HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/07/2011 - Agenda Packet - Planning & Zoning Commission д¿²²·²¹ ú Ʊ²·²¹ ݱ³³·­­·±² ß°®·´ éô îðïï ɱ®µ­¸±° Ó»»¬·²¹ êæðð ÐÓ Î»¹«´¿® Ó»»¬·²¹ éæðð ÐÓ Ý·¬§ Ø¿´´ ݱ«²½·´ ݸ¿³¾»®­ ïïðï Ì»¨¿­ ߪ»²«»ô ݱ´´»¹» ͬ¿¬·±²ô Ì»¨¿­    èÛÚÐ×ÍÖùÍÎÈ×ÎÈÉ ûÕ×ÎØÛ ìÊ×É×ÎÈÛÈÓÍÎÌÍÉÉÓÚÐ×ÛÙÈÓÍÎÛÎØØÓÉÙÇÉÉÓÍÎÊ×ÕÛÊØÓÎÕÈÔ× ÛØÍÌÈÓÍÎÍÖÛÎØÉÈÛÈÇÉÍÖÓÈ×ÏÉÅÓÈÔÓÎÈÔ× ìâìÐÛÎÍÖ åÍÊÑÉ××ÛÈÈÛÙÔ×Øòé  øÍÇÕéÐÛÙѾûÌÊÓÐ ûÚÉ×ÎÙ×ê×ËÇ×ÉÈ  ùÊÛÓÕôÛÐоûÌÊÓÐ ûÚÉ×ÎÙ×ê×ËÇ×ÉÈ  ïÛÊÙÔ  ¾åÍÊÑÉÔÍÌ øÊÛÖÈïÓÎÇÈ×É  ïÛÊÙÔ  ¾ê×ÕÇÐÛÊ øÊÛÖÈïÓÎÇÈ×É  ìÊ×É×ÎÈÛÈÓÍÎÌÍÉÉÓÚÐ×ÛÙÈÓÍÎÛÎØØÓÉÙÇÉÉÓÍÎÍÎÛöÓÎÛÐìÐÛÈÍÖ ÈÔ×éÙÍÈÈåÔÓÈ×ô×ÛÐÈÔÙÛÊ×éÇÚØÓÆÓÉÓÍÎÙÍÎÉÓÉÈÓÎÕÍÖ ìÐÛÎÎ×Øø×Æ×ÐÍÌÏ×ÎÈøÓÉÈÊÓÙÈÐÍÈÉÍÎÛÙÊ×ÉÕ×Î×ÊÛÐÐà ÐÍÙÛÈ×ØÉÍÇÈÔ×ÛÉÈÍÖÈÔ×ÓÎÈ×ÊÉ×ÙÈÓÍÎÍÖêÍÙÑìÊÛÓÊÓ×êÍÛØÛÎØ éÈÛÈ×ôÓÕÔÅÛÃéÍÇÈÔùÛÉ×    òì éÈÛÖÖê×ÌÍÊÈ ûÌÌÐÓÙÛÈÓÍÎ  ìÊ×É×ÎÈÛÈÓÍÎÌÍÉÉÓÚÐ×ÛÙÈÓÍÎÛÎØØÓÉÙÇÉÉÓÍÎÊ×ÕÛÊØÓÎÕÛöÓÎÛÐ ìÐÛÈÖÍÊéÛØØÐ×ùÊ××ÑéÇÚØÓÆÓÉÓÍÎìÔÛÉ×úÙÍÎÉÓÉÈÓÎÕÍÖ  ÐÍÈÉÍÎ ÛÙÊ×ÉÐÍÙÛÈ×ØÛÈéÈÍÇÉÐÛÎØêÍÛØÕ×Î×ÊÛÐÐà ÐÍÙÛÈ×ØÎ×ÛÊÈÔ×øÇÙÑôÛÆ×ÎéÇÚØÓÆÓÉÓÍÎÛÌÌÊÍÄÓÏÛÈ×ÐÃÍÎ× ÏÓÐ×ÉÍÇÈÔÍÖõÊ××ÎÉìÊÛÓÊÓ×êÍÛØÓÎÈÔ×ùÓÈêÉ÷ÄÈÊÛÈ×ÊÊÓÈÍÊÓÛÐ òÇÊÓÉØÓÙÈÓÍÎùÛÉ×   ðô éÈÛÖÖê×ÌÍÊÈ ûÌÌÐÓÙÛÈÓÍÎ  ìÊ×É×ÎÈÛÈÓÍÎÌÍÉÉÓÚÐ×ÛÙÈÓÍÎÛÎØØÓÉÙÇÉÉÓÍÎÍÎÛÅÛÓÆ×ÊÈÍ é×ÙÈÓÍÎ ûÚê×ÐÛÈÓÍÎÈÍûØÒÍÓÎÓÎÕéÈÊ××ÈéÃÉÈ×ÏÉÛÎØÛ ÌÊ×É×ÎÈÛÈÓÍÎÌÍÉÉÓÚÐ×ÛÙÈÓÍÎÛÎØØÓÉÙÇÉÉÓÍÎÊ×ÕÛÊØÓÎÕÛ ìÊ×ÐÓÏÓÎÛÊÃìÐÛÈÖÍÊéÌÊÓÎÕùÊ××Ñè×ÊÊÛÙ×ÙÍÎÉÓÉÈÓÎÕÍÖÐÍÈÉ ÍÎ  ÛÙÊ×ÉÐÍÙÛÈ×ØÛÈ ø×ÙÛÈÇÊøÊÓÆ×ÛÎØÏÍÊ× Õ×Î×ÊÛÐÐÃÐÍÙÛÈ×ØÎÍÊÈÔÍÖÈÔ×ÓÎÈ×ÊÉ×ÙÈÓÍÎÍÖéÌÊÓÎÕõÛÊØ×Î øÊÓÆ×ÛÎØø×ÙÛÈÇÊøÊÓÆ×ùÛÉ×   ïê éÈÛÖÖê×ÌÍÊÈ ûÌÌÐÓÙÛÈÓÍÎ ìÇÚÐÓÙÔ×ÛÊÓÎÕÌÊ×É×ÎÈÛÈÓÍÎÌÍÉÉÓÚÐ×ÛÙÈÓÍÎÛÎØØÓÉÙÇÉÉÓÍÎ Ê×ÕÛÊØÓÎÕÛÊ×ÂÍÎÓÎÕÖÍÊ  ÛÙÊ×ÉÐÍÙÛÈ×ØÛÈ ÷Ð×ÛÎÍÊ éÈÊ××ÈÖÊÍÏê éÓÎÕÐ×öÛÏÓÐÃê×ÉÓØ×ÎÈÓÛÐÈÍìøøìÐÛÎÎ×Ø ø×Æ×ÐÍÌÏ×ÎÈøÓÉÈÊÓÙÈÖÍÊÛÙÍÏÏÇÎÓÈÃÉ×ÊÆÓÙ×ÉÙ×ÎÈ×ÊùÛÉ×   òì éÈÛÖÖê×ÌÍÊÈ ûÌÌÐÓÙÛÈÓÍÎ ìÇÚÐÓÙÔ×ÛÊÓÎÕÌÊ×É×ÎÈÛÈÓÍÎÌÍÉÉÓÚÐ×ÛÙÈÓÍÎÛÎØØÓÉÙÇÉÉÓÍÎ Ê×ÕÛÊØÓÎÕÛÊ×ËÇ×ÉÈÈÍÊ×ÂÍÎ×  ÛÙÊ×ÉÐÍÙÛÈ×ØÛÈ õÊÛÔÛÏêÍÛØÎ×ÛÊÈÔ×ÓÎÈ×ÊÉ×ÙÈÓÍÎÍÖõÊÛÔÛÏêÍÛØÛÎØöï ÖÊÍÏï ðÓÕÔÈóÎØÇÉÈÊÓÛÐÈÍù ðÓÕÔÈùÍÏÏ×ÊÙÓÛÐùÛÉ×   ïñô éÈÛÖÖê×ÌÍÊÈ ûÌÌÐÓÙÛÈÓÍÎ ìÇÚÐÓÙÔ×ÛÊÓÎÕÌÊ×É×ÎÈÛÈÓÍÎÌÍÉÉÓÚÐ×ÛÙÈÓÍÎÛÎØØÓÉÙÇÉÉÓÍÎ Ê×ÕÛÊØÓÎÕÛÊ×ËÇ×ÉÈÈÍÊ×ÂÍÎ×  ÛÙÊ×ÉÐÍÙÛÈ×Ø                ÛÎØ  ûÓÊÐÓÎ×øÊÓÆ× ÖÊÍÏù õ×Î×ÊÛÐùÍÏÏ×ÊÙÓÛÐÛÎØêôÓÕÔø×ÎÉÓÈÃïÇÐÈÓ öÛÏÓÐÃÈÍêôÓÕÔø×ÎÉÓÈÃïÇÐÈÓöÛÏÓÐÃùÛÉ×    òéîÍÈ×öÓÎÛÐÛÙÈÓÍÎÍÎÈÔÓÉÓÈ×ÏÓÉÉÙÔ×ØÇÐ×ØÖÍÊÈÔ×ûÌÊÓÐ  ùÓÈÃùÍÇÎÙÓÐï××ÈÓÎÕÉÇÚÒ×ÙÈÈÍÙÔÛÎÕ× éÈÛÖÖê×ÌÍÊÈ ûÌÌÐÓÙÛÈÓÍÎ ìÇÚÐÓÙÔ×ÛÊÓÎÕÌÊ×É×ÎÈÛÈÓÍÎÌÍÉÉÓÚÐ×ÛÙÈÓÍÎÛÎØØÓÉÙÇÉÉÓÍÎ Ê×ÕÛÊØÓÎÕÛÎÛÏ×ÎØÏ×ÎÈÈÍÈÔ×çÎÓÖÓ×Øø×Æ×ÐÍÌÏ×ÎÈ íÊØÓÎÛÎÙ×é×ÙÈÓÍÎû ©ùÍÊÊÓØÍÊíÆ×ÊÐÛÃøÓÉÈÊÓÙÈÉéÓÕÎɨ ùÛÉ×   ïñô éÈÛÖÖê×ÌÍÊÈ ìÊÍÌÌÍÉ×Øê×ØÐÓÎ×ùÔÛÎÕ×É ìÇÚÐÓÙÔ×ÛÊÓÎÕÌÊ×É×ÎÈÛÈÓÍÎÌÍÉÉÓÚÐ×ÛÙÈÓÍÎÛÎØØÓÉÙÇÉÉÓÍÎ Ê×ÕÛÊØÓÎÕÛÎÛÏ×ÎØÏ×ÎÈÈÍÈÔ×çÎÓÖÓ×Øø×Æ×ÐÍÌÏ×ÎÈ íÊØÓÎÛÎÙ×é×ÙÈÓÍÎúéÈÛÎØÛÊØÉÖÍÊûÐÐîÍÎê×ÉÓØ×ÎÈÓÛÐ éÈÊÇÙÈÇÊ×ÉÊ×ÐÛÈ×ØÈÍÛÊÙÔÓÈ×ÙÈÇÊ×ÉÈÛÎØÛÊØÉÖÍÊÎÍÎÊ×ÉÓØ×ÎÈÓÛÐ ÛÙÙ×ÉÉÍÊÃÉÈÊÇÙÈÇÊ×ÉùÛÉ×   òéîÍÈ×öÓÎÛÐ ÛÙÈÓÍÎÍÎÈÔÓÉÓÈ×ÏÓÉÉÙÔ×ØÇÐ×ØÖÍÊÈÔ×ûÌÊÓÐ  ùÓÈà ùÍÇÎÙÓÐï××ÈÓÎÕÉÇÚÒ×ÙÈÈÍÙÔÛÎÕ× éÈÛÖÖê×ÌÍÊÈ ê×ØÐÓÎ×ØÆ×ÊÉÓÍÎÍÖé×ÙÈÓÍÎú  AGENDA PLANNING&ZONINGCOMMISSION WM ORKSHOP EETING T,A07,2011,6:00PM HURSDAYPRIL AT CHCC ITY ALLOUNCIL HAMBERS 1101TA EXAS VENUE CS,T OLLEGE TATIONEXAS 1.Call the meeting to order. 2.Executive Session. Code Section 551.071}; possible action. The Planning and Zoning Commission may seek advice from its attorney regarding a pending or contemplated litigation subject or settlement offer or attorney-client privileged information. Litigation is an ongoing process and questions may arise as to a litigation tactic or settlement offer, which needs to be discussed with the Planning and Zoning Commission. Upon occasion the Planning and Zoning Commission may need information from its attorney as to the status of a pending or contemplated litigation subject or settlement offer or attorney-client privileged information. After executive session discussion, any final action or vote taken will be in public. The following subject(s) may be discussed: Litigation a.Weingarten Realty Investors v. College Station, Ron Silvia, David Ruesink, Lynn McIlhaney, Ben White, Dennis Maloney and Hugh Stearns 3.Discussion of consent and regular agenda items. 4.Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the adoption of and status of items (JS) within the 2011 P&Z Plan of Work (see attached). 5.Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an update on the development of (JS) the Eastgate Neighborhood Plan. 6.Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding possible meeting dates and agenda (LS) items for a joint meeting with the City of Bryan's P&Z Commission. 7.Presentation, possible action,and discussion regarding an update on the following items: A rezoning for 3.41 acres located 2302 Longmire Drive from C-1 General Commercial and R-6 High Density Multi-Family to R-6 High Density Multi-Family. The Planning & Zoning Commission heard this item on 3 March and voted 7-0 to recommend approval. The City Council heard this item on 24 March and voted 7-0 to approve the rezoning request. A request to rezone 6.21 acres located 1280 Harvey Mitchell Parkway South from R- 1 Single-Family Residential to C-1 General Commercial and R-4 Multi-Family residential. The Planning & Zoning Commission heard this item on 3 February and voted 7-0 to recommend approval with the conditions that the TIA recommendations be employed and the drive be limited to right-in, right-out movements. The City Council heard this item on 24 February and voted 7-0 to approve with no restrictions on right-in, right-out movements and without a deceleration lane at the shared drive (as recommended by the TIA). Ordinances implementing regulations for Mobile Food Vendors. The Planning & Zoning Commission heard this item on 3 February and voted 7-0 to recommend approval with conditions. The City Council heard this item on 24 February and voted 7-0 to approve the ordinances as recommended by the Commission. 8.Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the P&Z Calendar of Upcoming Meetings. April 14, 2011 ~ City Council Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ 7:00 p.m. April 21, 2011 ~ P&Z Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ Workshop 4:00 p.m. and Regular7:00 p.m. 9.Discussion, review and possible action regarding the following meetings: Design Review Board, Council Transportation Committee, Joint Parks/Planning & Zoning Subcommittee, Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee, Neighborhood Plan Stakeholder Resource Team, Bio- Development Forum. 10.Discussion and possible action on future agenda items A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 11.Adjourn. Consultation with Attorney {Gov't Code Section 551.071} ; possible action. The Planning and Zoning Commission may seek advice from its attorney regarding a pending and contemplated litigation subject or attorney- client privileged information. After executive session discussion, any final action or vote taken will be in public. If litigation or attorney-client privileged information issues arise as to the posted subject matter of this Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, an executive session will be held. Notice is hereby given that a Workshop Meeting of the College Station Planning & Zoning Commission, College Station, Texas will be held on the Thursday, April 07, 2011 at 6:00 PM at the City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. The following subjects will be discussed, to wit: See Agenda. Posted this the _____ day of April, 2011, at _______ CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS By _____________________________ Sherry Mashburn, City Secretary By _____________________________ David Neeley, City Manager I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above Notice of the Workshop Meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission of the City of College Station, Texas, is a true and correct copy of said Notice and that I posted a true and correct copy of said notice on the bulletin bsite, www.cstx.gov. The Agenda and Notice are readily accessible to the general public at all times. Said Notice and Agenda were posted on April ___, 2011, at _______ and remained so posted continuously for at least 72 hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting. This public notice was removed from the official posting board at the College Station City Hall on the following date and time: ______________________ by _________________________. Dated this _____ day of_____________, 2011. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS By_____________________________ Subscribed and sworn to before me on this the day of_______________, 2011. Notary Public- Brazos County, Texas My commission expires: This building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive service must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Agendas may be viewed on www.cstx.gov. Planning and Zoning Commission meetings are broadcast live on Cable Access Channel 19. AGENDA PLANNING &ZONING COMMISSION RM EGULAR EETING T,A07,2011,7:00PM HURSDAYPRIL AT CHCC ITY ALL OUNCIL HAMBERS 1101TA EXAS VENUE CS,T OLLEGE TATIONEXAS 1.Call meeting to order. Hear Citizens. 2.At this time, the Chairman will open the floor to citizens wishing to address the Commission on planning and zoning issues not already scheduled on tonight's agenda. The citizen presentations will be limited to three minutes in order to accommodate everyone who wishes to address the Commission and to allow adequate time for completion of the agenda items. The Commission will receive the information, ask city staff to look into the matter, or will place the matter on a future agenda for discussion. (A recording is made of the meeting; please give your name and address for the record.) All matters listed under Item 3, Consent Agenda, are considered routine by the Planning & Zoning Commission and will be enacted by one motion. These items include preliminary and final plats, where staff has found compliance with all minimum subdivision regulations. All items approved by Consent are approved with any and all staff recommendations. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If any Commissioner desires to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda it will be moved to the Regular Agenda for further consideration. Consent Agenda 3.. 3.1Consideration, discussion,and possible action on AbsenceRequestsfrom meetings. Doug Slack ~ April 7, 2011 Craig Hall ~ April 7, 2011 3.2Consideration, discussion,and possible action to approve meeting Minutes. March 3, 2011 ~ Workshop March 3, 2011 ~ Regular 3.3Presentation, possible action, and discussion ona Final Plat of the Scott & White Healthcare Subdivision, consisting of 10 lots on 97.69 acres, generally located southeast of the intersection of Rock Prairie Road and State Highway 6 South. Case #10-00500270 (JP)  3.4Presentation, possible action, and discussion ona Final Plat of theSaddle Creek Subdivision Phase 7B, consisting of 19 lots on 30.458 acres, located at 5449 Stousland Road, generally located near the Duck Haven Subdivision, approximately one mile south of Greens Prairie Road in the City’s Extraterritorial Case # 11-00500021 (LH) Jurisdiction. Regular Agenda 4.Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. 5.Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a waiver to Section 8.2.A.7.b Relation to Adjoining Street Systems and a presentation, possible action, and discussion ona Preliminary Plat for Spring Creek Terrace, consisting of 45 lots on 14.19 acres, located at 4199 Decatur Drive, and more generally located north of the intersection of Spring Case # 11-00500023 (MR) Garden Drive and Decatur Drive. 6.Public hearing, presentation, possible action,and discussion regarding a request to rezone 0.22 acres located at 1013 Eleanor Street from R-1 Single-Family Residential to PDD Case #11-00500022 (JP) Planned Development District for a community services center. (Note: Final action on this item is scheduled for the April 14, 2011 City Council Meeting--subject to change) 7.Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussionregarding a request to rezone 1.70 acres located at 100 Graham Road atthe intersection of Graham Road and F.M. Case # 11-0050036 (MKH) 2154 from M-1 Light Industrial to C-3 Light Commercial. (Note: Final action on this item is scheduled for the April 28,2011 City Council Meeting--subject to change) 8.Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a request to rezone 2.2257 acres locatedat1400, 1402, 1404, 1406, 1408, 1410, 1500, 1502, and 1504 Airline Drive from C-1 General Commercial and R-6 High Density Multi-Family to R-6 Case # 11-00500043 (JS) (Note: Final action on this item High Density Multi-Family. is scheduled for the April 28, 2011 City Council Meeting--subject to change) 9.Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance, Section 5.8.A.(2) “Corridor Overlay Districts, Case # 11-00500027 (MKH)(Note: Final action on this item is scheduled for Signs.” the April 28, 2011 City Council Meeting--subject to change) 10.Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance, Section 7.9.B "Standards for All Non-Residential Structures" related to architecture standards for non-residential accessory structures. Case # 11-00500049 (JS) (Note: Final action on this item is scheduled for the April 28, 2011 City Council Meeting--subject to change) 11.Discussion and possible action on future agenda items –A Planning &Zoning Member may inquire abouta subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting.  12.Adjourn. Consultation with Attorney {Gov't Code Section 551.071} ; possible action. The Planning and Zoning Commission may seek advice from its attorney regarding a pending and contemplated litigation subject or attorney- client privileged information. Afterexecutive session discussion, any final action or vote taken will be in public. If litigation or attorney-client privileged information issues arise as to the posted subject matter of this Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, an executive session willbe held. Notice is hereby given that a Regular Meeting of the College Station Planning &Zoning Commission, College Station, Texas will be held on the Thursday, April 07, 2011at7:00 PMat the City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. The following subjects will be discussed, to wit: See Agenda. Posted this the _____ day of April, 2011,at _______ CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS By _____________________________ Sherry Mashburn, City Secretary By _____________________________ David Neeley, City Manager I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting of the Planning &Zoning Commission of the City of College Station, Texas, is a true and correct copy of said Notice and that I posted atrue and correct copy of said notice on the bulletin board at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, in College Station, Texas, and the City’s website, www.cstx.gov. The Agenda and Notice are readily accessible to the general public at all times. Said Notice and Agenda were posted on April___, 2011, at _______ and remained so posted continuously for at least 72 hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting. This public notice was removed from the official posting board at the College Station City Hall on the following date and time: ______________________ by _________________________. Dated this _____ day of_____________, 2011. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS By_____________________________ Subscribed and sworn to before me on this the day of_______________, 2011. Notary Public-Brazos County, Texas My commission expires: This building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive service must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Agendas may be viewed on www.cstx.gov.Planning and Zoning Commission meetings are broadcast live on Cable Access Channel 19.  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Doug From: Brittany Caldwell [mailto:Bcaldwell©cstx.gov] Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2011 12:31 PM To: Mike Ashfield; Craig Hall; Jodi Warner; Bo Miles; Hugh Stearns; Doug Slack; Scott Shafer Subject: Joint P&Z & City Council Workshop Good afternoon! Please let me know if you would be available to begin our P&Z Workshop meeting early on April 7. We are thinking around 4:00 or 5:00. City Manager David Neeley has requested that we have a joint workshop with P&Z and City Council to talk about the draft wastewater master plan, its impact on the impact fee discussion and also its implications on pending development requests. Please let me know at your earliest convenience. Thank you! Brittany Caldwell Administrative Support Specialist Planning & Development City of College Station P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 Office: 979.764.3570 Fax: 979.764.3496 www.cstx.gov City of College Station Home of Texas A&M University ® file://C:\Documents and Settingslbcaldwell\Local Setli5gs\Temp\XPgrpwise14D78C949Cit... 3/10/2011 Page 1of 1 Brittany Caldwell - Re: March 28 P&Z Meeting *Canceled* From: "Craig & Jean Hall" <candjhall@gmail.com> To: Brittany Caldwell <Bcaldwell@cstx.gov> Date: 3/16/2011 7:56 AM Subject: Re: March 28 P&Z Meeting *Canceled* Good Morning, I will be out of town on family business in Louisiana. This is a required trip that is time line sensitive. I can do Mon, Tue, or Wed if need be. Hope your day is pleasant. Craig Hall On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 1:06 PM, Brittany Caldwell <Bcaldwell@cstx.gov> wrote: Good afternoon! The March 28 P&Z meeting has been canceled. The items that were scheduled to be heard were either bumped to the next meeting or the applicant withdrew the item. Our next regularly scheduled meeting is April 7 at 6:00 p.m. Please let me know if you will be unable to attend that meeting. I currently have one absence request. Thank you!! Brittany Caldwell Administrative Support Specialist Planning & Development City of College Station P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 Office: 979.764.3570 Fax: 979.764.3496 www.cstx.gov City of College Station Home of Texas A&M University ® -- J. C. Hall  file://C:\Documents and Settings\bcaldwell\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4D806D1DCi...3/21/2011 MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Workshop Meeting March 3, 2011,6:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Scott Shafer, Mike Ashfield, Craig Hall, Jodi Warner, Hugh Stearns, Doug Slack, and Bo Miles COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Dennis Maloney CITY STAFF PRESENT: Jennifer Prochazka,Jason Schubert,Matthew Hilgemeier,Joe Guerra, Alan Gibbs,Molly Hitchcock,Lance Simms,Bob Cowell, Carla Robinson,Carrie McHugh,and Brittany Caldwell 1.Call the meeting to order. Chairman Shafer called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2.Discussion of consent and regular agenda items. There was general discussion amongst the Commission regarding Regular Agenda Items 5 and 6. 3.Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the adoption of and status of items (JS) within the 2011 P&Z Plan of Work (see attached). Senior Planner Schubertreviewed the status of items within the 2011 P&Z Plan of Work. 4.Presentation, possible action, and discussion on the development of new zoning districts to (BC) facilitate implementation of the Comprehensive Plan. Director Cowelldiscussed the development of new zoning districts to facilitate implementation of the Comprehensive Plan. There was general discussion amongst the Commission regarding the zoning districts. 5.Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the P&Z Calendar of Upcoming Meetings. March 22, 2011 ~ Special City Council Meeting ~ Wellborn Community Center ~ 6:00 p.m. March 3, 2011P&Z Workshop Meeting MinutesPage 1of 2  March 24, 2011 ~ City Council Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ 7:00 p.m. Chairman Shafer reviewed the upcoming meeting dates for the Planning & Zoning Commission. 6.Discussion, review and possible action regarding the following meetings: Design Review Board, Council Transportation Committee, Joint Parks/Planning &Zoning Subcommittee, Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee, Platting Requirements and Standards Subcommittee, Neighborhood Plan Stakeholder Resource Team, Code Coordination Subcommittee, and Mayor’s Development Forum. There was no discussion. 7.Discussion and possible action on future agenda items –A Planning &Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Commissioner Slackexpressed concern about City Council not approving CIPprojects that were approved by the voters. Director Cowell stated that there was a future City Council Workshop item where the Public Works Director would be bringing forward the previously approved CIP projects andseeing if the Council wantedto change or alter the list. He said that if the Council decidedto change the CIPlistthen the new changes would be brought before the Commission as part of the CIP approval process. 8.Adjourn. CommissionerStearnsmotioned to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Slack seconded the motion, motion passed (7-0). The meeting was adjourned at 7:05p.m. Approved: ________________________________ Scott Shafer, Chairman Planning &Zoning Commission Attest: _____________________________________ Brittany Caldwell, Admin. Support Specialist Planning &Development Services March 3, 2011P&Z Workshop Meeting MinutesPage 2of 2  MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Regular Meeting March 3, 2011,7:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Scott Shafer, Mike Ashfield, Craig Hall, Jodi Warner, Hugh Stearns,Doug Slack,and Bo Miles COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Dennis Maloney CITY STAFF PRESENT: Jason Schubert, Matthew Hilgemeier, Joe Guerra, Alan Gibbs, Molly Hitchcock, Lance Simms, Bob Cowell, Carla Robinson, Carrie McHugh, and Brittany Caldwell 1.Call meeting to order. Chairman Shafer called the meeting to order at 7:08p.m. 2.Hear Citizens. None Consent Agenda 3.. 3.1Consideration, discussion, and possibleaction to approve meeting Minutes. February 17, 2011 ~ Workshop February 17, 2011 ~ Regular Commissioner Stearns motioned to approve Consent Agenda Item 3.1. Commissioner Miles seconded the motion, motion passed (7-0). Regular Agenda 4.Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. No items were removed from the Consent Agenda. 5.Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat of the Gateway Subdivision, Phase 1 Block1, Lots 9R-1A thru 9R-1C, being a replat of the March 3, 2011P&Z Regular Meeting MinutesPage 1of 3  Gateway Subdivision Phase 1, Block 1, Lot 9R-1, consisting of 3 lots on 3.27 acres, generally located behind Home Depot near the intersection of State Highway 6 and Case #11-00500011(MKH) University Drive. Staff Planner Hilgemeierpresented the Replat and recommended approval with the condition that staff review comments were met. Chairman Shafer opened the public hearing. No one spoke during the public hearing. Chairman Shafer closed the public hearing. Commissioner Hall motioned to approve the Replat with the condition that staff review comments were met. Commissioner Ashfield seconded the motion, motion passed (7-0). 6.Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a request to rezone 3.41 acres located 2302 Longmire Drive from C-1 General Commercial and R-6 High Case # 11-00500012 (JS) Density Multi-Family to R-6 High Density Multi-Family. (Note: Final action on this item is scheduled for the March 24, 2011 City Council Meeting--subject to change) Senior Planner Schubertpresented the Rezoning and recommended approval. Commissioner Miles asked if the current use would stay the same. Chairman Shafer opened the public hearing. Chris Peterson, Peterson Law Group, stated that no further development was planned for the tract and it needed to be rezoned for financing reasons. Chairman Shafer closed the public hearing. Commissioner Stearns motioned to approve the Rezoning. Commissioner Slack seconded the motion, motion passed (7-0). 7.Discussion and possible action on future agenda items –A Planning &Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. There was no discussion. 8.Adjourn. March 3, 2011P&Z Regular Meeting MinutesPage 2of 3 Commissioner Warnermotioned to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Stearns seconded the motion, motion passed (7-0). The meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m. Approved: ____________________________________ Scott Shafer,Chairman Planning and Zoning Commission Attest: ____________________________________ Brittany Caldwell, Admin. Support Specialist Planning and Development Services March 3, 2011P&Z Regular Meeting MinutesPage 3of 3 FINAL PLAT for Scott & White Healthcare Subdivision 10-00500270 SCALE: ÐÍÈÉÍÎÛÙÊ×É LOCATION:  éÈÛÈ×ôÓÕÔÅÛÃéÍÇÈÔÉÍÇÈÔ×ÛÉÈÍÖÈÔ×ÓÎÈ×ÊÉ×ÙÈÓÍÎÍÖêÍÙÑ ìÊÛÓÊÓ×êÍÛØÛÎØéÈÛÈ×ôÓÕÔÅÛÃéÍÇÈÔ ZONING: ìøøìÐÛÎÎ×Øø×Æ×ÐÍÌÏ×ÎÈøÓÉÈÊÓÙÈ APPLICANT: òÍÔÎìùÇÎÎÓÎÕÔÛÏéÙÍÈÈåÔÓÈ×ô×ÛÐÈÔÙÛÊ× PROJECT MANAGER: ò×ÎÎÓÖ×ÊìÊÍÙÔÛÂÑÛûóùìé×ÎÓÍÊìÐÛÎÎ×Ê ÒÌÊÍÙÔÛÂÑÛüÙÉÈÄÕÍÆ RECOMMENDATION: ûÌÌÊÍÆÛÐ ìÐÛÎÎÓÎÕâÍÎÓÎÕùÍÏÏÓÉÉÓÍÎìÛÕ× ÍÖ ûÌÊÓÐ ìÐÛÎÎÓÎÕâÍÎÓÎÕùÍÏÏÓÉÉÓÍÎìÛÕ× ÍÖ ûÌÊÓÐ DEVELOPMENT HISTORY Annexation: ÛÎØ  Zoning: ûÎÎ×Ä×ØÛÉûíûÕÊÓÙÇÐÈÇÊÛÐíÌ×Î ÛÎØ   ûíÈÍù ùÍÏÏ×ÊÙÓÛÐóÎØÇÉÈÊÓÛÐ  ù ûÌÛÊÈÏ×ÎÈ ï×ØÓÇÏø×ÎÉÓÈà ÛÎØ êÊ×ÎÛÏ×ØÈÍêïÇÐÈÓöÛÏÓÐà  ìÍÊÈÓÍÎÉÍÖÈÔ×ÌÊÍÌ×ÊÈÃÛÐÍÎÕÈÔ×éÈÛÈ×ôÓÕÔÅÛÃöÊÍÎÈÛÕ×êÍÛØ ÛÎØÛÐÍÎÕêÍÙÑìÊÛÓÊÓ×êÍÛØÎ×ÛÊÓÈÉÓÎÈ×ÊÉ×ÙÈÓÍÎÅÓÈÔéÈÛÈ× ôÓÕÔÅÛÃÅ×Ê×ÂÍÎ×Øù õ×Î×ÊÛÐùÍÏÏ×ÊÙÓÛÐ  èÔ××ÎÈÓÊ×ÈÃÍÖÈÔ×ÌÊÍÌ×ÊÈÃÓÉÎÍÅìøøìÐÛÎÎ×Øø×Æ×ÐÍÌÏ×ÎÈ øÓÉÈÊÓÙÈîÍÆ×ÏÚ×Ê  Preliminary Plat: éÙÍÈÈåÔÓÈ×ô×ÛÐÈÔÙÛÊ×éÇÚØÓÆÓÉÓÍÎòÛÎÇÛÊà åÛÓÆ×ÊÉÈÍ ÏÛÄÓÏÇÏÚÐÍÙÑÐ×ÎÕÈÔÅ×Ê×ÛÌÌÊÍÆ×ØÛÈÈÔÛÈÈÓÏ× Site development: ðÛÊÕ×ÐÃÆÛÙÛÎÈÅÓÈÔÛÎÍÎÉÓÈ×ÍÓÐÅ×ÐÐÛÎØÉ×Æ×ÊÛÐÇÎÇÉ×Ø ÉÈÊÇÙÈÇÊ×ÉÈÍÚ×Ê×ÏÍÆ×Ø COMMENTS Pedestrian Connectivity: èÔ×ÖÍÇÊÙÍÐÐ×ÙÈÍÊÊÍÛØÅÛÃÉÙÍÎÉÈÊÇÙÈ×ØÅÓÈÔÈÔÓÉÌÊÍÒ×ÙÈÅÓÐÐ ÓÎÙÐÇØ×ÉÓØ×ÅÛÐÑÉÈÍÖÛÙÓÐÓÈÛÈ×Ì×Ø×ÉÈÊÓÛÎÏÍÆ×Ï×ÎÈÉÈÔÊÍÇÕÔÈÔ× ÉÓÈ×éÓØ×ÅÛÐÑÉÅÓÐÐÚ×ÌÊÍÆÓØ×ØÛÐÍÎÕêÍÙÑìÊÛÓÊÓ×êÍÛØ Bicycle Connectivity: èÔ×ÖÍÇÊÙÍÐÐ×ÙÈÍÊÊÍÛØÅÛÃÉÅÓÐÐÓÎÙÐÇØ×ÚÓÑ×ÐÛÎ×ÉÈÍÖÛÙÓÐÓÈÛÈ× ÚÓÙÃÙÐ×ÏÍÆ×Ï×ÎÈÉÈÍÛÎØÈÔÊÍÇÕÔÈÔ×ÉÓÈ× Impact Fees: èÔ×ÌÊÍÌ×ÊÈÃÓÉÐÍÙÛÈ×ØÓÎÈÔ×ôÛÊÐ×ÃåÛÈ×ÊóÏÌÛÙÈö××ÛÊ×Û REVIEW CRITERIA Compliance with Subdivision Regulations: èÔ×ÉÇÚØÓÆÓÉÓÍÎÓÎÙÐÇØ×É ÐÍÈÉÍÎÒÇÉÈÇÎØ×Ê ÛÙÊ×ÉèÔ×ÌÊÍÌ×ÊÈÃÓÉÂÍÎ×ØìøøìÐÛÎÎ×Øø×Æ×ÐÍÌÏ×ÎÈøÓÉÈÊÓÙÈÛÎØÓÉÓÎÙÍÏÌÐÓÛÎÙ×ÅÓÈÔ ÈÔ×ùÍÏÌÊ×Ô×ÎÉÓÆ×ìÐÛÎÛÎØÈÔ×Ê×ËÇÓÊ×Ï×ÎÈÉÍÖÈÔ×ìøøíÊØÓÎÛÎÙ× óÎÙÍÏÌÐÓÛÎÙ×ÅÓÈÔÈÔ×Ø×Æ×ÐÍÌÏ×ÎÈÛÕÊ××Ï×ÎÈÚ×ÈÅ××ÎÈÔ×ùÓÈÃÍÖùÍÐÐ×Õ×éÈÛÈÓÍÎÛÎØéÙÍÈÈ åÔÓÈ×ðÍÈ ÃÍÖùÍÐÐ×Õ×éÈÛÈÓÍÎÖÍÊÛÖÇÈÇÊ×ÅÛÈ×ÊÈÍÅ×ÊÉÓÈ× èÔ×ìÐÛÈÔÛÉÚ××ÎÊ×ÆÓ×Å×ØÇÉÓÎÕÈÔ×ÉÇÚØÓÆÓÉÓÍÎÉÈÛÎØÛÊØÉÈÔÛÈÅ×Ê×ÓÎÌÐÛÙ×ÓÎ ÅÔ×Î ÈÔ×ÌÊÍÒ×ÙÈÚ×ÕÛÎåÛÓÆ×ÊÉÈÍé×ÙÈÓÍÎ û ÛÍÖÈÔ×çÎÓÖÓ×Øø×Æ×ÐÍÌÏ×ÎÈíÊØÓÎÛÎÙ×Ê×ÐÛÈ×Ø ÈÍÏÛÄÓÏÇÏÚÐÍÙÑÐ×ÎÕÈÔÅ×Ê×ÕÊÛÎÈ×ØÅÓÈÔÈÔ×ÌÊ×ÐÓÏÓÎÛÊÃÌÐÛÈ×ÛÊÐÓ×ÊÈÔÓÉÃ×ÛÊ èÔ×ÖÍÐÐÍÅÓÎÕÚÐÍÙÑÖÛÙ×ÉÓÎÈ×ÊÎÛÐÈÍÈÔ×ÉÇÚØÓÆÓÉÓÍÎ×ÄÙ××Ø×ØÈÔ× ÖÍÍÈÏÛÄÓÏÇÏÛÎØÅ×Ê× ÕÊÛÎÈ×ØÅÛÓÆ×ÊÉ úÐÍÙÑ  ï×ØÓÙÛÐûÆ×ÎÇ×ÖÊÍÎÈÛÕ×ÓÉ  Ö××ÈÓÎÐ×ÎÕÈÔÛÅÛÓÆ×ÊÍÖ  Ö××È ðÛÑ×ÅÛÃøÊÓÆ×ÖÊÍÎÈÛÕ×ÓÉ Ö××ÈÛÅÛÓÆ×ÊÍÖ Ö××È ìÐÛÎÎÓÎÕâÍÎÓÎÕùÍÏÏÓÉÉÓÍÎìÛÕ× ÍÖ ûÌÊÓÐ  ô×ÛÐÓÎÕåÛÃÖÊÍÎÈÛÕ×ÓÉ Ö××ÈÛÅÛÓÆ×ÊÍÖ Ö××È éÙÍÈÈåÔÓÈ×øÊÓÆ×ÖÊÍÎÈÛÕ×ÓÉ Ö××È úÐÍÙÑ  éÙÍÈÈåÔÓÈ×øÊÓÆ×ÖÊÍÎÈÛÕ×ÓÉ Ö××ÈÖ××ÈÅÓÈÔÓÎÈÔ×éÙÍÈÈåÔÓÈ× ô×ÛÐÈÔÙÛÊ×éÇÚØÓÆÓÉÓÍÎÛÅÛÓÆ×ÊÍÖÖ××È úÐÍÙÑ  ô×ÛÐÓÎÕåÛÃÖÊÍÎÈÛÕ×ÓÉÖ××ÈÛÅÛÓÆ×ÊÍÖÖ××È úÐÍÙÑ ðÛÑ×ÅÛÃøÊÓÆ×ÖÊÍÎÈÛÕ×ÓÉ Ö××ÈÛÅÛÓÆ×ÊÍÖ Ö××È úÐÍÙÑÐ×ÎÕÈÔÉÛÐÍÎÕêÍÙÑìÊÛÓÊÓ×êÍÛØÛÎØéÈÛÈ×ôÓÕÔÅÛÃÅ×Ê×Ø×È×ÊÏÓÎ×ØÅÓÈÔÈÔ×ìÐÛÎÎ×Ø ø×Æ×ÐÍÌÏ×ÎÈøÓÉÈÊÓÙÈìÇÚÐÓÙûÙÙ×ÉÉ÷ÛÉ×Ï×ÎÈÉÛÊ×Ø×ÌÓÙÈ×ØÈÔÊÍÇÕÔÍÇÈÈÔ×Ø×Æ×ÐÍÌÏ×ÎÈ ÌÊÍÆÓØÓÎÕÆ×ÔÓÙÇÐÛÊÛÙÙ×ÉÉÛÎØÙÍÎÎ×ÙÈÓÆÓÈÃÅÓÈÔÓÎÈÔ×ÉÇÚØÓÆÓÉÓÍÎ åÓÈÔÈÔ×ÅÛÓÆ×ÊÉÕÊÛÎÈ×ØÅÓÈÔÈÔ×ìÊ×ÐÓÏÓÎÛÊÃìÐÛÈÈÔ×öÓÎÛÐìÐÛÈÓÉÓÎÙÍÏÌÐÓÛÎÙ×ÅÓÈÔÈÔ× éÇÚØÓÆÓÉÓÍÎê×ÕÇÐÛÈÓÍÎÉ éÈÛÈ×ôÓÕÔÅÛÃÓÉÙÐÛÉÉÓÖÓ×ØÍÎÈÔ×ùÓÈêÉèÔÍÊÍÇÕÔÖÛÊ×ìÐÛÎÛÉöÊ××ÅÛà ÷ÄÌÊ×ÉÉÅÛÃÛÎØ êÍÙÑìÊÛÓÊÓ×êÍÛØÓÉÙÐÛÉÉÓÖÓ×ØÛÉÛðÛÎ×ïÛÒÍÊûÊÈ×ÊÓÛÐÓÎÈÔÓÉÛÊ×ÛÛÐÈÔÍÇÕÔÓÈÓÉÙÇÊÊ×ÎÈÐà ÙÍÎÉÈÊÇÙÈ×ØÈÍÛÊÇÊÛÐÙÍÐÐ×ÙÈÍÊÉÈÛÎØÛÊØöÓÖÈ××ÎÖ××ÈÍÖÊÓÕÔÈÍÖÅÛÃØ×ØÓÙÛÈÓÍÎÛÐÍÎÕêÍÙÑ ìÊÛÓÊÓ×êÍÛØÓÉÌÊÍÌÍÉ×ØÈÍÙÍÏÌÐÃÅÓÈÔÈÔ×èÔÍÊÍÇÕÔÖÛÊ×ìÐÛÎ éÓÈ×Ø×Æ×ÐÍÌÏ×ÎÈÓÎÙÐÇØ×ÉÈÔ×ÙÍÎÉÈÊÇÙÈÓÍÎÍÖÛðÛÎ×ïÛÒÍÊùÍÐÐ×ÙÈÍÊðÛÑ×ÅÛÃøÊÓÆ×ÈÔÊ×× ðÛÎ×ïÛÒÍÊùÍÐÐ×ÙÈÍÊÉï×ØÓÙÛÐûÆ×ÎÇ×ô×ÛÐÓÎÕåÛÃÛÎØéÙÍÈÈåÔÓÈ×øÊÓÆ×ÛÎØÛ ÉÃÉÈ×ÏÍÖÌÇÚÐÓÙÊÍÛØÉÛÎØÌÊÓÆÛÈ×ØÊÓÆ×ÉèÔ×ÙÍÐÐ×ÙÈÍÊÊÍÛØÅÛÃÉÅÓÐÐÓÎÙÐÇØ×ÚÓÑ×ÐÛÎ×ÉÛÎØ ÉÓØ×ÅÛÐÑÉÈÍÖÛÙÓÐÓÈÛÈ×ÚÓÙÃÙÐ×ÛÎØÌ×Ø×ÉÈÊÓÛÎÏÍÆ×Ï×ÎÈÉÈÔÊÍÇÕÔÈÔ×ÉÓÈ× ûÙÙ×ÉÉÈÍÈÔ×ÌÊÍÌ×ÊÈÃÅÓÐÐÚ×ÖÊÍÏêÍÙÑìÊÛÓÊÓ×êÍÛØÛÎØéÈÛÈ×ôÓÕÔÅÛÃøÊÓÆ×ÅÛÃÉÛÊ× ÐÓÏÓÈ×ØÈÍÈÔ×ÌÇÚÐÓÙÛÎØÌÊÓÆÛÈ×ÉÈÊ××ÈÉÃÉÈ×ÏÅÓÈÔÓÎÈÔ×Ø×Æ×ÐÍÌÏ×ÎÈîÍÛØØÓÈÓÍÎÛÐØÊÓÆ×ÅÛÃÉ ÅÓÐÐÚ×Ì×ÊÏÓÈÈ×ØÍÎêÍÙÑìÊÛÓÊÓ×êÍÛØÍÊéÈÛÈ×ôÓÕÔÅÛÃöÊÍÎÈÛÕ×êÍÛØÅÓÈÔÈÔ××ÄÙ×ÌÈÓÍÎÍÖ ÛÎ×ÄÓÉÈÓÎÕÛÙÙ×ÉÉ×ÛÉ×Ï×ÎÈÐÍÙÛÈ×Ø×ÛÉÈÍÖêÍÙÑìÊÛÓÊÓ×ïÛÊÑ×ÈÌÐÛÙ×éÇÚØÓÆÓÉÓÍÎÖÍÊÒÍÓÎÈ ÛÙÙ×ÉÉ STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS éÈÛÖÖÊ×ÙÍÏÏ×ÎØÉÛÌÌÊÍÆÛÐ SUPPORTING MATERIALS ûÌÌÐÓÙÛÈÓÍÎ ùÍÌÃÍÖöÓÎÛÐìÐÛÈÌÊÍÆÓØ×ØÓÎÌÛÙÑ×È ìÐÛÎÎÓÎÕâÍÎÓÎÕùÍÏÏÓÉÉÓÍÎìÛÕ×ÍÖ ûÌÊÓÐ      CERTIFICATIONS REQUIRED FOR ALL DEVELOPMENT Owner Certification: 1. No work of any kind may start until a permit is issued. 