HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/25/1971 - Regular Minutes - City Council MINUTES
January 25, 1971
7:00 P.M.
Members present:
Mayor D. A. Anderson; Councilmen C. H. Ransdell,
James H. Dozier, Joseph J. McGraw, Cecil B. Ryan,
Bill J. Cooley; City Secretary Sue Gough; City Engineer
Lloyd James; City Manager Ran Boswell; and City
Planner George Eby
Members Absent:
Councilman D. R. Davis
Visitors Present.
See Visitors Guest Book
Mayor Anderson opened the meeting at 7:00 P. M. Councilman Ransdell moved
for the approval of the Minutes of meetings held December 11 and December 18, 1970.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Ryan and approved by unanimous vote.
Mayor Anderson called for comments from the audience on the agenda items, and
none being heard, proceeded with the agenda.
Ordinance No. 716 providing for a public hearing on the question of rezoning
41.5 acres of land located on the southwest side of Highway 30, from District No. 1,
First Dwelling House District to District No. 3, Apartment House District, was con-
sidered by Council members. Planner Eby presented a sketch of the area outlining
its usage.
Councilman Dozier moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 716, seconded by
Councilman Ransdell. Motion carried unanimously.
Ordinance No. 717, an ordinance calling for improvements of certain streets
and directing engineer to prepare specifications, was considered. Councilman McGraw
moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 717, seconded by Councilman Ransdell. Motion
carried unanimously. Streets covered by the ordinance are: Portions of Montclair
Avenue from Luther Street to the end of Montclair Avenue terminating in a cul-de-sac;
Luther Street from Highland Street to FM 2154 and Burt Street from Pershing Avenue
to Suffolk Avenue.
Ordinance No. 718, an ordinance adopting plans and specifications for improve-
ments of certain portions of Spruce Streets, Suffolk Avenue, Patricia Street, Luther
Street and Montclair Avenue and directing for advertisements for bids was passed on
motion by Councilman Cooley, seconded by Councilman Ryan. Motion carried unanimously.
Ordinance No. 719 accepting the work of improving certain streets and levying
assessments against property owners was considered by the Council. Manager Boswell
reported that Marsteller and Nimitz Street improvements were unacceptable at this
point, and would be considered for acceptance at a later date.
Councilman McGraw moved to accept Ordinance No. 719. Councilman Ryan
seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Streets accepted were portions of
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Minutes - Regular iWeeting
January 25, 1971
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Munson Street, Highland Street, Montclair Avenue, Ayrshire Street and Bell Street.
Councilman McGraw presented a photograph showing the condition of the sidewalk
on Gilchrist Ave. which needed some safety improvements. City Manager Boswell
reported that a hand rail was planned for placement between the street and sidewalk and
work will be done on this soon.
Ordinance No. 720 calling for a public hearing on the annexation of additional
territory into the City was reviewed. Planner Eby pointed out the area propcs ed to
be annexed on a map.
A question arose as to the reason for exclusion of Ponderosa Place since a motel
is contemplated in the area and there should be assurance that this facility was con-
structed in keeping with City standards.
Developer Bill Fitch commented that he had no objection to the inclusion of the
area but did not want a prolonged delay in construction for financial reasons. He
assured Council members that construction would meet city standards in all respects.
Councilman McGraw moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 720 with the in-
clusion of the plat of Ponderosa Place. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ryan
and carried unanimously.
Bids were reviewed for the purchase of transformers.
The following were the
4 333 KVA Dealers @ $1,471.00
3 250 KVA Dealers @ 1,250.00
10 50 KVA-Pads Techline ' @ 450.00
5 25 KVA-Pads Techline @ 385.00
30 Elbows Temple, Inc. @ 17.05
, , ,
Councilman Ransdell moved to accept the low bids as recommended by City Manager
Boswell. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ryan and carried unanimously.
Next to be considered were bids received on the 12.5 KV Substalion Bay with
steelwork, buswork, reclosures, switches, metering, and other appurtenances. Con-
sultant John Denison pointed out that the overall purpose for building the substation
was to provide a better power outlet for the entire City of College Station and the service
to the south end of the city would be considerably improved. Mr. Denison recommended
the bid be awarded to McGraw-Edison on Alternate 2 as low bidder and meeting specifi-
Motion was made by Councilman Dozier to accept the consultant's recommendation,
and award the bid of Alternate No. 2 for $20,829.00 to McGraw-Edison. Motion was
seconded by Councilman Ryan and approved unanimously.
Manager Boswell reported on the final certificate for payment on the construction
of the City Hall and Fire and Police Buildings of $6,989.70 to Barsh Construction Company.
Mr. Boswell recommended that this amount be paid since the final estimate had been
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Minutes - Regular Meeting
January 25, 1971
presented earlier. Discussion was held by various Council members concerning items
such as need of paint repair at the Fire and Police Building and the air-conditioning at
City Hall not operating properly.
