HomeMy WebLinkAboutPaying Tribute - "Katchi Kapshida" V f-TF,n, 1 r'A Ky/A piL. 14 r ,- t ,,,,,,, .. Pay ib tr 1,eft: Lt. Gen. Randolph W. House stands beside Korean Maj. ' * Lee Chaehwa Friday as they salute during the playing of the national anthem at the groundbreaking ceremony for the 4, `.. Korean orean War Memorial at Veterans ('ark in College Station. 'line ili i 1 . memorial, which will be dedicated in November, is a tribute to the cooperation of soldiers from both countries during and s in ce the Korean War. Below: Veteran Gordon Kennedy posts �, , . die Annerit.an (lag next to the Korean [lag during the ceremony. Friday marked the 60th anniversary of the beginning of the Korean War. For more photos, go to www.theeagle.com. , Eagle photos by Stuart Villanueva t. "j 4 � d 't S` °Y • i ,L '4 N LL l 1 .. i l l l'* - '..,:, 114..-:: 0 # ". I f . . P r -ti e The Eagle newspaper, June 26, 2010 sommi BRAZOS VALLEY VETERANS PRESS RELEASE 2010 Maquette for the statue "Katchi Brazos Valley June 14, 2010 Kapshida" being created by J. Veterans Memorial "KATCHI KAPSHIDA" Payne Lara. Officers This is the slogan of the long- standing relationship between the United States military forces and those of the Republic of Korea. "We go Together," is more than a slogan; it is a Chairman Emeritus way of life for the military alliance that was forged in blood and has stood together against Al Jones MG, USA (Ret.) the forces of North Korea for 60 years. Now, this will be the name for a significant new memorial planned for Veterans Park in College Station, Texas. Chairman Emeritus On Friday, June 25th, 2010, at 10:00 a.m., the Brazos Valley Veterans Memorial Travis Small B will host a ground-breaking ceremony for a new memorial being developed to Cot, USA (Ret.) g g Y g P honor those who served in the Korean War. The focal point of this memorial will be a President dramatic sculpture of a Korean Soldier and an American Soldier, standing side by side. Mike Newman Each statue will be created in life size with authentic uniforms, equipment and weapons of CAPT, USN (Ret.) the era. Vice President The Board of Directors of the Brazos Valley Veterans Memorial has commissioned the Randolph House artist, J. Payne Lara, of Navasota, to create this original work of art along with two other LG, USA (Ret.) sculptures for newly opened Lynn Stuart Pathway history walk. Much of the funding for Vice President the Korean War memorial has been generously provided by six prominent Korean Fain McDougal individuals lead by retired General Paik, Sung Yup. General Paik is known as the Father of the modern Korean Army. At 28 years old he commanded the Korean First Infantry Treasurer Division during the Korean War and was South Korea's first four -star general. Ron Silvia In the spirit of " Katchi Kapshida", these generous and loyal individuals will underwrite TSGT, USAF (Ret.) the cost of the American Soldier statue and the Brazos Valley Veterans Memorial Board Secretary of Directors will provide funding for the Korea Soldier statue. Brian Hilton June 25, 2010 is the 60th anniversary of the start of the Korean War. In the early SFC., USA (Ret.) morning hours of that date in 1950, North Korea launched a general offensive against the Chief Information Republic of Korea (ROK) with the purpose of unifying the peninsula by force to create a Officer communist state. The ensuing war resulted in a multinational response that included 10 Anne Boykin major campaigns and over 54,000 U.S. deaths due to battle and other causes. An armistice was signed on July 27, 1953, which among other things resulted in a Website: highly defended, 4 kilometer wide Demilitarized Zone separating North Korea and South www.bvvm.org Korea. Although the Armistice remains in effect today, North Korea never signed a peace treaty, so technically North and South Korea are still at war and the South Korean/United REMINDER States Alliance remains as important today as it was in 1950. Deadline for The Brazos Valley Veterans Memorial Board is pleased to include this new attraction submitting names for to the Memorial grounds as a tribute to all who served during this period in our nation's the Wall of Honor is history. For more information contact: Anne Boykin, Chief Information Officer, at Aug. 15, 2010. 