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TheCommissionheardthisitemon1Mayandvoted7-0torecommendapproval. TheCityCouncilheardthisitemon22Mayandvoted7-0forapproval. x AComprehensiveLandUsePlanamendmentfromIndustrial/R&DtoResidential Attachedfor6.2acreslocatedat1250HarveyMitchellParkwaygenerallylocatedat thesouthwestcorneroftheintersectionofHarveyMitchellParkwayandLuther StreetWest.TheCommissionheardthisitemon1Mayandvoted5-2torecommend approval.TheCityCouncilheardthisitemon22Mayandvoted6-0(withone abstention)todenytherequest. 8.Presentation,possibleaction,anddiscussionregardingtheP&ZCalendarofUpcoming Meetings. ™July3,2008~Planning&ZoningMeeting~CityHallCouncilChambers~6:00 p.m.Workshop&7:00p.m.Regular ™July10,2008~JointWorkshopMeetingwithCityCouncil~CityHallCouncil Chambers 9.Presentation,discussionandpossibleactionregardingtheComprehensivePlanning process. 10.Discussion,reviewandpossibleactionregardingthefollowingmeetings:DesignReview Board,CIPBondCommittee,CouncilTransportationCommittee,JointBryan P&Z/CollegeStationP&ZCommitteeonCommonGatewaysandCorridors,Joint Parks/Planning&ZoningSubcommittee,CSISDRezoningCommittee,CSISDLong Range EducationPlanningCommittee. 11.Discussionandpossibleactiononfutureagendaitems–APlanningandZoningMember mayinquireaboutasubjectforwhichnoticehasnotbeengiven.Astatementofspecific factualinformationortherecitationofexistingpolicymaybegiven.Anydeliberation shallbelimitedtoaproposaltoplacethesubjectonanagendaforasubsequentmeeting. 12.Adjourn. ConsultationwithAttorney{Gov'tCodeSection551.071};possibleaction. ThePlanningandZoningCommissionmayseekadvicefrom itsattorneyregardingapendingandcontemplated litigationsubject orattorney-clientprivilegedinformation.Afterexecutivesessiondiscussion,anyfinalactionorvotetakenwillbe inpublic.If litigationorattorney-clientprivilegedinformationissuesariseastothepostedsubjectmatterofthisPlanningandZoning Commissionmeeting,anexecutivesessionwillbeheld. Notice isherebygiventhataWorkshopMeetingofthe CollegeStationPlanningandZoning Commission, CollegeStation, TexaswillbeheldontheThursday,June19,2008at5:30PMattheCityHallCouncilChambers,1101TexasAvenue, CollegeStation,Texas.Thefollowingsubjectswillbediscussed,towit:SeeAgenda. Postedthisthe_____dayofJune,2008at_______ , CITYOFCOLLEGESTATION,TEXAS By_____________________________ Connie Hooks,CitySecretary I,theundersigned,doherebycertifythattheaboveNoticeoftheWorkshopMeetingofthePlanningandZoning CommissionoftheCityofCollegeStation,Texas,isatrueandcorrectcopyofsaidNoticeandthatIpostedatrueand correctcopyofsaidnoticeonthebulletinboardatCityHall,1101TexasAvenue,inCollegeStation,Texas,andtheCity’s website,www.cstx.gov.TheAgendaandNoticearereadilyaccessibletothegeneralpublicatalltimes.SaidNoticeand AgendawerepostedonJune___,2008,at_______andremainedsopostedcontinuouslyforatleast72hourspreceding thescheduledtimeofsaidmeeting. ThispublicnoticewasremovedfromtheofficialpostingboardattheCollegeStationCity Hallonthefollowingdateand time:______________________by_________________________. Datedthis_____dayof_____________,2008. CITYOFCOLLEGESTATION,TEXAS By_____________________________ Subscribedandsworntobeforemeonthisthedayof_______________,2008. NotaryPublic-BrazosCounty,Texas Mycommissionexpires: Thisbuilding iswheelchairaccessible.Handicapparkingspacesareavailable.Anyrequestforsigninterpretiveservice mustbemade48hoursbeforethemeeting.Tomakearrangementscall(979)764-3517or(TDD)1-800-735-2989. Agendasmaybeviewedonwww.cstx.gov.PlanningandZoningCommissionmeetingsarebroadcastliveonCableAccess Channel19. AGENDA PLANNING&ZONINGCOMMISSION RegularMeeting Thursday,June19,2008at7:00 PM CityHallCouncilChambers 1101TexasAvenue CollegeStation,Texas 1.Callmeetingtoorder. HearCitizens. 2.Atthistime,theChairmanwillopenthefloortocitizenswishingto addresstheCommissiononplanningandzoningissuesnotalreadyscheduledontonight's agenda.Thecitizenpresentationswillbelimitedtothreeminutesinorderto accommodateeveryonewhowishestoaddresstheCommissionandtoallowadequate timeforcompletionoftheagendaitems.TheCommissionwillreceivetheinformation, askcitystafftolookintothematter,orwillplacethematteronafutureagendafor discussion.(Arecordingismadeofthemeeting;pleasegiveyournameandaddressfor therecord.) AllmatterslistedunderItem3,ConsentAgenda,areconsideredroutinebythePlanningand ZoningCommissionandwillbeenactedbyonemotion.Theseitemsincludepreliminaryand finalplats,wherestaffhasfoundcompliancewithallminimumsubdivisionregulations.All itemsapprovedbyConsentareapprovedwithanyandallstaffrecommendations.Therewillnot beseparatediscussionoftheseitems.IfanyCommissionerdesirestodiscussanitemonthe Consent Agendaitwillbemovedtothe RegularAgendaforfurtherconsideration. ConsentAgenda 3.. 3.1Consideration,discussionandpossibleactiononAbsenceRequestsfrom meetings. x JohnNichols~June19,2008~Workshop&Regular x BillDavis~June19,2008~Workshop&Regular x BillDavis~July17,2008~Workshop&Regular x BillDavis~August7,2008~Workshop&Regular 3.2Presentation,possibleaction,anddiscussiononaFinalPlatfortheWare Addition,consistingofoneloton1.371acres,locatedat2800UniversityDrive Case#08- East,generallylocatedatthenorthwestcornerofVeteransPark. 00500100(JS)  3.3Presentation,possibleaction,anddiscussionofaFinalPlatfortheRockPrairie MarketplaceSubdivisionconsistingof1loton9.0137acreslocatedat4005State Highway6South,generallylocatedonthesoutheastcorneroftheintersectionof Case#08-00500109(LB) RockPrairieRoadandStateHighway6South. RegularAgenda 4.Consideration,discussion,andpossibleactiononitemsremovedfromtheConsent AgendabyCommissionaction. 5.Publichearing,presentation,possibleaction,anddiscussionregardinganannexation (LS) petitionfor1.02acreslocatedinthe3200blockofRockPrairieRoadWest. 6.Publichearing,presentation,possibleaction,anddiscussionregardinganamendmentto theComprehensiveLandUsePlanfromSingleFamilyResidentialMediumDensityto Industrial/R&Dfor2.04acreslocatedat3227RockPrairieRoadWestgenerally locatedsouthoftheWilliamsgateSubdivisionand2,000feetwestoftheintersectionwith Case#08-00500115(JS) WellbornRoad. 7.Publichearing,presentation,possibleaction,anddiscussionregardingarezoningfrom A-OAgriculturalOpentoC-2Commercial-Industrialfor2.04acreslocatedat3227Rock PrairieRoadWestgenerallylocatedsouthoftheWilliamsgateSubdivisionand2,000feet Case#08-00500114(JS) westoftheintersectionwithWellbornRoad. 8.Publichearing,presentation,possibleactionanddiscussiononaFinalPlatforHorse HavenEstatesPhase4,includingareplatofHorseHavenEstatesLot2C,consistingof 74lotson14.47acreslocatedat2691HorseHavenLane,generallylocatednorthof Case#08-00500106(JP) HorseHaven LaneandsouthofSwitchStationRoad. 9.Publichearing,presentation,possibleaction,anddiscussionregardinganordinance amendmenttoChapter12oftheCodeofOrdinances,UnifiedDevelopmentOrdinance Case#08-00500001(MH) Section2.4DesignReviewBoardregardingmembership. 10.Publichearing,presentation,possibleaction,anddiscussionregardinganordinance amendmenttoChapter12oftheCodeofOrdinances,UnifiedDevelopmentOrdinance Section7.9.B.6,TrafficImpactAnalysis;Section7.9.H,SubmittalRequirements;and Case#08-00500001(BC) addingSection7.12, TrafficImpactAnalysis. 11.Discussionandpossibleactiononfutureagendaitems–APlanningandZoningMember mayinquireaboutasubjectforwhichnoticehasnotbeengiven.Astatementofspecific factualinformationortherecitationofexistingpolicymaybegiven.Anydeliberation shallbelimitedtoaproposaltoplacethesubjectonanagendaforasubsequentmeeting. 12.Adjourn. ConsultationwithAttorney{Gov'tCodeSection551.071};possibleaction. ThePlanningandZoningCommissionmayseekadvicefrom itsattorneyregardingapendingandcontemplated litigationsubject orattorney-clientprivilegedinformation.Afterexecutivesessiondiscussion,anyfinalactionorvotetakenwillbe inpublic.If litigationorattorney-clientprivilegedinformationissuesariseastothepostedsubjectmatterofthisPlanningandZoning Commissionmeeting,anexecutivesessionwillbeheld.  NoticeisherebygiventhataRegularMeetingoftheCollegeStationPlanningandZoningCommission,CollegeStation, TexaswillbeheldontheThursday,June19,2008at7:00PMattheCityHallCouncilChambers,1101TexasAvenue, CollegeStation,Texas.Thefollowingsubjectswillbediscussed,towit:SeeAgenda. Postedthisthe_____dayofJune,2008,at_______ CITYOFCOLLEGESTATION,TEXAS By_____________________________ Connie Hooks,CitySecretary I,theundersigned,doherebycertifythattheaboveNoticeofMeetingofthePlanningandZoningCommissionoftheCity ofCollegeStation,Texas, isatrueandcorrectcopyofsaidNoticeandthatIpostedatrueandcorrectcopyofsaidnotice onthebulletinboardatCityHall,1101TexasAvenue,inCollegeStation,Texas,andtheCity’swebsite,www.cstx.gov. TheAgendaandNoticearereadilyaccessibletothegeneralpublicatalltimes.SaidNoticeandAgendawerepostedon June___,2008,at_______andremainedsopostedcontinuouslyforatleast72hoursprecedingthescheduledtimeofsaid meeting. ThispublicnoticewasremovedfromtheofficialpostingboardattheCollegeStationCity Hallonthefollowingdateand time:______________________by_________________________. Datedthis_____dayof_____________,2008. CITYOFCOLLEGESTATION,TEXAS By_____________________________ Subscribedandsworntobeforemeonthisthedayof_______________,2008. NotaryPublic-BrazosCounty,Texas Mycommissionexpires: Thisbuilding iswheelchairaccessible.Handicapparkingspacesareavailable.Anyrequestforsigninterpretiveservice mustbemade48hoursbeforethemeeting.Tomakearrangementscall(979)764-3517or(TDD)1-800-735-2989. Agendasmaybeviewedonwww.cstx.gov.PlanningandZoningCommissionmeetingsarebroadcastliveonCableAccess Channel19.  