HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/22/1973 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMINUTES CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 22, 1973 7-00 P.M. ME MBE RS PRE SE NT- MEMBERS ABSENT- VISITORS PRE SE NT- Mayor J. B. Hervey; Councilmen Homer Adams, J. D. Lindsay, R. D. Radeleff, and C. A. Bonnen; City Manager Ran Boswell; City Engineer George Ford; and Administrative Secretary Nancy Reeves Councilmen Fred Brison and Don Dale See Guest Register The regular monthly meeting of the College Statim City Council was called to order in the council room of the city hall by Mayor J. B. Hervey and on motion by Councilman Bonnen, seconded by Councilman Lindsay, the minutes of the December 15, 1972 and January 16, 1973 meetings were unanimously approved. Miss Gloria Martinson came before the Council on behalf of Dr. F. B. Clark and inquired if any action had been taken concerning Dr. Clark's claim that the City of College Station owes him money for sewer lines. City Manager Ran Boswell stated that research is being done and as soon as it is determined whether or not Dr. Clark has a legal claim against the City, they would be contacted. Mr. Boswell stated that correspondence on this matter goes back quite some years and is taking some time to research all the material. City Manager Ran Boswell informed the Council that two (2) bids were received for a truck to be used by the Sanitation Department. International Harvester entered a bid of $5,305.57 with a delivery date of 30-45 days. Corbusier Chevrolet Company entered a bid of $6,140.82 with a delivery date of approximately 45-60 days. Mr. Boswell stated that the money for the purcase of this truck is included in the 1972-73 budget and recom- mended that the bid be awarded to International Harvester, the low bidder. On motion by Councilman Radeleff, seconded by Councilman Adams, the Council unanimously approved the City Manager's recommendation. (A copy of the bid tabulations are attached as a part of these minutes. ) City Manager Boswell stated that the bids had been received, opened and tabulated for the purchase of fifty-one (51) distribution transformers. Mr. Jim McCord, of Electric Power Engineers, Inc., reviewed the bids for the Council:'s benefit and presented their recommendatims. (A copy of the tabulations and recommendations is attached as a part of these minutes.) Electric Power Engineers' recommendations are as follows:. Minutes City Council Meeting January 22, 1973 Page 2 TRANSFORMER RECOMMEND PRICE TOTAL ITEM AWARD TO EACH PRICE MFG. DELIVERY REASON ' Il - ' , .... I I ~ · ~ _ _ 1. 20-25 KVA Padmount Wildcat Electric $385.35 $ 7,707.00 Hevi-Duty 20-22 wks Low Bid 2. 6-50 KVA Padmount Williamson Sales 420.00 2,520.00 Standard 05-29-73 Low Bid 3. 4-75 KVA Padmount Central Electric 603.50 2,414.00 Van Tran 16-18 wks Low Bid 4. 5-100 KVA Overhead Westinghouse 656.00 3,280.00 Westinghouse Stock In Stock* *Recommend contional award to Westinghouse based on delivery within two weeks after receipt of order. If Westinghouse cannot comply with this delivery requirement, recommend award as follows. Wildcat Electric 633.62 3,168.10 McGraw Edison 14-16 wks 5. 4-75 KVA Overhead 6. 4-50 KVA Overhead 7. 4-37.5 KVA Overhead 8. 4-25 KVA Overhead Wildcat E lecttic Wildcat Electric Wildcat Electric Wildcat Electric Low Bid 481.87 1,927.48 McGraw Edison 14-16 wks Low Bid 324.45 1,297.80 Hevi-Duty 10-16 wks Low Bid 287.70 1,150.80 Hevi-Duty 10-16 wks Low Bid 207.29 829.16 McGraw Edison 14-16 wks Low Bid On motion by Councilman Adams, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, the Council unanimously approved Mr. McCord's recommendations concerning the awarding of bids. On motion by Councilman Adams, seconded by Councilman Radeleff, the Council uanimously passed and approved the following res01ution- RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the United States Congress has passed the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965 (Public Law 88-578), authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to provide financial assistance to states, and political subdivisions thereof, for outdoor recreation purposes; and