HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/23/1971 - Regular Minutes City Council MINUTES
August 23, 1971
7:00 P. M.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor J. B. Hervey; Councilmen Fred R. Brison, James H.
Dozier, Don R. Dale, Dr. J. D. Lindsay, Dr. R. D. Radeleff,
and C. A. Bonnen; City Manager Ran Boswell; Administrative
Secretary Nancy Reeves
VISITORS PRESENT- See Guest Register
August 23, 1971
7:00 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro Tern Fred Brison at 7:00 P.M. in the
Council Chamber of the City Hall of the City of College Station. On motion by Council-
man Lindsay, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, the minutes of the July 26, 1971
meeting were unanimously approved.
On motion by Councilman Dozier, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, the following resolution
was unanimously passed and approved:
There came to be considered the returns of an election h~ld on the 17th day of
August, 1971 for the purpose of electing a Mayor for the City of College Station,
and it appearing from said returns, duly and legally made, that there were
east at said election 617 valid and legal votes; that each of the candidates in
said election received the following votes:
J. B. Hervey 606
Don Dale 2
A. P. Boyett, Jr. 1
Fred Brison 2
D. A. Anderson 1
Edward Miller 1
Calvin Boyett, Jr. 1
Mrs. Evelyn Dunsavage 1
Jack Williams 1
David L. Tankersley I
That said election was duly called; that notice of said election was given in
accordance with law, and that said election was held in accordance with
law, and that J. B. Hervey was duly elected Mayor of said City at said
election, and that said above named party is hereby declared duly elected to
said respective office, subject to the taking of his oath as provided by the
laws of the State of Texas.
Mayor Pro Tern Brison administered the Oath of Office to Mr. J. B. Hervey.
On motion by Councilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, Ordinances # 777 and
# 778, ordinances annexing certain territory south of the City Limits, along State Highway
6, into the City Limits, were unanimously approved. Mr. Jim Johnson of Tyler read a
resolution by Ranchco Corporation, which resolved that the Ranchco Corporation would
bear all expenses of installing water, sewer lines, easements, operate their own lift station.
City Council Meeting
August 23, 1971
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On motion by Councilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Radeleff, Ordinances # 779 and
# 780, ordinances calling for a public hearing on the question of annexing additional
territory south of the City Limits along Highway 6, were unanimously approved.
Tabulation of bids for the construction of Church Street Extension were as follows:
Dalworth Slurry Seal $6,640.83 45 working days
Young Brothers $7,985.35 90 working days
On motion by Councilman Dozier, seconded by Councilman Dale, the contract for the
Church Street Extension was awarded to Dalworth Slurry Seal, Inc., of Arlington, Texas,
the low bidder.
Bids were opened for the construction of Southwest Parkway from Highway 6 to Langford
Street and are as follows:
Young Brothers, Inc. $87,510.50
Dalworth Slurry Seal $86,106.30 130 working days
Brytex Construction $84,905.10 60 working' days
City Engineer Lloyd James recommended that the City accept the low bid of Brytex
Construction. Councilman Dozier moved that the City Council accept Mr. James'
recommendation and award the contract to Brytex Construction. The motion, seconded
by Councilman Dale, was unanimously approved.
Mayor Hervey stated that he had an interest in the following tract of land and asked to
be excused from ~hecouncil table for the action on Ordinance # 781, an ordinance to
rezone a 5.28 acre tract o£ land located in the C. Barnett League from District No. 1,
First Dwelling House District to District No. 6, Industrial District. The public hearing
was opened by Mayor Pro Tern Brison and when no citizen spoke, the hearing was then
closed. On motion by Councilman Bonnen, seconded by Councilman Lindsay, Ordinance
# 781, was unanimously approved.
Councilman Radeleff requested that the Council hold up on any action on the Industrial
Waste Ordinance, pending further study and review by the Council. Councilman Dale
recommended that Councilman Rede left be appointed to work with Mr. Boswell and the
engineer to look into some points which need to be clarified. Mayor Hervey requested
Councilman Lindsay and Councilman Rade leff constitute a committee of two to review
the proposed ordinance and make recommendations for the next regular council meeting.
Councilman Dale moved that Ordinanoes # 782 and #7~', ordinances relating to speed zones
on State Highway 30 and FM 60, be tabled and that the Highway Department be requested to re-
study these speed limits in view of proposed development on both Highway 30 and FM 60.
Councilman Radeleff moved that Councilman Dale be appointed to request the Highway D~partment
to do these studies. The motion carried with Councilman Dozier voting "no", stating there was
nothing wrong with fifty (50) miles per hour on University Drive.
