley Wings, Inc., Owner and Developer of Lots 9 and 10, Block 16, Southwood Valley Section Three, as conveyed in Volume 2377, Page 197 and Volume 2254, Page 113, of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas, and designated herein as Lot 6R, Block 16, of the Replat of Lot 1 -R -A, 2 -R -A, Block 16, Resubdivision Plot of Southwood Volley Section Three & Lot 5 thru 10, Block 16, Southwood Valley Section Three, in the City of College Station, Texas, Brazos County, Texas, and whose name is subscribed hereto, hereby, dedicate to the use of the public forever all streets, alleys, parks, water courses, drains, easements and public places thereon shown for the purpose and consideration therein expressed. �� � Owner Mark Dennard, President - Brazos Volley Wings, Inc. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Mark Dennard, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing in strwfrwrL and ackn ledged to me that he executed the some for the purposes and considerations therein t d. Given under my hand and seal this day at w�}{ 1996. MARILYN S.00RSETT ) N , �� ►`�S� -- — Notary Public Stale n1 Tam Notary Publi I and for the Sta of Texas Ay Comm¢alon Erns S . Da ( Z 8 OCTOBERS 1999 Printed Non A _� My Commission Expires:_____._.__ —_ REVISED: 11/05/96 ADDED EASEMENTS. ' ' 4 ,4'A, ATES C2RLE PIP- LAU O' IF ]LOT 1 —R —A, 2 —R —A, BLOCK 16, RESUBDPIMON PLAT S® (DOD VALLEY — SECTION CIE LOOS 5 thm 10, BLOCK 16, SOUTHWOOD VALLEY — SIEcC:1 ON THREE CRAWFORD BURNM SURVEY, A -7 COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS SCALE: 1 " =40' MAY, 1996 PREPARED BY: KLING ENGINEERING & SURVEYING 4103 TEXAS AV. + P.O. BOX 4234 + BRYAN,TEXAS + PH.409/846 -6212 X 17910 SHIEE7 b OF 9 641\ i NOTES: STATE OF TEXAS 1.) BASIS OF BEARINGS IS THE MONUMENTED NORTHWEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF COUNTY OF BRAZOS DEACON DRIVE WITH A RECORD BEARING OF S 49'04'01 - W PER SOUTHWOOD VALLEY SECTION THREE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 342, PAGE 605. Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Mork Dennard, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrum t and ocknq�vledged to me that he executed the some for the 2.) THESE LOTS ARE NOT WITHIN THE SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA ACCORDING purposes and considerations therein ��tggtt��dd � V_e- � TO THE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP FOR BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS AND Given under my hand and seal this �`_ doy of 1T[Il 1996. INCORPORATED AREAS, COMMUNITY NO. 480083, PANEL NO. 0182 C. EFFECTIVE DATE: JULY 2, 1992. 1 Y �- 3.) THIS SURVEY WAS CONDUCTED WITHOUT THE BENEFIT OF A COMMITMENT FOR MARILYN S. DORSETT 1 MAR Y Stair R Tam M TITLE INSURANCE, NO EASEMENT RECORD SEARCH WAS CONDUCTED. My Commaston rlu Notary Public i nd for the State Texas OCTOBERS 1909 eo of ( �_ Do^ Printed Noma:_ L My Commission Expires: 1 16 - h. - -- OWNER'S ACKNOWLEDGMENTS AND DEDICATIONS STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS I, Mark Dennard, President - Brazos Volley Wings, Inc., Owner and Developer of Lots 9 and 10, Block 16, Southwood Valley Section Three, as conveyed in Volume 2377, Page 197 and Volume 2254, Page 113, of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas, and designated herein as Lot 6R, Block 16, of the Replat of Lot 1 -R -A, 2 -R -A, Block 16, Resubdivision Plot of Southwood Volley Section Three & Lot 5 thru 10, Block 16, Southwood Valley Section Three, in the City of College Station, Texas, Brazos County, Texas, and whose name is subscribed hereto, hereby, dedicate to the use of the public forever all streets, alleys, parks, water courses, drains, easements and public places thereon shown for the purpose and consideration therein expressed. �� � Owner Mark Dennard, President - Brazos Volley Wings, Inc. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Mark Dennard, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing in strwfrwrL and ackn ledged to me that he executed the some for the purposes and considerations therein t d. Given under my hand and seal this day at w�}{ 1996. MARILYN S.00RSETT ) N , �� ►`�S� -- — Notary Public Stale n1 Tam Notary Publi I and for the Sta of Texas Ay Comm¢alon Erns S . Da ( Z 8 OCTOBERS 1999 Printed Non A _� My Commission Expires:_____._.__ —_ REVISED: 11/05/96 ADDED EASEMENTS. ' ' 4 ,4'A, ATES C2RLE PIP- LAU O' IF ]LOT 1 —R —A, 2 —R —A, BLOCK 16, RESUBDPIMON PLAT S® (DOD VALLEY — SECTION CIE LOOS 5 thm 10, BLOCK 16, SOUTHWOOD VALLEY — SIEcC:1 ON THREE CRAWFORD BURNM SURVEY, A -7 COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS SCALE: 1 " =40' MAY, 1996 PREPARED BY: KLING ENGINEERING & SURVEYING 4103 TEXAS AV. + P.O. BOX 4234 + BRYAN,TEXAS + PH.409/846 -6212 X 17910 SHIEE7 b OF 9 641\ i