HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/22/1971 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: VISIT ORS PRE SE NT: MINUTES CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 22, 1971 7:00 P.M. Mayor J. B. Hervey; Councilmen Fred Brison, Don Dale, J. D. Lindsay, R. D. Radeleff, and C. A. Bonnen; City Manager Ran Boswell; City Planner George Eby; Street Superintendent Alfred Miller; and Administrative Secretary Nancy Reeves None See Guest Register The meeting was called ~o order at 7:00 P.M. by Mayor Hervey and on motion by Councilman Brison, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, the minutes of the October 25, 1971 and November 4, 1971 council meetings were unanimously approved. Mr. Allen Swoboda of Krenek Tap Road appeared before the Council again in reference to the paving of Krenek Tap Road. After some discussion, Councilman Brison moved that the City Manager be authorized to have a temporary 'q~ot top" put on this road as soon as possible. The motion, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, was unanimously approved. It was pointed out by Mr. Alfred Miller that the City may not be able to get started on this work during the winter weather and may have ~o wait until spring. Mayor Hervey explained to the Council that at their September meeting they had tabled two annexation ordinances due to the possibility of the Highway Department's proposed plans of widening Highway 6 which would cause the City ~o have ~o purchase the right-of-way if the land were in the city limits. City Manager Ran Boswell informed the Council of the right-of-way costs ~o the City, which are as follows: University Drive Right-Of-Way Cost---$265,206.70 East Loop Right-Of-Way Cost-- $123,467.22. Mayor Hervey then brought Ordinances No. 788 and 789, ordinances receiving certain territory adjoining the city limits of the City of College Station, Texas, south along Highway 6, back to the table for the Council's consideration. City Planner George Eby pointed out these tracts of land on a map of the area. Mrs. E. B. Reynolds, of 200 Pershing, stated thai she would like to have some clarification on this nursing home project which was pro- posed to be developed on this land. Mrs. Reynolds asked if it was ~rue that if ~he developer did not get approval for this annexation, was he going to go into Bryan and build a nursing home ? Mr. Jim Johnson of Jim Johnson Real Estate of Tyler, informed Mrs. Reynolds thai ~his was true. Mayor Hervey asked Mr. W. D. Fitch of Area Progress Corporation if his firm had any land available which would be sui,able for a nursing home and Mr. Fitch informed the Council thai there is some land available with water and sewer services which would cos~. approximately $7,000 per acre. Minutes City Council Meeting November 22, 1971 Page 2 Councilman Lindsay asked Mr. Johnson if they had FHA approval to which Mr. Johnson replied that they did not. City Manager Ran Boswell informed the Council thai he had talked with Mr. S. E. Tanner of FHA in Houston on Friday, November 19, 1971 and that Mr. Tanner stated that the FHA appraisers had recommended rejection of the site for mortgage insurance. FHA accepted their recommendation and sent a "Rejection Letter" to ,.he applicant (Jim Johnson) through his mortgage company stating thai FHA had refused the application for ~.he following reasons: (1) Si~e was too remotely located from the mainstream of the public (a segregation effect); (2) Site was too far from hospital care; (3) Site was questionable in ~erms of cos~ of extension of public utilities; (4) Site was too remote to benefit from public fire and police protection; (5) Site was ~oo close to high speed highway; and (6) Other sites in *,he community are available that do not suffer from planning problems. The application was not rejected due to a lack of a need of a nursing home. In fact, FHA feels thai there is a substantial need for an additional nursing home in the community but in a more suitable location. Councilman Dale moved that Ordinances No. 793 and 794 be rejected due to the astro- nomical figure that it could cost the Cify in the long run in right-of-way purchases if this land is annexed. The motion, seconded by Councilman Brison, was unanimously approved. On motion by Councilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, Ordinance No. 795, an ordinance establishing no parking on bo~.h sides of Patricia Street from Main Street to First S~reet in the Boye~t Addition and no parking on the west side of Boyet~ Street from Church Street ~o Spruce Street in the Boye,.t Addition in ~he City of College Station, Texas; providing for a penalty for violators, was unanimously passed and approved. On motion by Councilman Lindsay, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, ~he Council authorized the Mayor to sign the review and comment of the Texas Highway Department's proposed improvemen~ project of S~ate Highway No. 30 (see a~i, ached report from the Highway Department and the Brazos Valley Development Council). On motion by Councilman Brison, seconded by Councilman Dale, the Council unani- mously passed and approved a resolution expressing the City's support and endorsement of the U. S. Corps of Engineers' Plan for Controlling the Natural Sal,, Pollution of the Brazos River. The resolution is as follows: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of College Station hereby expresses its support and endorsement of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers' plan