HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964 Graduation offfe i�"a z"° x5a" a: :s:::a..: :3a:.. u >:::::o .:...:ee z %c. w a :a A , : x Consol Class :.. i: Is Graduated l' Eighty -six seniors at A &M Ed Feldman of 304 Holick Consolidated High School were Drive. Linda has a 95.486 aver - awarded diplomas last night age and received a nursing during graduation exercises at scholarship from the Daugh- Tiger Field. ters of the American Revolu- Nancy Inglis, daughter of tion to attend Lilly Jolly Nurs- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Inglis of 201 ing School in Houston. Montclair, was named valedic- SPEAKER FOR the exercises torian of the Class of 1964. was Jeff Montgomery, presi- Nancy averaged a 95.948 grade dent of Kirby Petroleum Com- ratio out of a possible 100 pany of Houston. during her four years in high Montgomery, valedictorian of school. the class of 1941 at Texas SHE ALSO received an aca- A &M, spoke on the importance demic scholarship from the of higher education. He em- Woman's Branch of Columbia phasized the need for more University in New York. graduates in the field of social Salutatorian was Linda Feld- studies and humanities, in- man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. stead of the pure sciences. He said the reason the Unit- ed States' foreign policy is in trouble, is because of the lack I of training and preparation by � �����1111110001i10 persons entering the govern- ment. 1 i I II I' I 1 ' ,, THE INVOCATION and ben- 111111 II III tl edic was given by the Rev. 1111�11111'11111'Nh 1 11 1 H. Bruce Fisher, pastor of the 1i1 'h � 1 i1 I IIII I A &M Presbyterian Church. ' I 111. I 1 1 11 II Diplomas were presented by 11 1 1 1 6 I !I; John Longley, president of the Consolidated School Board. 101111110 '111 111111 1 !I 11 Elvis P. Ozment, principal I IhN ANlhltlllhlll 1111 it nl,! 1 Iml1' IIII ! y of A &M Consolidated High ,i I, 1 +�,� School, presented 10 scholar - 11 l l N1 1jl 1 '11p 111111111[ 1 I ' 110'111 111111; 1 t Imo11 1 lil ships. III 1 1 , ! 111111111 „ Those receiving scholarships, 111 IIII 1,111 1 ,ii 11,11 1111 p 11 II 11101 11 1 in addition to Miss Inglis and 1111111 V 1' 1 ,00 1 (11 1 11 Miss Feldman, were Jim Mills, 1 1 1 I ���1� 11 I hi l,h °' ,111 1 � L a tennis scholarship from Tex- 1 ' I 1 11 P �� 1 ��� [ 1, III 1 1111111 ! 1 111 as A&M; Frank Litterst, foot - 1 11 1 � 1I '11'f'111 ai. 1 1 1 1 01 � �1� 11111 I I �11 1I ball, Texas A &M; Glen Collier, 1 111111 1 1 1111 II ' p 'I 1 II ' music, Southwest Texas State id ,,,,,,,111,1„ . ,I 1 1 11 II ;I II 11 1; ,�, 4 11111111 j11j Iu1 I 1 411. I� 111 I'I II111 1 111 1 Diana Weirus, music, Unlver- h i lj IIII 111 111 11111, 1! 1 l I , ' 1 IIYIIIIII � � II�I �N 1111 III o 4 111 sity of Texas; n1 I 1 11 111111110 1 1 111,1 II ,, 1111h1h" 1 > Sherry Holland, 1 1 1 (III 1 11 tll , I 1;111'11 's Univer- I I 1 I (1 1 1111141111111111110 1 1111 I 1 11 . 11 1 111111110u1, 1 1 11 II 11111 ((I j1 1 music, Texas Woman i 11 ,4 1111111;,1111111 1 X1 111 j 1 Ip11 I 11ii1 „0„, h 1 I 1 sity and Suzanne Medlen, mu- 1 I p 1 � sic, Sam HO 1 1 1 4 14 1 4411 4 „4 4 1u 11 1 I 1 1 h ' 1� Houston State. d i' 0 111 1 1 11 11.111 „ X 111 11111 1 1 11 1 0010110 1 111111 i. Also, Jack Coffey, drama, 1 1 11 '11 1 1111li 1, University of Texas; Vickie 1 11 III, Martinez, cosmetics, Bryan 11111, 1 I 1 1 1 � 11111 Academy of Cosme III 1 .1 11 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 11111111 ,; 111 1 1111 THE SENIORS also present- 1 11 1 P911 11 11 1 1 II 111Il11111 Ihi�111111 1, ed the school with a portrait (IUUl11 111111111 1111'00111uu111�;' of Ozment, to be hung in the 0 110 111111011 library presently under con- 1 111111 1111 „.I 1 uction. ' i l l 1 Id I,111 11111. 