HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/18/2005 - Agenda Packet - Planning & Zoning Commission (14,45114 FILE COp1r CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Planning et Development Services AGENDA Joint Workshop Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission and Parks & Recreation Advisory Board August 18, 2005, at 5:30 p.m. Council Chambers City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue 1. Call the meeting to order. 2. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding Amendments to the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 9: Subdivisions, Section 10: Requirements for Park Land Dedication and Northgate Ordinance. 3. Presentation, discussion, and possible action of the draft Subdivision Regulations. 4. Presentation, discussion, and possible action on the City Council June '05 Policy Retreat Report and the Key Result Area of Growth Management. 5. Discussion of minor and amending plats approved by Staff ❖ 05 -111 Richards Subdivision Phase 2 6. Presentation, discussion, and possible action of the P &Z Plan of Work. 7. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding the P &Z Calendar of Upcoming Meetings: ❖ New Commissioner Orientation 8. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding appointments for sub - committees. 9. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items — A Planning and Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 10. Adjourn Consultation with Attorney (Gov't Code Section 551.071) ; possible action, The Planning and Zoning Commission may seek advice from its attorney regarding a pending and contemplated litigation subject or attorney -client privileged information. After executive session discussion, any final action or vote taken will be in public. If litigation or attorney- client privileged information issues arise as to the posted subject matter of this Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, an executive session will be held. This building is wheelchair accessible. Handicapped parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive service must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call 979 -764 -3517 or (TDD) 1- 800 -735- knR9 Awmaas pnsterrnn Internet Wehsite t �a t� . '.,��_' ' .1 able Access Channel 19. C[TY OF COLLEGE STATION Planning & Development Services T ema To: Planning & Zoning Commission From Joey Dunn, Director of Planning & Development Services ,f Date: August 1, 2005 L Re: Growth Management Presentation Commissioners, some of you may have seen the recent presentation on growth management, given to Council at their July 25 Work Study Session. The topic of growth management is one of four main "key result areas" from the Council Retreat on June 13 -14, 2005: growth management, economic development, collaboration, and neighborhoods. Mr. Dick Bowers, a consultant from Arizona, led the Council Retreat discussion, and produced a follow -up report (summary is attached). As requested by Council at the Work Study, I will present this issue to the Commission as well, during the regular meeting on August 4 Council has asked for the P &Z to discuss this issue in light of its relationship with the pending Comprehensive Plan Update, and provide further recommendations to Council. A follow -up joint session between Council and P&Z will be scheduled within the next couple of months, after the Council holds work study sessions on each of their four key result areas. We have provided copies of each of the attachments that were included in the Council's packets for the July 25 Work Study: • Summary of Growth Management discussion at June 13 -14, 2005 Council Retreat • Briefing Paper from staff • Current Comprehensive Plan Goals & Objectives 1 Growth Management (From Bowers Report of Council Retreat on June 13 -14, 2005) Policy: To assure that the City is both ahead of the growth curve in its definition of systems and policies to manage growth, and very clear about its intentions for the character and quality of growth. • Manage growth wisely in a proactive and consistent manner. Don't let the growth process get ahead of our identification of what we want to become. • Examine the policies and systems in place and adjust to be certain that zoning regulations and infrastructure are consistent with positive business growth. • Focus on the attraction of desired new businesses and the retention of current ones. • Review our land use plan and how we do zoning to be sure it serves the vision the community holds for itself. • Annexation policy needs to be reviewed to be sure it serves College Station well. • Citizen communication and involvement is critical. Policy discussions need to be communicated well to our citizens and their active involvement in forming policy encouraged. • Engage all stakeholders in policy discussions. • It is very important that we first have vision clarity from Council regarding what we see for the future of College Station. • Our fundamental challenge is to maintain our quality of life, the "small town feel" that defines College Station, while we grow." • Smart growth requires balance and a distributed economic base. It is important that we use the tools we have to bring the right type of growth. We first need to be able to identify the desired element of successful growth. (see Economic Development section below) • Council needs to stay focused on the College Station vision and make decisions in the context of that vision. • The current vision is all things to all people, which makes it less useful, and we tend to sway from it