HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of College Station Newsletter 2004 October 2004 NI ( C011 I e g 111 . ••• tatio Home of the Research Valley . �u lOvro �i, -o.,�� C it i zeiis Aggies vs. Kansas Un I v e r sIfy 10/2 A gg s State (here) 10/2 Texas Renaissance Festival, Where Citizens Make the Difference Weekends through Nov. 14 (800 - 458 -3435) College Station Citizens' University, participants to network with one another 10/4 Yom Kippur established in 1998, promotes a better and the city staff. 10/7 Lincoln Center "Lights On" understanding of local government and After School Rally (4:30 p.m.) to encourage positive participation in the Applications will be accepted through process. December 5, 2004. An on -line application 10/8 Cross Canadian Ragweed LIVE form is available at www.cstx.gov under Wolf Pen Creek Since its inception, 158 residents have the Citizens University link. 10/9 Brazos Valley Safety graduated from this award winning Spark - tacular (Post Oak Mall) program, many of whom now serve on To be eligible, you must be at least a boards, committees and even the City one -year resident of College Station, a 10/9 Scarecrow Festival (Oct. 9 -10) registered voter and at least 21 years of Chappell Hill (979) 836 -6033 Council, providing informed and profes- g Y sional volunteer leadership to our age. Twenty-four applicants will be 10/9 Aggies vs. Iowa State (there) community. accepted into the program for 2005 and 10/13 Senior Computer Club (9 a.m.) there is no charge for participating. The 764 -6371 In January 2005, Citizens' University desire is that those completing the program will begin its seventh year of providing will give back to the community through l?f1 Aggies vs. OSU (there) classes for interested and eligible their participation in local government as a 10/16 B /CS Heart Walk 268 -0068 residents. Classes will be held for 10 volunteer in some way. 10/16 Children's Museum Fallfest & weeks, Monday nights from 5:30 until BOOseum 779 -5437 9:00 pm. Dinner is provided to allow For more information or an application, please call Peggy Calliham at 764 -3499. 10/21 Lincoln Center Fall Fest 764 -3779 0°' 4■1 • Monday Evenings Feb. 21 Development Services 10/21 City Council Meeting; Workshop Feb. 28 Fire Service 5 - 9:00 pm 3 p.m.; Regular Meeting 7 p.m. \ ► (ill ++ :Ink P ` `' March 7 Public Works 10/23 Aggies vs. Colorado (here) Dinner Included Spring Break 10/31 Halloween March 21 CS Utilities an. 24 City History /Administration / March 28 Ethics /Elections /Volunteers/ 11/6 Aggies vs. OU (here) Overview /Strategic Issues Q &A with Council 11/9 City Council Meeting; Workshop an. 31 Technology & Information April 4 (Saturday morning) 2 p.m.; Regular Meeting 7 p.m. Services Parks & Economic 11/9 Election Day Feb. 7 Police Development Tours/ • Feb.14 Municipal Court /Finance Graduation Lunch 11/11 Veterans Day 11/13 Aggies vs. Texas Tech (here) 11/20 Household Hazardous Waste (kf City Council & P &Z Meetings on Collection (Brazos Center) 11/20 Holiday Market & Trade Day - CITY OF COLLEGE STATION CSTV Channel 19 Wellborn Planning & Zoning meetings are now broadcast live on Channel l9, City Council Meeting; Workshop along with Ci Council Workshops andtJ' p Meetings. Watch your city 3 p.m.; Regular Meeting 7 p.m. government in action each Thursday at 7p.m. and check Channel 19for 11/25 Thanksgiving Holiday programming guides 11/26 City offices closed CIPs (Capital Improvement Projects) - improving your i ▪ q • uality of life in College Statio • Do you have a question about the City of College Station? Hwy 30/60 Infrastructure • Each month we'll check with our experts for the answers. •($3,650,000) Construction of roadway • • between Hwy 60 to Hwy 30 connect- • Q. What's this new 211 telephone number that I've been hearing about? • ing Copperfield Drive to Linda Lane. • • • T roadway includes a center median • • A. Everyone knows about 9 Emergency Response. Now, when you need more than • and with w sidewalks historically inspired • in but it is not an emergency, there is 2 -1 -1. 2 -1 -1 Texas is a simple, easy to • ▪ street lightin sidewalks with t o ri is scheduled • remember three -digit dialing code for citizens to receive information and referrals for • for December. • non- emergency health, human services and disaster related needs. 