è×ÄÛÉûÆ×ÎÇ×ìíúÍÄ  ùÍÐÐ×Õ×éÈÛÈÓÍÎè×ÄÛÉ  ìÔÍÎ×   öÛÄ  MEMORANDUM òÇÎ×  èíìÐÛÎÎÓÎÕÛÎØâÍÎÓÎÕùÍÏÏÓÉÉÓÍÎ öêíïùÊÓÉÉÃôÛÊÈÐûóùìÛÎØòÛÉÍÎéÙÔÇÚ×ÊÈûóùìéÈÛÖÖìÐÛÎÎ×ÊÉ Review of Non-Residential Architectural Standards Ordinance éçúò÷ùè ì Item: Ê×É×ÎÈÛÈÓÍÎÌÍÉÉÓÚÐ×ÛÙÈÓÍÎÛÎØØÓÉÙÇÉÉÓÍÎÊ×ÕÛÊØÓÎÕÛÊ×ÆÓ×ÅÍÖé×ÙÈÓÍÎîÍÎ ê×ÉÓØ×ÎÈÓÛÐûÊÙÔÓÈ×ÙÈÇÊÛÐéÈÛÎØÛÊØÉÍÖÈÔ×çÎÓÖÓ×Øø×Æ×ÐÍÌÏ×ÎÈíÊØÓÎÛÎÙ× ûÈÈÔ×Ê×ËÇ×ÉÈÍÖÈÔ×ìÐÛÎÎÓÎÕâÍÎÓÎÕùÍÏÏÓÉÉÓÍÎéÈÛÖÖÅÛÉÛÉÑ×ØÈÍÊ×ÆÓ×ÅÈÔ×îÍÎ ê×ÉÓØ×ÎÈÓÛÐûÊÙÔÓÈ×ÙÈÇÊÛÐéÈÛÎØÛÊØÉÍÊØÓÎÛÎÙ×ÛÉÅ×ÐÐÛÉÈÔ×ÌÊÍÒ×ÙÈÉÈÔÛÈÅ×Ê×ÚÇÓÐÈÇÎØ×ÊÈÔÍÉ× Ê×ËÇÓÊ×Ï×ÎÈÉèÔ×ÖÓÎØÓÎÕÉÛÊ×ÓÎÈ×ÎØ×ØÈÍÌÊÍÆÓØ×ØÓÉÙÇÉÉÓÍÎÌÍÓÎÈÉÛÏÍÎÕéÈÛÖÖÛÎØÈÔ× ùÍÏÏÓÉÉÓÍÎÈÍØ×È×ÊÏÓÎ×ÅÔÛÈÙÔÛÎÕ×ÉÓÖÛÎÃÉÔÍÇÐØÚ×ÏÛØ×ÈÍÈÔ×ÍÊØÓÎÛÎÙ× Background óÎ ÈÔ×ùÓÈÃùÍÇÎÙÓÐØÓÊ×ÙÈ×ØéÈÛÖÖÈÍÛØØÊ×ÉÉÛÊÙÔÓÈ×ÙÈÇÊÛÐÓÉÉÇ×ÉÙÍÎÙ×ÊÎÓÎÕÎÍÎ Ê×ÉÓØ×ÎÈÓÛÐØ×Æ×ÐÍÌÏ×ÎÈÉûÉÛÊ×ÉÇÐÈÈÔ×îÍÎê×ÉÓØ×ÎÈÓÛÐûÊÙÔÓÈ×ÙÈÇÊÛÐéÈÛÎØÛÊØÉÅ×Ê× ÛØÍÌÈ×ØÓÎíÙÈÍÚ×Ê ûÙÙÍÊØÓÎÕÐÃÛÎ×ÅÉ×ÙÈÓÍÎÅÛÉÛØØ×ØÈÍÈÔ×çÎÓÖÓ×Øø×Æ×ÐÍÌÏ×ÎÈ íÊØÓÎÛÎÙ×ÈÔÛÈÖÍÙÇÉ×ØÍÎÚÇÓÐØÓÎÕÏÛÈ×ÊÓÛÐÉÙÍÐÍÊÉÛÎØÛÊÙÔÓÈ×ÙÈÇÊÛÐÖ×ÛÈÇÊ×ÉÓÎÙÊ×ÛÉ×Ø ÐÛÎØÉÙÛÌÓÎÕÛÎØÌÛÊÑÓÎÕÐÍÈÙÍÎÖÓÕÇÊÛÈÓÍÎÉÈÛÎØÛÊØÉÖÍÊÐÛÊÕ×ÊÉÙÛÐ×Ø×Æ×ÐÍÌÏ×ÎÈÉÛÎØÈÊÛÖÖÓÙ ÓÏÌÛÙÈÉÈÇØÓ×ÉÖÍÊÏÍÉÈÎÍÎÊ×ÉÓØ×ÎÈÓÛÐØ×Æ×ÐÍÌÏ×ÎÈÌÊÍÒ×ÙÈÉÓÎùÍÐÐ×Õ×éÈÛÈÓÍÎéÓÎÙ×ÈÔ× ÍÊØÓÎÛÎÙ×ÔÛÉÚ××ÎÓÎ×ÖÖ×ÙÈÍÆ×Ê ÌÊÍÒ×ÙÈÉÔÛÆ×Ú××ÎÊ×ÆÓ×Å×ØÛÙÙÍÊØÓÎÕÈÍÈÔ×îÍÎ ê×ÉÓØ×ÎÈÓÛÐûÊÙÔÓÈ×ÙÈÇÊÛÐéÈÛÎØÛÊØÉÛÎØÏÛÎÃÍÖÈÔÍÉ×ÌÊÍÒ×ÙÈÉÔÛÆ×Ú××ÎÚÇÓÐÈûÉÇÏÏÛÊÃÍÖ ÈÔ×ÍÊØÓÎÛÎÙ×Ê×ËÇÓÊ×Ï×ÎÈÉÓÉÌÊÍÆÓØ×ØÚ×ÐÍÅÛÎØÛÙÍÌÃÍÖÈÔ×ÍÊØÓÎÛÎÙ×ÓÉÛÈÈÛÙÔ×ØèÔ× ìÐÛÎÎÓÎÕø×Æ×ÐÍÌÏ×ÎÈé×ÊÆÓÙ×ÉÉÈÛÖÖÅÓÐÐÐ×ÛØÛØÓÉÙÇÉÉÓÍÎÅÓÈÔÈÔ×ìÐÛÎÎÓÎÕâÍÎÓÎÕ ùÍÏÏÓÉÉÓÍÎÛÚÍÇÈÈÔ×ÍÊØÓÎÛÎÙ×ÅÔÓÙÔÏÛÃÛÐÉÍÓÎÙÐÇØ×ØÓÊ×ÙÈÓÍÎÖÍÊÌÍÉÉÓÚÐ×ÛÏ×ÎØÏ×ÎÈÉ Summary of Section 7.9: Non-Residential Architectural Standards Applicability ûÉÉÈÛÈ×ØÓÎÈÔ×çøíÈÔ×îÍÎê×ÉÓØ×ÎÈÓÛÐûÊÙÔÓÈ×ÙÈÇÊÛÐéÈÛÎØÛÊØÉîêû ÍÊØÓÎÛÎÙ×ÛÌÌÐÓ×ÉÈÍÈÔ×Ø×Æ×ÐÍÌÏ×ÎÈÊ×Ø×Æ×ÐÍÌÏ×ÎÈÛÎØÖÛUÛØ×ÙÔÛÎÕ×ÉÈÍÛÐÐÎÍÎÊ×ÉÓØ×ÎÈÓÛÐ ÚÇÓÐØÓÎÕÉÚÍÈÔÓÎØÓÆÓØÇÛÐÛÎØÅÓÈÔÓÎÛÚÇÓÐØÓÎÕÌÐÍÈÐÍÙÛÈ×ØÓÎÛÎÃÂÍÎÓÎÕØÓÉÈÊÓÙÈÅÓÈÔÈÔ× ×ÄÙ×ÌÈÓÍÎÍÖÈÔ×ÓÎØÇÉÈÊÓÛÐîÍÊÈÔÕÛÈ×ÛÎØÊ×É×ÛÊÙÔØ×Æ×ÐÍÌÏ×ÎÈÂÍÎÓÎÕØÓÉÈÊÓÙÈÉèÔ× ÍÊØÓÎÛÎÙ×ÛÐÉÍØÍ×ÉÎÍÈÛÌÌÐÃÈÍÙÔÇÊÙÔÚÇÓÐØÓÎÕÉ  Building Mass and Design ¦öÍÊÛÐÐÖÛUÛØ×ÉÖÛÙÓÎÕÛÊÓÕÔÈÍÖÅÛÃÈÅÍÛÊÙÔÓÈ×ÙÈÇÊÛÐ×Ð×Ï×ÎÈÉ ÛÊ×Ê×ËÇÓÊ×Ø×Æ×ÊÃÐÓÎ×ÛÊÖ××ÈèÅÍÛÊÙÔÓÈ×ÙÈÇÊÛÐ×Ð×Ï×ÎÈÉÛÊ×Ê×ËÇÓÊ×Ø×Æ×Êà ÐÓÎ×ÛÊÖ××È ÖÍÊÛÐÐÍÈÔ×ÊÖÛUÛØ×ÉÍÖÈÔ×ÚÇÓÐØÓÎÕûÊÙÔÓÈ×ÙÈÇÊÛÐ×Ð×Ï×ÎÈÉÏÛÃÓÎÙÐÇØ×ÙÛÎÍÌÓ×ÉÛÅÎÓÎÕÉ ÍÆ×ÊÔÛÎÕÉÅÛÐÐÌÐÛÎ×ÌÊÍÒ×ÙÈÓÍÎÉÍÊÊ×Ù×ÉÉÓÍÎÉÌÓÐÛÉÈ×ÊÉÙÍÐÇÏÎÉÊ×Ù×ÉÉ×Ø×ÎÈÊÓ×ÉÉÈÍÍÌÉ ÌÍÊÙÔ×ÉÛÊÙÛØ×ÉÚÛÐÙÍÎÓ×ÉÍÊÚÍÄ×ØÍÊÚÛÃÅÓÎØÍÅÉúÇÓÐØÓÎÕÉÍÊÚÇÓÐØÓÎÕÌÐÍÈÉÍÖÛÈÐ×ÛÉÈ   ÉËÇÛÊ×Ö××ÈÏÇÉÈÓÎÙÍÊÌÍÊÛÈ×ÖÛUÛØ×ÛÊÈÓÙÇÐÛÈÓÍÎÉÅÛÐÐÌÐÛÎÌÊÍÒ×ÙÈÓÍÎÉÍÊÊ×Ù×ÉÉÓÍÎÉÍÖ ÛÏÓÎÓÏÇÏÍÖÖ××ÈÓÎØ×ÌÈÔÉÇÙÔÈÔÛÈÎÍÏÍÊ×ÈÔÛÎ Ì×ÊÙ×ÎÈÍÖÛÖÛUÛØ×ÖÛÙÓÎÕÛÌÇÚÐÓÙ ÊÓÕÔÈÍÖÅÛÃÓÉÍÎÈÔ×ÉÛÏ×ÙÍÎÈÓÎÇÍÇÉÕ×ÍÏ×ÈÊÓÙÌÐÛÎ× ûØØÓÈÓÍÎÛÐÐÃÛÖÐÛÈÊÍÍÖÍÎÚÇÓÐØÓÎÕÉÐ×ÉÉÈÔÛÎÈÔÊ××ÉÈÍÊÓ×ÉÉÔÛÐÐÔÛÆ×ÆÛÊÓ×ØÛÊÈÓÙÇÐÛÈÓÍÎÉÍÈÔÛÈ ÎÍÏÍÊ×ÈÔÛÎÍÖÈÔ×ÊÍÍÖÐÓÎ×ÓÉÍÎÈÔ×ÉÛÏ××Ð×ÆÛÈÓÍÎ Building Materials ¦ûÐÐÚÇÓÐØÓÎÕÖÛÙÛØ×ÉÈÔÛÈÛÊ×ÆÓÉÓÚÐ×ÖÊÍÏÛÌÇÚÐÓÙÊÓÕÔÈÍÖÅÛÃÉÔÛÐÐÔÛÆ×ÛÈ Ð×ÛÉÈ ÍÖÈÔ×ÖÍÐÐÍÅÓÎÕÏÛÈ×ÊÓÛÐÉÖÓÊ×ØÚÊÓÙÑÎÛÈÇÊÛÐÉÈÍÎ×ÏÛÊÚÐ×ÕÊÛÎÓÈ×ÈÓÐ×ÛÎÃÙÍÎÙÊ×È× ÌÊÍØÇÙÈØ×ÉÓÕÎ×ØÈÍÉÓÏÇÐÛÈ×ÛÎÃÍÖÈÔ×ÛÚÍÆ×ÏÛÈ×ÊÓÛÐÉûØØÓÈÓÍÎÛÐÉÈÛÎØÛÊØÉÛÊ×ÛÐÉÍÓÎÙÐÇØ×Ø ÈÔÛÈÊ×ÕÇÐÛÈ×ÈÔ×ÏÛÄÓÏÇÏÛÏÍÇÎÈÍÖÉÈÇÙÙÍÅÍÍØÍÊÙ×ØÛÊÉÓØÓÎÕÙÍÎÙÊ×È×ÚÐÍÙÑÉÊ×ÖÐ×ÙÈÓÆ× ÕÐÛÉÉÉÈÛÓÎÐ×ÉÉÉÈ××ÐÙÔÊÍÏ×ÛÎØÉÌ×ÙÓÖÓÙÏ×ÈÛÐÉÈÔÛÈÙÛÎÚ×ÇÉ×ØÍÎÈÔ×ÚÇÓÐØÓÎÕÉúÇÓÐØÓÎÕÉ ÍÊÚÇÓÐØÓÎÕÌÐÍÈÉÐ×ÉÉÈÔÛÎ ÉËÇÛÊ×Ö××ÈØÍÎÍÈÔÛÆ×ÈÔ×ÏÛÉÍÎÊÃÊ×ËÇÓÊ×Ï×ÎÈÈÔÍÉ×ÍÖÛÈ Ð×ÛÉÈ  ÉËÇÛÊ×Ö××ÈÏÇÉÈÓÎÙÍÊÌÍÊÛÈ×ÛÈÐ×ÛÉÈ ÏÛÉÍÎÊÃÌÊÍØÇÙÈÉÍÎÛÐÐÖÛÙÛØ×ÉÈÔÛÈ ÖÛÙ×ÛÌÇÚÐÓÙÊÓÕÔÈÍÖÅÛÃÅÔÓÐ×ÈÔÍÉ×ÍÖÛÈÐ×ÛÉÈ   ÉËÇÛÊ×Ö××ÈÏÇÉÈÓÎÙÍÊÌÍÊÛÈ×ÛÈÐ×ÛÉÈ  ÏÛÉÍÎÊÃÌÊÍØÇÙÈÉ Building Colors ¦ûÐÐÚÇÓÐØÓÎÕÖÛUÛØ×ÉÉÔÛÐÐÇÉ×ÛÌÌÊÍÆ×ØÙÍÐÍÊÉÖÊÍÏÈÔ×ùÓÈêÉÙÍÐÍÊÌÛÐ×ÈÈ× ÈÔÍÇÕÔÇÌÈÍ ÍÖÖÛUÛØ×ÏÛÃÇÉ×ÛÙÙ×ÎÈÙÍÐÍÊÉÈÔÍÉ×ÎÍÈÖÍÇÎØÍÎÈÔ×ÙÍÐÍÊÌÛÐ×ÈÈ×èÔ× ÛÐÐÍÅÛÚÐ×ÛÊ×ÛÖÍÊÛÙÙ×ÎÈÙÍÐÍÊÉÓÉÐÓÏÓÈ×ØÈÍ ÖÍÊ  ÉËÇÛÊ×ÖÍÍÈÌÊÍÒ×ÙÈÉÛÎØÖÍÊ   ÉËÇÛÊ×ÖÍÍÈØ×Æ×ÐÍÌÏ×ÎÈÉ Pedestrian & Bike Facilities ¦÷ÛÙÔÚÇÓÐØÓÎÕÍÊÚÇÓÐØÓÎÕÌÐÍÈÉÔÛÐÐÌÊÍÆÓØ×ÛÖÛÙÓÐÓÈÃÙÛÌÛÚÐ×ÍÖ ÉÈÍÊÓÎÕÛÈÐ×ÛÉÈÚÓÙÃÙÐ×ÉÍÎÈÔ×ÉÓÈ×ûÖÛÙÓÐÓÈÃÙÛÌÛÚÐ×ÍÖÉÈÍÊÓÎÕÛÈÐ×ÛÉÈÚÓÙÃÙÐ×ÉÓÉÊ×ËÇÓÊ×Ø ÖÍÊØ×Æ×ÐÍÌÏ×ÎÈÉÐÛÊÕ×ÊÈÔÛÎ  ÉËÇÛÊ×Ö××È Traffic Impact Analysis ¦ûÈÊÛÖÖÓÙÓÏÌÛÙÈÛÎÛÐÃÉÓÉÓÉÊ×ËÇÓÊ×ØÖÍÊØ×Æ×ÐÍÌÏ×ÎÈÉÈÔÛÈÅÓÐÐ Õ×Î×ÊÛÈ× ÈÊÓÌÉÍÊÏÍÊ×Ì×ÊØÛÃûÎÍÊØÓÎÛÎÙ×ÓÉÚ×ÓÎÕÌÊÍÌÍÉ×ØÈÔÛÈÅÓÐÐÊ×ÏÍÆ×èóûÉ ÖÊÍÏÈÔÓÉé×ÙÈÓÍÎÉÓÎÙ×ÈÔ×ÃÅÍÇÐØÚ×Ê×ËÇÓÊ×ØÖÍÊÊ×ÉÓØ×ÎÈÓÛÐÛÎØÎÍÎÊ×ÉÓØ×ÎÈÓÛÐØ×Æ×ÐÍÌÏ×ÎÈÉ Parking Lots ¦éÓÈ×ÉÈÔÛÈÊ×ËÇÓÊ×ÏÍÊ×ÈÔÛÎ ÌÛÊÑÓÎÕÉÌÛÙ×ÉÉÔÛÐÐØ×ÉÓÕÎÈÔ×ÓÊÌÛÊÑÓÎÕÐÍÈÉ ÛÙÙÍÊØÓÎÕÈÍÍÎ×ÍÖÈÔ×ÈÔÊ××ÌÛÊÑÓÎÕÙÍÎÙ×ÌÈÉØ×ÉÙÊÓÚ×ØÓÎÈÔ×çøíèÔ×ÌÛÊÑÓÎÕÙÍÎÙ×ÌÈÉÛÊ× ÓÎÈ×ÎØ×ØÈÍÚÊ×ÛÑÇÌÌÛÊÑÓÎÕÐÍÈÛÊ×ÛÉÛÎØÏÓÎÓÏÓÂ×ÆÓÉÇÛÐÓÏÌÛÙÈÛÉÅ×ÐÐÛÉÌÊÍÆÓØ×ÏÍÊ× Ì×Ø×ÉÈÊÓÛÎÍÌÌÍÊÈÇÎÓÈÓ×ÉÚÃÌÊÍÆÓØÓÎÕÐÛÎØÉÙÛÌÓÎÕÉÈÊÓÌÉÍÊÐÛÊÕ×ÊÓÉÐÛÎØÉ Additional Standards for Larger Developments ¦ûØØÓÈÓÍÎÛÐÉÈÛÎØÛÊØÉÖÍÊÚÇÓÐØÓÎÕÏÛÉÉÛÎØ Ø×ÉÓÕÎÚÇÓÐØÓÎÕÙÍÐÍÊÉÛÎØÐÛÎØÉÙÛÌÓÎÕÏÛÃÚ×Ê×ËÇÓÊ×ØÖÍÊÉÓÈ×ÉÈÔÛÈÏ××ÈÍÊ×ÄÙ××Ø ÈÔÊ×ÉÔÍÐØÉÉ×ÈÛÈ    ÛÎØ   ÉËÇÛÊ×Ö××È Variances – èÔ×ø×ÉÓÕÎê×ÆÓ×ÅúÍÛÊØÔÛÉÈÔ×ÛÇÈÔÍÊÓÈÃÈÍÔ×ÛÊÛÎØØ×ÙÓØ×ÍÎÆÛÊÓÛÎÙ×É Ê×ÕÛÊØÓÎÕÚÇÓÐØÓÎÕÏÛÈ×ÊÓÛÐÉÛÎØÙÍÐÍÊÉÉÙÊ××ÎÓÎÕÏ×ÈÔÍØÉÛÊÙÔÓÈ×ÙÈÇÊÛÐÊ×ÐÓ×Ö×Ð×Ï×ÎÈÉÛÎØ ÌÛÊÑÓÎÕÐÍÈÙÍÎÙ×ÌÈÉ Attachments: çøíé×ÙÈÓÍÎîÍÎê×ÉÓØ×ÎÈÓÛÐûÊÙÔÓÈ×ÙÈÇÊÛÐéÈÛÎØÛÊØÉ  Article 7. General Development Standards Section 7.7 Solid Waste The interior clearance (inside the screen) dimensions for a double (two eight-yard) 6. dumpster enclosure shall be twelve feet deep by twenty-four feet (12’ x 24’) wide; Bollards and other such devices shall not be set within the minimum width dimensions 7. noted above; All required containers and dumpsters pads shall be constructed of six inches (6”) of 8. steel-reinforced concrete; All required containers and dumpsters shall be screened by means of an approved six- 9. foot (6’) high opaque device on a minimum of three sides. Depending on visibility to pedestrian and vehicular traffic, a gate may be required for all enclosures except 300- gallon side-loading automated containers. Gates shall have a minimum width of twelve feet (12’) when open, shall swing 180 degrees from the closed position, and shall utilize a positive-locking mechanism while in the open position. Three hundred-gallon side- loading automated container enclosures shall be open on the side, facing the collection point. The open side cannot be facing the public right-of-way. Materials may be dictated by the terms of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) or the Design Review Board (DRB); and The ingress, egress, and approach to all dumpster pads shall conform to the fire lane 10. requirements. Per Ordinance No. 2902 (June 8, 2006) 7.8Drainage and Stormwater Management This Section is reserved. Any reference to this Section shall apply to Chapter 13 of theC ODE OF O,FHP. RDINANCESLOODAZARDROTECTION 7.9Non-Residential Architectural Standards A.Applicability The design standards of this Section shall apply to development, redevelopment, and façade changes to all non-residential buildings located in any zoning district with the exception of the M-1, M-2, R&D, NG-1, NG-2, and NG-3 districts. All buildings shall be subject to the following standards. This applies to single tenant buildings, multiple tenant buildings, and any grouping of attached or stand alone buildings and associated pad sites. Exemptions: Churches Per Ordinance No. 2902 (June 8, 2006) B.Standards for All Non-Residential Structures The following table summarizes the Non-Residential Architectural Standards for the City of College Station: 7-43  Unified Development Ordinance 12/24/07 City of College Station Article 7. General Development Standards Section 7.9 Non-Residential Architectural Standards NRA SUMMARY TABLE Gross Square Feet in Area of Building/Combination of Buildings 20,000 to 50,000 to Under 20,000 150,000 + 49,000149,999 Façade Standards BUILDING MASS & DESIGN R, no R, no moremore 2 elements of architectural thanthan R R relief every 45 feet 33% on 33% on same same plane plane 2 elements of architectural R R R R relief every 60 feet No more than 66% of R R R R roofline at same elevation BUILDING MATERIALS  10% R 10% R if 10% R Brick, stone, marble, Ê×ËÇÓÊ×Ø 10%if visible visible if visible granite, tile or specified 25% R 25% R 50% R ÓÖÆÓÉÓÚÐ× Rfromfromfrom ÖÊÍÏ concrete product ROW ROW ROW êíå 75% max; 100% Stucco, EIFS, specified allowed w/ 2 75% max concrete product colors, if under 5, 000 s.f. Wood or cedar siding 30% max Smooth face, tinted 10% max concrete blocks 80%80%80%80% Reflective glass 100%100%100%100% maxmaxmaxmax Stainless steel, chrome, standing seam metal, 20% max premium grade architectural metal Painted steel panel siding Rear of building only if not visible from ROW, parkland, greenway, or residences and galvanized steel BUILDING COLORS Accent Colors per façade 15% 15% 10% 5% PEDESTRIAN / BIKE FACILITIES 10' sidewalk along facade R R Pedestrian walkways R R Bicycle parking spaces 4 R 4 R 8 R 8 R PARKING LOTS Parking Concept for more R, Additional R that 120 spaces Standards Apply OTHER REQUIREMENTS Public space or plaza R, 500 S.F. min. Landscape Double pts Double pts Tree wells R R Minimum tree size 2" caliper 2" caliper 7-44 Unified Development Ordinance 12/24/07 City of College Station Article 7. General Development Standards Section 7.9 Non-Residential Architectural Standards R = Required * = A façade is considered to be “facing public right-of-way” when an imaginary plane could be extended unobstructed by a wall or structure from at least 25% of the façade into the public right-of-way adjacent to the building plot. For the purposes of this section, public rights-of-way shall include all forms of passageways (such as streets, sidewalks, and bike paths) dedicated or deeded to the public for public use. ** = When a property does not have frontage on a public right-of-way, the primary entrance façade of the building(s) will meet the standards of a “façade facing a public right-of-way.” Required Screening 1. All mechanical equipment shall be screened from view or isolated so as not to be visible from any public right-of-way or residential district within 150 feet of the perimeter boundary of the subject lot or tract, measured from a point five (5’) feet above grade. Such screening shall be coordinated with the building architecture, materials, colors and scale to maintain a unified appearance. Acceptable methods of screening are: encasement, parapet walls, partition screens, brick/stone/masonry walls or fences. Detention ponds shall be screened using berms, shrubs, brick/stone/masonry walls or a combination of these to achieve a 3-foot high screen above the visible perimeter of the pond’s finished grade. No screening is required for retention ponds designed to also serve as year round water features. Building Mass and Design 2. In order to provide visual interest, the first two (2) stories of any façade facing a public right-of-way shall use architectural relief every forty-five horizontal feet (45’) by incorporating a minimum of two (2) different design elements within each forty-five foot (45’) section from the options below. All other façades shall incorporate a minimum of two (2) different design elements within each sixty-foot (60’) section as described 7-45 Unified Development Ordinance 12/24/07 City of College Station Article 7. General Development Standards Section 7.9 Non-Residential Architectural Standards above. Wall sections less than forty-five feet (45’) or sixty feet (60’) respectively, shall also be required to provide the two (2) different design elements. Canopies, permanent decorative awnings, or windows accompanied by overhangs; Wall plane projections or recessions with a minimum of four foot (4’) depth; Pilasters or columns; Recessed entries, stoops, porches, or arcades; Balconies that extend from the building; or Boxed or bay windows. Roof or Parapet Min. 2' Max. 66% of length As represented above, on buildings three (3) stories or less, the horizontal line of a flat roof (or parapet) along any façade facing a public right-of-way shall vary by a minimum of two feet (2’) feet up or down so that no more than sixty-six percent (66%) of the roofline is on the same elevation. Building Materials 3. All buildings determined to be a single building plot by the Administrator shall have materials and colors that are similar and complement each other architecturally. This applies to all stand alone and pad site buildings, regardless of their use. All exterior façades of a pad site building must meet the requirements for a façade facing a public right-of-way. All buildings shall employ architectural, site, and landscaping design elements that are integrated with and common to those used on the main/primary buildings or structures on site. These common design elements shall include building materials associated with the main/primary structure. In the event that a pad site or non-primary building(s) is developed before the primary/main building(s), then all other buildings, with the exception of stand alone restaurants, shall have materials and colors that are similar and complement each other architecturally to the building constructed first. Existing buildings may continue to utilize materials other than those listed below provided that any material replacement is for maintenance purposes only and the existing material is continued. Any material change or replacement of more than ten percent (10%) of the total area of all facades shall require that all building materials and color be brought into compliance. All other materials are prohibited unless authorized herein or by the Design Review Board (DRB). When determining area herein, windows and doors are included. 