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TheCommissionheardthisitemon19Mayandvoted5-0torecommendapproval withconditions.TheCityCouncilheardthisitemon9Juneandvoted6-0toapprove therezoningrequestwithoutthewakeboard/skipark. x AdoptionoftheEastgateNeighborhoodPlan.TheCommissionheardthisitemon16 Juneandvoted4-0torecommendapproval.TheCityCouncilheardthisitemon23 Juneandvoted7-0toapprovetheplan. x AnamendmenttoSection9.2,Non-ConformingUses,andSection9.4,Non- ConformingLots,oftheUnifiedDevelopmentOrdinanceforpropertieslocated withintherecentlyannexedarea.TheCommissionheardthisitemon16Juneand vote4-0torecommendapproval.TheCityCouncilheardthisitemon23Juneand voted7-0toapprovetheamendment. x AdoptionoftheWastewaterMasterPlan. TheCommissionheardthisitemon2June andvoted6-0torecommendapproval.TheCityCouncilheardthisitemon23June andvoted7-0toapprovetheplan. 6.Presentation,possibleaction,anddiscussionregardingtheP&ZCalendarofUpcoming Meetings. 7.Discussion,reviewandpossibleactionregardingthefollowingmeetings:DesignReview Board,CouncilTransportationCommittee,JointParks/Planning&Zoning Subcommittee,WolfPenCreekOversightCommittee,NeighborhoodPlanStakeholder ResourceTeam,Bio-CorridorCommittee,MedicalCorridorCommittee,andMayor’s DevelopmentForum. x July14,2011~CityCouncil~CouncilChambers~Workshop6:00p.m.and Regular7:00p.m. x July21,2011P&ZMeeting~CouncilChambers~Workshop6:00p.m.and Regular7:00p.m. x July28,2011~CityCouncil~CouncilChambers~Workshop6:00p.m.and Regular7:00p.m. 8.Discussionandpossibleactiononfutureagendaitems–APlanning&ZoningMember mayinquireaboutasubjectforwhichnoticehasnotbeengiven.Astatementofspecific factualinformationortherecitationofexistingpolicymaybegiven.Anydeliberation shallbelimitedtoaproposaltoplacethesubjectonanagendaforasubsequentmeeting. 9.Adjourn. ConsultationwithAttorney{Gov'tCodeSection551.071};possibleaction. ThePlanningandZoningCommissionmayseekadvicefromitsattorneyregardingapendingandcontemplatedlitigationsubjectorattorney- clientprivilegedinformation.Afterexecutivesessiondiscussion,anyfinalactionorvotetakenwillbeinpublic.Iflitigationorattorney-client privilegedinformation issuesariseastothepostedsubjectmatterofthisPlanningandZoningCommissionmeeting,anexecutivesessionwillbe held. NoticeisherebygiventhataWorkshopMeetingoftheCollegeStationPlanning&ZoningCommission,CollegeStation,Texaswillbe heldontheThursday,July07,2011at6:00PMattheCityHallCouncilChambers,1101TexasAvenue,CollegeStation,Texas.The followingsubjectswillbediscussed,towit:SeeAgenda. Postedthisthe_____dayofJuly,2011,at_______ CITYOFCOLLEGESTATION,TEXAS By_____________________________ SherryMashburn,CitySecretary By_____________________________ DavidNeeley,CityManager I,theundersigned,doherebycertifythattheaboveNoticeoftheWorkshopMeetingofthePlanning&ZoningCommissionoftheCityof CollegeStation,Texas,isatrueandcorrectcopyofsaidNoticeandthatIpostedatrueandcorrectcopyofsaidnoticeonthebulletin boardatCityHall,1101TexasAvenue,inCollegeStation,Texas,andtheCity’swebsite,www.cstx.gov.TheAgendaandNoticeare readilyaccessibletothegeneralpublicatalltimes.SaidNoticeandAgendawerepostedonJuly___,2011,at_______andremainedso postedcontinuouslyforat least72hoursprecedingthescheduledtimeofsaidmeeting. ThispublicnoticewasremovedfromtheofficialpostingboardattheCollegeStationCityHallonthefollowingdateandtime: ______________________by_________________________. Datedthis_____dayof_____________,2011. CITYOFCOLLEGESTATION,TEXAS By_____________________________ Subscribedandsworntobeforemeonthisthedayof_______________,2011. NotaryPublic-BrazosCounty,Texas Mycommissionexpires: Thisbuildingiswheelchairaccessible.Handicapparkingspacesareavailable.Anyrequestforsigninterpretiveservicemustbemade 48hoursbeforethemeeting.Tomakearrangementscall(979)764-3517or(TDD)1-800-735-2989.Agendasmaybeviewedon www.cstx.gov.PlanningandZoningCommissionmeetingsarebroadcast liveonCableAccessChannel19.  