Councilman Dozier moved to authorize payment to Barsh Construction Company
in the amount of $6,900.00 as soon as the air conditioning and painting was fixed or
replaced to the satisfaction of the City Manager. Motion was seconded by Councilman
McGraw. Motion carried.
The council instructed Manager Boswell to check with the air conditioning contractor
and have them make necessary corrections.
Mayor Anderson read the City Development Policy as submitted by members of
the Planning and Zoning Commission. Councilman Ransdell moved to accept the City
Development Policy, as revised, establishing a Policy for the Planning and Development
of the City of College Station. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ryan. Council members
Ransdell, Ryan, Cooley, McGraw voted "For"; Councilman Dozier voted "Against";
Councilman Davis was absent. Motion carried.
Mayor Anderson read a prepared Resolution in response to a request from the
Texas Highway Department for the proposed redesignation of Highway 6 as Loop 6 but
signed as Business Route. Councilman Cooley moved for the approval of Resolution.
It was seconded by Councilman Ransdell. Motion carried unanimously.
Councilman Ryan requested information on proposed plans for a left turn past the
light on Kyle Street. Manager Boswell stated that the Highway Department is studying
this area. Mayor Anderson reported that it was hopeful a traffic signal will be placed
at this point under the TOPICS Program.
Councilman Cooley requested consideration to assigning a street name to that
portion of East by-pass, West by-pass, and State Highway 30 within the City limits.
Councilman Cooley moved that a committee be appointed to study street names for the
East by-pass, West by-pass and State Highway 30 within the City limits. Motion was'
seconded by Councilman McGraw. Motion carried.
Mayor Anderson appointed Councilmen Cooley and Ransdell as a committee to
select names for streets.
Mayor Anderson read a resolution commemorating the death of former council
member G. W. "Lefty" Black. Councilman Ryan moved to approve the Resolution. It
was seconded by Councilman McGraw. Motion carried. Council directed that the Resolution
be made a part of the Minutes and that a copy be sent to Mrs. Black. The Resolution
The City Council, City of College Station, records with deepest
sympathy the death on January 15, 1971 of G. W. Black.
"Lefty", as he was affectionately known, was respected by all
who knew him. His friends were legion.
His service to the City of College Station as a member of the
City Council was outstanding. His interest in our city never abated and
he could always be counted upon to aid in any civic project when the
need arose. 0~,'~0.
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Minutes - Regular Meeting
January 25, 1971
The City of College Station has suffered an irreparable loss in
his de ath.
As a token of respect, it is ordered by the City Council that a
copy of this Resolution, signed by the Mayor and City Secretary, be
sent to Mrs. Black.
/s/D. A. Anderson, Mayor
City of College Station, Texas
/s/Sue Gough
City Secretary
Consideration of proposed Ordinance No. 721 regulating itinerant merchants
and peddlers was delayed until it could be revised and cleared with the Chief of Police
and the City Attorney. Mayor Anderson pointed to major deficiencies in the ordinance
as presented. Councilman McGraw moved that Ordinance No. 721 be tabled for further
action. It was seconded by Councilman Ryan. Motion carried.
In a discussion on Rules and Regulations for the Safe Storage, Handling and Use
of Flammable Liquids, Councilman Cooley reported that the new State Fire Code will
make unnecessary any further city regulations.
Discussion was held on the present sidewalk policy, calling for 100~c participation
of the adjoining property owners to sign a petition, each sidewalk owner to pay $1.00
per foot frontage. Councilman Cooley made a motion that the sidewalk policy be amended
to state that 70~c of the linear foot of adjoining property ownership of abutting property be
required to sign a petition and that the assessment be changed from $1.00 to $1.50 per
linear foot. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ransdell. Motion carried.
Councilman McGraw discussed with council members proposed plans for the organ-
ization of a band. Mr. Bill Atkinson, Band Director at A&M Consolidated High School,
had offered to direct such a band, if approved. Following discussion, Councilman McGraw
moved that the City of College Station, through its City Council and Recreation Council,
encourage and support the formation of a community-wide band for the purpose of con-
ducting a series of band concerts in the park and for other appropriate occasions. Motion
was seconded by Councilman Dozier and carried unanimously.
Mr. Allen Swoboda requested assistance and Council advice for obtaining necessary
signatures on a petition for the paving of Krenek Tap Road. Following a lengthy discussion,
the Council informed Mr. Swoboda that it would be necessary that he obtain the proper
number of signatures as required.
On motion b) Court cilman Dozier, seconded by Councilman McGraw, the meeting
was adjourned, subject to call.
