HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/26/1971 - Regular Minutes City Council MINUTES
April 26, 1971
Members present: Mayor D. A. Anderson; Councilmen Don Dale, Cecil B. Ryan,
C. H. Ransdell, Fred R. Brison, James H. Dozier,
R. D. Radeleff; City Manager Ran Boswell
Visitors present: See Guest Register
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Room of the
City Hall.
Mayor Anderson stated that the council wished to publicly extend their
appreciation to the three immediate former councilmen, Bill J. Cooley,
Joseph J. McGraw and Dan R. Davis, for their contributions to the city during
their tenure of service.
Mayor Anderson also stated that the policy of procedure would be
changed for future council meetings in that the items on the agenda would no
longer be reviewed but would be taken in the order they appear. Any person
in the audience wishing to comment must be recognized, approach the podium
and give his name and address before making his statement. Items not on
the agenda will be discussed after all regular agenda items have been
On motion by Councilman Ransdell, seconded by Councilman Ryan, the
minutes of the council meetings of March 22, 1971 and April 7, 1971 were
It was recommended by City Manager Boswell that the city sell the
following bonds:
$3 80,000.
Waterworks System Revenue Bonds
Sanitary Sewer System Improvements Revenue Bonds
Electric System Improvement Revenue Bonds
General Obligation Bonds
He also recommended that the $500,000. Sewerage System Improvement Bonds not
be sold at this time.
On motion by Councilman Ransdell, seconded by Councilman Dale, the sale
of bonds as recommended by the city manager was unanimously approved.
On motion by Councilman Dozier, seconded by Councilman Ryan, the
following resolution was unanimously passed:
Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas,
that the Tax Assessor-Collector of the City of College Station, Texas, be,
and is hereby authorized and directed to assess all taxable property in said
City at 80% of the true market value thereof, commencing with the tax rolls
for the current year and continuing thereafter until instructed otherwise by
this City Council.
Regular Meeting, April 26, 1971
Page 2
On motion by Councilman Ransdell, seconded by Councilman Dale, and
unanimously approved, the city manager was authorized to contract with an
engineering consulting firm for an engineering report and an estimate of
cost for sewage facilities improvements.
A public hearing was called on the rezoning of P&Z Cases #4-71, #5-71,
#6-71, #7-71 and ~-71, cases which had been unanimously approved by the
P&Z Commission.
While discussing the rezoning of P&Z Case #4-71, the city planner pointed
out that no sewer line to this property is available at this time. The owner
of the property, Mr. Krenek, appeared before the council and stated that he
plans no further development until sewer is available. On motion by Council-
man Ransdell, seconded by Councilman Dale, the recommendation of the
Planning & Zoning Commission to rezone this property from District No. l,
First Dwelling House District to District No. 3-A, Mobile Home Park District
was accepted.
During consideration of P&Z Cases #5-71, #6-71 and #7-71, Charles Rhoden,
consulting engineer from Waco, appeared before the council to discuss the
flood plain in which part of the area in P&Z Case #6-71, to be zoned for
Mobile Home Park District, is located. He stated that from information
obtained from the Texas Highway Department an elevation of 255 feet would
be sufficient to avoid flooding. He stated that his clients plan to fill
the area in order to raise the elevation to this level. He said that although
no field work had been done to accurately establish the flood plain, engineers
on the Planning & Zoning Commission and City Engineer Lloyd James agree that
raising the elevation to 255 feet would be sufficient. Rev. William Oxley,
representative for the Environmental Action Council, appeared before the
council and asked that action be delayed until further research concerning
the flood plain is done. Mrs. Phyllis Hobson, real estate agent, stated
that the purchasers of this property have agreed to supply their own water
and sewer facilities and fill to the elevation required by restrictions
imposed by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Raymond Reiser, 1404 Post
Oak Circle, raised the question as to whether further development east of
this area would affect the flood plain. After the discussion had ended,
Councilman Dale made a motion, seconded by Councilman Ransdell, that the
recommendation of the Planning & Zoning Commission to rezone this property
be accepted with the following restrictions:
P&Z Case #5-71 - the owner must supply his own lift station and water
P&Z Case #6-71 - the developer must provide water and sewer facilities
and the city will not issue a building permit on land
under 255' elevation.
