HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-3235 - Ordinance - 02/25/2010ORDINANCE ]VO. 2o1D-323 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, CLOSING THE PUBLIC HEARING; ORDERING IMPROVEMENTS AND LEVYING ASSESSMENTS AGAINST VARIOUS PERSONS AND THEIR PROPERTY FOR THE PAYMENT OF A PART OF THE CAST OF A PORTION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS IN THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS T4 WIT: HOLLEMAN DRIVE FRAM ITS INTERSECTION WITH FM 2$1$ TO JONES- BUTLER ROADWAY WITH SIDEWALKS AND OTHER IMPROVEMENTS; PROVIDING FOR THE TIME WHEN SUCH ASSESSMENTS BECAME DUE AND PAYABLE; STIPULATING THE RATE GF INTEREST AND FIXING A CHARGE AND LIEN AGAINST SAID PROPERTY, MAKING SAID CHARGE A PERSONAL LIABILITY OF THE PROPERTY OWNERS OW]vING PROPERTY ABUTTING ON SAID STREETS, PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION THEREOF; AND PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. WHEREAS, heretofore, Resolution No. O l -14-10-0 l was duly adopted by the City Council, ordering the improvements, and determining the necessity of levying an assessment against the owners of property abutting upon the street for imp~~ovements related to same to wit: Holleman Drive from its intersection with FM 2$1$ and making a connection to the existing Jones-Butler roadway just east of the Dowling Road Pump Station the "Roadway"} A minor collector street with associated improvements as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto incorporated herein and as heretofore determined and approved the Roadway together with all other improvements set forth on Exhibit "A" are collectively referred to herein as the "Improvements"}; and, WHEREAS, plans and specifications, prepared by Mitchell & Morgan LLP, for the construction of the Improvements, and on file in the City Director of Public Works' Office were approved and adopted by the City Council; and, WHEREAS, competitive bids were taken for the constl~~ction of the Improvements, and a contract was awarded by the City of College Station to Brazos Valley Services, the lowest, responsible bidder; and, WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works prepared an estimate of costs, prepared a description of the nature of the Improvements to be assessed.; the names of the owners of property abutting the Roadway; the legal description of the property abutting the Roadway; the number of feet of said properties abutting the Roadway; the amount, or amounts, per front foot proposed to be assessed against said owners, and the total, proposed assessment against said properties abutting the Roadway; and, ORDINANCE N0, 20t0--323 Page 2 WHEREAS, thereafter the estimate was filed with the City Council, and, by them, examined and approved, and Resolution No. 01-14-10-01 was passed by the said Council, on the 14th day of January, X010, fixing a time and providing for a hearing to such owners, their agents or attorneys, at which hearing, said owners were to be heard as to the benefits of the Improvements as to their property, as to any error or invalidity in said proceedings, or to any matter or thing connected with the Improvements; and, WHEREAS, thereafter, the Department of Public Works of the City of College Station gave notice of a public hearing to the property owners on the Roadway, their agents and attorneys, by causing a notice of said hearing to be published in the newspaper of the City of College Station, Texas, ~'he Eagle, a daily newspaper of general circulation in said City, three ~3} times prior to said hearing, the first publication thereof appearing at least twenty-one X21 }days prior to said hearing, to-wit: the 25th day of February, 2010, and the Director of Public Works or his designee gave actual notice to said property owners, their agents and attorneys, by mailing a notice of the public hearing to them at their respective addresses, all in accordance with and as required bylaw; and, WHEREAS, said hearing was held at the time and place mentioned in Resolution No. 01- 14-10-01 and notice, to-wit: on the 25th day of February, 2010, at 7:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of the City of College Station, Brazos County, Texas; and, WHEREAS, at said public hearing, Mark Smith, Director of Public Works, testif ed briefly as to the nature of the Improvements, and explained the method of apportioning the costs, and Jo Ann Sette, a licensed real estate broker and appraiser, testif ed that the Improvements to be assessed would, in each instance, increase the value of such property by more than the cost of such Improvements to the property owners, and all the property owners, their agents or attorneys, or other persons desiring to contest the amounts of the proposed assessments; the lien and liability thereof; the special benef is accruing to abutting property owners by means of the Improvements to be assessed and for which assessments were levied; the accuracy, suff ciency, regularity and validity of the proceedings and contract in connection with which the Improvements and proposed assessments were made, and upon any other matter in connection with the Improvements to be assessed were heard, and all errors, inaccuracies, deficiencies and invalidities were, thereupon, corrected and rectif ed by the City Council to end that the amounts of said assessments were just and