HomeMy WebLinkAboutNews You Can Use - City of College Station City of College Station N EWS FROM CITY HALf Volumn VI Number I August 1987 College Station Celebrates 50 Years The City of College Station will Council of Brazos Valley. This celebrate it's first 50 years of contest will end with a reception incorporation in 1988. That is honoring the artists and the particularly young for a city and homeowners on September 13 from consequently, people often fail to 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. at the Community think in terms of any historical Center, 1300 Jersey Street. The significance. But we are fortunate public is invited to attend this to be preparing in our youth to "kick -off" event. preserve the past. When history is in the making, it is taken for Many of you, who grew up or lived granted. Years later we are sorry in College Station in the early if we failed to record it. years, have some wonderful me- mories, stories, "tall- tales" or Kick -off Reception To avoid that, the College Station collections that tell of life in a Historical Preservation Committee, young college town. Sharing those Sept. 13 headed by former Mayor Gary memories with young generations Halter, was formed. This commit- can help to preserve our past. tee has already begun two signi- ficant projects. A pictorial history If you have ideas for activities or of College Station is being pre- events or would be willing to share /g04,4 GULL A pared by Dr. Henry Dethloff. This your memories with the youngsters will be available for purchase in of College Station, please contact late fall. Also, an art contest me, Peggy Calliham at the City of depicting old homes of College College Station Public Information Station, for a calendar, is underway Office, 764 -3768, or Dr. Gary in conjunction with the Arts Halter at 845 -2152. Community Center Featured Artist Agnes Rozgonyi will be the featured Rozgonyi will exhibit portraits artist at the College Station including copies of the Old Masters Community Center during the and the Impressionists, who have months of August and September. been important influences in her work. A native of Hungary, Rozgonyi only recently began her career as an Her art can be viewed at the artist. In 1985, she began lessons Community Center, 1300 Jersey • with local artists Roxy Pike and Street, between the hours of 8 a.m. Emma Stark. She won the Most and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Promising New Artist award during the 22nd Annual Juried Art Show of the Brazos Valley in 1986. Page 2 City of College Station How To Use 911 City Court Moves When you have an emergency, 911 The College Station Municipal Court is an easy number to remember to will be leaving it's temporary reach fire, police or an ambulance. location at the College Station City It can save time and lives. Hall and moving to a permanent location in the new police complex But there are problems with the at 2611 -B Texas Avenue South on present system, often caused by August 20 and 21. mis -use. Common mis -use practices are: reporting non - emergencies, The Municipal Court offices will be prank calls, and using it for closed on these days for the move, directory assistance instead of but will reopen for business on 1 -411. Monday, August 24, at the new location. This type of mis -use can cause a busy signal when you call 911. Those with tickets due on the 20th There are still some problems with or 21th will have them extended the system itself. It is operated by until the 24th. For information, call GTE with dispatchers from each 764 -3683. department answering the calls. GTE, however, does not distinguish between political jurisdictions in service of 911 or regular phone service. For this reason, it is ya_ possible for a citzen of Bryan to O ,;�, ': reach College Station dispatch and • � /��,'�;; vice versa. R S Presently, dispatchers are taking [ ''� the information p ormation and relaying it 4050_1:, " M �Ve �3 .\\ even if it is in the wrong . jurisdiction. Agencies will continue r to work together in this manner until this can be improved. It is important for citizens to understand the 911 system and to use it only for the proper reasons. Remember, use 911 correctly. You could help save a life: Mis -use a big problem "News From City Hall" is published bi- monthly by the City of College Station Public Information Office. Publication and mailing costs are paid by r (> the City. 7 Editor: Peggy Callihan; Public Information Officer t City of College Station P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77840 e I o (409) 764 -3768 o ., . City Manager: William K. Cole; Assistant City Manager: Ron Ragland; Mayor: Larry Ringer; City �G, • Council Members Patricia Boughton, Sara Jones, /u Lynn Mcllhaney, Fred Brown, Jim Gardner, Dick l Haddox City of College Station Page 3 5th Annual Brazos Bohemian Fest The College Station Parks and Saturday, September 26 Recreation Department will sponsor the 5th Annual Brazos Bohemian 12 N - 4 pm Festival at Central Park on Friday, Alpenfest September 25 from 6 pm until 4 - 8 pm midnight, and Saturday, September Cloverleafs 26 from 12 noon until midnight. 8 pm - 12 M There will be a variety of Bohemian Dutchmen activities for all ages including There will be a small admission fee rides, games and a hayride for and no coolers will be allowed in • children, a variety of arts and the festival area. For more Games, musk, crafts booths, an equipment exhibit information, call Sheila Mason at by the National Guard and an array 764 -3408. of German and American food and � food for all drinks.. f . The musical lineup will include: Friday, September 25 6 - 9 pm �, \ \ \ ‘ El Campo Melody Boys 'IIIIL�" /� 9pm -12M / { Fritz Hodde and the Fabulous 6 lj Sewer Construction Underway Construction on a $221,000 sanitary or school." He went on to say, "We sewer rehabilitation project in the intend to maintain access to all College Hills Woodlands area of residential driveways, but there College Station began August 4, will be periods when one street at according to David Pullen, City a time will be closed to through Engineer. traffic." Work will affect the following The engineering staff intend to streets in College Hills: Gilchrist, have Gilchrist finished prior to the Munson, Marstellar, Ashburn and beginning of school. It is expected Woodland Parkway. The project will that the entire project will last College Hills Area begin at Gilchrist and Ashburn and approximately two months. Resi- work toward Munson, then Mar- dents who will be affected will be stellar, Ashburn and Woodland kept apprised of the project as it Parkway. affects them. Pullen stated, "We will work If you have questions regarding this closely with the contractor to project, contact David Pullen in minimize the effect of this project the City Engineering office at both on the residents and those 764 -3570. who drive through the area to work Page 4 City of College Station Shenanigans Teen Center Update Shenanigans Teen Center, operated Monday - Friday after school by the Parks and Recreation 3:00 - 5:30 pm - 5, 6, 7, 8th grades Department's Community Center, has had a busy summer. Activities Friday Nights have included arts and craft 7:00 - 10:00 pm - 7th, 8th grades programs, games, music, T.V., Saturday Nights movies and dances. Special events 7 :00 - 10:00 pm - 6th grade included a mid - summer party, a "Back -to- School" fashion show, a A special word of thanks go to the pool party, and in August, painting following people: Dick Birdwell, a mural in the dance room. A who donated a computer printer Back -to- School Party is planned for and games, to Alice Liu for 5th graders sometime in early September. Y P donating a piano and to Buddy Haney for picking up and delivering after school only This fall, Friday nights are the piano. Thanks to each of you reserved for 7th and 8th graders, for your generous support of our and Saturday nights for 6th graders youth program. only. Teen Board members, who meet monthly, also voted to allow Applications for membership can be 5th graders to attend after school picked up at the Teen Center or only since they will be located at Community Center, 1300 Jersey. Oakwood this year. For more information, call Gracie Calbert, 764 -3725. Beginning September 1, the hours will be: Energy Ratings For Apartments Q uilt Guild The College Station Energy Divi- sion has recently completed an Seeks Entries energy conservation program for apartment complexes. A total of thirty -nine complexes participated The Brazos Bluebonnet Quilt Guild by allowing an energy analysis of and the College Station Community their facility. Recommendations for Center, quilt show sponsors, are improvements were made with a looking for handmade quilts com- cost benefit analysis and the time pleted in 1986 and 1987 by Brazos required to see a payback. Valley residents. These are to be entered in the Brazos Valley Quilt This program also involved com- Contest and Show to be held at the piling a rating booklet, "Energy Community Center on November 13 Efficiency Ratings for College and 14. Station Apartments ". The book features thirty -one complexes and For rules, regulations and entry lists twelve different areas of forms, send a self- addressed, stamp- energy efficiency. Participation by ed envelope to Debbie Maurer, Rt. the apartments was on a voluntary 1, Box 1190, Bryan, Texas 77803. basis. This booklet is available at the City Offices will be closed College Station City Hall or the Monday, September 7 Off - Campus Student Center. For for Labor Day. more information, call 764 -3724. E„ & *-.� Keeping you plugged in. December, 1995 City Manager Kicks Off Neighborhood Forum Beginning in January, College Station's City The designated representative from each of the Manager, Skip Noe, is planning to kick off a series of established neighborhood associations will be invited regular meetings to be called a Neighborhood Forum. , There are presently no formalized lines of two -way communication between the City Manager's office and The first meeting is scheduled for neighborhoods in this community, so hopefully this will — meet that need. Tuesda 0anuary , Frequently issues arise at the neighborhood level at the College Station Conference that could be addressed before they become a problem for either the city or the neighbors. Likewise, issues arise Center at 7 p.m. and decisions are made at the city level in which early information could be helpful to the neighborhoods. Noe to attend and serve as spokesperson for their neighbors. believes a regular format for this type of face -to -face These representatives should be designated by the neigh - dialogue is preferable to mass communications and helps borhoods and serve at the discretion of their own group. to build more positive partnerships. The forum of representatives will not be a policy or The forums will be set up on a bi- monthly basis decision making body nor will there be any elected offic- And will have a pre-announced specific topic. There will ers. The purpose will be strictly dialogue with the City be a brief 20 minute presentation by selected city staff Manager and his staff. Neighborhood representatives with the remaining hour to be left for questions, answers will be expected to spread the information to their respec- and discussion. The first meeting is scheduled for tive neighbors and help them to understand the issues. Tuesday, January 23 at the College Station Conference Neighborhoods who have associations on file with Center at 7 p.m.. Although the topic for discussion has the city will be notified by mail in advance of meetings. not been selected at this time, the following topics have Presently, the only neighborhoods that are on file are the been suggested : drainage; neighborhood policing; following: Chimney Hill, College Hills Estates, Emer- ald Forest, Foxfire, Post Oak Forest, Raintree, Sand - ...issues arise at the neighborhood stone, Windwood, Woodcreek (Stonebridge), Woodcreek (Shadowcrest), and Woodcreek level that could be addressed before (Amberlake). they become a problem... If you have a neighborhood association that is not listed here and you wish to be included in this mailing, you may call the Public Relations & Marketing Office at 764- 3768 and register your association's name and officers. If communicating with the city; master planning; commu- you do not have an organized neighborhood and are nity appearance; code enforcement; deed restrictions; interested in participating, you can meet informally to relocation of fire stations; public art; impact of Bush select a representative to attend the meetings and represent Library; youth at risk; and thoroughfare and transportation your area. planning. If you have suggestions or preferences and If you have questions or suggestions, please call priorities we would be glad to add them to the list and Peggy Calliham at 764 -3768 before the end of December. consider their priority. We look forward to seeing some of you there. 1. WATCH YOUR THERMOSTAT Turn down the heater when you are away from home for more than a couple of hours. For winter 68 r . lower the setting around degrees to g ?4`j;:t: }i { > �iy:}: iji::iiii ? ? }i i�:Si g iiiJii i?v,. v:ij::jiiiiiiii' . ::iv Ki Cp :i +Si. : : : : ?: : : ;' :i : }i} :tii:4ii:.: <i: : i Jiir tai:•. t 4 :; : ; i: :i::• ? :Y i : : i i ii i ' i ' ry 'i : :: : : > . : : : >:::::::<::: .:<::::::: >:: :::: :: > 2. REPLACE THE AIR FILTER lace the air filter once a month0 P 1 n increase o e ratan g n in airs ca 10 r u /o educti o PP Y P 'j< Clean or re � r if• ii:.v.v }i:::i{ {v:Fii ?;i, 'v %r : xR•{\ v:r.:.iv:n•:::i::::i {::. { �: f:':r:::i }:i::jj:iii::iii` "" o . : � .::;:. ,: > .:i:.:::.;:: ; .:;.: ><.;:.;: >: costs by more than 10%. Y fi• 8i ' tt!;:•i:: + :::<• >«::: >::<:;;.:::::::;:tt:<. >;:: 3. DRE SS FOR T WEATHER tw. >: >:::. : Use the best insulation of all, warm clothing. The rl .::; , human body constantly gives off heat. Dressing .. ,; ;;�:' ,s, wisely can help retain your body's natural heat SUN USE N Duran the winter o en the sh ades of windows that g P your apartment or warm u a art ni h help wa vo yet direct su s t to p P U house. FO 5. REDUCE AIR INFILTRATION Outside air leaking into the home is a significant load on the heater. Weather -strip around all exterior doors. Caulk around any wall * 114 penetrations such p Caulk around interior and exterior window as f rames. G. GO FLUORESCENT New fluorescent bulbs provide good qual light, last ten times longer, and use 70% less electricity than standard incandescent bulbs. Fluorescent bulbs are available that screw into existing sockets 7. USE FIREPLACES WISELY Turn down the heater when using your fireplace for supplemental heating. Crack a window about an inch by the fireplace so that it uses outside air for combustion rather than already conditioned air. .w ..