2. The permit may be revoked if any false statements are made herein. 3. If revoked, all work must cease until permit is re -issued. 4_ Development shall not be used or occupied until a Certificate of Occupancy is issued. 5. The permit will expire if no significant work is progressing within 24 months of issuance. 6. Other permits may be required to fulfill local, state, and federal requirements. Owner will obtain or show compliance with all necessary State and Federal Permits prior to construction including NOI and SWPPP. 7. If required, Elevation Certificates will be provided with elevations certified during construction (forms at slab pre - pour) and post construction. 8. Owner hereby gives consent to City representatives to make reasonable inspections required to verify compliance. 9. If, stormwater mitigation is required, including detention ponds proposed as part of this project, it shall be designed and constructed first in the construction sequence of the project. 10. In accordance with Chapter 13 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, measures shall be taken to insure that all debris from construction, erosion, and sedimentation shall not be deposited in city streets, or existing drainage facilities. All development shall be in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted to and approved by the City Engineer for the above named project. All of the applicable codes and ordinances of the City of College Station shall apply. 11. The information and conclusions contained in the attached plans and supporting documents will comply with the current requirements of the City of College Station, Texas City Code, Chapter 13 and associated BCS Unified Design Guidelines Technical Specifications, and Standard Details. All development has been designed in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances of the City of College Station and State and Federal Regulations. 12. Release of plans to J !ti(‘Ac cc- k • L`! r (name or firm) is authorized for bidding purposes only. I understand that final approval and release of plans and development for construction is contingent on contractor signature on approved Development Permit. 13. I, THE OWNER, AGREE TO AND CERTIFY THAT ALL STATEMENTS HEREIN, AND IN ATTACHMENTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION, ARE, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, TRUE, AND ACCURATE. Property Owner(s) Date Engineer Certification: 1. The project has been designed to ensure that stormwater mitigation, including detention ponds, proposed as part of the project will be constructed first in the construction sequence. 2. I will obtain or can show compliance with all necessary Local, State and Federal Permits prior to construction including NOI and SWPPP. Design will not preclude compliance with TPDES: i.e., projects over 10 acres may require a sedimentation basin. 3. The information and conclusions contained in the attached plans and supporting documents comply with the current requirements of the City of College Station, Texas City Code, Chapter 13 and associated BCS Unified Design Guidelines. All development has been designed in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances of the City of College Station and State and Federal Regulations. 4. I, THE ENGINEER, AGREE TO AND CERTIFY THAT ALL STATEMENTS HEREIN, AND IN ATTACHMENTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION, ARE, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, TRUE, AND ACCURATE. Engineer Date 10/10 Page 5 of 9 30 The following CERTIFICATIONS apply to development in Special Flood Hazard Areas. Required for Site Plans, Final Plats, Construction Plans, Fill / Grading Permits, and Clearing Only Permits:* certify, as demonstrated in the attached drainage study, that the alterations or development covered by this permit, shall not: (i) increase the Base Flood elevation; (ii) create additional areas of Special Flood Hazard Area; (iii) decrease the conveyance capacity to that part of the Special Flood Hazard Area that is not in the floodway and where the velocity of flow in the Base Flood event is greater than one foot per second. This area can also be approximated to be either areas within 100 feet of the boundary of the regulatory floodway or areas where the depth of from the BFE to natural ground is 18 inches or greater; (iv) reduce the Base Flood water storage volume to the part of the Special Flood Hazard Area that is beyond the floodway and conveyance area where the velocity of flow in the Base Flood is equal to and less than one foot per second without acceptable compensation as set forth in the City of College Station Code of Ordinances, Chapter 13 concerning encroachment into the Special Flood Hazard Area; nor (v) increase Base Flood velocities. beyond those areas exempted by ordinance in Section 5.11.3a of Chapter 13 Code of Ordinances. 7 Engineer Initial Date * If a platting -status exemption to this requirement is asserted, provide written justification under separate letter in lieu of certification. Required for Site Plans, Final Plats, Construction Plans, and Fill / Grading Permits: B. I, t Oa(. , certify to the following: (i) that any nonresidential or multi -family structure on or proposed to be on this site as part of this application is designed to prevent damage to the structure or its contents as a result of flooding from the 100-year storm. Engineer Date Additional certification for Floodway Encroachments: C. I, , certify that the construction, improvement, or fill covered by this permit shall not increase the base flood elevation. I will apply for a variance to the Zoning Board of Adjustments. Engineer Date 10/10 31 Page 6 of 9 'RUJECTaaNu wink CPINIA sax n orroP rimeo.i �_I'Po or nng INDEX SHEET PuPtIrrref46 (5121314-31011 Fn/(51[3) 14-1115 AU, TUIA5 err. 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F8W9 6852 to 0 • FINAL PLAT for Saddle Creek Ph 7B 11-00500021 SCALE: Ê×ÉÓØ×ÎÈÓÛÐÐÍÈÉÍÎ ÛÙÊ×É LOCATION: éÈÍÇÉÐÛÎØêÍÛØÕ×Î×ÊÛÐÐÃÐÍÙÛÈ×ØÎ×ÛÊÈÔ×øÇÙÑôÛÆ×Î éÇÚØÓÆÓÉÓÍÎÛÌÌÊÍÄÓÏÛÈ×ÐÃÍÎ×ÏÓÐ×ÉÍÇÈÔÍÖõÊ××ÎÉìÊÛÓÊÓ×êÍÛØ ÓÎÈÔ×ùÓÈêÉ÷ÄÈÊÛÈ×ÊÊÓÈÍÊÓÛÐòÇÊÓÉØÓÙÈÓÍÎ ZONING: î û÷èò APPLICANT: ïðéÙÔ×ÔÓÎéÛØØÐ×ùÊ××ÑìÛÊÈÎ×ÊÉðÈØ PROJECT MANAGER: ðÛÇÊ×ÎûôÍÆØ×éÈÛÖÖìÐÛÎÎ×Ê ÐÔÍÆØ×üÙÉÈÄÕÍÆ RECOMMENDATION: ûÌÌÊÍÆÛÐ ìÐÛÎÎÓÎÕâÍÎÓÎÕùÍÏÏÓÉÉÓÍÎìÛÕ× ÍÖ ûÌÊÓÐ ìÐÛÎÎÓÎÕâÍÎÓÎÕùÍÏÏÓÉÉÓÍÎìÛÕ× ÍÖ ûÌÊÓÐ DEVELOPMENT HISTORY Annexation: î û÷èò Zoning: î û÷èò Preliminary Plat: ïÛÉÈ×ÊìÐÛÎ  ìÊ×ÐÓÏÓÎÛÊÃìÐÛÈ  ê×ÆÓÉ×ØìÊ×ÐÓÏÓÎÛÊÃìÐÛÈ  ê×ÆÓÉ×ØìÊ×ÐÓÏÓÎÛÊÃìÐÛÈ  ê×ÆÓÉ×ØìÊ×ÐÓÏÓÎÛÊÃìÐÛÈ Site Development: æÛÙÛÎÈèÔ×Ê×ÛÊ×öÓÎÛÐìÐÛÈÉÖÍÊìÔÛÉ×É  ÛÎØûÛÎØ ÈÔ×Ê×ÓÉÔÍÇÉÓÎÕÙÍÎÉÈÊÇÙÈÓÍÎÈÛÑÓÎÕÌÐÛÙ×ÓÎìÔÛÉ×  COMMENTS Parkland Dedication: î ûèÔÓÉØ×Æ×ÐÍÌÏ×ÎÈÚ×ÕÛÎÌÊÓÍÊÈÍÈÔ×ÛØÍÌÈÓÍÎÍÖìÛÊÑÐÛÎØ ø×ØÓÙÛÈÓÍÎÖ××ÉÓÎ÷ÄÈÊÛÈ×ÊÊÓÈÍÊÓÛÐòÇÊÓÉØÓÙÈÓÍÎ Greenways: î û Pedestrian Connectivity: èÔ×Ê×ÛÊ×ÎÍÉÓØ×ÅÛÐÑÉÚ×ÓÎÕÌÊÍÆÓØ×ØÅÓÈÔÈÔÓÉÌÊÍÒ×ÙÈ Bicycle Connectivity: èÔ×Ê×ÛÊ×ÎÍÚÓÑ×ÖÛÙÓÐÓÈÓ×ÉÚ×ÓÎÕÌÊÍÆÓØ×ØÅÓÈÔÈÔÓÉÌÊÍÒ×ÙÈ Impact Fees: î û REVIEW CRITERIA Compliance with Subdivision Regulations: èÔÓÉöÓÎÛÐìÐÛÈÓÉÓÎÙÍÏÌÐÓÛÎÙ×ÅÓÈÔé×ÙÈÓÍÎ éÇÚØÓÆÓÉÓÍÎø×ÉÓÕÎÛÎØóÏÌÊÍÆ×Ï×ÎÈÉÍÖÈÔ×çÎÓÖÓ×Øø×Æ×ÐÍÌÏ×ÎÈíÊØÓÎÛÎÙ×ÛÉÅ×ÐÐÛÉÈÔ× ÛÌÌÊÍÆ×ØìÊ×ÐÓÏÓÎÛÊÃìÐÛÈ STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS éÈÛÖÖÊ×ÙÍÏÏ×ÎØÉÛÌÌÊÍÆÛÐ SUPPORTING MATERIALS ûÌÌÐÓÙÛÈÓÍÎ ùÍÌÃÍÖöÓÎÛÐìÐÛÈÌÊÍÆÓØ×ØÓÎÌÛÙÑ×È ìÐÛÎÎÓÎÕâÍÎÓÎÕùÍÏÏÓÉÉÓÍÎìÛÕ× ÍÖ ûÌÊÓÐ  CA"' CITY OF COL1,I?Gb STATION Horne of lixds A *M Iheiversiry" (Check one) FOR OFFICE USE NiLY CASE NO,: 1\ - DATE SUBMITTED. TIME:, STAFF: 114/� FINAL PLAT APPLICATION Minor E Amending n Final ❑ Vacating ❑ Replat ($700) ($700) ($932) ($932) ($932) Is this plat in the ETJ? ❑ Yes n No Is this plat Commercial fl or Residential MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: $700-$932 Final Plat Application Fee (see above). llE- $233 Waiver Request to Subdivision Regulations Fee (if applicable). NA $600 (minimum) Development Permit Application / Public Infrastructure Review and Inspection Fee. Fee is 1% of acceptable Engineer's Estimate for public infrastructure, $600 minimum (if fee is > $600, the balance is due prior to the issuance of any plans or development permit). U Application completed in full. This application form provided by the City of College Station must be used and may not be adjusted or altered. Please attach pages if additional information is provided. Fourteen (14) folded copies of plat. (A signed mylar original must be submitted after approval.) Two (2) copies of the grading, drainage, and erosion control plans with supporting drainage report. ❑X Two (2) copies of the Public infrastructure plans and supporting documents (if applicable). on Copy of original deed restrictions/covenants for replats (if applicable). t„,'© Title report for property current within ninety (90) days or accompanied by a Nothing Further Certificate current within ninety (90) days. The report must include applicable information such as ownership, liens, encumbrances, etc. ' C Paid tax certificates from City of College Station, Brazos County and College Station I.S.D. l[� The attached Final Plat checklist with all items checked off or a brief explanation as to why they are not, NOTE: A mylar of the approved preliminary plan must be on file before a final plat application will be considered complete. If the mylar is submitted with the final plat application, it shall be considered a submittal for the preliminary plan project and processed and reviewed as such. Until the mylar has been confirmed by staff to be correct, the final plat application will be considered incomplete. Date of Optional Preapplication or Stormwater Management Conference 10/24/2005 NAME OF PROJECT Saddle Creek Subdivision PH 78 ADDRESS Saddle Creek Drive SPECIFIED LOCATION OF PROPOSED PLAT at Wade Rd & Stousland Rd in Brazos County in College Station ETJ. APPLICANT/PROJECT MANAGER'S INFORMATION (Primary contact for the project): Name Saddle Creek Partners, LTD - ML Schehin E-mail ml@mis-development.corf Street Address 4440 Bentwood Drive City College Station Phone Number"`979.690.7260- ._1 . State TX Zip Code 77845 Fax Number 979.69a: 1•g41 s °; .<:;==,'a ,_:, r"s` Page 1 of 9 35 PROPERTY OWNER'S INFOR UION (All owners must be identified. PIL a attach an additional sheet for multiple owners): Name (see attached owner sheets) E-mail Street Address City State Zip Code Phone Number Fax Number ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER'S INFORMATION: Name Schultz Engineering, LLC - Joe Schultz Street Address 2730 Longmire Drive, Suite A E-mail joeschultz84@verizon,net City College Station State Texas Zip Code 77845 Phone Number (979) 764-3900 Fax Number (979) 764-3910 Do any deed restrictions or covenants exist for this property? ❑ Yes x❑ No is there a temporary blanket easement on this property? If so, please provide the Volume and Page No. Total Acreage 30.458 Total No. of Lots 19 R-O-W Acreage 5,137 Existing Use Vacant Proposed Use Residential Number of Lots By Zoning District nla 1 1 1 Average Acreage Of Each Residential Lot By Zoning District: lac min ETJ r ! 1 Floodplain Acreage 0 Is there Special Flood Hazard Area (Zone A cr Zone AE on FEMA FIRM panels) on the property? r Yes rX No 'This information is necessary to help staff identify the appropriate standards to review the application and wilt be used to help determine if the application qualifies for vesting to a previous ordinance. Notwithstanding any assertion made, vesting is limited to that which is provided in Chapter 245 of the Texas Local Government Code or other applicable law, Is this application a continuation of a project that has received prior City platting approval(s) and you are requesting the application be reviewed under previous ordinance as applicable? , Yes r No If yes, provide information regarding the first approved application and any related subsequent applications (provide additional sheets if necessary): Project Name: Saddle Creek (MDP) City Project Number (in known): 6-500157 Date 1 Timeframe when submitted: 07/17/06 1 /1 1 Page 2 of 9 36 If yes, provide information regarding the first approved application and any related subsequent applications (provide additional sheets if necessary): SADDLE CREEK PH 1 (FP) Project Name: City Project Number (in known): 6-500267 Date /Timeframe when submitted: 12/04/06 If yes, provide information regarding the first approved application and any related subsequent applications (provide additional sheets if necessary): SADDLE CREEK PH 2 (FP) Project Name: City Project Number (in known): 7-500265 10/25/07 Date / Timeframe when submitted: If yes, provide information regarding the first approved application and any related subsequent applications (provide additional sheets if necessary): SADDLE CREEK PH 3 & 5 (AMEND -FP) Project Name: City Project Number (in known): 10-500226 Date / Timeframe when submitted: 09/29/10 If yes, provide information regarding the first approved application and any related subsequent applications (provide additional sheets if necessary): SADDLE CREEK PH 7A & PH1 (FP -REPLAT) Project Name: 8-500058 City Project Number (in known): Date / Timeframe when submitted: 03/10/08 If yes, provide information regarding the first approved application and any related subsequent applications (provide additional sheets if necessary): Saddle Creek (PP) Project