HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/28/1972 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMINUTES CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 28, 1972 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor J. B. Hervey; Councilmen Fred Brison, Homer Adams, Don Dale, C. A. Bonnen and J. D. Lindsay; City Manager Ran Boswell; City Planner George Eby; and City Secretary Florence Nee lley MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman R. D. Radeleff VISITORS PRESENT: See Guest Register The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Mayor Hervey and on motion of Councilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Lindsay, the minutes of the July 24, 1972 and August 11, 1972 council meetings were unanimously approved. Mr. E. H. Fenner of 1107 Glade Street, representing himself and Mrs. Anne Marie Elmquist, presented the following resolution: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, it is beneficial to the City of College Station to protect the property value of its single-family residences to the maximum possible extent, WHEREAS, the privacy of single-family residences - and hence their value - will be enhanced if adequately shielded from nearby multiple-family housing, and WHEREAS, a multiple-family housing project is being planned on the block bounded by Glade, Holleman, and Holiek streets and such planned multiple-family housing is directly adjacent and contiguous to several single-family residences on the same block, NOW, THEREFORE, Be it resolved that: 1. The owners and/or builders of any multiple-family housing constructed after the date of the passage of this resolution shall, if the tract on which such housing is being built is adjacent to lots on the same block, which lots are zoned for si ngle-family residences, erect a solid wooden fence of cedar or redwood quality at least six feet in height and constructed so as to withstand storm conditions. Such fence shall be constructed on the property line separating the tract on which the multiple-family units are being built from the adjacent lots zoned for single-family residences. 2. It shall be the joint and several responsibility of the owner and the builder of multiple-family housing to comply herewith. 3. The Director of Public Works of the City of College Station shall inspect all multiple-family housing projects to insure compliance herewith before serving such housing with city utilities. ****************************************************************************** ol.a.q7 Minutes City Council Meeting August 28, 1972 Page 2 The council expressed doubt that it has the power to attempt to force the developer to build a fence after the rezoning had been done. Mayor Hervey, as a matter of clarifi- cation, stated the property described by Mr. Fenner was rezoned to its present classi- fication of District No. 3, Apartment House District, prior to its purchase by Community Savings and Loan Association, who in turn sold it to the present developer. Mayor Hervey further stated that he would ask the builder to give Mr. Fenner and Mrs. E lmquist relief on the matter. Mr. B. A. Erwin, Division Manager of the General Telephone Company of the Southwest, presented the formal application for a rate increase. Mayor Hervey acknowledged the receipt of the application and set a public hearing for Tuesday, September 19, 1972 at 7:00 P.M. in the A&M Consolidated High School Auditorium. The news media was requested to advise citizens that the rate increase application would be on file at the city hall for their study and review, that citizens are requested to submit any comments in writing to the city hall prior to the hearing or at the time of the hearing, and that citizens would be given an opportunity to express any comments verbally at the hearing. Dr. Charles Alsworth, 1812 Shadowwood, registered a complaint on the service of the telephone company in relation to placing a number back into use too soon after termination. Councilman Adams asked Mr. Erwin how long it takes to get service during this peak period. Mr. Erwin's reply was that the time fluctuates somewhat, but is usually about five days. Councilman Adams asked what the period of time was before a number was placed back into use, with Mr. Erwin answering preferably six months. Councilman Dale asked if the long distance rates had been changed since the last rate increase on local service. Mr. Erwin stated he thought there had been a change downward. On motion by Councilman Brison, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, Ordinance No. 827, an ordinance providing for a public hearing on the question of rezonirg the southwest one-half of Lot 4 of the D. A. Smith Subdivision from District No. 3, Apartment House District to District No. 4, First Business District, was unanimously passed and approved. On motion by Councilman Brison, seconded by Councilman Lindsay, Ordinance No. 828, an ordinance calling for a public hearing on the question of rezoning Lot 4, Block 21 of the Boyett Subdivision from District No. 2, Second Dwelling House District to District No. 3, Apartment House District, was unanimously passed and approved. On motion by Councilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Lindsay, Ordinance No. 829, an ordinance calling for a public hearing on the question of rezoning Lot 1, Block B, CollegeHeights Addition from District No. 2, Second Dwelling House District to District No. 4, First Business District, was unanimously passed and approved. On motion by Councilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Brison, Ordinance No. 830, an ordinance calling for a public hearing on the question of rezoning a 21.77 acre tract of land located on the southwest side of Welsh Avenue at FM 2818 from District No. 1, First Dwelling House District to District No. 3, Apartment House District, was unani- mous ly passed and approved. On motion by Councilman Adams, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, Ordinance No. 831, an ordinance calling for a public hearing on the question of rezoning a 4.74 acre tract of land located on the northeast side of Texas Avenue and 200 feet southeast of Sterling Street from District No. 1, First Dwelling House District to District No. 4, First Business District, was unanimously passed and approved. Minutes City Council Meeting August 28, 1972 Page 3 On motion by Councilman Lindsay, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, Ordinance No. 832, an ordinance accepting the work for the improvements of portions of Spruce Street, Suffolk Avenue, Patricia Street, Montclair Avenue, Butt Street, and Luther Street, was unanimously passed and approved. On motion by Councilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Brison, Ordinance No. 833, an ordinance regulating temporary speed zones on Highway 6 south from Jersey Street to the West Loop during construction, was unaniously passed and approved. On motion by Councilman Bonnen, seconded by Councilman Dale, Ordinance No. 834, an ordinance regulating junked motor vehicles, was unanimously passed and approved. On motion by Councilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, the Council passed and approved a resolution relative to extending Holleman Drive between Winding Road and Glade Street and assessing the abutting property owners. Councilman Adams voted "no~ stating he felt it was not in conformity with the present city policy for con- struction of new