equal; now, therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY C~tJNCIL DF THE CITY DF COLLEGE STATION, TE~,AS: PART 1: That the public hearing to consider the proposed assessments to be levied against abutting owners of the Roadway, or portions thereof, as set forth in Part 3 hereof, be, and the same is hereby, closed, and all objections to the proposed assessments be, and the same are hereby, overruled. GRDINANCE N0. ~0~0-335 Page 3 PART 2: That the City Council hereby finds and determines, upon the evidence heard in reference to each and every parcel of property abutting upon the Roadway, that the enhancement in value to accrue to said property, and the real and true owners thereof, by virtue of the construction of the Improvements, will be in excess of the amount of the costs of the Improvements proposed to be, and as herein assessed against said abutting properties and the real and true owners thereof; and finds that the apportionment of the costs of the Improvements and the assessments herein below made are just and equitable and produce substantial equality, considering the benefits received and the burdens imposed thereby, and finds that all prerequisites to the fixing of the assessment liens against said abutting properties, as hereinafter described, and the personal liability of the real and true owners thereof, whether named, or correctly named, herein or not, have been in all things, regularly had and performed in compliance with the law and the proceedings of said City Council, PART 3 ; That, in accordance with V.T.C.A. Transportation Code, Chapter 313, and the Charter of the City of College Station, and pursuant to the proceedings heretofore enacted by the City Council in reference to the Improvements, there shall be, and is hereby, levied an assessment against the parcels of property, hereinafter mentioned, and against the real and true owners thereof (whether such owners shall be correctly named herein or not}, the sums of money itemized and shown opposite the description of the respective parcels of property and the several amounts assessed against the same, and the owners thereof, as far as such owners are known, being shown as follows (the Assessed Amounts"~: IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PAVING ASSESSMENT RILL PREPARED BY THE DEPARTMENT 4F PUBLIC WORKS 4F THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, A COPY OF WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETG AS EXHIBIT "B" AND INCGRP4RATED BY REFERENCE AS PART 4F THIS ORDINANCE. PART 4: That, where more than one person, f rm or corporation owns an interest in any property, above referred to, each said person, firm or corporation shall be personally liable only for its, his or her prorata share of the total assessment against such property, in the proportion that its, his or her respective interest bears to the total ownership of such property, and its, his or her respective interest in such property may be released from the assessment lien upon payment of such proportionate sum. PART 5: That Assessed Amounts assessed against the said parcels of property, and the owners thereof as shown on Exhibit "B", and interest thereon at the rate of five ORDINANCE N4. Zplp_~Z35 Page 4 percent ~5%} from and after the time of completion of the Improvements and at the rate of eight percent ~S%} per annum commencing at the time said cost of the Improvements shall mature and become due and payable in full to the City as set forth in this ordinance, together with reasonable attorney's fees and casts of collection, if incurred, are hereby declared to be, and are made a lien upon the respective parcels of property against which the same are assessed as shown on Exhibit "B", and a personal liability and charge against the real and true owners of such property whether such owners be named herein or not, and the said liens shall be, and constitute, the first enforceable lien and claim against the property on which such assessments are levied, and shall be a first and paramount lien thereof, superior to all other liens and claims, except State, County, School District and City ad valorem taxes. PART 6: The cost of any Improvement that is assessed against abutting property and the owners of the property shall be apportioned among the parcels of abutting property and the owners of the property in accordance with the front foot rule in accordance with Chapter 313 of the Texas Transportation Cade. Interest shall accrue at the rate of five percent ~5%} a year upon completion of the Improvements. The assessments shall mature and became due and payable in full, including any accrued interest, within thirty X30} days of ~a} a sale of all or any portion of the abutting property subject to an assessment levied hereby (provided, that the calculation of the amount of any assessment due in such an event shall be made in accordance with Part 7 hereof, or fib} upon passage of five ~5} years after the Improvements have been completed, whichever occurs first and as further set forth herein. Upon the assessment maturing and becoming due and payable as set forth herein interest shall accrue at the rate not to exceed the greater of ~i} eight percent ~8%} a year or iii}the rate payable by the municipality on its most recently issued general obligation bonds, determined as of date of the notice provided by the Texas Transportation Cade. Any payments made before the due date