Name: City Project Number (in known): 6-500191 Date /Timeframe when submitted: 09/05/06 If yes, provide information regarding the first approved application and any related subsequent applications (provide additional sheets if necessary): Saddle Creek (PP) Project Name: City Project Number (in known): 7-500319 Date / Timeframe when submitted: 12/10/07 If yes, provide information regarding the first approved application and any related subsequent applications (provide additional sheets if necessary): Saddle Creek (PP) Project Name: 9-500024 City Project Number (in known): Date / Timeframe when submitted: 01/28/09 if yes, provide information regarding the first approved application and any related subsequent applications (provide additional sheets if necessary): Saddle Creek (PP) Project Name: City Project Number (in known): 10-500140 Date / Timeframe when submitted: 07/14/10 If yes, provide information regarding the first approved application and any related subsequent applications (provide additional sheets if necessary): SADDLE CREEK PH. 2 (FP) Project Name: City Project Number (in known): 8-500073 Date / Timeframe when submitted: 03/28/08 !f yes, provide information regarding the first approved application and any related subsequent applications (provide additional sheets if necessary): SADDLE CREEK PH. 3 & 5 (FP) Project Name: City Project Number (in known): $ 500331 12/29/08 Date / Timeframe when submitted: If yes, provide information regarding the first approved application and any related subsequent applications (provide additional sheets if necessary): Project Name: City Project Number (in known): Date / Timeframe when submitted: If yes, provide information regarding the first approved application and any related subsequent applications (provide additional sheets if necessary): Project Name: City Project Number (in known): Date / Timeframe when submitted: A statement addressing any differences between the Final Plat and Preliminary Plan (if applicable): The lot lines between lots 118/119 and 100/101 were slightly altered so that they provide the most buildable area. Also, a pipeline buffer was added as per the pipeline company. The lot line between lots 114 and 115 was rotated so that the lots will face Stetson Drive instead of Saddle Creek Drive Requested waiver to subdivision regulations and reason for same (if applicable): Won e Regarding the waiver request, explain how: 1. There are special circumstances or conditions affecting the land involved such that strict application of the subdivision regulations will deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of his land. 2. The waiver is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant. 3. The granting of the waiver will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or injurious to other property in the area, or to the City in administering subdivision regulations. 4. The granting of the waiver will not have the effect of preventing the orderly subdivision of other land in the area in accordance with the provisions of the Unified Development Ordinance. Fee in lieu of sidewalk construction is being requested because of the following condition (if applicable): 1. 7 An alternative pedestrian way or multi -use path has been or will be provided outside the right-of-way; 2. IT The presence of unique or unusual topographic, vegetative, or other natural conditions exist so that strict adherence to the sidewalk requirements of the UDO is not physically feasible or is not in keeping with the purposes and goals of the UDO or the City`s comprehensive Plan; 3. 7 A capital improvement project is imminent that will include construction of the required sidewalk Imminent shall mean the project is funded or projected to commence within twelve (12) months, 4, 1--" Existing streets constructed to rural section that are not identified on the Thoroughfare Plan with an estate / rural context; 5 E When a sidewalk is required along a street where a multi -use path is shown on the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan; 1/11 Page 3of9 40 6. fl The proposed development is within an older residential subdivision meeting the criteria in Platting and Repiatting within Older Residential Subdivisions Section of the UDC); or 7. E The proposed development contains frontage on a Freeway / Expressway as designated by Map 6.6, Thoroughfare Plan - Functional Classification, in the City's Comprehensive Plan. Detailed explanation of condition identified above: NOTE: A waiver to the sidewalk requirements and fee in lieu of sidewalk construction shall not be considered at the same time by the Planning & Zoning Commission Requested Oversize Participation None Total Linear Footage of Proposed Public: 3550 0 0 3200 0 0 0 Streets Sidewalks Sanitary Sewer Lines Water Lines Channels Storm Sewers Bike Lanes / Paths Parkland Dedication due prior to filing the Final Plat: ACREAGE: NIA No. of acres to be dedicated + $ development fee No. of acres in floodplain No. of acres in detention No. of acres in greenways OR FEE IN LIEU OF LAND: N/A No. of SF Dwelling Units X $ =$ (date) Approved by Parks & Recreation Advisory Board NOTE: DIGITAL COPY OF PLAT MUST BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO FILING. The applicant has prepared this application and certifies that the facts stated herein and exhibits attached hereto are true, correct, and complete. IF THIS APPLICATION IS FILED BY ANYONE OTHER THAN THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY, this application must be accompanied by a power of attorney statement from the owner. If there is more than one owner, all owners must sign the application or the power of attorney. If the owner is a company, the application must be accompanied by proof of authority for the company's representative to sign the application on its behalf. LIEN HOLDERS identified in the title report are also considered owners and the appropriate signatures must be provided as described above. Signature and title Date Page 4 of 9 41 PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION (ALL owners must be identified. Please attach an additional sheet for multiple owners): Name Jennifer Todd Street Address 48644 Vista Palomino city La Quinta State CA Zip Code 92253 E-Mail Address - Phone Number - Fax Number - PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION (ALL owners must be identified. Please attach an additional sheet for multiple owners): Name John Malley Street Address 48644 Vista Palomino city La Quinta State CA Zip Code 92253 E-Mail Address - Phone Number - Fax Number - LIEN HOLDER'S INFORMATION (ALL owners must be identified. Please attach an additional sheet for multiple owners): Name Capital Farm Credit, FLCA Street Address 507E 26th Street City Bryan State TX Zip Code 77806-0232 E-Mail Address - Phone Number 979-822-3018 Fax Number - 42 Jan 29 11 03:24p John Ma! fri Trn 20 15:56:29 2011 010) 9I9-H 75 P, 9 ,-771-33 0 pi PROPERTY OWNER'S INCOFtMATION (ba owners tnust be ldentrhed. Please attach an additional sheet tormultipte owners), Name Sohn Malley Street Address 48644''iota Palomino city La Qulnta State CA Phone Number ' Zip Code 02253 £-Mail Address Fax Number - The applicant has prepared this application and certifies that the facts stated herein and exhibits attached Hereto are true, correct, and complete. The undersigned hereby requests approval by the City of College Station of the above -identified plat and attest that this request does not amend any covenants or restrictions associated with this plat. IF THIS APPLICATION I5 FILED BY ANYONE OTHER THAN THEOWNER oti 7HS PROPERTY, THIS APPLICATION MUST' BE ACCOMPANIED BYA POWER OF ATTORNEY STATEMENT FROM THE OWNER. ,,;nature and Ilk / pate PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION (ALL owners must be identified. Please attach an additional sheet for multiple owners): Name Jennifer Todd Street Address 48644 Vista Palomino City La Quinta State CA Zip Code 92263 E-Mail Address - Phone Number - Fax Number - The applicant has prepared this application and certifies that the facts stated herein and exhibits attached hereto are true, correct, and complete. The undersigned hereby requests approval by the City of College Station of the above -identified plat and attest that this request does not amend any covenants or restrictions associated with this plot. IF THIS APPLICATION 1S FILED BY ANYONE OTHER THAN THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY, THIS APPLICATION MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BYA POWER OFATTORNEY STATEMENT FROM THE OWNER, / % / Signature anc}jitle - Date 44 St JRN-30-2011(SUN) 16:12 ML5 DEVELDPEMENT (FRX)979 690 2793 P 002/002 luetunJ=sul SItR pag aara sou se4 saP 1 t;ano43 to UIGJ94 paseldwawaa swauanul lie ¢3 Japidrrs put wg eq enulstraa oyetalix asuaweno.i4tu14pIM J ai pookitmul A4adcJd ltaa a43 uodn ue;i 63i leyl spueiul Japan •penionul A711t•dPlunw 043 05 lsanbnJ DO W Aiuo 3.1t►uttkit pits SOWSinq peia;dwtquea ularaq uomAimets a+il as trail Kg aliulPdogna }au swap put sau Ott{ iapual'agea,e4g adttisults syi Sump Aq'uiaray Ai uw aio oa auitpAnt fulpuasat{s1MsoN gltsa tuspisz41euoi$ab'014lt9nimAi-gnu.puta,n4huais iegwr4N xeA 81C ZL8-6t6 JagwnN auogd ssa-IPPv tleW-3 Zf.`zo•so81z aPQ'J d1Z aleiS ua,lg taaz 3 409 .s4'PPd 12045 7J1i 111:413 true IeildeO auueN : (srauMo aidllinw Job la;tp ieuoplppe ua toeue asaaid '1D311110p1 aq lsnw uaumo 11 t) NOI1tiN18OiN15,113010H N317 z d 1,i69 i1038) tWaVJ .) 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As such, the applicant is not being deprived of the reasonable use of his land. èÔÛÈÈÔ×ÅÛÓÆ×ÊÓÉÎ×Ù×ÉÉÛÊÃÖÍÊÈÔ×ÌÊ×É×ÊÆÛÈÓÍÎÛÎØ×ÎÒÍÃÏ×ÎÈÍÖÛÉÇÚÉÈÛÎÈÓÛÐ ÌÊÍÌ×ÊÈÃÊÓÕÔÈÍÖÈÔ×ÛÌÌÐÓÙÛÎÈ Instaff’s opinion the waiveris not necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right as the property currently has an approved preliminary plat. As such,the waiveris not necessary in order to utilize the property for single-family houses as proposed. èÔÛÈÈÔ×ÕÊÛÎÈÓÎÕÍÖÈÔ×ÅÛÓÆ×ÊÅÓÐÐÎÍÈÚ×Ø×ÈÊÓÏ×ÎÈÛÐÈÍÈÔ×ÌÇÚÐÓÙÔ×ÛÐÈÔÉÛÖ×ÈÃÍÊ Å×ÐÖÛÊ×ÍÊÓÎÒÇÊÓÍÇÉÈÍÍÈÔ×ÊÌÊÍÌ×ÊÈÃÓÎÈÔ×ÛÊ×ÛÍÊÈÍÈÔ×ùÓÈÃÓÎÛØÏÓÎÓÉÈ×ÊÓÎÕÈÔÓÉ ÙÔÛÌÈ×ÊÛÎØ The proposed street alignment would create an additional intersection withadditional conflict points inregardsto turning movements. Decatur Drive is designated as a 2-lane major collector on the City’s Thoroughfare Plan and as such has the capacity to carry up to 7,500vehicles per day. Instaff’s opinion, the additional conflict points would increase the risks to health, safety, and welfare for the general public utilizing the existing and proposed roadways. èÔÛÈÈÔ×ÕÊÛÎÈÓÎÕÍÖÈÔ×ÅÛÓÆ×ÊÅÓÐÐÎÍÈÔÛÆ×ÈÔ××ÖÖ×ÙÈÍÖÌÊ×Æ×ÎÈÓÎÕÈÔ×ÍÊØ×ÊÐà ÉÇÚØÓÆÓÉÓÍÎÍÖÍÈÔ×ÊÐÛÎØÓÎÈÔ×ÛÊ×ÛÓÎÛÙÙÍÊØÛÎÙ×ÅÓÈÔÈÔ×ÌÊÍÆÓÉÓÍÎÉÍÖÈÔÓÉÙÔÛÌÈ×Ê The granting of the waiverwill not prevent future orderly subdivisions in the area. The property to the south is already platted with a through street.In addition, the property to the north would be required upon development to align a proposed street/drive to Fincastle Loop.The proposed preliminary plat also includes a street projection to the unplatted and undeveloped property to the north. STAFF RECOMMENDATION éÈÛÖÖÊ×ÙÍÏÏ×ÎØÉØ×ÎÓÛÐÍÖÈÔ×ÛÌÌÐÓÙÛÎȪÉÊ×ËÇ×ÉÈÖÍÊÛÅÛÓÆ×ÊÈÍÈÔ×ÛØÒÍÓÎÓÎÕÉÈÊ××ÈÉÃÉÈ×Ï Ê×ËÇÓÊ×Ï×ÎÈèÔ×ÚÛÉÓÉÖÍÊÈÔÓÉÊ×ÙÍÏÏ×ÎØÛÈÓÍÎÓÉÈÔÛÈÔÛÆÓÎÕÈÔ×ÊÍÛØÅÛÃÍÖÖÉ×ÈÖÊÍÏÈÔ× ×ÄÓÉÈÓÎÕøÛÃÈÍÎùÍÇÊÈÓÎÈ×ÊÉ×ÙÈÓÍÎÙÊ×ÛÈ×ÉÛØØÓÈÓÍÎÛÐÙÍÎÖÐÓÙÈÌÍÓÎÈÉÅÓÈÔÊ×ÕÛÊØÉÈÍÈÇÊÎÓÎÕ ÏÍÆ×Ï×ÎÈÉèÔ×ÙÊ×ÛÈÓÍÎÍÖÛÎÍÖÖÉ×ÈÓÎÈ×ÊÉ×ÙÈÓÍÎÓÎÙÊ×ÛÉ×ÉÈÔ×ÊÓÉÑÈÍÈÔ×Ô×ÛÐÈÔÉÛÖ×ÈÃÛÎØ Å×ÐÖÛÊ×ÍÖÈÔ×Õ×Î×ÊÛÐÌÇÚÐÓÙÇÈÓÐÓÂÓÎÕÈÔ×ÊÍÛØÅÛÃÉóÎÛØØÓÈÓÍÎÈÔ×ÉÇÚÒ×ÙÈÌÊÍÌ×ÊÈÃÔÛÉÛÎ ÛÌÌÊÍÆ×ØÌÊ×ÐÓÏÓÎÛÊÃÌÐÛÈÏ××ÈÓÎÕÈÔ×ÛØÒÍÓÎÓÎÕÉÈÊ××ÈÉÃÉÈ×ÏÊ×ËÇÓÊ×Ï×ÎÈÛÎØÛÉÉÇÙÔÓÎ ÉÈÛÖÖªÉÍÌÓÎÓÍÎÈÔ×ÅÛÓÆ×ÊÓÉÎÍÈÎ×Ù×ÉÉÛÊÃÓÎÍÊØ×ÊÈÍÇÈÓÐÓÂ×ÈÔ×ÌÊÍÌ×ÊÈÃÖÍÊÉÓÎÕÐ×ÖÛÏÓÐÃÛÎØ ÙÍÏÏ×ÊÙÓÛÐÇÉ×É SUPPORTING MATERIALS ûÌÌÐÓÙÛÈÓÍÎ  ùÍÌÃÍÖìÊ×ÐÓÏÓÎÛÊÃìÐÛÈÌÊÍÆÓØ×ØÓÎÌÛÙÑ×È ìÐÛÎÎÓÎÕâÍÎÓÎÕùÍÏÏÓÉÉÓÍÎìÛÕ×ÍÖ ûÌÊÓÐ  *ff" CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Hume uj'7 xrrs,kM Uniucrsiry' CASE NO.: DATE SU ITTED: TIME: STAFF: PRELIMINARY PLAN APPLICATION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Ida MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: ❑x $932 Preliminary Plan Application Fee. 011 0 $233 Waiver Request to Subdivision Regulations Fee (if applicable). • Application completed in full. This application form provided by the City of College Station must be used and may not be adjusted or altered. Please attach pages if additional information is provided. E Fourteen (14) folded copies of plan. A revised mylar original must be submitted after approval. n Title report for property current within ninety (90) days or accompanied by a Nothing Further Certificate current within ninety (90) days. The report must include applicable information such as ownership, liens, encumbrances, etc. ❑ Impact study (if oversized participation is requested). L1 The attached Preliminary Plan checklist with all items checked off or a brief explanation as to why they are not. Date of Optional Preapplication Conference 11-10-10 NAME OF PROJECT SPRING CREEK TERRACE ADDRESS SPECIFIED LOCATION OF PROPOSED SUBDIVISION: BETWEEN INTERSECTION OF DECATUR DRIVE & DAYTON COURT AND WHISPERING CREEK DRIVE APPLICANT/PROJECT MANAGER'S INFORMATION (Primary contact for the project): Name JC WALL, PIL INVESTMENTS, LLC E-mail jcwall@wallred.net Street Address P.O, BOX 390 City MOODY State TEXAS Zip Code 76557 Phone Number 254-721-6179 Fax Number PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION (ALL owners must be identified. Please attach an additional sheet for multiple owners): Name SEE NEXT SHEET Street Address City Phone Number E-mail State Zip Code Fax Number ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER'S INFORMATION: Name MICHAEL 0. HESTER, P.E. HESTER ENGINEERING COMPANY #F-3476 Street Address 7607 EASTMARK DRIVE, SUITE 253-B City COLLEGE STATION Phone Number 979-693-1100 State TEXAS Fax Number Enmail mhester@hester-engr,com Zip Code 77840 ill 51 Page 1 of 6 PROPERTY OWNERS