2 -1 -1 houses more • • • than 1,200 health and human resources for the Brazos Valley Region and is able to • • provide information 24 hours a day to citizens on a variety of needs including resources • • • for food, shelter, utility assistance, housing and rental assistance, clothing, childcare, • • P Texas Avenue Powerline • health care, prescription assistance, and counseling. Services are available statewide in • to Underground • any language, including services for the hearing impaired. • ($1,400,000) Removing the overhead • • • powerline from along Texas Avenue • Q. I'm thinking of starting my own business in College Station. Is there anyplace that I from Harvey Road to FM 2818 • • can see what types of commercial property are available and information on where to (Harvey Mitchell Parkway) Over- • locate? • head lines are being relocated under - • A. Beginning September 30, the City of College Station will offer Smart Sites, an online GIS- •• ground. This project is scheduled to based real estate database. The database will be available at http: / /smartsites.cstx.gov. • be completed in December. • • Users can search listings of available commercial property for sale and lease in the City as well as find GIS -based area maps, demographics and business count information. Hard Hat , , , Zone Sen q uestions to: City of College Station Public Communications l 3 d 4 4.h) 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, TX 77842; or email pjettgcstr.gov. , Questions can also be faxed to 764 -6258 or call 764 -3445. Here are a few of the new or expanding businesses opening PVfVMA soon. HOUIEHOLD HAZARDOU WASTE TM °bile 819 Texas Avenue & COMPUTER COLLECTION EVENT Homewood Suites Hilton 950 University Drive E. Chuck E Cheese Get the hazards out ofyour houses .o 1500 Harvey Road (Post Oak Mall) PAINT ® PESTICIDES 0 USED MOTOR OIL 0 HOUSEHOLD CLEANERS w Lavenders Boot City 2300 Earl Rudder Freeway November 20 i � ' � This information and more can 9 am - 4(pm be found in the Building and Development Newsletter - Brazos Center _ distributed monthly. 40 FORMORE INFORMATION Find it on the City's web site CALL BVSWMA AT 764-3806 (www.cstx.gov) or call Development Services at * The October insert contained the original date for this event. 764 - 3570. We apologize for any inconvenience that this might have caused. City Of Colle , ; On' - , Traditional Values. i it Pro Thir - -- July, 2004 GIS - Mapping Made Easy July/August Events 7/1 City Council special Just moved in and don't know what day Satellite and aerial photos provide actual Meeting (5 pm) your trash gets picked up? pictures, which can then be overlaid with 7/4 Independence Day maps containing information on demograph- Fireworks - Bush Library Buying a home and want to know sales ics, easements and natural land features. ' 7/5 City Offices Closed data from various neighborhoods or what the Additional layers show voting precincts, (Independence Day) empty field next sanitation collec- schedule, Slnl le, no recycling College Station • Geographic Information tion dates, school schedu recycling door is zoned fo school zones, parks, 7/6 TAMU second summer Ever wondered medical facili- session begins ' ties, apartment how far it was from 7/8 City Council Meeting your front door to complexes, Workshop (3 pm) y � Regular Meeting (7 pm) the mall, or campus? � � s . q ., municipal and Maybe you are inter- . university build - 7/10 WPC Starlight Music ested i n the c ' ;� ings, and even Series - Dave Matthews Cover Band - -Free! statistics for your cemetery lots. 1I Double Dip Day at all neighborhood? You A point -to -point pools -Ice crea from E can fi a ll t hi s and measuring tool lets you see the -Shakes''. . much more right 12 Sizzlefest - Southwood � from y our own com distance in feet Hallaran Pool puter. between any two "' points in town. 7/17 Christmas in July - all Measure "as the crow flies," or measure the pools College Station's Geographic Information System (GIS) Mapping Application is an in- physical route you wish to take. 7/I2 -14 Barnum & Bailey Circus . Reed Arena 862 -7333 teractive web application that allows viewing The site also contains several Adobe of maps and data This includes information 7/19 Coach's Night w/ co such as aerial photography, property informs- PDF maps. These printable map books 5 3hione -Reed include comprehensive City of 54 - 3418 tion, streets, zoning, land use and much P y College more. Station and Brazos County maps, plus an- 7/22 City Council Meeting other map detailing municipal facilities. Workshop (3 pm) Regular Meeting (7 pm) The system can be accessed via the City's web site www.cstx.gov. Once on the site, Although the online system has many 7/24 Adamson Lagoon BBQ g fun and educational purposes, its main Blast (2 pm) click on the box marked "Map/Directions" on P the left hand side of the page. Now select the contribution to residents comes from its 8/7 Lost Lagoon Luau GIS Mapping Application option and you are usefulness to emergency and utility respond - Adamson Lagoon (2 pm) ers. Where ranted maps were once used, ready to explore not only College Station, but P P f12 City Council Meeting Bryan, Texas A &M University and Brazos emergency responders can now access an Workshop (3 pm) Count electronic map for a specific address while Regular Meeting (7 pm) �• y en route, saving valuable time and lives. 