HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/13/1950 - Regular Minutes - City CouncilNOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY ATTORNEY OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS.- NOTICE EXAS: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A special meeting of the City Council of the City of College Station will be held on the 13th day of October, 1950 at the City Hall in said city at 8:00 p. m. for the purpose of passing on matters as follows: 1. Receive report of F. C. Bolton. 2. Authorize reduction in electric rates. 3. Authorize purchase of materials and supplies for electric extensions and improvements. l,. Consider proposals for purchase of power. 5. Consider possible bond issue. Dated the 13th day of October, 1950. May ,City of Coll ation C ity Secretary, City of College Station CONSENT TO MEETING We, the undersigned members of the City Council and the City Attorney of the City of College Station, hereby accept service of the foregoing notice, waiving any and all irregularities in such notice and consent and agree that said City Council shall meet at the time and place therein named and for the purposes therein stated. Councilmen 00349 t J\ CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 13, 1950 The City Council met in a called session at 8:00 p.m. October 13, 1950, with the following present: Mayor Langford, Councilmen Ames, Black, Fitch, Halpin, and Orr; City Secretnry McGinnis, City Mager Rogers, and Assistant City Secretary Boswell. The following visitors were present Pt this meeting: Dean F. C. Bolton, N. F. Rode, and M. C. Hughes. Councilman Orr made a motion, seconded by Councilman Halpin, that the City Manager be authorized to spend the balance in the Electric Boni fund to purchase enough copper wire to complete the line from the Bryan sub-stption of the Brazos River Transmission Cooperative to College Station and any remaining funds to be used to purchase poles, crossnrms, and other line accessories. The Council vote was unanimous in favor of the motion. The Council requested Messers. F. C. Bolton, N. F. Rode, and M. C. Hughes to prepare an estimate of the costs of extending utilities within the city. The Council authorized the Mayor to visit the office of Gibson A Gibson, Austin attorneyV9 to discuss with them the legnl phases of a pro-osed bond issue for the city and to get their opinion on the use of existing bond funds. The Council set Tuesday afternoon, October 17, 1050, at 2:00 P.'m. s a date for meeting with Mr. Miller of the Brazos River Transmission Cooperative to discuss matters pertaining to the City's purchase of electricity from the cooperative. Councilman Orr made P motion., seconded by Councilman Fitch, that the City Attorney be authorized to prepare an Drdin-nce for adoption at some subsequent me -ting of the Council putting into effect the electric rates proposed by DrO.0 Bolton in his report to the Council; the new rates to go into effect with the billing of December 1st9 1950. 4,10350 Minutes for Called City Council Meeting October 13, 1050 Page 2 The Council vote was unnnimoUS in favor of the motion. The Council thanked Dr. F. C. Bolton for his excellent report to the Council on his analysis of the Electric problems confronting the City. This report was made, from information obtained, after weeks of study of the city's electr-c power costs and its retail distribution to the consumer. ATTEST: N. M. McGinnis, City Secretary APPROVED: I- L /,tq��D Ernest Langford, yor 00351. � 11 CAL[JED CITY COI~,fCIL MEETING October 13, 1950 The Cit.v Council met in a c¢.lLed session at 8'00 p.m. October 13, lqSO, with the follo~clng present: Mayor Langford, Councilmen Ames, Black, Fitch, Haloin, snd Orr; Cit.v Secret.~ro..-McGin;-..is, Cit:¢ ~anager Rogers, -nd ;,ssistant City Secret_~ry. Boswell. The follo~zin~ visitors were present .~t this meetin.~: Dean F C Bolton, N F Ro,~.e *n.4 M. C Hu~hes · . . · ~ · ,1., Councilm-n Orr made a motion, seconded by Counc[Lms, n Halpin, that the City,, Maz~¢ger be ~.:;thorized to spend the b~lance in the Electric Bond fund ',o purchase enough co?per ~.,..~ire to complete the line from the Bryan sub-st~tion of the Brazos River Transmission Cooperative to College Station ~nd .~n;? remaining funds to be used to purchase poles, crossorms, and other line accessories. The Cot~ncil vote was unanimous in f~vor of the motion. The Council reeuested Messers. F. C. Bolton, N. F. I(ode, M. C. Hughes to prepare an estimate of the costs of extending ut.~.lities ~thin the city. The Council authorized the Mayor to visit the office of Gibson ~- Gibson, Austin atborney~, to discuss with them the legol phases of a pro-.osed bond issue for the ci~, and to get their opinion on the use of existing bond f~.nds. The Council set Tuesday afternoon, October 17, 1~50, ¢,t 2:00 p.m. ~s a dfte for meeting with Mr. Miller of the Brazos River Tranm'~isGion Cooperative to discuss matters pertaining to the City's purch~.se of electricity from the cooperative. Councilm~.n Or~-m"de .~ motion, seconded by. Co~acilman Fitch, th, t the City .&ttorney be authorized to prepsre ~n ordin,~.~ce for sdoption at some subsequent mc, ting of the Council -~,utting into effect the electric rates orooosed ~r D~, F. ~:. Bolton in hi~ report to the Council; the new r~tes to go into effect ,~..rith the billing of December 1st, 1950. Minutes for Called City Counc'~! Meeting October lB, lO50 Page 2 The Co,mci! vote was un~nimou'~ in favor of the motion. The Council thanked Dr. F. C. Bolton for his e~,cellent report to the Council on his analysis of the Electric ~"~roblems confronting the City. This report w~s made, from information obtained, sfter weeks of study of the city's electr'_c power costs and its retail distribution to the consumer. A P PROVED: ATT£ST: N.~ M' McGinnis, city Secretary 0035:1. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ~,~iET~IN~G TO THE ~.~BEBS OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY ATTORNEY OF T~'~E CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: NOTICE IS HEP~BY GIVEN THAT A special meeting of the City Council of the City of College Station will be held on the 13th day of October, 1950 at the City Hall in said city at 8:00 p. m. for the purpose of passing on matters as follows: 1. Receive report of F. C. Bolton. 2. Authorize reduction in electric rates. 3. Authorize purchase of materials and supplies for electric extensions and improvements. 4. Consider proposals for purchase of power. 5. Consider possible bond issue. Dated the 13th day of October, 1950. l~y~r, Ci't y O'f C 0 .l~~a t ion C~ty Secretary, City of College Station COld, SENT TO ME?~TING We, the undersigned members of the City Council and the City Attorney of the City of College Station, hereby accept service of the foregoing notice, waiving any and all irregularities in such notice and consent and agree that said City Council shall meet at the time and place therein named and for the purposes therein stated. 00349