INFORMATION RESIDENTIAL TRACT .1C WALL, PIL INVESTMENTS, LI.0 P.O, BOX 390, MOODY, TEXAS 76557 Jcwall@wallred,net 254-721-6179 COMMERCIAL TRACT HATEL PATEL, MOV PARTNERSHIP 1724 HEATH DRIVE, COLLEGE STATION, TX 77845 hpate1976@yahoo.com 512-762-3557 52 Total Acreage 14.2 Total No. of Lots 45 R-O-W Acreage 1.7 Number of Lots By Zoning District 44 / R-1 1 / C-1 1 Average Acreage Of Each Residential Lot By Zoning District: 0,15 / E�-1 / / / 2.0 Floodplain Acreage NOTE; Appropriate zoning for the proposed subdivision must be In place before this application can be considered complete. Are you proposing to dedicate park land by acreage or fee in lieu of land? FEE Are you proposing to 1--- develop the park l dedicate the development fee? (Check one) This information is necessary to help staff identify the appropriate standards to review the application and will be used to help determine if the application qualifies for vesting to a previous ordinance. Notwithstanding any assertion made, vesting is limited to that which is provided in Chapter 245 of the Texas Local Government Code or other applicable law. Is this application a continuation of a project that has received prior City platting approval(s) and you are requesting the application be reviewed under previous ordinance as applicable? ER" Yes I— No If yes, provide information regarding the first approved application and any related subsequent applications (provide additional sheets if necessary): Project Name: SPRING CREEK TERRACE City Project Number (in known): SPRING CREEK TERRACE (PP) - (10-00500276) Date / Timeframe when submitted: JANUARY, 2011 Requested wavier to subdivision regulations and reason for same (if applicable): UDO Article S. Subdivision Design and Improvements 2. Relation to Adjoining Street System b. Existing and planned streets and Public Ways in adjacent or adjoining areas shall be continued in alignment therewith. Due to SHAPE of the tract strict adherence to the UDO "continuation of the alignment therewith" of the existing and planned streets will create an abrupt off -set along the new street. 1/11 Page 2 of 6 53 Regarding the waiver request, explain how: 1. There are special circumstances or conditions affecting the land involved such that strict application of the subdivision regulations will deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of his land. DUE TO THE SHAPE OF THIS TRACT TO COMPLY WITH THE "CONTINUE IN ALIGNMENT" REQUIREMENT WILL REQUIRE A SHARP, DOUBLE "S" CURVE OFF -SET ALONG THE PROPOSED DAYTON DRIVE. THIS DOES NOT COMPLY WITH SMOOTH, ORDERLY, SYMETRICAL DEVELOPMENT. 2. The waiver is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant. THE RESIDENTIAL TRACT IS 307-FEET WIDE AND 1500-FEET DEEP AND WITH THE UDO CONSTRAINTS ON THE LOT DEPTH AND RIGHT OF WAY WIDTHS THIS 15 THE ONLY WAY TO SUFFICIENTLY DEVELOPE THIS TRACT INTO SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL LOTS. The granting of the waiver will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or injurious to other property in the area, or to the City in administering subdivision regulations. SIGHT DISTANCE & TRIANGLES WILL BE ADEQUATE FOR BOTH DECATUR & DAYTON DRIVE WITH THE PROPOSED ALIGNMENT. DAYTON DRIVE AND COURT WILL HAVE STOP SIGNS. A STRAIGHT ALIGNMENT IS ALWAYS MORE DESIRABLE THAN A DOUBLE CURVE. 4, The granting of the waiver will not have the effect of preventing the orderly subdivision of other land in the area in accordance with the provisions of the Unified Development Ordinance, THE DEVELOPMENT WILL CONNECT TO EXISTING ROADWAYS AND PROVIDE A CONNECTION TO AN ADJACENT UNDEVELOPED TRACT AND WILL PROVIDE A SYMETRICAL LAYOUT. Fee in lieu of sidewalk construction is being requested because of the following condition (if applicable): 1. r An alternative pedestrian way or multi -use path has been or will be provided outside the right-of-way; 2. i The presence of unique or unusual topographic, vegetative, or other natural conditions exist so that strict adherence to the sidewalk requirements of the UDO is not physically feasible or Is not In keeping with the purposes and goals of the LJDO or the City`s comprehensive Plan; 3. A A capital improvement project is imminent that will include construction of the required sidewalk. Imminent shall mean the project is funded or projected to commence within twelve (12) months; 4. E Existing streets constructed to rural section that are not identified an the Thoroughfare Plan with an estate / rural context; 5. f When a sidewalk is required along a street where a multi -use path is shown on the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan; 1/11 Page 3 of 6 54 6. r The proposed development is within an older residential subdivision meeting the criteria in Platting and Replotting within Older Residential Subdivisions Section of the UDO; or 7. r The proposed development contains frontage on a Freeway / Expressway as designated by Map 6.6, Thoroughfare Plan - Functional Classification, in the City's Comprehensive Plan, Detailed explanation of condition identified above: NOTE• A waiver to the sidewalk requirements and fee in lieu of sidewalk construction shall not be considered at the same time by the Planning & Zoning Commission. The applicant has prepared this application and certifies that the facts stated herein and exhibits attached hereto are true, correct, and complete. IF THIS APPLICATION 1S FILED BY ANYONE OTHER THAN THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY, this application must be accompanied by a power of attorney statement from the owner. If there is more than one owner, all owners must sign the application or the power of attorney. if the owner is a company, the application must be accompanied by proof of authority for the company's representative to sign the application on its behalf. LIEN HOLDERS identified in the title report are also considered owners and the appropriate signatures must be provided as described above. i 4`r- fi g Sigjiature and title Date 1/11 Page 4of6 55 Fee in lieu of sidewalk construction is being requested because of the following condition (if applicable): r An alternative pedestrian way or multi -use path has been or will be provided outside the right-of-way; 1T The presence of unique or unusual topographic, vegetative, or other natural conditions exist so that strict adherence to the sidewalk requirements of the UDO is not physically feasible or is not In keeping with the purposes and goals of the UDO or the City's comprehensive Plan; E A capital improvement project is imminent that will include construction of the required sidewalk. Imminent shall mean the project is funded or projected to commence within twelve (12) months; f The proposed development is within an older residential subdivision meeting the criteria in Platting and Replotting within Older Residential Subdivisions Section of the UDO; or fl The proposed development contains frontage an a Freeway / Expressway as designated by Map 6.6, Thoroughfare Plan - Functional Classification, in the City's Comprehensive Plan. Detailed explanation of condition identified above: Located along SH 6 frontage road. . NOTE: A waiver to the sidewalk requirements and fee in lieu of sidewalk construction shall not be considered at the same time by the Planning & Zoning Commission. The applicant has prepared this application and certifies that the facts stated herein and exhibits attached hereto are true, correct, and complete. IF THIS APPLICATION IS FILED BY ANYONE OTHER THAN THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY, this application must be accompanied by a power of attorney statement from the owner, If there is mom than one owner, all owners must sign the application or the power of attorney. If the owner is a company, the application must be accompanied by proof of authority for the company's representative to sign the application on its behalf. LIEN HOLDERS identified in the title report are also considered owners and the appropriate signatures must be provided as described above. 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and any subsequently adopted Plans, and will be consistent with the intent and purpose of this Section: èÔ×ùÍÏÌÊ×Ô×ÎÉÓÆ× ìÐÛÎØ×ÉÓÕÎÛÈ×ÉÈÔÓÉÛÊ×ÛÛÉ©î×ÓÕÔÚÍÊÔÍÍØùÍÎÉ×ÊÆÛÈÓÍΨèÔ×ìÐÛÎÉÈÛÈ×ÉÈÔÛÈ Ê×Ø×Æ×ÐÍÌÏ×ÎÈÓÎÈÔ×É×ÛÊ×ÛÉÉÔÍÇÐØÚ×É×ÎÉÓÈÓÆ×ÈÍ×ÄÓÉÈÓÎÕÊ×ÉÓØ×ÎÈÉÍÖÈÔ× Î×ÓÕÔÚÍÊÔÍÍØÛÎØÈÔÛÈÊ×ÂÍÎÓÎÕÓÎÈÔ×É×ÛÊ×ÛÉÉÔÍÇÐØÌÊÍÆÓØ×ÛØØÓÈÓÍÎÛÐ ÙÔÛÊÛÙÈ×ÊÌÊÍÈ×ÙÈÓÍÎÛÎØÛØØÊ×ÉÉÎÍÎÙÍÎÖÍÊÏÓÎÕÓÉÉÇ×ÉèÔ×ÌÊÓÏÛÊÃÕÍÛÐÓÉÈÍ ÌÊÍÈ×ÙÈÛÎØ×ÎÔÛÎÙ×ÈÔ××ÄÓÉÈÓÎÕÎ×ÓÕÔÚÍÊÔÍÍØÓÎÙÐÇØÓÎÕÈÔ×Û×ÉÈÔ×ÈÓÙÉÍÖÈÔ× Î×ÓÕÔÚÍÊÔÍÍØ úÍÈÔÈÔ×ÌÔÃÉÓÙÛÐØ×ÉÓÕÎÛÎØÈÔ×ÐÛÎØÇÉ×ÅÓÐÐÛÖÖ×ÙÈÈÔ×ÙÔÛÊÛÙÈ×ÊÍÖÈÔ× Î×ÓÕÔÚÍÊÔÍÍØÛÎØÈÔ×ËÇÛÐÓÈÃÍÖÐÓÖ×ÍÖÓÈÉÊ×ÉÓØ×ÎÈÉéÈÊÇÙÈÇÊ×ÉÉÔÍÇÐØÚ× Ø×ÉÓÕÎ×ØÈÍ×ÎÔÛÎÙ×ÙÍÏÏÇÎÓÈÃÓØ×ÎÈÓÈÃÛÎØÉÔÍÇÐØÓÎÙÐÇØ×ÚÇÖÖ×ÊÉÛÎØ ÛÊÙÔÓÈ×ÙÈÇÊÛÐÖ×ÛÈÇÊ×ÉÈÍ×ÎÉÇÊ×ÙÍÏÌÛÈÓÚÓÐÓÈÃèÔ×ÛÌÌÐÓÙÛÎÈÔÛÉÌÊÍÌÍÉ×ØÛ ÏÍØÇÐÛÊÚÇÓÐØÓÎÕÅÓÈÔÛØØÓÈÓÍÎÛÐÛÊÙÔÓÈ×ÙÈÇÊÛÐÖ×ÛÈÇÊ×ÉÈÔÛÈÛÊ×ÙÍÏÏÍÎÍÎÍÐØ×Ê ÉÓÎÕÐ×ÖÛÏÓÐÃÔÍÏ×ÉÉÇÙÔÛÉÛÖÊÍÎÈÌÍÊÙÔÅÓÎØÍÅÉÔÇÈÈ×ÊÉÛÎØØ×ÙÍÊÛÈÓÆ× ÐÓÕÔÈÓÎÕèÔ×ÉÈÊÇÙÈÇÊ×ÏÛÃÎÍÈÔÍÅ×Æ×ÊÔÛÆ×ÛÌÓÈÙÔ×ØÊÍÍÖÛÉÎ×ÛÊÚà ÉÈÊÇÙÈÇÊ×ÉÓÎÈÔ×ÛÊ×ÛØÍ 3.The proposal is compatible with existing or permitted uses on 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adequate public improvements, including, but not limited to, parks, schools, and other public facilities: îÍÎ×ÌÊÍÌÍÉ×Ø 6.The development will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity: èÔ×ÌÊÍÌÍÉ×ØØ×Æ×ÐÍÌÏ×ÎÈÅÓÐÐÎÍÈÚ×Ø×ÈÊÓÏ×ÎÈÛÐÈÍÈÔ×ÌÇÚÐÓÙÔ×ÛÐÈÔ ÉÛÖ×ÈÃÅ×ÐÖÛÊ×ÍÊÏÛÈ×ÊÓÛÐÐÃÓÎÒÇÊÓÍÇÉÈÍÌÊÍÌ×ÊÈÓ×ÉÍÊÓÏÌÊÍÆ×Ï×ÎÈÉÓÎÈÔ× ÆÓÙÓÎÓÈà 7.The development will not adversely affect the safety and convenience of vehicular, bicycle, or pedestrian circulation in the vicinity, including traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use and other uses reasonably anticipated in the area considering existing zoning and land uses in the area: ©èÔ×ðÓÎÙÍÐÎôÍÇÉ×ÍÖôÍÌ×ÌÊÍÆÓØ×ÉÉ×ÊÆÓÙ×ÉÈÔÛÈÛÊ×ÅÓÈÔÓÎ ÅÛÐÑÓÎÕØÓÉÈÛÎÙ×ÍÖÏÛÎÃÌ×ÍÌÐ×ÈÔÛÈÛÊ×ÓÎÎ××Øú×ÙÛÇÉ×ÏÍÉÈÍÖÈÔ×ÈÊÛÖÖÓÙÓÉ Ì×Ø×ÉÈÊÓÛÎÓÎÎÛÈÇÊ×ÈÔ×ðÓÎÙÍÐÎôÍÇÉ×ÍÖôÍÌ×ÅÓÐÐÎÍÈÛØÆ×ÊÉ×ÐÃÛÖÖ×ÙÈÈÊÛÖÖÓÙ ÙÍÎØÓÈÓÍÎÍÎ÷Ð×ÛÎÍÊÍÊôÍÐÐ×ÏÛÎûÎÃÍÆ×ÊÖÐÍÅÈÊÛÖÖÓÙÙÛÎ×ÛÉÓÐÃÚ× 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FOR OFFICE USE ONLY CASE NO.: ! I�q DATE Biv1ITTED:.�I 164 TIME: ZONING MAP AMENDMENT (REZONING) APPLICATION PLANNED DISTRICTS (Check one) 0 Planned Development District (PDD) ❑ Planned - Mixed Used Development (P-MUD) MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: ❑h $1,165 Rezoning Application Fee. 0 Application completed in full, This application form provided by the City of College Station must be used and may not be adjusted or altered. Please attach pages if additional information is provided, O Traffic Impact Analysis or calculations of projected vehicle trips showing that a TIA is not necessary for the proposed request, O One (1) copy of a fully dimensioned Rezoning Map on 24"x36" paper showing: a. Land affected; b. Legal description of area of proposed change; G. Present zoning; d. Zoning classification of all abutting land; and e. All public and private rights -of -way and easements bounding and intersecting subject land. 0 Written legal description of subject property (metes & bounds or lot & block of subdivision, whichever is applicable). Q A CAD (dxf/dwg) - model space State Plane NAD 83 or GIS (shp) digital file (e-mailed to P&DS_Digital Submittal@cstx.gov). Q Fourteen (14) copies of the Concept Plan on 24"x36" paper in accordance with Section 3.4.D of the UDC. 111 The attached Concept Plan checklist with all items checked off or a brief explanation as to why they are not checked off. NOTE: If a petition for rezoning is denied by the City Council, another application for rezoning shall not be filed within a period of 180 clays from the date of denial, except with permission of the Planning & Zoning Commission. Date of Optional Preapplication Conference NAME CF PROJECT Lincoln House of Hope ADDRESS 1 013 Eleanor LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Lot, Block, Subdivision) GENERAL LOCATION OF PROPERTY IF NOT PLATTED: TOTAL ACREAGE .22 acre 10110 Page 1of7 HRDLICKA Block 3 Lot 14 66 APPLICANT/PROJECT MANAGERS INFORMATION (Primary contact for the project): Name Jason Pikes Street Address 2911 Texas Avenue South, Suite 202 City College Station Phone Number 979-693-0400 PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION: Name Brazos Valley Community Service Center Street Address 2911 Texas Avenue South, Suite 202 City College Station State State Tx Fax Number TX Phone Number 979-693-8148 Fax Number E-mail Jason@amchurchMet Zip Code 979-693-0401 E-mail 77845 Zip Code 77845 OTHER CONTACTS (Please specify type of contact, i,e, project manager, potential buyer, local contact, etc.): Name McClure & Browne Engineering/Surveying Inc. E-mail !effr@mcclurebrowne. com Street Address 1008 Woodcreek Drive, Ste 103 City College Station State Tx Zip Code 77845 Phone Number 979-693-3838 Fax Number 979-693-2554 This property was conveyed to owner by deed dated 1-31-2011 and recorded in Volume , Page of the Brazos County Official Records. Existing Zoning RI Proposed Zoning PDD Present Use of Property Vacant Land Proposed Use of Property Community Service Proposed Use(s) of Property for PDD, if applicable: WIC, GED, and other training classes; food and clothing distribution; after school tutoring, place for community meetings; bible studies P-MUD uses are prescribed in Section 6.2,C, Use Table of the Unified Development Ordinance. If P-MUD: Approximate percentage of residential land uses: Approximate percentage of non-residential land uses: REZONING SUPPORTING INFORMATION 1. List the changed or changing conditions in the area or in the City which make this zone change necessary. For more than a year, the Community Service Center (CSC) has offered night GED classes and a monthly food pantry in a rented house at 403 Holleman. These ministry activities have been well received by the community and the city. Since the Community Service Center is looking to own property near the Lincoln Center, a zoning change seems to be in order. We desire to own our own property in the area and continue to offer these services to the community. 