7-46 Unified Development Ordinance 12/24/07 City of College Station Article 7. General Development Standards Section 7.9 Non-Residential Architectural Standards The following applies only to the first two (2) stories of all buildings. All building a. façades that are visible from a public right-of-way shall have at least ten percent (10%) of the surface area of the façade consist of one or more of the following building materials: Fired brick; 1) Natural stone; 2) Marble; 3) Granite; 4) Tile; 5) Any concrete product so long as it has an integrated color and is textured or 6) patterned (not aggregate material) to simulate brick, stone, marble, or granite, or is covered with brick, stone, marble granite or tile. Stucco, EIFS (Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems), hardboard, concrete b. products as described in Section 7.9.B.3.a.6 above, reflective glass, certain metal products described in this section below, and cedar siding are allowed on all facades subject to the following limitations: Stucco, EIFS, high build textured paint on concrete to simulate the 1) apperance of EIFS, hard board, or any material equivalent in appearance and quality as determined by the DRB, shall not cover more than seventy- five percent (75%) of any façade. Wood or cedar siding shall not cover more than thirty percent (30%) of any 2) façade. Smooth face, tinted concrete blocks shall only be used as an accent and 3) shall not cover more than ten percent (10%) of any façade. Reflective glass shall not cover greater than eighty percent (80%) of any 4) façade facing a public right-of-way and may cover one hundred percent (100%) of any other façade. Exemption: when calculations are provided by a licensed professional engineer or architect verifying that energy code compliance cannot be achieved without the use of reflective glass, there shall not be a limit on the use of such material. The calculations shall be approved by the Building Official and comply with the IE NTERNATIOAL NERGY C, as adopted and amended by the City of College Station. ODE Stainless steel, chrome, standing seam metal and premium grade 5) architectural metal may be used as an architectural accent and shall not cover greater than twenty percent (20%) of any façade. Painted steel panel siding and galvanized steel is allowed on the rear façade 6) of buildings when the façade is not visible from a right-of way, parkland, or greenway, or any residential area; provided however, that these materials may be used if the façade is screened from adjacent properties. This screening shall be installed regardless of adjacent property zoning or use and in no way shall this Section diminish the requirements for Buffering required in Section 7.6 Plantings, fences, or walls which meet the speci- fications established in Sections 7.6.F.2 or 7.6.F.3 with substitutions allowed as provided for in Section 7.6.F.4 are permitted screening materials and methods. Use of these alternative building materials shall count toward the required percentages of materials as described herein. Galvanized steel and painted steel are allowed on doors, including roll-up 7) doors. Metal, standing seam metal, arcitectural metal or steel may be used as a 8) roof and or canopy/awnings with no limitation on percentage. All architectural submittals shall provide elevation drawings for each façade and a c. material legend (see sample below) for each façade. 7-47 Unified Development Ordinance 12/24/07 City of College Station Article 7. General Development Standards Section 7.9 Non-Residential Architectural Standards City of College Station SAMPLE LEGEND USE OF MATERIALS ON FAÇADE ‘A’ Total Square Footage of Façade ‘A’: 10,000 s.f. Material Area in Square Feet Percent of Overall Façade Stucco 2,000 s.f. 20% Brick 5,000 s.f. 50% Doors and Windows 3,000 s.f. 30% Building Colors 4. All building façades and roofs shall consist of only colors from the color palette a. approved by the City Council as amended by the DRB and maintained in the Office of the Administrator. All other colors shall be considered accent colors and may be used on no more than fifteen percent (15%) of the façade on which the accent color is applied. Neon, metallic (except copper and silver metallic colored roofs) and fluorescent b. colors are prohibited on any façade or roof. When applying brick, colors normally found in manufactured fired brick are c. permitted. All colors of natural stone are permitted. Building and roof color requirements apply to all new buildings, redeveloped d. buildings, and façade work. Color samples shall be submitted for approval to the Office of the Administrator. Existing buildings may continue to utilize colors that are not from the approved e. color palette provided that repainting is done for maintenance purposes only and the existing color is continued. Any color change on existing buildings shall be brought into compliance with this ordinance and color samples shall be submitted as provided herein. Pedestrian / Bike Circulation & Facilities 5. Each building shall provide a facility capable of storing a minimum of four (4) a. bicycles. The area provided for such a facility shall be approximately fifty-five square feet (55 sq. ft.) in area, approximately nine feet by six feet (9’x6’) or as approved by the Administrator. Facilities shall be separated from motor vehicle parking to protect both bicycles b. and vehicles from accidental damage and shall be sufficiently separated from building or other walls, landscaping, or other features to allow for ease and encouragement of use. This separation shall be a minimum of three feet (3’). Bicycles may be permitted on sidewalks or other paved surfaces provided that the bicycles do not block or interfere with pedestrian or vehicular traffic. Bicycle facilities shall be constructed so as to enable the user to secure a bicycle c. by locking the frame and one wheel of each bicycle parked therein. Facilities must be easily usable with both U-locks and cable locks and support the bicycle frame at two points. Facilities shall be anchored securely to the ground. Traffic Impact Analysis 6. This section establishes requirements and procedures pertaining to traffic impact analysis (TIA) for non-residential developments. These requirements are intended to inform the applicant of the City's expectations, expedite the City staff's review process of TIA reports, provide standard criteria for evaluating development proposals, and establish equitable mitigation and cost sharing policies. 7-48  Unified Development Ordinance 12/24/07 City of College Station Article 7. General Development Standards Section 7.9 Non-Residential Architectural Standards The TIA is intended to develop public/private partnerships to coordinate land use and transportation facility development. Both the City of College Station and the land developer share in the responsibility to consider all reasonable solutions to identified transportation problems. Purpose a. This process is done simultaneously with the submittal of a site plan. The goal of this study is to look at a specific development of known size and use and to determine the effect of that use on the existing roadway system. It uses existing traffic volumes and assumes the existing roadway configuration to be used for analysis. This process should ensure that the roadway system is adequate to accommodate the proposed use and may recommend mitigation measures necessary to ensure efficient traffic flow around the proposed site (as based on intersection and roadway levels of service). Objective b. A TIA is intended to define the immediate impacts of the proposed development and any necessary transportation improvements (public or private) required to ensure a satisfactory level of service on all affected thoroughfares. A TIA is designed to mitigate traffic impacts by optimizing roadway capacity, access design, and traffic control. A TIA may not be used to deny development permitted by zoning, nor shall it be used to modify road design contrary to the Comprehensive Plan. Specific improvements to the existing roadways consistent with the Thoroughfare Plan may be needed to gain approval of site plan proposals. Definitions c. Trip Generation Rates - The City's criteria for trip generation for various 1) categories of land use and density shall be those set forth in the latest edition of the trip generation informational report published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) unless the proposed use does not have a corresponding rate in the Trip Generation Manual. Alternate trip generation rates shall not be accepted but shall instead be adopted for City-wide use on the basis of a general study of local conditions. Design Year - The design year is the point in time upon which assumptions 2) pertaining to land use, population, employment, and transportation facilities are based. All TIAs shall use a design year based on the expected date of project occupancy. Base Volumes - Base volumes shall be based on current traffic counts 3) adjusted to the expected date of project occupancy. When available, all base data shall be supplied by the City Traffic Engineer. In all cases when ground counts are needed and are not available, the developer or his agent shall be required to collect such data. Level of Service (LOS) - Level of service is a measure of the level of 4) congestion experienced on roadways. The desirable minimum level of service of the City of College Station is Level of Service D in the peak hour. Level of service shall be measured of both link and intersection operations. Applicability d. A TIA will be required for non-residential site plans submitted for approval that generate 5,000 trips or more per day. A TIA may be required for non-residential site plans submitted for approval that generate less that 5,000 trips per day, where the peaking characteristics could have a detrimental impact on the transportation system as determined by the Administrator or his designee. All TIAs shall be performed by a consultant qualified to perform such studies. Requirements for mitigating negative traffic impacts shall apply to all cases. In certain cases, due to project phasing, a TIA might be required with a concept plan submittal. 