shall be accepted, and may be made in whale or in part at anytime and used to offset the total amount due including accrued interest. In the event there is failure to make full payment upon maturity, then at the option of the City of College Station, ar its assigns, such amount shall be and became immediately due and payable, and shall be collectible, together with reasonable attorney's fees and casts of collection, if incurred. PART In the event some or all of the property assessed is sold within the first five ~5} years after the Improvements have been completed, payment due shall be proportionate to the amount of linear footage sold along Holleman Drive to the total amount of linear footage assessed; and shall include the accrued interest thereon. Fallowing such sale and upon full payment of the proportionate assessed amount due pursuant to the provisions of this Ordinance and pursuant to the Front ~RDI]VANCE N~. 2010-3235 Page 5 Foot Rule, seller shall be entitled to receive a release for that portion of assessed property sold. Such release shall be in written and recordable form from the City of College Station. PARTS: That, if default is made in the payment of any of the said sums hereby assessed against said property owners and their property, collection thereof shall be enforced, either by the sale of the said property in the manner provided by law for sale of property for municipal ad valorem taxes, or, at the option of the said City, the payment of the said sums shall be enforced by suit in any court having jurisdiction. PART 9: Upon request in writing of any person whose property is subject to an assessment levied hereby, the City Clerk of the City of College Station shall provide a written statement to such requesting party of the then current balance of his or her assessment including, without limitation, the amount of any interest accrued thereon. PART 1 D: Full power to ma1~e and levy reassessments, and to correct mistal~es, errors, invalidities or irregularities in the assessments is, in accordance with the law in force in this City, vested in said City. PART 11: All assessments levied are a personal liability and charge against the real and true owners of the property described herein, notwithstanding such owners may not be named, or may be incorrectly named. PART 12: That the assessments herein levied are made and levied under, and by virtue of, the terms, powers and provisions of V.T.C.A. Transportation Code, Chapter 313 and Article 11, Section 1 D, of the Charter of the City of College Station, Texas, which is said law has been adopted as an alternative method for the construction of street improvements for the City of College Station, Texas. PART 13: That the assessments so levied are for the improvements in the particular unit or district upon which the property described abuts, and the assessments for the improvements in one unit or district are, in nowise, related to or connected with the improvements in any other unit or district, and, in making assessments and in holding said hearing, the amounts assessed for improvements in one unit or district have been, in nowise, affected by any fact, in anywise, connected with the improvements or the assessments therefore in any other unit or district, PART 14: That it being the opinion of the City Council that the assessments levied in Part 3 of this ordinance will be adequate for the City of College Station to finance said QRD~NANCE ND. ~Z~23~ Page 6 improvements, the contract previously awarded to Brazos Valley Services, be, and the same is hereby, in all things, affirmed and ratified. PART 15: That, should any portion of this Ordinance be declared void, it is the intention of, and hereby declared by the City Council, that the balance and remainder of such Qrdinance, or any parts not void, shall remain in full force and effect as though separately passed and approved. PASSED, ADAPTED and APPRQVED this nth day of Feb~p , 20 l o. APPRQVED: Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary AP VED: orney 1~ ORDINANCE N0. 201Q~ Page 7 o~ c~ ~ i o ~ - z rn ~ ~ ~ I p v 1 i r" i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ z r ~ ~ } _ f. . - L F i ~ ~ o o E nZi - ` - m . ~ l .i ~ o ~ ~ ~M~p ~ r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a O rn ~ rn W ' a Z0 r ~i ~ ~ m v DO 00 Zr b7 m l ~ ~ 1 ~ ' , Y EXHIBIT A TO ASSESSMENT ORDINANCE ~ O 0000 vo 0 0 ~ O~ovvvvo❑o❑o ovoo a~ o ❑❑O❑ OD I` u7 h ll7Q~Noph{~7QrOrQ DDOI~ DN N v o ~ci o ci ~ C~ N h tD ao h h N dO N O N (D ~ O ~i? ~ p cD ~ r i i i i i as r' ~ ~ O M lf} ❑ t- Q] N 00 C J I.{) ❑ C10 lt7 (fl r 00 h N pb Op Lt7 ISM ~ p~ H D h N to 00 L'? ~ 6i O 'ct N V7 r N 00 (4 f~7 M h to lf} O N 07 0! ~ ~y ~ ~ d hNNN hN i~7 N ~!7 (")rMQhO~DQ?rG0 prrl` M1~ ~ N {v h [t7 r- (Q r r ~ M r r N N~ ER d3 Eft 6R3 4R tf3 4f} Efl di b4 E{} EA bg Ef} b9 69 {f3 Ef3 5g ff} t~ tf} bF} b3 d} ff} ff3 6F} ~ 4R ilk 0 0 o a o 0 0 o a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o v o o N \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ovoaoo o ❑ o vooaooovooo❑ooOOOVOO ovoo ~ rnrnoa~ o o a~ rn mrnrnrnmvoorna~rno~ oov~o rn 0 _ _ , o❑❑o❑vo ❑ o ❑ ocnavvv❑o❑ooo❑ooavooao aaov~ ~o❑❑ovoo ❑ ❑ ~ orovv❑❑OOovovvvooaa❑o oOOv ~.:ovvovvo cri psi R u7cvc~oocva7hoaia~ioroooc~ioacri ❑N(DON ;O~f}OO~f}❑o ~t7 DO o0 httMNc'~❑NOONt~00u7MtnO~0~('~?❑M ❑0?CONN Orli?Ohhe- lf! 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