when the pressure is on. • Communication is very important; the "why we are doing things" needs to be communicated proactively. • A shared vision centers us. Growth Management... Actions • Review the current mission and vision of the Council for the future of College Station and update as needed to have a shared Council perspective. • Develop improved ways to communicate with the public to both inform and engage regarding key policy formation. • In preparation for further policy discussion on the growth management issue, the City Manager will prepare a working paper to inform and serve as a starting point for a study session or series of study sessions. (Note: The idea of special study sessions to discuss important issues in depth without the burden of an action agenda was discussed a number of times throughout the day as a way to bring needed focus of attention and dialogue to the KRAs.) Briefing Paper for Council Work Session on Growth Management (Based on growth management issues identified in the Bower Report) A true holistic update of the City of College Station Comprehensive Plan can, and should, address all of the issues identified in the Growth Management Key Result Area: • Proactive and Consistent: The Comprehensive Plan is a 10-20 year window. It is the essential planning tool for a community to "get ahead of the growth process." It consists of the following areas of growth policy: o Vision: establishing overall guiding philosophy of growth & development o Community Profile: updated population, housing, employment projections o Land Use: identifying the highest and best use for all land within the city and its extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ), and making predictions regarding future growth areas, based on historical data and current or anticipated trends o Transportation: reflecting proposed routes for all existing and future transportation facilities in the city and its ETJ (including roads, bike lanes, sidewalks, public transit, etc.), based on traffic engineering principles, in accordance with land use plan assumptions o Urban Design: concepts for how we want the city to look in the future, including streetscaping, landscaping, gateways, corridors, special districts, neighborhoods, and other community appearance elements o Parks & Open Space: including greenways, and their relationship to residential, commercial, and other land uses o Water & Wastewater Systems: identifying infrastructure needed to support future growth in accordance with land use plan assumptions. o Implementation: identifying and re-evaluating the tools to achieve the vision, including the Unified Development Ordinance (zoning, subdivision regs, etc.), capital improvement projects (CIP), and funding sources. • Collaboration Opportunity with regard to Growth Management: The comprehensive plans for both cities of Bryan and College Station are in current need of update. Bryan has secured FY05 funds for an 8-year update of its 1999 Bryan Comprehensive Plan. An FY06 service level adjustment is currently proposed for a 10-year update of the 1997 College Station Comprehensive Plan. Recent growth in both Bryan and College Station has physically brought the cities closer together than ever before. There is now an even greater interdependency in a shared economic base. This is an important and unusual window of opportunity for both cities to coordinate together on common growth management issues: o Transportation: Develop a true County-wide Transportation Plan, with additional collaboration with Brazos County, the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), TxDOT, and TAMU. o Land Use: Examine redevelopment opportunities along existing corridors between the cities such as South College & Texas Avenue, as well as new development along common corridors such as University Drive & Hwy 47 This and other issues will be discussed among the Planning & Zoning Commissions of both College Station and Bryan at joint workshop session, to be held on Friday, July 22 2005. A sumrnary ofthe discussion at this meeting will be presented at the July 25 Council Work Session. • Citizen communication & stakeholder involvement in growth management policy: The first step in any major comprehensive plan update is public input, particularly in formulating a vision and philosophy for managing future growth and development. Comrnunication and input should be soiicited early on in the process, through a variety ofcreative methods, such as: o Website updates o Newsletters, brochures, resource guides o Series of community forums o Small-group stakeholder interviews o Surveys o Public access channel • Review land use plan and zoning map for consistency with the cornrnunity's vision: State law requires zoning to be implemented "in accordance with a comprehensive plan" (TI-GC Sect. 2l|.U04). VVc must identify the ^^ueanum" ofout- dated land use assurnptions in the areas not covered within recent neighborhoodl area plans, and re-examine College Station's ETJ growth areas to the south, east and west, in coordination with Transportation Plan changes. For example, u new major outcr loop around both communities would also have significant land use impacts upon fringe areas and at new major intersections. • Positive Business Growth: What is the appropriate balance bctween regulation (zoning, deve!oprnent codes) and incentive (econornic developrnent)? The vision statements, goals, and objectives in the Comprehensive Plan should provide guidance on what is the appropriate ba!ance. • Annexation Policy: To get ahead ofthe growth process, an