WHEREAS, the Texas Legislature has adopted Article 6081r, V.A.C.S., "Development of Outdoor Recreation Resources", for the purposes of allowing the State of ~xas, and its political subdivisions, to participate in the Federal program established under said Public Law 88-578, or such other programs as are hereinafter established by the Federal Government; and WHEREAS, the City of College Station is fully eligible to receive assistance under this Program; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of College Station is desirous of authorizing its admini- strative staff to represent and act for the City in dealing with the Texas /)arks and Wildlife Department concerning this Program, NOW, THERE FO.RE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS- Minutes City Council Meeting January 22, 1973 Page 3 Sec.t. ion 1- That the City Council of the City of College Station hereby certifies that the City of College Station is eligible to receive assistance under Public Law $8-578, as augmented by Article 6081r, V.A.C.S. Sec.t. ion~ 2.'. That the City Council hereby authorizes and directs its City Manager to represent and act for the City of College Station in dealing with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department for the purposes of this Program. The City Manager is hereby officially designated as the City's representative in this regard. Section .3' The City Council hereby designates its City Secretary as the official authorized to serve as' the City's fiscal officer to receive Federal funds for the purpose of this Program. .Sec.tion ,4: The City Council hereby authorizes the City officials herein designated to make application to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department concerning the further development of a City Park. Section 5. Effective Date: This resolution shall become effective from and after its passage by the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas. PASSED AND APPROVED this 22nd day of January, 1973. APPROVED: S/J. B. Hervey Mayor ATTEST: S/Florence Nee lley City Secretary ****************************************************************************************** On motion by Councilman Adams, seconded by Councilman Lindsay, the Council unanimously agreed to retain Mr. J. W. Wood as the architect-engineer for the municipal swimming pool project. Mayor Hervey reminded everyone that the regular City election will be in April and a special meeting will need to be held before the regular February meeting to call the election in order to give candidates more time to file for office. Mayor Hervey stated that he had talked with Judge Vance who stated that in August, 1972, the Commissioners' Court had realigned the voting precincts to comply with the state law concerning the maximum population allowed in a precinct. Mayor Hervey stated that an ordinance would need to be written for the early February meeting to bring our voting wards in line with the county's precincts. He also stated that a polling place would be placed on campus. Minutes City Council Meeting January 22, 1973 Page 4 In answer to Mr. Ed Miller, Mayor Hervey stated that the positions now held by Councilmen Fred Brison, Don Dale and R. D. Radeleff would be available for candidates to file to run for City Council. Mayor Hervey appointed a committee consiting of Councilmen R. D. Radeleff, F. R. Brison, and City Manager Ran Boswell to look into the possibiIity of combining the school tax office and the city tax office. Councilman Radeleff will act as chairman of this committee. Mayor Hervey also recalled the Wate~ and Electricity Committee. This committee consists of Councilmen Homer Adams, Don Dale and J. D. Lindsay with Councilman Adams as chairman. Mayor Hervey stated that there will be a Council Workshop at 4:00 P.M. on Tuesday, January 30, 1973. As there was no other business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: City Secretary APPROVED: ! . QUOTATION REQUEST DECE~BE~ 21 , 1972 FROM: City of College Station P. 0. box 9960 College Station, Texas 77840 Please quote on the follo~ing, not later than Friday, January 5, 1973 at 11:00 A.M. V~ery IM~p0r%ant- Please mark envelope "Bid on Truck''. 