HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/12/1973 - Special Minutes City CouncilMINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 12, 1973 7:00 P.M. ME MBE RS PRE SE NT: ME MBE RS A BSE NT: VISITORS PRESENT: Mayor J. B. Hervey; Councilmen Fred Brison, Homer Adams, Don Dale, J. D. Lindsay, R. D. Radeleff and C. A. Bonnen; City Engineer George Ford; City Manager Ran Boswell; City Planner George Eby; and Administrative Secretary Nancy Stirl NOlle See Guest Register The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Mayor Hervey. Mr. Hervey stated that the purpose of this meeting was a public hearing on the HUD Community Development Statement. City Manager Ran Boswell briefly went over the statement sta,ting the amount of funds requested for each different category. The public hearing was then opened for comments and questions from the audience. Mrs. Thomas Kozik of 1010 Dominik, asked from what source would these requested funds come and City Manager Ran Boswell informed Mrs. Kozik that this has to do with special revenue sharing funds. Mrs. Hilda Northcliff of 1115 Ashburn, stated that she felt funds should be requested under Cultural Development for the Jr. Museum as it is a community activity and definitely in need of funds. Mrs. Kozik stated that she felt funds should be requested under Cultural Development for the Brazos Art Gallery and the Stage Center Plays as these are also both community activities. Mr. Robert Cornish of 402 W. Dexter, stated that the figure for streets and street lights was $227,500. Mr. Cornish wanted to know if there had been any discussion with the University concerning their participation. City Manager Ran Boswell stated thatthere had been no communication with them on anything such as this since the lights were erected on Wellborn Road and the City of College Station and Texas A&M University participated 50-50 on those lights. Mr. James Gardner of 1216 Ridgefield Circle N., inquired if there was a breakdown of the figure of $227,500. under streets and street lights. Councilman Radeleff informed Mr. Gardner that there would be 50,000 square yards of streets constructed under this plan. //g/ ,,, Minutes Special City Council Meeting March 12, 1973 7:00 P.M. Page 2 Mr. Robert Cornish inquired what would happen if a city got into a program such as this and then their needs change - changes that could not have been seen beforehand ? City Engineer George Ford stated that this could occur, however, this statement is in the terms of one-year activities and then on into a three-year program and possibly five years. Mr. Tom Chaney, 404 Fairview, of the College Station Planning and Zoning Commission, stated that he felt HUD had chosen College Station as more or less a typical southern city and would probably use College Station's plan as a guideline for other cities. Mr. Chaney stated that he felt funds should be included for insect control - much spraying for mosquitos will have to be done this year because of all the rain. Councilman Radeleff stated that this was taken care of in the regular fiscal year budget. Mr. Chaney also felt that $3,000. was not a realistic figure for the Animal Control category if an adequate animal shelter is to be constructed the first year. City Manager Boswell stated that the first year program would only include continuation of the present eontractural animal care arrangement with a local animal clinic and possibly the three-year program would include the construction of an animal shelter. Mr. Chaney stated that railroads running through the center of cities create not only a noise problem but also a planning problem. Mr. Kenneth Austin of 300 Highland, inquired if there were any special programs included under Drugs and Alcohol. City Engineer George Ford stated that a need exists to develop a community drug education program. This plan would include continuing the education and investigations program and purchasing testing equipment. On motion by Councilman Adams, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, the public hearing was brought to a close. On motion by Councilman Bonnen, seconded by Councilman Lindsay, the resolution adopting an affirmative action plan for equal employment opportunity for the City of College Station was unanimously passed and approved. On motion by Councilman Brison, seconded by Councilman Radeleff, the resolution outlining assurances with respect to compliance with The Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 and provisions for equal employment opportunity for the City of College Station, was unanimously passed and approved. Councilman Radeleff moved that the Community Development Statement be adopted and transmitted to HUD in Dallas. Councilman Radeleff stated that all comments and questions by the audience were valid and germane but felt that they could be taken care of in the general. city budget and would not require a special funds request. The motion, seconded by Council- man Brison, was unanimously passed and approved. Mayor Hervey then instructed City Manager Ran Boswell to see that the Community Development Statement is hand carried and delivered to the HUD office in Dallas within the time limit allowed. Minutes Special City Council Meeting March 12, 1973 7:00 P.M. Page 3 Mayor Hervey instructed City Manager Boswell to communicate with the AMTRAK Company and discuss the possibility of constructing a passenger station in College Station. Mayor Hervey thanked the people for coming and for the fine participation. no other business to discuss, the meeting was declared adjourned. As there was APPROVED: :.. ~layor '%/ ATTEST: City Secretary RESOLUTION RESOL~ION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, ADOPTING AN AFFIR1VIAT~ ACTION PLAN FOR EQUAL EMPLO¥- M.ENT OPPORTUlq'IT¥ FOR THE CITY OF COLI~GE STATION. WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City of College Station to adopt an Affirmative gction Pla~ for Equal Employment Opporttmity; and ~' · ~., ~I-IE~AS, such Plan has been prosented and reviewed to the City Council.