7-49  Unified Development Ordinance 12/24/07 City of College Station Article 7. General Development Standards Section 7.9 Non-Residential Architectural Standards It is the responsibility of the applicant to demonstrate that a TIA is not required for a non-residential site plan application, as defined in Section 3.5. In cases where a TIA is required, the site plan application will be considered incomplete until the TIA is submitted. Methodology e. A pre-submission consultation with the Administrator or his designee is required. Details of the required analysis and the study area will be determined at this meeting. In certain instances, traffic from other approved but not built developments may have to be accounted for in traffic assignments. Staff may also require specific assumptions such as percent trucks be altered to match local conditions. Peak hour analysis might be directed to reflect the peak 15 minutes for certain types of land uses. All of these types of issues will be addressed at the pre- submission consultation. The following procedures shall be followed in preparing traffic impact studies f. submitted to the City: Content: Study Area - A map(s) shall be included delineating the TIA study area and 1) all existing and planned streets therein. The study area will be defined in the pre-submission consultation meeting with the Administrator or his designee; Existing Zoning and Development - Describe existing zoning including land 2) area (gross and net) by zoning classification, square footages, numbers of hotel rooms, dwelling units, etc. Also, describe any existing development on- site and how it will be affected by development proposals; Thoroughfare Network - Describe existing thoroughfares, signals and signal 3) phasing, and traffic volumes within the study area; Proposed Development - Describe the proposed development including land 4) area (gross and net), square footage, number of hotel rooms, dwelling units, etc. Also describe roadway conditions as expected by date of occupancy. Indicate roadway and intersection capacities at study date; Impact Determination - Determine the level of service for all thoroughfares 5) and intersections in the study area. The analysis shall contain the following minimum information: Proposed Trip Generation - Calculate total trip generation by use (a) (assuming full development and occupancy) and report any reductions for passer-by, mixed use, etc. Show trip generation by use in tabular form with land use trip generation rates and trips generated. Trip Distribution and Assignment - Trips generated by the (b) proposed development are to be added to the base volumes projected for the design year. Peak hour volumes must be calculated. Distribution assumptions and assignment calculations must be provided. Level of Service Analysis - Show in tabular form, 24 hour and peak (c) hour V/C ratios for links and intersections within the study area. This analysis should be done for the following traffic conditions: existing traffic, background traffic, background plus project traffic. Analyze all points of ingress and egress, median breaks, and turn lanes associated with the proposed site. Conclusions - Provide a summary of points of conflict and congestion. (d) Identify all thoroughfare links or intersections exceeding a Level of Service D and the percent increase in total traffic produced by the proposed site plan. Identify any operational problems (e.g., drives, median openings, and signalization) within the study area. Mitigation 6) Traffic levels exceeding Level of Service D, where the development is (a) contributing 5% or more of the total trips shall be mitigated to 7-50  Unified Development Ordinance 12/24/07 City of College Station Article 7. General Development Standards Section 7.9 Non-Residential Architectural Standards predevelopment levels. Problems demonstrated by the TIA can be corrected by: Access Management requirements in addition to those provided in (b) Article 7.3 and the City of College Station Engineering Design Guidelines relating to driveway and median opening spacing. Modifying density or intensity of use (e.g., reduction in square footage (c) or percentage of commercial use); Phasing construction until additional roadway capacity becomes (d) available; On-site improvements including access controls and site circulation (e) adjustments; and Off-site improvements including the construction of additional lanes (f) where the surrounding thoroughfares are not fully developed or intersection improvements, including signalization, where the surrounding area is approaching full development. Costs of Mitigation 7) Mitigation improvements which are attributable to the proposed development shall be funded at the developer’s expense. Any other improvements shown which are consistent with the Thoroughfare Plan may be repaid by the City in accordance with its cost sharing policies. Parking Lots 7. These requirements are in addition to and not in lieu of the requirements established in Section 7.2. Off Street Parking Standards. Where parking or drive aisles are located between the building and the public a. right-of-way, there shall be a minimum ten foot (10’) setback from the public right-of-way line to the parking area or drive aisle. In order to break up the parking lot area and minimize visual impact, one of the b. following parking concepts is required on any parking lot with greater than one hundred twenty (120) parking spaces. Parking concepts shall be approved by the Administrator provided that it meets one of the following minimum criteria. Pedestrian ways are allowed within the below-described areas. Concept 1 - Every one hundred twenty (120) parking spaces shall be a 1) separate and distinct parking area connected by driving lanes but separated by landscaping strips a minimum of eight (8’) feet wide and the full length of the parking row. Where pedestrian facilities are located within landscape strips or where vehicles would overhang these strips, the strip shall be a minimum of ten feet (10’) wide; or, Concept 2 - For every one hundred and twenty (120) parking spaces, an 2) 1800 square foot landscaped island shall be installed (Landscape Pods). Such island(s) shall be located internal to the parking lot and shall be located so as to visually break up each one hundred twenty (120) parking spaces. The landscaping square footage calculation for parking lots greater than one hundred twenty (120) parking spaces shall be pro-rated at fifteen square feet (15 sq.ft.) of landscaping per parking space; or, Concept 3 - For every one hundred twenty (120) parking spaces, an 3) additional 1,800 square feet of landscaped area shall be added/distributed to the interior row(s) end island(s) located closest to the right-of-way line (i.e. in conjunction with the minimum setback creating a double row of landscaping) but in no event shall the additional landscaped area be located farther than one hundred feet (100') from the right-of-way frontage. The landscaping square footage calculation for parking lots greater than one hundred twenty (120) parking spaces shall be pro-rated at fifteen square feet (15 sq.ft.) of landscaping per parking space. 7-51  Unified Development Ordinance 12/24/07 City of College Station Article 7. General Development Standards Section 7.9 Non-Residential Architectural Standards 7-52  Unified Development Ordinance 12/24/07 City of College Station Article 7. General Development Standards Section 7.9 Non-Residential Architectural Standards Interior island area requirements, as required in Section 7.2, may be consolidated c. into end islands, landscape strips, and landscape pods. Shopping cart storage spaces shall be identified on the site plan. These spaces d. shall not be located in landscape islands or any areas designed for plantings or pedestrian or bike access. C.Standards for less than 5,000 S.F. A single building or combination of buildings less than 5,000 gross square feet in area, whether connected or not, but determined to be a single building plot, may use on hundred percent (100%) EIFS, Stucco, high build textured paint on concrete to simulate the appearance of EIFS, or hardboard, but only if it is painted or tinted with a minimum of two (2) colors to avoid monotony. D.Additional Standards for 20,000 S.F. or Greater In addition to the standards set out in Section 7.9.B, the following shall apply to any single building or combinations of buildings of 20,000 gross square feet in area, whether connected or not, but determined to be a single building plot. Building Material: any façade facing a public right-of-way shall have a minimum of twenty-five percent (25%) (calculation shall be based on the area of the first two (2) stories of any single building(s) façade) brick, stone, marble, granite or a material fabricated to simulate brick or stone (not split-face concrete masonry). E.Additional Standards for 50,000 S.F. or Greater In addition to the standards set out in this Section 7.9.B and 7.9.D, the following shall apply to any single building or combinations of buildings of 50,000 gross square feet in area or greater, whether connected or not, but determined to be a single building plot. Building Mass and Design 1. Façade articulation (wall plane projections or recessions) is required on the first two (2) stories of any façade facing a public right-of-way. No more than thirty-three percent (33%) of any façade facing a public right-of-way shall be on the same continuous geometric plane. Restaurant pad sites are excluded from this articulation requirement but are required to provide architectural relief as provided in the previous section 7.9.B. Wall plane projections or recessions shall have a minimum depth of four feet (4’). Building Colors 2. Accent colors may be used on no greater than ten percent (10%) of the façade on which the accent color is applied. Landscaping 3. These requirements are in addition to and not in lieu of the requirements established in Section 7.5 Landscaping and Tree Protection. The minimum required landscape points for a site shall be double (2 x minimum a. landscape points) of that required for developments of less than 50,000 gross square feet in area. The minimum allowable tree size is two inch (2”) caliper. Streetscape point requirements remain the same and shall count toward the landscape point requirement. Tree wells are required along fifteen percent (15%) of the linear front of any b. façade facing a public right-of-way and shall include a minimum of one (1) canopy tree for every required six feet (6’) in length. Non-canopy trees may be substituted in the tree wells provided that the number required shall be doubled. This landscaping shall count toward the overall