HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 BCHC Minutes 04.14.2008MINUTES BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION Bryan Public Library 201 East 28�' Street April 14, 2008 7:OOPM 1. Call to order by the Chair Vice - Chair, Henry Mayo, called the meeting to order at 7:05PM. Members present: Barbara Althaus, Colleen Batchelor, Anne Boykin, Shawn Carlson, Regina Opersteny, Charles R. Schultz, Julie Schultz, Nancy Schwart and Nancy Tiner. Chairmanship of the meeting was deferred by Chairman Schultz to the Vice -Chair at his request to gain more experience. 2. Introduction of guests There were no guests present. 3. Approval of minutes of the March 17, 2008 meeting Henry Mayo noted that in item G, the new location of Rock Prairie Baptist Church is on White Switch Road, not Flat Switch Road. Minutes of the March 17"' meeting were approved with that correction. 4. Unfinished business A. Providence Missionary Baptist Church memorial park ceremony Henry Mayo reported that he is waiting on approval of the program for the dedication ceremony scheduled for April 21" at IPM. Mary Esther Burton, a descendant of the Jones and Wooten families, will be speaking on behalf of the families along with several other speakers. Henry invited all local government officials to attend the dedication. Anne Boykin handed out copies of the press release she had prepared and Henry handed out postcards announcing the dedication. B. Historical marker for Isom Palmer (1811 -1874) in Bryan City Cemetery Nancy Tiner reported that she had sent out invitations to descendants and numerous historical organizations for the dedication scheduled on May 3r at 11AM. C. BCHC WEB site Colleen Batchelor reported that she had sent everyone a multi -page statistical report on the use of BCHC's website and cited some of the highlights. The most interesting was a 5% spike in viewing of the Isom Palmer page that coincided with the date that invitations were sent out for the dedication ceremony. Colleen also initiated a discussion about changing the domain name —which is currently http: / /bchc.co.brazos.tx.us - -to something that is more easily remembered. After a lengthy discussion, members voted by show of hands to approve BrazosCountyHistory.org as the official website name. Henry noted that it would also be suitable for PR purposes. Colleen will request that the domain name be purchased, as well as BrazosCountyHistory.com. Lastly, Colleen discussed the idea of producing a bookmark for BCHC that will advertise the website address. Julie Schultz volunteered a colleague to design the bookmark. Colleen made a motion to appropriate up to $300 to print the bookmarks; Shawn Carlson seconded the motion and the motion was approved. Colleen indicated that there was some urgency in moving this along as May is Historic Preservation Month and she would like to have some PR for BCHC advertising the new website address. D. Rock Prairie Baptist Church Henry Mayo noted that the church move had resulted in two photos in the Eagle and that Channel 3 had followed the church to its new location. The historic marker is being held by Mr. Griswold, deacon at the church, who will place it at the new location. BCHC will sign off to THC on the move and assist with the church's application for a supplement plaque. Colleen suggested that the church could pay for a duplicate marker at the original site. E. Reliance Cemetery Marker Henry Mayo handed out the marker text for BCHC to approve. Several people found the last sentence to be confusing and Colleen made a motion to tentatively approve it, with the following provisions: (1) that the last sentence be revised, and (2) that absent members have the opportunity to give their input. Shawn seconded the motion and it was approved. 5. New Business A. Archaeology Committee report Tom Lynch was not present to report on this committee. B. Education Committee report Julie Schultz had nothing to report for this committee. C. Historical Markers and Research Committee report Bill Page was not present to report on this committee. D. Correspondence of the Chair Henry Mayo reported that there was no new correspondence. E. Other New Business Barbara Althaus reported on her meeting with John Hendry on April 1'. Hendry agreed that the City of Bryan needs a lot of help with heritage tourism but that it is not mentioned in their Master Plan. Barbara asked for suggestions of who to contact next. Henry suggested Cindy Peasley and Colleen made several suggestions. Anne Boykin met with Shannon Overby of CVB, who said that the City of College Station is making plans for heritage tourism over the next 5 -10 years and has already set aside some money for programs. 6. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 8:40PM. Shawn B. Carlson Secretary 2