aggressive annexation policy should be considered. Recent numbers indicate that a larger portion of the new homes in this community are being built on estate lots in the %57J encumbering much of the available land for future growth. Furthermore, there are concerns about controlling the leve! of standards applied to infrastructure in the ETJ that may eventually become the City's responsibility to maintain. Care should be taken in deciding what specific ETJ areas should be included in a 3-year annexation plan. There are exemptions under state law for city-initiated annexations of areas containing less than 100 existing dwelling units. Areas included in an annexation plan cannot be annexed in !ess than 3 years from adoption. • Vision clarity from Council: Memorialize the Council's vision in an updated, adopted C ensive Plan. The statement, "Maintain quality of life, 'small town feel' that defines College Station while we grow" can be incorporated as a major vision statement. Sf»vi'focused and nuakingdecisions v/idbiuthe context o[the � � allow vision to itself. vmmn vmmo upon • Smart growth as a balanced, distributed economic base. Recognize the role College Station plays in the overall College Station-Bryan economy (people in Bryan shop in College Station). Identify first the "right type of growth" desired, and then the tools to get us there (L][)[), incentives, etc.) will be easier to use and implement. SECTION 2 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES College Station Comprehensive Plan City of College Station, Texas SECTION 2 - GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 2.01 - Methodology The process of developing a plan for a community, whether it be from scratch or revising an existing plan, must include numerous opportunities for public participation. The public participation process for the College Station Comprehensive Plan consisted of three steps: • A series of one -on -one interviews with the City's elected and appointed officials - specifically, the members of the City Council, and the Planning & Zoning Commission. • A series of stakeholder interviews in small groups. "Stakeholders" were comprised of homeowners, business representatives, church leaders, developers, and others with an interest in the future of College Station. A total of 31 stakeholders were interviewed. • A community -wide survey printed in the local newspaper. Approximately 21,000 survey forms were distributed throughout the College Station /Bryan area. A total of 171 households responded to the survey (equivalent to approximately 477 individuals). Public participation in the planning process was also encouraged during the project. A series of Community Workshops were conducted during 1994, 1995 and 1996, in addition to public hearings conducted by the College Station Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council. Based on the input received during the interview /survey process (summarized in Appendices B and C), a list of goals and objectives was developed. These goals and objectives replace the City's existing goals and objectives as contained in the City's 1990 document entitled "Comprehensive Planning Program Volume II - Development Guide ". 2.02 - Existing City The College Station City Council has adopted the following mission Vision - Statements statement and series of "Visions for the 21st Century" to help guide the City's growth. Existing City Mission Statement On behalf of the citizens of College Station, the City Council will promote the safety, health, and general well -being of our community within the bounds of fiscal responsibility while preserving and advancing the quality of life for its citizens. April 1997 Page 7 College Station Comprehensive Plan City of College Station, Texas Existing City Vision - Statements • Transportation - Citizens benefit from the ability to move into, out of, and within College Station in a safe and efficient manner. • Parks and Recreation- Citizens benefit from parks and recreational activities that are geographically and demographically accessible and serve a diversity of interests. • Health and Public Safety - Citizens benefit from a reasonably safe and secure environment. • Education and Information - Citizens benefit from access to broad -based information and knowledge. • Quality Services - Citizens benefit from value and quality services delivered at a reasonable tax rate. • Cultural Arts - Citizens benefit from a participation in the arts. • Employment and Prosperity - Citizens benefit from an environment that is conducive to providing diverse employment opportunities. • Civic Pride - Citizens benefit from well- planned, attractive residential and commercial areas, and from preserving historic areas. After reviewing the City's current mission statement and end - statements, it was determined that these statements remain valid for College Station. The interview /survey results were combined with the City's existing goals and objectives (the "Volume II" document) to arrive at the following list of goals and objectives to guide the development of the Comprehensive Plan. 2.03 - Land Use Goal #1 - College Station should continue to provide and locate Goals and adequate amounts of appropriately zoned land for all necessary Objectives types of land uses in an efficient, convenient, harmonious, and ecologically sound manner. • Objective 1.1 - College Station should plan future land uses together with thoroughfare and utility improvements /extensions in order to assure appropriate access /service for new growth. • Objective 1.2 - College Station