HomeMy WebLinkAboutBBHolland4 g ! wv THE ROUND - UP (.Continued from P. 1, col. 5) The .third course consisted of I (Contniued from p. 1, col. 4) Newell thinks he will enter A. enter A. and M. in the fall. asked Mr. Homer R. Gross to lead strawberry ice cream and angel Herbert will not go to college and M. this fall and study Electri- Amelia looks forward to being them in a word of prayer to pray food cake. It's rapid disappear- after finishing Consolidated, but is cal Engineering, in Texas University next year. She a reverent thanks to God. Then ante denoted its flavor, planning to work at Midway. Lillian hopes to go to the South- also plans to teach. followed the national anthym Mr. Martin, superintendent of Laura is planning to major in western University next year,when The seniors, although they think "America" in respect to the nation, the Consolidated School, addressed science in Baylor College. She will she will take Bible study in prep- of their individual success and plan un. At this time the.first course was the "Sweethearts" at this time. go to A. and M. in the summer, aration for life as a foreign mis- only for themselves, think of their served, it was a. delicious fruit He, in a short talk, brought out a sionary. fellowmen and how they can serve — cocktail and ice tea,served by those moral point that seemed to deep- Oline will go to A. and M. in the them first. Each, as he holds his -- beautiful waitresses. There were en the thought of those present. saying a great deal because the summer and is intending to spe- cup of wine mingled with myrrh, VOLUME III A. AND M. CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL, COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, JUNE 2, 1928 NUMBER 7 ]ow murmuring voices, occasional The Toastmaster, then introduc- team was comparatively light, cialize in architecture in Texas Uni- looks out into his future acid short men. The team played a dreams of happiness and hope. Board Elects EDITOR OF "ROUND-UP" laughter, smiling glances and a sat- ed Dr. Humbert, of A. and M. versity. pp P DR. KLINGMAN SPEAKS AT HI—Y .BOYS GIVE isf•ied appearance in the group.. College, who delivered a impormtu number of games away from school. Ernest is not sure of his future R T T1�j Following this course the Toast- speech that held those present in among which were the games with but is thinking of being a doctor. Teachers for ,x' GIRDS BANQUET Navasota, Bryan, Kurten, Tabor, He will enter A. and M. in the fall. i COMMENCEMENT FRIDAY_NIGHT . ' , �j the " -introducedY". , the President l- complete silence. SPECIAL' Coming Year AT LONGS CAFE the "Hi-Y". Club, Ernest J. Hol- To the encouragement of the and A. and M. freshmen, Lillie Mae, who will be in A. .� The last team which should be and M. in the summer, is planning "At the stone on the corner" The A. and M. Consolidated Several Clubs eumb, who, in turn paid a tribute "Hi-Y" Club Mr. Gross and Mr. to the "Sweethearts" in welcoming Walls gave impromptu speeches, mentioned is the baseball team. The to major in English or History in 40-inch printed voile. Guar- High School Graduating Exercises THE HI-Y SWEETHEART team played a number of games Baylor Meeting for the purpose of plan- r. them to the banquet. A response +Mr. Walls presided in a little con- P Y ylor College. arteed color, Beautiful pat- were held June 1st, 8:00 P. m., Organize In 28 ! P P P BANQUET to the welcome was delivered by I test that netted Miss Bernice Fain among which were. those with Gretchen wants to be a school terns; the yard— Guion Hall. The class of 1928 con- b ning for the school year of 1928- Miss Cecyle Dunn, by expressing a boquet of flowers and extracted Bryan, Welborn, and Allen. The teacher; she is planning to get her 390 lists of nineteen students. They 29 the beard of education for A. At seven-thirty o'clock on the - from Howard Hedges' pocket, one boys always put on a good fight training at San Marcos. 