HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966 Auxiliary Policemen Accepted Auxihary Policemen 1,:;: Accepted The first group of the Civil Defense Emergency Auxilia- ry Police in College Station will be commissioned at 2 p.m. Sunday at the College Station City Hall Council Room. The 15 accepted members will be sworn in by Mayor D. (Andy) Anderson, and those who have completed the 20- hour training school will re- ceive certificates. JAKE CANGELOSE, direc- tor of Brazos County Civil De- = fense, explained that the men will be assigned duties in se- curity, traffic, shelter supervi- sion, and large groups during local and national emergen- cies. Men to receive commissions include: Wilbert R. Beck, William H. Gard, Gideon F. Hensley, Wil- liam B. Moon, William W. Scott Jr., Henry Wedel, Har- old P. Murray, Lowell Free- man Jones, Herbert Leo Moon. WILSON AUTRY Bradley, John E. West, Carroll M. Brunson, Leslie L. Palmer, George L. Huebner, and W. Dee Kutach. The director stated that a The College Station program; is part of a county - wide plan l A. (Andy) Anderson, and those police service during emergen- ties. Cangelose said today that he hopes the goal is attained by the end of the year. APPROXIMATELY 30 per cent of the quota has already been reached, said Cangelose, pointing out that between 55 and 60 men have completed training, and that 130 men have been commissioned. The training course is under the direction of Wallace Beas- ley, coordinator of police train- ing at the Texas A &M Univer- sity Extension Service. CANGELOSE EXPLAINED that the men commissioned must have had no convictions, must have good character, and must be interested in their community. ' "This is one of the best local government programs we have," said the director. "There is a primary need for emergency law and order in any community, and a commu- nity is only as strong as the , citizens who support it."