HomeMy WebLinkAboutRation Stamp Books 1943 NEVER BUY RATIONED GOODS WITHOUT RATION STAMPS NEVER PAY MORE THAN THE LEGAL PRICE United States Office of Prim Administration IMPORTANT: When you have used your ration, salvage the TiN CANS and WASTE FATS. . They are needed to make munitions for our fighting men. Cooperate with your local Salvage Committee. * R.II.GGYFRRN[NT FRIRTING GFFICR I IGN 10-W70-1 � ?�45 ER , 4UNITED STATES OF AMERICA i OFFICE OF PRICE ADMINISTRATION AR RATION BOOK FOUR Issued t® '/? < . - t. `"Lv( --j - ---- -- ---- -------------------t-------------- -- (Print&rat.middle,and laot names) k''` '--- omplete address ----` y-- --------- -- — �'--- --- -� (: -------- -------- -----�\------ — -------4-- ----- `-ilD RFFORR SICINLNG In acce ring this book, I recognize that it remains the property of the United States overnment. I will use it only in the manner and for the purposes authorized by the Office Qf Price Admilai4tratio Void if Altered _--- ► (Sigtwture) It is a criminal offense to violate rationing regulations. OPA Form R-IL" is—aas�o-i Mo lo-i Y X V U T 5. R Q F 8 1 cam; �^" r--' •-- r"` .— �• Cali C*4 CN CV N U'l : e • , Win' r` !%j � '' �JF 3%�� �! %'` ��"I %f 3'�� ! nan y 53 : ••wu1O/n �COFFEE M'SaP�ARE— MC!O:F...-- Illlfu.w..._Nunt 54 COFFE -n-.l.l.u,N.,-•yw.-•..Ku».....Il....Ie..,.N..I rf.nN.u.I u r go[S= PAkr SPARE � _ �a Ci,Jr lfU.,.w....z.. .l SPARE FFE c NNN _ Co FE ii- 51NN =SPARE WCOZFDF JQ r1mw. n :R;E ES:PAnl Wl PA ZRE CO ZCOZFFEE N II6 SP =SPARE a ZRE .-...,K Flt MnSP �R—E WS=PARE d � MPA�l MS=PARl IIIIIN.»a:__ ^�uf,E UNITED STATES OF AMERICA War Ration Book One WARNING GV I Punishments ranging as high as Ten Years' Imprisonment or $10,000 Fine, or Both, may be imposed under United States Statutes for viola- tions thereof arising out of infractions of Rationing Orders and Regu- lations. Q 2 This book must not be transferred. It must be held and used only by or on behalf of the person to whom it has been issued, and anyone presenting it thereby represents to the Office of Price Administration, 00 an agency of the United States Government,that it is being so held and so used. For any misuse of this book it may be taken from the holder by the Office of Price Administration. S In the event either of the departure from the United States of the per. son to whom this book is issued, or his or her death,the book must be O surrendered in accordance with the Regulations. 4 Any person finding a lost book must deliver it promptly to the nearest Ration Board. OFFICE OF PRICE ADMINISTRATION ` M Certificate of Registrar This is t0 Certify that pursuant to the Rationing Orders and Regula- ° Male tions administered by the OFFICE OF PRICE ADMINISTRATION, an L __;----ft- --------in. --------lbs. -------------- -------_______ L'2s. Sex{Tamale agency of the United States Government, o (Height) (Wright) (Color of eyes) (Color of hair) (Age) J (Name, Address, and Description of person to whom the book is issued:) has been issued the attached War Ration Stamps this----------- day of_______________________ 1942,upon the basis of an application signed by himself❑, herself,c), or on his or her ---------------- __________-_________________ __-_______ .