streets. Councilman Dale expressed his opinion that the extension was in the interest of the citizens more than of the developer. The resolution is as follows: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The Master Street Plan of the City of College Station, Texas (Ordinance No. 608) provides for the extension of Holleman Drive; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas that: 1. The street and bridge will be completed without unreasonable delay; and 2. That Woodson Lumber Company will not be required to bear any of the ex- penses in regards to the construction of the street and bridge other than the City's standard $4.00 per front foot street assessment. PASSED AND APPROVED this 28th day of August, 1972. APPROVED: Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary ************ *** **** **** ** ****** ************************************************** Councilman Adams brought up the problem of Thomas Street, which was not com- pleted between Dulaney Subdivision and Woodson Village, contrary to agreement by Woodson Lumber Company. Mayor Hervey requested Attorney Dozier to check on any legal steps which the City could take toward completing the street and assessing the owner. Minutes City Council Meeting August 28, 1972 Page 4 On motion by Coundilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Lindsay, the Council unanimously passed and approved a resolution abandoning a blanket utility easement across property owned by Area Progress Corporation in exchange for a more clearly defined easement. The resolution is as follows: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, a blanket easement for an outfall sewer line constructed by the City of College Station, Texas in 1955 on a tract of land lying and being situated in the Crawford Barnett League of Brazos County, Texas and being a 100-acre tract referred to as "First Tract" in a deed from the Federal Land Bank of Heuston to F. B. Clark, dated February 13, 1935 and recorded in Volume 88, Page 378 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas and said blanket easement is to be abandoned, THERE FORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, THAT: 1. The aforementioned blanket easement be abandoned; and 2. An easement, granted by Area Progress Corporation, the present owner of the aforementioned 100-acre tract, be filed for record in the Brazos County Deed Records. The said easement description is to read as follows: The easement herein granted being a strip of land fifteen feet in width and ap- proximately four hundred twenty feet in length, and centered on the center line of an existing outfall sewer line constructed by the City of College Station, in 1955, said centerline being described as follows: Beginning at a point in the Right-of-Way of Bee Creek Drive, said point further described as being + five feet N 45° W of the southernmost corner of said right- of-way as shown on plat of Southwood, Section 21, a subdivision of the City of College Station as recorded in Volume 298, Page 569 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas; Thence along the centerline of said outfall sewer line, S 45° W a distance of four hundred twenty feet to the southwest boundary line of said 100-acre tract. PASSED AND APPROVED this 28th day of August, 1972. APPROVED: Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary ******************************************************************************* 0.1500 Minutes City Council Meeting August 28, 1972 Page 5 A bid from Young Brothers in the amount of $185,356.33, with an alternate bid in the amount of $192,358.38, was the only response received on the 1972-1 petition paving program. City Manager Boswell recommended the council reject the bid and readvertise. On motion by Councilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, the Council unanimously voted to reject the one bid, and authorized City Manager Boswell to readvertise for the 1972-1 petition paving program. Mayor Hervey brought before the Council and citizens the appropriation of $8,500.00 to the Central Brazos Valley Mental Health Center, Inc. in the 1972-73 budget. On motion by Councilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Adams, the Council unanimousl y voted that the appropriation of $8,500.00 to the Central Brazos Valley Mental Health Center, Inc. be deleted from the 1972-73 budget. Following vote of the Council, Mayor Hervey read the following statement: As a result of information received in the past few weeks, and after lengthy dis- cussion and very careful study, the College Station City Council has decided to withdraw its financial support from the Central Brazos Valley Mental Health Center, Inc., to the extent of the $8,500.00 previously included in the City's 1972-73 operating budget. It is the belief of the Council that these funds can be used more wisely in other areas of city improvement rather than for the benefit of a corporation which is funded largely by the federal government and several of whose officers and employees draw salaries which are greatly disproportionate to the salaries of skilled professional people in this community. The fiscal and management policies of the Mental Health Center in acquiring funds from federal and local sources, and its surprising salary scale and payments to directors, officers and employees, leave this Council no alternative otl~ r than to withdraw its financial support from the Center. There are many other agencies and services within the City of College Station that have a more valid need for these funds. The City of College Station still believes in the need for a strong mental health program in this community, but fiscal and managerial practices commensurate with other area institutions is required in order to justify the donation of taxpayer's money to a private institution. ******************************************************************************** On motion by Councilman Brison, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, the following resolution was unanimously passed in memory of former Councilman R. L. Brown: Minutes City Council Meeting August 28, 1972 l~age 6 RESOLUTION on the death of Reverend R. L. Brown The City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, recalls with sober and obedient respect that the Reverend R. L. Brown, a former member of this City Council, died on July 16 at the age of 86. He was a councilman during the years of 1943 to 1947. Reverend Brown was a minister of the Gospel and paster of the First Baptist Church of College Station from its organization in 1920 until 1950. His enduring concerns during all his adult years were about the souls of men. He was equally zealous about the temporal affairs of this city which he served faithfully and well. His election to the City Council was without a platform, or a pledge, without a promise, except the unspoken assurance of honesty and integrity and fairness and wisdom and humble service that were inherent in the good name of Robert Lonnie Brown. It is decreed that this Council record its appreciation for the contributions which Brother Brown made, that this be a part of the minutes of this meeting, that a copy be sent to the First Baptist Church of College Station, and to Mrs. R. L. Brown who survives him. ayor City Secretary On motion by Councilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, the meeting was unanimously adjourned, subject to call. APPROVED: ATTEST: City Secretary