AGENDA PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION RM EGULAR EETING T,J07,2011,7:00PM HURSDAY ULY AT CHCC ITY ALL OUNCIL HAMBERS 1101TA EXAS VENUE CS,T OLLEGE TATION EXAS  1.Call meeting to order. Hear Citizens. 2. At this time, the Chairman will open the floor to citizens wishing to address the Commission on planning and zoning issues not already scheduled on tonight's agenda. The citizen presentations will be limited to three minutes in order to accommodate everyone who wishes to address the Commission and to allow adequate time for completion of the agenda items. The Commission will receive the information, ask city staff to look into the matter, or will place the matter on a future agenda for discussion. (A recording is made of the meeting; please give your name and address for the record.) All matters listed under Item 3, Consent Agenda, are considered routine by the Planning & Zoning Commission and will be enacted by one motion. These items include preliminary plans and final plats, where staff has found compliance with all minimum subdivision regulations. All items approved by Consent are approved with any and all staff recommendations. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If any Commissioner desires to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda it will be moved to the Regular Agenda for further consideration. Consent Agenda 3.  3.1Consideration, discussion, and possible action on Absence Requests from meetings.  Scott Shafer ~ July 7, 2011  Craig Hall ~ July 21, 2011  3.2Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve meeting Minutes.  June 2, 2011 ~ Workshop  June 2, 2011 ~ Regular  June 16, 2011 ~ Workshop  June 16, 2011 ~ Regular  3.3Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat for Harvey Mitchell Commercial Addition, consisting of two lots on 6.21 acres located at 1250 Harvey Mitchell Parkway South, generally located next to the Knightsgate Subdivision. Case #11-00500089 (LH)  3.4Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat for University Heights Subdivision Phase 1, consisting of 82 residential lots on 18.38 acres located at 3150 Holleman Drive South, generally located next to Las Palomas Case #11-00500086 (LH) Subdivision. Regular Agenda  4.Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action.  5.Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Preliminary Plan for the Barracks II Subdivision, consisting of 431 lots on 108.91 acres located at 3100 Haupt Road, and more generally east of Holleman Drive South and north of the Williamsgate and Barracks Case #11-00500088 (MR) subdivisions.  6.Discussion and possible action on future agenda items A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting.  7.Adjourn. Consultation with Attorney {Gov't Code Section 551.071} ; possible action. The Planning and Zoning Commission may seek advice from its attorney regarding a pending and contemplated litigation subject or attorney- client privileged information. After executive session discussion, any final action or vote taken will be in public. If litigation or attorney-client privileged information issues arise as to the posted subject matter of this Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, an executive session will be held. Notice is hereby given that a Regular Meeting of the College Station Planning & Zoning Commission, College Station, Texas will be held on the Thursday, July 07, 2011 at 7:00 PM at the City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. The following subjects will be discussed, to wit: See Agenda. Posted this the _____ day of July, 2011, at _______ CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS By _____________________________ Sherry Mashburn, City Secretary By _____________________________ David Neeley, City Manager I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission of the City of College Station, Texas, is a true and correct copy of said Notice and that I posted a true and correct copy of said notice on the bulletin board at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, in Cowww.cstx.gov. The Agenda and Notice are readily accessible to the general public at all times. Said Notice and Agenda were posted on July ___, 2011, at _______ and remained so posted continuously for at least 72 hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting. This public notice was removed from the official posting board at the College Station City Hall on the following date and time: ______________________ by _________________________. Dated this _____ day of_____________, 2011. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS By_____________________________ Subscribed and sworn to before me on this the day of_______________, 2011. Notary Public- Brazos County, Texas My commission expires: This building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive service must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Agendas may be viewed on www.cstx.gov. Planning and Zoning Commission meetings are broadcast live on Cable Access Channel 19. Planning & Zoning Commission 2011 Plan of Work Community & Neighborhood Planning Comprehensive Plan Implementation éÇÏÏÛÊÃìÊÍÒ×ÙÈøÛÈ×É  øÊÛÖÈåÛÉÈ×ÅÛÈ×ÊïÛÉÈ×ÊìÐÛÎÌÊ×É×ÎÈ×ØÈÍ ùÍÇÎÙÓÐóÎÓÈÓÛÈÓÆ×ùÍÎÈÓÎÇ×ÓÏÌÐ×Ï×ÎÈÛÈÓÍÎÍÖ ìâÖÍÊÊ×ÙÍÏÏ×ÎØÛÈÓÍÎ ùÍÏÌÊ×Ô×ÎÉÓÆ×ìÐÛÎÈÔÊÍÇÕÔÙÍÏÌÐ×ÈÓÍÎÍÖÊ×ÐÛÈ×Ø ÏÛÉÈ×ÊÌÐÛÎÉÛÎØÛØÍÌÈÓÍÎÍÖÎ×ÅÂÍÎÓÎÕØÓÉÈÊÓÙÈÉÛÎØ 6/23/11: Wastewater Master Plan adopted by ÍÈÔ×ÊÊ×ÆÓÉÓÍÎÉÈÍÓÏÌÐ×Ï×ÎÈÈÔ×ìÐÛÎ Council. éÈÛÖÖûÉÉÓÕÎ×ØìøééÈÛÖÖûÎÈÓÙÓÌÛÈ×ØùÍÏÌÐ×ÈÓÍÎíÎÕÍÓÎÕ Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan Implementation éÇÏÏÛÊÃìÊÍÒ×ÙÈøÛÈ×É ùÍÇÎÙÓÐóÎÓÈÓÛÈÓÆ×ùÍÎÈÓÎÇ×ÓÏÌÐ×Ï×ÎÈÛÈÓÍÎÈÔÊÍÇÕÔÈÔ× 6/11 ïÛÃØÛÃùÔÛÐÐ×ÎÕ×ÚÓÑ××Æ×ÎÈÅÓÈÔòÇÎÙÈÓÍÎ  cancelled ÔÛÉÚ××Î 6/11: Construction of Harvey Mitchell Pkwy multi- use path is complete. éÈÛÖÖûÉÉÓÕÎ×Øæõ ûÎÈÓÙÓÌÛÈ×ØùÍÏÌÐ×ÈÓÍÎíÎÕÍÓÎÕ Recreation, Parks and Open Space Master Plan éÇÏÏÛÊÃìÊÍÒ×ÙÈøÛÈ×É   øÊÛÖÈïÛÉÈ×ÊìÐÛÎÌÊ×É×ÎÈ×ØÈÍìÛÊÑÉ ùÍÇÎÙÓÐóÎÓÈÓÛÈÓÆ×óÎÛÉÉÍÙÓÛÈÓÍÎÅÓÈÔÈÔ×ìâÛÎØìÛÊÑ ê×ÙÊ×ÛÈÓÍÎúÍÛÊØÖÍÊÊ×ÙÍÏÏ×ÎØÛÈÓÍÎ ê×ÙÊ×ÛÈÓÍÎûØÆÓÉÍÊÃúÍÛÊØÉÇÚÙÍÏÏÓÈÈ××ÉØÊÛÖÈÛÎØ 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Molly Hitchcock, Lance Simms, Jennifer Prochazka, Alan Gibbs, Mary Ann Powell, Christina Court, and Brittany Caldwell 1.Call the meeting to order. Chairman Shafer called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. 2.Discussion of consent and regular agenda items. There was general discussion regarding the College Station Wastewater Master Plan. 3.Discussion of Minor and Amending Plats approved by Staff. Minor Plat 306 Park Place and 303 Luther Street, West Park Addition Subdivision, Block 1, Lots 1-R and 2-R. Planning Administrator Hitchcock briefly discussed the minor plat. 4.Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the status of items within the 2011 (JS) P&Z Plan of Work (see attached). Senior Planner Schubert gave an update regarding the 2011 P&Z Plan of Work. 5.Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the delivery of the proposed Parks (LS) Master Plan to the Commission. Assistant Director Simms discussed the Parks Master Plan. 6.Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the delivery of the proposed (JS) Eastgate Neighborhood Plan to the Commission. Senior Planner Schubert gave a presentation regarding the Eastgate Neighborhood Plan. June 2, 2011 P&Z Workshop Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 2 . 7.Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the P&Z Calendar of Upcoming Meetings. June 9, 2011 ~ City Council Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ Regular 7:00 p.m. June 16, 2011 ~ P&Z Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ Workshop 6:00 p.m. and Regular 7:00 p.m. Assistant Director Simms reviewed the upcoming meeting dates for the Planning & Zoning Commission. 8.Discussion, review and possible action regarding the following meetings: Design Review Board, Council Transportation Committee, Joint Parks/Planning & Zoning Subcommittee, Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee, Neighborhood Plan Stakeholder Resource Team, Bio-Corridor Committee, Medical Corridor Committee, and Mayor’s Development Forum. There was no discussion. 9.Discussion and possible action on future agenda items – A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. There was no discussion. 10.Adjourn. Commissioner Stearns motioned to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Hall seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). The meeting was adjourned at 6:48 p.m. Approved: ________________________________ Scott Shafer, Chairman Planning & Zoning Commission Attest: _____________________________________ Christina Court, Staff Assistant Planning & Development Services June 2, 2011 P&Z Workshop Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 2 MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Regular Meeting June 2, 2011, 7:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Scott Shafer, Mike Ashfield, Craig Hall, Jodi Warner, Hugh Stearns, and Bo Miles COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: None CITY STAFF PRESENT: Jason Schubert, Matt Robinson, Joe Guerra, Molly Hitchcock, Lance Simms, Alan Gibbs, Jennifer Prochazka, Mary Ann Powell, Dave Coleman, Christina Court, and Brittany Caldwell, 1.Call meeting to order. Chairman Shafer called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2.Hear Citizens. None Consent Agenda 3.. 3.1Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve meeting Minutes. May 17, 2011 ~ Joint Workshop May 19, 2011 ~ Workshop May 19, 2011 ~ Regular 3.2Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat for the Tower Point Subdivision Phase 11B, consisting of three commercial lots on 7.36 acres located at 4442 State Highway 6, generally located at the intersection of State Highway 6 and Case #11-00500076 (LH) William D. Fitch Parkway. Commissioner Stearns requested Item 3.2 be pulled from the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Hall motioned to approve Consent Agenda Item 3.1. Commissioner Ashfield seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). June 2, 2011 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 2  Regular Agenda 4.Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. Commissioner Stearns asked about bike and pedestrian connectivity within the development. Planning Administrator Hitchcock briefly discussed item 3.2. Chuck Ellison, 2902 Camille Drive, spoke about mobility issues within the development. Commissioner Stearns motioned to approve the Final Plat. Commissioner Ashfield seconded the motion, motion approved (6-0). 5.Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a recommendation to City Council on amending the Comprehensive Plan and the adoption of the College Station (DC) Wastewater Master Plan. Dave Coleman, Water Services Director, gave a presentation on the College Station Wastewater Master Plan. There was general discussion regarding the Wastewater Master Plan. Chairman Shafer opened the public hearing. No visitors spoke. Chairman Shafer closed the public hearing. Commissioner Ashfield moved to recommend approval of the College Station Wastewater Master Plan to City Council. Commissioner Stearns seconded the motion, motion was approved (6-0). 