___ ____-_______ behalf by his or her husband❑,wife❑,father❑,mother El,exception❑. (Check one.) (I.aet name) (Fire[name) (Middle name) / ------------------------------------------------------ (Street or R.F.D.) (Registrar) - '-- -------------- ---------------- Local Board No. County fl�E:' State --------- (City ur tuwu) (County) State Stamps must not be detached except in the presence of the retailer, his employee, or person authorized by him to make delivery. - -- ----- --- ------ --- --- -- WAR RATION WAR RATION STAMP 12211 20 ------------------ I WAR QATIOM iTAMV iTAMP 21 { 19 The Stamps contained in this Book are valid only after the lawful holder of this Book has signed the certificate below,and are void if detached con- trary to the Regulations. (A father,mother,or guardian may sign the name of a person under 18.) In case of questions, difficulties, or com- plaints, consult your local Ration Board. a Certifieate of Boob Molder I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that I have observed all the eon. ditions and regulations governing the issuance of this V ar Ration Book; that the "Description of Book Holder" contained herein is correct; that an application for issuance of this book has been duly trade by me or on my behalf; and that the staterngnts contained in said application are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. ---------------------- (Book Holder'{] ---'----------------------------------------- ` Own Name (Signature of,or on behalf of,Book Holder) Any person signing on behalf of Book Holder must sign his or her own name below and indicate relationship to Book Holder---------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------`- (Father,Mother,or Guardian) �\ 'l.{.GOYENN MENT fqI NTING OrrICE 119.2 16-26r<61-1 OYA Form No. R-303 UNISF.0$TATE9 OF AMERICA OFFl 9 2 21 5 9 Q DN CE OF PRICE ADMINISTRATION WAR RATION BOOK No. 3 uttered N®T Identification of person to whore issued: PRINT IN FULL VALID WITHOUT (First milk--) (Middle name) S (Last name) Street number or rural route --------------------------------------------------------- 0 City or post office _________________________ State AGE d /�' 1,32 /' I WEIGHTLbs. I HEIGHT In I OCCUPATION SIGNATURE(Person to whom hook is issued- If such person is unable to sign because of age or incapacity,another may sign in his Lrbalf.) WARNING This book is the property of the LOCAL BOARD ACTION United States Government. It is unlawful to sell it to any other per- son, or to use it or permit anyone Issued by-------------- ___ else to use it, except to obtain rationed goods in accordance with (Local board number) (Dote) regulations of the Office of Price Street address Administration. Any person who ____ -------------------------------------------------------- finds a lost War Ration Book must return it to the War Price and Rationing Board which issued it. ('i1y --------------------------------------------- State Persons who violate rationing regu- lation,are subject to$10,000 fine or imprisonment,or both. Y----------------------------------------------------------------- OPA Form No.R-180 (Signature of issuing officer) INSTIi UCTIONS 1 This book is valuable. Do not lose it. 2 Each stamp authorizes you to purchase rationed goods in the quantities and at the times designated by the Office of Price Administration. Without the stamps you will be unable to purchase those goods. 3 Detailed instructions concerning the use of the book and the stamps will he issued. Watch for those instructions so that you will know how to use your book and stamps. Your Local War Price and Rationing Board can give you full information. 