should promote the use of vacant land in the existing sewershed area where City infrastructure and services are readily available in order to avoid costs to the City of providing extended services. April 1997 Page 8 College Station Comprehensive Plan City of College Station, Texas • Objective 1.3 - College Station should continue to avoid strip commercial development (such as that along Texas Avenue) and encourage centralized commercial development which encourages multi-modal access. • Objective 1.4- College Station should identify the most appropriate land use for all undeveloped parcels within its City limits and its ET) and use its development powers (including zoning and capital improvement programs) to guide the locations of desired development. • Objective 1.5 - College Station should maintain its Comprehensive Plan through periodic updates as changes occur in growth rates or major development policies. Goal #2 - College Station should continue to provide for the orderly development of existing and future land uses. • Objective 2.1 - College Station should develop standards for providing appropriate buffering and screening between residential and non-residentia uses. • Objective 2.2 - College Station should develop standards that promote a reduction of land use intensity as development approaches established and future residential areas. • Objective 2.3 - College Station should encourage compatible in-fill development in areas between neigh6orhmodo, such as neighborhood retail. • Objective 2.4 - College Station should develop zoning districts which allow a mixture of residential and non-residential uses which compternent and support each other with appropriate buffering. Goal #3 - College Station should continue to protect, preserve and enhance existing and future neighborhoods. • Objective 3.1 - College Station should continue to protect the integrity of residential areas by minimizing intrusive and incompatible land uses and densities. • Objective 3.2 - College Station should encourage compatible in-fill development, such as small-scale neighborhood retail, adjacent to residential neighborhoods with appropriate buffering. • Objective 3.3 - College Station should encourage mixed-use developments which provide for an appropriate combination of residential and support uses. April 1997 Page 9 College Station Comprehensive Plan City of College Station, Texas Goal #4 - College Station should continue to encourage community participation and involvement. • Objective 4.1 - College Station should continue to actively involve citizens and business interests in the development review and approval process. • Objective 4.2 - College Station should encourage residents to be actively involved in community decisions and should promote initiatives through community meetings, neighborhood associations, business groups, interest groups, and similar organizations. • Objective 4.3 - College Station should encourage public - private partnership in resolving community issues. • Objective 4.4 - College Station should actively inform residents of current land use decisions under consideration and educate citizens and community organizations about the associated issues. Goal #5 - College Station should encourage development that is in harmony with the environment. • Objective 5.1 - College Station should prohibit reclamation of the floodway associated with Carter Creek, Lick Creek, Wolf Pen Creek, and the Brazos River in order to prevent upstream flooding, avoid long term structural and erosion problems associated with floodplain reclamation, and to provide a city wide network of natural open space. • Objective 5.2 - College Station should allow compact, "village" -style development patterns in appropriate areas such as in Northgate and Eastgate/College Hills. • Objective 5.3 - College Station should continue to comply with all existing and future State and Federal regulations that identify and protect natural areas. • Objective 5.4 - College Station may consider new land uses and development patterns that were not anticipated by the Compre- hensive Plan, provided these new land uses and development patterns are compatible with the environment and any surrounding development.. April 1997 Page 10 College Station Comprehensive Plan City of College Station, Texas Goal #6 - College Station should continue to preserve /protect significant features, such as culturally and architecturally significant historic buildings. • Objective 6.1 - College Station should inventory all historically significant structures and landmarks within the City limits and ETJ to be used for State and National preservation designation, as appropriate. • Objective 6.2 - College Station should develop a "Historic Overlay" zoning district which may be applied to historically- significant areas. Goal #7 - College Station should continue to designate open space and public space areas for recreation and preservation uses. • Objective 7.1 - College Station should modify its parkland donation /purchase policy to allow "cash in lieu of land" payments to be escrowed for a maximum of 5 years. • Objective 7.2 - College Station should continue to provide recreational opportunities in new neighborhoods and other developed and "urbanized" areas, such as Northgate. • Objective 7.3 - College Station should continue to jointly develop and maintain future parks and recreation areas with other public agencies, including the College Station Independent School District, the Bryan Independent School District, the University, the City of Bryan, and Brazos County. Goal #8 - College Station should designate special districts and corridors in the City limits for unique types of development. • Objective 8.1 - College Station should continue to allow development of the Wolf Pen Creek District with recreational, retail, office, and residential uses. • Objective 8.2 - College Station should implement the Northgate Redevelopment Plan as adopted by City Council in December 1995. • Objective 8.3 - College Station should study the Eastgate /College Hills neighborhood and develop a redevelopment/revitalization plan for this area as a more stable single- family neighborhood. April 1997 Page 11 College Station Comprehensive Plan City of College Station, Texas • Objective 8.4 - College Station should study the Southside neighborhood and develop a preservation /enhancement plan for this area. • Objective 8.5 - College Station should designate Texas Avenue, George Bush Drive, FM 2818, University Drive, and Wellborn Road as streetscape corridors for enhancement and protection. • Objective 8,6 - College Station should designate the East Bypass (from Harvey Road to Graham Road) as a "special district" to protect existing and future residential developments from adjacent incompatible uses. Goal #9 - College Station should continue to review and revise its development ordinances. • Objective 9.1 - College Station should reformat its development ordinances into a single document (a Land Development Guide) for ease of reference. Any areas of incompatibility and conflict should be identified and resolved. • Objective 9.2 - College Station should update its Zoning Ordinance to make it compatible with the revised Comprehensive Plan. • Objective 9.3 - College Station should update its Subdivision Regulations Ordinance to make it compatible with the revised Comprehensive Plan. Goal #10 - College Station should monitor growth over the next 20 years to assure that the Comprehensive Plan is kept current. • Objective 10.1 - College Station should review and update of the Comprehensive Plan as warranted based upon changes in population growth, A & M enrollment policies and economic development. • Objective 10.2 - College Station should monitor its residential growth rate to determine if the annual rate is between 2% and 4 %. If the residential growth rate is not within this range, the City may positively manage its growth through such mechanisms as the Capital Improvements Program, annexation, and other growth management tools. • Objective 10.3 - The cities of College Station and Bryan should, continue to abide by the joint resolution which determines the ultimate extension of each city's boundary. April 1997 Page 12 College Station Comprehensive Plan City of College Station, Texas 2.04- Housing Goals Goal #1 - College Station should continue to provide an and Objectives appropriate supply of housing with a wide variety of housing types and costs. • Objective 1,1 - College Station should continue to maintain the integrity of the existing housing supply by enforcement of the housing code and other controls. • Objective 1.2 - College Station should continue to review and upgrade the minimum building codes in order to ensure quahty and economic construction. • Objective 1.3- College Station should continue to encourage new construction which is energy efficient. • Objective 1.4 - College Station should continue to upgrade neighborhoods and individual structures which are deteriorated or dilapidated. • Objective 1.5 - College Station should continue to encourage the development of diversified housing types for Iow- and fixed-income residents through Community Development Block Grant-funded programs and other financial resources. • Objective 1.6 - College Station should continue to evaluate existing codes relative to advances in technology and materials. 2.05 - Community Goal #1 - College Station should continue to promote a Appearance Goals beautiful and safe environment. and Objectives • Objective 1.1 - College Station should continue to improve and maintain the appearance of its municipal properties. • Objective 1.2- College Station should continue to promote good site des|0n, provide a good appearance, minimize drainage impacts, and increase pedestrian safety. The City should continue to use high quality design of public buildings and landscaping to serve as a model for the private sector. • Objective 1.3 - College Station should develop and encourage innovative solutions that are aesthetically pleasing and environmentally sensitive to abate flooding and drainage problems in the City. April 1997 Page 13 College Station Comprehensive Plan City of College station, Texas • Objective 1,4 - College Station should continue to minimize and eliminate unsightly conditions such as junkyards, abandoned vehicles, dilapidated buildings /structures /fences, and excessive weeds and rubbish. The City should assure maintenance of signs and fences and the longevity of required landscaping through effective code enforcement. • Objective 1.5 - College Station should continue to promote community -wide pride in the City. • Objective 1,6 - College Station should continue to implement its street tree planting program in coordination with the Streetscape Plan (as previously adopted by the City Council). • Objective 1.7 - College Station should continue to use high quality design of public buildings and landscaping to serve as a model for the private sector. • Objective 1.8 - College Station should continue to implement the main gateways into the City along major corridors, including Texas Avenue, SH 6, University Drive, SH 47, Wellborn Road, and FM 2818. 