HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/28/1972 - Regular Minutes City Council MINUTES CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 28, 1972 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor J. B. Hervey; Councilmen Fred R. Brison, Homer B. Adams, Don R. Dale, Dr. J. D. Lindsay, Dr. R. D. Radeleff, and C. A. Bonnen; City Manager Ran Boswell; and Admini- strative Secretary Nancy Reeves; Assistant City Attorney Tom Giesenschlag MEMBERS ABSENT: No~e VISITORS PRESENT: See Guest Register The meeting was called to order at 7:00 1). M. by ~he Mayor. On motion by Councilman IAndsay, seconded by Councilman Radeleff, the minutes of the January 24, 1972 meeting were unanimously approved. Mr. Bruce Clay, a Texas A&M University Student, presented a resolution for the Council's consideration. Mr. Clay stated that this resolution had been passed almost unanimously by the Texas A&M Student Senate. The resolution is as follows: WHEREAS, RESOLUTION The City Council -Executive Committee meeting was an overwhelming success and many common problems and projects were discussed; and WHEREAS, City Council has expressed a desire to be an honorary sponsor of the Texas A&M University Student Senate upon our request; Therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, THAT the City Council of College Station be made honorary sponsors of the Texas A&M University Student Senate. On motion by Councilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Brison, the above resolution was unanimously passed and approved. Mayor Hervey asked Mrs. Reeves to inform the Council of the Student Senate meetings so that a representative from the Council can be present at these meetings. Mr. Clay also stated that the Student Senate would like to volunteer their services to the City of College Station during the March 25th Clean-up Campaign. Mayor Hervey asked City Manager Ran Boswell to contact Mr. Tom Chaney, Chairman of the City Beautification Committee so that he may provide Mr. Clay with the necessary information concerning the Clean-up Campaign. Mayor Hervey opened the public hearing on the question of incorporating certain territory into the city limits and City Manager Ran Boswell explained the location of this area to the Council and the public. When no one spoke, Mayor Hervey closed the public hearing and on motion by Councilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, Minutes City Council Meeting February 28, 1972 Page 2 Ordinance No. 802, an ordinance receiving certain territory adjoining the city limits of the City of College Station, Texas, was unanimously passed and approved. On motion by Councilman Bonnen, seconded by Councilman Adams, the Council unanimously passed and approved Ordinance No. 803, an ordinance appointing a Board of Equalization for the year 1972 and fixing the time of the first meeting of said Board. On motion by Councilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Lindsay, Ordinance No. 804, an ordinance ordering a general municipal election in the City of College Station on Tuesday, April 4, 1972, for the election of a mayor and three councilmen; fixing the time, place and manner of holding the election and appointing judges and clerks thereof, was unanimously passed and approved. Mr. John Denison, Consulting Engineer, stated that the City of College Station must construct approximately three miles of 12.5 KV feeder lines in order to incorporate the electric distribution lines purchased from the City of Bryan into the City's electric system. Mr. Denison's firm, Electric Power Engineers, Inc., prepared Plans and Specifications for these lines and mailed Notice to Bidders announcements to over fifty prospective bidders. Bid opening was 1:00 P. M., February 22, and only one bid was received. This bid, from Jedd Construction Company, was in the amount of $23,351.95. Bids are on a unit basis and the actual cost will vary somewhat as the number of individual units installed vary from those included in the Plans and Specifications. The disadvantage of one bid is that the City is not assured that the costs involved are reasonable and represent fairly the cost of construction. However, a contract for similar type work, on a much larger scale, has just been executed by the City of Bryan with the Conroe Construction Company. Applying the unit prices in the Conroe Construction Company contract to the number of units in the College Station Plans and Specifications yields a cost of $25,762.68. This verifies that the Jedd Construction Company bid is a fair and reasonable bid. This season of the year is always a busy season as electric systems strive to complete facilities before the summer peak season. This, together with the small size of the project, resulted in only one bid being received. This construction must be completely promptly if the City of College Station is to be ready to take over the facilities they have contracted to purchase from the City of Bryan. Having established both the urgent need for these facilities and verified that the bid received is fair, Mr. Denison recommended that the City accept the Jedd Construction Company offer and contract with them for this work. On motion by Councilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Brison, the Council unanimously voted to accept the bid of Jedd Construction Company in the amount of $23,351.95. Mr.. Denison also pointed out that the City of College Station has purchased $20,839.00 of materials to erect a 12.5 KV switching station in the new South Substation being constructed by