landscape requirement. Each tree well shall be a minimum of six feet (6’) square. Tree wells may be at grade or may be raised a maximum of thirty inches (30”) in height, so long as the soil is continuous with the soil at grade. If the tree wells are located within interior 7-53  Unified Development Ordinance 12/24/07 City of College Station Article 7. General Development Standards Section 7.9 Non-Residential Architectural Standards parking islands, then the islands shall not count toward the required interior parking islands as described in Section 7.2.E Interior Islands. All landscaping strips, islands, pods, and areas used to segregate the one hundred c. twenty (120) space parking areas as provided for above under "Parking Lots" must include canopy trees or structural shading. This requirement shall not apply to auto sales lots. Pedestrian / Bike Circulation & Facilities 4. There shall be designated connections among primary buildings and pad sites for a. pedestrian and bicycle traffic. Locations for sidewalks and bicycle parking facilities shall be provided and shown on the site plan. Pedestrian walkways may be incorporated into the landscape strips separating parking areas only if the strip is ten feet (10’) in width. In centers with multiple tenants, one or more facilities capable of storing eight (8) b. bicycles shall be placed in clearly designated, safe, and convenient locations, such that no tenant entrance is farther than one hundred fifty feet (150’) from a bike facility. Pedestrian walkways shall be a minimum of five feet (5’) wide. Pedestrian c. walkways shall connect public street sidewalks, transit stops, parking areas and other buildings in a design that ensures safe pedestrian use. When the walkway is within a parking lot area, it shall be clearly designated using brick pavers or a stamped dyed concrete pattern. There shall be a ten foot (10’) sidewalk along the full frontage of any façade facing d. a public right-of-way. Tree wells and planter boxes shall be placed along this walkway and in a manner that does not obstruct pedestrian movement. Bike parking facilities are allowed in this area. Vehicular parking or cart storage is prohibited. Outside display is allowed but only if it does not occupy more than thirty percent (30%) of this area and meets the requirements of Section 7.11.B Outside Storage and Display. This requirement does not apply to development meeting the definition of a pad site. F.Additional Standards for 150,000 S.F. or Greater In addition to the standards set out in Sections 7.9.B, 7.9.D, and 7.9.E, the following shall apply to any single building or combinations of buildings of 150,000 gross square feet in area or greater, whether connected or not but determined to be a single building plot. Each development shall contain a plaza developed as an integral part of the 1. development and not less than five hundred square feet (500 sq.ft.) in area. This area shall not count toward required parking islands or area requirements of a parking concept as described in 7.9.B.6.b Parking Lots. This area shall incorporate a minimum of three (3) of the following: Seating components* Structural or vegetative shading* Water features* Decorative landscape planters* Public Art* Outdoor eating accommodations Hardscape elements at entrances and within the parking area such as decorative pavers, low masonry walls, clock towers, etc. *These public areas may be located within the parking landscape areas. All facades facing a public right-of-way shall have a minimum of fifty percent (50%) 2. brick, stone, marble, granite, or a material fabricated to simulate brick, or stone (not split-face concrete masonry). The minimum allowable tree size is two and one half inches (2.5”) caliper. 3. 7-54 Unified Development Ordinance 12/24/07 City of College Station Article 7. General Development Standards Section 7.9 Non-Residential Architectural Standards All parking areas must be screened from the public right-of-way using berms. 4. Accent colors may be used on no more than five percent (5%) of the façade on which 5. the accent color is applied. G.Variances - Design Review Board (DRB) The DRB may grant a variance from the standards contained in Section 7.9 of up to one hundred percent (100%) of the total percentage permitted for the following: Substitutions of building materials if the applicant shows that: 1. The building material is a new or innovative material manufactured that has not a. been previously available to the market or the material is not listed as an allowed or prohibited material herein; or The material is similar and comparable in quality and appearance to the materials b. allowed in this Section 7.9; or The material is an integral part of a themed building (example 50’s diner in c. chrome). No variance shall be granted to requirements for brick or stone on buildings twenty thousand (20,000) gross square feet in area or greater. Financial hardship shall not constitute a basis for the variance. Alternate colors or materials on each façade if the applicant shows that: 2. The applicant is a franchised and/or chain restaurant to be developed as a single a. detached building (not integrated into a multi-tenant building); and The proposed colors/materials are part of its corporate branding; and b. The applicant provides all of the alternative color/materials schemes the chain or c. franchise has used. Alternative materials on façade work that does not involve an expansion of an existing 3. building as defined in Section 9 of the UDO or constitute redevelopment if the applicant shows that: The materials allowed in Section 7.9 cannot be utilized without a structural a. alteration(s) to the existing building; and A licensed professional engineer or architect verifies in writing that a structural b. alteration is required to apply the permitted façade materials to the building. The DRB may grant a variance of up to 100% from the façade articulation or c. roofline standards herein if the applicant shows that it is not financially or structurally feasible. Alternatives to the options for screening listed in Section 7.9.B may be considered. 4. Alternatives to the options listed in Section 7.9.B.2 may be considered for approval 5. provided that the alternative incorporates a minimum of two (2) architectural relief elements with spacing as required under Section 7.9.B.2. The DRB may approve the following alternative parking lot concept as follows: 6. The area of a landscaped plaza may be credited toward the area(s) required for a. parking lot landscape concepts in Section 7.9.B.6 Parking Lots, provided that each of the following conditions are met: A minimum of three (3) buildings must be clustered around a plaza; and 1) The area of the plaza and associated landscaping/water features/fountains 2) shall be no less than 1800 square feet for every one hundred twenty (120) parking spaces; and 7-55 Unified Development Ordinance 12/24/07 City of College Station Article 7. General Development Standards Section 7.9 Non-Residential Architectural Standards The clustered buildings may not be physically separated by parking spaces. 3) The area of the landscaped plaza shall only count toward parking spaces located directly behind the clustered buildings and plaza. The point of orientation for determining what is "behind" the clustered buildings and plaza shall be from the adjacent street with the highest rating on the Thoroughfare Plan. All other parking spaces shall meet requirements established in 7.9.B.6 Parking Lots, for minimizing visual impact of parking spaces. The landscaping square footage calculation for parking lots greater than one hundred twenty (120) parking spaces shall be pro-rated at fifteen (15) square feet of landscaping per parking space. H.Submittal Requirements When non-residential architectural standards are applicable, submitted site plans shall 1. include the following, in addition to other site plan application requirements: Accurate building footprint(s); a. Mechanical screening details; b. Detention pond screening details c. Location and number of bicycle parking facilities; d. Park lot configuration in compliance with 7.9.B.6 Parking Lots, if applicable (120 e. parking spaces or more); Additional landscaping requirements, if applicable (50,000 square feet and f. greater); Location of pedestrian walkways, if applicable (50,000 square feet and greater); g. Traffic Impact Analysis, if applicable (5,000 trips per day or greater); h. Location and details of public plaza and amenities, if applicable (150,000 square i. feet and greater). 7-56 Unified Development Ordinance 12/24/07 City of College Station Article 7. General Development Standards Section 7.9 Non-Residential Architectural Standards When non-residential architectural standards are applicable, submitted building plans 2. shall include the following, in addition to other building permit application requirements: Scaled building elevations for each façade, depicting the following: a. Required architectural relief; and 1) Location of building materials. 2) Accurate building footprint(s); b. Sample building materials and color details; and c. Table of vertical square footage and percentage of building materials for each d. façade. Per Ordinance No. 2902 (June 8, 2006) 7.10Outdoor Lighting Standards It is recognized that no design can eliminate all ambient light from being reflected or otherwise being visible from any given development; however, the following requirements shall be followed to the fullest extent possible in order to limit nuisances associated with lighting and resulting glare. All lighting within developments other than single-family residential and duplexes shall meet the requirements of this Section. A.Site Lighting Design Requirements Fixture (luminaire): The light source shall not project below an opaque housing. No 1. fixture shall directly project light horizontally. Light Source (lamp): Only incandescent, florescent, metal halide, mercury vapor, or 2. color corrected high-pressure sodium may be used. The same type must be used for the same or similar types of lighting on any one site throughout any master-planned development. Mounting: Fixtures shall be mounted in such a manner that the projected cone of light 3. does not cross any property line. B.Specific Lighting Requirements Façade and flagpole lighting must be directed only toward the façade or flag and shall 1. not interfere with the night-visibility on nearby thoroughfares or shine directly at any adjacent residential use. All lighting fixtures incorporated into non-enclosed structures (i.e., gas pump canopies, 2. car washes, etc.) shall be fully recessed into the underside of such structures. 