HomeMy WebLinkAboutEnglish Class Nature Poet's Notebook • by Vachel Shucks, Our Staff Nature Poet FROG ODE Some folks don't like frogs And run when they see 'em on logs. But I love all nature and I'm here to say Hi there, frogs, you're okay. 6 v 4 4.4. )L, (OA ,,QAAAA-10,41/4a i --- , ,,,, „.„ °' the tip Not i. Impossible Him shall I know, unless I go Cairo and Cathay, :ther or not this blessed spot is blest in every way? ow it may be, the flower for me Is this beneath my nose; -low shall I tell, unless I smell The Carthaginian rose? The fabric of my faithful love No power shall dim or ravel Whilst I stay here, —but oh, my dear, If I should ever travel! — Reprinted from THE COLLECTED LYRICS OF EDNA ST. VINCENT MILLAY. Originally from COLLECTED POEMS, Harper & Row. Copyright 1922, 1950 by Edna St. Vincent Millay and Norma Millay Ellis. -,..-- I, What was ?hoe be reaction to Holgrave's story of Alice Pyncheon? AA-2.e 9. ..34,..p..c_cr_-.6-9 7-A 4.--4-. W t was tae "moonlight conversation" of Holgrave and Phoebe?. ri-e---e ure of F r h .,-,...e,..,..-1,6_,..„; Arte.......z....e ey 3 reli bout te depathoete, ,,,.., r or u her at thi .„..,,,, ., .„4 , : l, ts- -o T How dos 6....e....,. _ _ _...__.4„;,....., . ,,*__, __ :4-Zal:76(-' 5 Explain the title "The scow and smile". 6, ''ihy did Hepzibah become upset when she discovered that her broth er was not in his room? --we------------4--.7:2-e.„70.-e-o. , 1 7 ,, ../escribe the flight of the two owls„ e, fell something of ClifforVs train conversation. 9, fell about Clifford's change of mood after leaving the train: 10„ 'fell about something frorn T;he chapter"Governor Pyncheori"o • , I. Who let Phoebe in on her return? 2, How was Jaffrey's death revealed to her? 2, Does Holgrave know the whereabouts el Hepzibah and Ql..ifford,? hat three LE:portant words does Holgrave say to Phoebe? What couple did Holgrave and Phoebe represent? • :, Did the old bachelor die in the oak chair? , How did young, Jaffrey act at Clifford's trial? How did Clifford change after the death of the judge? g Where was the now worthless parchment? IQ, 'il'hat did Hepzibah give little Ned as she drove off? 11, 'v:hat was happening in : well? 12 0 1 :;hat did Uncle Venter fancy as he left the porch? Additional suggestions for paragraphs: X I The moral purpose of the romance:. Hawthorne on sin, its consequences, and retribution. The place of TI HOUSE OF ri-rE SEVEN GABIL°C ni )1 merioan literature. Why some 0 uniors are not ready for the romance. 1 - 1 . ,.,... 4 ..,. - _. ..,,. .„. 7 ..,„.,, • . , . . ,. _, . .. .... , .. - , .)_ l ' ~\ ` • d...ci �.-- [� ---' a; /9' 1 \. 3 to i ,� t/ 7';‘-e3 4 .,e,f e c , ....d. /i i _ � i i _ ii. -, �. i ..e' i - - - �- .a te � � - / ■.....' g. ( 4�)-e- 7_. k./ / 4 0 ZO‘")!_,%.; ,- g .0,--k c / /Zig/ ........,:i...'. - _ _ � , __ - ! !. —?A j - Gc o c�• / _ P.J 7 f*Zd / i /(/- ��2 CPx�iG� "�/.C- �00�e.� V 69 4 0 _...e/- i e L/� e,s ,_...f e ,,...6 p".s,r /i .1,4, sr....,.sr_.. / 3 mac ( R°- _ l-i z�' , 4, 4 ( /� .�i / / r��_� :_ jam, -_ i �_�` ,< <I�..s. , ' e i„,___ , _........._ ___.....terAL .... a I ./...... ' e ' ,../ e. - .611 - G,..!.!l>11,r, ,/.sit J GC _ 7.55 .24:4/IJ . Ae - f:,/ /' ' / l/ - TZ/ ., / / / / , / - V / _I �, / 1 / 1 A, / .--e.7 , 6 :7 / 6 -4.-ez-b. (ge.4:4_,--Z7/.../.04: „Z___.001...-e_o_i_________________ - 7 1 ) ��� 7 . �e/e,e, 7 c-- c -.. (224-e_.„L".4.A-ige-C..7 Alefej-1 . �a /_ / J __ i / . - .L ✓�'LU L�:� , «� • ,� / /_ _„„•.„ i / - _,.. _ - • _iii _ _ _ //� % _i, . _ i s _' i .I . , b _ _ ./ / „> �. 7 / _ _mill _ _, 1 Z , 776 -/4Y /1 , / ea . ■ /Y /7( I. . ® ,e/J. wh t /. ��j /4 4/ Z-4-e' CCC / / / /// / / /�� e Y G I_� i � , Al - L�_ // , j .' / - 7 _, f i 41! . ..t...., /IC - . _.i / _ ii _ _ ,, //i _ AO _ _ . _- __ ..0 - i_ -- -� "i / - / _. I / 1 '- ., 4 7 T� ,rpc._- JI ,..e6 :--- - - peAe ..ate. �, G=- ' — 6, --. "d--a-6/--- _e-,., ,:z-,....Ai-Ze -- - -,0' -eA-2 / / - v' -- 7 -,__Ze / f0-eeeo e./2o*c.i-Zo Ci..tM , d-r-c-e_. ,,,, A-,e2e-/ c>t Ce-- -4 cZ_4-- ,Z42, !-fr.,' <e__, --e-tei-, Kett i _ _j G X dez2 e;(c , ' cz-, .,-,g-. Q-1,-4, . ec z 4., i „Wel-(31,-4.0_2_01 4/7 _.:?...e- „... ' / , / _ - � � . i. l� _ -a. � ' / - - _ice � - . J 1 J // ..------ - --...0 - --i ti _.i � _ - A�.ir�i ,-.- _ - / - / / % / / ., ..K.1.-A-00 . )44- -cry- . / / / ,t! i / f _ : ✓ - . i _ i i ✓ i.i _ _ - - - -! !_ liLCl / , 4 - / / =- /, -� / /��, f�z� G� / -dr.= /, _ _ �/ / // /eg71 `4 ' - t-c_J( OO --Z4 ° ‘.al_GV7a - gam / a/ . 24./ ce 7 / ; 1 ,