HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/15/1968 - Special Minutes - City CouncilMINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING January 15, 1968 THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS On this the 15th day of January, 1968, the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, convened in special session at the regular meeting place thereof with the following members present, to -wit: Ld and the following absent: Mayor D. A. Anderson and B. J. Cooley, constituting the Cr) quorum, and among other preceedings had were the following: LJ CL Councilman Adams introduced a resolution and order and moved its adoption. Cd The motion was seconded by Councilman Boyett, and the motion carrying with it the 2 adoption of the resolution and order prevailed by the following vote, AYES: all, NOES: D none. C� 0 The resolution is as follows: There came on to be considered the returns of an election held on the 13th day of January, 1968, for the purpose of amending the city charter, and it appearing from said returns, duly and legally made, that there were cast at said election 608 valid and legal votes; that each of the amendments in said election received the following votes: Amendment No. 1 O. M. Holt Mayor Pro Tem 0� Robert R. Rhodes Councilman Amendment No. 3 A. P. Boyett Councilman Amendment No. 4 A. L. Rosprim Councilman Amendment No. 5 Homer B. Adams Councilman Amendment No. 6 Charles Richardson City Secretary m 337 2 Ld and the following absent: Mayor D. A. Anderson and B. J. Cooley, constituting the Cr) quorum, and among other preceedings had were the following: LJ CL Councilman Adams introduced a resolution and order and moved its adoption. Cd The motion was seconded by Councilman Boyett, and the motion carrying with it the 2 adoption of the resolution and order prevailed by the following vote, AYES: all, NOES: D none. C� 0 The resolution is as follows: There came on to be considered the returns of an election held on the 13th day of January, 1968, for the purpose of amending the city charter, and it appearing from said returns, duly and legally made, that there were cast at said election 608 valid and legal votes; that each of the amendments in said election received the following votes: Amendment No. 1 Ayes 588, Noes 19 Amendment No. 2 553, 55 Amendment No. 3 553 44 Amendment No. 4 573 31 Amendment No. 5 568 30 Amendment No. 6 576 25 Amendment No. 7 (Proposition 1) 337 2 Amendment No. 7 (Proposition 2) 177 3 Amendment No. 7 (Proposition 3) 73 0 9 0104® LtJ W d Ld CL Cd 0 .® Minutes of Special Meeting January 15, 1968 Page 2 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: That said election was duly called; that notice of said election was given in accordance with law, and that said election was held in accordance with law, and that all amendments were approved at said election, and that the Mayor is directed to file a certified copy of said amendments with the Secretary of State. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this the 15th day of January, 1968. ATTEST: N�4'4-) or, City Secretary APPROVED: MAYOR PRO E 01041 City of College Station, Texas 1 SPECIAL ELECTION January 13, 1968 NOTE: Voter's Signature to be affixed on the reverse side. CITY OF COLLEGE ST)' TION, TEXAS 0u FICIAL BALLOT ('Those desiring to vote in favor of any strike out the word "NO" and those de: shall strike out the word `'YES".) Amendment No. 1: "Do you favor the adoption of the of the City of College Station, Te the boundary of the City?" YES Amendment No. 2: "Do you favor the adoption of the of the City of College Station, Tex and Councilmen be real property c that they not be in arrears in the the City, and that if in arrears s than 90 clays?" YES Amendment No. 3: "Do you favor the adoption of of the City of College Station, office of appointive officials, na ` Attorney be for a two ye Mayor?" YES Amendment No. 4: "Do you favor the adoptla of the City of College ?5r contingency appropriatsdns Station?" YES Amendment No..6: "Do you favor the ad of the City oCollege for the Boayd of Equa Amendment No. 6: "Do` you favor the a of the City of College which, whthe City grants Amendment No. 7. N "Do you favor the Place Number?" ,sed amendment submitted shall to vote against such amendment iendment of the Home/Rule Charter which up-datesthe description of endment of the,°I-Iome Rule Charter that would require that the Mayor ers in the City of College Station, vent of taxes or other liabilities to delinquenq shall riot be for more c nendment of the I-Iome Rule Charter ;that would provide that the term of the City Secretary, City Judge, and a concurrent with that of the office f the amendment of the Home Rule Charter i, Texas, that would clarify the limits on the annual budget of the City of College n of the amendment of the Home Rule Charter on, Texas, that would provide additional time )n to properly conduct its business?" IVB - of the amendment of the Nome Rule Charter , Texas, that would clarify the procedure by Do for only one (1) of the three propositions below: tion of Councilmen at large, by all citizens, by NO +, you favor the present method of election of Councilmen?" YES NO "Do you favor the election of Councilmen at large by all citizens, but with Councilmen to reside in the Ward from which elected?" YES''