979.764.3491 or abovkinna,cstx.gov. # ## BRAZOS VALLEY VETERANS MEMORIAL COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS June 14, 2010 BRAZOS MEMORIAL • "The mission of the Memorial for all Veterans of the Brazos Valley, Inc., is to take a proactive role in honoring veterans who have served in the uniformed services of the United States" • MEMORIAL FOR All VETERANS OF THE BRAZOS VALLEY, INC. was chartered as a non - profit corporation by the State of Texas on July 17, 2000. • The web site is www.bvvm.org . • The Memorial is located on 12 acres in the VETERANS PARK & ATHLETIC COMPLEX in the heart of the Bryan and College Station community. • The Memorial was developed with generous support from the Cities of Bryan, College, Brazos County and numerous individuals, corporations and organizations. • Dedication of the Memorial took place on November 10 with former President George H. W. Bush speaking and on Veteran's Day November 11, 2002 with several thousand in attendance. • The Veterans Memorial is located on the LOUIS L. ADAM MEMORIAL PLAZA. The memorial was designed by Robert Eccleston (Sculpture), Larry Schueckler (Landscape Architect). • The funding for the plaza site was made possible through a generous gift by Donald A. Adam in honor of his father. • The "War on Terror" memorial was dedicated on May 31, 2005. • The memorial honor wall was expanded and dedicated on November 11, 2005. • The Lynn Stuart Pathway was dedicated on September 22, 2006 and was completed in 2009. The trail is 8' wide concrete and is fully accessible to wheelchairs. 1 • A matching grant from Texas Parks & Wildlife Department ($95,000) was approved for the pathway project on January 30, 2007. The project includes benches, 18 granite markers and 22 interpretive panels. The trail was completed in the summer of 2009. • The "Travis B. Bryan, Jr. Freedom Pavilion" was dedicated on February 19, 2007 and it includes an electronic kiosk that provides detailed information. • This memorial is unique in that it honors all veterans from all eras and all branches of service (Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard & Merchant Marine). • The "Wall of Honor" contains 4,366 veteran's names and there is space for approximately 6,000 additional names. • Names may be submitted throughout the year and a $100 donation is requested to cover the expenses associated with the process. August 15` is the deadline for names to be added for the annual Veteran's Day Ceremony. • The long -range plan calls for additional memorials to be located along the Lynn Stuart Pathway honoring the veterans of each of the 17 major wars in American history and the War for Texas Independence. • Memorials for the American Revolution, War for Texas Independence and the Korean War will be completed in 2010. Navasota artist, J. Payne Lara has been commissioned to complete these dramatic and historically accurate statues. • The remaining memorials have not been designed nor has an order of priority been established at this time. Financial support is needed to complete these memorials. The lasting value of this memorial is the education of future generations; To share with them the fact that freedom comes at a great cost; and, That freedom is not free. 2 J. PAYNE LARA Born in Brenham, Texas and raised in Navasota, Texas, J. Payne Lara showed an early interest in drawing, with an exceptional talent at molding and shaping clay figures at a very young age. Living on a ranch and growing up in a family of cowboys, he had his Western heritage instilled in his heart, and it has certainly played an important role in inspiring his art. A contestant in rodeos across the country, he has competed in bull riding and calf roping, and continues to compete in the team roping event. The seriousness of his artistic talent became clear in high school, when he won many area and regional art awards, including a "Best of Show" award at the 1990 Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. That honor earned him a scholarship to study at the Cowboy Artists of America Museum in Kerrville, Texas. He studied intensely in two media: oil painting and sculpture, and solidified his determination to become a fine Western artist. After high school, Payne went on to further his education by attending Sam Houston State University, but found "academic art" a slow, unchallenging and frustrating process. Packing his pick -up truck with his belongings and his sculpting supplies, he left the university in his first year and set out to become a full -time professional artist. Determined to learn the trade first -hand, Payne visited and studied with various well -known professional artists who generously shared their expertise. His subjects vary from cowboy life to wildlife, but the true passion of his art is the Native American Plains Indian. He spends much of his time learning about the traditional customs and culture of the Sioux. Through his art, Payne hopes to portray the proud people who once lived in total harmony with the earth. Payne's art continues to earn him awards and recognition, and he's been featured in a variety of publications and television programs. His honesty and artistry are evident in works and he is dedicated to fulfilling