HomeMy WebLinkAboutAggielandBODLEY P. THORNTON FIELD NOTES FIELD NOTES REMAINDER OF 12.1 ACRES 20' P U E. - 0.21 OF ONE ACRE 4.746 ACRES 25 FOOT WIDE STRIP OF LAND CALLED 4.76 ACRES OUT OF CALLED 4.76 ACRES VOLUME 4153, PAGE 217 217 VOLUME 4153, PAGE REF. 1321/140,2312/100 FND. 12' DOUBLE OAK ROBERT STEVENSON LEAGUE, A . A - 54 ROBERT STEVENSON LEAGUE, A - 54 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION CITY Y OF Of COLLEGE STATION - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - BRAZOS COUNTY. TEXAS BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS AN that certain lot, tract or parcel of land being 0.21 of one acre All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land being 4.746 acres situated in situated In the ROBERT STEVENSON LEAGUE, Abstract No. 54, City of the ROBERT STEVENSON LEAGUE. Abstract No. 54. City of College Station, College Station, Brazos County, Texas, and being a 25 foot wide strip of Brazos County, Texas, and being all of that certain Called 4.76 acre tract land out of that certain Called 4.75 acre tract as deserted in dead from as described In deed from Farah Jovld-Mojd to Aggldand Builders, LLC of Farah Javid-Mojd to Aggleland Builders. LLC of record in Volume 4153, record in Volume 4153, Page 217, Official retards of Brazos County. Team, (NC Page 217, Official records of Brazos County, Texas, sold 0.21 of one acre sold 4.746 acre tract being more particularly described by metes and tract being more particularly described by metes and bounds as folows: bounds as follows: SEE NOTE X14 N 74.2125. E 36 4 C~ ' +8 ' 66 \ 11 BEGINNING at a 3/8' Iron Rod found far the northwest comer, sold corner BEGINNING at a 3/8" Iran Rod found for the northwest corner, sold corner being the northwest comer of sold Called 4.76 acre tract and an bang the northwest comer of sold Called 4.76 are tract and an Intersection comer of the B. P. Thornton Called 12.1 are tract as Intersection comer of the B. P. Thornton Called 12.1 acre tract as described In Volume 2312, Page 100, sad comer also bang located in the described In Volume 2312, Page 100, sold comer also being located in the northeast line of SUNMEADOWS Phase One Subdivision as deserted in northeast line of SUNMEADOWS Phase One Subdhtdm as described in Volume 4137, Page 254; Volume 4137, Page 254; THENCE N 74'27'25' E, along the north line of said Called 4.76 are tract THENCE N 7427'25' E, along the north line of said Called 4.76 ocre tract and of the herein described 25 foot wide strip and the south line of said and the south line of sold Called 12.1 are tract a distance of 361.26 r r Calved 12.1 are tract a distance of 361.26 feet to a 12" Double Oak feet to a 12" Double Oak found far the northeast comer, said tamer `rxs. s ~s 10' DRAINAGE EASEMENT \ found for the northeast comer. sold comer bang the northeast comer of bong the northeast comer of said Called 4.74 acre tract and also being said Called 4.74 acre tract and also being the most easterly comer of the most easterly corner of said Called 12.1 acre tract, sad comer also r r 184 y~0 C) \.,D \ sold Called 12 .1 are tract, sod comer also bang located In the being located in the southwest line of the remainder of the F. M. Arnold S F / \ 1~~. hh southwest line of the remainder of the F. M. Arnold Called 14.84 ore Called 14.84 acre tract as described In Volume 200, Page 445; tract as described In Volume 200. Pogo 445; THENCE S 4552'00' E. along the common line between sod Called 4.76 THENCE S 4532'00' E, along the common line between sold Called 4.76 are tract and sad Remainder of said Called 14.84 acre tract a distance are tract and said Remainder of