2.06 - Economic Goal #1 - College Station should continue to encourage Development Goals diversification of the local economy. and Objectives • Objective 1.1 - College Station should continue to encourage industrial, commercial, and residential development to serve residents' needs which is in harmony with the environment and surrounding development patterns. • Objective 1.2 - College Station should continue to encourage the retention and expansion of existing retail in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan, especially in older redeveloping areas like the Northgate district. • Objective 1.3 - College Station should continue to attract other professional businesses that would enhance the area's quality of life, including medical care, restaurants, and small professional offices. • Objective 1.4 - College Station should continue to promote tourism and convention business, especially with regard to facilities such as the George Bush Presidential Library Center and the University. • Objective 1.5 - College Station should encourage the development of compatible uses to complement the University, such as additional lodging, restaurant or conference facilities. April 1997 Page 14 College Station Comprehensive Plan City of College Station, Texas • Objective 1.6 - College Station should encourage the kinds of goods and services that attract retirees to the community. Goal #2 - College Station should continue to work cooperatively with the University, the College Station ISD, the City of Bryan, and Brazos County regarding proposed future plans. • Objective 2.1 - College Station, the University, the College Station ISD, the City of Bryan, and Brazos County should continue to work closely together to determine creative and innovative solutions that benefit all parties. • Objective 2.2 - College Station, the University, the College Station ISD, the City of Bryan, and Brazos County should annually review their goals and objectives to determine if the statements are still valid or if revisions are warranted. - Objective 2.3 - College Station, the University, the College Station ISD, the City of Bryan, and Brazos County should work cooperatively to attract new industries and developments to the region. 2.07 - Transporta- Goal #1 - College Station should balance the development of tion Goats and all modes of transportation to assure the fast, convenient, Objectives efficient and safe movement of people and goods to, from, and within the community while continuing to protect the integrity of neighborhoods. • Objective 1.1 - College Station should continue to work with TxDOT to provide for the development/redevelopment of major arterial routes - including Texas Avenue, Wellborn Road, Harvey Road, University Drive, and George Bush Drive - as necessary to help ease traffic congestion. • Objective 1.2 - College Station should develop and improve minor arterial and collector streets which parallel Texas Avenue to accommodate the need for north /south mobility. • Objective 1.3 - College Station should continue to develop adequate, safe systems for pedestrian and bicycle movement between neighborhoods, schools, parks, retail /office areas, and the University. • Objective 1.4 - College Station should continue to work with the University and Brazos Valley Transit to monitor the need for further development of public transportation systems. April 1997 Page 15 College Station Comprehensive Plan City of College Station, Texas • Objective 13 - College Station should continue to cooperate with other local entities in efforts to minimize adverse effects of the railroad tracks paralleling Wellborn Road and at -grade crossings on access to the City and the University campus. • Objective 1.6 - College Station should continue to work with the University to provide adequate air transportation by continuing the development of air transportation facilities as part of an overall transportation plan and connections to the ground transportation system. The City should also continue to support the on -going development of Easterwood Airport through runway extensions, terminal improvements, and additional air carrier service, as needed. • Objective 1.7 - College Station should continue to provide for the routing of goods and services delivery vehicles to assure minimal adverse impacts on residential neighborhoods. • Objective 1.8 - College Station should work to encourage the reduction of travel through demand management techniques such as carpooling and van - pooling. Goal #2 - College Station should continue to ensure the development, maintenance and operation of a safe, efficient and effective transportation system to serve the City. • Objective 2.1 - College Station should continue to develop and maintain a transportation planning process which addresses long range needs and emphasizes short and mid -range problem - solving. • Objective 2.2 - College Station should continue to develop and maintain regularly - scheduled programs and funding strategies to implement new thoroughfare plan street improvements, ensuring adequate capacity at the least cost to the City without compromising service, delivery, or quality. • Objective 2.3 - College Station should continue an organized preventative maintenance program, including the residential street pavement management programs, to ensure safety and long, economical life. • Objective 2.4 - College Station should continue to provide a system of bikeways and walkways throughout the City and provide incentives for the use of non- motorized transport. The City should