for controlling the natural salt pollution of the Brazos River and urges that the plan be recommended to Congress for authori- zation and funding at the earliest possible date; and WHEREAS, it is realized that few areas in the Brazos Basin are as favorably situated with regard to water resources and the Council recognizes that College Station cannot prosper unless the water supply needs of all areas of the Brazos Basin are adequately provided for; and WHEREAS, many areas of the Basin, including some in near proximity ~o College Station itself, are, or will become, increasingly dependent upon the main stem Brazos River ~o meet their water supply needs. These needs cannot be properly met unless the natural salt pollution of the Brazos River is brought under control; and Minutes City Council Meeting November 22, 1971 7-00 P.M. Page 3 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council considers it essential to the future welfare of the citizens of the City of College Station that the natural salt pollution o£ the Brazos River be controlled and urges that the Corps o£ Engineers' plan for this purpose be implemented at the earliest practicable date. I certify that the above Resolution was adopted by the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, duly assembled on the 22nd day of November, 1971 and that said Resolution is recorded in the minutes of said meeting. APPROVED- ATTEST: Mayor Assistant City Secretary **************************************************************************** The following bids were received for one (1) three-fourths (3/4) Ton Pick-Up: ~omp~.any Price Deliv .cry D. ate Halsell Motor Company International Harvester Corbusier Chevrolet Cade Motor Company $3170.00 $3238.49 $3521.36 $3578.77 60-80 days 30-45 days Approximately 45 days 45 days City Manager Ran Boswell recommended that the bid of International Harvester be accepted, as the low bidder, Halsell Motor Company did not comply with the bid specifications. The specifications included an automatic transmission with a cooler but Halsell stated on their bid that their automatic transmission did not include a cooler. Mr. John Halsell of Halsell Motor Company was present and stated that he had checked into it and a cooler was included in their bid price. Mr. Boswell then 01 40 , .. Minutes City Council Meeting November 22, 1971 7-00 P.M. Page 4 recommended the acceptance of the low bidder, Halsell Motor Company, of $3170.00. Councilman Bonnen moved the Council accept the bid of Halsell Motor Company. The motion, seconded by Councilman Lindsay, was unanimously approved. The following bids were received for two (2) one-half (1/2) Ton Pick-Ups- ~Company Price D. eliv. ery Date Halsell Motor Company International Harvester Corbusier Chevrolet Cade Motor Company $5022. O0 $5007.92 $5412.38 $5365.18 45-60 days 30-45 days Approximately 37 days 45 days City Manager Ran Boswell recommended that the Council accept the low bid of $5007.92 from International Harvester Company. Councilman Lindsay moved that the bid of International Harvester Company be accepted. The motion, seconded by Councilman Brison, was unanimously approved. The following bids were received for improving Welsh Street- Company Pric~e Numbe.r of Working DAYS, Brytex Construction Co., Inc. Young Brothers, Inc. Dalworth Slurry Seal $23,208.25 45 days $23,358.15 60 days $27,036.15 45 days City Manager Ran Boswell recommended that the City Council accept the low bid of Brytex Construction Company for $23,208.25. Councilman Radeleff moved that the low bid of Brytex Construction Company be accepted. The motion, seconded by Councilman Brison, was unanimously approved. ola41 Minutes City Council Meeting November 22, 1971 Page 5 On motion by Councilman Brison, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, Ordinance No. 796, an ordinance determining to assess a part of the cost of improving a portion of Welsh Avenue in the City of College Station, Texas, against abutting property and the owners thereof, adopting engineer's rolls, providing for no, ice of public hearing, and declaring an emergency, was unanimously passed and approved. Councilman Brison, Chairman of the Fire Agreement Committee, presented a report of their findings to the Council. (See Attached Reports). Councilman Brison moved tlaat the agreements be accepted and the repor~ be adopted. The motion, seconded by Councilman Dale, was unanimously passed and approved. Councilman Brison commended Mr. Woody Sevison, City Fire Chief and Mr. Douglas Landua, University Fire Marshal, for their cooperation in compiling this report. Councilman Bonnen, Chairman of the committee for naming the old council room, moved thai it be called fhe "Mimosa Room". The motion, seconded by Councilman Lindsay, was unanimously passed and approved. Mr. Joe D. Huddleston, Vice-President of the Pak Rite Plastic Corporation of Waco, Texas, was present and distributed samples of plastic garbage bags to the Council for examination. Mr. Huddlesion stated that these bags come on a roll with fifty (50) bags to a roll and cost about $2.15 per roll which is about $. 