~.:~', and such Council now deems it desirable and in the best interest of the City tha~ this Affirmative Action Plan for Equal Employment Opportunity be adopted. · NOW, THEB~EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, that an Affirmative Action Plan for Equal Employment i. Opportuntty for the City of College Station be and is hereby adopted. PASSED AND APPROVED this the /~ day of ////,~,~/ , 1973. APPROVED: ATTEST: AFEIR~IATIVE ACTION PLAh~ FO!-~ EQUAL E~,,[loLOY2~ENT OPPORTUNITY OF THE CiTY OF COLLEGE ST.qTTCC~ TEXAS !_,. _Ppi_icy. It is the policy o{the City of College Station to provide equal employ- ment opportmtit~- ~o ail persons without regard to their race, color, religion, or national origh~, and ~o promote the full realization of equal employment opportunity through a positive continuing program. The City will asstn-e that applicants are recruited and hired, and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, religion, sex, color, or national origin. Equal opportunity and equal consideration will be ~forded to all applicants smd employees in personnel actions which include recruiting and hiring, selection for training, promotion, fLxing rates of pay or other compensation, transfer and layff or termination. It is our intention, in the implementation of this policy, to praovide full employment opportunities for members of minority groups, and to employ sigmificsmt ,numbers at all job levels through aggressive -?o ~ "' o- . , u,~g~aa~no and recruiting actions Furthern~ore it is o~tr policy to coordinate *'' . . ~ms affirmative action progrmm directed a~ seeking personnel from minority groups for employment with the City and to provide encouragement direction to o'm: staff to advance within the limits of each individual's capabilities. 2~ Dissemination of Policy. O~m equal employment opportunity pohcy is and will be comm~micated to all re!evsnt audiences within and outside the City. These include nondiscrimination policy statements in our persom~el manuals and memoranda, ~-~nd employee information literature; posting of EEO pcs ters on bulletin boards; periodic written and oral statements of policy from the Mayor to the management staff; dis- cussion of policy and affirmative action plans in man-public and private employment agencies, to community leaders and to community action groups and subcontractors. .2.... __Responsibi.!iiy for Implementation of Policy. The City Manager will be responsible for the implementation of om~ equal opport~mity policy m~d will direct our equal employ- ment opportunity program. His responsibilities will include (1) developing policy ~ internal m~d external comn~unication teclmique; statements affirmative ~ct~on progranls, (2) assistinK in the identification of. ~' ~-~ ' ~'- · ~ oruo~om areas; (3) ass~s~ng other employees in arriving at solutions to problems; (4) desigming and implementing report systems that %~dll measure the effectiveness o.[ the progTam, indic?£e a need for remedial action, and determine the deg-£ee to which the goals and objectives of the progTarn have been attained; (5) se-cvo -as Ho/son between tnu City and minority organizations and comm'~mity action o~-o . 5~ uos; . the A'iayor and City Co~mcilinformed of the latest developments in the entire e '~ Go nc: '~'~ a:aol, es The irnn,ediate ~o_ tke su-o~-'vls:.: :' .'-"s During ::he next ye~' new e_~,.p.o3. ~s v,**. be hired to replace . .. - . ~ those ernoioy~es wko resig7a. V.,L> .. ~i put ~mximu~ e~pnas~s on rec~,~.g' ~~orities - , ~ ,~..~ , ~ ' for professional and semi-pro~es~.,~.a, jobs. Affirmative Action Pla:.n l~age 2 Development and Execution of Pro~.-'.~ms _ ~ ~ . .. ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ A. Recruitina" O~ recruiting proga'am will be conducted in a manner to insure we are reaching minority groups. %Ve will contact the Texas Employment Com- mission and emphasize the need to ranch minority ga-oups. R'Iernbers of o~ cur- rent staff will be encm=aged to actively seek out mad refer applicants to fill job openings. ~:~ ~"a~,m.~n~~o'- As the employees progress they will be encouraged and gdven the opportunity to f~ther their formal education ~d training. C. Persomnel z~ctions' - Personnel a'~'~t~ons of every t~e including hiring, up- grading, pro,notion, transfer, demotion, layoff and termination will be periodically reviewed to ins~e the action was t~en without bias. During' meetings with super- visory personnel, their actions ~dli be reviewed to insure their support of the City's equal employment opportm~ity poHcy. D~~0~}mm~ity~P.e~ations- The City will work with thc appropriate agencies and gro~os ~th!n the comm~ity so as to cooperate in the further development of commmfity acceptmuce and adoption of nondiscrimination practices ~ employment. 6 Re~ort and Evaluate The City has instituted a reporting s~,sten] which consists . · : _- .~ .... _ ........ · _ i~' of the following- __A Job Op.e. nings- A list of aoplic'~.~ts will be '-~ ~ . . ~p~ for each job opening. A form:',i record will be n~santmnea [oic, en~ n~inority applicants where practical. B. Seoaration: A rccord of separation and the reason for separation ~l!! be n~aintained and minority group employees will be specifically identified. A thorough check will be made to insure that discrimination did not enter into the separation. C. Promotion: A record of promotions by employee nmme and category will be maintained with mLuority employees soecificaily id~n,ified This inibrmation will be maintained solely for statistical purposes. ' ' - ~-~ ~ae status · = The City l,!anaser will periodically review aha evalua~= ~' o~ the afflrn~ative action program, and will repor~ to ta~ l'iayor and City Comncil progx-ess and success of our progx~amo