On motion by Councilman Dozier, seconded by Councilman Radeleff, Ordinance # 784,
an ordinance receiving and accepting the ~ork of Harringlon Avenue, Gilchrist Avenue,
Grove Street and Nagie Street in the City of College Station, Texas, was unanimously approved.
City Council Meeting
August 23, 1971
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On motion by Councilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, Carson Wages, City Tax
Assessor-Collector, was unanimously appointed Recorder of Vital Statistics.
City Manager Ran Boswell requested the City Council to delay action on the Proposed
Utility Extension Policy pending further review and study. Councilman Dale suggested
that this item be put on ~he agenda for the next council meeting.
City Planner George Eby explained to the public and the Council the City Development
Policy referred to in his recommendations on the screening of zoning applications. On
motion by Councilman Dozier, seconded by Councilman Dale, the City Planner's recommenda-
tions were approved.
Mr. Boswell introduced Mr. Bill Wischmeyer, of Riewe and Wischmeyer, Consulting
Engineers, Dallas, Texas. Mayor Hervey requested how much was set aside in the
bond issue for this consulting engineer's contract and Mr. Boswell stated the bond issue
for the water improvements and the sewage treatment plant was in the amount of $420,000
and the EDA grant for the improvements was in the amount of $332,500. On motion by
Councilman Dozier, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, the Consulting Engineer's contract
was officially approved.
Mrs. B. F. Vance pointed out to the Council an article in the Sunday Paper entitled
"Operation Identification", an article dealing with safeguarding homes against burglars.
It would involve citizens using an electric etching pencil to carve their driver's license
number onto the back of property likely to be stolen, which would make it easily identifiable.
Mrs. Vance asked the Council to support a program of this sort in College Station. Mayor
Hervey assured Mrs. Vance that it was a very good idea and the Council would give it
Dr. A.I. Flowers introduced a Resolution to the Council and asked their support of same.
The Resolution is as follows:
WHEREAS, the Texas State Department of Health has been funded, through
general appropriation, funds to establish two Regional Health Departments; and
WHEREAS, the State of Texas is divided into ten Health Department Regions; and
WHEREAS, the State Health Department Region VI is coterminuous with three
State Planning Regions served by four Regional Planning Commissions, included
within it. Greater cooperation in planning and services for all~ governmental units can
thus be assured from a Regional Health Department; and
WHEREAS, the City of College Station is a participating and active member of
the Brazos Valley Development Council, a Regional Planning Commission
serving the counties of Brazos, Burleson, Grimes, Madison, Leon, Robertson
and Washington; and
WHEREAS, Region VI contains 22 counties and 290,000 persons not served by local
health departments; and
City Council Meeting
August 23, 1971
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WHEREAS, the services of a health department are needed in our region to
assist local governmental units, physicians engaged in private practice, and
citizens of the region in solving health and related problems; and
WHEREAS, the City of College Station wants to cooperative with the State
Health Department in establishing a Regional Health Department in
Region Vi; and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of College Station urges
the State Board of Health and the Texas State Department of Health to care-
fully consider the health needs of Region VI in selecting the Regional Health
Departments to be funded; and
BE 1T FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution be sent the State Board
of Health and other appropriate State, Regional and Local officials.
I certify that the above Resolution was adopted by the City Council of the City of
College Station, Texas, duly assembled on the 23rd day of August, 1971 and that said
Resolution is recorded in the minutes of said meeting.
Assistani City Se~relary /
On motion by Councilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, the above resolution
was unanimously adopted.
Mr. James Gardner requested that the Councilman review the policies on the duties and
responsibilities of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr. Gardner also pointed out
the misalignment of Holleman Drive and Highway 6. If this was made a public street in
the future, it would be a dangerous intersection.
Councilman Radeleff pointed out that the sprinkler pads installed by the City in the park in
College Hills needed to be checked as the water was being scattered outside the cement
onto the ground. City Manager Ran Boswell stated that they would be checked and reset.
Mr. Ed Miller asked why the City had an electric failure last Saturday, August 21, 1971.
City Manager Ran Boswell stated there was an electric failure in Bryan's substation which
is located in Wellborn which serves the southern part of the City.
City Council Meeting
August 23, 1971
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Mayor Pro Tem Brison requested the City Manager to arrange to have former Mayor
D. A. Anderson's picture put' on the wall with the other former Mayors. Councilman
Dale requested that the Mayor Pro Tem's picture also be put on the wall.
On motion by Councilman Dozier, seconded by Councilman Dale, the meeting was
adjourned subject to call.
Assistant City Secretary