7.11Outdoor Storage and Display A.General Outdoor storage and display is allowed in nonresidential districts in accordance with this Section. Any merchandise, material, or equipment situated outdoors and visible from the public right-of-way or adjacent properties shall be subject to the requirements of this Section. No outdoor storage or display shall be allowed to occur in required parking areas. For the purpose of this Section, outdoor storage, display, and sales shall be broken down into four types, as follows. B.Categories of Outdoor Storage and Display Outdoor Display 1. Outdoor display is display of items actively for sale. Outdoor display shall be allowed adjacent to a principal building wall and extending to a distance no greater than five feet from the wall. Such storage shall not be permitted to block windows, entrances, or exits, and shall not impair the ability of pedestrians to use the building or sidewalk. 7-57 Unified Development Ordinance 12/24/07 City of College Station è×ÄÛÉûÆ×ÎÇ×éÍÇÈÔìíúÍÄ  ùÍÐÐ×Õ×éÈÛÈÓÍÎè×ÄÛÉ  ìÔÍÎ×   öÛÄ  MEMORANDUM DATE: òÇÎ×  TO: ï×ÏÚ×ÊÉÍÖÈÔ×ìÐÛÎÎÓÎÕâÍÎÓÎÕùÍÏÏÓÉÉÓÍÎ FROM: ûÐÛÎõÓÚÚÉì÷ùÓÈÃ÷ÎÕÓÎ××Ê SUBJECT:Zero-Rise in Floodplain Development ûÈÈÔ×ïÛà  ùÓÈÃùÍÇÎÙÓÐÆÍÈ×ØÇÎÛÎÓÏÍÇÉÐÃÊ×ËÇ×ÉÈÓÎÕ ÈÔ ÉÈÛÖÖÈÍÚÊÓÎÕÈÔÓÉÉÇÚÒ×ÙÈÓÈ×ÏÈÍÈÔ×òÇÎ× ùÍÇÎÙÓÐï××ÈÓÎÕ ùÇÊÊ×ÎÈÐÃÈÔ×ùÓÈÃÍÖùÍÐÐ×Õ×éÈÛÈÓÍÎùÍØ×ÍÖíÊØÓÎÛÎÙ×ÉùÔ öÐÍÍØôÛÂÛÊØìÊÍÈ×ÙÈÓÍÎ íÊØÓÎÛÎÙ×é×ÙÈÓÍÎõÛÈÈÛÙÔ×ØÌÊÍÔÓÚÓÈÉ×ÎÙÊÍÛÙÔÏ×ÎÈÉÓÎÈÍöÐÍÍØÅÛÃÉÇÎÐ×ÉÉÛÎ ×ÎÕÓÎ××ÊÓÎÕÊ×ÌÍÊÈÓÉÌÊÍÆÓØ×ØØ×ÏÍÎÉÈÊÛÈÓÎÕÎÍÓÎÙÊ×ÛÉ×ÓÎÅÛÈ×ÊÉÇÊÖÛÙ××Ð×ÆÛÈÓÍÎÂ×ÊÍÊÓÉ× óÎÛØØÓÈÓÍÎÈÍÈÔÓÉÏÓÎÓÏÇÏÊ×ËÇÓÊ×Ï×ÎÈÉ×ÈÍÇÈÚÃö÷ïûùÍÐÐ×Õ×éÈÛÈÓÍÎÊ×ËÇÓÊ×ÉÈÔÛÈÈÔ× âÍÎÓÎÕúÍÛÊØÍÖûØÒÇÉÈÏ×ÎÈÉÙÍÎÉÓØ×ÊÉÉÌ×ÙÓÖÓÙÙÊÓÈ×ÊÓÛÛÎØÌÊ×Ê×ËÇÓÉÓÈ×ÉÚ×ÖÍÊ×ÕÊÛÎÈÓÎÕÈÔÓÉ ÛÉÉÍÙÓÛÈ×ØÆÛÊÓÛÎÙ× 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TheCityCouncilgrantedthe petitionattheirmeeting on12June2008andstaff hasinitiatedthe annexationprocess.TheUnifiedDevelopmentOrdinancerequiresthatthePlanning&Zoning CommissionreviewandmakerecommendationtotheCityCouncilonannexations. At1.02acres,thesubjectpropertycaneasily beserved bythevariouscitydepartmentswithincurrent budgetandstaffappropriations.Theannexationareaisalsocontiguoustotheexistingcitylimits onthree sides. Staffrecommendsapproval oftheproposedannexation. Attachments: 1.AnnexationPetition 2.DepartmentComments 3.Aerial HomeofTexasA&MUniversity  Lance, Wedon'thaveanyissueswithannexingtheproposedarea. Thanks, LarryJ.Johnson,AssistantChief PoliceOperations Bureau FBINationalAcademy168thSession CollegeStationPoliceDepartment ________________________________________________________________________ GoodafternoonLance,IhopethatyourThursdayhasbeenGreat!IhavereviewedthisAnnexation petition,this1.02acresonRockPrairiedoesnotpresentanynegativeimpactstotheFire Departmentsabilitytoprovideserviceinthisresponsearea.Pleaseletmeknowifadditional informationisneeded.ThanksR.B. R.B.AlleyIII FireChief CollegeStationFireDepartment ________________________________________________________________________ Lance, Thisisoutsideourservicearea. Thanks! TimothyCrabb CSU __________________________________________________________________________________ Lance-CShasasewerlineinthearea,servingtheWilliamsGatedevelopment,thatis readily availableforthis parcel.It'sWellbornSUD waterservicearea. No problemsforus.Thanks,Dave DavidM.Coleman,PE CityofCollegeStation Director,WaterServicesDepartment _______________________________________________________________________ Gotyourmessage.Weshouldbeokay! Thanks, WallyUrrutia SanitationSuperintendent (979)764-3841  COMPREHENSIVEPLANAMENDMENT FOR 3227ROCKPRIARIERDW.(COMP) 08-00500115 REQUEST: éÓÎÕÐ×öÛÏÓÐÃê×ÉÓØ×ÎÈÓÛЦï×ØÓÇÏø×ÎÉÓÈÃÈÍóÎØÇÉÈÊÓÛÐ êø SCALE:  ÛÙÊ×É LOCATION: êÍÙÑìÊÛÓÊÓ×êÍÛØå×ÉÈ APPLICANT: òÍÉ×ÌÔøÍÊÍÈÔÃïÓÑ×ÉÑÛÍÅÎ×ÊÉ PROJECTMANAGER: òÛÉÍÎéÙÔÇÚ×ÊÈûóùìéÈÛÖÖìÐÛÎÎ×Ê ÒÉÙÔÇÚ×ÊÈüÙÉÈÄÕÍÆ RECOMMENDATION: ûÌÌÊÍÆÛÐ ìÐÛÎÎÓÎÕâÍÎÓÎÕùÍÏÏÓÉÉÓÍÎìÛÕ× ÍÖ òÇÎ×    ìÐÛÎÎÓÎÕâÍÎÓÎÕùÍÏÏÓÉÉÓÍÎìÛÕ× ÍÖ òÇÎ×    ìÐÛÎÎÓÎÕâÍÎÓÎÕùÍÏÏÓÉÉÓÍÎìÛÕ× ÍÖ òÇÎ×    ìÐÛÎÎÓÎÕâÍÎÓÎÕùÍÏÏÓÉÉÓÍÎìÛÕ×ÍÖ òÇÎ×    NOTIFICATIONS ûØÆ×ÊÈÓÉ×ØùÍÏÏÓÉÉÓÍÎô×ÛÊÓÎÕøÛÈ×òÇÎ×   ûØÆ×ÊÈÓÉ×ØùÍÇÎÙÓÐô×ÛÊÓÎÕøÛÈ×ÉòÇÐà   èÔ×ÖÍÐÐÍÅÓÎÕÎ×ÓÕÔÚÍÊÔÍÍØÍÊÕÛÎÓÂÛÈÓÍÎÉÈÔÛÈÛÊ×Ê×ÕÓÉÈ×Ê×ØÅÓÈÔÈÔ×ùÓÈÃÍÖùÍÐÐ×Õ×éÈÛÈÓÍ뻃 î×ÓÕÔÚÍÊÔÍÍØé×ÊÆÓÙ×ÉÔÛÆ×Ê×Ù×ÓÆ×ØÛÙÍÇÊÈ×ÉÃÐ×ÈÈ×ÊÍÖÎÍÈÓÖÓÙÛÈÓÍÎÍÖÈÔÓÉÌÇÚÐÓÙÔ×ÛÊÓÎÕ îÍÎ× ùÍÎÈÛÙÈÉÓÎÉÇÌÌÍÊÈîÍÎ× ùÍÎÈÛÙÈÉÓÎÍÌÌÍÉÓÈÓÍÎîÍÎ× óÎËÇÓÊÃÙÍÎÈÛÙÈÉîÍÎ× ADJACENTLANDUSES DirectionComprehensivePlanZoningLandUse èÔÍÊÍÇÕÔÖÛÊצ North êÍÙÑìÊÛÓÊÓ×êÍÛØå ïÓÎÍÊûÊÈ×ÊÓÛÐ éÓÎÕÐ×öÛÏÓÐæ South î û÷èòûÕÊÓÙÇÐÈÇÊÛÐ 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Director Cowell presented the ordinance amendments for the Unified Development Ordinance, regarding Traffic Impact Analysis. Mr. Cowell answered questions in general regarding Traffic Impact Analysis. Steve Arden, 311 Cecelia Loop, College Station, Texas; 1275 Flying Acre Ranch, College Station, Texas; Keith Ellis, 101 Grove, College Station, Texas; Victor Drozd, Home Builders Association; Nora Perez Hernandez; Roy Robinson, 4820 Greens Prairie Trail, College Station, Texas. Some of the concerns of the citizens were the difficulties of developing in the city limits, the recommendation being open ended and pushing people out of the City. Commissioner Strong stated that the City needs a viable comprehensive plan that extends to the ETJ line.  February 12, 2008 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 2 Commissioner Dictson stated that the ordinance needs to be something consistent, predictable, objective and have the flexibility to allow for creative solutions. He said that all of the fees that are required to develop in the City are pushing developers away. Commissioner Davis motioned to recommend the adoption of the ordinance with the correction of typographical errors. Commissioner Bauman seconded the motion. Commissioner Sanford said she would like for the area developers and builders to meet again so the City would be able to receive more feedback. Commissioner Schroeder stated that the ordinance was something that was needed. Commissioner Dictson motioned to amend the motion to add a section specifically on redevelopment that has an incremental trigger and to hold one more meeting with the public. Commissioner Strong seconded the motion, motion passed (6-1). Commissioner Nichols was in opposition. Chairman Nichols called for the vote on the original motion, which passed (5-2). Commissioner Dictson and Sanford were in opposition.  February 12, 2008 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 2 MayorCouncil members Ben White John Crompton Mayor Pro Tem James Massey Ron Gay Lynn McIlhaney City Manager Chris Scotti Glenn Brown David Ruesink ______________________________________________________________________ Minutes City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, February 28, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor White, Mayor Pro Tem Gay, Council members Crompton, Massey, Scotti, Ruesink, and McIlhaney STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Brown, City Attorney Cargill Jr., City Secretary Hooks, Deputy City Secretary McNutt, Management Team Regular Agenda Item No. 4 – Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on an ordinance amending Chapter 12 of the City of College Station Code of Ordinances, Unified Development Ordinance Section 7.9.B.6 (Traffic Impact Analysis), Section 7.9.H (Submittal Requirements) and adding Section 7.12 (Traffic Impact Analysis). Bob Cowell, AICP, Director of Planning and Development Services presented the Traffic Impact Analysis currently required as a portion of the nonresidential architectural standards for projects meeting specific thresholds. The P&Z Commission voted 5-2 at their February 14, 2008 meeting to approve recommendation with the conditions of a reduction of the threshold requiring TIA’s for areas designed as “Redevelopment” on the land Use Plan in the Comprehensive Plan Mayor White opened the public hearing. Karen Mitchell, of Mitchell Planning and representative of Bryan College Station Association, requested council to table this item. Sherry Ellison: 2705 Brookway Drive, supports traffic impact analysis Randy French: 4301 Capstone Hugh Stearns: 316 Suffolk Steve Arden: 411 Cecilia Loop Mayor White closed the public hearing. Derek Dictson, Planning and Zoning Commission, recapped the decision by P&Z to oppose the ordinance.  College Station City Council Regular Minutes 2-28-08 Page 2 A motion was made by Council member Crompton to approve the as submitted ordinance. Seconded by Council member McIlhaney. Council member Massey amended the motion to refer this item back to Planning & Zoning Commission. Seconded by Council member Ruesink which carried 5-2. FOR: Mayor White, Gay, Massey, Ruesink, and Scotti AGAINST: Crompton, McIlhaney Mayor White called for a vote on the motion as amended. Motion carried 7-0. FOR: Mayor White, Gay, Massey, Ruesink, Scotti, McIlhaney, and Crompton AGAINST: None  ORDINANCE NO. ____________ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12, “UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE,” BY DELETING SECTION 7.9.B.6, “TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYIS,”; AMENDING SECTION 7.9.H, S “SUBMITAL REQUIREMENTS,” AND ADDING SECTION 7.12, “TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS” TO THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, AS SET OUT BELOW; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That Chapter 12, “Unified Development Ordinance,” be amended so as to delete Section 7.9.B.6, “Traffic Impact Analysis,”; amend Section 7.9.H, “Submittal Requirements,” and add Section 7.12, “Traffic Impact Analysis” to the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, as set out in Exhibit “A”, attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. PART 2: That if any provisions of any section of this ordinance shall be held to be void or unconstitutional, such holding shall in no way effect the validity of the remaining provi- sions or sections of this ordinance, which shall remain in full force and effect. PART 3: any person, firm, or corporation violThat ating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten (10) days after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. th PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 28 day of February, 2008. APPROVED: ____________________________________ MAOR Y ATTEST: __________ _____________________ City Secretary APPROVED: E-Signed by Mary Ann Powell VERIFY authenticity with ApproveIt  ORDINANCE NO.__________________ Page 2 _______________________________ City Attorney C:\DOCUME~1\BSPRIN~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\Proposed ordinance.DOC6/12/20082:13:30 PM  ORDINANCE NO.