P&Z Case #7-71 - the developer must provide water and sewer facilities
and the city will not issue a building permit on land
under 255' elevation.
Councilman Dozier asked that he be recorded as voting no on rezoning the part
of the area which lies within the flood plain.
Mr. Fitch appeared before the council during the discussion of rezoning
P&Z Case #9-71 and stated that the property adjacent to the area is already
Regular Meeting, April 26, 1971
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being used for commercial purposes and that the location indicates that
commercial zoning is suitable. On motion by Councilman Dozier, seconded by
Councilman Ryan, the recommendation of the Planning & Zoning Commission to
rezone the property from District No. l, First Dwelling House District to
District. No. 4, First Business District was unanimously approved.
There being no further discussion, the hearing was closed.
On motion by Councilman Ransdell, seconded by Councilman Dale, Ordinance
No. 735, an ordinance to rezone the properties described in P&Z Cases #4-71,
#5-71, #6-71, #7-71 and #9-71, was passed and approved. Councilman Dozier
voted no on rezoning the portion of P&Z Case #6-71 which lies within the
flood plain.
A public hearing was called on the question of an amendment to Zoning
Ordinance No. ~8 to include a Planned Unit Development (PUD). Codie Wells
appeared before the council and gave a brief description of PUD and explained
some of the details of the ordinance. There being no further discussion the
public hearing was closed.
On motion by Councilman Dozier, seconded by Councilman Ransdell, Ordinance
No. 7~6, an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 38 to include a Planned Unit
Development (PUD) was passed and approved.
A public hearing was called on assessing a part of the cost of improving
portions of Burt Street, Suffolk Avenue, Patricia Street, Spruce Street,
Luther Street, and Montclair Avenue. Pieter Groot, Spruce Street, appeared
before the council and expressed his concern over the width of Spruce Street.
City Manager Boswell stated that the width of the street will be twenty-eight
(28) feet. Mr. Groot also wished to know when the assessment was due and
was informed that the assessment is due and payable thirty (~0) days after
the final approval and acceptance of the improvements by the council. There
being no further discussion the public hearing was closed.
On motion by Councilman Dozier, seconded by Councilman Ryan, Ordinance
No. 737, an ordinance closing hearing and levying assessments for a part
of the cost of improving portions of Burt Street, Suffolk Avenue, Patricia
Street, Spruce Street, Luther Street and Montclair Avenue, was passed and
unanimously approved.
On motion by Councilman Ransdell, seconded by Councilman Dozier, the
city council endorsed the application of Texas A&M University for federal
funds for improvements to Easterwood Airport and the University is to be
so advised.
On motion by Councilman Dozier, seconded by Councilman Ryan, the bid of
Brytex Construction Company in the amount of $26,587.50 for improvements to
Tarrow Street was accepted.
On motion by Councilman Dozier, seconded by Councilman Dale, the bid of
T&T Implement Company in the amount of $9,12~.00 with a delivery time of
45 to 75 days for a backhoe was accepted.
Regular Meeting, April 26, 1971
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On motion by Councilman Ryan, seconded by Councilman Dale, the following
resolution was unanimously passed in memory of former Councilman and Mayor
pro tern J. A. Orr:
on the death of
Joseph A. Orr
The City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, records with deepest
sympathy the death of former Councilman and Mayor pro tern Joseph A. Orr on
Saturday, April 3, 1971.
First elected to the city council on April 3, 1941, Mr. Orr gave unselfishly
of his time and talents in developing the City of College Station from that
day until the day of his death. As a registered professional surveyor he
devoted uncounted hours to establishing the original metes and bounds of the
city at the time of its incorporation. Then as additional areas were incor-
porated into the city limits he was equally concerned that they be accurately
and completely described before becoming a part of the city. But what was
probably Mr. Orr's most lasting contribution to the city he loved so well was
his work as secretary of the charter commission which wrote the original
Charter of the City of College Station.
Mr. Orr was ever zealous of the welfare of the citizens of College Station.
He was a firm believer in the city living within its means, of paying its
way, and of conducting the affairs of the city in an efficient and orderly
manner. It was his conviction that truth and fairness should be the guiding
principles in every decision. He missed few meetings of the city council,
always requesting permission to be absent when he knew he would be away at
an appointed hour. He believed that council meetings should be conducted with
dignity and decorum and that all who sat around the council table or who in
other ways appeared officially at public meetings should be neatly and
appropriately attired.
