HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965Tigers Cage CardinalsTigers Cage 12 -0 By TOM NELSON Eagle Sports Staff A &M Consolidated, overanxi- ous but still greatly improved from last week's premiere at Col - umbus, ran all over Tiger Field Friday night, but had to settle for a 12 -0 victory over the Del Valle Cardinals. Frank Litterst scored the first touchdown on an 88 yard run in the third quarter and Walter Varvel sneaked over from the 1- yard line in the final quarter for the other tally. LITTERST, WHO picked up 173 yards rushing, s m a s h e d through the Cardinal defense and outran Don Caldwell to the Cons. Del Valle. First downs 8 6 Rushing yardage .......... 296 145 Passing yardage ............ 38 25 Passes attempted ........... 10 6 Passes completed ............ 3 3 Passes had intercepted 0 1 Total yardage .................... 334 170 Fumbles, lost ............ 6 of 7 3 of 3 Penalties: Yardage 5 for 25 3 for 35 Punts, average ........ 2 for 102 7 for 238 goal line. Caldwell stayed two yards behind Litterst all the way to the Cards 20 yard line and then fagged out. Consolidated lost six of seven fumbles, and recovered all three of Del Valles'. The Tiger pass- ing game looked good in the first quarter when they complet- ed two out of four for 30 yards. But it was a different story the rest of the game. The Tigers started a Ion g drive in the start of the first quarter, moving the ball from their own 48 yard line to the Cardinal 10. Peter Fagan fum- bled on the handoff, and Darrell Heine recovered. Del Valle ran three plays, failed to make the first down and Don Caldwell's punt put the Tigers on Del Valles' 41 -yard line. The quarter ended with Consolidated in control, t h i r d and five, on the Cardinal 24. LITTERST carried for three yards, but David Parsons was stopped short of the first down. Two plays later, Del Valle fum- bled and ILI§s Hary 11 recovered on the Cardin—a=. Litterst car- ried for three, but Heine smash- ed in over center on the next play and recovered Walter Var- vel's fumble. Neither team threatened for the remainder of the first half. Del Valle controlled the ball on the Consolidated 44 when the gun sounded. The ball changed hands seven times during the first two min- utes and 44 seconds of the third quarter. Sam Jenke kicked for the Cardinals and Varvel re- turned it 12 yards to the 42. Varvel handed off to Litterst, who fumbled, and the Cards took over. Consolidated recovered Terry Boothe's fumble two plays later, but Varvel fumbled on the next play to give the ball back to Del Valle. THE CARDINALS ran two more play fumbled, and Con- solidated recovered. V a r v e l fumbled on the first play, Heine recovered a n d the Cardinals were in control on the Consoli- dated 30 yard line. Whew! The Cards moved the ball to the 23, but an offside penalty dropped them back to the 28. Caldwell quick kicked to the eight yard line and Consolidated started to move. Varvel handed off to Parsons for four yards and with second and six, Litterst broke through the defense and ran 88 yards for the touchdown. Bill White threw the block that put Litterst two strides ahead of Caldwell. Consolidated went for the two points, but Parsons was dropped short. BOOTHE RETURNED Par- sons' kick 30 yards to the Card- inal 40, but Peter Fagan inter- cepted Caldwell's pass and re- turned it to the Cardinal 34. Parsons carried for four, Fagan ran wide for 15 to put the Tig- ers, first and 10, on Del Valles' 15. Varvel handed off to Litterst for seven, but Parsons fumbled on the four yard line and Heine recovered. Five plays later, the quarter ended. In the fourth quarter, Del Valle controlled the ball on their own 19 but a 10 yard penalty and a four yard loss put them on the five. Caldwell's punt from the end zone went straight up, and Consolidated took over on the Cardinal 19 yard line. Litterst rushed for five, Var- vel's pass to Litterst was wide and a five yard penalty put them back on the 19. Fagan swept around left end for 17 yards, Litterst picked up one and Varvel scored on a quar- terback sneak. Tom Williams blocked Parsons' kick. Williams, who played an out- standing defensive game, moved to the running back slot and carried seven times for 43 yards. The Tigers dug in and slowed the Cardinals down to a crawl for the last two minutes and were in control of the ball on their own 30 yard line when the game ended. s s Consolidated .... 0 0 6 6 -12 Del Valle ............ 0, 0 0 0— 0 PARSONS CLIPS REDBIRDS WINGS Linebacker David Parsons moves in on Del Valles' Bob Mosteller as the Cardinal running back picked up two yards during the first half Friday at Tiger Field. In on the stop were Bill White (61), Jimmy Parish (86) and Rus rvell (45). (Eagle Photo by Gene Dennis).