10/10 Page 2 of 7 67 2, Indicate whether or not this zone change is in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. If it is not, explain why the Plan is incorrect. This zoning change fits with use of the Lincoln Center as a community center and point of contact for offering important services to this historic neighborhood. One of the goals stated in the Comprehensive Plan is for the neighborhoods to contribute to the quality of life of its residents. The Lincoln House of Hope provides services to the local residents that clearly contributes to their quality of life. 3, How will this zone change be compatible with the present zoning and conforming uses of nearby property and with the character of the neighborhood? This zone change is ideal because of its proximity to the Lincoln Center. 4. Explain the suitability of the property for uses permitted by the rezoning district requested. There are more than 75 families that receive food on a monthly basis from the Lincoln House of Hope. At least 50 percent of these families walk to the House. Many participants in the GED program also walk to the House. We conducted community meetings before beginning this programming. We were encouraged by the community to offer these services. 5, Explain the suitability of the property for uses permitted by the current zoning district. A PDD zoning change will allow the city to bring greater awareness of the neighborhood services offered by the Lincoln House of Hope to the community. We are hopeful that community meetings will create a forum where the city can see the needs of residents and the ways that this ministry brings important services to the community. 6. Explain the marketability of the property for uses permitted by the current zoning district. The property had a small, dilapidated, wood frame house that was not suitable for habitation. it will be moved to another location. There are a number of vacant lots in the area and there is little new construction. This proposed PDD zoning change will bring much needed services to the community. 7, List any other reasons to support this zone change. The homeowner of 1011 Eleanor is highly supportive of this zone change and this new use of the property. She agreed to sell us the 1013 Eleanor property for the planned use of the Lincoln House of Hope. 10/10 Page 3 of 7 68 3, State the purpose and intent of the proposed development. The training and services that come from the Lincoln House of Hope are offered to the community in faith. We are hopeful that people can live richer, fuller, and more complete lives because of the ministries listed above. CONCEPT PLAN SUPPORTING INFORMATION 1. What is the range of future building heights? The Lincoln House of hope will be a single story facility less than 35' tall. 2. Provide a general statement regarding the proposed drainage. The property at 1013 Eleanor slopes toward the street. Since the property is less than 1 acre in total area, it should not require a detention pond. Additionally there is an existing driveway and house on the property. The proposed improvements to the lot will increase the rainfall runoff slightly, but the property doss not drain across any other private properties before it reaches the City's stormwater system. 3, List the general bulk or dimensional variations sought, Sidewalks - there are no existing sidewalks on the adjacent lots or block three. Nonresidential - no one will be living on this property.V4 Buffer - No buffer is being proposed with the development. The properly is adjacent to a residence at 1011 Eleanor Street. This homeowner agreed to sell us the 1013 Eleanor property for the planned use of the Lincoln House of Hope and is a supporter of this endeavor. If variations are sought, please provide a list of community benefits and/or innovative design concepts to justify the request. There is no need to add sidewalks because there are no existing sidewalks on the adjacent lots. 10/10 There is no need to add additional parking because of the proximity to the Lincoln Center. When the operations of the LHH began, the Lincoln Center staff offered LHH participants parking on their site. it is our intention to provide formal written documentation of that agreement. Page 4of7 69 b, Explain how the concept plan proposal will constitute and environment of sustained stability and will be in harmony with the character of the surrounding area. The Lincoln House of Hope will provide much needed services for the residents in this area. These services help to promote sustained stability for the neighborhood. 6, Explain how the proposal is in conformity with the policies, goals, and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. One of the goals stated in the Comprehensive Plan is for the neighborhoods to contribute to the quality of life of its residents. The Lincoln House of Hope provides services to the local residents that clearly contributes to their qualify of life. 7, Explain how the concept plan proposal is compatible with existing or permitted uses on abutting sites and will not adversely affect adjacent development. The Lincoln Center is not only a Boys & Girls club. It functions, albeit in a limited way, as a community center. Our efforts of the Lincoln House of Hope are similar in that we hope to provide much need space for community services, 8. State how dwelling units shall have access to a public street if they do not front on a public street. Not applicable g, State how the development has provided adequate public improvements, including, but not limited to: parks, schools, 'and other public facilities. Not applicable 10/10 Page5of7 70 10. Explain how the concept plan proposal will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or be materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. The activities at the Lincoln House of Hope certainly promotes public health, safety, and welfare to the residents of this community. The proposed development will meet the site design criteria listed in the LIDO in order to assure a safe and efficient site layout. 11. Explain how the concept plan proposal will not adversely affect the safety and convenience of vehicular, bicycle, or pedestrian circulation in the vicinity, including traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use and other uses reasonabie anticipated in the area considering existing zoning and land uses in the area. The Lincoln House of Hope provides services that are within walking distance of many people that are in need (families, senior citizens, single parents, etc.). Because most of the traffic is pedestrian in nature, the Lincoln House of Hope will not adversely affect Traffic condition on Eleanor or Holleman. Any overflow traffic can easily be accommodated through parking at the Lincoln Center. Please note that a "complete site plan" must be submitted to Planning & Development Services for a formal review after the "concept plan" has been approved by the City Council prior to the issuance of a building permit - except for single- family development, The applicant has prepared this application and certifies that the facts stated herein and exhibits attached hereto are true, correct, and complete. IF THIS APPLICATION IS FILED BY ANYONE OTHER THAN THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY, this application must be accompanied by a power of attorney statement from the owner, If there is more than one owner, all owners must sign the application or the power of attorney. If the owner is a company, the application must be accompanied by proof of authority for the company's representative to sign the application on its behalf. z,f Signature and title 10110 Date Page 6 of 7 71 POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL PERSONS that I, Eunice E. Williams, of College Station, Texas, Trustee of the Eunice E. Williams Trust, appoint Community Service Center board members, Cathy Anderson and Jason Fikes both of College Station, Texas, to be my lawful attorneys -in -fact regarding my real property located at: 1013 EIeanor, College Station, Texas 77840 (the "Property"). I hereby grant to my attorneys -in -fact, Cathy Anderson and Jason Fikes, all of my powers and authorities regarding the rezoning of the Property, including but not limited to the authority to execute any and all documentation pertaining to the rezoning of the Property. I hereby intend that my attorneys -in -fact have the same full authority as I have to consent to, or withhold consent to the rezoning of said Property. The rights, power and authority herein granted shall remain in full force and effect for one year from the date indicated below or until terminated by a written Revocation of Power of Attorney signed by me, whichever happens first. This Power of Attorney shall not be affected by my disability or incapacity. The authority herein granted to my attorneys -in -fact, Cathy Anderson and Jason Fikes is exercisable by them, notwithstanding my later disability or incapacity or later uncertainty as to whether I am dead or alive. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my signature this ,) i day of ni t,� itc h . 2011. Eunice E. Williams STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF FORT BEND BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this the 2,C' day of 2011, personally appeared Eunice E. Williams, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and who acknowledged to me that she executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. SUBSCRIBED and SWORN TO BEFORE ME, this d, day of hrcii .2011. MARILYN SCHOELLMAN Notary Public, State of Texas My Commission Expires April 23, 2014 aw-• T wa r mA'-c *Ia1,14, 11/a- NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF TEXAS My Commission Expires: j' 2 3 ` 72 Parking Space Agreement This agreement is made and entered into this 25 day of March, 2011 between the Lincoln Center in College Station (LC) and the BV Community Service Center (CSC). The LC hereby agrees to offer parking spaces, as available, to the CSC to handle over -flow parking at the Lincoln House of Hope (1013 Eleanor). The CSC understands that the LC does not provide attendants and/or security for parked vehicles and shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage to any vehicle or responsible for items left in any vehicle parked in the LC parking lot. Dated . %v , /iRi.)// Signed: Lincoln Center iCz.fL..t Community Service Center 73 Response to Staff Review Comments No. 1 Project: Lincoln House of Hope (PDD) — (11-00500022) Revised 3-28-11 Comments from Planning 1, Please amend application to show existing property owner. The property owner should sign the application or provide a power of attorney / signing authority allowing Mr. Fikes to sign on the property owner's behalf. If the property has sold, please provide a copy of the deed. We provided these documents to City Staff on 3-28-11, 2. Is the lot fronting on Holleman (previously discussed in Pre -Application Conference) no longer included in your proposal? Jason met with Jennifer Prochazka, AICP Senior Planner with the City of College Station on Friday, February 25th and indicated that the lot fronting on Holleman is not being considered in this proposal. 3. The Comprehensive Plan designates this area as "Neighborhood Conservation." The rezoning application should be based on this designation. Information related to aesthetics needs to be provided and should be similar and compatible to single-family. Revised statement: The proposed Lincoln House of Hope will have elements of a single-family structure (such as a front porch, shutters on the windows, decorative home lighting, etc). However, we are requesting that the Lincoln House of Hope be exempt from the single-family residential requiremement of a 4:12 pitched roof. We are seeking to place such a roof on the facility, but it may not be possible to to so. In the event that roof does not have a 4:12 pitch, we would request that we use fascades or other features to improve the look of the facility. 4. The following information from the Comprehensive Plan may help form your proposal in compliance with the Plan. The Comprehensive Plan provides the following direction for development / redevelopment in conservation areas: o Neighborhood Conservation areas are appropriate for overlays or zoning that provide additional "character protection and address non -conforming issues." o The goal is to protect and enhance existing neighborhoods (including aesthetically). o Redevelopment should be sensitive to existing residents of the neighborhood. o Physical design and appearance of the built environment affects the character of the neighborhood and quality of life of its residents. o Design and development should ensures distinct neighborhoods and enhance community identity. o Non-residential buildings adjacent to single-family homes should include buffers and architectural features to ensure compatibility. o There should be a seamless transition from residential to non-residential land uses. o This type of use with a single-family neighborhood should help fosters interactions, attract residents, be accessible to all users, and reflect character and identity of the area Revised: See the answer above. 74 5. The proposed land uses on the Concept Plan include only food distribution and education. Please revise to include all proposed (and anticipated) uses. Revised: On further review, the Staff recognized that the PDD application lists more than food distribution and education. See page 2 of the application. We do envision offering other life skills based classes and counseling as they are identified. 