also continue to revise and update its Citywide Bikeway Master Plan. April 1997 Page 16 College Station Comprehensive Plan City of College Station, Texas • Objective 2.5 - College Station should encourage the provision of railroad facilities, and service to the City's established and future industrial ormms, which are compatible with traffic operations and safety considerations. • Objective 2.6 - College Station should encourage the provision of a fiscally responsible transit system which gives consideration to journey-to-work cripo, the needs of transit dependent persons, and opportunities for inter-modal transfer. Goal #3 - College Station should continue to ensure a balanced relationship between land use development and the transportation system. • Objective 3.1 - College Station should maintain administrative procedures and responsibilities for the prapurodon, review and approval of transportation plans which are directly related to proposed land use development plans. • Objective ]./ - College Station should continue to maintain a Master Thoroughfare Plan which is coordinated with the land use development considerations represented in the Comprehensive plan which permits the foliowing: a. Right-of-way dedications as specified by the Master Thoroughfare Plan. b. Right-of-way acquisition necessary to improve intersection capacity and thoroughfare continuity. c. Intersection designs and street alignments to meet existing and projected traffic demand. d. Dedication of street system rights-of-way in those areas of the community that are undeveloped. • Objective 3.3 - College Station should continue to enforce street design criteria for all new developments. • Objective 3.4- College Station should continue to coordinate local, State and Federal streetihighway improvement project planning with existing and p 'ecoed|anduses. • Objective 3.5 - College Station should locate and design thoroughfares to provide a high level of design amenity and neighborhood preservation, including the consideration of neighborhood traffic management programs in developed areas. April 1997 Page 17 College Station Comprehensive Plan City of College Station, Texas • Objective 3.6 - College Station should continue to promote its functional classification system to provide for the graduation of traffic flow from the movement function to the access function. • Objective 3.7 - College Station should continue to promote a program of access management to minimize vehicular conflicts on collector and arterial streets. Goal #4 - College Station should develop a street and parking system which ensures economically healthy cultural, historic, civic, and commercial areas. • Objective 4,1 - College Station should provide adequate and strategically located parking to serve business, government, and cultural activities in existing areas and in the proposed Civic Center area as contained in the Comprehensive Plan. • Objective 4.2 - College Station should provide for physical and operational improvements to the street system which enhance the orderly, safe and efficient movement of vehicular traffic and pedestrians to, through, and within existing businesses and cultural areas and the proposed Civic Center area. as contained in the Comprehensive Plan. • Objective 4.3 - College Station should continue to promote and maintain a program to minimize the use of on- street parking where it interferes with or otherwise impedes the flow of traffic on collector and arterial streets. Goal #5 - College Station should provide for the safe movement of pedestrians and bicyclists within College Station. • Objective 5.1 - College Station should continue to encourage the use of alternate modes of transportation to reduce air pollution and traffic congestion, including transit, bicycle, and pedestrian. • Objective 5a - College Station should continue to encourage that new developments be designed to minimize cut- through traffic, especially in residential neighborhoods and pedestrian areas, such as Eastgate/College Hills, the East Bypass neighborhoods, and Southside. April 1997 Page 18 College Station Comprehensive Plan City of College Station, Texas • Objective 5.3 - College Station should continue to provide sidewalk access in all residential areas, and maintain the existing sidewalk network. • Objective 5.4 - College Station should adopt street design standards and parking policies which are "bicycle- friendly ". • Objective 5.5 - College Station should continue to provide bikeways between residential areas, parks, schools, the University, and retail /employment centers. Goal #6 - College Station should continue to work with the Brazos valley Transit System and the University to provide for efficient bus service within the community. • Objective 6.1 - College Station should encourage the use of transit to reduce air pollution and traffic congestion by supporting things such as: a. Mass transit facilities for existing and new developments. b. Texas A & M University Shuttle and Urban Trolley transit service between all residential areas, the University, retail and employment centers, and between regional destinations • Objective 6.2 - College Station should examine and promote land use concepts which enhance transit usage. 