HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/15/1954 - Regular Minutes - City CouncilIII, I 'k ',ETI]\TG OF CITY COMIC "CL November 15, 1954, The C'it'y' Cou-nci"I mot in sespion on November 15, 1954, with the following Langford; Councilmen Orr) Boyett, Seeger) Pugh, and Sorrels; City Wager Boswell and City Attorney Barger. Dr. F. B. Clark, developer of the Knoll, appeared before the Council and proposed that the present road Mending from Ernest Tangford Street, northward across parta of Lot8 6, 7, and 8 of Block 11 of tho Knoll be oxchanged with him for a 00 foot strip of land in Lot'651 bordering on the alley between lots 5 and 6 of the Knoll nnd the latter be used as a road- way connecting Ernest Langford Street with the projected county road extending from the Knoll to the A & M Consolidated School Ympus. The proposition was the Counpil. A Letter was read from T. R. SpenceS of Plants, in. behalf of A &Y College relative to a continuation of sale of electric power to the City of College StationThe letter stated that the capacity of the power plant was to be greaidy expanded olid a otand-IT ll.ne c:xl-,endod to Brya'rl. llr.i offer was madn to reduce the electric power rate to the city, from 1.10 to I cent per kwh. Councilman Orr moved and Councilman Boyett seconded that the offer of the College as transmitted throuL),J) %""a-. Silence's letter be accepted. The vote of the Council was unanimous in favor of the motion. A letter from the State Highway Commission, relative to cons tructin[-,,,, a grade separation on Highway 60 vt the M. P. and S. P. tracks was read but no formal action was taken, !,",,ayor Langford asked 'osent informally to designate Herschel Burgess to do any necOSMQ future negotiation relative to acquiring rights of 1'7ay3 casements, and related matters. TheCouncil set 5:15 p.m., December 2 as the hour to meet to canvass the returns of the election of December 1. APPROVED: Myer ATTEST; City Socrota,