__________________ Page 3 EXHIBIT “A” I . That Section 7.9.B.6, “Traffic Impact Analysis,” of Chapter 12, “fied Development Ordinance,” of the Uni Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereed. by delet II. That Section 7.9.H, “Submittal Requirements,” of Chapter 12, “Unified Development Ordinance,” of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereended to read in its entirety as by am follows: H.Submittal Requirements When non-residential architectural standards are applicable, submitted site plans 1. shall include the following, in addition to other site plan application requirements: Accurate building footprint(s); a. Mechanical screening details; b. Detention pond screening details; c. Location and number of bicycle parking facilities; d. Plotark configuration in compliance with 7.9.B.7 Parking Lots, if applicable e. (1 pa20rking spaces or more); Addiiontal landscaping requirements, if applicable (50,000 square feet and f. grreate); Lioocatn of pedestrian walkways, if applicable (50,000 square feet and g. ate grer); Loiocatn and details of public plaza and amenities, if applicable (150,000 h. square feet and greater). When non-residential architectural standards are applicable, submitted building 2. plans sl inhalclude the following, in addition to other building permit application requirntemes: Scaled building elevations for each façade, depicting the following: a. Required architectural relief; and 1) Location of building materials. 2) Accurate building footprint(s); b. Sample building materials and color details; and c. Table of vertical square footage and percentage of building materials for each d. façade. C:\DOCUME~1\BSPRIN~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\Proposed ordinance.DOC6/12/20082:13:30 PM  ORDINANCE NO.__________________ Page 4 III. That Section 7.12, “Traffic Impact Analysis,” of Chapter 12, “U Development Ordinance,” of the nified Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby added to read as follows: Traffic Impact Analysis 7.12 This section establishes requirements and procedures pertaining to traffic impact anlysis (“TIA”). This Article is inten aded to inform the applicant of the City's expectations to ensure adequate traffic flow and connectivity attributable to their proposal, expedite the City’s review of TIA reports, provide standard criteria for evaluating proposals, and identify various mitigation measures. The TIA is intended to coordinate proposed land use with the transportation needs resulting therefrom. Both the City of College Station and the developer share responsibility to identify and solve transportation issues arising from development. College Station requires TIAs accompany certain zoning applications and certain site plan applications. The TIA required for each complements the overall goal of ensuring adequate transportation facilities are in place. Below is an elaboration of some of the purposes. Purpose A. Zoning TIA 1. The goal of submitting a TIA when making a zoning request is to determine the effect allowed uses within various proposed zones will have on existing roadway systems, and to ensure there is a balance between future land uses and future transportation systems. Zoning applications thare required to hat ave a TIA performed are evaluated using both current and long-term traffic scenarios. The TIA will determine whether acceptable levels of service are being maintained for traffic flow in the area. Different mitigation solutions will be analyzed where service levels fall below acceptable standards. A TIA for a zoning request should not recommend mitigation methods that are inconsistent with the City’s Comprehensive Plan, including the Thoroughfare Plan. The Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council shall consider the TIA in approving or disapproving zoning changes to the degree allowed by law. Site Plan TIA 2. The goal of a TIA when submitting a site plan is to determine the effect a specific proposed development will have on current and future land development and roadway systems. Generally, it uses current and anticipated near-term traffic volumes and roadway configurations for the analysis. The process should ensure that the roadway system is adequate to accommodate the proposed use. Different mitigation measures may be recommended where the TIA shows levels of service falling below acceptable minimums. Different mitigation techniques that may be recommended include adding turn lanes, improving driveway access, providing connectivity, modifying traffic control devices, etc. A TIA for a site plan should not recommend mitigation methods that are inconsistent with the City’s Comprehensive Plan, including the Thoroughfare Plan. The Planning and Zoning C:\DOCUME~1\BSPRIN~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\Proposed ordinance.DOC6/12/20082:13:30 PM  ORDINANCE NO.__________________ Page 5 Commission shall consider the TIA in approving or disapproving site plans to the degree allowed by law. Definitions B. Trip Generation Rates - Trip Generation Rates means the rate of 1. vehicular traffic generated from the proposed rezoning or proposed site plan For Zoning TIAs, th.ese rates are shown by zoning district in the tab below. Site plan TIAs shall use those rates set forth in the latest les edition of the Trip Generation informational report published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) unless the proposed use does not have a corresponding rate in the Trip Generation report. Alternate trip generation rates shall not be accepted. Table 1 Trip Generation: Residential Land Uses Zoning Maximum ITE Land Use Trip Rate / Trip Rate / Classification Units / Acre Code Unit Acre A-O 0.2 210 1.010.2 A-OR 1.0 2101.011 R-1 8.0 2101.01 8 R-1B 6.0 2101.016 R-2 12.0 2101.0112 R-3 14.0 30 720.52.3 R-4 20.0 20 12.4 20.62 R-6 30.0 20 18.6 20.62 R-7 rmined Deteby Admtor inistra P-MUD rmined DetebyAdmtor inistra Table 2 Trip GenerationResidential : Non-Land Uses Zoning Maximum ITE Land Use T / rip RateTrip Rate / ClassificationUnits/Acre* Code KSF Acre A-P 16,000 sf 710 1.55 25 C-1 13,500 sf 820 3.75 50 C-2 16,000 sf 710 1.55 25 C-3 11,000 sf 820 3.75 40 M-1N/A110 N/A 7.5 M-2 N/A 120 N/A 2.2 C-UDetermined by Administrator R&D N/A760N/A 16.8 PDD Determined by Admtor inistra * Density ma calculatedximum based on existing (200elopments in7) dev the City of Collegen. Statio Design Year - The design year is the point in time which upon 2. assumptions ning to land pulation, ement, and pertaiuse, poploym transportatioities are baseIAs shall ussign year bn facild. All Te a deased on the expectte of project occupancy, aed dand shall include consideration of nearby devent that hasapproved animpact the elopm been d will proposed proarea of traffic impact. ject’s Peak Hour – Peak hour means the time of day during the weekday that 3. generates the most vehicular traffic. Typically, this is either between 7:00 C:\DOCUME~1\BSPRIN~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\Proposed ordinance.DOC6/12/20082:13:30 PM  ORDINANCE NO.__________________ Page 6 to 9:00 am or 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 pm. Base Volumes - Base volumes shall be based on current traffic counts 4. adjusted to the expected date of project occupancy plus volumes generated by nearby future development (all phases) that has been approved by the City. When available, all base data shall be supplied by the City Traffic Engineer. In all cases when traffic counts are needed and are not available, the developer or his agent shall be required to collect such data. Level of Service (LOS) - Level of Service means the measure of the 5. level of congestion experienced on roadways as measured by both link and intersection operations as presented in the latest edition of the Tranportation Research Board’s Highway Capacity Manual. s Applicability C. 1.Zoning TIA Any zoning request which is expected to generate at least 250 trips in the a.m. or p.m. peak hour requires a TIA. A TIA is not required if a zoning request is for property designated “Redevelopment” on the Land Use Plan in the Comprehensive Plan and is expected to generate less than 250 additional trips in the a.m. or p.m. peak hour than those generated by the currently approved use(s) on the property. A zoning request involving multiple zoning districts is required to have a TIA based on the total traffic generated for all the proposed districts. A TIA may be required for a zoning request that generates less than 250 trips in the peak hour, where the peaking characteristics could have a detrimental impact on the transportation system as determined by the Administrator. A TIA shall be required unless the applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Administrator that a TIA is not required for a rezoning request. In cases where a TIA is required, the rezoning application will be considered incomplete until the TIA is submitted. 2. Site Plan TIA Any proposed development excluding developments located in the zoning classifications of NG-1, NG-2, or NG-3 shown on a site plan which is expected to generate at least 250 trips in the a.m. or p.m. peak hour requires a TIA. A TIA may be required for site plans submitted for approval that generate less than 250 trips in the a.m. or p.m. peak hour where the peaking characteristics could have a detrimental impact on the area’s vehicular transportation system as determined by the Admistrator. in A TIA shall be required unless the applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Administrator that a TIA is not required for a rezoning request. In cases where a TIA is required, the site plan application will be considered incomplete until the TIA is submitted. Methodology D. 1. Professional Engineer to perform TIA. All required TIAs shall be C:\DOCUME~1\BSPRIN~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\Proposed ordinance.DOC6/12/20082:13:30 PM  ORDINANCE NO.__________________ Page 7 performed by a professional engineer licensed in the State of Texas qualified to perform such analyses. Qualifications may include, but are not limited to certification as a Professional Traffic Operations Engineer or Professional Transportation Planner by the Transportation Professional Certification Board or certification by the Texas Department of Transportation to conduct traffic engineering studies. 2. Pre-submittal meeting. A pre-submission consultation with the Administrator is required at the time of the Pre-Application Conference to discuss relevant aspects of the TIA. Details of the procedures, assumption used, data to be collected method of analysis and identification of the study area will be determined at this meeting. Traffic from other approved but not built nearby developments will be accounted for in the TIA as determined by the Administrator. The Administrator may require other specific assumptions such as the percent of trucks to be altered to match local conditions. The City may require analyses of peak 15 minute intervals for certain types of land uses that generate major traffic surges such as, but not limited to stadiums, movie theaters, arenas, and schools. 