6.Discussion and possible action on future agenda items – A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. No future agenda items were requested. 7.Adjourn. Commissioner Ashfieldmotioned to adjourn the meeting, motion passed (6-0). The meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m. Approved: Attest: ____________________________________ ___________________________________ Scott Shafer, Chairman Christina Court, Staff Assistant Planning and Zoning Commission Planning and Development Services June 2, 2011 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 2  MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Workshop Meeting June 16, 2011, 6:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Scott Shafer, Jodi Warner, Craig Hall, and Bo Miles COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Mike Ashfield and Hugh Stearns CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: None CITY STAFF PRESENT: Bob Cowell, Jason Schubert, Joe Guerra, Molly Hitchcock, Lance Simms, Jennifer Prochazka, Alan Gibbs, Venessa Garza, Lauren Hovde, Matt Robinson, Josh Norton, Adam Falco, Christina Court, and Kristen Hejny 1.Call the meeting to order. Chairman Shafer called the meeting to order at 6:37 p.m. 2.Discussion of consent and regular agenda items. There was general discussion regarding the Preliminary Plan for the TDI-Brooks International Center. 3.Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the status of items within the 2011 P&Z Plan of Work Senior Planner Schubert gave an update regarding the 2011 P&Z Plan of Work. 4.Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an update on the following item(s): A rezoning of 1.3 acres of A-P Administrative-Professional and OV Overlay district property to 0.39 acre of C-1 General Commercial and OV Overlay District and 0.91 acre of A-O Agricultural-Open and OV Overlay District located at 1301 University Drive East, generally located next the Gateway Subdivision at the intersection of University Drive and State Highway 6. The Commission heard this item on 5 May and voted 7-0 to recommend approval. The City Council heard this item on 26 May and voted 7-0 to approve the rezoning request. An amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance, Section 7.4 "Signs" and Section 11.2 "Defined Terms", related to campus wayfinding signs. The Commission June 16, 2011 P&Z Workshop Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 2  heard this item on 5 May and voted 7-0 to recommend approval. The City Council heard this item on 26 May and voted 7-0 to approve the amendment. Director Cowell briefly discussed the update on the items. 5.Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the P&Z Calendar of Upcoming Meetings. June 23, 2011 ~ City Council Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ Regular 7:00 p.m. July 7, 2011 ~ P&Z Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ Workshop 6:00 p.m. and Regular 7:00 p.m. July 21 ~ P&Z Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ Workshop 6:00 p.m. and Regular 7:00 p.m. Director Cowell reviewed the upcoming meeting dates for the Planning & Zoning Commission. 6.Discussion, review and possible action regarding the following meetings: Design Review Board, Council Transportation Committee, Joint Parks/Planning & Zoning Subcommittee, Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee, Neighborhood Plan Stakeholder Resource Team, Bio-Corridor Committee, Medical Corridor Committee, and Mayor’s Development Forum. Director Cowell discussed the creation of the Lick Creek Nature Center Committee. 7.Discussion and possible action on future agenda items – A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. There was no discussion. 