�ww.. YOUR WRITER �.�w�sw O. CONTROL YOUR WA ER Reams low com p, . � usuaSet the lly 120 thermostat degrees. as Wrap as it with fortably an insulation ossible CITY OF COLLEGE STATION \ O blanket and minimize hot water use. 9. LORD IT UP BEFORE YOU TURN IT ON Running fully ad c hnd dishwashers "�' saves money. U wa ed lot anes d a cold water. Hot ENERGY CONSERVATION DIVISION water is rarely needed and your clothes will last longer. Let clean dishes air dry at the end of the rinse cycle. 10. VACATION WISELY Turn your heater down to its lowest setting while 764 _ 3724 away. This will prevent pipes from freezing and bursting while minimizing energy consumption. Turn off all unused appliances. For example the electric water heater is one of the most often forgotten. And don't forget to pay your utility bill while you're gone. WIZ awl irVuommill11 COLLE[ Er.4 14. SIA110\ 111F0110110\ 1.11\1S • Keeping you plugged in May 1997 1337 1O@}J N It's time once again for everyone to get involved in mosquito abatement. 7 - When temperatures remain at 70 degrees or above, mosquito development in any ffi pools of standing water soars. The City's approach to mosquito abatement `� focuses on two areas: 1) abatement of mosquito species capable of vectoring, or transmitting, diseases; and 2) public education. The City of College Station is working with Texas A &M University and the s Texas Department of Health to monitor mosquito populations for the pres- ence of disease viruses. If these viruses are detected, abatement measures with larvicides will be initiated in the breeding and development areas of the potential disease - carrying species on public lands. In addition, though, the City wants to provide education on mosquitoes, and steps that citizens can take to live with the problem. There are many steps that everyone should take to reduce mosquito populations around their home. Even with last year's drought condition, stagnant water pools were a problem throughout the city's drain- age ways. The major source of water for these pools was from irrigation runoff. Controlling or eliminating this runoff is one of the ways that everyone can help in mosquito abatement. The more people are in- volved, the greater amount of control. By following several simple guidelines, we can all benefit. Mosquito species are very particular in their breeding sites. The reduction, elimination, or treat- ment of these various sites are the best and most cost - effective means of abatement. College Station has populations of floodwater, woodland, artificial- container, and stagnant- water - breeding mosquito species. While most of the species are just a nuisance, stagnant -water breeders pose the leading health risk. The Culex species is the major transmitter of encephalitis in our area, and St. Louis encephalitis is the major local human health threat. Nutrient -rich, stagnant pools of water are the preferred breeding site for the Culex species. The city's continuing drainageway improvements will reduce, or eliminate, breeding areas. "Nuisance" Mosquitoes Floodwater species become a problem seven to ten days after a rain. Higher water flow and water collection in normally dry areas stimulate their develop- ment. After development into adults, they are generally only a nuisance for a� week or two because of their short life span. However, they can cover twenty miles or more in search of a food source. The local floodwater species come from the Navasota and Brazos river bottoms and area drainageways. a Woodland species often utilize cavities in trees that can receive enough rainfall, or water from another source such as sprinklers, as breeding sites. The adults of the woodland species emerge and become a nuisance in a similar time frame to floodwater species. tificial container breeders prefer items such as jars, cans, or any other items that can hold sufficient water long enough for breeding (i.e., longer than three days). These species are also predominantly only a nuisance and short lived. Adults tend to remain very close to their breeding sites, so removing �> these containers is a good control method. Page 2 College Station Information Lines 1997 O N , CQNT NO W... Your cooperation as a resident is essential to controlling mosquitoes — because you can control the conditions on the most drea in our community. Citizen education and involve- ment are the key to abatement. Here are some guidelines for dealing with mosquitoes in our community this summer. t uidelines for abatement of s , gnant- water- breeding mosq vi 1. Do not encourage the gathering . t a. ' . i I your property, since they are the source of encephalitis viruses. The adult Culex species r:3.5. Si il ®r transmitting St. Louis encephalitis normally feed on birds — only occasionally on humans. • "se.. - is transmitted to humans when humans, in- fected birds, and the disease- carrying mosquitoes = e nclose proximity. 2. Eliminate all low areas that allow w dr er4otollect and stagnate. If total elimination is not possible, then these areas need to be treated wi go Iiiadable "over the counter" larvicides. When used properly, the products will halt mosquito deelop ri, .efore adults can emerge. The most convenient products are "dunks" or "toss its" which a f f availae afoca1 retail stores. Both contain an environmen- tally friendly, natural, non - polluting chemical. La`r er dies of water, such as ponds, generally contain fish and minnows that keep the mosques in Oak. Irdducing fish and minnows into ponds that have no established populations is also a good way to coutrolimo quitoes\ t I 1 rI \ t \ J 3. Reduce or alter watering' so th no r off is produc This not only saves you money, but helps eliminate major breeding Sites, as there is no runoff to collet and stagnate in drainageways. 1 4. Do not allow water to stn_ rin potted p ant saucers et bowls, wading pools, or other water - holding containers for more than three days. Chan: g the water every three days will eliminate this breeding site. 5. Tightly cover or treat rain barrels. t �n addition to the above • s, r. e 'dc _. should be prepared to Iive with, i , wi rt nce , iitoes 7 1 / 1. Expect population growth o i ooc wa er s,,� e e w en to ten days after rains. Try to schedule outdoor activities away fromkatlkyilviii d lateleveung, as these are the major feeding times of mosquitoes. Use repellents it these acid ti , .cannot be rest�heduled. rf ti? f f i ; 2. Do not use "bug zappers," as mosguiit ' use light to navigate. Once a food source is detected near a light, the light is then ignored — and mbsccju toes concentrate on the food source. l 3. Remove all trash, jars, cans, botth's, tires and all other items that can collect water and provide a breeding site. Keeping grass and weeds mowed will also reduce breeding sites as water j collecting in depressions will be exposed and dry quicker. i'C } � . "� ' K eep i ng you plugged in. June 1997 w as, cAN .,...... ___ lid Lis .. : , This month's issue of "College Station Information Lines" is presented as a handy list of telephone numbers for Brazos County agencies which can provide YOU with emergency assistance ... from crisis intervention services to free or inexpensive medical and legal help, to help with food and clothing. See the back of this insert for the complete list, which you can save and put on your refrigerator, in your desk, the car's glove compartment ... wherever you can lay hands on it quickly. This information is published as a service of, and in cooperation with: Members of the 1997 Brazos County Community Plan for the Texas Governor's Criminal Justice Plan ►-, t� H C7 , � ► o O 0 m 0 tt m r m n , n N 'c3 p C/] m ® g ' z � o w 0 U1 . w ,I t y.. li d° �. �. � Z . yy Z c A , -q 5 . 0 0 O � � bd � s. T w m o r� w w [ tii n . § x a z a ;:. 0 °' � �, y , � � � � m 0 m tmi ..(2.. y m w "d t� O z Z o a _ �_ -- z �q b 0 Z g-1,4_, t� Z v' y c w P) CD r G b 0 r 0 O "rt -.3 E g g 5 z 0 m m t o P O o tt Z in W� y o ° CD m C t� CO 0o w 0 o w N .� w Cr Cy N Co N t t w w �° N �Nd fa... rnp � rn o o �° O� CO CO 1-+ W N � "Na 1� 't CD `� .h N �„� 00z 1-, O n o m 8 ° 4� m w c' ' � ° ° o° -. m tO (.0 m 01 1p. - M c � m O -t- 01-3 .., v W 0 o g o f v CO 1 U l o a 03 wU --1 7. �0� o W O m o m o o(Zo w M I - ' __ Z m E 0 v,, t=1 0 ed ed ed F4C I-3 1-3 WH 1 - 3 W CID O M WO -1,:.4m o < C O w �d 1-3M 1i M ZVIt� X _4 c -O - b r Sty R. 5 P H lif t'M- -1 n 1m o ma R . C ° /1 x r bd m � 1 � � m o tt u p" P' l- o til b O m T " o .� z .� 0 d I x t� b° y 0- z z x r 0� �"z ° � ' � 0 RP rm y y � En P,x t - ' 1� 0 O w O tt ' y — m Ems. °m o �Cn > d y En 0 r m� O a c" r b o tt r a. O cc C z z , 4 tt N ,..< . � r zno P r r0- o a'1 -$.0 ; tt n z x N� gym Z o `� - c -! '1J 1- t x i tt M -fin o �0 p r o 0 Z N o 0- 0- M o 0 o r 0 0 0 • rl o 0 0 0 0 Sr) W N a Cn '1" Q. 00 1 00 'c ' C Jt N N Q) , � N N p W 01 . c 1P Q QID Ut F CD of 1 . m P ' � m U w i m r+ U1 1 O N O Cn m c a) C) 00 c. 0 O -4 CT O w CO 01 —1- N O w O 1--' O of 01 w w o o C C a b r 0 '� ° W w b b 4 ti, �z . o y ,-.-- z 9 d d tt Pd 11 1- 3 d r�� o 0 0 z p- m n z zn 0 ° Z o E o z Z z n �C c z ,- C z z z a °t--4 0 0 o M y En � o rm z o d -te x p 0 o t r y m� z b r .ki b m y d O t ro Q. z Et y D m ° p' o b z. 0 - { r o y � ' yo �C r b rr z d z OZ O ° m ti r ° D xi 1-3 a 0 tt t - 4 7d t. c a - C w r W a y d> n t� zp a o o o � ° n � c t1 w O o z o • Z yy m� o co -4 - - - t..., -a ND - Z w .4 - z OD - -4 CO Z - -a a, c 4 N 01 01 CD CT ND 01 CO m n 0 , 00 1--+ a, 1✓ t) U1 O Q) O N A. w N .4 C Co m w A. cn A. A- V W 2.4 1✓ 01 N 01 O U1 Q) ,ND N N W N N 1-•+ 0 O Co N v O --1 01 1 -.4 41, C) O O N ) C 0 OD �4 CD 01 N J 1 CO *P CO CD 0 of. J 01 0 W O 41 - 1-- 'P v � ►mot � � �'t coLL[Gi simiom Lim[s Keeping you plugged in. November 1997 WOLF PEN CREEK: A Misunderstood Project The development of the Wolf Pen Creek Corridor and its various phases has possibly been one of the most visionary, but surely one of the most controversial and misunderstood projects the City of College Station has ever undertaken. In an attempt to clarify many of the misconceptions and answer some of the many questions about the area, this newsletter will be dedicated to the subject. The Past In 1987, the College Station City Council began to discuss the idea of developing the Wolf Pen Creek Corridor. The goal was to "develop a comprehensive plan to recognize the interrelationships of drainage, erosion, and recreation as they apply to the Wolf Pen Creek Corridor, from Texas Avenue to the East Bypass, as well as to create a community attraction for College Station residents and out -of -town guests." The Council approved the WPC Master Plan and implemented a Tax Increment Finance District (TIF) in 1988. The TIF is a special district designation that would allow the increased property values of the areas that developed along - the corridor to be put back into a special fund to further the development. This district was proved by the College Station Independent School District, Brazos County and the City of College Station. In 1989, the city accepted a $100,000 grant from the Nina Heard Astin Foundation and a $500,000 grant from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department to develop an amphitheater, lake area, and park. These funds, plus city funds previously designated for parks, utilities, and drainage improvements, were used to complete the construction of PHASE I. -This included the amphitheater, a lake, restrooms, sidewalks, a small play area and loading zone; �r Th Confusion The final design and approval to begin the construction of PHASE I came in late November of 1990. Since money was already allocated for PHASE I, but not for any additional work, City Council placed a referen- dum on the December 3, 1990 ballot seeking voter approval of funds to construct a subsequent project. The wording contained in Proposition 2 for Wolf Pen Creek did not clearly differentiate between the existing approved project and future additional development. The referendum was defeated, and PHASE II was never started. In early 1991 construction began on PHASE I, which had never been put to a vote because it was a rrea y funded through other means mentionec e. Poor timing and bad communication caused the voters to mistakenly believe they had voted down the Wolf Pen Creek project entirely. When construction began on PHASE I, misinformed voters thought the City Council had ignored their vote. This misconception was widespread, and for seven years has haunted the project. Long -held opinions do not die easily, and a general mistrust about anything that had to do with Wolf Pen Creek festered and grew, despite all attempts to correct the misunderstanding. The Present C o where is Wolf Pen Creek today? As is apparent, the early problems with siltation have continued to plague e lake. Part of this is due to the fact that no upstream improvements have been completed. Removal of the silt was undertaken once, however, the problem has resurfaced as heavy rains have continued to wash silt down stream. In the past year, funds from the TIF district were used to hire Turner, Collie, & Braden to do an engineering study to determine a permanent solution to the siltation problem. That study is almost complete .nd should be made public in the next month or two. Page 2 College Station Information Lines We Asked What Citizens Wanted (whe College Station City Council identified the development of a plan