1 1 11 ,, d hey also recognized Mrs. 111 11 1 ii, , ' 1 I I 1 - R. Orr, Latin teacher, who 1 1 1 ' i 1 ' retire from the school sys- 1 1 1111,1 11 111 11 I 1 11 a 21 years of service. 11� h11i V ��1111� Id ��u �IIII���d�1I, I s. Orr receiv a standing f: tion from the graduates. -,. - ' ,, ' - f he party was held at • TWO AT THE ' e senior u: ., . y Club, fol- . ' . ' • i Nancy Inglis, right, was named valedictorian and Linda Feldman salutatorian of the Class of 1964 last night during graduation exercises at A &M Consolidat ed High School. Nancy is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Inglis of 201' , and d M E'm rive ontclair . Eighty -six Linda seni received diplomas of Mr. during an rs. the d exercises Feldan he of 304 Holic - Ti: field. (Eagle Photo b y i s Gene the Dennis daughter ) . r , � l i l y I 'li II ' '��I��� ���� 1�I� II i ll111 I C I' I, II I� IIu, IIU I ,Consolidated I Ni II 1 1.; i11 II 'I I I, -. II�I�I, NIIII 4III �'„ III IT1 �1 "kl„ ; II " h� II I _ I i,i UIII III, � j n Bill Duke and Margaret members honored were Linda !li 1 01 I" Brown were named "Best All Feldman, Jan Butler, Christine �I Around Boy and Girl" at A &M Anderson, Nancy Inglis, Mich - Consolidated High School in ael Lienhart, Sue Heirth, Mar - awards activity Monday after- garet Brown, Glen Collier and 11111111 noon. Sherry Holland. The awards highlighted a Citizens of the month are year's activity for the school. David Gay, Bruce Riggs, Nan - Outstanding students in va- cy Inglis, Jan Butler, Linda rious academic subjects were Feldman, Margaret McMurry, also named during the assem- Micheal Leinhart, Billy Mitch - bly. ell, Bill Duke, Jay Pewthers THEY ARE Deborah Schatte, and Lee Sicilio. science - biology; Nancy Ing- - lis, English; Carter Oakes, pho- t o g r a ph y; Lorelei Brown, I math; Suzanne Medlen, band; I, I',I II�II�� IVI I Sherry Holland, chorus; Ben' 1 1 I J 1 1'' i t 1 ' ; l ,�ury f1 nVl1ll � 1. Hardeman, craftsmanship; Ma- 1 o ry Ruth Watkins and Ann Bal- '1 1 1 , 1 'hl 1,''I I�Ililull 1ii1111E ∎ll,1'll'I 111 linger, Latin; Karen Stuverud, ' u�IGi (' 1 I�I II history; Sherry Mims and �' I P lll) 1' �II Nancy Inglis, Spanish; Barba- N I i � 0 I , ^I ra Hedges, Homemaking 1; 11 8111 U 1 ., Ann Avera, Homerriaking II, and Russell Hanna, Bosh Al- '1 1 I Iil'i p 1 comb, Science award. 1, 11 411p, dl1111111 - ' DAUGHTERS OF American Revolution awards were pre- OUTSTANDING STUDENTS sented to Pam Adams, citizen- Margaret Brown and Bill Dukes were named the ship; Nancy Inglis, history and most outstanding boy and girl during award cere- Linda Feldman, scholarship. m at A &M C h S Monda Outstanding athletics were The ho two were chosen on scholars onsolidated Hi hip, leadership a d Walter Varvel, baseball; Bill citizenship abilities. See related photos Page 10. Duke, track; Claire Elkins, ten- nis, and Duke Butler, golf. Sue Hierth received the Ar- ion award for band work and Suzanne Medlen for choral work. Outstanding band students are Jimmy Reeves and Sue Hierth with Glen Collier and Peggye Breazeale taking out- standing choral honors. I BILLY MITCHELL and Peg - gye Breazeale were name'1 most likely to succeed; Mich- ' ael Leinhart and Nancy Inglis named most studious and Jim- my Reeves and Pam Adams named most cooperative. National Honor So c i e t y)