the City of Bryan on Farm Road 2818. The City of Bryan has contracted with Delta Electric Construction Company of San Antonio, Texas, to install their 69/12.5 substation on this plot. This same Delta Electric Construction Company has agreed to install the City of College Station materials for a fee of $5,460.00. It was Mr. Denison's opinion that this work is detailed enough and small enough that the City would be very unlikely to obtain any bids to do this work from a competent contractor, and that if we did, the prices would be well above the Delta offer. The work involves foundations, steel erection, electrical wire and control cable installations, etc.. The Delta Electric Construction Company has done previous work for the City of Bryan and the City was well pleased with their work. The above, together with the necessity that this work be completed before the summer peak season of this year, were the basis Minutes City Council Meeting February 28, 1972 Page 3 of their recommendations that the City accept this offer. The engineering contract Mr. Denison's firm has with the City provides that they will supervise the construction of these facilities. City Manager Ran Boswell recommended that the Council accept Mr. Denison's recommendations. On motion by Councilman Radeleff, seconded by Councilman Dale, the Council unanimously accepted his recommendation to contract with the Delta Electric Construction Company for this work. Councilman Brison, Chairman of the Fire Committee, presented an Agreement between the City of College Station and the County of Brazos for fire protection outside the city limits. A copy of the agreement is attached to these minutes. On motion by Councilman Brison, seconded by Councilman Radeleff, who pointed out that a map of the area of responsibility should be attached to the agreement, the Mayor was authorized to sign the fire agreement which is to be submitted to the County Judge for the Commissioners' Court's consideration. On motion by Councilman Radeleff, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to make application for State Financial Assistance under Article 16, Section 49-d-1, Constitution of Texas for certain waste water treatment facilities, was unanimously passed and approved. The Resolution is as follows: ***************************************************************************** RESOLUTION WHEREAS, it is contemplated that the City of College Station, Texas will construct certain waste water treatment facilities; and it is deemed necessary and proper to apply for State Financial Assistance under Article 16, Section 49-d-1, Constitution of Texas (Proposition 4, Constitutional Election, May 18, 1971); and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the above named Applicant, that Ran Boswell, City Manager, or his successor, is hereby authorized and directed to make application for State Financial Assistance under Article 16, Section 49-d-1, Constitution of Texas, and to sign the Acceptance of the Offer, when made, and any other necessary documents required to complete the project on behalf of the above named Applicant; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that W. J. Wischmeyer, of Riewe and Wischmeyer, Inc., Consulting Engineers, 8522 Ferndale Road, Dallas, Texas, is hereby directed to appear before the Quality Board, should an appearance be required. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 28th day of February, 1972. APPROVED: Mayor ATTEST: Assistant City Secretary **************************************************************************** Minutes City Council Meeting February 28, 1972 Page 4 Mr. John Denison presented the Charter Revisions Committee's recommendations on changes to the City Charter. In addition to the Committee's recommended changes, Councilman Radeleff pointed out that Section 112, page 39, stated that Councilmen were elected from Wards and that this should be changed since the Councilmen are now elected at large. On motion by Councilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, Ordinance No. 805, an ordinance calling for an election on charter amendments, was unanimously passed and approved. Mayor Hervey expressed the Council's appreciation of the services of the Charter Revisions Committee on this charter study. Mr. J. W. Wood, of the Anderson Ridge Company, presented a request for a land use change from Apartment House District to Hospital and Medical Related Facilities District, on a tract of land of approximately 28 acres located by Holleman Drive and the new Anderson Street extension. On motion by Councilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, this land use change request was unanimously passed and approved. Councilman Lindsay pointed out that two citizens who live south of Jersey had stated that it was almost impossible to get across Jersey during the 8 o'clock a. m. and I o'clock p.m. traffic periods. Mayor Hervey stated that he would bring this to the Traffic Committee at their next meeting. City Manager Ran Boswell stated that the general municipal election will be held on Tuesday, April 4, 1972; the last day for filing for office is Friday, March 3, 1972; the first day of absentee voting is Thursday, March 15, 1972; and the last day for absentee voting is Friday, March 31, 1972. Mr. Boswell also stated that Mayor Hervey and Councilmen Homer B. Adams, J. D. Lindsay and C. A. Bonnen had filed for re-election. On motion by Councilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, the meeting was adjourned. APPROVED. ATTEST' Assistant City Sedretary ~