043 per bag. Councilman Brison suggested thai a committee be appointed to work with the various service organizations with reference to the service organizations having these bags for sale ~o the citizens. Councilman Dale moved that the Council pass some sort of resolution adopting the philosophy of the plastic garbage bags o~her than the present metal containers now being used for garbage collection. The motion, seconded by Councilman Brison, was unanimously passed and approved. Mayor Hervey then appointed a commitf~e consisting of Councilmen Lindsay and Dale; and City Manager Ran Boswell with Councilman Lindsay to serve as Chairman. Mayor Hervey stated that he and Councilman Brison would work with this committee on this project. Mayor Hervey stated thai he understood that there had been a lawsuit filed against hhe City by Bruce Clay in order to get his name on the ballo~ for the December election of a Councilman. Mr. Boswell stated that he had heard that this lawsuit had been filed but had received nothing official concerning ii. Councilman Bonnen pointed out that the traffic hazard on Lee Street had been taken care of. Mrs. E. B. Reynolds requested thai if the "Mimosa Room" was to be the official name for the old council room, would the Council have a plaque so stating attached to the door. Mayor Hervey assured her thai this would be done. On motion by Councilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Radeleff, the meeting was adjourned subject ~o call. ATTEST- -- ' I-~'~- "- ' L ~: c ~ ,../ Assist~t City ~cretary' /' APPROVED- 0.1z 4 RAZOS VALLEY DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL P.O. BOX 3067 BRYAN, TEXAS 77801 AREA CODE 713 823-5970 COUNTIES: 8razos 8urleson Grimes Leon Madison Robertson Washington November 8, 1971 Hr. Ran Boswell City Hanager City of College Stat ion Post Office Box 3220 College Stat ion, Texas 778z~0 Dear Pit. Boswell: I am enclosing information concerning Texas Highway Department Project IPE Authorization 102. This project has been submitted to the Brazos Valley Development Counci 1 for review and comment. As this project is located in College Station, it is essential that you comment on this project on beha!f of the city government. Please use the attached form for your comments and return in the enclosed self-addressed envelope, as soon as possible. Glenn J. Execut lye DJ rector GJC/jsw Enclosure cc: Hayor J.B. Hervey OFFICES LOCATED AT TEXAS A&M UNIVERSI~ RESEARCH ANNEX BLDG. #7 NOTICE OF INTENT TO APPLY FOR FINANCING FOR PROPOSED HIGh"jAY CONSTRU~ ION County Brazos IPE Authorization 102 ~ _ .. _ HisIsway Destination SH 30 .......... Length 3.8 Miles Limit //~L~i~~fl/Authorized Construction Funds ~.~_~41 500 ------ Estim, ted/AuLhorized Right o~ ~ny' Punds~ired Progr~m Pinnnced Fro nt & ~arm to ~rket Road ~mprovemen~ ~rog~ .......... Description of Project The following construction is to be within existing R~: SH 6 to Eas~ Bypass: Widen roadway & small drainage structures to 68' (4-lane rural type section w/wide flush ~dian). . East Bypass to ~ 158: Reconstruct existing to provide 2-12' lanes on 28' subgradm cro~ w/2-course surface treatment. Estimated Letting Dat~Anril.' 1972 .: ~ L~TXON OF PROPOSED CONS~U~ION ~~ · . I .' t MUD. Vl~ KUA VlrN (~~1, . 'i . ,)' 6RAZOS ' LEGEND ~'~t ...... OCHANC~s iTOR( " ,01 STATION 4g-IE AND ~OMMENT Texas H i gh~ay Department Project The /_PE Author.lzat 10n. ]02 proposed project is not in conflict with our--'i-nt-e~e~t, therefore, I recommend that the Brazos Valley Development Council endorse and support the proposed project. 2~ Signed: Agency: Title: Texas H i ghway Department Project I have found that the IPE Authorlzat|on 102 project: is in conflicCWit'h the int-e'rest o'~ _ ..ScaZOS;_ Co__unty .. . Our formal ob~ec~ions ~ill be addressed. dire-c-c-iy [0 the Brazos Valley Development Council and signed by proper authority. Texas High~ay Department Project The proposed _ IPE Authorization 102 project is of special interes'~- tO-the PeOPl'e of-~- - -Brazos County ....... , therefore, I will-submit a-' l'e'~ter o-f endorsement and-S~Pport to the Brazos Valley DeveloPment .Council within the next . November 18, 1971 TO. Mayor City Council The special committee appointed at the regular meeting in September to consider the inter-relationship between the University and the City of College Station with regard to fire fighting submits the following: Xe Attached herewith is a Memorandum of Agreement and Understanding, copy of which has been signed by President Jack William~ for the University. It is recommended that this Council authorize the Mayor to sign this agreement, at which time, it will be in force. e Also attached is a copy of a proposed working agreement between the fire department of College Station, and that of the University. This provides for an understanding between the two parties with regard to- (a) (b) lc) Equipment--both City-owned and University-controlled. Personnel, including University-related volunteers, and other volunteers. Reporting fires and routine to be followed in responding to alarms. This in reality constitutes ground rules or by-laws which are pertinent to the agree- ments 'at. this time. It is contemplated that additions and revisions will be in order as soon as the agreement assumes force. 0 Both of these instruments contemplate decreasing University, and increasing City, involvement in fire fighting and prevention. It is the belief of this committee that College Station should accept this point of view; and that it should establish a schedule of expansion -- in equipment and in full-time personnel -- that will enable it to discharge its responsibility for fire control within the City, and outside the City to the extent that it has cooperative understanding with Bryan and Brazos County. ~red Brison J. D. Undsay C. 