6. Please list all variations needed/requested. if you need help identifying these items, please contact me and we can set up a meeting to go through all of the requirements. After meeting with City Staff, we have iden[tifed the following variations that we are requesting: • We are requesting a variation from the sidewalk requirement. • We are requesting a variation from the buffer requirement. • We are requesting a variation from the parking lot requirement. 7, Please provide community benefits related to the variations sought (not justifications of variations). The community benefits related to the requested variations should out -weigh any impact of the variations. ■ Explanation of Community Benefit in the Lincoln house of Hope Sidewalk proposal: There would be no community enhancement by placing a sidewalk in front our property because the adjacent lots do not have sidewalks. There is a existing sidewalk on the west side of Eleanor, and we believe the neighborhood would be better served by installing a crosswalk. This would benefit the community because it would create safer access to the nearby bus stop as well as the services at the Lincoln Center. 75 • Explanation of Community Benefit in the Lincoln House of Hope Buffer proposal Rather than requiring a 6-foot wooden fence around the entire perimeter of the Lincoln House, we would propose a 6-foot wooden fence around the rear portion and the south side o(' the property. This would effectively create the look of a back yard. This would allow us to conserve the neighborhood feel of the property while also creating an inviting atmosphere to the center. We would also request to retain the existing buffer that is between our property and 1013 Eleanor, This homeowner agreed to sell us the 1013 Eleanor property for the planned use of the Lincoln House of Hope and is a supporter of this endeavor, • Explanation of Community Benefit in the Lincoln House of hope Parking Lot proposal The proposed parking lot can accommodate 6 parking spaces. This number of spaces will more than adequately support the life skills classes and training at the Lincoln House. Many of the students and clients that we serve walk to the House currently. Revised: We are pursuing a written agreement with the Lincoln Center for those limited occassions when overflow parking may be needed. We submitted this document to David Gerling with Department of Parks & Recreation on March 9, 2011. We are still waiting for the city to submit a signed document. The community benefit of a limited, yet effective parking area is that it allows the neighborhood to continue to have a neighborhood feel while providing appropriate places for vehicles. As we discussed this proposal with community members, they recognized that a parking lot of this size would be a vast improvement over the current limitations that we experience at 403 Holleman. 76 8. Based on the concept plan provided, a parking variation may be needed. if a parking variation is requested, please provide information related to uses, parking requirements, parking needs and other information to support your request (ie: sidewalks for pedestrians, bike rack for riders, shared parking agreement, etc.). See number 7 above. 9. Sonic of the variations requested on the application will not be supported by staff. The application requests that no sidewalks be provided. Unless other justification/community benefit can be identified, it will be difficult to support a variation to providing sidewalks when a parking reduction will likely be sought on the basis that many of those served walk. See number 7 above. 10. Additionally, the application requests that no buffer be provided. Staff will not support a variation to the buffer requirement unless an alternative measure is proposed. See number 7 above. 11. Please clarify what the variation is that is being requested by "nonresidential" stated on the application. if the request is to vary to the Non -Residential Architectural Standards (NRA), please provide the community benefit / justification and information related to the proposed aesthetics. Staff may be able to support a variation to the NRA standards if the proposal reflects the character of the neighborhood (ie: the structure and lot look like single-family). The PDD application indicated that we would be seeking a "non-residential" waiver. This was our effort to indicate that no one would be living at the Lincoln llouse of Hope. Since that is assumed by the PDD application itself, it has been removed from the application, 12. The range of building heights provided in the application is 1-story and a maximum of 35 feet. If the building is proposed to be 1-story, the requested maximum height should reflect the proposal. Revised: The building will be a 1-story facility with an eave height minimum of 9-12 feet and a maximum height not to exceed 20 feet. 13. Please provide information related to proposed lighting. Revised: We propose to have decorative family style lighting on the house (such as sconces) that will provide lighting for security like that of a home. There will also be lighting facing the sign at the entrance to the property. 77 7 11 Lincoln House of Hope 46 Additional notes on the entrance signage: There will be a sign at the entrance to the property (see the concept plan drawing for location). it will be a maximum of 7 feet wide and four feet hight. Sec above. These dimensions are based on signs used throughout the neighborhood to identify Tarrow Park. We will seek to use building materials and fonts similar to those signs in order to fit more naturally with the community. 14. Staff primary concerns related to the proposal include a lack of buffer and the aesthetics of the structure. You may want to look at the arrangement of uses on the site to reflect the character of the neighborhood (ie: structure to the front, parking to the rear) See above responses on aesthetics, buffer, parking lot and sidewalks. The City Staff suggestion of structure to the front and parking to the rear would create numerous potential problems for the community: 1. Cars would need to navigate a narrow driveway back to a more secluded parking lot. 2. This would increase vehicular noise and traffic back and forth across the property. 3. Cars entering and leaving the property along a narrow driveway would have visibility issues. 4. Nestling a parking lot near the rear of the property invites cars and potential criminal activity into the adjacent homes and away from the street and public view. 5. Any sort of "circle drive" around the Lincoln House would hinder the community feel of the property. Reviewed by: Jennifer Prochazka, Project Manager Date: February 18, 2011 ENGINEERING 1. No comments Reviewed by: Erika Bridges Date: February 21, 2011 GREENWAYS 78 2. No comments Reviewed by: Venessa Garza, Greenways Program Manager Date: February 9, 2011 SANITATION 1. Sanitation is ok with this project. Reviewed by: Wally Urrutia Date: February 15, 2011 TxDOT Comments 1. No Comment (off state system, not applicable) Reviewed by: Chad Bohne Date: February 18, 2011 79 REZONING MAP Vicinity Map 9,nd REZONING MAP 1013 ELEANOR ST. PF:FOSO PO =GWNG Ol:Sku'T 2-2411 6L50 CONCEPT ,PLAN 'Ls® Vicinity Map Legend CONCEPT PLAN LINCOLN HOUSE OF HOPE OCT II-2Z RL.I REZONING REQUEST FOR 100 Graham Road 11-00500036 REQUEST: ï ðÓÕÔÈóÎØÇÉÈÊÓÛÐÈÍù ðÓÕÔÈùÍÏÏ×ÊÙÓÛÐ SCALE:  ÛÙÊ×É LOCATION: õÊÛÔÛÏêÍÛØÕ×Î×ÊÛÐÐÃÐÍÙÛÈ×ØÛÈÈÔ×ÓÎÈ×ÊÉ×ÙÈÓÍÎÍÖ õÊÛÔÛÏêÍÛØÛÎØå×ÐÐÚÍÊÎêÍÛØ APPLICANTS: øÛÐ×úÊÍÅÎ×ïÙùÐÇÊ×úÊÍÅÎ×÷ÎÕÓÎ××ÊÓÎÕ PROJECT MANAGER: ïÛÈÈÔ×ÅôÓÐÕ×Ï×Ó×ÊéÈÛÖÖìÐÛÎÎ×Ê ÏÔÓÐÕ×Ï×Ó×ÊüÙÉÈÄÕÍÆ RECOMMENDATION: ûÌÌÊÍÆÛÐ ìÐÛÎÎÓÎÕÛÎØâÍÎÓÎÕùÍÏÏÓÉÉÓÍÎìÛÕ× ÍÖ ûÌÊÓÐ  ìÐÛÎÎÓÎÕÛÎØâÍÎÓÎÕùÍÏÏÓÉÉÓÍÎìÛÕ× ÍÖ ûÌÊÓÐ  ìÐÛÎÎÓÎÕÛÎØâÍÎÓÎÕùÍÏÏÓÉÉÓÍÎìÛÕ× ÍÖ ûÌÊÓÐ  NOTIFICATIONS ûØÆ×ÊÈÓÉ×ØùÍÏÏÓÉÉÓÍÎô×ÛÊÓÎÕøÛÈ×ûÌÊÓÐ ûØÆ×ÊÈÓÉ×ØùÍÇÎÙÓÐô×ÛÊÓÎÕøÛÈ×ÉûÌÊÓÐ  èÔ×ÖÍÐÐÍÅÓÎÕÎ×ÓÕÔÚÍÊÔÍÍØÍÊÕÛÎÓÂÛÈÓÍÎÉÈÔÛÈÛÊ×Ê×ÕÓÉÈ×Ê×ØÅÓÈÔÈÔ×ùÓÈÃÍÖùÍÐÐ×Õ× éÈÛÈÓÍΪÉî×ÓÕÔÚÍÊÔÍÍØé×ÊÆÓÙ×ÉÔÛÆ×Ê×Ù×ÓÆ×ØÛÙÍÇÊÈ×ÉÃÐ×ÈÈ×ÊÍÖÎÍÈÓÖÓÙÛÈÓÍÎÍÖÈÔÓÉ ÌÇÚÐÓÙÔ×ÛÊÓÎÕ ÷Ø×ÐÅ×ÓÉÉõÛÊÈ×ÎÉî×ÓÕÔÚÍÊÔÍÍØûÉÉÍÙÓÛÈÓÍÎ ìÊÍÌ×ÊÈÃÍÅÎ×ÊÎÍÈÓÙ×ÉÏÛÓÐ×Ø ùÍÎÈÛÙÈÉÓÎÉÇÌÌÍÊÈîÍÎ×ÛÈÈÔ×ÈÓÏ×ÍÖÉÈÛÖÖÊ×ÌÍÊÈ ùÍÎÈÛÙÈÉÓÎÍÌÌÍÉÓÈÓÍÎîÍÎ×ÛÈÈÔ×ÈÓÏ×ÍÖÉÈÛÖÖÊ×ÌÍÊÈ 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STATION Horne of lexruAerM Un versiry" FOR OFFIGVS LY CASE NO,: 1 DATE SUBMITTI�;.. TIME: STAFF: ZONING MAP AMENDMENT (REZONING) APPLICATION GENERAL MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: ❑X $1,165 Rezoning Application Fee, El Application completed in full. This application form provided by the City of College Station must be used and may not be adjusted or altered. Please attach pages if additional information is provided. OX Traffic Impact Analysis or calculations of projected vehicle trips showing that a TIA is not necessary for the proposed request. ❑X One (1) copy of a fully dimensioned map on 24" x 36" paper showing; a. Land affected; h. Legal description of area of proposed change; c. Present zoning; d. Zoning classification of all abutting land; and e. All public and private rights -of -way and easements bounding and intersecting subject land, 0 Written legal description of subject property (metes & bounds or tot & block of subdivision, whichever is applicable). El A CAD (dxf/dwg) - model space State Plane NAD 83 or GIS (shp) digital file (e-mailed to P&DS_Digital_Submittal@cstx.gov). NOTE: If a petition for rezoning is denied by the City Council, another application for rezoning shall not be filed within a period of 180 days from the date of denial, except with permission of the Planning & Zoning Commission. Date of Optional Preapplication Conference February 10, 2010 NAME OF PROJECT Wellborn Rd,/Graham Rd, Property ADDRESS 100 Graham Road LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Lot, Block, Subdivision) Refer to the attached legal description GENERAL LOCATION OF PROPERTY, IF NOT PLATTED: Southeast corner of the intersection of Wellborn Road (F.M. 2854) and Graham Road TOTAL ACREAGE 1.70 acres APPLICANT/PROJECT MANAGER'S INFORMATION (Primary contact for the project): Name McClure & Browne Engr,/Sure., Inc, /ATTN: J. Dale Browne, Jr., P.E. E-mail Street Address 1008 Wocdcreek Drive, Suite 103 City College Station State Tx Zip Code 77845 Phone Number 979-693-3838 Fax Number 979-693-2554 PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION: Name Martin -Russell Partnership /ATTN: Ken Martin & B. Don Russell E-mail kenpmarfin@suddenllnk,nef Street Address 1500 Brookhollow City Bryan State Phone Number 979-777-2776 FaxTx Number Zip Code 77B02 clbrowne@rncclurebrowne.com 10/10 Page 1 of 3 87 OTHER CONTACTS (Please specify type of contact, i.e. project manager, potential buyer, local contact, etc.): Name None Street Address City State Phone Number Fax Number This property was conveyed to owner by deed dated MaY 6, 1982 of the Brazos County Official Records. Existing Zoning M-1 Proposed Zoning C-3 Present Use of Property Partially developed consisting of an Office Building and associated parking. Proposed Use of Property Day Care Facility, Restaurant or any permissible use under C-3 zoning. E-mail Zip Code and recorded in Volume 518 , Page 851 REZONING SUPPORTING INFORMATION 1. List the changed or changing conditions in the area or in the City which make this zone change necessary. Due to the growth in the surrounding areas and development along Wellborn Road, the proposed rezoning will fit the surrounding development and will conform to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. 2. Indicate whether or not this zone change is in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. if it is not, explain why the Plan is incorrect. The proposed zoning change is in general accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. 3, How will this zone change be compatible with the present zoning and conforming uses of nearby property and with the character of the neighborhood? The proposed zoning will allow the for the type of development that can provide services to the surround and nearby properties, 14110 Page 2 of 3 88 OEM,b 28 11 (34;50p 979-823-2207 p ,1 Ken Martin OFR 4. Explain the suitability of the property for uses permitted by the rezoning district requested, Based on the adjacent properties and the development of nearby properties, we believe that this property is suitable for C-3, which would be in accordance with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan_ 6. Explain the suitability of the property for uses permitted by the current zoning district. Based on the adjacent properties that have been developed and the shape of the property, we do not believe that this property is suitable for the Industrie/ development which is allowed under the current zoning district. 6. Explain the marketability of the property for uses permitted by the current zoning district, Based on surrounding development along Wellborn Road and Graham Road, we believe that M f zoning is not marketable in this area of College Station. 