his goal of becoming a fine Western artist. Payne has been by commissioned the Board of Directors for the Brazos Valley Veterans Memorial to create three, life size bronze sculptures for the Lynn Stuart Pathway. The sculptures will be the focal points of memorials for the AMERICAN REVOLUTION, WAR FOR TEXAS INDEPENDENCE and the KOREAN WAR. These sculptures will represent service members in accurate dress, equipment and weapons of those eras. Payne has numerous works of public art located throughout the Brazos Valley region. n VETS: Ce remony is Friday at 10 a.m. a. �z. 11:., IL1TIit Continued from A7 - _---- The statue is titled, "katc,hi ognize and Norco, "We fought together, kapshida," which means "we [Korean War ' go together" in Korean. = veterans] service and try to and when you look a t For House. this phrase rep - teach the younger people, who the history and the resents "the strong and endur- s to were not alive during this trig personal relationship bet war, what this war was ail relationsht with E ween the Republic of Korea about." he said. South Korea, it is one and the U.S.. and this symbol - On June 25, 1950, North izes the very unique and long Korean forces invaded South of the strongest we standing relationship we have Korea_ prompting the U.S. and have and it is an had with another country honor other United Nations coup The statues will be unveiled i 1 tries to join the fight against important one," The Veterans pay, and Palk i3 cotnrnurusm. expected to attend. Retired U.S. Army Lt. Gen. I x. Gym R m Huux Payne Cara, a Navasota! Randy House. vice president Vice president ot Brazos Valley artist, is creating the piece of the Brazos Valley Veterans Veterans Memorial Foundation and has already cipated two vets Memorial Foundation. said other memorial statues for the the day should be used for — .._..._ park. A statue dedicated to the reflection to appreciate the will be placed at the mernori• American Revolution will be "tremendous alliance that al, The memorial will include unveiled July 1. goes back 60 years" between statues of a Korean soldier "He is a very unique, very Korean the Republic of Korea and the and a U.S. soldier standing talented artist who is also a .N'larks Korean L.S. side-by-side. very dedicated historian,' "They fought under our `9 went to him with this idea Newman said. "He gets very command and we fought and what we wanted to do. so involved with these statues as .War anniversary under their command. We he put together a meeting and far as understanding who the fought together, and when you I hriefed some other South participants were." look at the history and the Korean veterans about what Newman said the goal is to By DEVICE IIERNA. relationship with South my vision wits and what we have a statue dedicated to denice.hernandpz a thpwngG? trim Korea, it is one of the are doing her at the park. 1 each of the ltt sites on the strongest we have and ft is an asked if they would help con- Lynn Stuart Pathway in Community leaders will important one." he said. tribute to the U.S. soldier stet- Veterans Park. Member.4 of the Brazos ue. and the idea watt very well Friday's ceremony will break ground on a Korean valley Veterans NIemdrial received." House aid, begin at 10 a.m. and will War memorial at Veterans Foundation board said they The money raised by Paik include a presentation of the Park in College Station on are expecting a large number will go toward funding the colors, a rifle :;elute and taps Friday — the 6{tl] aaniver of Korean students to at statue of the U.S. soldier, and played by the Texas A80.1 sap; of the be,: of the the ceremony, including sev- Brazos razos Valley Veterans Corps of Cadets. National Korean War. eras active-duly Korean ntti hlemoriai Foundation will anthems of both countries will cers who are attending ,ea fund the Koren soldier stat- be played. house will be the 1'OI717Qr U.S. Navy C apt. ate school at Texas A&M. ue- keynote speaker. Mike Newman, who serves as House said about c100 Nor 'This is a signiticant ges- Anyone interested in con - president of the Brazos Valley can students are enrolled at tore, and it is a recognition trihuting to future statues Veterans Memorial Fouii- the university. between the partnership and call 6 -6247 for information dation, said the day marks an House is also a close friend alliance the two countries The foundation is important time in history not of South Korean Gen. Palk have." said Steve Beachy, a accepting veterans' names only for Attiericlrns, but for Sun - yup, who has helped raise bard ,member of the Brazos be placi=d on the Wall of Honor the world. $c5.00O for a "twin statue" that Valley Memorial Foundation. until Aug. 15. "It is important that we rec The Eagle newspaper, June 24, 2010