sod Called 14.84 are tract a distance of 560.66 feet to a Iran Rod set for the most easterly comer, sad of 28.98 feet to a point for the most easterly comer, sold comer being a comer being the occupied most easterly comer of sad Cabled 4.76 core F.M. ARNOLD \ 8 ~ a LD point in a line 25 feat southwest of, measured at right angles to, and tract and the most southerly occupied comer of Remainder of said Called line of said Called 12.1 arc tract; right-of-way line of GRAHAM ROAD; \ 14.84 ACRES ES pardld to sold north lino of said Called 4.76 are tract and said south 14.84 acre tract, sod comer also being located in the northwest THENCE S 74'27'25' W, across and through cad Called 4.76 are tract THENCE S 4238'O2" W. along the northwest right-of-way line of GRAHAM \ 10 , \ S 200/445 with the south line of the herein described strip of land and sad line 25 ROAD a distance of 129.49 feet to a ion Rod me for angle point; foot mouth of. measured at right angles to, and parallel to the north line THENCE S 4438'17' W. continuing along sad northwest right-of-way line 5' P.U.E. o" stAi of the Called 4.76 acre tract a distance of 361.64 feet to a point In the a distance of 166.01 feet to a Iran Rod with cap found far the southwest line of said Called 4.76 ore tract for the southwest comer, beginning of a curve; sod corner being a point in the aforesaid northeast line of SUNMEADOWS THNCE around a curve In a clockwise direction having a delta angle of Phase One Subdivision; 90 ' 00 ' 00 an arc distance of 39.27 foot, a radius of 25.00 feet. THENCE N 4512'05" W. along said southwest line of the Cried 4.76 are and a chord of S 89'47'12' W. a distance of 35.36 feet to a N' Iron Rod tract and sold northeast line of SUNMEADOWS Phase One a distance of with cap found for the point of tangency of sold curve, said comer being It S6, `T9 28.77 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING AN AREA OF 0.21 a common comer between sold Called 4.76 acre tract and said \ '►B 23' ACCESS S 9• \ Qs B• OF ONE ACRE OF LAND MORE OR LESS. SUNMEADOWS Phase One Subdivision; N 62 EASEMENT ,>\sry ro~~ THENCE N 4512'05' W. along the m utharest IM of sad Called 4.76 are tract and the northeast line of sold SUNMEADOWS Phase One a distance of 718.03 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING AN AREA OF 10' P.U.E. 1 c~kJ 7 \ 15' P.U.E. 4.746 ACRES OF LAND MORE OR LESS. si \ ,/.key 10' PUBUC 'k, UTILITY EASEMENT IENT y (9 Ab \eS' 1~ k1h ~kk 15' P.U.E. 12 ~ CURVE DATA TABLE 0,. CURVE RADIUS DELTA ARC TANGENT BEARING CHORD Cl 25.00 9010'22' 39.35 25.08 S 00'06'54' E 35.41 15' P.U.E. k C2 25.00 91'49'53' 40.07 25.81 N 8852'59' E 35.92 C3 25.00 90100'00' 39.27 25.00 N 89'47'12' E 35.36 C4 25.00 4811'23' 21.03 11.18 S 6917'46' E 20.41 y Ito F 13 \ C5 50.00 6411'57' 73,48 45.18 N 5117'29' W 67.04 06 50.00 5339'26' 47.12 25.47 S 17'48'12' W 45.39 C7 50.00 13811'23" 120.59 130.90 S 66108'24' E 93.42 Ce 25.00 4611'23' 21.03 11.18 N 21106'24' W 20.41 r o IF rye/ ' Wks \ ) \ 1~' *00. '00 ~tiOS•~ ,k 5' P.U.E. 14 j f • 4.1 10' P.U.E \ \1~'j'Q /.k1 10' P.U.E. - 15 P~ SUN MEADOWS .tea / j T pp \ \ 15 ko -'PROJECT LOCATION W~ 44 PHASE ONE 3 ~ 4137/254 \ tip/ O rLh~°LrG~ \ ~O V• ~ 2 ss\ ,~o O O GENERAL NOTES \00 ,0 ~ 1 6rO 0; (~xO 1. Tt6S PROPERTY IS ZONED R-2. LOCATION MAP 2. 100 YEAR FLOOD ELEVATION ESTABLISHED BY THE CITY SCALE: T' = ±2,500' ~ P OF COLLEGE STATION AT 294.56 NTH THE MINIMUM FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION AT 296.25. 3. BUILDING SET BACK LINES SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: ss 10' P.U.E. 0y; kR C~ A. MIN. FRONT SET BACK: 25' ss. A B. MIN. SIDE SETBACK: 7.5' 8 SCALE: 1' - 40' C. MIN. STREET SIDE SET BACK: 15' a m' w' D. MIN. REAR SET T BACK: 20' ' N A L PLAT E. MAX. NET DU/AC.: 12.0 4. 