7, List any other reasons to support this zone change, The primary reason to support the zoning is that it is in general accordance with the Comprehensive Mara. The applicant has prepared this application and certifies that the facts stated herein and exhibits attached hereto are Prue, correct, and complete. IF THIS APPLICATION IS FILED SY ANYONE OTHER THAN THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY, this application must be accompanied by a power of attorney statement from the owner. If there is more than one owner, all owners must sign the application or the power of attorney, if the owner is a company, the application must be accompanied by proof of authority for the company's representative to sign the application on its behalf_ Signand title 10110 r Date Print Form 89 -28- /tf Page3of3 4. Explain the suitability of the property for asses permitted by the rezoning district requested. Based on the adjacent properties end the development of nearby properties, we believe that this property is suitable for C-3, which would be in accordance with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, 5. Explain the suitability of the property for use permitted by the current zoning district. Based on the adfacsnt properties that have keen developed and the shape of the property, we do not believe that this property is suitable for the industrial development which is allowed under the current zoning district, 6. Explain the marketability of the property for raises permitted by the current zoning district. ,Based on surrounding development along 411born Road and Graham Road, we believe that M-1 zoning is not marketable in this area of Collage Station, 7, List any other reasons to support this zone change. The primary mason to support the zoning is ghat it is In general accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. The applicant has prepared this application and c,rtifies that the facts stated twain and exhibits attached hereto are true, correct, and complete, IF THiS APPLICATIOrd IS FILED BY ANYONE OTHER THAN THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY, this application must be eccompanited by a power of attorney statement from the owner. If there 15 more Man one owner, all owners mast sign the application or the power orattomoy. If the owner is a company, the application must be accompanied by proof of authority for thi company's representative to sign the application on its behalf. Signature a d ti e 10110 Date Print Form • _I 90 Page 3 of 3 Cruharn ,iond ifox 1.70 Acres r .. , .%,..”n%.r. .1.1. , - . , ,c 7 VICINITY AMP !itylig„rtyar.'% 71.14:15i76.-,"11"" REZONING MAP 1.70 ACRES CUT Cr 1HE PALLED 1 96 ACRE 8 DON RUSSELL AND KENNETH P MART& MCP \\- RECORDED I/./ VOLUME 513, PrtGE 651 \ \ \ ficEavi utlys,,A, LLI4L,L. 2-51 009507 STA ProV, SF 4205 Les No. 7-L-rAr. . 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TIME; TAFF: ZONING MAP AMENDMENT (REZONING) APPLICATION GENERAL MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: • 1,165 Rezoning Application Fee. n Application completed in full. This application form provided by the City of College Station must be used and may not be adjusted or altered. Pease attach pages if additional information is provided. 0 Traffic Impact Analysis or calculations of projected vehicle trips showing that a TIA is not necessary for the proposed request, [X] One (1) copy of a fully dimensioned map on 24" x 36" paper showing: a. Land affected; b. Legal description of area of proposed change; c. Present zoning; d. Zoning classification of all abutting land; and e. All public and private rights -of -way and easements bounding and intersecting subject land. n Written legal description of subject property (metes & bounds or lot & block of subdivision, whichever is applicable). ▪ A CAD (dxf/dwg) - model space State Plane NAD 83 or GIS (shp) digital file (e-mailed to P&DS_Digital_Submittal@cstx.gov). NOTE: If a petition for rezoning is denied by the City Council, another application for rezoning shall not be filed within a period of 180 days from the date of denial, except with permission of the Planning & Zoning Commission. Date of Optional Preapplication Conference NAME OF PROJECT Landmark on Longmire Apartments ADDRESS 1400, 1402, 1404, 1406, 1408, 1410, 1500, 1502 & 1504 Airline Drive LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Lot, Block, Subdivision) GENERAL LOCATION OF PROPERTY, IF NOT PLATTED: TOTAL ACREAGE 2.257 acres APPLICANT/PROJECT MANAGER'S INFORMATION (Primary contact for the project): Name Chris Peterson Street Address 3608 East 29th Street, Ste 112 City Bryan Phone Number 979-703-7014 PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION: Name Airline Cambridge Apts, LLC Street Address City Dallas Phone Number 10(10 14185 North Dallas Parkway, Ste 650 972-755-5264 E-mail Lots 1&2, Block 13, Southwood Valley, Section 6-8 chrrs@brazos/a wyers. corn State TX Zip Code 77802 Fax Number 979-703-7031 State TX Fax Number E-mail nfluellen@marcusmNichap.co marcusmillichap.co Zip Code 972-755-5146 75254 Page 1 of 3 96 OTHER CONTACTS (Please specify type of contact, i.e. project manager, potential buyer, local contact, etc ): Name E-mail Street Address City State Zip Code Phone Number Fax Number This property was conveyed to owner by deed dated 01/30/2009 and recorded in Volume 8949 , page 163 of the Brazos County Official Records. Existing Zoning C-1 & R-6 Proposed Zoning R-6 Present Use of Property Apartment complex Proposed Use of Property Apartment complex (there will be no site changes or further development) REZONING SUPPORTING INFORMATION 1. List the changed or changing conditions in the area or in the City which make this zone change necessary. Originally, in October 1977, this tract was granted a conditional use permit in the C-1 zoning classification to build multi -family apartments. Since that time, the UDO has changed which would not allow the property to be reconstructed in the case of destruction without receiving another CLIP. This condition has left the owner in a situation where it cannot refinance the property without a change in zoning 2. Indicate whether or not this zone change is in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. If it is not, explain why the Plan is incorrect. The change is in accord with the Comprehensive Plan, 3. How will this zone change be compatible with the present zoning and conforming uses of nearby property and with the character of the neighborhood? The property use is compatible with surrounding properties, which are also multi -family in nature. This area transitions from the commercial uses to single family uses in this general area. 10/10 Page 2of3 97 4. Explain the suitability of the property for uses permitted by the rezoning district requested. The property is already built out fully as an apartment complex. 5. Explain the suitability of the property for uses permitted by the current zoning district. The property is fully built our under a conditional use permit for multi -family. Such use is inconsistent with the C-1 zoning district. 6. Explain the marketability of the property for uses permitted by the current zoning district. Because of the language of the UDO, the property is not eligible for certain types of loan funding (e.g, Fannie Mae) without rezoning. This is a significant negative impact on marketability. 7 List any other reasons to support this zone change. The re -zoning will clean up the zoning map. It will also conform to the Central College Station Neighborhood Plan. The applicant has prepared this application and certifies that the facts stated herein and exhibits attached hereto are true, correct, and complete. IF THIS APPLICATION IS FILED BY ANYONE OTHER THAN THE OWIVER OF THE PROPERTY, this application must be accompanied by a power of attorney statement from the owner. If there is more than one owner, all owners must sign the application or the power of attorney. If the owner is a company, the application must be accompanied by roof of authority for the company's representative to sign the application on its behalf. 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I n LMErict Im a nn I a Notes: (A) Lot line construction on interior lots is allowed where access to the rear of the building is provided on the site or by dedirmited right-of-way or easement, (Bl) Minimunfmaximum setback from the back of any curb, including lots with single Frontage. lots with double frontage, and corner lots with multiple frontages. (C) If the width of any public easement or right -of --way is in excess of the maximum setback, the maximum setback will be measured from the edge of the public easement or right-of-way. (o) Maximum setback from back of curb for University Drive is 25 feet, Wellborn is 35 feet and 100 feet for South College. (E) When cafe seating is between the cafe's building and a right-of-way, the building may be setback a maximum of.35 feet, [F) This area cakulation shall not include any lot area encumbered by required easements, setbacks, sidewalks, detention, or area dedicated to civic features. The area of a porch or arcade fronting a public street is ind uded in the calculation of lot coverage. (G) The 2-story requirement shall not apply to structures existing on or before April 2, 2006. [N) Minimum front setback may be reduced to fifteen feet (15') when approved rear access is provided or when side yard or rear yard parking is provided. 5.7 Overlay Districts In the event that an area is rezoned to apply overlay district provisions, this district shall apply to all multi -family, commercial and industrial property, and where applic ble, to single-family, duplex or townhouse development The underlying district establishes the permitted uses and shall remain in full force, and the requirements of the overlay district are to be applied in addition to the underlying use and site restrictions. A. Corridor Overlay {OV) District This district is established to enhance the image -oF gateways and key entry points, major corridors, and other areas of concern. as determined by the City Council, by maintaining a sense of openness and continuity. The following supplemental standards shall apply to this district: 1. Setbacks All buildings will be set back 40 feet from the right-of-way. Where parldng is located in the front of the building, there shall be a front setback of 20 feet from the right-of-way to the parking area and all drive aisles. 2. Signs a. Cigns shall include no more than three colors and two lettering (font) -tylcs. At Ic istonp „f tho c b it ... tch th F,v lbm'.nnrn =alet:- of tho buirel eg Forth rcque-tad to b. :,r„r I. .n7dljans shall utilize only colors not expressly prohibited bytha r1t' rff r'nllono cratirn'c ar.nrr. e.'l r'nInrRalattpti b. Freestanding signs shall be limited to the restrictions of Section 7.4 Signs, but shall not exceed the height of the building. 3. Building Colors Building colors shall be neutral and harmonious with the existing man-inade or natural environment, and only compatible accent colors shall be used. All colors shall be approved by the Administrator. The applicant must provide elevation drawings and color samples. 4. Special Restrictions for Retail Fuel Sales In lases where the underlying zoning district permits gasoline service stations and a station i5 proposed, the fallowing restrictions shall apply: a. Activities Restricted 1) No major emergency auto repair; and 5-?6 Brined Derelopmest ordinance 03107/1 i Clty o1 College Statbn, Texas 102 è×ÄÛÉûÆ×ÎÇ×ìíúÍÄ ùÍÐÐ×Õ×éÈÛÈÓÍÎè×ÄÛÉ ìÔÍÎ×   öÛÄ  MEMORANDUM DATE: ûÌÊÓÐ TO: ï×ÏÚ×ÊÉÍÖÈÔ×ìÐÛÎÎÓÎÕâÍÎÓÎÕùÍÏÏÓÉÉÓÍÎ FROM: òÛÉÍÎéÙÔÇÚ×ÊÈûóùìé×ÎÓÍÊìÐÛÎÎ×Ê ÒÉÙÔÇÚ×ÊÈüÙÉÈÄÕÍÆ SUBJECT: çøí¦îÍÎê×ÉÓØ×ÎÈÓÛÐûÊÙÔÓÈ×ÙÈÇÊ×éÈÛÎØÛÊØÉÖÍÊûÙÙ×ÉÉÍÊÃéÈÊÇÙÈÇÊ×É Item: ìÇÚÐÓÙÔ×ÛÊÓÎÕÌÊ×É×ÎÈÛÈÓÍÎÌÍÉÉÓÚÐ×ÛÙÈÓÍÎÛÎØØÓÉÙÇÉÉÓÍÎÊ×ÕÛÊØÓÎÕÛÎ ÛÏ×ÎØÏ×ÎÈÈÍÈÔ×çÎÓÖÓ×Øø×Æ×ÐÍÌÏ×ÎÈíÊØÓÎÛÎÙ×é×ÙÈÓÍÎúéÈÛÎØÛÊØÉÖÍÊûÐÐ îÍÎê×ÉÓØ×ÎÈÓÛÐéÈÊÇÙÈÇÊ×ÉÊ×ÐÛÈ×ØÈÍÛÊÙÔÓÈ×ÙÈÇÊ×ÉÈÛÎØÛÊØÉÖÍÊÎÍÎÊ×ÉÓØ×ÎÈÓÛÐ ÛÙÙ×ÉÉÍÊÃÉÈÊÇÙÈÇÊ×É Background: ûÈÈÔ×ÓÊòÛÎÇÛÊà  ÉÈÛÖÖØÓÊ×ÙÈÓÍÎÈÍÌÇÊÉÇ× ÆÛÊÓÍÇÉÛÏ×ÎØÏ×ÎÈÉÈÍÈÔ×çÎÓÖÓ×Øø×Æ×ÐÍÌÏ×ÎÈíÊØÓÎÛÎÙ×çøíÈÔÛÈÅ×Ê×ÓØ×ÎÈÓÖÓ×Ø ÚÃÛÉÇÚÙÍÏÏÓÈÈ××ÍÖÈÔ×ïÛÃÍʪÉöÍÊÇÏÍÎø×Æ×ÐÍÌÏ×ÎÈèÔ×É×ÓÈ×ÏÉÅ×Ê×ÛÐÉÍ ÌÊ×É×ÎÈ×ØÈÍÈÔ×ùÍÏÏÓÉÉÓÍÎÛÈÈÔ×ø×Ù×ÏÚ×Ê  Ï××ÈÓÎÕèÔÓÉÓÈ×ÏÓÉÚ×ÓÎÕ ÚÊÍÇÕÔÈÖÍÊÅÛÊØÓÎÙÍÎÎ×ÙÈÓÍÎÅÓÈÔÈÔÓÉ×ÖÖÍÊÈ é×ÙÈÓÍÎÉú©éÈÛÎØÛÊØÉÖÍÊûÐÐîÍÎê×ÉÓØ×ÎÈÓÛÐéÈÊÇÙÈÇÊ×ɨÍÖÈÔ×çÎÓÖÓ×Ø ø×Æ×ÐÍÌÏ×ÎÈíÊØÓÎÛÎÙ×çøíÙÇÊÊ×ÎÈÐÃÌÊÍÆÓØ×ÉÈÔ×ÚÛÉ×ÉÈÛÎØÛÊØÉÖÍÊÎÍÎ Ê×ÉÓØ×ÎÈÓÛÐÚÇÓÐØÓÎÕÉÉÇÚÒ×ÙÈÈÍÈÔ×ùÓÈêÉîÍÎê×ÉÓØ×ÎÈÓÛÐûÊÙÔÓÈ×ÙÈÇÊ×éÈÛÎØÛÊØÉÅÔÓÙÔ Å×Ê×ÍÊÓÕÓÎÛÐÐÃÛØÍÌÈ×ØÓÎ èÔ×ÛÌÌÐÓÙÛÈÓÍÎÍÖÛÊÙÔÓÈ×ÙÈÇÊÛÐÊ×ÐÓ×ÖØ×ÉÓÕÎ×Ð×Ï×ÎÈÉ ÍÎÉÏÛÐÐ×ÊÛÙÙ×ÉÉÍÊÃÚÇÓÐØÓÎÕÉÍÖÈ×ÎØÍ×ÉÎÍÈÔÛÆ×ÈÔ××ÖÖ×ÙÈÍÖÌÊÍÏÍÈÓÎÕÕÍÍØ Ø×ÉÓÕÎÛÎØÙÛÎÚ×ÚÇÊØ×ÎÉÍÏ×ÅÔ×ÎÙÍÏÌÛÊ×ØÈÍÈÔ×Ú×Î×ÖÓÈèÔ××ÄÓÉÈÓÎÕÍÊØÓÎÛÎÙ× ÌÊÍÆÓØ×ÉÛÐÓÉÈÍÖËÇÛÐÓÖÃÓÎÕÛÊÙÔÓÈ×ÙÈÇÊÛÐ×Ð×Ï×ÎÈÉÛÎØÊ×ËÇÓÊ×ÉÈÔÛÈÈÅÍØÓÖÖ×Ê×ÎÈ ×Ð×Ï×ÎÈÉÚ×ÇÉ×ØÖÍÊ×Æ×ÊÃÖÍÍÈÉ×ÙÈÓÍÎÍÖÛÖÛUÛØ×ÖÛÙÓÎÕÛÌÇÚÐÓÙÊÓÕÔÈÍÖÅÛÃÛÎØ ÈÅÍØÓÖÖ×Ê×ÎÈ×Ð×Ï×ÎÈÉÖÍÊ×Æ×Êà ÖÍÍÈÉ×ÙÈÓÍÎÍÖÛÐÐÍÈÔ×ÊÖÛUÛØ×É èÔÓÉÛÏ×ÎØÏ×ÎÈÌÊÍÌÍÉ×ÉÈÍÊ×ÏÍÆ×ÈÔ×Ê×ËÇÓÊ×Ï×ÎÈÖÍÊÛÊÙÔÓÈ×ÙÈÇÊÛÐØ×ÉÓÕÎ×Ð×Ï×ÎÈÉ ÖÍÊÖÛUÛØ×ÉÍÖÛÙÙ×ÉÉÍÊÃÉÈÊÇÙÈÇÊ×ÉÓÖÈÔ×ÖÛUÛØ×ÓÉÈÅ×ÎÈÃÖÓÆ×Ö××È ªÍÊÐ×ÉÉÓÎÅÓØÈÔ ÛÎØÈÔ×ÖÛUÛØ×ÓÎÙÍÊÌÍÊÛÈ×ÉÈÔ×ÉÛÏ×ÏÛÈ×ÊÓÛÐÉÛÎØÙÍÐÍÊÉÍÖÈÔ×ÌÊÓÏÛÊÃÉÈÊÇÙÈÇÊ× Attachments: ê×ØÐÓÎ×ØìÊÍÌÍÉ×ØùÔÛÎÕ×ÉÍÖé×ÙÈÓÍÎú ÕïÛÉÉÛÎØø×ÉÓÕΨ ß®¬·½´» éò Ù»²»®¿´ Ü»ª»´±°³»²¬ ͬ¿²¼¿®¼­ Ò±²óλ­·¼»²¬·¿´ ß®½¸·¬»½¬«®¿´ ͬ¿²¼¿®¼­ éòç Þòͬ¿²¼¿®¼­ º±® ß´´ Ò±²óλ­·¼»²¬·¿´ ͬ®«½¬«®»­ îòÞ«·´¼·²¹ Ó¿­­ ¿²¼ Ü»­·¹² ײ ±®¼»® ¬± °®±ª·¼» ª·­«¿´ ·²¬»®»­¬ô ¬¸» º·®­¬ ¬©± øî÷ ­¬±®·»­ ±º ¿²§ º¿9¿¼» º¿½·²¹ ¿ °«¾´·½ ®·¹¸¬ó±ºó©¿§ ­¸¿´´ «­» ¿®½¸·¬»½¬«®¿´ ®»´·»º »ª»®§ º±®¬§óº·ª» ¸±®·¦±²¬¿´ º»»¬ ·²½±®°±®¿¬·²¹ ¿ ³·²·³«³ ±º ¬©± øî÷ ¼·ºº»®»²¬ ¼»­·¹² »´»³»²¬­ ©·¬¸·² »¿½¸ º±®¬§óº·ª» ­»½¬·±² º®±³ ¬¸» ±°¬·±²­ ¾»´±©ò ß´´ ±¬¸»® º¿9¿¼»­ ­¸¿´´ ·²½±®°±®¿¬» ¿ ³·²·³«³ ±º ¬©± øî÷ ¼·ºº»®»²¬ ¼»­·¹² »´»³»²¬­ ©·¬¸·² »¿½¸ ­·¨¬§ó ¿¾±ª»ò É¿´´ ­»½¬·±²­ ´»­­ ¬¸¿² º±®¬§ó ¿´­± ¾» ®»¯«·®»¼ ¬± °®±ª·¼» ¬¸» ¬©± øî÷ ¼·ºº»®»²¬ ¼»­·¹² »´»³»²¬­òô »¨½»°¬ ¬¸¿¬ º®»»­¬¿²¼·²¹ ­¬®«½¬«®»­ ¬¸¿¬ ¿®» ¿½½»­­±®§ ¬± ¿ °®·³¿®§ «­»ô ©¸»®» ¿´´ º¿9¿¼»­ ¿®» »¯«¿´ ¬± ±® ´»­­ ¬¸¿² ¬©»²¬§ó¿²¼ ©¸»®» »¿½¸ º¿9¿¼» ·²½±®°±®¿¬»­ ¬¸» ­¿³» ¾«·´¼·²¹ ³¿¬»®·¿´­ ¿²¼ ½±´±®­ ¿­ ¬¸» °®·³¿®§ ­¬®«½¬«®»ô ¿®» ²±¬ ®»¯«·®»¼ ¬± °®±ª·¼» ¿®½¸·¬»½¬«®¿´ ®»´·»º »´»³»²¬­ò ¿ò Ý¿²±°·»­ô °»®³¿²»²¬ ¼»½±®¿¬·ª» ¿©²·²¹­ô ±® ©·²¼±©­ ¿½½±³°¿²·»¼ ¾§ ±ª»®¸¿²¹­å ¾ò É¿´´ °´¿²» °®±¶»½¬·±²­ ±® ®»½»­­·±²­ ©·¬¸ ¿ ³·²·³«³ ±º ½ò з´¿­¬»®­ ±® ½±´«³²­å ¼ò λ½»­­»¼ »²¬®·»­ô ­¬±±°­ô °±®½¸»­ô ±® ¿®½¿¼»­å »ò Þ¿´½±²·»­ ¬¸¿¬ »¨¬»²¼ º®±³ ¬¸» ¾«·´¼·²¹å ±® ºò Þ±¨»¼ ±® ¾¿§ ©·²¼±©­å ¹ò Ü»½±®¿¬·ª» ­¬±®³©¿¬»® ³¿²¿¹»³»²¬ ·²·¬·¿¬·ª»­ °¸§­·½¿´´§ ·²¬»¹®¿¬»¼ ©·¬¸ ¬¸» ¾«·´¼·²¹ô ¿­ ¿°°®±ª»¼ ¾§ ¬¸» ß¼³·²·­¬®¿¬±®ò ß² »¨¿³°´» ·­ ­¸±©² ¾»´±©ò  з½¬«®» «­»¼ ©·¬¸ °»®³·­­·±² º®±³ ¬¸» Ý·¬§ ±º ᮬ´¿²¼ô Û²ª·®±²³»²¬¿´ Í»®ª·½»­ øîððè÷  Û®®±®ÿ Ò± ¬»¨¬ ±º ­°»½·º·»¼ ­¬§´» ·² ¼±½«³»²¬ò Í»½¬·±² éòïî Ì®¿ºº·½ ׳°¿½¬ ß²¿´§­»­ Roof or Parapet Min. 2' Max. 66% of length ß­ ®»°®»­»²¬»¼ ¿¾±ª»ô ±² ¾«·´¼·²¹­ ¬¸®»» øí÷ ­¬±®·»­ ±® ´»­­ô ¬¸» ¸±®·¦±²¬¿´ ´·²» ±º ¿ º´¿¬ ®±±º ø±® °¿®¿°»¬÷ ¿´±²¹ ¿²§ º¿9¿¼» º¿½·²¹ ¿ °«¾´·½ ®·¹¸¬ó±ºó©¿§ ­¸¿´´ ª¿®§ ¾§ ¿ ³·²·³«³ ²± ³±®» ¬¸¿² ­·¨¬§ó­·¨ °»®½»²¬ øêêû÷ ±º ¬¸» ®±±º´·²» ·­ ±² ¬¸» ­¿³» »´»ª¿¬·±²ò