for maintenance and operation of the WPC Corridor as one of their top ten strategic issues for 1997. In February and March of 1997, city staff brought together a group of citizens to help review the project. Citizens were selected because they were property owners, developers, facility users, and others who had indicated interest in the future of the project both positively and negatively. The information gathered in this research along with the engineering study on siltation was to be incorporated into a revision to the original WPC Master Plan adopted in 1988. About 40 citizens participated in two separate workshops to address the following questions. Also included are their responses in the order they ranked their importance. Citizen Opinions What are the perceived problems with WPC? Lack of public support of the original master plan Lack of understanding of the original master plan Drainage and erosion Implementation of master plan Development Process What are the perceived benefits with WPC? Improved drainage Recreation and cultural activities Focal point for the community ct conomic Development ransportation ir What are your visions for the WPC Corridor and what do you think the city should do in the future ?. Implement the vision of the original plan City developed corridor (city purchase and develop itself) Fix waterways and bike trails in corridor Scale down master plan as has been modified by existing development Expand to cross Texas Avenue and connect across Highway 6 (East Bypass) This information is presently being used to develop a revised master plan for the Wolf Pen Creek Corridor that will reflect the citizens input, take into consideration the development already in the area, and the results of the engineering study to resolve the siltation problem. Wolf Pen Creek's Future As of the date of this article, it is still unknown whether or not the citizens will vote to build a city-owned conference center in conjunction with a privately owned hotel and office building. The location of the pro- posed project is on the site across from the amphitheater at Holleman and Dartmouth. Should the referendum pass, it is expected that the project would be a major catalyst for more development along the length of the corridor. The developers of the hotel and office building have already been contacted by other interested prospects. Should the referendum fail, it will still ultimately be up to the citizens of College Station as to how, C hen, and if they want to develop the corridor according to the master plan. With the TIF district in place, nds will accrue that will be available to maintain and possibly develop the area as needed to meet the community's expectations. For further information on this subject call the Public Relations & Marketing Offices at 764 -3768. 7 414 11 I f II LI f Keeping you plugged in. December 1997 Where CEAC Can Hel p YOU Community Enhancement Your Community Enhancement Action Center, which has been operating for almost a year now, is here to help ACTION a inform you about a wide variety of city code enforcement issues. To serve you better, we have put together a list nd o f Frequently Asked Questions which will help you understand w the CEAC handles and w it does center NOT handle, as well as where you should call for assistance. Frequently Asked Questions (and where to call to get problems resolved) • Who do I call ... if a yard in my neighborhood exceeds 12" in height? ... if there is an abandoned or junk vehicle in the street or on private property (and it is NOT a traffic hazard) ?* ... if someone is disposing their garbage in my container? ... if I see someone scavenging ( "dumpster diving ")? ... if there is a house in my neighborhood that has trash and litter in the yard? L ... if there are sanitation containers left at the curb after collection? . if there is a vehicle parked in a yard? ... if I find an illegal dumping site or see someone dumping illegally? ... if there is standing, stagnant water in my neighborhood? ... if I think there are more than four unrelated people living in a house? ... if there are cars parking in handicap spots? ... if I see someone pouring oil on the ground, street or in a sanitation container? 764 - 6363 (MEND) Community Enhancement Action Center • What is a junk vehicle? A junk vehicle is a vehicle that is wrecked, dismantled, partially dismantled, inoperable, has expired license plates or inspection sticker. • Who do I call if there is a loud party in my neighborhood? 764 - 3600 Police Department • Who do I call if my apartment's sanitation container is overflowing? 764 - 3690 Public Works • Who do I call if there is a dead animal on the street? 764 - 3690 Public Works • Who do I call if I have a question about receiving a traffic ticket? If you have a question about the conduct of the officer, 764 - 3781 (Fire Marshal) If not, contact Municipal Court at 764 - 3683. *If the vehicle is a traffic hazard, call 764 -3600 (Police Department). Page 2 College Station Information Lines 1 0 111 HN 4r4:6111 111.11 t‘ .10) • 411 Nobody likes 'em ... but you CAN avoid them! Here's a quick list of parking " no- no's" in College Station. Fire Lanes are designated to ensure emergency vehicles immediate access to a structures and their occupants. Fire Lanes are marked with a red curb stating FIRE LANE - NO PARKING - TOW - AWAY -ZONE, and by a sign at each entrance to the property stating FIRE LANE DESIGNATED PARKING ONLY. You may not park or wait in the fire lane, if you do you are subject to a citation and your vehicle being towed. Fire Hydrants are to be kept clear of obstruction at all times. State law dictates that you may not park within 15 feet of a fire hydrant (each side of the hydrant). If you park or wait within 15 feet of a fire hydrant you are j subject to a citation and your vehicle will be towed if access to the hydrant is obstructed. Fire Department Connections are exterior connections that the Fire Department uses to connect fire hoses to a building's fire sprinkler system. Fire Department connections are to be kept clear at all times. If you park or wait within 5 feet of a Fire Department connection (either side of the connection), you are subject to a citation and your vehicle being towed. Handicap Accessible Spaces are in place to aid the disabled. You may not park or wait in a parking space that has been designed for the disabled, without an official state permit. You can not park or wait in a handi- cap accessible area, i.e. ramps or an architecturally designed improvement for the disabled. Parking Facing Traffic: State law provides that you may not park facing oncoming traffic. If your vehicle is parked in this manner, you had to drive against the flow of traffic to park this way, and will have to do the same thing to leave the curb. This is an unsafe maneuver, which could cause an accident. Wheel More Than 10 Inches From Curb: It is a traffic obstruction to park your vehicle with the passenger side wheels more than 10 inches from the curb. If you park or stand a vehicle with its passenger side wheels more than 10 inches from the curb, you are obstructing traffic, and could cause an accident. Parking Within 30 Feet of a Traffic Control Device (stop sign, yield sign, traffic light, etc.) Blocking Crosswalks, Driveways and Alleyways: For reasons of visibility and safety, you can not obstruct a crosswalk, driveway or alleyway. If you park or stand a vehicle that is blocking a crosswalk, driveway or alleyway, you are subject to a citation and your vehicle may be towed. Trucks, Truck Tractors (larger than one ton) and Trailers Parking in Residential Areas: You may not park these vehicles in residential areas except for supervised loading or unloading. Special -Event Parking: Signs denoting special -event parking are for the safety of residents in neighborhoods adjacent to Texas A &M University. Cars parked in violation of these signs will be towed and ticketed. ` ���� #::' ` � ` �r�v g, 2ss r � ><` ' �` ` r�` ......................................................... ............................... s ..... :.:.:M:::::::::::::::..... ........................................................... ............................... :::::::0:::m..., ?'.,G /a : ic . .. .« .::... :::::::::::::::::::::::::.:....: .:::::::::::::.: ;:.::.::::::::: • .. ................ "' THE CITY OF Ail 1111 � � COLLEGE STATION .„...„. •.....• .,,, . 1::::::::- .:::::::::::::::::::::::! Embracing the Past Exploring the Future. NEWS YOU CAN USE S eptember, 2001 ................. ............................. ............................... . What's Hot! October Calendar o 6 ; :0 Aggie football vs. >:: Baylor, Here City of College Station Proposed Budget Lincoln Center Athisnty Board The Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2001 -2002 was presented to the City Council on "` 5:45 p.m August 9 and totals $154,835,922 broken into two categories. $119,176,064 is proposed cnlwnbusDa for Operations and Maintenance and $35,659,858 is proposed for capital projects. The proposed budget has a net decrease of 10.18% from the current year budget due to a lower 9 Teen A dvisory Board amount proposed for capital project spending next year compared to this year 7:0O mr►,> � The Proposed Budget has 3 key themes. (` � k . : \dvisory Board • Provide the resources to implement the City's Strategic Plan. 5.15 p.n,. • The Proposed Budget is a Current Services Budget. It provides the resources to 9 ` Yarns & Recreation continue to provide a high level of quality services to our residents and visitors. 13 °ard ?' 00 P m , . P g 9 Y Include strategic expansion of certain services and activities. These include a proposal : .l i R ( isito l 5 -.45. ng • Hear �tts,tots 5 45 p:m. to increase street maintenance activities in College Station. Other service expansions ................ : ? " : Re g u l a rMe eturg are being considered as well >` 7:©apm. Ageie football vs Copies of the full budget document are available for loan at City Hall and the College :: Colorado. there. Station Library. Copies of a Citizen's Budget : <<.: document, for people to take, are also available at Imp ortant Contact Numbers C1'i1`523 FallfeA, 46!i -s ?7 st, 8 City Hall. The budget is also available on the Budge & Strategic Planning 764 - 3745 »:: City's web site ople to .college- station.tx.us under A' i t H < "What's New." City Manager's Office 764 -3510 K ati is State, there. Web Site www.ci.colleQe- station.tx.us ::::::: J i ;i !'.;i:: !! Teen Ad\tsorr Board 7.'(k)p.n• - :.,:::4*:,....' ?:!- .�,���.�� .: United nited , ?v ations bay 11 is G oan: ... 0 t A Town! >: cit Cewnctil Meeting :.:: ::•:::•::• ::•::• . :• . ;: ;: : : : 4. ::: ''' :: s : Bear Visitors 5:45 p.m. College Station Environmental :.,S 2 L For A R p tia � tecaing Excellence Awards 200 r ' Job? ::: Aggie football vs. Iowa The City is looking for outstanding projects to honor for State here the 2002 College Station Environmental Excellence Check with College Station 9 -1$ Daylight Saving, "Fiore Awards. These awards emphasize the importance of environmental Human Resources! >i ends stewardship and recognize pollution prevention and recycling projects that are innovative, voluntary and effective. Awards may :,_ ; , a etuor Advisory be presented in the following categories: ountuttee 7 tit) p.m. Large Business Small Business > :i: Ifallov eu • Civic/Nonprofit Organization Education Aft. Youth Organization Media Online - : a For meeti www.lockon.com/jobline/cstx.htm g Individuals ;.;. " ; location or On Television - Cable Channel 19 ' Applications are available at City Hall, the Public Works `''''' ''''' " ` `' ' '. On the Job Line - 764 - 3704 information, contact Department and on the Internet at www.ci.colleae- station.tx.us. � ? << The deadline for applications is May 15, 2002. Or Call - 764 - 3517 1 : I call 764 -3500. For more information call 764 -3690. ......... ................... ... ::;o: a: }:,:•rN0;:;:%3 }:...Y.... ffi : <r••;1:•;Tr : ::•.wRfp: 3A#T`:;: :. n City of College Station j The George ? , ''', Follow these tips to li,""liv.- . I f f 1: 1. 1 I I I f 1 f i I 1 1- I / 1 Bush a p ` ° i = . \ be a Water Saver i Before You Light That Fire... N � v Presidential g Library "�.P 1�j ia y sav water and I : c, 6 -: Brazos County has issued a ban on all outdoor I Foundation has f' money year - round: i i. burning, except for cooking fires in an appropriate '° . Be Water -Wise: Check irrigation device. i . information about g� upcoming events at the systems regularly for leaks and 1. Remember, outdoor burning is always illegal within city limits, 1 Library Center. misdirected or broken sprinkler i unless the Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commission I heads and make repairs promptly. I and the College Station Fire Marshal's Office issue a permit. /.. Call 862 -2251 or visit us on • Be a leak seeker: Leaks waste For more information call the Fire Marshal's Office at 764 - 3705. 1 the internet at: water 24 hours a day, adding up to I I www.georgebushtoundation.org. costly repair and water bills if left 1 1, f: 1: 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 f l: 1: 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 ' 1 1 : 1 1 i. For museum hours and unrepaired. specific exhibit information, • Make your tax rebate work for you: College Station Parks & Recreation Presents... call 979 - 260 -9552 or go to Install water - saving water fixtures! Live - at Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheatre, Friday September 28 http: / /bushlibrary.tamu.edu. Call 764 -6223 to learn more or check Robert Earl Keen >i° ; ?. . out the conservation tips on Cable with Special Guest, Charlie Robison t;,, t: :? Channel 19. r f ............ i4r \\ CS Police Crack Down On Loud Parties & Underage Drinking Z City Council Meetings lei Looking for a Convenient The Police Department will continue a cooperative project with Texas Z City Council Meetings are held r Way to Pay Your A &M to address loud party complaints and alcohol- related violations t on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays r Utility Bill? ' within the city. C.S. Police Officers partner with University Police of each month in the College Sign up for Automatic ntsassv4 Officers, creating three two-officer teams that handle loud party calls r Station Council Chambers in ! Bank Drafting... u. and alcohol violations during peak periods. Officers write citations for it Cit y Hall. (1101 Texas Avenue) ;at: and spend your free time alcohol - related incidents, disorderly conduct and other miscellaneous 4 Hear Visitors: 5:45 p.m.; $ doing something fun! violations. They also arrest individuals who make alcohol available to ': Regular Meeting 7:00 p.m. minors. For more information please contact the noise abatement Z Call 764 -3541 for more Contact College Station Utility coordinator, Becky Hagen, at 764 - 6277. t i nformation. i Customer Services for details: 764 -3535 or 800/849 -6623 Master Composter Training Xtra Education for Fall c + r ¥ o f Course 2001 Has Arrived!!! G o��EGe ST4 . at WHO: Anyone interested in learning more �` Learn to Dance (14 • Discover Computers about backyard composting. • Explore Culinary Arts WHAT: An intensive backyard composting • Speak foreign Languages course including lectures, slides, videos, • Outdoor Education demonstrations and field trips. • Classes just for Kids NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES • Classes just for Seniors WHEN: September 19 - 20, 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. • Arts and Crafts September 22, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. • Business opportunities v . (all class dates must be attended) • Music classes ■ 1 3001 • Special interest classes 1 Ind � 1 WHERE: Brazos Center, 3232 Briarcrest Drive NEIGHBORHOOD ( p Call 764-3486 for a program brochure. FOCUS COST: $15.00 (Includes compost bin, T- shirt, Registration ration begi ns September 4, in instructional materials and Saturday lunch.) the Parks and Recreation Office, "Bandits: o Common Central Park. Classes fill quickly, ommumty • egm: , Contact BVSWMA at 764 - 3806 to register. enrollment is limited, Register Earls! le - • • 1 I II, Page 2 City of College Station . \ " "`m THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION ....,...::::::::::::.:::::::.::::: :::.:".:::..::: .,_ .. Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future. NEWS YOU CAN USE October 2001 ' wh Hot! November Calendar .................... .................... :: :::: City Council Meeting "Cover the Bases and STRIKE OUT FIRE" 1 .� Hear Visitors 5:45 p.m. � Regular Meeting Fire Prevention Week - October 7 -13, 2001 7:00 p.m. The College Station Fire Department has teamed up with the National Fire Protection X ,i 84., 3 Aggie Football vs. % Association to "Cover the Bases & Strike Out Fire" during Fire Prevention Week. This Texas Tech - There public safety campaign brings baseball and fire safety together to teach children and their M em,. ` :::::::1::::::::::::::::::::::::61::::::::1::::::: Election Day EV families simple steps they can take to strike out the risk of home fires. „, ; Sprinting for 1' Kitchen Fire Safety - On average, there are 91,700 reported home :: f3 :> : Oka Football vs. .. Okllah homa — There fires each year associated with cooking equipment, resulting in 327 deaths and 4,607 injuries. : Q : : US Marine Corps Ii Cooking fires are the number one cause of home fires and unattended cooking is the leading cause of home Day cooking fires. Three in every 10 reported home fires start in the kitchen. : : : ::::::i:10.::::::: Veteran's Day Heading for 2" Heating Safety - On average, there are 59,100 reported home fires each year associated with heating equipment, resulting in 468 deaths and 1,592 injuries. 12 Lincoln Center Advisory Board Heating fires are the second leading cause of home fires. Most heating fires involve space heaters, not 5:45 p.m ^entral furnaces. Installing space heaters too close to combustibles or placing combustibles too close to them e the major causes of space heater fires. L3 Conference Center Advisory Board Rounding 3' Electrical Safety - On average, there are 38,400 home fires per year associated with > 5:15 p.m wiring, switches, outlets, cords and plugs, fuse and circuit breaker boxes, and other electrical equipment, : % Teen Advisory Board resulting in 352 deaths and 1,343 injuries. 7:00 Pin- Fixed wiring causes 1/3 of home electrical fires, and cords and plugs cause 1/6 of home electrical fires and >: °:`: Parks & Recreation 1/3 of the related deaths. Electrical shock (not resulting in fire) causes hundreds of burn deaths and Board 7:00 p.m. thousands of injuries. ,.. t Texas/America Nearly 2/3 of electrical bum injuries among children ages 12 and under are associated with household Recycles Day electrical cords and extension cords. .5: City Council Meeting Safe at Home- The Basics - Know the Facts! According to NFPA: Hear Visitors 5:45 p.m. Regular Meeting Y hi the U.S., a home fire is reported to a fire department every 85 seconds. 7:00 p.m. > 4 out of 5 fire deaths occur in the home. tg Universal Children's > In the U.S. someone is killed in a home fire every three hours. Day Y Smoke alarms are the most effective early warning device available. > Having a smoke alarm in your home cuts your chance of dying m a fire nearly in half! ::. Thanksgiving - City Offices Closed Safety Advice Aggie Football vs. ✓ Install at least one smoke alarm on each level of your home and in or near all sleeping areas. Texas - Here ✓ Smoke alarms should be tested once a month and batteries replaced once a year. , / Every household should develop and practice a home fire escape plan that includes two ways out of ' * Senior Committ t ee 10:0o 10:0 0 a.m. every room and an outside meeting place. ✓ Consider installing an automatic sprinkler system if you :? :: > Teen Advisory Board are building a new home, or retrofitting your existing important Contact Numbers 7:00 p.m. home. Emergency Only 911 :: 30. Christmas in the Park : For a Home Fire Safety Checklist, or other Fire Department 764 -3705 Begins ” ► � fi r e sa information, contact your fire (Administration) 30 Hurricane Season Ends department at 764 -3705. . Fire Dispatch 764-3700 (Non Emergency) For meeting location or contact information, call 764 -3500. .... , �� .:::: > ...:..:.::::.:.:. ....:...::::::7-.:7:,:,:7::.::.,::':'.:.:.,, ^ �• :: •: , ., •:. .. ...,. :...;,., :... : ;.'::'lire C`fty ' ille. ':ticif _ ,. ...... Going On Around Town! P Ecy W ` sD Texas Recycles Day is November 15th! Here's how College Station citizens can participate. COMMUNITY COMPUTER Call 209 - 5900 Items accepted include: Monitors, CPUs, COLLECTION DAY for more info! printers, keyboards, word processors, Saturday, October 20, 2001 networking hardware and cabling. 8.00 AM — 2.00 PM l 0 00, Typewriters, fax machines, TVs, VCRs, Texas A &M Purchasing & Stores ? \� � $' o copiers & telephones will NOT be accepted. Building, Agronomy Road, F' Limit two personal systems per vehicle. College Station No equipment will be accepted from businesses. =e, BRAZOS VALLEY HOUSEHOLD >::::> � HAZARDOUS WASTE CARE fE R THE A COLLECTION EVENT Saturday, November 10, 2001 :.:.::.: .:::. . . :. •.:::::.: ::;: .: : . ..::.::.::.: y Brazos Center FREE FREON UNIT 3232 Briarcrest Drive, Bryan Thursday, November 15, 2001 Rock Prairie Road Landfill 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM 7.00 AM - 5.00 PM Household Hazardous Wastes include: Kitchen, bathroom, drain and window cleaners, paint, paint thinners, solvents, herbicides and Refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners and pesticides, antifreeze, motor oil, batteries, and any flammable, ignitable, other items containing freon will be accepted corrosive or toxic wastes. Tires, medical waste, radioactive waste, FREE of charge. compressed gas cylinders, ammunitions and explosives will NOT be Call 764 -3806 for more info! accepted. A Guide to the Location of College Station City Facilities City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue (next to Chili's) Community Development, 903 Texas Avenue . ox Parks & Recreation Headquarters, 1000 Krenek Tap Road Fire Department Administration, 1207 Texas Avenue " Conference Center, 1300 George Bush Drive Station 1, 304 Holleman East The Exit Teen Center, 3600 Rock Prairie Road •::7:,. • Station 2, 2100 Rio Grande "•• The Lincoln Recreation Center, 1000 Eleanor Station 3, 4180 Highway 6 y Adamson Lagoon, 1900 Anderson (Bee Creek Park) Station 4, 1550 George Bush Drive West Wolf Pen Creek Park, 1015 Colgate Street Municipal Court, 2611 - B Texas Avenue City Cemetery, 2580 Texas Avenue (connected to the left side of the Police Station) Police Department, 2611 - Texas Avenue Utility Customer Service, 310 Krenek Tap Road Public Utilities, 1601 Graham Road (for utility connects, disconnects and transfers) (off the Hwy 6 South Feeder Road) Public Works, 2613 Texas Avenue (entrance on King Cole, behind the Police Department) For more information, call 764 -3500. BVSWMA/Landfill, 7600 East Rock Prairie Road Page 2 :r:.4 : : \• 4 , :{ vw..v.....f.. ..: k• •: Q .v >rii'::. r { f,.• }y { '. }: . ..} {.i r : y { ^i:4:h•.:::.ii {::}:ti:$ iiv: iii' • . O : \v:.. .: . i'', Ica::• w° ati�.''• k' tc{2'�'$A�3x� \,Q.:c•.'2•' { �c•' �2•'Yf.6.'{.3ow.{•'�'{t•?Kv`<a{ c .{ab •. ` :::';. 3'& A'.:•. o}` t..' •�''S+.t'�a:`Cl,2tkuw:uu.{ {+/�u .{t.: {,�.{'�.,r.{?v.,:.•.v.{•. •.{•..•..•:ut{a { ivo. v..•.{•..,c .fit {{{ {•:u, ..: :.: .....:...' .. .... ................. : : ...::: :: .: ::: 1J.F:_y :..:.:........... ............... ': : :: : Jig: : iiiiiii f i it 3 ::: i : : iii :::ii:i :::ii:. . :Y iii ; • i ' : ::::::ii:i :»:: ;< . .a ,.. News You Can Use! t.1.:1•... K. . 1 .:•I•:I•:•I.:•I.:•I•:•I.: ".1.1 . I.:. l•. I•: I• il.: l•:• 1•: •1•:I•;I•il•:I.:I•:I.:I.:I•:I.: :".1 :•1:1∎7.1 .1. :•1 :l :l: :l•:1,i ********** *************** ****************** r*** tr tr ..,iw . New Parking One Block from : Looking For A Job? tr TAMU!! = ¢ : : : { Fo r employment ® ®,, ; opportunities with the City ; * ' of College Station, check * d mm Walk to class or take the free shuttle! with the Human Resources * * Office. * The College Main Parking Garage Call the job line at 764 -3704. * 3 09 College Main * job tr $.50 cents/hour 6 a.m. - 7 p.m * Watch Cable Channel 19 at the top of every hour. $1.50/hour 7 p.m. - 2 a.m. -, * * - $10 daily max tr C online at: www .lockon.conn/jobline /cstx.htm. FREE Sundays 6 a.m. 2 p.m. * * * Visit our office in City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue. * TAMU "Ring Dance" Shuttle picks up /drops off directly in front of the ' * tr tr ;g; garage and takes you to campus...for home football games too!! * Cal Human Resources at 764 - 3517 * , * * For more information call 764 3565. * for more information. * 1.• I.. I.. 1tA t7. I..,..,.• 1.• 1.. 1.. 1. .1..I.•I.•I.•I..1.•1..1,:41•N.• •N• E. I.• I.• 1 _.,_•,•:.,:.I.,:.,..,..,: :0 **************** * ** ** ** **** ** ** **** * ******* * *•* 1 Wkir*** �i!!" � 4'A.'4'!~11 ~4L*.y"":%*4 4%*∎- "% 4 ,4%%•'!:' 4114%***' *"4.' ' .'k.*** .' 6404* * "*" .*∎04 ` i!!"41 7∎IS NNS SNAir Sp W orking on a Merit Badge? Taking a Civics or Government Class? o - s Come to a City Council Meeting! r s t City Council Meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month in the t College Station Council Chambers in City Hall. ( Texas Avenue, next to Chili's) fi rm Visitors: 5:45 p.m.; Regular Meeting 7:00 p.m. Hea P 9 9 P t ' t October 11, 25; November 1,15 - Dates change due to Thanksgiving Holiday ti Call 764 -3541 for more information. Is Vfrrrlrrlreereeeo wee."r.1r� eeerlr rwa r-r✓mee"e""rwe"otr.:r✓%.- rrr{eer rr rler ~e-4 x: - ~40te - , II I WANT IC irsow MORE AI OUT CHRISTMAS 111 THE PARK :. * _ 'CUR CITY GOVERNMENT? w f College Station's Christmas In _CP The City of College Station is The Park is seeking performers Wri and choirs to entertain during the offering its 5th session of Citizen's University for 24 Christmas In The Park Open r- e j interested voter /residents. The class is free to 24 eligible House Nights on November 30, ‘14114011%.# applicants and will offer 10 weeks and 30 hours of inside December 1, 7, 8, 14 and 15. information on your city government, its policies, procedures and services. The event's organizers are especially interested in small choirs that would perform near the Dicken's A v b e on the Internet at Application forms area aria 1 nth PP Village and guitar players to lead songs www.ci.college- station.tx.us (Citizen's University link). by the campfire. Monday evening classes will be held 5:30 p.m. p.m., - 9:00 y g P P 'il'A4'. beginning January 28. Dinner is included. Interested persons or groups Applications must be received by December 7. Notification should call Jennifer at the of acceptance will be no later than December 31. College Station Parks & Call 764 -3499 for further information. Recreation Office at 764 -6385 a;:• }:•,•y/.+/ • a' R>.' i. 4.\'... t owommmxv... .... o. 4u. v..:. Y•:.. va. tx........f..v...4u': ;:.,, ...:. ........... .: ... ........... ........... ........ .:.:....... . Y 0 .:...::.:::.; 11.x# . A Note From Your Utility Customer Service Representatives • Dear Customer: A lot has changed in the Utility Customer Service Office over the past couple of years and we wanted to take this opportunity to share these changes with you. -, . s • In June of 1999, we moved! Our office is now located at 310 Krenek Tap Road. ' • We now have a toll -free number. Out -of -town customers can reach us at (800) 849 -6623. • Connects can be made over the phone, by mail, in person or at www2.ci.college -stat ion .tx.us /Utilities /login.asp. • Security deposits are no longer required at the time of connection. If a prompt pay record is not maintained, we will add billed deposit to the account. • Account information is now available online! All you need is your account number to access your bill amount, last payment amount and consumption history. • Budget Billing is available for residential customers with a minimum of 12 months service. • If you have any questions regarding any of the above items, please contact us at (979) 764 -3535 or (800) 849 -6623. The George Bush Presidential ,,,,,L!,,,,,, Library Foundation has information ,% ' .f Neighborhood Services _ . ,. T o obtain current and useful nei hborhood resources, about upcoming events at the 1 ! g Library Center. z visit our web site: h ttp: / /devservices.ci. college- station.tx.us/neiQhborhood • Call 862 -2251 or visit us on the internet at: ❖Neighborhood News :Partnership Program www.ueorgebushfoundation.orq. ❖Neighborhood Associations ❖ Resource Guides • ❖Small Area Planning +Useful Links - For museum hours and specific exhibit information, call or call the Neighborhood Services Office at 764-6262. 