HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/23/1971 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMINUTES CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING CITY OF COLLE GE STATION, TEXAS June 23, 1971 5:10 P. M. ME MBE RS P RE SE NT: Mayor D. A. Anderson, Councilmen Fred R. Brison, James H. Dozier, Don R. Dale, and Dr. R. D. Radeleff; City Manager Ran Boswell MEMBERS ABSENT: None VISITORS P RE SE NT: See Guest Register The City Council of the City of College Station, Texas convened in special session at the regular meeting place thereof in the City Hall, within said City, on the 9.Srd day of ,June, 1~?1 with the following members present, to-wit: D. A. Anderson, Mayor Fred R. Brison, Councilman James H. Dozier, Councilman Don R. Dale, Councilman Dr. R. D. Radeleff, Councilman and the following members absent, to-wit: none, when the following was transacted, to-wit: Councilman Radeleff introduced a Resolution and order and moved its adoption. The motion was seconded by Councilman Dozier, and the motion carrying with it the adoption of the Resolution and order prevailed by the following vote. AYES: all present; NOES: none. The Resolution is as follows: There came on to be considered the returns of an election held on the 22nd day of June, 1971 for the purpose of electing the hereinafter named officials, and it appearing from said returns, duly and legally made, that there were cast at said election 660 valid and legal votes; that each of the candidates in said election received the following votes: FOR COUNCILMAN, PLACE 4 J. D. Lindsay 568 Eldon W. Oxley 90 George Boyett 2 Page 2 Minutes, Special City Council Meeting June 23, 1971 5:10 P. M. FOR COUNCILMAN, PLACE 6 C. A. Bonnen 526 Ed Miller 129 Robert Knapp 2 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: That said election was duly called; that notice of said election was given in accordance with law, and that said election was held in accordance with law, and that C. A. Bonnen and J. D. Lindsay were duly elected Councilmen of said City at said election, and that said above named parties are hereby declared duly elected to said respective offices, subject to the taking of their oaths as provided by the laws of the State of Texas. Mayor Anderson administered the Oath of Office to C. A. Bonnen and J. D. Lindsay. The meeting was adjourned, subject to call. APPROVED: / Mayor · A TTE ST: Assistant City Secretary~