Mr. Orr was a man of kindly impulses, a Christian gentleman, and had an
abiding faith in the principles of democratic government.
In appreciation of his many years of service to this council and to the City
of College Station it is ordered that this Resolution be made a part of the
minutes of this meeting and that a copy signed by the mayor and city secretary
be sent to each member of his immediate family.
On motion by Councilman Ransdell, seconded by Councilman Dale, the
following resolution was unanimously passed commending the Beautification
Committee and Committee Chairman, Mrs. Clara Sandstedt, for their efforts
during the clean-up campaign, April 3, 1971:
In recognition of the outstanding contribution made to city beautification
by the College Station Beautification Committee during Clean-Up Day, Saturday,
Regular Meeting, April 26, 1971
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April 3, 1971, we, the City Council, duly assembled this 26th day of April,
1971 in regular meeting, commend this committee.
In particular do we wish to commend Mrs. Clara Sandstedt for the out-
standing leadership she provided, as committee chairman, in making the day
the success that it was. She is truly an outstanding citizen. Our city
has now taken on a cleaner appearance due to the efforts of her and her
committee. For this, this council, as representatives of the people, is
It is hereby declared that this Resolution be made a part of the
permanent minutes of this meeting and that the Mayor be directed to mail
a copy thereof to Mrs. Sandstedt.
Alfred Miller, Superintendent of the Sanitation Department, appeared
before the council and offered his recommendation on garbage charge for
large users. He recommended the $11.25 minimum fee entitle the owner to
removal of one cubic yard per day and that $0.15 be charged for each addi-
tional cubic yard, or portion thereof, removed.
On motion by Councilman Dozier, seconded by Councilman Brison, Ordinance
No. 7~8, an ordinance to amend Section 8 of Ordinance No. 726 was unanimously
passed and approved.
Mayor Anderson recommended the following committee, commission and board
appointments for approval by the counil, such being additions or changes in
the existing groups.
Annual Report Committee - Lane Stephenson- chairman
Business Development Committee - William G. Adkins - chairman
Don Reiser
J. H. Williams
Mrs. Jean Godfrey
Beautification Committee - Thomas R. Chaney- chairman
Ron~d V. Crabtree
Dan R. Davis
Mrs. Jim L. Culpepper
Mrs. Ruby Morse
Dr. Gary Halter
Mrs. Fredda King
Mrs. Tommy Preston
A. G. Searcy
Dr. E. E. Keahey
Mrs. Clara Sandstedt - advisor
Cemetery Committee- C. I. Miller
Mrs. E. L. Whitely
Fred R. Brison - council liaison
Health Committee - R. D. Radeleff- council liaison
Regular Meeting, April 26, 1971
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Parks & Recreation Committee - Arthur Haley- Parks Superintendent
Planning & Zoning Commission - Codie Wells - chairman (term to expire in 1973)
Carl Landiss (term to expire in 1972)
James Wallace (term to expire in 1973)
M. R. Calliham (term to expire in 1973)
Don Dale - council liaison
The council was asked to consider an appointee to fill the vacancy created by
the death of Mr. Orr.
Safety Committee - Frank M. I~ey
Building Code Board of Adjustments & Appeals - John L. Bearrie
(term to expire in 1972
Barney Stevenson
(term to expire in 1974
J. W. Sorenson
(term to expire in 1973
Housing Board of Adjustments & Appeals - Phillip Steen
On motion by Councilman Ransdell, seconded by Councilman Brison, the
mayor's appointments were approved.
On motion by Councilman Dozier, seconded by Councilman Dale, C. H. Ransdell
was elected Mayor pro tern by acclamation.
Mr. Jim Johnson of Tyler approached the council and presented an outline
of development plans for property along Highway 6 south of the city limits.
He explained that the first development is to be a nursing home. He asked
that the city annex this land and that an extension policy be worked out
concerning extension of water and sewer lines. The council directed that
the annexation be put on the agenda for the next council meeting and that
the city engineer make a study of an extension policy.