'A. Bonnen MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT AND UNDERSTANDING THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF Bt~Z O$ WHEREAS, Texas A&M University, referred to herein as ~'University'~, has for many years operated its own fire department and, in so doing, has furnished fire protection to the City of College Station, referred to herein as ~City'~; and WHEREAS, it is customary for cities to furnish fire protection to state agencies within their city boundaries at no cost to such agencies; and WHEREAS, the City has built a facility which includes a fire station, has employed fire suppression personnel, has purchased two (2) 750 GPM pumper fire trucks and plans to develop its own fire fighting capability; now, therefore, In consideration of the premises and benefits common to both parties and in order to assist the City in making the transition to fire suppression capabilities, it is agreed as follows- 1. Effective , the City will assume responsibility for all fire suppression activities within the City limits of College Station. At this time ~e fire reporting ~elephone in the University Physical Plant Communication Center will be disconnected and the monthly cost of the fire reporting telephone and the existing telephone alerting system will be assumed by the City. 2. It is agreed that the City's initial manpower for fire suppression will consist of both full-time and volunteer firemen. The present members of the University Fire Department may become members of the College Station Volunteer Fire Department. , In order to equalize participation, the City agrees ~o actively recruit additional and/or replacement volunteer Oi t9 firemen from among citizens of the City of College Station and that not later than , no more than 50~ of the College Station volunteer firemen shall be University employees. 3. The fire suppression equipment belonging to the University is herein made available to the City on the basis that a state purpose is being served in that direct and indirect protection of state property will be made by the City in the operation of fire suppression activities on and off campus. Notwithstanding, the City agrees to be pecuniarily liable for any damage to or loss of the equipment and to hold University harmless for any liability that might be asserted against the University by reason of City's use and operation of the equipment. 4. In order to assist the City in establishing fire suppression capability, the University agrees to maintain University fire suppression equipment in a state of readiness for the period of through at no cost. and to make this equipment available to the City 5. The University further agrees that upon the date of assumption of fire suppression activities by the City, fire protective clothing assigned to the University volunteer firemen may be located at the College Station Fire Station and used by the City for so long as it is serviceable or until the University has need for same. This agreement shall be in force from and after the date of the last signature hereon and shall remain in effect until either party, upon six-month's notice in writing to the. other, terminates it. Either party, however, may terminate the agreement for cause at any time. Texas A&M University . _ Jack K. Williams President Date ...... City of College Station J. B. Hervey Mayor Date August 25, 1971 Due to the fact that the City of College Station and the Texas A&M University Fire Departments have no workable agreement, Douglas Landua, University Fire Marshall, and E. F. "Woody" Sevison, Fire Chief for the City, is proposing for your consideration and adoption November 22, 1971, the following: A. The Receiving of Alarms 1. All alarms will be received by the City Dispatcher. 2. All apparatus will be dispatched from the City Fire Station. 3~ The City Dispatcher will notify the University Dispatcher whenever the the alert sirens are to be used. 0 The entire cost of the alerting system will be absorbed by the City Fire Department. The City Dispatcher will be responsible for alerting all Volunteers, day or night. B. Volunteers le Present Volunteers who wish to become members of the College Station Fire Department will be accepted upon application. ® A maximum of 50~c of the College Station Fire Department Volunteers may be employees of the University. 0 Volunteers that are employed by the University will be allowed to leave their respective jobs to answer all general alarms with no loss in pay. e There will be no reimbursement for equipment or man-hours from the City to the University or the University to the City for the act of Fire Suppression. e Volunteers employed by the University will be allowed to use State vehicles to respond to the City Fire Station for alarms during working hours. e The City will provide liability coverage and workmen*s compensation or its equivalent for volunteer fire fighters. C~ Equipment All protective clothing and all equipment that is now located at the University Fire Station will be available for use at either station, if desired by College Station Fire Department, for a period of one (1) year. 2~ All equipment belonging to the University will be maintained by the University for a period of one (1) year. D. Other Items 1. The City Fire Chief will be responsible for all alarms and equipment' 2~ All alarms on State Property will be coordinated with the University Fire Marshall. E F. ,,~v0od~;~e~iSon '- .... Douglas W. Landua .... City Fire Chief University Fire Marshall