40-inch washable crepe, all are: Ewing Ernest Brown, Herbert Looking back for a few months and M. Clrisolidated school elected night.of April 19, 1928,forty-eight for the "Sweethearts" .their pleas but left the field defeated with one Ewing will work this summer and silk. New colors for sum- Doerge, Howard Hedges, Ernest we find that Consolidated had a i teachers br the coming year. The hungry boys and girls gathered in ure in being present to such an af- i dime. g football team which was the first teachers if A. and M. Consoli- the Banquet room of Long's Cafe fair. A few other impromtu speeches except when htey were victorious mer; the yard— James Holcomb, Newell Holland, The second course was .served xere made by boys and girls pres- over the cadets. $1.49 Amelia Boriskie,Jayne Esther Bro- in its history, The team did not I dated schol are well qualified to in Bryan, to celebrate the first Hi- which consisted of fried spring ent which drew the Banquet to its Last but not least Consolidated $2.00 all silk full-fashioned mell, Emilie Ora Colson, Cecyle play many games because it was I fil Ithe poition for whih they hld. Y Sweetheart Banquet known to took the count track and literary organized about six weeks too late. All the teahers, except three, hold Consolidated High School. chicken with gravy, cream pots- close with the club president lead- Y Y CAMPUS chiffon hose. All new shades. Dunn, Bernice Fain, Laura Flagg, P g toes, June peas, and Porter House .ng in prayer. events meet and sent many repre- The pair— Lillian Gorzycki, Gretchen Louise Although the team did not play B. A. or Mcstir degrees. The prof- The stars had hardly taken their Rolls, The only .conclusion that sentatives to Brenham, but that $1.49 Kasiski, Oline Annee Koenig, Eu- many games it showed up well. essional sliri of this body of places in the heavens and darkness was not all. One man went as far BARBER SHOP i1 lalie McCall, Ruth Irene Moore, Next year it will do still better, teachers is.^onmendable. For the had barely slipped away the sun- could be drawn for.this course and (Continued from p, 1, col. 2) RUGENE EDGE of the proceedings thus far was as the State to be defeated by a � Lillie Mae Walton, Imaree Wheel- The Hi-Y Club was another new past. two tear. the Consolidated set when those four and twenty g has proved a greater success the better man in declamation, e.r, and Mabel Clare Wrenn. The comer at Consolidated. Mr. Good teachers hale hai one hundred per gleeful couples presented them- the empty plates, that suffered past year than ever before. only the weight of a few crumbs In summing up the past record Our men are all experi- on the Corner following program was presented: from Dallas came to Consolidated cent a Teachers' both the.Texas selves in the Banquet room of the g The clubs are not the only func- ;of Consolidated has had a very goo enced Union Men and sented: some time in the fall and organized State Teachers' Tssociation and cafe. and a few bones, tions at Consolidated. The basket- 1. Priests' March from Athalia— the Hi-Y Club. There are twenty- the National Edvcrtional Associa- year and still better to come. A few minutes later they were The intermediate of the second know their business. ball team must be mentioned be- s "IMF - - Mendelssohn—High School Or- five members in the Club and all tion. Two of tee teachers, Miss LIDA DILLEN all seated at the long table anx- and third courses were songs and �' g cause it won high honors in the �` chestra, of them try to abide by the prin- Louise Pipkin ani E. D. Martin, foully waiting. The girls were music contributed by Mr. and Mrs. county. Although the team was a speech by Marquez J. F. LAVINDER, Prop. 2. Processional—Aida March, Ver- ciples for which such a club stands. hold life membershis in the Texas Lida has been the faithful and anxious to know what their sweet- Sprague, P q not good enough to triumph over j�� u di—High School Orchestra. The club has meetings on Monday State Teachers' A:ociation;. and hardworking editor of the Round- hearts had in store for them and Vhlinver on "Why We Are Here", came second in the race. That is B E C K II I T Il S The Truly Modern and special cowboy bauaas uy ➢l.. ` - --- 3. Invocation—Rev. R. E. Day. night of each week to enact new I two, H. R. Gross an(E. D. Martin, the boys were equally as anxious to 4. Beautiful Blue Danube, Strauss business and enjoy the good pro- hold life membershi; in the Na- U Is has been the best year make it the greatest social success Sprague. He played the guitar - e . >_ P Y g i�'� � �••� : ,�� I—r---, I or ran we r f the page d owe its sue- the accompaniment of Mrs. � —High School Chorus. ^ grams. Freshmen were also given tional Educational ssociation, known to their quests. � D. UoIllH-1..