On motion by Councilman Ransdell, seconded by Councilman Ryan, City
Manager Boswell was authorized to attend the annual conference of Municipal
Finance Officers Association in New York City, May 30 - June 3. Councilman
Dozier was authorized to attend this conference with the city manager.
Mrs. Ruby Morse appeared before the council with the request from the
A&M Garden Club that the city extend water lines to the two triangular
parks at the East Gate. This request was endorsed by the Beautification
Committee. The cost of the project will be approximately $1,000. The
mayor recommended that this request be approved. On motion by Councilman
Ransdell, seconded by Councilman Radeleff, the city manager was directed to
proceed with the water line extension.
On motion by Councilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Radeleff, Codie
Wells was authorized to represent the City of College Station at the April 27
hearing of the Texas Water Quality Board.
Regular Meeting, April 26, 1971
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On motion by Councilman Radeleff, seconded by Councilman Ransdell, and
unanimously approved, a resolution to the Corps of Engineers read by the
mayor is to be sent to them requesting that a survey of the Carter's Creek
Flood Plain be made.
On motion by Councilman Ransdell, seconded by Councilman Dale, a
resolution supporting Amendment No. ~ was unanimously adopted. The
resohtion reads as follows:
Supporting Amendment No. ~
WHEREAS, the 62nd Texas Legislature, at its Regular Session, 1971, has
passed Senate Joint Resolution No. 17, a proposed amendment to add a new
Section 49-d-1 to Article III of the Texas Constitution; and
WHEREAS, said proposed amendment will appear on the ballot at a
Special Election to be held on May 18, 1971, as Amendment No. ~; and
WHEREAS, proposed Amendment No. ~ will permit the Texas Water Development
Board, on direction of the Texas Water Quality Board, to issue additional
water development bonds up to $100 million for use in providing grants, loans,
or combinations thereof, to cities, towns, and political subdivisions, so
that these entities may qualify for Federal matching funds for water quality
enhancement programs; and
WHEREAS, the proposed Amendment No. ~ provides that bonds authorized
under this new Section 19-d-1 and all bonds authorized by Sections 19-c and
19-d of Article III, Texas Constitution, may bear interest at not more than
6%, instead of the existing rate of I%; and
WHEREAS, the adoption by the people of proposed Amendment No. i would
make it possible for the State of Texas to realize a greater return on tax
dollars now going to Washington, since the Federal matching share of costs
would increase from a maximum of 33% to 55%, as the State enters the program
with grants and loans; and
WHEREAS, the increase in the maximum interest rate from ~% to 6%, as
provided in Amendment No. l, will make it possible for the Water Development
Board to sell its bonds in today's competitive bond market; and
WHEREAS, the passage of the proposed Amendment No. ~ would make more
funds available to assist local government in providing facilities to
adequately treat and dispose of their wastes, thereby enhancing the quality
and quantity of the State's water, and lifting some of the tax load from
already overburdened city taxpayers; now therefore
BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of College Station that
it endorses Amendment No. 4 on the ballot at the Special Election to be
held on May 18, 1971.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council urges the citizens to go to
the polls on May 18, 1971, and vote for the passage of Amendment No. 4.
PASSED AND APPROVED this 26th day of April, 1971.
Regular Meeting, April 26, 1971
On motion by Councilman Radeleff, seconded by Councilman Ryan, the
adoption of a resolution opposing the passage of Senate Bill No. 630 was
unanimously approved. The resohtion reads as follows:
WHEREAS the City of College Station, Texas, views with distrust any
program prescribing a step-up in interest rate on the Bonds it issues, where
there is no formula prescribed for establishing that add-on to the interest
rate, and
WHEREAS the City of College Station believes the proposed program to be
of doubtful value to borrowers in the intermediate class, and
WHEREAS the attempt of the proposed program to bind future legislatures
to make appropriations to cover any deficits suggests that the whole scheme
is fiscally unsound and potentially damaging to the credit of the State of
That the Bill creating a public agency of the State of Texas to be
known as the State of Texas Municipal Bond Bank is without merit;
that the plan of operation described in the Bill is not beneficial
to the Citizens of this City; that the City Council opposes Senate
Bill 630, and any other bill embodying its principles.
On motion by Councilman Dozier, seconded by Councilman Ransdell, the
meeting was adjourned subject to call.
Assistant City