4 Do not throw this book away when all of the stamps have been used, or when the time for their use has expired. You may be required to present this book when you apply for subse- quent books. Rationing is a vital part of your country's war effort. Any attempt to violate the rules is an effort to deny someone his share and will create hardship and help the enemy. This book is your Government's assurance of your right to buy your fair share of certain goods made scarce by war. Price ceilings have also been established for your protection. Dealers must post these prices conspicuously. Don't pay more. Give your whole support to rationing and thereby,conserve our vital goods. Be guided by the rule: "If you don't need it,DON'T BUY IT." 16-32299-1 * U.9.GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1 1943 -" 2 ?14'0EX , UNITED STATES OF AMERICA --. OFFICE OF PRICE ADMINISTRATION ®11. WAR, RATION ROOK FOUR Issued to ---- (Print 1'uyt,middle,and last names) Complete address - — ---------- /—q - -- -r--r-- --`Q -----------=-o----"-------i----¢`-------------Ili--------------- -' I- -- ---- _1 b>F,� BEFORE SIG. l In accepting this book, I recognize that it remains the property of the United States Government. I will use it only in the manner and for the purposes authorized by the Owe of Price Adxuin stratioxa , Void if Altered ------------------------------------------------ (Signature) It is a criminal offense to violate rationing regulations. OPA Form R-145 16-3ss70-1 n � C i �_ � :I�) ,G1 It11 110 l)S (❑ 1�.� 1! UN .UI �:(4� '�, 1-1,01 Vlul! Et, uT cc, 7 FEW L V 022 .�': ems` cra C+�., Wit.; t, 5 .nnN.tp... ..r■uanp u, f RE IIZC=OFFEE 52, aECO:F:FEjG SPA E _"""nMRll 44 =COFFEE nnU 6 • ' • MS nnis...._UCO r .. pis til .ppl1 h Qlln,N■w V V ft 7ramr...__ 4�Ifn„■......._ dill 5. `i • � f1111n _- _-•"'rttnl111 _....ptNltll tJ fl mu..... Ulnm....._. __.-..p■NUII .5Q� _-- S PA• cc} 'tent■..«.__. WZ ;� - - • . pNN e _ En/a.p...._. 64SPARE LtC Menu.....__. MtS=PAR;E UJJ SPARE =SPARE A[SP=AR;E =PAR =SPARE W OFFEE =aUIlllnn ••prnllll '•••'jnttlltt � ,f NEVER ]BUY RATIONED GOODS WITHOUT RATION STAMPS EVER PAY MORE THAN THE LEGAL ]PRICE United States Office o,f'Price Administration IMPORTANT: When you have used your ration, salvage the TiN CANS and WASTE PATS. . They are needed to make munitions for our fighting men. Cooperate with your local Salvage Committee. y{ R.S.GOVERNMENT PRINTING O/EIC t 1243 16"-=70-1 9 5?1449 ER 4 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OFFICE OF PRICE ADMINISTPAT10N WAR RATION BOOK FOUR Issued to / -U./L - -------- --- --- - - ---------- -- �- -------- ` (Print Snt,middle,and last mimes) Complete address ---- - -----------,V----(A �L-i--l-------�°=---r------- -- —--------------------------- ------------------ ' -- 1- --- r� - - -•------- - .�R In acce ting this hook, I recognize that it remains the property of the United Staten government. I will use it only in the manner and for the purposes i,-authorized hX -the Office t),£Price Administration, Void if Altered It is a criminal offense to violate rationing regulations. OPA Form H-1" 16-35576-1 RWWWATION RATION RATION RAT STAMP N0. STAMP N0. STAMP NO. ETAMP N0. RATION RAT ON RATION RATIO N+ 1 2 3 4 STA'P N0. $TAMZP N0. ETAM3P N0. 6TAM4P N0. RATIMEWON RATION RATION RATION $TAMP NO. $TAMP NO. STAMPN0. STAMPN0. � ATIQNI ��RATIONI ATIONI gT1ON! STAMP N0. 6 7 8 �\ STAM6P N0. STAM7P N0. STAM8P N0.1 I RATION RATI rtT�i t1�r�' RATION $TAMP NO. ETAMP NO. STAMPN0. %jf $TAMP NO. RATION RATION RATION RATION+ 9 10 1. 1 12 $TAMP N0. STAMP N0. STAMP N0. '� STAMP RN --- 9 10 11 - 12 E RATION rcAT1ON RJ,�JON1 RATION STAMP N0. TAMP N0. a, h� STAMP No. RATION RATION RATION RATION' 13 t 4 15 16 \ STAMP N0. a\ STAMP N0. \\,STAMP N0. STAMP N0.1 13 14 15 16,; i^Tl{�^I' AATIONI RAT RATION �� STA'pNO. ST11AnN0. p sT20No. RATION RA?lON RATION RATION' J RPl` STA1 7 N0. = STA;8P N0. $TA;�P N0. RAT fM. ! RATION q RATION RATION RATION $TAMP NO. STAMPN0. STAMP NC, STAMPN0. RATION RATION RATION RATION' 2i 22 23 L4 STAMP N0. \ $TAMP $TAMP N0. STAMP NO.