HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964 Student's Future Plans Li tt er st to Fo -- Grandp. Will Sign With The Aggies Frank Litterst, a standout II Ill 111II11111'1111 10 1 11Q1 01 1 11 1111!III 1l I 1' I�� III1 back at A &M Consolidated this ,1 1 I I ,I ,IC u I I , ' I j1i' fall, has announced that he will ',11 1 I� 1 sign a pre - enrollment football 11' 11111 1 11 letter of intent with the Texas 1'11 1 1 '" Aggies Feb. 11. p il,1 111 1 11'11111;111,1111,1111111111 111 ,1111 11 ' Ili 1 I Litterst has been waltzed by 1, l �� II major colleges and universities 1'11111�1 11 I 1, '11'11'111,, 1 1 1111 1) for the past few onths, includ 1 ,11'1 1 1 1, , 11[ 1 11'1.1 1 it , 1 11 in 111,1,1111;i11'11111,1111 a 1 1'II u! '„ 1 1 will follow in his grandfather's s 11, g the University of Texas, but 1 1 i ii 1 1 l il i ii � � I 1 , I i 1 I,I ' 1 � I, , i11�NI1 1 1 '' !1111, ' , 11, n1 11 I' III' footsteps and play his c 1 1 1I ''' 1 11i' � III ' I ' 1 i 1 ball at A &M. II l �[1' I l l i 1 �, �i G 1I111 !' �1111l Coach Leonard Brown is cred- 1111 1 III 11p NN 01 I '''1 ited with the signing of the 5 -10, tl1�11 ' I1, �I oil' , �t 185 -pound power house. Frank 1 i played in six games his senior 11111 ialI!il �I 111 year, rushing for over 1,000 111 1 yards and a 9.37 average. He capped off his career against Navasota by scoring four touch- s ,111 i'1 11i 1 downs and picking up 259 yards , ' on 27 carries. 1 11 The blonde bomber was nam- 'III !11 I, I ed the top back and most valu- I!! able player at the Consolidated 11 Football Awards Banquet in mid - December. Frank, actually the third to 1111 ,1111 III carry his grandfather's name, follows Frank Sr. in the Maroon LITTERST and White of Aggieland. Grand- pa played quarterback for the Bengal Boosters at Consolidat- Aggies in 1915 -16 with Rip Col- ed. Tins, Bill Sparks and the rest of Litterst will get a full schol- the "01' Corps." Frank Sr. now lives in Houston. arship and is expec +ed to play Frank Jr., is president of the at the half or fullback position. • TWINS TO MAKE HISTORY AT A &M , », +:... ...,,. :fi , .e:` .: x::x::,.:�::.:;.: �: <... 4 Ak:.; �..tikv �.Y r 5� ... ... . +..::.:- ....::... .. +.....__:. o ;:..,. +. ,,;:::.; >:: :; is �aa� {�c \: �:. \.: .�. `�� �'; ��4k�` z�:`; � : >'a?'8:.;;�,y;�k,'y�YS,�'8 'd '� "n�F Yk :.�':�a „':`> n L•' a 'k �� a'. � ,�' by X t '�` �s,� kee ao *> df ,:,yk„ �° , . as :,�, `' ' < Y'' ao • { : • • x . 3' A d: 's ' Michael and Meriwyn Leinhart, twins and emy w hile she w major in education. Their seniors at A &M Consolidated High School, parents are Mr. and Mrs. Don Leinhart of will become the first brother - and - sister College Station. Mrs. Leinhart is secretary twins to attend Texas A &M University in its to Normand DuBeau, director of the A &M 88 -year history when they matriculate there System Office of Information. in the fall. He will enter the Maritime Acad-