260 -9552 or go to http: / /bushlibrarv.tamu.edu. • Questions About The Quality of Your Looking for more information about City - Drinking Water? programs and events? Visit us on the web at Copies of the College Station 2000 Drinking Water Quality Report are still available. Call 764 -6223 to www.ci.college station.tx.us, have one mailed to ou, or view it online at Y check out Cable Channel 19 http: / /pud.ci. college- station.tx.us /Wqualitypage. or Call 764 -3445. 9 Police Department Continues Noise Abatement & Alcohol Task Force Q The College Station Police Department is continuing the program known as the Noise Abatement & o w �, , Alcohol Task Force. Police officers have been assigned to address loud party complaints on a laint full- ` ° -•' time basis. The officers also seek out and take action on violations associated with the Irl , '� irresponsible use of alcohol. Officers assigned to the Task Force issued 605 alcohol violation 7 �- • kti citations last fall. Most citations were for underage drinking. The officers also issued 212 disorderly conduct citations (the charge most often filed in loud party situations). In addition to citations, officers assigned to the Task Force made 95 arrests. Enforcement activity resulted in a 21% decrease in loud party calls from the previous year. Because of its effectiveness, the Police Department plans to permanently continue the program. • For more information call the College Station Police Department at 764 -6356. Page 4 City of College Station � f COLLEGE STATION Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future. NEWS YOU CAN USE November2001 What's Hot! December Calendar 1 Christmas in the Park SAVE $$$ WITH COLLEGE STATION'S gi` open House 1 Breakfast with Santa NEW & IMPROVED ENERGY PROGRAM! Lincoln Center 2 Christmas Parade The City of College Station Energy Division was implemented to assist the City's utility customers 776-4444 in saving their utility dollars. This division has had programs in effect for numerous years to educate consumers in energy conservation measures and, in some cases, pay customers for selecting high 2 Jingle Bell Fun Run efficiency construction and equipment. The following are revisions to the Good Cents and the Energy Back II Programs as well as other programs designed to address your individual needs. 6 City Council Meeting Hear Visitors 5:45 p.m. Good Cents Program for New Homes Regular Meeting Good Cents means great value. A Good Cents home is just that ... a home built with good sense. The program allows the 7.00 p.m. builder/homeowner flexible, performance -based combinations of energy efficient components to meet specific heat gain 7 4th Annual Kwanzaa and infiltration criteria in new homes. This interprets into year -round utility savings for the homeowner and actually Celebration - Lincoln increases the value of your new home. Rebates from $400 to $800 are available to qualifying builders/homeowners based Center on heat gain, air conditioning size and efficiency. 10 Hanukkah Energy Back II Program for Air Conditioner Replacements in Existing Homes cum : High seasonal utility bills may be caused by your old, inefficient air conditioning/heating system. The Energy Back 11 10 Lincoln Center Rebate Program provides rebates for replacements of existing central systems with high efficiency systems based on Advisory Board S.E.E.R. (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) ratings beginning with 12 SEER units. Rebates from $200 to $700 are 5:45 p.m. available to homeowners based on 500 square feet per ton. 1 7 -8 Christmas in the Park On -Site Energy Audits Important Contact Numbers Open House Energy professionals are available, by appointment, to meet individually Conference Center with customers at homes or businesses to address specific needs and Public Utilities 764 3660 11 offer energy solutions to help you save your energy dollars! Energy Division 764 - 3724 5:15 p.m. Board m m. Conservation literature on lighting, air conditioning, heating, water (Audits & Info.) 764 heating, windows, insulation, etc. is also available upon request. These 11 Teen Advisory Board services are free of charge to all College Station customers. Utility Repair 764-3638 7.00 p.m. Call the Energy Division at 764 -3724 for information (24 -hour dispatch) 11 Parks & Recreation or appointments. 141.16 Board 7:00 p.m. \ ‘\ ‘‘‘‘® ‘® ‘‘‘\ ®‘‘®‘‘‘‘®‘®‘‘® ®‘® ® \ \ ® ®‘\ ® \‘‘®� 13 Unified Development Ordinance Public O Timeline for the Uni Development Ordinance \ Hearing - (P &Z) \ Development Services is currently working on revising all of the City's development \ 7.00 p.m. N regulations. Ordinances governing zoning, site planning and other related \ 14 - 15 Christmas in the Park ‘ requirements will be combined into a single unified development code. The City will � Open House ® be taking this opportunity to consider needed changes to modernize the regulations. ® Some of you have already provided your input and expressed an interest. `O 17 Senior Advisory ®■ � ®a � Committee 10:00 a.m. � The timeline for the City consideration of the Unified Development Ordinance has \ 21 First day of winter been modified. A draft became available for public review on October 22, 2001. The development community, staff and interested citizens will have the ensuing 50 days to read the proposed draft and \ 24 Christmas Eve - City \ provide input to the Development Services staff. Two public hearings will be held before the Planning \ Offices Closed • & Zoning Commission - one on December 13, 2001 and one on January 17, 2002. The City Council will \ 25 Christmas Day - City • then hold two public hearings on February 14 and 28, 2002. Adoption is tentatively scheduled for ‘ Offices Closed; No March 14, 2002. ' garbage or recycling collected ® To request an electronic copy and/or provide comments please contact the Development Services 31 New Year's Eve \ Department at 764 -3570 or email to skuenzel @ci.college - station.tx.us. O For meeting location or contact \ �‘‘‘‘‘\‘0 \ \.\‘‘\ \ \ \ \0 \ \\. \\ . \0 ®OHO \ \0 \‘‘,0\ \‘O information, call 764 -3500. a 4:;4t , re : What's New! Get Those Fireplaces & Heaters Ready! Copies of College Station Greenways Program 0't. As cooler weather approaches, its time to get the City'S Greenways are corridors that follow natural Jam' e r p your heating units and fireplaces ready. Strategic Plan features like the floodplain of creeks or I •59,100 reported home fires each year are are available via human -made corridors, such as utility corridors, associated with heating equipment, resulting in the web site roads or railroad beds. When designated along 468 deaths and 1,592 injuries. or call creeks and rivers, they help improve water quality •Most heating fires involve space heaters, not 764 -3555. and reduce the effects of flooding. They connect central furnaces. Heaters close to combustibles people and places. are the major causes of these fires. •The biggest problem associated with fireplaces •1998 - College Station passed a $3.64 million bond issue for the acquisition of is chimney fires. Avoid these by having your greenways and open space. chimney professionally cleaned on an annual basis. •1999 - The City Council approved the final Greenways Master Plan document. 02000 - The City's greenway demonstration project was presented to the public in For additional information on home fire a ribbon - cutting ceremony. To see this demonstration project, walk or ride the safety contact your Fire Department's trail that connects Lemon Tree and Bee Creek Parks to the City's Arboretum. Public Education Office at 764 -3712. For more information on the Greenways Program contact the College Station Public Works Department at 764 -3844. - Christmas In the Park - '• 7= I�Ir5151= •U515151r_.1r5U51.61. 1, 5U5 1r:• U :•USl.5USU5U5U:•U:•U= •U5U5U'eU5 t, Protect yourself from Central Park Holiday Scams! Looking for more information - i l =' about City programs and events? ii - Lighting Ceremony: November 30, 2001 The holiday season and recent national ;? 6.:30 p.m. ! ' Visit us on the web at • '" events provide scam artists with the . ci Open House: December 1, 7, 8, 14, 15 747, perfect opportunity take advantage of www.ci.college- station.tx.us, , 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p .m. you. H ere are a few tips to keep you check out Cable Channel 19 - from being a victim. ..... Bring your family for hayrides, - • ■ or call 764 -3445. 1 - " entertainment, a visit with Santa and -�• • Never give personal information c•1_• _ cl_• l_• c• 1_• l_ c• 1_• 1_• l_• l�• l_• l_• l_• l._ a._ .. :..1_r_a._•n_.r_•I.•l..l..Iz! more free fun! over the phone. - - • Ask for information to be mailed to . Looking for a convenient way to - ' - Enjoy spectacular new light displays, you so you can look it over at leisure. pay your utility bill? . free cookies and hot cocoa! -It •lf suspicious, check out the group's u " Jti4 Sign up for Automatic Bank Drafting... - -1'" standing with the Better Business and spend your free time doing something fun! -i • .• Bureau or call the police department. 1 1. Call the Parks & Recreation Department f . For more info, call C.S.P.D. Contact College Station Utility Customer Services for - , at 764 -3486 for more information! 4,, at 764 - 3600. details: 764 - 3535 or 800/849 - 6623. - _11 -1- .X11 �1 " 7-f-f" �f il' (1 ;9 r i i Looking . nlr3U 5Un1.6 1i5b'el.'•U;1611::51.1 151.: 1. 51 .:Ir:USL.L.L:U.Ua.l..l..161.:∎1 L.U.L-l..l 1 b.•.� City Council Holiday 1 ' For A New Parking One Block from TAME! Meeting Schedule .R Job? with a NEW lower rate! November 1, 15; T h e College Main Parking Garage ▪ December 6, 20 Check with College Station .. , 309 College Main Council Meetings are held in Human Resources! ▪ the College Station Council $.50 cents/hour 6 a.m. - 7 p.m. 9 $1.00/hour 7 p.m. - 2 a.m. (NEW RATE!! Chambers in City Hall. Online - FREE Sundays 6 a.m. - 2 p.m. (1101 Texas Avenue, www•lockon.com/jobline /cstx.htm • TAMU "Ring Dance" Shuttle picks up /drops off directly in front next to Chili On Television - , of the garage and takes you to campus...for home football games 5 Hear Visitors: 5:45 p.m.; Cable Channel 19 J too!! Or park and hang out in Northgate.- Regular Meeting 7:00 p.m. On the Job Line - 764 -3704 Or Call - 764 -3517 For more information call 764 -3565. Call 764 - 3541 for more I ai. a.. r�l. a.• r. a. a.m Ka.a.a.a.n .•I.a.a.n.n.a.a.m:1.n.mil_.1.•I I.a.n.a.a:n.a.ma.0,- ..Kn.m'1 information. Page 2 City of College Station T. s. THE CITY OF H JP . �J COLLEGE STATION Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future. NEWS YOU CAN USE December 2001 What's Hot! January Calendar 1 New Year's Day (City Offices Closed) No waste collection Parks if Recreation - Opportunities For Fun! 5 Christmas Tree Recycling - Central Christmas in the Park 2002 Youth Basketball Park (9 am -5 pm) Central Park will be illuminated each evening Pre - Kindergarten - 6th Grade. 8 Teen Court from 6:00 p.m. until Midnight throughout December. REGISTRATION: In person or by mail (entry forms must be postmarked by December 13). 8 Conference Center "Open House" nights are November 30, Registration forms must accompany the entry Advisory Committee December 1, 7, 8, 14 and 15 from 6:30 p.m. fee. (5:15 p.m.) to 9:00 p.m. Refreshments, hayrides, walk- Central Park Office 8 Parks & Recreation around characters, a camp fire, Christmas 1000 Krenek Tap Road Board (7 pm) music and visits with Santa are free on these College Station, TX 77840 — ........... -- nights. For more information call Parks & 10 City Council Meeting For more information call 764 -3408. Recreation Athletics at 764 -3424. Hear Visitors (5:45 p.m.) Regular Meeting Xtra Education Important Contact Numbers , (7 p.m.) Registration begins at Central Park on 12 MLK Celebration - January 22, 2002 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Parks Headquarters 764 - 3486 Lincoln Center (6:30 pm) Registration for swim and tennis lessons begins Conference Center 764 -3720 January 14, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. Classes begin 14 Lincoln Center January 28. Kids Klub 764 - 5430 Advisory Committee (5:45 pm) For more information on these and other Teen Center 764 - 3441 14 TAMU Spring programs, call the Parks Office at 764 -3486 Semester begins or visit the office at 1000 Krenek Tap Road. _ 20 Brazos Valley Bridal Show - Reed Arena What's Going On Around Town! ;- , __ ;,�a..,. 21 MLK Birthday All City Offices Closed NEW TIMELINE FOR THE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE The City of College Station has launched the public review period for the Unified Development Ordinance. 22 Teen Court This is a review and rewriting of all the City's zoning, subdivision and related land development codes. The - public review draft of the Unified Development Ordinance is now available! The timeline has expanded in 23 Extra Education order for your City officials to gain valuable input from all segments of our community. The public review Registration Begins period will extend through January, 2002. Public hearings will begin in February. 