HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/08/1954 - Special Minutes - City CouncilNUT ICE OF SPEC IAL MEETING TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE C TTY ATT ORTMY OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT a special Council of the City of College Station will day of November, 1954, at the City Hall in for the purpose of passing a .resolution and election in said City. Dated theday of November, 1954• meeting of the City be held on the 8th said city at :00 p.m. order calling a bond Ma.or City of le Mayor, J g &619j�� City Secretary, City of College Station CONSENT TO P -FETING We, the undersigned members Attorney of -the City of College S the foregoing notice, waiving any notice and consent and agree that the time and place therein named of the City Council and the City tation, hereby accept service of and all irregularities in such said City Council shall meet at and fo the purpose therein sta d. I- Councilmen City A ttorney ®514 q g MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL METING November 8, 1954 The City Council met in a called session at 7:00 p.m., November 8, 1954, with the following present: Mayor Langford; Councilmen Black, Boyett, Orr, Pugh, Seeger, and Sorrels; City Attorney Barger; City Manager Boswell and City Secretary McGinnis. The following visitors were present: Ernest L. Brown with Moroney, Beissner & Company; R. E. McGehee with the Bryan Eagle; Paul Savage and Ralph Cole with the Battalion and Dr. F. B. Clark. The Council appointed Dr. Clark and Mr. Boswell as a committee to contact Judge Ware and the County Commissioners Court pertaining to the opening of a road from the Consolidated High School area to the Knoll, and directed that they report to the Council at its next meeting. Councilman Orr made a motion, seconded by Councilman Pugh, that Ordinance No. 198, and Ordinance authorizing the issuance of Revenue Bonds for constructing, improving and additions to the City Sanitary Sewer System. The vote of the Council was unanimous in favor of the motion. The Ordinance in its entirety reads as follows: ACTION RE LAT IVE TO ORDINANCE NO. 198 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF REVENUE BONDS OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS; PRESCRIBING THE TERM AND CONDITIONS THEREOF; MAKING PROVISION FOR THE PAYMENT OF PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST THEREON; AND PROVIDING FOR AN ELECTION A-UTHORIZM THE ISSUANCEOOF_SAID BONDS THE STATE OF TEXAS 0 COUNTY OF BRAZOS 0 The City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, convened in special session at the City Hall within said City on the 8th day of November, 1954, with the following members present, to -wit: Ernest Langford Mayor J. A. Orr Councilman A. P. Boyett Councilman Ernest Seeger Councilman G. W. Black Councilman \` Joe. H. Sorrels Councilman OJ515 Minutes of City Council IAfaeti.ng, Continued November 8, 1954, N. M. McGinnia City Secretary M. C. NP1111 Councilmen and the following members absent, to -wit: 5 when the following business was transacted: The 14ayor introduced an ordinance which was read in full. Councilman made a motion that the ordina-race be adopted mi; read. The motion um, seconded by Councilman j J'u�h and carried by the following vote: AYES: Councilman Orrq Boyett" Seeger, Blackand Siorrels. NG S; None. The Yj'ayor requested that he be recorded as voting 'Aye". The ordinance thus adopted ORD 1111AITGE' NO. 198 AN ORDITIANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE' OF I:U'XJ-0,NTJE, BONDS Or? TBE CTfY Or, COLIE(TI, ,STATION, TEXCAS; PRESCRIBING TM, TERII-; AND CONDIPIONS TIRjI-U,'IOF; TJAKTNG PROVISION FOR THE PAYIENT OF 1-111INCIPAL AND IDUTEMEST TBER ) EON; AMD PROVIDING FOR AN EIECTIODT LIUMOI-ITZING THE �BSUANGE OF SAID BONM WTRIME93, under the Constitution and laws of the State of Tex, -;.is and the I-Iome, -Rule Charter of the City of College Station, Texassaid City has authority to issue revenue bonds as hereinafter provided; and WID0ELS, before said bonds can be issued, they must be approved at an election by a majority vote of the resident qaalifled electors of said City who own taxable property Within said, City and who have duly rendered the same for taxation,, voting at election; THEMBF01M, JE IT ORDADED BY TBE CITY COUNCII OF THE, CITY OF COLLEGE STATION:.. That an election shall be held in and throughout the City of College, Station, Texas, on the lot day of December, 195/+, 03516 J0,4 Minutes of City- Council TbetiDe, Continued. November 8, 1954, at which election there shall be submitted to the duly qualified resident electors of said City who own taxable property within said City and, who have duly rendered the same for taxation, for their action thereupon., the following proposition, to -wit: PRO POSITION SHALL THE C -72Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY 01 COLLIE GE4 STATION, TEXAS, BE AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE THEII REVENUE BONDS OF SAID CITY IN TEE AMOUNT OF 1i)300000 HATURINGVER01LY WITHIN THIRTY (30) YEARS FROM THEIR DATE OR DATES, EEARING INTEREST 19 A RATE NOT TO EXCEED FOUR PER CENT (4r,-) PER