�......., n, the privilege to join the Hi-Y at The teachers, elcced to serve cess to her earnest and unselfish All was tense and silent wher at Sprague. She sap with him ex- EXPERT length the toastmastpr,A g W m . L . P O W E R S I a Serenade, F aSchubert. mid-term.. They snow Y up P r grade; Mrs, efforts. length < Iffed KQ i cept in the Ballads. The contin- COI�IEE. ONBR Cafes of Worth good sorts when the took the Louise Pi kin f< �' aed decidedly k. WORK Campus .�,� grade; Mrs with � ( ) Melody in F, A. Rubinstein— Initiation as if it were an ice cream Joe Lancaster �Co1i I. , the. appreciation of these entertain-: , b Senior Class and Orchestra. cone, M. E. Campb0"o ararie• M, : --• half-smile 'R the �� I L TKE AND CTIARL.>ti'!�' ments. .., , <.:.. . -- Cleaners & Tailors 6. — s er n .. a IV s� -Presentation of Diplomas Dean There i anotli ew hog`„^^^ G �ue,;113`L gr de; ,r I cAit usual 1 m'ood t silent o t'ANDIES= - ontm„e pr.r, �B�^,,) in 'the clubs which must not be Mrs. M HraByrom hfifth grade O ing over as if to see who all were GUARANTEED � I y -_ rc d Nunnally's DRY NEW YORK . omitted. T Spanish Cl'ub of Mrs. C. C: Doak, sixth grade, Mrs. VALEDICTORIAN there, then he began to speak, His .a o he Pangburn's and - - Consolidated organized what is Ira B. accus seventh ' grade; Miss voice was heard clearIy above the Hollingsworth's Phone 480-1R CLEANING CAFE Spanish Club Has known as a Spanish Club. The Laura Eidson, first second and roar of the electric fans as he p To the Valedictorian of the Sen- + Bryan, Texas meetings were held about ever two third grades,. Wellborn. High for Class is given a beautiful sil (Continued on p 8 col. 1) — DIAMONDS TO Hike and Picnic w - _ Bryan Bryan, Texas . weeks. The members reported very school teachers are: Homer R. ver loving cup. Thisaelaborate _ _ '�� PLEASE good results from the club. They Gross, history and Spanish; M. H. trophy is WATCHES l ay, about 6:30, the two had interesting meetings but that Byrom, mathematics; Ernest M. P Y given b Luke y. Char Home Ec. Girls On Friday,�a�'I..-''L. YQjJ ��a T - �� g was not at all. The ley, the Campus Grocery. CThis 3� Spanish classes with Mr. Gross y went on a Walls, science; Mrs. W. E. Lever- year is the first year in the his- Win State Honors JEWELRY — di and Mr. Walls met at the school ;ossum hunt and also a little picnic. kuhn, home economics; Mrs. Ira AN APPRECIATION �" -- -- --- r,��--_ tory of the school that such an Phone 109 building to go on a picnic, through The Home Economics Club has B. accus. Latin; Mrs. Sprague, honor has been bestowed upon the Contestants to the State Cloth- . We wish to extend thanks not died down in Consolidated. The music director; Edwin D. Martin, valedictorian of A, and M. Con soli- ing Contest left College Station Gifts for the Graduate � for the patronage given us i I i the woods, to the "Fish Pond." Put Your Duds in About 6:45 all left, walking. The jiris show great interest in this English and superintendent. dated School. Luke and Charley with hearts full of joy and a big this year. I LA SALLE HOTEL, / path-way led through fields, ,articular club and had a number I Supt. Martin came to the Con- have ex ressed their desire to be Suds of�interestin g I P determination to bring a prize back HEDGES & FRILEY i brushes, over fences and several g programs. The club solidated school as principal two to Consolidated School, (� P P permitted to give a similar schol- ,Sankey Park I ' ` gulleys. But this did not lessen (Continued on p, 8, col. 2) �two years ago. arship trophy to the class of 1929. CONSOLIDATED BRYAN TEXAS _ _ The girls arrived in San Antonio �� M the spirit of anyone, not even the Jeweler I AMERICAN girls P all enjoyed the jumps and the evening of April 25, tired but GIVE US A TRIAL climbing and the walk across. a SENIORS LOOK FORWARD TO A SUMMER VACATION FILLED happy. related