24 City Council Meeting There will be opportunities for all citizens to provide input, either through an organization or individually. Hear Visitors City staff will meet with any civic group that requests a meeting during the period beginning December 15 - (5:45 p.m.) January 30, 2002. To offer input individually, there will be a mid- January meeting for citizens that are not Regular Meeting (7 p.m.) represented through a group to gain information and provide comments. Please watch the Eagle and the — — College Station public access channel 19 for specific dates and times. You may also provide input by calling 28 Senior Advisory Sabine Kuenzel at 764 -3570 or email skuenzel @ci.college- station.tx.us. Committee (10 am) Formal public hearings are tentatively scheduled as follows: February 7 and 21, 2002 Planning and Zoning Commission March 14 and 28, 2002 City Council For meeting location or contact April 11, 2002 Adoption by City Council information, call 764 -3500. The meetings listed above are subject to change and may be further expanded so that your representatives 741:14 may benefit from additional public input, as needed. We hope to hear from you! 1 ««z * `'° 4. e ao- �+ it. t;. t t + `k 5 j tis €' ,T,; � md? ..ate _ s +'M�' ,.,__.. _ , sa, f „ .,,v. ^Gm' .,',�+, City of College Station What's New! Holiday Sanitation ( ......................................................,....4......................... > Schedule Electricity Smart Tips When S Working on a Merit Badge? Taking Monday /Tuesday, Jr! Leav ing for the Holidays: a Civ ics or Government Class? i December 24 -25, 2001 • Make sure you know when your bill is S Come to a City Council Meeting! Residential Garbage Collection & S Residential Brush /Rubbish Collection due. If you will be gone during this time, ` City Council Meetings are held in the $ get the bill amount via the Internet S College Station Council Chambers ; • Monday - regular work day www.ci. coll ege- station.tx.us /cbook/utilreq. S 1 located in City Hall • No collection Tuesday ` y . e • Tuesday Route collected Wednesday • Be aware of items that will consume S (1101 Texas Avenue, next to Chili's) 1 • Wednesday Route collected Thursday electricity while you are gone. Turn off r • Thursday Route collected Friday any unnecessary appliances and consider S Hear Visitors: 5:45 p.m.; 1 • Friday Route collected Saturday your thermostat setting while you are S l Y Y gone. S Regular Meeting 7:00 p.m. l Commercial Collection S December 6, 20 -Dates changed due t Monda re ular work da • Read your electric meter before you S l • y g y leave to be able to separate usage while to the holidays; January 10, 24 • No collection Tuesday you were home versus usage while you S 1 • Tuesday Route collected Wednesday S Call 764 - 3541 �, l Recycling Collection (TCW) are away S for more ~' 1 • Off Tuesday, No Make Up Day For more information or energy saving S 1 gY g information. I tips, call 764 -3535 or 1 -800 -849 -6623. S M& S se✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓.r ✓ %r ✓%r%r ✓ %r %! d' , v What's On The Web! a.= 0 11 *****************;***** Looking IO.-• U. U' elieU elieU5U5U' eU51r5U51ieli ^+U'oUr+U'aU'+USU'eA'+USUSU'>br : Visit the City Manager's Office on the web! : for statistics. Looking for more information R It garbage routes. 6 about City programs and R Vik VII For the latest news from the City Manager's Office, detailed maps of events? Visit us on the web at 1 including the monthly City Manager's Report, the City? Visit the GIS www.ci.college - station.tx.us R * v isit the College Station Administration web page: Page on the City wchsite. a Look under or check out Cable ofk www.ci. college- station.tx.us/cbook/admin.htm * ••departments' Channel 19 or call 764 -3445. R 111 *Ok4kt Ott for "GIS"! kli:•r :.r a•.n..h :o.,.iDT...i_a rt:_•i._.r_.n_rt_•n_. t :oxot__.rsm_. ' News You Need! The Holiday Season is here! Here are some . Christmas Tree Safety Tips! ✓ 111111111111 S S 111111111111111 11'x. i Before You Open That Bottle ... . 4 D X Looking • Make a fresh cut across a live tree's base and 1 ■ c immediately place in water. Check water level Do You Know The Law? l•[ ■� For A daily and keep container full. ` The holiday season is one for celebrating but ; ,.�. Job? • Keep your tree away from any heat source, such 1 there is a new law in place. You cannot 1 as heat registers, space heaters, fireplaces, wood ` possess an open container of an alcoholic stoves, etc. 1 1 Check with College Station Check tree lights for wear and use only UL ` beverage in the passenger area of a motor ; Human Resources! • approved lights, electrical decorations and 1 vehicle that is located on a public highway, 1 extension cords. Never use candles on a tree! regardless of whether the vehicle is being 1 operated or is stopped. Resist the urge to ! Online - • Unplug tree lights and other decorations when 1 ! www.lockon.com/jobline /cstx.htm out of the room or sleeping. 1 pop -a -top on the way to or from your ! Purchase a fire - retardant artificial tree. t holiday celebrations. The best plan is not to ; On Television - • For more information contact the National Christmas ` drive if you have had anything alcoholic to s Cable Channel 19 Tree Association (www.christree.org) or College 1 drink. The Open Container offense is a 1 On the Job Line - 764 -3704 Station Fire Department Public Education Officer a Class C Misdemeanor. i Or Call - 764 -3517 Cindy Giedraitis at 764 -3705. l• For more information call 764 -6356. 1 1 1 Paget '>!!! !!!!1!!1!!!!!!11!1!!!!!!!!!1 /` City of College Station . � >' •,� "•�:',•'•'•:�•.. No: •:;: • ,,. �•:v,•: 0,` ti . a,a -..: ' ' '�.v�.' , '�.-," ' . + �,4 )fc :'J r a P:: #,C ;- d f i "M `f� 9 7 +A,. G .. • . „a,.,,,,, ,., ...... :;,: �� \ -- _ \_, . \ : : `,a ,::�.. ,�, „ > �X. THE CITY OF .: ::::.: , COLLEGE STATION ::::::,:::.:::,::: Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future. NEWS YOU CAN USE January 2002 What's Hot! February Calendar iii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii■ "i iii 7 African - American i I - '- g .: C.it ideas? .. History Month • 8 - Pool Trout Fish Out— ; : Hallaran Pool :The Gollege Station t3.i1(eway Master Plan Team Needs Them L Center :: The City of College Station is in the process of updating the City's biKeway and : : 11 Advisory Committee • - Pedestrian Master ?Ian. We would tie for you to help us address issues such as: (5.45 pm) •; Where should on- street biKe lanes and routes be planned? . ::•.. 12 Teen Court (6:30 pm) •: Where should off - street biKe paths be planned? ■: 12 Parks & Recreation •• • ' Board (7 pm) • What support facilities should the city provide? What other improvements can we ma .e to the biKeway system? 12 Conference Center • •: Advisory Board (7 pm) ■: As part of the biKeway and pedestrian master plan update, we are conducting an onl :. ;...- :: survey. The survey focuses on issues that are faced by bicyclists and pedestrians in : 12 Lincoln's Birthday • • College Station. The best way to get to the survey is to cticK on the " "What's New" IinK on 14 Valentine's Day , •: the City of College Station website (www.ci.college- station.tx.us) % :: and loot: for 13iKeway and - Pedestrian Master - Plan Update. / : 14 City Council Meeting Hear Visitors ■: The online survey will be followed by several public meetings 1 4 :: (5:45 p.m) •: focused on specific issues identified from our first public meeting - Regular Meeting • ` �I (7 p.m) :: and the online survey. We plan to complete and adopt the master J� : • q ty= plan in summer 2.002. •: 18 Presidents' Day • • • If you have any questions or comments please contact Ken Fogle, — — •: 21 Soul Food - Lincoln ; . Center (11 am - 5 pm) :: Transportation - Planner, by phone (64 -351o) or e-mail Kfogle @ci.college- station.tx.us. :: •: 22 - RA Terrell Sr. ■■■■.:.■■■■...■...:■■■■■■.■■■■■.■ :.. ■. ■ ■ ■ ■.:::: ■. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■:: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ Memorial Basketball Classic— Lincoln Ctr. 3' Senior Advisory ::::::::::: : >:: >: ::::: >:: >:: >:: >:: >:: >:: >. Ltt C On Aro and Town! 2s ::::::,;;;;;;;;;;:: ; ; :. Cotmmittee (10 am) , ' 4 Third Annual College Station Gollege S +et+iort ' s rat 26 Teen Court (6:30 pm) Fire Department Citizens' i T� ; �� a.-'; ' P 30+k Armin/al 24 City Council Meeting r',... Fire Academ Citizens' "P' 01 ice Hear Visitors :g5 January 8 - May 13, 2002 a r M ry Y Academy Regular Meeting ea Classes will be held on Monday evenings Y (7 p.m.) and are three hours in length. Begins .January 29, 2002 25.2 international Week Citizens learn about all aspects of fire The 12 -week program will provide (T AMU) prevention and suppression, emergency citizens with information on how the medical services and hazardous materials department operates. Sessions run emergency response. from 7 p.m. - 10 p.tn. every Tuesday For meeting location or contact "Recruits" must he at least 18 years old and live or night, January 29 - April 30. injnnnatian, call 764 work in the Brazos Valley area. Applications for the free course are Application deadline is January 15. 2002. available at the Police Deptutment. '..' ' * ' ''s '' ' ' To obtain an application or more information The application deadline is Janutuy 22. ': . contact Cindy Giedraitis at 979- 764 -3712 or send 9,, email to: fire @ci.college- station.tx.us For more information call 764 -3573. i , ...,?:• att •::• ? +�• ?a• ;?:•:•:: :: ::: :: ?x . . a. p ct•. t .•.•. ..;..:. '�a .. .. t{, '. t vn 'v .t'.,•. •. t• . tn• . . : nt C h . i� n•.vn . . ••: •.v •» � .vv „ t .• ;.} } ?} ?;n } ? }?: . � «..... � � . \.v........... , .............}. � , .............. ..•- . fit:. ? ? ? ? ?;:•; {•:t .::.t•• ;: ^ii:• ?::i:::t ?• . �' City of College Station : e ?????..:?:??;;;:.; .:.. ::::::::.:.;:.:.;:..:?: W ha t s New i•.a;,.: n: nin:,, :n,:na1 u.: r: n: n;i::, na„r, r:, •,; , , f:•,;:,: r . _ �c>t � tVi�itiil�tb3cb3c�t�k 't� t�33c�t4So33ti New Parking One Block :! }'w .:a Looking for a ` t1 g S ,tna ro 2001 � ecY clin g Update t from TAMU!! IN Convenient Way to tB w Ii °� t Y ou mcacl a di n Hece. / t53 �' Pay Y our Uti ct 6 -' t5� The College Main _ ? Resi participating in curbside , Bill Parking Garage @ recycling diverted 26% (about 3,600 tons) of 309 College Main _ S up for Automatic Bank recyclable material and Clean Green Brush from 2 ° Drafting... and spend your the residential waste stream in 2001. This $.50 cents/hour 6 a.m. - 7 p.m. c includes 10 tons collected from the apartment c ';; p.m. - 2 a.m. $1.00/hour 7 ! free time doing c c (NEW RATE! ) :; @ recycling pilot program at Sterling University and ;5 m. FREE Sunda s 6 a.m. - 2 _ = , something fun! y p.m. @ Walden Pond Apartments! Residents also Ei) Semester leases availlable! Contact College N im,1.0. a ' recycled 6,200 gallons of used oil at the drop -off f Free shuttle to campus! _ Station Utility - facility behind the Police Department. It 6 For more information call 764 -3565. Customer Service for details: 13) Thanks to everyone who participated! tl) 764 - 3535 or 800/849 - 6623 ;1; Stmt the new year off right and make a c City Council Meetings - January 10, 24 & February 14, 28 difference in 2002...RECYCLEI Council Meetings are held in the College Station Council Chambers in City Hall. Call Public Works at 764 -3691 @ (1101 Texas Avenue, next to Chili's) CaII 764 -3541 for more information. to request your recycling kitl tv cv Hear Visitors: 5:45 p.m.; Regular Meeting 7:00 p.m. lAclii- isimic&cb3tb3ili aitt tcSc&titb eilili cso ilik ail :.. What's On The Web! Visit the Brazos Valley Solid Waste Looking for more information F. `` Management Agency (BVSWMA) web site at: , • about City programs and , 11 t i : „ '` ;': 74 a www.ci.collecie- station.tx.us /bvswma/ ` ® i ; events? Visit us on the web at F �`' ., � i c or call 7 -3806' ▪ www.ci.college- station.tx.us, i ..,:or rf 4 • to find out about the upcoming 1 _ check out Cable Channel 19 :. `n cosy.” H ousehold Hazardous Waste Collections and or ca11764 - 3445. Master Composter :eWS Your Need! .:......... o Looking Ever Wondered How peutott vout twilit iiSpel froth itootint wotitliot M GR, •; 9 (11f.e• �� For A (:__. Your Tax Dollars • Disconnect garden hoses from outside faucets. Job 7 are Spent? • Insulate outside faucets with pipe insulation or other similar material. Check with Reserve your copy of the City's 2001 • Be prepared for a water leak: Locate your home's College Station Annual Report, coming in February. master water shutoff valve to shut off water to the Human Resources! Call 764 - 3445. house in case of a water leak. • Leaving faucets dripping is not the ideal method to Online - ‘i‘‘\`i..‘‘‘‘‘‘i‘‘‘`‘‘‘‘. prevent pipes from freezing because it wastes water. www.lockon.com/lobline/estx.htm However, as a last resort, leaving a slow drip can On Television - Xtra Education prevent pipes Cable Channel 1 9 \ Spring registration begins January 22 sometimes P P P 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. - Central Park ,G 4:! isis +; it :; . :px \ O from freezing. ? . .::;:: Ai -, : : :;. ,<.;?:::.� ., On the Job Line - 351 04 - x ., For more information on Xtra Education For more information, contact s t p \ Or Call - 764 -351 \ call the Parks & Recreation Office the Water/Wastewater s � astewater Division. \\ .e.t. ® at 764 - 3486. at 764 -3660. ` Page 2 City of College Station v \. v.. n.., n'<titiL:i.i•.i ?M ,., ., ., ,.v : ? ? ' • ?t•:: ,.,.v.,.. nn.,.. ,., n. THE CITY OF c COLLEGE STATION Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future. NEWS YOU CAN USE February 2002 What's Hot! March Calendar .................. ................... . .............. .. ... ............. ... fi=r �` '‘; i =r ' ��_ ::> ::: >:::> Parks & Recreation 9 ? i 1��� ? l � 1i q \ lii' l° q et `� t, \` , a , �•ili♦ Board ? :00 p.m t: 4 :. y : :P g;:: Severe Weather a q ? 'rhA ' ..... - . .. ..... Awareness Week I 43 r , Lincoln Center \'+ `— ::: Advisory Board ' �J If y participate e .. : >< 5 p. N.:-..- ISSt in the curbside recycling # ; City Council Meeting c 9( �9 Hear Visitors program and have your `i : ( P: \.. Regular Meeting a recycling out by 8 :00 AM AP t 0\,,,,- � A ; a (7 P.m.) v you could win ;::;:; 1 : Spring Break - TAMIL \ - A � Blinn, CSISD, BISD •��� 0 0 6 • Texas Independence c9 ? __ Day. \')" pi. >z 17 . St. Patrick's Day igi Congratulations to William & Janet Johnson and ' ^a, Malone Smith, our first two winners! \i I. ;1 ;```` Community • V` Development Action fi A Call t he Public Works Department at � (',rq » Plan Public Hearing o it - ✓\ i : First Day of Spring 764 3690 for more information and to \ ! N ,� I? .