8.Adjourn. Commissioner Warner motioned to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Miles seconded the motion, motion passed (4-0). The meeting was adjourned at 6:49 p.m. Approved: Attest: ________________________________ _____________________________________ Scott Shafer, Chairman Christina Court, Staff Assistant Planning & Zoning Commission Planning & Development Services June 16, 2011 P&Z Workshop Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 2  MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Regular Meeting June 16, 2011, 7:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Scott Shafer, Craig Hall, Jodi Warner, and Bo Miles COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Mike Ashfield and Hugh Stearns CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Karl Mooney CITY STAFF PRESENT: Bob Cowell, Jason Schubert, Joe Guerra, Molly Hitchcock, Lance Simms, David Schmitz, Jennifer Prochazka, Alan Gibbs, Venessa Garza, Lauren Hovde, Matt Robinson, Josh Norton, Adam Falco, Christina Court, and Kristen Hejny 1.Call meeting to order. Chairman Shafer called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. 2.Hear Citizens. None Consent Agenda 3.. 3.1Consideration, discussion, and possible action on Absence Requests from meetings. Hugh Stearns ~ June 16, 2011 Mike Ashfield ~ June 16, 2011 Commissioner Miles motioned to approve Consent Agenda Item 3.1. Commissioner Warner seconded the motion, motion passed (4-0). Regular Agenda 4.Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. There was no discussion. 5.Public Presentation, possible action, and discussion on waivers to Section 8.2.E.3 Street Projections, Section 8.2.G Blocks, Section 8.2.J.2 Access Ways, and Section 8.2.K.2 June 16, 2011 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 5  Required Sidewalks, of the Unified Development Ordinance and presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Preliminary Plan for the TDI-Brooks International Center Subdivision, consisting of one lot on 53.305 acres located at 14379 South Dowling Road, located within the newly annexed area at the intersection of South Dowling Road and Case #11-00500084 (LH) I&GN Road. Staff Planner Hovde gave a presentation on the Preliminary Plan. Jim Brooks with TDI- Brooks gave a presentation regarding the Preliminary Plan. Commissioner Warner moved to approve the waivers presented. Commissioner Miles seconded the motion, motion was approved (4-0). Commissioner Miles moved to approve the Preliminary Plan as presented. Commissioner Warner seconded the motion, motion was approved (4-0). 6.Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat of the College Station Southwood Subdivision, being a replat of Lots 4A, 4D, 4E, and 4F, Block 15, of the Revised Plat of Lot 4, Block 15 of Southwood Plaza Phase Two; Lot 3, Block 15, of the Correction Plat of Southwood Plaza Phase One, Lot 3, Block 15 Southwood Valley Section Three; and Lots 4J and 4K, Block 15, of the Replat of Lot 4B, Block 15, Phase II Southwood Plaza Subdivision; consisting of three lots on 23.238 acres, generally located Case #10- at the southwest corner of Harvey Mitchell Parkway and Texas Avenue. 00500265 (JP) Senior Planner Prochazka gave a presentation regarding the Final Plat. Chairman Shafer opened the public hearing. No visitors spoke. Chairman Shafer closed the public hearing. There was general discussion regarding the Final Plat. Commissioner Miles moved to approve the Final Plat as presented which includes the sidewalk fund and final plat. Commissioner Hall seconded the motion, motion was approved (4-0). 7.Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a request to rezone 6.283 acres located at 3514, 3520 and 3526 Longmire Drive, and more generally located east of the College Station Medical Center, from C-1 General Commercial and C-2 Case # 11-00500078 Commercial-Industrial to PDD Planned Development District. (MR)(Note: Final action on this item is scheduled for the July 14, 2011 City Council Meeting - subject to change) Senior Planner Robinson gave a presentation regarding the rezoning. June 16, 2011 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 5  There was general discussion regarding the rezoning. Leon Williamson, applicant, gave a brief presentation. Chairman Shafer opened the public hearing. No visitors spoke. Chairman Shafer closed the public hearing. Commissioner Hall moved to approve the rezoning as presented. Commissioner Warner seconded the motion, motion was approved (4-0). Director Cowell asked if agenda item 9 could be heard before agenda item 8. Chairman Shafer agreed. 8.Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding adoption of the Case #10-00500181 (JS)(Note: Final action on this item Eastgate Neighborhood Plan. is scheduled for the June 23, 2011 City Council Meeting - subject to change) Senior Planner Schubert gave a presentation on the Eastgate Neighborhood Plan. There was general discussion. Chairman Shafer opened the public hearing. Sherry Ellison, 2705 Brookway Drive, spoke on behalf of the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Advisory Board recommending approval of the Eastgate Neighborhood Plan. Onie Holmes, 616 Pasler, stated that she does not support turning Gilbert that is currently an alley into a street. Leroy Thomas, 611 Banks Street, stated that he does not support widening or adding sidewalks to Banks Street due to small lot sizes. Cynthia Safbs, 803 Pasler, stated that she does not support increasing road size due to an issue of speeding traffic. Virgea Thomas, 611 Banks Street, stated that she would like to keep the neighborhood’s integrity and is concerned with speeding traffic through the neighborhood. David Som, 1017 James Parkway, commended the great job the committee did during the process of completing the Eastgate Neighborhood Plan. He said that he dislikes the homes that are being built that look like single-family homes, but are turned into rental property. June 16, 2011 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 5 Nita Thompson Blake, 612 Pearce, stated that she would like to keep neighborhood’s integrity. Lucille Young, 720 Churchill, stated that she is supporting all other visitors concerns. She said that she disagrees with sidewalks being added to the neighborhood, due to small lot sizes and possibly creating more pedestrian traffic. Chairman Shafer closed public hearing. Senior Planner Schubert addressed the issues that the visitors voiced. Commissioner Miles moved to recommend approval to the City Council of the Eastgate Neighborhood Plan. Commissioner Hall seconded the motion, motion was approved (4-0). 9.Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding adoption of the Case #10-00500081 (DS)(Note: Final action on this Parks and Recreation Master Plan. item is scheduled for the July 14, 2011 City Council Meeting - subject to change) David Schmitz, Parks & Recreation Director, gave a presentation on the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Director Cowell gave a presentation on the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Chairman Shafer opened public hearing. No visitors spoke. Chairman Shafer closed the public hearing. There was general discussion regarding the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Commissioner Warner moved to recommend adoption of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Commissioner Hall seconded the motion, motion was approved (4-0). 10.Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an amendment to Section 9.2, Non-Conforming Uses, and Section 9.4, Non-Conforming Lots, of the Case Unified Development Ordinance regarding non-conforming uses and structures. #11-00500085 (LS)(Note: Final action on this item is scheduled for the June 23, 2011 City Council Meeting - subject to change) Assistant Director Simms gave a presentation on amendments to Article 9, Nonconformities in the Unified Development Ordinance. Chairman Shafer opened public hearing. No visitors spoke. June 16, 2011 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 5 Chairman Shafer closed the public hearing. Commissioner Hall moved to recommend approval of the amendments to the Unified Development Ordinance as presented. Commissioner Miles seconded the motion, motion was approved (4-0). 11.Discussion and possible action on future agenda items – A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. No future agenda items were requested. 12.Adjourn. Commissioner Warner motioned to adjourn the meeting, motion passed (4-0). The meeting adjourned at 10:25 p.m. Approved: ____________________________________ Scott Shafer, Chairman Planning and Zoning Commission Attest: ____________________________________ Christina Court, Staff Assistant Planning and Development Services June 16, 2011 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 5 FINAL PLAT for Harvey Mitchell Commercial Addition 11-00500089 SCALE: èÅÍÐÍÈÉÍÎ ÛÙÊ×É LOCATION:   ôÛÊÆ×ÃïÓÈÙÔ×ÐÐìÛÊÑÅÛÃéÍÇÈÔ ZONING: ù õ×Î×ÊÛÐùÍÏÏ×ÊÙÓÛÐ ÛÙÊ×É êïÇÐÈÓöÛÏÓÐà  ÛÙÊ×É APPLICANT: é×ÈÔïÙñÓÎÎ×ÃùÊÛÅÖÍÊØúÇÊÎ×ÈÈóÎÆ×ÉÈÏ×ÎÈððù PROJECT MANAGER: ðÛÇÊ×ÎôÍÆØ×éÈÛÖÖìÐÛÎÎ×Ê ÐÔÍÆØ×üÙÉÈÄÕÍÆ RECOMMENDATION: ûÌÌÊÍÆÛÐ ìÐÛÎÎÓÎÕâÍÎÓÎÕùÍÏÏÓÉÉÓÍÎìÛÕ× ÍÖ  òÇÐà ìÐÛÎÎÓÎÕâÍÎÓÎÕùÍÏÏÓÉÉÓÍÎìÛÕ× ÍÖ  òÇÐà  DEVELOPMENT HISTORY Annexation: ö×ÚÊÇÛÊà   Zoning: çÌÍÎÛÎÎ×ÄÛÈÓÍÎê éÓÎÕÐ×öÛÏÓÐÃê×ÉÓØ×ÎÈÓÛÐ ê ÈÍù õ×Î×ÊÛÐùÍÏÏ×ÊÙÓÛÐÛÎØêïÇÐÈÓöÛÏÓÐÃê×ÉÓØ×ÎÈÓÛÐ ö×ÚÊÇÛÊà  Preliminary Plan: ôÛÊÆ×ÃïÓÈÙÔ×ÐÐùÍÏÏ×ÊÙÓÛÐûØØÓÈÓÍÎïÛà  Site Development: æÛÙÛÎÈ COMMENTS Parkland Dedication:  Ì×ÊÇÎÓÈÅÓÐÐÚ×ÛÉÉ×ÉÉ×ØÖÍÊúÐÍÙÑ ðÍÈ ÇÌÍÎÛÌÌÐÓÙÛÈÓÍÎ ÖÍÊÚÇÓÐØÓÎÕÌ×ÊÏÓÈÉÖÍÊÈÔ×ÏÇÐÈÓÖÛÏÓÐÃÇÎÓÈÉ Greenways: èÔ×Ê×ÓÉÎÍõÊ××ÎÅÛÃÉØ×ØÓÙÛÈÓÍÎÍÊØ×Æ×ÐÍÌÏ×ÎÈÌÊÍÌÍÉ×ØÅÓÈÔ ÈÔÓÉÌÐÛÎ Pedestrian Connectivity: èÔ×Ê×ÛÊ×ÎÍÌ×Ø×ÉÈÊÓÛÎÖÛÙÓÐÓÈÓ×ÉÌÊÍÌÍÉ×ØÅÓÈÔÈÔÓÉÌÐÛÎèÔ× çÎÓÖÓ×Øø×Æ×ÐÍÌÏ×ÎÈíÊØÓÎÛÎÙ×ØÍ×ÉÎÍÈÊ×ËÇÓÊ×ÉÓØ×ÅÛÐÑÉÛÐÍÎÕ öÊ××ÅÛÃÉ ÷ÄÌÊ×ÉÉÅÛÃÉÅÔÓÙÔÓÉÈÔ×Ø×ÉÓÕÎÛÈÓÍÎÍÖôÛÊÆ×à ïÓÈÙÔ×ÐÐìÛÊÑÅÛà Bicycle Connectivity: èÔ×Ê×ÛÊ×ÎÍÚÓÙÃÙÐ×ÖÛÙÓÐÓÈÓ×ÉÌÊÍÌÍÉ×ØÅÓÈÔÈÔÓÉÌÐÛÎ Impact Fees: îÍÎ× REVIEW CRITERIA Compliance with Subdivision Regulations: èÔ×ÌÊÍÌÍÉ×ØÖÓÎÛÐÌÐÛÈÓÉÓÎÙÍÏÌÐÓÛÎÙ×ÅÓÈÔÈÔ× çÎÓÖÓ×Øø×Æ×ÐÍÌÏ×ÎÈíÊØÓÎÛÎÙ×ÛÎØÈÔ×ÛÌÌÊÍÆ×ØìÊ×ÐÓÏÓÎÛÊÃìÐÛÎÛÉÛÌÌÊÍÆ×ØÚÃÈÔ× ìÐÛÎÎÓÎÕÛÎØâÍÎÓÎÕùÍÏÏÓÉÉÓÍÎÅÓÈÔÅÛÓÆ×ÊÉÊ×ÕÛÊØÓÎÕÚÐÍÙÑÐ×ÎÕÈÔÚÐÍÙÑÌ×ÊÓÏ×È×ÊÛÎØ ÉÈÊ××ÈÌÊÍÒ×ÙÈÓÍÎ STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS éÈÛÖÖÊ×ÙÍÏÏ×ÎØÉÛÌÌÊÍÆÛÐÍÖÈÔ×ÌÊÍÌÍÉ×ØÖÓÎÛÐÌÐÛÎ SUPPORTING MATERIALS ûÌÌÐÓÙÛÈÓÍÎ ùÍÌÃÍÖöÓÎÛÐìÐÛÈÌÊÍÆÓØ×ØÓÎÌÛÙÑ×È ìÐÛÎÎÓÎÕâÍÎÓÎÕùÍÏÏÓÉÉÓÍÎìÛÕ× ÍÖ  òÇÐà      FINAL PLAT for University Heights Phase 1 11-00500086 SCALE:  Ê×ÉÓØ×ÎÈÓÛÐÐÍÈÉÛÎØÈÔÊ××ÙÍÏÏÍÎÛÊ×ÛÉÍÎ  ÛÙÊ×É LOCATION:   ôÍÐÐ×ÏÛÎøÊÓÆ×éÍÇÈÔ ZONING:- ÛÙÊ×Éê éÓÎÕÐ×öÛÏÓÐÃê×ÉÓØ×ÎÈÓÛÐ ÛÙÊ×Éê èÍÅÎÔÍÏ×É  ÛÙÊ×ÉêïÇÐÈÓöÛÏÓÐÃê×ÉÓØ×ÎÈÓÛÐùÍÏÏÍÎûÊ×Û  ÛÙÊ×ÉûíûÕÊÓÙÇÐÈÇÊÛÐíÌ×Î APPLICANT: ïòúéôÍÐÐ×ÏÛÎðÈØ PROJECT MANAGER: ðÛÇÊ×ÎûôÍÆØ×éÈÛÖÖìÐÛÎÎ×Ê ÐÔÍÆØ×üÙÉÈÄÕÍÆ RECOMMENDATION: ûÌÌÊÍÆÛÐ ìÐÛÎÎÓÎÕâÍÎÓÎÕùÍÏÏÓÉÉÓÍÎìÛÕ× ÍÖ  òÇÐà ìÐÛÎÎÓÎÕâÍÎÓÎÕùÍÏÏÓÉÉÓÍÎìÛÕ× ÍÖ  òÇÐà DEVELOPMENT HISTORY Annexation: ïÛÊÙÔ  Zoning: çÌÍÎÛÎÎ×ÄÛÈÓÍÎûíûÕÊÓÙÇÐÈÇÊÛÐíÌ×Î ûíÈÍê éÓÎÕÐ×öÛÏÓÐÃê×ÉÓØ×ÎÈÓÛÐê èÍÅÎÔÍÏ×ÉÛÎØ êïÇÐÈÓöÛÏÓÐÃê×ÉÓØ×ÎÈÓÛÐ  Preliminary Plat: èÔÓÉÌÊÍÒ×ÙÈÅÛÉïÛÉÈ×ÊìÐÛÎÎ×ØÛÎØìÊ×ÐÓÏÓÎÛÊÃìÐÛÈÈ×ØÓÎ  ÛÉíÛÑÐÛÎØêÓØÕ×éÇÚØÓÆÓÉÓÍÎóÈÅÛÉÛÕÛÓÎìÊ×ÐÓÏÓÎÛÊÃìÐÛÈÈ×ØÓÎ ÛÉÈÔ×çÎÓÆ×ÊÉÓÈÃô×ÓÕÔÈÉéÇÚØÓÆÓÉÓÍÎ Site development: æÛÙÛÎÈ COMMENTS Parkland Dedication: îÍÎ×Ê×ËÇÓÊ×ØèÔÓÉÌÊÍÒ×ÙÈÚ×ÕÛÎÅÔÓÐ×ÓÎÈÔ×÷èòÌÊÓÍÊÈÍÈÔ× Ê×ËÇÓÊ×Ï×ÎÈÍÖÌÛÊÑÐÛÎØØ×ØÓÙÛÈÓÍÎ Greenways: îÍÎ× Pedestrian Connectivity: éÓØ×ÅÛÐÑÉÛÊ×ÌÊÍÌÍÉ×ØÛÐÍÎÕÍÎ×ÉÓØ×ÍÖÛÐÐÓÎÈ×ÊÓÍÊÉÈÊ××ÈÉÛÉ Ê×ËÇÓÊ×ØÚÃÈÔ×éÇÚØÓÆÓÉÓÍÎê×ÕÇÐÛÈÓÍÎÉÓÎÌÐÛÙ×ÅÔ×ÎÈÔÓÉÌÊÍÒ×ÙÈ . 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