HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 BCHC Minutes 10.08.2007 (11/5/2007) Charles Schultz - Oct_2007_minutes.rtf Page 1 1 BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION Minutes - October 8, 2007 The October regular meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission for the year 2007 was called to order by Chair Charles R. Schultz at 7:14 p.m., Oct. 8th, in the Bryan Public Library meeting room. Present were members John Blair, Charles Schultz, Nancy Tiner, Barbara Althaus, Bill Page, Colleen Batchelor, Nancy Schwart, Diane Smith and Henry Mayo. No guests were present. The minutes for the September 10, 2007 meeting were reviewed and two changes were noted: in item 6b (BV Museum grant request) change "Henry seconded it" to "Page seconded it" and add "Lynch and Mayo abstained from the voting ", in item 6f (BHS grant request) add "Batchelor abstained from the voting." Batchelor motioned to accept with these changes, Page seconded and the motion passed unanimously. 'Old Business' items were discussed as follows: Nothing new was reported for TAMU Drill Field marker. The general consensus is that this should be removed from "Old Business" on future agendas. Batchelor reported on Providence Church Memorial site. Maury Jacobs from TXDOT said that they were ready to plan a dedication ceremony and is inviting the BCHC to lead or help with it. Blair suggested the formation of a committee for this purpose. Mayo volunteered and stated that he would contact Maury Jacobs to get the ceremony plans started. Blair reported on Isom Palmer marker at Bryan City Cemetery. Marker is installed, but dedication plans are on hold. He would like to have DAR and/or DRT take control of it, but haven't received an enthusiastic reply from his contact. Tiner and Schwart stated that they would try to find a more receptive contact in these organizations. C. Schultz reported on the Old Bethel Cemetery marker status. He had advised Patsy Silva that the narrative now needed to be in electronic form for the THC. Batchelor reported on the BCHC website. She reported that she has completed and posted 33 narratives and is working on a few more. She has been trying to locate Tom Stacey, author of the Astin- Porter House narrative. She also reported that John Mayo had photographed the three more markers (Palmer, TAMU Drill Field & Methodist Church South) and they have been added to the website. Nothing new was reported on the Rock Prairie Church situation. General consensus was to remove this item also from "Old Business" in future agendas. C. Schultz reported that the again had invited Trevia Beverly to the meetings to discuss her desire for a Steep Hollow Cemetery marker, but he had not heard from her. Under 'New Business', there were neither Archaeology nor Education reports due to the absence of the committee chairs. Page said there was nothing new to report from the Historical Markers and Research committee. C. Schultz reported two items of correspondence: Kristy Kelley from Arcadia Press was soliciting interest in a photographic history book of Bryan - College Station, and Kim Fox was soliciting vendors and offering non - profits free booth space at the Valley en book onest in sBry Bryan on Nov. negated General consensus on the book offer was that the recen t Robert the need for another one at this time. Althaus expressed interest in helping with a booth at the Word Fest. Under 'Other New Business', Batchelor moved that the BCHC offer and advertise a $100 reward for information which would help locate the missing Brazos River marker and the bronze plaques from original 1 Brazos County granite Mayo s Magazine asking motion and it passed. Schwart for the Vete ans Day presented a solicitation ation letter and form from TV Fa events on Nov. 10t and 11 General consensus was that the BCHC should not give money for this event, and no Pre s er motion vation Technology . made course at reported two items of interest that he has TAMU. The rear part of the YMCA building about in his Building s is oing to be Preerchy ours at T razed due to a sinking foundation at one corner, and students will be studying the possibility of renovating the Kemp House on 17 street in Bryan. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Henry P Mayo