\ , request your recycling kit. ^� :::::::::::23:::::::::::::: > s h0001NiCenter High ' # V 8pm -12am r � r � r . � t�� � � s� � � � fi r � � �` � `r � r * `' ° ' �� ° A ° -M� .. o ( # ? i I t � � <`� q �� I CS Police De rtment • i # v Easter Egg Hunt -Bush V V V V V V Library X15 `' Senior Advisory A Note From Your Utility Customer Service Representatives ,, Cornmittee10:00a..n. v. }6 ' : Teen Court 6:30 p.ni. W • Our office is located at 310 Krenek Tap Road - near the Police Department. tr • We have a toll -free number. Out -of -town customers can reach us at (800) 849 -6623. It :::::$:::::` City Council Meeting Hear Visitors tr • Connects can be made over the phone, by mail, in person or over the Internet at (5:45 p.m.) Itt www.ci.college- station.tx.us. Regular Meeting t • Security deposits are not required at the time of connection, but if a prompt pay 1r ' (7 p.m) t record is not maintained, we will add a billed deposit to the account. ' ,;• Lincoln Center Easter tr • Account information is available online 24 hours a day! All you need is your t Egg Hunt t 19 account number to access your bill amount, last payment amount and account history. • Budget Billing is available for residential customers with a minimum 7f� Good Friday -City NI m Offices Closed, All of 12 months service. > waste collected as — V • COMING SOON! Pay your utility bill online! That's right! No more : »: scheduled '' sticking stamps or driving across town. You'll be able to log on and pay with a credit card! t �. " Easter Sunday Y V p :. � •. \",'�N\ \p:•;1•�G90,:ca�va��� UNC,Ct+�':tA���v��•»>:::>::. tr If you have any questions regarding any of the above items, '/ 1,i,:iiildlillINIIIII V tr please contact us at 764 -3535 or (800) 849 -6623. V For meeting location or contact yy� y� y� y� y� y� y� y� �y�, yt� y� y� 1Y tr y� y� y� y� y� y� y� y� y� y� y� V. y� y� y� �y�, information, call 764 -3500. a lt/ W VY W W W W t vV W t W t W t W V! W W W W �1 �I W W V[l Vfl W W lYl '` ii`Ci w j ti :: • ::;::: .:.::::: :::::: r: :::r:2::::; is 22 ow 4 Teens - Meet Your Friends at Club Exit!!! 4 A 4 Club EXIT continues to offer parties every Friday night for teens in grades 7th - 9th. RR + One Friday night each month will be open to 7th - 12th graders and will feature live, local talent! A g February 15th -Grab your sweetie and come out to hear several up- and - coming performers from His Free Productions. A 2 A March 8th -kick off Spring Break in style with the sounds of Consols own Emo Punk Band. � 42 club F17T can be found at the W.T Teen Center on _Rock .7'nzlize .9 d . at Southwood .Athletic .Park . A di 412 Call 76V -6351 for details. J2J2 4212 J2J212 J2J2 J212 J2 J212J2J2J2J2 J2J2 J212 J2J2J7 J7JJJ2J Q ° o PARKS & RECREATION IS Xtra Education - 2002 OFFERING TENNIS, SWIMMING Xtra Education brochures are now available AND WATER FITNESS in the Parks and Recreation Office at �': — CLASSES! .. 1000 Krenek Tap Road, Central Park ;: + • Learn to dance. Various sessions and skill levels are � • Discover the use of computers. available. Sessions begin January 28. 4 40 • Explore the delicious world of culinary arts. Registration is ongoing . j • Try foreign languages. Also offered are outdoor education, classes just for kids or just for seniors, arts and crafts, business opportunities, music classes and Green Light Go! Learn something new, enhance your quality of • ' life, and get involved with your community, Red Light Stop! friends and neighbors. Register early as space for classes is limited. For more info or to get a copy of the brochure call 764-3486. 4k., ! ' 11 50 easy! 4- i,,,:,,:,.:,.;,,;,,;,;,,,;,,;,;,,,;,,:,: :,:., (even kids could do it) Ok Going to Northgate? Need to know where - (or where not) to park? - Each year red light runners are responsible for 260,000 Tired of circling blocks looking crashes with over 800 fatalities. for an empty space? Obey Traffic signs and signals! Get going in the right direction! Find the / k Transcore, TCIP Ltd i nfo you need on the internet! ,., www.ci.college- station.tx.us /parking/ _ , This message is brought to you by the City of College Station Public ;, Safety Information Team. For more information call 764 -3445. Page 2 Tik::::i�:ii:i:iiiiiii:::::::: T:J:i \ \ {•••••ti'v'V:FT:TTivi:: \\ W: } j,. i$.;' {�$`:•T:•:ti { ti:::::::titi +' v.}\• T:PTT:'{•::i:'vi'riii'�iiiii:'ti iiii: i' r' riii' r' �iiiiiii} iiiY{'{' �? isJ:{•: iT::{•T::•?::• i:•T'• :':C:•::0:•ii:•TT:•TTTii+i'ri ?} i i::nvv i.�tv... {........ + +\ .. 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' TT:{' i::: i::T:: i:>::>:::i iir:':::::: ii:' iT:': ::?:::::::;; i::;: yi::E:: ::::: :i:ii:i`i:ii:ii'i :: %::r: ::::.:;::: ;:: > ::: : .:'' ' .i a t s : mew! n ' tg Spring Cardening `•` «. When planning a spring garden, consider the water needs of your landscape. Taking the time now to incorporate Xeriscape '` {• - and Water Wise principles will pay off later with an attractive, healthy landscape that can survive beautifully through a Texas ?: summer. Here are a few guidelines to get you started: CO 1. Start with a Plan — Plan your landscape to take advantage of existing resources, and develop your garden in stages, as ''r time and budget permit. Clli VI 2. Build Good Soil — Build a deep, high quality soil of at least six inches depth. Improved soils benefit most plants and hold water much better than unimproved soils. 3. Go Native — Consider native plants and plants adapted to our climate. These usually require less water, can handle hot f'• summers and are less prone to disease and stress. 4. Efficient Turf Areas — Try to limit turf to areas that will receive a lot of traffic and avoid narrow, thirsty strips of turf. 5. Mulch - This moderates soil temperature, prevents weeds and most important, saves water. Apply a 3" — 4" thick layer for best results. 6. Be Water Smart — To maximize benefit to your plants (and your wallet), water early in the day to minimize water loss through evaporation. Group plants in the landscape according to their water 4 := needs and water only when the plants need it %' 7. "Don't Bag It — Leave It a Lawn." Leaving grass clippings on the lawn enriches the soil and ti . 1 reduces fertilizer needs. Also known as ... " grasscycling." y 7. T hese tips are adapted from the Texas Water Wise Council and the Texas Agricultural Extension Service. `' I , ,,.' ;, „..•••:::::.-.......•:.::.:...::::„.::::.:•.::::::::::::::.: ............................................... ....................... . ........................................... .............................. . . . Get Involved! Got ideas? ` . 4 1 4 Come to a City Council Meeting The Gollege Station IZ iKeway Master •: t,h1 Plan Team Needs Them : Ileld on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month. : February 14, 28 ;: The City of College Station is in the process of A March 14, 28 : updating the City's 13iteway and Vedestrian Master Plan. We ;: Meetings are held at 7:00 pm. in •: would Cite for you to help us address issues such as: :; City Hall, located at 1101 Texas Avenue. :: Where should on- street bite lanes and routes be planned? :: The City Council conducts a :• Where should off - street bite paths be planned? . The Visitors" session at 5:45 p.m. ; What suppor facilities should the city provide? Agendas are available on the web at What other improvements can we mate to the biteway system? www.ci.college- station.tx.us, ': As part of the biteway and pedestrian master plan update, we ". . a , in the Eagle the Tuesday before each meeting • .. • and on Cable Channel 19. •. are conducting an online survey. The survey focuses on issues : that are faced by bicyclists and pedestrians in College Station. Call 764 - 3541 for more info. :: Clict on the "What's New" lint on the City of College Station , » 14 A website (www.ci.college- station.tx.us) and loot for 13iteway and :: , i � : Pedestrian Master Plan Update. :: For more information contact Ken Fogle, Transportation Planner, Get your copy of the 2001 --.. ;• at 1104 -3570 or a -mail tfogle @ci.college- station.tx.us. : Annual Report! • •• •••••• •••••••• ..•. Call 764 -3445! Page 4 City of College Station .. ... .. .. y .. .; .v....... . t 1 t •:::..; :::., \.•:.•::.. t,e..:..;l..;. }, � :: •., . �:: n;.:GG:•::•.�; ..,... tr{• y} v}:' S.' r: i:'{' r:•{{;;:.} v.. ::;:ti:i:,i1{:;:::f };:i:;�:}tti. Orr ir:•.•Y•r� � ,� k : nl'i: ^'rir:y {'i,�fii:i' • { >'i,:Yf %�: . "i . r tytk > d + •3 °.: 0::: V >s y ,�: til: v : frr ry:r f !:...'< / //J 3 b ::'r; : ; :.• :.: s: i �::� :..),.. d '8,''' • • ftr...: ..s /r3 k`r tieiwta t �3: ' Lni ......... THE CITY OF ` "'<'' ON ...................... ........... ........... ........... ........... `� COLLEGESTATION ... . ::::::::::: Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future. NEWS YOU CAN USE Apple 2002 • 0 .: May Evers ..;:.;:.:: What .. s H :. »: <: > ::::: >:: 4 Starlight Music Event at WPC Amphitheater - Gurpo loin us for the ith I\nnual Vida 4 City /CSISD Election � Q# `� 6 George Bush Dr. Fun t� Q � h Extension Grand Opening Q �3 � Games Celebration (11 am - 1 pm) 1 rgT�y 6 Bio Blitz - Lick Creek Park Atilt /. . Music 6 -12 National Drinking Water and National Water Utility F ree Awareness Week Refreshments Giveaways 9 City Council Meeting �ebrat� °r Hear Visitors (5:45 p.m.) Regular Meeting (7 p.m.) / , 4 , 10 - 11 TAMU Graduation Fun for families and students, ,,., the young and the old, r• /,, , , � 11 Starlight Music Event at WPC Amphitheater Saturday, and anyone in between! / Bellamy Brothers April 2-0, zoo2 EVERYONE who lives on 12 Mother's Day 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. PLANET EARTH! Rain Date 13 Lincoln Center Advisory Wolf "Pen GreeK For more information call APri1 Zi, zoo2 Committee(5:45p.m.) Amph it eater -1(04-300. 14 Teen Court (6:30 p.m.) 14 Conference Center :'• in ;;MW si Advisory Committee : >::« >f::: >;<:::«::::; <<�;::<:: '� - s G o Around Town! ::::... :::: 8: �> :�:�< #: >::'s:� >:z::: >:•: <•:: <•f f•:•::•s ;:<:::: (5:15 p.m.) hi:i i»'.v.::iiaif /.:G.2 «z > : ir`�.` SSii S::::: : : :.:: >: _ .. 14 Parks & Recreation BRAZOS VALLEY HOUSEHOLD 0'00'00'00'00 0000'0000 00'00'00'00 0 Advisory Boar d(7p.m.) HAZARDOUS WASTE COLLECTION EVENT 0 — 0 COLLEGE STATION 15 Peace Officers' Saturday, May 18, 2002 0Vo BIKE TO- WORKDAY Memorial Day Brazos Center 18 Armed Forces Day ' may 3232 Briarcres Drive, Bryan APRIL26 200 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 1 18 Household Hazardous Waste Ride your bike to Freebird's Collection - Brazos Center ISs V and the Northgate Promenade! 20 Senior Advisory Household hazardous wastes include: kitchen, activities include half -price Committee (10 a.m.) bathroom, drain and window cleaners, paint, paint burritos, mus thinners, solvents, herbicides and pesticides, antifreeze, 23 City Council Meeting motor oil, batteries, and any flammable, ignitable, and other .� ;ic Hear Visitors (5:45 p.m.) corrosive or toxic wastes. entertainment. ,. Festivities start at 1�+�4� 1' `�� lShc> Regular Meeting (7 p.m.) 'i Items that will NOT be accepted are tires, medical 7,; , A 24 CSISD last day of class waste, radioactive waste, compressed gas cyclinders, 11:00 am.'���Ifl 27 Memorial Day - all City ammunitions and explosives. Offices Closed c Mercury Thermometer Exchange: Bring us your old For more information about Bike to-Work Da ,( 29 Senior Expo - mercury fever thermometer and we will give you a y ttdvv Brazos Center mercury and battery-free replacement while supplies last. call 7643570 or email kfogle @ci.college- station.tx.us. I For meeting location or contact For more information call the Household information, call 764 -3500. Hazardous Waste Hotline at 764 -3809. CVO oo CVO 0 00 00 00 00 00o00a00000 :: : ........ : : ............ .................. .......... ................... ..... ............ :,; v .... ; ....... ................... ::: :• v; : ......... ; ; ... .; ...............y: rrlr: rrr ...... } . fA; ... .. r::� :•r lNrrNl . :: t ::t:t t.:.t..t +.t' +t::: :, t +.t:ti < ;;i };:;.} } }iia } }rr }}: l:•. t}. iii< :;,.:il:i::ri::t:t:.tiii }}i:y;: y : N..!!!l :iti +.t» l,., t :: :t l :,:: ' <: < : fiiiii i• }:: <,rrir}:: t ii:: r .: .. r ..tt.:N .:i S} , f .x.#;... aF� j}rf� )�+:i:::: n t :4:f) 5. :::n� FFf fgg iiiir� fr' F • : :. : .t:t:a. :. , /F ff t::.: �. " . l.{ g ,: f f : r :.. .fS...f rir r`•: t::*. F. :::: n : : §:i t�s. F F r<F. rr g ri �aaxxCxl,•,t ::itaxaxa..� t�l�w�4�i'�''tta....�,, i��iittitl:t' t�. ..£llat «.ttLLV'.'iNC iti+:•.�:t w'a'. 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'ni':•i:4:4 }} }}•. } } } }}•.4it• F.• F.•::::::: .::: v :::::::::::::::.::.:::::. :: . . . . {r$.,. .. ......... . ... \v: %::i::i::i:ijjii�:tYii :: }:::::::i.: i::ii r:::::�i' i.. ... WiY hwfi: l�: FFI}i �ffi. f! q �i:: is�i: �iji? is�i: �i: �i: �i. ii ii}::::: f: 4: 00C\ iit } }:j- : }i } } }X .. . . . . y:: . . y:.} - }.i Xe.d.YATg :A Summer Tennis, Swimming `' ` College Station and r >. '� ' < <'' ` South Brazos County ���,Qe�e,��. / in� & WaterFirness Classes Residents... : - : f ' A h4t e 4 - ' ? Parks & Recreation will soon be bus re � oil a ' Do you, or someone you know, needa Adults and Youth for Summer Swimming and smoke alarm installed in your home? Be sure to notify Utility Customer Tennis Lessons, and Water Fitness Classes. Service when you are ready to Fact: Smoke alarms save lives. A new program disconnect your utilities. Tennis registration begins April 29. provides free smoke alarms and installation to Or if you need your bills mailed to a different College Station and South Brazos County citizens. Swimming and Water Fitness registration address fur the summer months, please give us a begins May 4. if you, or someone you know, iice,d a amok:: alarm, call to change the mailing address. . call one of the following numbers to schedule a Disconnects can be scheduled by calling For class schedules, or more .... time to install the alarm and also receive a 764 -3535 or 800 849 - 6623 information on registering, contact . • courtesy home fire safety inspection: or schedule an order over the web at College Station Parks & Recreation ::. • at 764 - 3486. : College Station residents: 764 - 3712 *.TM:>; WWW.ci. college- stationtcuskb00k/utilreq.htm :<::z::: s:i:' South Brazos County residents: (936) 825 - 8349 ri , *;i :r::. ., .;• .,., ;. ...: . ' t� •' C i ty Council Information oo Lkin ran . > Looking for more 9 For II,� & > CT is on the Internet! :° information about City A Job? ' : :.: �}t ,, }. To look up a City Council i z programs and events. g ” Check with College ?'