Art Exhibit was put STEAM LAUNDRY SCHOOL log bridge. at Otlr g WITH VARIOUS DIVERSIONS of the morning well April 26. The . ' � i ;. About dusk the jolly bunch of •t. _. - - -- -$ .:.1. —n� NEW LOCATION r - The newest and most up- students arrived at their destina- afternoon was well spent in driv _ ! Most Modern Equipped Drug tion, not tired, but very hungry. ing over the city. The girls saw to-date hotel in Bryan. DRY CLEANERS Eager for the time of graduation have two girls who are planning first session in the summer, after many interesting things and were Y Store in Central Texas 5 The picnic supper was spread and yet with sadness in their hearts, to be architects, which he is planning to go to Ken- lucky enough to get a rich man to DYERS and HATTERS all gathered around to enjoy the the seniors look forward to com- The following are the plans of tucky and several other eastern ride with, who gave the girls: Use Quality Meat LA SALLE sandwiches, pickles, fruits and Drug Store, Coffee Shop mencement. It is interesting to the seniors of Consolidated: states. He will take a pre-medical I a big box of chocolate candy. P Twice a week—Go�''t Inspected Meat.-Twice a week and Barber Shop on first Phone 585 "sody pop." After everything was SERVICE MEAT MARKET PHARMACY note that as each student is study- Ora will finish a stenographic course in A. and M. in the fall. Friday was spent in feature; s. cleaned up, games were played, in- in floor. I Bryan Texas g hard to finish his high school course this summer, and she is Bernice will go to her home in judging. Friday night the girls J. R. HOWELL, Pro cleaned up,games were played,then p g year before Corinth, Miss., as soon as school is g q Prop. record with good reports, he is Tannin to work a were given a banquet _ all circled around the bonfire and ti, looking beyond commencement and going to Baylor Belton, where she out. Consolidated School won second Tannin something. The seniors will take up architecture. Ruth will take a vacation this prize in Selected Art Exhibit, re- �r�-'�• �M,� ,�,.- �^�'=�`__� One hundred rooms with � � �i told stories, jokes, riddles and vie- planning '. private baths. I ®� ®� lage gossip. Some of the boys had now realize that life really has a Imaree is looking forward to a summer and is planning to study ceiving a ten dollar prize. The • • gone to the pond to kill frogs and meaning, and they are thinking bright vacation in Alabama. She Vocational Home Economics in C. girls had the opportunity of being CENTRAL TEXAS AUTO CO, AGGIELAND GROCERY brought ten huge frogs back with seriously of the part they will play thinks she will study primary edu- I. A. next year. escorted to the Municipal Auditor- them. About ten o'clock the crowd great stage. cation in college. Eulalie is also hoping to enjoy ium by the R. 0. T. C. Band for . r. as actors on the STUDEBAKER WILLYS-KNIGHT We are at your Service CHOICE FRESH GROCERIES started back home by the road be- Five of the class of '28 will be "Miss Cherryblossom" interested l a vacation this summer. She is a public program. • . F# cause it was thought that they in A. and M. summer school; six two of the seniors in voice. Mabee Tannin to The homeward trip was a very WHIPPET might I P g go to Baylor in the P Y WE CAN SUPPLY YOUR EVERY NEED g get lost. But two cars met of the girls are bound for Ba for and Cecyle tan to anxious one because everyone g Y p go to Baylor fall where she will take up primary Y the crowd about half way and car- College and two for Texas Uni- together where they will study'that work. wanted to get home. A U T O M O B I. L E S PHONE US YOUR ORDER 0 ried them back to the school build- versit seven school teachers will art. Cecyle intends to The trip was explained in ever DUPItEE FOUNTAIN, Mgr. Y; Y go to A. Jayne has planned to study art P P Y • DELIVERY AT ALL HOURS • ing. Everyone then went home, de- emerge from the class, and two and M. in the summer. in San Antonio. detail to the High School in an As- claring the wonderful time he had. students will study voice; we also Howard will attend A. and M. the (Continued on p. 8, col. 3) sembly Monday morning, April 30: G. J. Nedbalek, Mgr. I 179—Phones-180