25' GREENBELT SECTION IS HEREBY DEDICATED TO THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION. AGGIELAND SUBDIVISION CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP AND DEDICATION APPROVAL OF PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION OF SURVEYOR LLQM A RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION OF STATE OF TEXAS I, - C -1 CHAIRMAN OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION OF THE COUNTY OF BRAZ S l4ea, c CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, X S, HEREQY CERTIFY AT THE ATTACHED PLAT WAS DULY APPROVED BY TLASTIEBY STRONG. REGISTERED EPRGRTY "BOUNDARY LINE 4.76 ACRES WITH 1 BLOCK CONSISTING . OF THE STATE OF - LOT LINES THAT THIS LAND ~10. 4961. OF THE STATE M A cBul .c 1HE COMMISSION ON THE TEXAS HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT I Apo WAS PREPARED FROM / WE. III I OWNER AND DEVELOPER OF THE LAND SHOWN ON THIS PLAT, SONG THE TRACT OF AN ACTUAL SURVEY OF THE PROPERTY AND TH.6T PRdMRTY M S AND MONUMIENTS KRE 5 PREPARED FROM FOUND 1/2' IRON ROD WITH CAP OF BLAND (BEING PART OF THE TRACT OF LAND) AS CONVEYED TO ME (US) IN THE DEED RECORDS OF BRAZOS '^_J PLACED UNDER MY SUPERVISION ON THE GR(yI - COUNTY IN VOLUME NOW, PACE , DESIGNATED HEREIN AS > r It om CHAIRMAN OF TWP"M AND ZONING COMMISSION rrII ~1} ND MONUMENTS WERE • SET 1/2' IRON ROD MAIN CAP SUBDIVISION PMo@b~ TO THE CITY (7F rnIFrc VTATIn l TVVAQ •un uu -Au fc% ,e i.e.< `AM.A 15 LOTS IN THE ROBERT STEVENSON HERETO, HEREBY DEDICATE TO THE USE OF THE PUBLIC FOREVER ALL STREETS. ALLEYS, ~PARKS. ~E/~SE1dE n ATTEST., J REC151ERED OR,.g,pTl.S. Na t961~ AND PUBLIC PLACES THEREON SHOWN FOR THE PURPOSE AND CONSIDERATION THEREIN EXPRESSED.:: l' ~j LEAGUE, ABSTRACT - 54 V-k- Vo1.4153, P9.917 1, sf-GZ pTY PLA iIN CRETARY OWNER/DEVELOPER CERTMATION OF THE COUNTY CLERK To" Jon" COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, A"ieland BulMem STATE: OF TEXAS 32M E. ey-Pan TEXAS STATE OF TEXAS ti COLM OF BRAZOS COUNTY OF X AS APPROVAL OF THE CITY ENGINEER C Co1Npo 8f Mm. T"m 7M" o ti. I, - WNTr CLERK IN AND FOR SAID COU NTY, DO BY CERTIFY TF BEFORE ME, THE UNDERSIGNED AUTHORITY, ON THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED ~f`.C_31(NOWN I, THE UNDERSIGNED, CITY OF THE CITY OF COII.EOE STATION, TEXAS, HERESY CERTIFY CERTIFICATES OF AU TICATION WAS FRED FOR RECORD IN MY O~F1C~ THE DAY OF DO CUT" TWS a~,°AY OF TM T PLAT TOGEYWR T ITS TO ME TO BE THEIR PERSON(S) YRIOSE NAME(S) IS/ARE SUBSCRIBED TO THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT. DEED/OFFICIAL RECORDS OF BRAZOS TY, TEXAS. Ni LIME y4GyPA6( i R FEBRUARY 11, 2002 THAT THIS SUBDIVISION PLAT CONFvKwp TO THE REOUREMENTS OF THE SLREDIVISION REGULATIONS OF 1 AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT HE/THEY EXECUTED THE SAME FOR PURPOSES AND CONSIDERATION THE CITY OF GE STATION. TE S t7/`) iL(0 01L - kcAi m o I I'// /1 7AM n13 SURVEYOR ENGINEER THEREIN STATED. L[ -C- . J GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL ON THIS V DAY OF COUNTY CLERK, BRAZOS WNTY, TEXAS DEl1pRAM ANN GRACE CITY ENGINEER, COLLEGE STA TEXAS atlfd l~ 7573 "ucm t Or. 5[a A707 ASH & BM WME ENGINEMUNG, INC. ' ra Cp~wLSSgti •.7o~et7 TRONG 6tr% Tma 77E02 _ knjvmi r aid l unauliam., J ~V M"m M-911M I P.O Box IOx}8, ('ollcge Station. faxat 771147. ' URVEYIi G Fir (409) 737-00!06 NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF TEXAS --,rrtrr+s.rsn~.,.trerrv+'►1' lR1&mc 4iY7i66914 X'i.y SJX3~ Fay via X4A.MY 14 1027004-006-( PAGE 1 OF 7 PAGES Amm, 5