. 'i :::: agenda, read minutes from previous Resources! Visit us on the web at Hun meetings, find contact information for Human Council Members, or find information www.ci.college- station.tx.us, www.ci. college- station. tx.us/jobline/cstx.htm on various citizen committees, visit check out Cable Channel 19 Watch Cable Channe119 www.ci.college - station.tx.us or call 764 -3445. Call 764 -3704 or 764 -3517 and click on the City Council link. .... : ! }}}}}}::}};:•: 4:.}:.}:•}:.;:•;:. i:•}:.}:• i:•;}:• i:•}:.;.:;.};;:>:-}}:.;:;.;:.;;:. i:. i:.;;:• i:• i:• i:• i:•};:•;:•;:• i:•}:•:: t4: t• ii:.;:-};:-} 4;: 4i;:;«• i:• i:•;:• :•;:•;:.;;:-;:}};; i}::.}}:. :.:::::::.., ...:.. ... . ........ : , :,ith is "`:i:: ii ; : ............ i : }. - fir•::•. r �t•i : . . }:.i::::: . '! 'iw�:k: :'i�ih:: . ..... ... ........ : : : iit::. i : . ... ...... .. :: ;: : ;: : : i: : :: : : :::: : • . :. 4:•i } :. }: � ai d :....... ..........::..::::: :::::::::::::::......::.. }.::.: 11r 4,..... r w fa :.�.v :. ... ;•:ii, pax' r hl 1 r K V V : :: : : .,,.... . '. .... a, :::::.,::::..:.w:::::: :: e(::: ! :��� r�! • �•• Red Light Stop! SZW4titS r ... W��TED s Did you know that the same > STATION ®LICE,,, things that can clog your arteries (fats, : . grease, oils can clog s ewer pipes? Fats, Applicants for the position ..:z.. , 1 g ) g p p of Police Officer I t s s o easy. • • grease and oils should not be put down the ::: Testing Saturday, May 4, 2002 (a could even '::. ' drain. They can cause sewer blockages and % ' save lives!) backups. ' Applications available at the Human : ::::: :::.:::. it $ : Yuc ! ! : i iii:i. Resources Department in City Hall or � online at www.ci.college- station.tx.us/ r ti' jobline /cstx.htm. When blockages happen, your utility has to v�: perform "surgery" to get the sewer system Appl must be tumed in to the Over 28% of accidents (470 +) in working again. Help your utility be "fat free” 27 Human Resources Department by College Station were caused by failure by disposing of solidified grease in the • 5:00 PM, Wednesday, p 17th. to obey traffic signals. Don't be a regular garbage. For more information call statistic! Obey traffic signs and signals! 764 - 3517 or 764 -3591. For more information, contact E i :- : :::;:: :} •}:.},........:::: ::.• } } ; }:�:.....::: :. > : }:;: >:.; ;;;;;; ;::: ' }'::> Environmental Services at 764 .. :. ........:;<;.}::;:: ::::::... :::: � :... :::i:::i::i, ':': ' 3000 Sul i, t ic ea, Gan th C.9PD "'ntASiR” da t a bu e. .............................................................. ............................... Page 2 THE CITY OF `A COLLEGESTATION Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future. NEWS YOU CAN USE May 2002 What's Hot! June Events 1 Free Starlight Music Event at s WPC Amphitheater - Trout B RAZ O S VALLEY Fishing in America with /P, Ruthie Foster HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE P' y 3 L enter Summer 764-3733 COLLECTION EVENT 6 Family Swim Night - Saturday, May 18, 2002 Adamson Lagoon Brazos Center - 3232 Briarcrest Drive, Bryan 7 -9 11th Ever Rod Run 9.00 a.m. - 4:00 p. m. 8 Free Starlight Music Event at Y WPC Amphitheater - Vince Household hazardous wastes include: kitchen, bathroom, drain and window cleaners, paint, Vance and the variants paint thinners, solvents, herbicides and pesticides, antifreeze, motor oil, batteries and any 10 Lincoln Center Advisory flammable, ignitable, corrosive or toxic wastes. Committee (5:45 p.m.) ;ms that will NOT be accepted are tires, medical waste, radioactive waste, compressed gas 11 Teen Court (6:30 p.m.) cyclinders, ammunitions and explosives. 11 Conference Center Advisory Committee (Noon) Mercury Thermometer Exchange: Bring us your old mercury fever thermometer and we will give you a mercury and battery-free replacement while supplies last. f-� 13 City Council Meeting Hear Visitors (5:45 p.m.) For more information call the r / Regular Meeting (7 p.m.) Household Hazardous Waste Hotline at 764 -3809. 13 Family Swim Night - Adamson Lagoon 15 Free Starlight Music Event at .h' What's Goin On Around Town! WPC Porch 2nd An - The Back Porch 2nd Anniv. 16 Father's Day - Dads swim t free at all C.S. pools today! College Station and Starlight Music Series 16 -21 Texas Police Games South Brazos Free aoweerts at 19 Juneteenth County Residents... WOIf yew Cree�z f�wtphLt�leater 20 FamilySwimNight - t t Adamson Lagoon Do you, or someone you know, need a ♦ J° More Evevtts /free AG{ vu.issi ovt./ l� 21 F Day of Summer smoke alarm installed in your home? P,ri,vt,g luour owvt, cooler avtid 22 Free Starlight Music Event at Fact: Smoke alarms save lives. lawIA, Olin trs WPC Amphitheater - Ian A new program provides free smoke alarms Moore and installation to College Station e opevti at 6:so - p.m. and South Brazos County citizens. 23 Senior Advisory Committee 4 (10 am) If you, or someone you know, need a smoke Call 7 86 alarm, call one of the following numbers to 1 for More 1 tn, forvkatl,ovt. 25 Teen Court (6:30 pm) 7 schedule a time to install the alarm and also receive . sort ' ._g 1 � 27 City Council Meeting a courtesy home fire safety inspection: ,.tyro a „ . Fu Hear Visitors (5:45 p.m.) — College Station residents: 764 - 3712 ert the Who 1 p Regular Meeting (7 p.m.) uelc e t oy W ater i We South Brazos County residents: (936) 825 - 8349 family W lll Power is Progress 27 Family Swim Night - Sponsored by Lowe's Home Improvement Warehouse q,,, ServiteisPride Adamson Lagoon and the Federal Emergency Management Agency College Station MITI g For meeting location or contact c d information, call 764 -3500. i N9 g:3. N9 N9 m gy m.... What's Going On Around Town! li :egg + Employment Opportunities with the City of College Station Utilities College Station Water isLife Presents tr CCifirPoweas Progress Access up -to -date job listings via: 9 Portraits of. Power Service isPritle 2003 Safety Conserve #ion * • The job line at 764 -3704; College Station Calcnclar Art Contest • Cable Channel 19 at the top of e- every hour; fi The College Station Utilities 2003 Portraits of Power Calendar artwork and submission forms are dueAlay 20, ° • Online at: www.lockon.com/ 2002. All Kindergarten through SA grade SSW students :* jobline /cstx.htm; or are eligible. Contact your kcal school's art teacher or . Visit City Hall, 1101 Texas Jane Sayers at CS Utilities at 764 -3724 for details. Art- Avenue. (next to Chili's) work may be delivered to CS Utilities a# 1601 Graham Rd. Call Human Resources * ,, ,. k . at 764 -3517 for more information r it G trtirctr.Fr ztrG v i -r d' -.., The Brazos Valley community will host the Texas Police Games, June 16 - 21, 2002. Local organizers hope to have 2002 participants. In response to the September 11 tragedy, the Texas Police Athletic Federation (TPAF) and local organizing committee have opened this E Pp1 year's games to firefighters. Founded by the TPAF, the Texas Police Games encourage members of law enforcement to remain physically CEG 11..5 ?,,� „.a ` active. The competitive events, spread out over the week, include: Bass Fishing Toumament Horse Shoe Pitching Iron Man Mounted Police Paint Ball Archery Basketball Biathlon Billiards Bowling Cycling Flag Football Golf Obstacle Course Pistols Powerlifting Racquetball Skeet & Trap Shooting Tennis Track Events Volleyball Rifle Shooting Competition Judo Karate Mountain Bike Competition K-9 events Venues to be used will include: College Station and Bryan parks, Texas A &M sports facilities and Corps of Cadets Obstacle Course, Briarcrest Country Club, Pebble Creek Country Club, Lake Somerville, P.O.E.T.S. Billiards, Conroe/FBI Weapons Range, Wolf Pen Bowling Center, and the Brazos County 4 -H Sportsman's Club Range. _' ''�', '99,999 9 Discover The Wonder Of Water! 2 5 May 5 -11 is National Drinking Water Week. College Station Utilities (CSU) will celebrate the importance of water all 2 month by distributing its annual Drinking Water Quality Report, and offering information and demonstrations on how to 9 save water, throughout the month. By visiting the CSU website at http: / /pud.ci. college- station.tx.us /waterdiv.htm, customers can learn more about what is in their drinking water, how it is delivered safely to the tap every day, how to conserve this most precious of resources, and download a recommended outdoor watering schedule. Customers can request a presentation, schedule a tour of our water or wastewater facilities, and get additional copies of the'annual Drinking Water Quality Report by calling 979 - 764 -6223. 9, 9 Page 2 News You Can Use ' means BUYINGAH011E� c -. S „ DOWN PAMElYT' ,; Com plete „ AssISTAl1�CE ISAVAlLABLEa Stop ! College Station Community �� Development offers a Down Payment ,; Assistance Program to help eligible low- and moderate - income homebuyers It's so easy! who intend to purchase a home within the city limits of College Station. (it could even save lives!) ,; Af In College Station, 170 accidents were caused by running stop signs.` ;> For detailed information, Call " Don't be another statistic! Obey traffic signs and signals!;, Gregg Lancaster at 764 -3810. f .i u n u r .i .i n', n u FM, - 6 Q .`S'.'S1�7(c!c�ZM _r v^"1:�k,._ll9. )i9r J ,. jb, P A Note From Your Utility Looking for more information about '4 Customer Service Representatives op City programs and events? Visit us on 1 � Our office is located at 310 Krenek Tap Road - the web at www.ci.college- station.tx.us, •` near the Police Department. Out -of- -town check out Cable Channel 19, see our ads customers can reach us at (800) 849 -6623. • • . • in paper on the first Wednesday (The Connects can be made over the phone, by 1 n Eagle) and first Thursday (Battalion) of _, mail, in person or over the Internet at each month , or call 764 -3445. www.ci.college- station.tx.us. czar . ort_ _ ti22�� D �z n Security deposits are not required at the time GI � E i)•IKE S air of connection, but if a prompt pay record is not maintained, we will add a billed deposit to the account. THE RIGHT e Account information is available online 24 hours a day! All you need is your account number to access your bill amount, last Did you know that bicyclists generally have the payment amount and account history. same rights and duties as other vehicle operators? n Budget Billing is available for residential cus- This means that bicycles have to obey stop signs, traffic 0 tomers with a minimum of 12 months service. signals, and other traffic control devices, but cars are re uired to field the ri ht -of -wa when a ro riate. A COMING SOON! Pay your utility bill online! q y g y pp p That's right! No more sticking stamps or driving across town. You'll be able to log on � .� Bicycles are permitted on most streets in and pay with a credit card! College Station, so next time you approach a cyclist in your car, share the road! If you have any questions Wzrer�ru�e regarding any these items, °o" Po $MeeUP/,Ge For more information, please contact Ken Fogle at please contact us at 764 -3535 gLgcpazamazozy kfogle@ci.college- station.tx.us or call 765 - 3550. or (800) 849 6623. Page 3 • *, City of Station Get Involved! •o Attention Citizens of Are you moving this month? College Station.... Your City Needs You! Please consider recycling your cardboard and donating The City of College Station is looking for all working or reusable items to local charities. citizens to serve on the following committees: You can find a collection site for many items in the • B /CS Library Committee Recycling Directory. The directory has a list of businesses • Cemetery Committee and non - profit organizations in Brazos County that accept •: Construction Board of Adjustments recyclable, reusable or working items. • CS Business Development Corporation • Facade Improvement The Recycling Directory can be found online at • Historic Preservation Committee www.ci.college - station.tx.us under Viewable & Printable 4. Joint Relief Funding Review Information Sheets or at the Public Works Office. 4. Parks and Recreation Board • Planning and Zoning 4• Wolf Pen Creek Design Review Board �'�(�Tl �� J • Zoning Board of Adjustments C m -2 A O 9 For more information, contact the J �n c � o City Secretary's Office at: - 1 1 01 Texas Avenue, College Station J • c. Telephone: 764 -3541, Fax: 764 -6377 www.ci, college- station.tx.us CaII 764 -3690 for more information. #40, COLLEGE STATION CITIZENS ON TOUR r e Have you wanted to participate in College Station Citizens' University, but simply cannot dedicate 10 weeks to the class? Would you like a "Cliff Notes ©" three -day summer short- course, in tour format, so you can become acquainted with your city government? l�C�G�G cod 7 i" a dead D.'"` you/ The City of College Station is piloting a program that will allow you to do just that. We are offering, at no charge to you, an opportunity to spend three afternoons from 1:30 until 4:30 p.m. touring various city facilities and operations and learning more about your city. This short- course will be offered to a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 40 interested residents of College Station on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, July 16 -18, 2002. We will visit the Police Department, Fire Departments, Business Park, Wastewater Treatment Facility, Landfill and much more. If this program interests you, please complete the following application, detach and return to: Peggy Calliham, Community Programs Coordinator, City of College Station, P. O. Box 9960, College Station, TX 77842. For more information call 764 -3499, or send an email to pcalliham station.tx.us. Deadline for receipt of applications is June 14, 2002. Name Phone Mailing Address Zip Code Occupation email Reason you are interested in this opportunity?