HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963 The Phantom Gazette y H e . , , . At4 „ I P H R NTC)1 � . i , - The Phantom Gazette is the official Aside from tho usual and ycarl school newspaper. The purpose of the school paper as stated by the hand- throats against females wearing uhxr. >ool is to inform the students of obsono and rovcaling attire, nothin >chool happenings and train them in of extreme importance occurred trio the accepted techniques of journalism. first day of actual school. At the .s a r ember of the association of oponing assembly new students wore chow resses this given such. a cordial welcome that p publication is guaranteed to fullfill its obligation. �t had to bo cut short so as to pre - Stories on such items of interest as Cede with the assombly business. Ac tho latest scandals will be carried usual the administration took this in full. If you have a scandal that somo form of harassment. Howovor, t:: thoro :ou would like in tho paper, pass it was some chanting that was in around to your friends. The Phantom rathor bacl taste. will hoar. A Phantom corrospondont noted the Wo aro not a profit making orgcni- discouragmfant in tho oyos of score. nation. All that we dcsiro is xlk sim- of students as they walked upon the ply that every ono road the Phantom. school grounds failing to scc any It not only cost noticing, but buEna trace of the promised now gym, park. free. Savo your dimes and give then ing lot and cafotoria. Students to the polio fund. aro oneouraFoel to wait until noxt year so that you can wait until no <_ yoar so that you can graduatct. TJelcomc fros ion. It is assumed that "--` you aro all still lost and running around in circles. You have probably BEST SELLERS LIST FOR SEPTEMBER hoard that thoro is no smoking x on 1. Lolita (2) the campus. Go down to the cfficc or 2. Tropic of 0ancor (4) toachors lounge somotime. Also, fresh- 3. Catchor in tho Ryo (7) mon smoking day will be announced and L. Phantom Gazottc 1) oxplainod in a future issue of the 5. Trite Fl ing, a Lost Art (6) Phantom. . Brai 3 6 Brazn�ras Zing; � (1' ) — F`reshncn slaw . day will be hold 'T. Lady and tho Tramp (9) on tho clay of tho full moon in Octobor 8. Chaff?_ an Repor ± (11) cxccpt if it conic; on a Thursday in 9. Anciont luman "Prose (32) the third week. i xtkixxix In that 10. '. Rizc cane. , a 1 cf case it will cork on the Thursday -- 5_o Thi /7 — ncich ' (1Zi357 ) following tho fourth loss in football, oxcopt when more than throe gamos. X The date will then bo moved to Sop- i'?OTICE: stuclonts aro askod not to tombor 9th. harass the traffic officers on tho All freshmen arc roquirod to know tho west of tho tax office on Jorsoy school song and Fight song along with and southwoat ilolick Streets. the alma mater by the elate of tho sec- .._..- ono volleyball game. Froshmon will not speak unloss first NOTICE: next Saturday there will spokcn to. bo a dance in Sclrnoock at the SPJS'i' - - -- Hall. All athlotos arc onceuragod tc :;NOTICE.: thoro will bo a mass burning at Rofroshmcnts will bo ava- of all handbooks noxt Saturday on the liable to all as usual. football field. A transportation booth is now bo- In case of firo or firo drills ing croctod to help park cars and di- students should procodo from the .oct lost ctudcnts to rest areas. upper loft cncl of tho northwest tudcnts may park castes on tho north building to the west central pcsi, ido of tho horizontal tolophonc pa of the illegal parking area or at' roles except the first three rows and lotic, spasmotic, or nuclear atta . on the south. West side of the vortical parking let. Studonts from the silver poles may be used only bctwoon north part of thc northwest build; 3 and L pm xxImpt ardor rostrictod arc roquostod to procodo out tho part ing in cvont of athletic, spasmotic central nnin exit to tho north sL or nucicar attack on tho castorµhalf of tho illegal parking lot (see x: of the riicwostcrn provinces of lowor above). Students in tho science "' `ransylv; Daps can be obtained at wing should procodo cut tho northc ;ho riddle of tho north wing or tho or southwest end, rospoctivoly, tc ;_:trcn right of the lowor north wing . the crook arca or ncrthost park - rhich is just west of tho school boll. ing lot. Mc now building ovacuat through tho sc uthwost end to the ---- higher ground toward tho fcundatic. of tho old bus shod. FFA studont Students arc cncouragccl to drop proccdo to tho planned parking lot out of school when at all possible. southeast cf the Ag Shop. Those iftor the initial dropout tho studont instructions aro valid only if rill face uncmploynont or work. It firo or firo drill is hold on TJIod- _s naturally best to stay unor:_ployod day, Wednesday, or Friday. Ignore or as long as possible. In doing R'$ flood drills and snowbank exor- Tis a groat service to tho country cisos. is accomplished. Tho Labor Depart - ont, currontly tangled up in tho ?ncmploymcnt problom, rocontly an- louncocl that in August uncmploymont The search has now begun to fir _- cached a new low, just undor four out who this =tills Mystery Pass: lilion. Tho Labor Dopt. noods work Princess is. Every day until the _homsoivos, but it scorns that they ond of tho month a clue will be 'rc iNaning losing it. -- H ,,lp a nounccd cf thc p. a, syston as Jut in the uncmploymont problem and to the whereabouts of thc pricess, °ivo an agency of the govornlcnt more The first person to correctly sub- oork. This might oven be considorod mit kaom tho proper answer to ir. on act of patriotism. Ozmcnt will be entitled to thrco free issues of Tho Phantom Gazcttc -__- *3ILITJ 1; sT STIT$ WHEN THROUGH READING THIS NEWPAPER, GIVE IT TO A FRIEND. EVERY ONE MUST READ THE PHANTOM GAZETTE.