+ '' 21 22J 23 24 RATION RA RAT RATION STAMP N0. i STAMP N0. STAMP N0. STAMPP N0. RATION RATION RATION RATION` 25 26 27 2$ \STAMP N0. �\ $TAMP N0. \STAMP N0. $TAMP N0. 25 26 27 - 28 RATION G RAT14N RATION RATION STAMPN0. STAMPN0. STA�jMPNO. STAMPN0. RATIONI V aRAT1ON � �RATIONI - RATIQN� 29 30 31 32 $TAMP N0. $TAMP N0. �\ STAMP N0. STAMP N0. 32 nAf/U�\ ..N...J.� o ')N STAMPN0. STAMPN0. STAMPN0. TAMP NO. AATIONI RATION �. RATIONI ATION� 33 34 35 36 STAMP N0. $TAMP N0. STAMP N0. `\ STAMP Np. RATION R�71O(�� RATION RATION ETAM/N0. ETAMP no. srAMP No. RATION RATION RATION RATION 37 39 4O ETAMP N0. a\ STAMP N0. STAMP N0. STAMP Np. 37 38 RATION RATI RATION RATION STAMP N0. STAMP N0. STAMP N0. STAMP N0. RATION _ RATION n., �v+r \RATI ON 41 42 43 STAMP N0. �\STAMP NU. \$TAMP N0. \_STAMP N0.` 43 - 44 I ° , RATION RAT RATION RATION RATION RATION RgTl[9Nt 157AMP N0. STAMP N0. STAMP H0. STAMP N0. > �; 45 46 47 48 F sr 45 No. sTA4M6P N0. sT 47 No. @ - 48 41 � 8 RATION RATION RATION v RATION RATION STAMP N0. STAMP N0. STAMP N0. STAMP N0, STAMP N0. 1 2 3 4 4 RATION RATION RATION RATION RATION RATION RATION RATION STAMP N0. ETAMP N0. STAMP N0. 6 STAMP N0. STAMP N0. ` STAMP N0. ` STAMP N0. $TAMP N0. 5 6 7 8 5 � 6 7 �_ RATION RATION RATION RATION RATION RATION RATION " RATION STAMP N0. STAMP N0. STAMP N0. STAMP N0. STAMP N0. $TAMP N0. STAMP N0. STAMP N0. 9 10 11 12 j 9 10 C 11 �i2 i RATION RATION RATION RATION " RATION RATION RATION RATION STAMP NC. STAMP N0. STAMP N0. STAMP N0. $TAMP N0. STAMP N0. STAMP N0. TAMP N0. 13 14 s 15 d i6 13 14 RATION RATION IRATION RATION RATION RATION RATION RATION STAMP H0. STAMP N0. STAMP NoN O. STAMPN0. STAMP N0. $TAMP N0. STAMP H0. STAMP N0. 6 17 18 19 20 i 17 18 19 20 RATION �a RATION RATION RATION RATION RAMP N0.' �S°' ETAMP NO. STAMP N0. STAMP N0. STAMP N0. RATION ` RATION RATI ON 2� �• 24 STAMP N0. STAMP N0. STAMP N0. 21 22 23 24 RATION RATION RATION RATION RATION RATION RATION RATION STAMP N0. STAMP N0. STAMP N0. STAMP Np. \ STAMP N0. STAMP N0. STAMP NQ STAMP N0. 25 26 27 26 25 �_ gg 27 t_ 28 RATION RATION RATION RATION RATION RATI RATION RATION ETAMP NQ STAMP N0. ETAMP N0. ETAMP N0. STAMP N0. STAMP N0. STAMP N0. ETAMP NJ. 29 30 31 32 �_ 29 31 32 RATION RATION RATION RATION \ RATION ETA"N0. STA'P�NO. ETA'P6N0. STA'P6 N0. STAMP NO. RATION RATION RATION JJ J`f JJ J 33 ETAMP NO. STAMP N0. STAMP!10. - � 35 �_ 36 RATION RATION RATION RATION ,,, �A RATION , RATION RATION RATION ETAMP NQ ETAMP N0, ETAMP N0. ETAMP N0. "4l STAMP N0. STAMP N0. $7 38 a 39 40 = 37 38 � S 39 ` STA4 PO N0. RA(TTION RATION RATION RATION " RATION 1 y.AMP.NO. bTAMPNO. ETAMP NO. fTAMPNO. $TAMP NO. RATION RATION RATION STAMP NO: STAMP NO, STA,M,P N0.i 41 42 43 44 41 42 RATION RATION RATION RATION RATION RATION RATION RATION / STA;P5N0. ` STAM4P6N0. STA AP7N0. LTAw�NO. \ STAMPETAMP NO ` ETAMP NO, STAMP N0. ''t� TT '� 45 48 �__.. 47 A 48 a MR 17 Pb, Lai ...nxilNrl MC=OFVEE NII u..„..._M SPARE MC=OFFE7 -••••rr+xlrllnrl MtSPZARE W=COFFEEVa CP w_- „.Inrl Q=SPARE4C Irutlr,....._.."i�� ' LSp llllrf. P�R;E S=PAR E Mllnu,t._.._.•« FE EtSIZARE; _.... ...nrintPAR Er MC=OFFN L*i�IlSOM lHrx OL StS=PARE atCO:FZF =PAR tS MC:O:FF2E a =PA „... _1=PAR liMllr► M=IIARX- M=SPARE AI:SPA31 r'IJIIIlIn....__ ""•••rr+g117 AZ=SP #?EM ilHflUZRE fN1lri,nr..._. nunJ ..r.RE 7[ Omuor„-- 1 .••r REr