3. Zoning TIA Content Study Area - A map(s) delineating the TIA study area and all existing a. and planned streets therein. The study area shall be determined based upon identifying the geographical area most affected by the proposed zning request as determinedo by the Administrator after conferring wth the applicant. i Exnistig Zoning - A description by zoning classification of the existing b. zoning in the area proposed for rezoning. Proposed Zoning – A description of the proposed zoning including c. land area by zoning classification. Thoroughfare Network - A description of the existing and proposed d. thoroughfares, and traffic volumes within the study area. Impact Determination - A description of the volume/capacity (V/C) e. ratio for all thoroughfares and delay projections for intersections in the studdie area to determine if a Level of Service D is maintained. The analysis shall contain the following minimum information: Proposed Trip Generation - Show in tabular form trip 1) generation rates (see Table 1 or 2, as applicable) and the total trips generated based on proposed zoning. Existing Trip Generation – Show in tabular form trip 2) g eneration rates (see Table 1 or 2, as applicable) and the total trips generated based on existing zoning. Net Increased Trip Distribution and Assignment - Show 3) proposed trip generation minus existing trips and the calculation ow tf nerips generated. The net increase in trips generated by the zonig rnequrest is to be added to the base volumes projected by design year. Twenty-four hour and peak hour volumes must be calculated. Distribution and assignment calculations must be perovidd. C:\DOCUME~1\BSPRIN~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\Proposed ordinance.DOC6/12/20082:13:30 PM  ORDINANCE NO.__________________ Page 8 Level of Service Analysis - Show in tabular form peak hour 4) L ofevel Service for existing and proposed zoning. Calculations shaincll lude all thoroughfare links and intersections. Calculate level of service and percentage change (when compared to base volumes) for each link and intersection. Neighborhood Traffic Analysis – If a proposed rezoning could 5) increase the traffic on a minor collector or residential street at least ten percent (10%), a neighborhood traffic analysis shall be pemrfored. This analysis will include an evaluation of existing and projected traffic levels of the affected streets. If the projected traffic levels exceed the limits indicated in the BCS Design Guidelines, mitigation to lower this traffic shall be required. Conclusions - Summarize points of conflict and congestion, 6) identify all thoroughfare links and intersections exceeding Level of Service D and the percentage change by the proposed zoning chge.an Mitigation - A description of the mitigation techniques to achieve f. acceptable service thresholds shall be shown. Traffic produced by the proposed zoning request plus current traffic levels should not fall below a Level of Service D. Locations not meeting the Level of Service D wehre the proposed zoning contributes five percent (5%) or more of thae trffic should be mitigated by the applicant. Acceptable methods of mitigating negative traffic impacts include but are not limited to the following: 1)Modifying the zoning request to meet Level of Service D. 2)Modify the access plan. 3)Limit development densities within one or more zoning classifications or land parcels. 4)Making minor thoroughfare or intersection improvements, such as addr reing olocating turn lanes, acceleration and deceleration lanes and m opedianenings. Amendts tmeno the City’s Thoroughfare Plan shall not be accepted as a means of mitigating negative impacts. Plannind ng aZoning Commission Report - The Planning and g. Zoning Commission shall make a report to the City Council on all TIAs it considers in conjunction with requests for rezoning. The Planning and Zoning Commission may make a recommendation for approval, modification, or denial of the zoning case based on other planning factors in addition to its review of the TIA. Where the identified impacts of the proposed zoning cannot be adequately mitigated, the Planning and Zoning Commission may recommend to the City Council one or more of the following actions: Denial of the zoning case in total or in part. 1) A ny other action deemed appropriate to mitigate negative traffic 2) impacts. C:\DOCUME~1\BSPRIN~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\Proposed ordinance.DOC6/12/20082:13:30 PM  ORDINANCE NO.__________________ Page 9 4. Site Plan TIA Content - Submittals of TIAs for site plans shall include the fllowing:o a. Study Area - A map(s) delineating the TIA study area and all existing and planned streets therein. The study area will be determined by identifying the geographical area most affected by the proposed development shown on the site plan as determined by the Administrator after conferring with the applicant. In general the study area will cover all intersections through which at least ten percent (10%) of the proposed development’s site traffic passes, and shall extend to at least the first traffic signal in each direction if within one mile of the site. b.Existing Zoning and Development - A description of existing zoning including land area (gross and net) by zoning classification, square footage, density of hotel rooms, dwelling units, etc. Also, a description of development currently within the proposed site plan, including showing how it will be affected by the new development proposal; c. Thoroughfare Network - A description of existing thoroughfares, signals, signal phasing and traffic volumes within the study area; d. Proposed Development - A description of the proposed development including land area (gross and net), square footage, density of hotel rooms, dwelling units, etc. Also a description of anticipated roadway conditions expected by the date of occupancy of the proposed development shall be included. Roadway and intersection capacities shall be shown; e.Proposed access – Identification of the location and number of lanes and proposed traffic controls for each point of access serving the proposed development, including proposed modifications to adjacent roads shall be included. All access points shall meet the current access management and roadway design policies of the entity responsible for the condition of that portion of roadway. f.Impact Determination - A determination of the Level of Service for all thoroughfares and intersections in the study area shall be included, as shall an evaluation of pedestrian, bicycle, and motor vehicle safety ons adjacent to the site. The analysis shall contain the conditi following minimum information: Proposed Trip Generation - A calculation of the total trip 1) generation by use within the study area assuming full development and occupancy. Show any reductions attributed to passers-by, mixed use, etc. Show trip generation by use in tabular form with land use trip generation rates and trips generated. Trip Distribution and Assignment - A calculation of trips 2) generated by the proposed development as added to the base veolums projected for the design year. Peak hour volumes must blcue calated. Distribution assumptions and assignment calculations must be provided. Level of Service Analysis - A depiction shown in tabular form, 3) twenty-four hour and peak hour volume/capacity ratios for links and intersections within the study area. This analysis should be C:\DOCUME~1\BSPRIN~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\Proposed ordinance.DOC6/12/20082:13:30 PM  ORDINANCE NO.__________________ Page 10 done for the following traffic conditions: existing traffic, existing traffic plus projected traffic. Analyze all points of ingress and egress, median breaks, and turn lanes associated with the proposed site. Neighborhood Traffic Analysis – If the TIA calcuations show 4) that a proposed site plan increases traffic on a minor collector or rnesidetial street by at least ten percent (10%), a neighborhood traffic analysis shall be performed. This analysis will include an evaluation of existing and projected traffic levels of the affected streets. If the projected traffic levels exceed the limits indicated in the BCS Design Guidelines mitigation to lower this traffic may be required. Conclusions - A provision of a summary of findings showing all 5) adjacent streets and intersections noting those that exceed a Level of Service D, the percent increase in total traffic produced bye p throposed site plan, and the adequacy of site access. Identification of any safety and operational problems (e.g., drives, sight distances, median openings, and signalization) within the study area shall be shown. g. Mitigation - A description of the mitigation techniques meeting acceptable service thresholds shall be shown. Traffic levels exceeding a Level of Service D where the development is contributing five percent (5%) or more of the total trips should be mitigated to predevelopment levels by the applicant. Acceptable methods of mitigating negative traffic impacts include the following: 1)Modifying the density or intensity of use, such as a reduction in square footage or percentage of commercial use to meet a minimum Level of Service D; 2)Phasing construction until additional roadway capacity becomes available; 3)Makn-site improvements including access controls and site ing o circulon adjustments; ati off-site improvements including the construction of 4) Making additional lanes, modifying signalization, etc. h. Costs itigof Mation - Mitigation improvements which are attributable to the proposed development shall be funded at the developer’s expenseny ot . Aher improvements shown which are consistent with the Thhfaorougre Plan may be repaid by the City in accordance with its cost sharing policies. Criteria for Apal.prov E. The City shall consider the following standards in determining whether a proposed rezoning or submitted site plan meets an acceptable Level of Service: 1. Design Requirement. The proposed rezoning of site plan is consistent with the City’s adopted access management and design requirements and is consistent with the design requirements on Texas Department of Transportation on roads maintained by such agency. 2. Level of Service D. The desirable minimum Level of Service for the City C:\DOCUME~1\BSPRIN~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\Proposed ordinance.DOC6/12/20082:13:30 PM  ORDINANCE NO.__________________ Page 11 of College Station is a Level of Service D as that term is described in the Transportation Research Board’s Highway Capacity Manual. 3. Determination of adequate mitigation. Notwithstanding anything to the ntrary herein, the appropriate Administrator and the appropriate co reviing body, where required, shall determine whether adequate ew mitigation has occurred to meet an acceptable level of service utilizing the requirements set forth herein. C:\DOCUME~1\BSPRIN~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\Proposed ordinance.DOC6/12/20082:13:30 PM