1 (one) 1973 3-tQn truck- minimum 120" to 126" maximum cab to axle ., - 10.00 X 20 - 12 ply tires and tubes on spoke wheels - -7,000 lb. front axle with minimum 7,000 lb. springs -- - 18,500 lb. rea2 axle single speed 7.17 ax2e ratio with 2~,O001b. minimum rear main springs with minimum ~,500 lb. auxiliary springs/ Power Brakes (Hydraulic with power booster) MICO Brake ~ ~ fluid type nan-electric) - Frame section modulus 14.3" (double frame) - Heavy-duty Radiator - M~nimum 13" Heavy-duty clutch -V-8 Engine, mini_mum 390 c.i. ~ ~k . - 5 speed direct transmission - 12 volt, minimum 52 amp. alternator ~- ~:/~~~ , - Fresh air heater and defroster - Front and rear directional signals with hazard ~witch ~ ~ - 5 cab lights - Electric w/s washer and back-up lights - West Coast mirrors ¢)~ - Paint - white - State inspection- after equipment is installed PLEASE NOTE: If unable to meet any of these speci£ications, please indicate which item(s ) are altered. Total Price (F.O.B. College Station, Texas) Please indicate date o~del~ve_ry. Also enclose complete descriptive literature.__ ~ ~ i.~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~/ '~ --_ ............ · Sig~zture of Representative: Firm Submitting Quotation: QUOTATION REQUEST DECEMBER 21, 1972 FROM: City of College Station P. O. box 9960 College Station, Texas 77840 Please quote on the following, not later than Friday, January 5, 1973 at 11:00 A.M. Very ~mpor~tant' - Please mark envelope "Bid on Truck". I. 1 (°ne) 1973 3-tQn truck- minimum 120" to 126" maximum cab to axle ., - 10.00 X 20 - 12 ply tires and. tubes on spoke wheels 6' o~.~ ~ ~ c'9/~) .- -7,000 lb. front axle with minimum 7,000 lb. springs - 18,500 lb. rear axle single speed 7.17 axle ratio with 23,0001b. minimum rear main springs with minimum 4,500 lb. auxiliary springs - Power Brakes (Hydra. lc with power booster) MICO Brake lock fluid type (non-electric) -Frame section modulus ~ (double frame) - Heavy-duty Radiator - M~_mum 13" Heavy-duty clutch - V-8 Engine, mi~mum .~~c.i. o - 5 speed direct transmission - 12 volt, minimum 52 amp. alternator - Fresh air heater and defroster - Front and rear directional signals with hazard ~witch - 5 cab lights - Electric w/s washer and back-up lights - West Coast mirrors - Paint - white - State inspection- after equipment is installed PLEASE NOTE: If unable to meet any of these speci£ications, please indicate which item(s ) are altered. Total Price (F.O.B. College Station, Texas) ........ . __ ~ '~,~- Please indicate date of delivery. Also enclose comp2ete descriptive litera ~-~re.~/~2/',~/~, ~.~ '~ .~0 ~?,6Z.~/~-c Signature of Representative: Firm Submitting Qaotation: CORB U~I Ei-~ CHIEVF~OLET BOO TEXAS AVENUE ELECTRIC POWER ENGINEERS. iNC. 336 JERSEY STREET COLLEGE BTATION, TEXAS 77840 January 19, 1973 Mr. Ran Boswell City Manager City of College Station College Station, Texas Dear Mr. Boswell. Tabulated below are our recommendations for the award of transformer purchases for which you opened bids on January 17, 1973. TRANSFORMER RECOMMEND PRICE TOTAL , .IT. EM _ AWARD TO.._ EACH. PRINCE MFG. DELIVERY .PEAS.ON 1. 20-25 KVA Padmount Wildcat Electric $385.35 $7,707.00 Hevi-Duty 20-22 wks. LOW BID 2. 6-50 KVA Padmount Williamson Sales 420.00 2,520.00 Standard 5/29/73 LOW BID 3. 4-75 KVA Padmount Central Electric 603.50 2,414.00 Van Tran 16-18 wks. LOW BID 4. 5-100 KVA Overhead Westinghouse 656.00 3,280.00 Westinghouse Stock In Stock* * Recommend conditional award to Westinghouse based on delivery within two weeks after receipt of order. If Westinghouse cannot comply with this delivery requirement, recommend award as follows- Wildcat Electric 633.62 3,168.10 McGraw Edison 14-16 wks. LOW BID 5. 4-75 KVA Overhead Wildcat Electric ,- 481.87 1,927.48 McGraw Edison 14-16 wks LOW BID 6. 4-50 KVA Overhead Wildcat Electric 324.45 1,297.80 Hevi-Duty 10-16 wks LOW BID 7. 4-37.5 KVA Overhead Wildcat Electric 287.70 1,150.80 Hevi-Duty 10-16 wks LOW BID 8. 4-25 KVA Overhead Wildcat Electric 207.29 829.16 McGraw Edison 14-16 wks LOW BID Please do not hesitate to call on us if additional information is needed or questions arise regarding our recommendations. Yours very truly, ~e ~ ' , '0 ,