ANNTA�11, FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING INTROVEMENTS AND EXTENSIONS TO THE CITY'S EXISTING SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM, SAID BONDS TO BE ISSUED IN ACCORDANCE WITH AND SECURED IN THE NYINNER PROVIDED IN ARTICIES 1111 TO 1118, BOTH INCLUSIVEY VERNONIS TEXAS CIVIL STATUTES, AS ANENDED; AND TO SECURE THE PAYjT1,NT OF THE INTEREST O:N S-AIDBONDS AS 11' ACCRUES AND THE PRINCIPAL OF SAID BONDS AS IT MATURES, BY PLEDGING THE NET REVENUES FROM THE OPERATION OF TEE CITYIS STEM - 1, 0 10 ELECTRIC LIGI-ff AND POWER SY, , 9 AND, AT T I E w N OF THE CITY COUNCIL, BY AISO PIEDGING THE NET PJTIAIEIT.TTEIS 1i" 011\1 THE OlTeR11TION OF THEE CITYISIdAqERWORKS SYSTEM AND SAETITARY SEftJBR,SY,`,TE141, EITHER OR, BOTH; EACH BONE) TO BE CONDITIONED THAT THE HOLDER THEREOF SIJALL NEVER HAVE, THE RIGHT TO DEPIUAND THE PAY1,1ENT OF SAID OBLIGATION CIT OF ANY FUND RAISED OR TO BEI RAISED BY TAXATION? ( The probable period of use— fulness of said improvements is forty (40) yearso) LgvjjQD_2j That the probable period of usefulness of the improvements for which the bond funds are to be expended is forty (40) year: igwtjQa_&j That said election shall be held at the following places, and the election officials shall be, for the purpose of this election, as follows: In Ward No. I at the following polling place, to—wit: ----------------- 00-517 of City Council Mee -Ling Continued November 8. 1954 Presiding Judge Assistant Judge Clerk COAL Jr,sjjA._Bx C 1jjIgij2,_2 at the following polling place, to=wit; Presiding Judge Assistant Judge -------- - C I er.k Yf MY/,: la WajQN22_at the following polling place, to -wit,® Presiding Judge L". - -IF -- :1- 1 �- Assistant Judge F�rs , A Imo(11 Clark Lim A-10- LEU wa I �11 U L �0- Clerk __Y,_Da Ghane That said election shall be hold in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and lawo of 'rho State of Texas, and only duly qualified resident electors of the City of College Statio-n who own taxable property within said City and who have dull rendered the same for taxation shall be qualified to vote. LIqjjoar _jj_ That the ballots of said election shall confonn to the requ.-i-ren-en-ts of Chapter 6 of the Election Code of the State of Texas, Chapter 492, AM of the 52nd legislature, 1951/oo far as applicable, 0 CL Cb CC Q D z Q M Otty CouDcil Meeting Continued November S, 1954 and shall have printed thereon the following: O + IC TILL BALLOT FOR TIM ISSUAI�TCE OF � 30Q,Q(� ,"EWER IP�E'ROVEi�ICN7' +,VENUE BONDS AGAINS,T TIDE ISSUANCE OF $300, OOOSEIM 1%EROVEMENT REVENUE BONDS In accordance with the provisions of Article ba. of the Election Code (codified by Vernon as Article 6.05 of said Code), a. square shall be printed on the ballot, beside each of the above expressions. The voter may vote by placing X or a plus sign, or any. mark that clearly shows his intent on, in the square beside the expression of his choice; or he may vote by marking out one of the above expressions, thus leaving the otheroa.s indicating his vote of the p-roposition. Seotion 6: That notice of said election shall be given by }posting a copy of a notice containing a substantial copy of this ordinance at the City hall and at a. public place in each of the wards within said City not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the date on which said election is to be held, and by publishing such notice on the same day in each of two successive weeks in The Battalion, a newspaper of general circulation published within said City and which newspaper is the official newspaper of said City, the first of said publications to be not later than fourteen (14.) days prior to the date set for said. election. Section 7: That if said proposition is approved by a. majority vote of the electors voting at said election, the same will constitute an approval of this ordinance and of the authority of the 00519 /'0 3 city Coijncil ivibeting Continued November 8, 1954 City Council to issue said bonds. ��tt That the ispnuance of said bonds is hereby authorized, subject -to the approval 'by a imijority, -vo-te of the resident qualified property taxpayii-ig voters voting at the election hereinabove provided, in accordance, with the provisions of Section 63 of Article VI of the City -Is Home -Rule Charter; and that if the bonds are so approved at the election, -the details governing the issuance thereof shall be fixed and. specified 'by ordinance or ordinancer, duly- adopted. by the City Council subsequent -to the holding of said election. That thi,,-, ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage. PAS,'-1E,D AND APPROVED this 8th day of, Novo.mber, 1954. Bp leg 7 Niyor, City- of Ilege Station., Texas ATTEM : C�.ty Secretary (aEAL) Councilman Orr made a motion, oeco.aded by Councilman Sora: -els., that Mikayor Langford call a communkty meeting to be held in the Consolidated High School- Gy-nnaoiLun or other suitable location all 7:00 poz).® the evening _1�wlud% OQU /p kf City Council Meeting continued November 8, 1954 of November 18, 1954, for the purpose of discussing the proposed bond issue. The vote of the Council was unanimous in favor of the motion. ATTEST: City Secretary APPROVED: ...._��. Mayor 00521/04