City of College Station, Texas
It is a primary concern and responsibility of the City Council and the City Adminis-
tration of the City of College Station that there shall be an orderly growth of the City, in
order to preserve the health and well being of the citizens; that there shall be no overcrowding
of the land or degradation of living conditions; and that city services in the form of streets,
utilities and parks, the service establishments, as well as the business areas and commercial
areas be properly located, and
WHEREAS, in order to implement the orderly growth of the City, there must be a
comprehensive plan of development, revised and updated as changing conditions warrant,
with ordinances designed to guide and enforce the growth in conformity with an evolving
comprehensive plan, and
WHEREAS, the City has in the Brazos Area Plan of 1960, a basic comprehensive
plan of development, which has been updated in some areas and must be kept up to date as
changing conditions warrant, and
WHEREAS, the continuing study and updating of this evolving comprehensive plan
for development of the City is the responsibility of the duly appointed City Planning and
Zoning Commission, and should be administered under an established policy,
THEREFORE, the following shall be the development policy of the City of College
1. The evolving comprehensive plan of development of the City shall be the Brazos
Area Plan of 1960, as amended, updated or supplemented, together with such codes as may
be approved by ordinance.
2. It shall be the policy of the City to encourage orderly development in harmony
with the evolving comprehensive plan, to promote safety on the streets, safety from fire
and other dangers, to promote health and general welfare, to provide light and clean air,
to prevent overcrowding of the land, to avoid undue concentration of the people, and to
facilitate an adequate and economical provision of transportation, water, sewers, drainage,
schools, parks, and other public facilities.
3. Zoning shall be used as a method of controlling the orderly growth of the City.
Newly annexed areas and undeveloped areas of the City are to be classified as a holding
zone, for development in conformity with the updated land use plan, this policy statement,
and pertinent City Ordinances. Land in the holding zone classification may continue to be
used as prior to such classification, with an equitable tax classification for such use. Re-
zoning from the holding zone classification to be justified as the best use of the land in
accordance with the plan and not in violation of the policies established herein or applicable
ordinances. O~.~~
City Development Policy
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4. Development in the area of extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City shall be
controlled as provided by law and in accordance with the City of College Station compre-
hensive plan.
5. The development of the City shall be based upon the neighborhood plan; a
neighborhood being one half to one square mile in area, bounded on all sides by a Major
Street or a natural barrier or feature, and bi-sected by Secondary Principal streets giving
access to and egress from the core of the neighborhood.
6. A neighborhood park may be located near the center of each neighborhood,
accessible from a Secondary Principal Street, of a size varying from four to ten acres
depending upon the planned density of population and the number of people to be served.
Land for the neighborhood park shall be provided by the developers of the neighborhood
and the development of the park shall be at the expense of the City.
A major City Park of thirty or more acres shall be developed in or adjacent to
the City. Acquisition of land and the development of this park to be the responsibility of
the City as a whole.
7. Planning and subsequent acquisition of land for the development of schools will
be based on cooperation of the Consolidated School District and the City, generally pro-
viding an elementary school near the center of each neighborhood as :required. Middle
Schools and High Schools to be located on Major Streets near the center of the scholastic
load, and with adequate facilities for off-street parking.
8. Neighborhood business districts shall, insofar as possible, be developed near
the center of a neighborhood under the following conditions; area to be not less than one
acre and not more than four acres, separated by not less than one half mile interval, and
where such development does not adversely affect the surrounding neighborhood. Neighbor-
hood business districts are to be encouraged to provide greater convenience for the people
and to reduce unnecessary traffic on the streets.
9. Buffer zones or transitional areas shall be planned and constructed between
residential and business areas.
10o Residential areas shall be designed to reduce the amount of land used for
streets and to minimize the amount of through traffic on the streets, and thus reducing
the noise level and hazard; such as by cul-de-sacs and loops. The use of the Residential
Street classification is encouraged, except that this classification shall not be used in
apartment or high density areas.
11. Major generators of traffic, such as apartments, junior and senior high schools,
and business establishments, shall be located on Major Streets.
12. Business or commercial development shall be located as indicated on the Land
Use Plan, adjacent to intersections of Major Streets.
13. Strip or spot business development shall be discouraged.
In new developing land, sidewalks are to be constructed on both sides of Principal
City Development Policy
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Streets and business streets, and on other streets leading to and from parks
and schools as may be designated by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
15. Developers shall be encouraged to place electric and communication service
lines underground.
16. It will be the intent of the City to provide water and sewer mains within one-half
mile of all land within the City. Developers are to provide water and sewer extensions to
such mains. If the City requires either water or sewer lines in excess of the size required
for a specific development, the City will pay the extra cost over and above that required
for the development.
17. Drainage shall be carried in natural streams in so far as practical and shall
be in accordance with the City's drainage policy.
18. As flood plains are delineated and designated as flood plains, the use and
development of such lands shall be restricted to provide safety to people and property.
19. Close cooperation shall be maintained between the City and the University,
the Consolidated School District, the City of Bryan, the County and the State, in planning
the development of the City of College Station.
PASSED AND APPROVED this ~ day of , 1971.
City of College Station, Texas.