2.08 - Parks and Goat #1 - College Station should continue to enhance its Recreation Goals system of parks, recreation facilities, and open space. and Objectives • Objective 1.1 - College Station should continue to maintain the high quality and wide variety of park and recreation resources now available to residents and visitors, and to provide for expansion as needed. • Objective 1.2 - College Station should encourage additional connections between selected parks /recreation areas and residential areas by a system of linear parks /parkways /greenbelts which utilize creek beds, drainage ways, portions of the 100 -year floodpiain, and other natural features. April 1997 Page 19 College Station Comprehensive Plan City of College Station, Texas Goal #2 - College Station should continue to provide the highest quality parks and recreational facilities. • Objective I1 - College Station should continue to maintain and improve all existing City parks, equipment, and grounds. • Objective 2.2 - College Station should continue to develop and maintain a variety of parks and park improvements, including neighborhood playgrounds, "vest- pocket" parks, linear natural corridors, and special streetscape areas in locations such as Northgate and along Texas Avenue. • Objective 2.3- College Station should continue to jointly develop and maintain parks and recreation areas with other public agencies, including the University, College Station Independent School District, and Brazos County. Goal #3 - Develop greenbelts to connect park and residential areas. • Objective 3.1 - College Station should develop a donation /purchase policy to acquire elected portions of the 100 -year floodplain on properties that have been platted or developed to provide natural corridors to be used for open space and passive recreation uses that will link parks to one another and to residential areas. • Objective 3.2 - College Station should, in cooperation with community groups such as the Brazos Greenway Council, designate selected portions of the 100 -year floodplain on undeveloped properties as "natural corridors" that are to be used for open space and passive recreation uses that will Zink parks to one another and to residential areas. 2.09 - Utility Goals Goal #1 - College Station should continue to provide the and Objectives quantity and quality of utilities needed to assure public health, safety, and accommodation of growth. • Objective 1.1 - College Station should investigate and develop, if necessary, surface water sources to meet current and future needs. • Objective 1.2 - College Station should update the water and wastewater master system plan every 10 years and perform a detailed master plan review every 5 years. April 1997 Page 20 College Station Comprehensive Plan City of College Station, Texas • Objective 1.3 - College Station should review and adjust its financial plan to maintain and enhance the City's bond rating to minimize the cost of major capital expenditures. Goal #2 - College Station should continue to provide the highest level of water service. • Objective 2.1 - College Station should continue to serve all developed parcels within the city limits with City water service. Water service should be extended to undeveloped areas outside the city limits only as a condition of annexation. • Objective 2.2 - College Station should develop a water distribution system replacement schedule for older lines in the system, such as the Northgate and Eastgate/College Hills areas, to increase the reliability of the system in these areas. • Objective 2.3 - College Station should continue to expand both ground and elevated water storage capacity to increase pressure and fire -flow as growth occurs. Goal #3 - Provide the highest level of sanitary sewer service. • Objective 3.1 - College Station should continue to serve all developed parcels within the city limits with City sanitary sewer service. Sewer service should be extended to undeveloped areas outside the city limits only as a condition of annexation. • Objective 3.2 - College Station should identify the older parts of the sanitary sewer collection system and develop a plan for replacement and/or rehabilitation of these lines to reduce system infiltration and increase system reliability. Goal #4 - College Station should continue to provide for adequate storm drainage and stormwater management. • Objective 4.1 - College Station should develop a plan to manage current and projected stormwater run -off in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. • Objective 4,2 - College Station should begin to address solutions to stormwater management which incorporate "soft" techniques, such as stream side buffers and soil bioengineering, as part of an overall stormwater management plan. April 1997 Page 21 College Station Comprehensive Plan City of College Station, Texas Goal #5 - College Station should continue to provide the highest quality and most efficient solid waste disposal system. • Objective 5.1 • College Station should continue to encourage reduction or recycling of the total amount of municipal solid waste to reach the USEPA/TNRCC goal of 40% diversion by the Year 2000, The City should continue single-family residential curbside programs and/or other cost-effective programs and establish commercial and multi-family programs to reach the 40% goal. • Objective 5.2 - College Station should project the useable life-span of its existing landfill and begin planning needed expansions or land acquisitions 5-10 years in advance of actual need. • Objective 5.3 - College Station should eliminate the landfill disposal of bagged yard waste by promoting "Don't Bag It", backyard composting and/or use of compostable bags for inclusion with "Clean Green" brush collection. • Objective 5.4 - College Station should expand its recycling facilities to include recycling drop-off centers. 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