8/13 -14 TAMU Graduation Visitors to the site can type their address Utility crews in the field can locate utility 8/16 CSISD Classes Start , and obtain information on their property lines and easements in their vehicles, restor- 8/26 City Council Meeting A ranging from tax information to the value and ing power faster. Workshop (3 pm) square footage of their home. Regular Meeting (7 pm) (S) more information, call 7643500. Home of Texas A &M University and the George Bush Presidential Library & Museum • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • f ational ]1i jht • Z O • • Tuesday, August 3 • • • • Neighborhoods throughout the city wi 1 join Do you have a question about the City of College Station? • forces with thousands of communities • Each month we' 11 check with our experts for the answers. nationwide for crime and drug prevention. • • • Q. Driving around town, I've seen several signs designating that • College Station Police encourage neighbor - construction is being done by or on behalf of the City. Where hoods to plan block parties, spend time get • • can I find more information on these projects? ting to know neighbors and talk about ways • • to fight crime in the area. Neighbors meet A. These are Capital Improvement Projects (CIPs). Large projects neighbors, and citizens and local law en- • that improve transportation, increase service capabilities or other- • forcement have the opportunity to enhance • wise better the city. The College Station web site (www.cstx.gov) • their relationships. • has a complete list of these projects, including funding, mile- • stones, and contact information. Join the College Station Police at Post Oak • • Mall from 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. on July 31 for • Q. I've read that people who only drink bottled water aren't getting • the National Night Out Kick Off Event. • enough fluoride. How much fluoride is in College Station tap • Meet McGruff, the Crime Dog, take your water? picture with a police car and get information • • on how to keep College Station maintains a fluoride level of approximately 0.65 packets P our home and Y • milligrams per liter (mg/1). Fluoride is a naturally occurring min- • family safe from crime. • eral and is also added to drinking water to promote strong teeth. • For more information about water quality, call 764 -6223 or • If you're planning a neighborhood party or • if you need more information download the Drinking Water Quality Report from our website. lease contact y P • • Officer Robert Turner at 764 -3579 Go to www.cstx.gov and type 'Water Quality' in the Search box. • • rturner @cstx.gov. • Q. I recently upgraded my cell phone and don't know what to do • with my old one. Do I just throw it out? I'd rather recycle. • • Hard Hat " , , - A. College Station has joined the efforts of EcoPhones to divert old " w < -� • • used cell phones from our landfill. By donating your used cell Zone 1 It) • phone(s) you can help protect the environment and your donations • • may be tax deductible. Used cell phones and cell phone batteries • College Station is growing! can be dropped off at the Public Works Department located at • Here are a few of the new or expanding • 2613 S. Texas Ave., behind the Police Department. The phones • businesses opening soon in the community. • received are either destroyed and recycled or refurbished and • • reused. Why Recycle? Cell phones contain no less than 8 toxic • . James Avery Craftsman: substances including Arsenic, Antimony, Beryllium, Cadmium, 1406 Texas Ave. • Copper, L ea d , Nickel, and Zinc. The cadmium from a single • . Panda Express Restaurant: • phone is capable of polluting 158,200 gallons of water. • 1400 Texas Ave. . Talbots: • • 1501 University Drive E. , Ste. 300 Send your questions to: City of College Station - Public Communications, . 1101 Texas Avenue, College Chicos • a Station, TX 77842 • or email to ett @cstx. ov. g pjett@cstx.gov. 1501 University Drive E. , Ste. 400 • Questions can also be faxed to 764 -6258 or call 764 -3445. • . Victoria Convenience Store • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 600 Graham What do you like best about College Station? This information and more can be found in the Building and Development Newsletter - "Community "College "It's a distributed monthly. spirit. Every Station pools great one here is - that's why Find it on the City's web site 0 so friendly." I'm here!" college (www.cstx.gov) or call Development Services at 764 -3570. Deanna Patterson, Martha Glover, Kylie Smith, College Station Bryan College Station