HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-64 A&M Consolidated Football CONSOLIDATED GRIDDER OUT FOR SEASON Dwight Robison, A &M Consolidated footballer, was taken to St. Joseph's Hos- pital by ambulance Thursday afternoon with an injury suf- fered in practice. Robison turned a leg under himself on a block, dislocating it. His leg was reset at St. Jos- eph, where he will remain under traction for a couple of weeks. The gridder will be out of action for the remainder of the season, Consolidated head coach Edsel Jones said. .�� - �tl Aerja Car t� Defeats 21-0 By TOM NELSO Ea le S N and afive- minute artillery bar- s ports Staff rage in the fourth quarter as the us i COLUMBUS — A&M Con- Columb • Cardinals 1 solidated fought like the Turk ed the visit overpower - Army for tree quarters here It w ors, 21 -0. Friday night, but melted in the b sketb ping-Pang all overtones for the first match with heat of this south Texas tow 36 m inutes of play, The ball Consolidated never proved to t be inals a scoring but threat Peter Fag for the an Card- d an COLUMBUS HAD one tout - Frank Litterst moved the ball * changed hands 15 times before down called back in the second exceptionally well. Litterst pick- the Cardinals scored, and a total quarter. Ernie Furge scored on and of 17 penalties were handed out ed up 93 yards in 17 carries to the fired-up penalties squads. Mitchell's 29 -yard throw, but Fagan ground out 36. the backfield was in motion and Walter Varvel had a lot of ON THE FIRST play of the the Tigers lost control two plays hard luck in the backfield as final quarter, Tootle Mitchell later. Leon Kuhn and Billy Kohleffel connected to Al Wayne Radke McGill and Mitchell were the teamed up on the defensive end ' on a 40 -yard pass play to break big guns for the Cards as they P the scoreless game. David Hahn set up pass p l a y s that put P o s i t i o n s to throw the Tiger kicked the extra point to put the at least one receiver In the clear quarterback for several big loss- ' Cardinals ahead, 7 -0. every time. Columbus complet- es. Columbus used an intercepted 10 of 18 attempts for 180 yards. "I could tell we were just pass to put them on the Tigers' Coach Lee Mitchell played 30 ter o after the third ter," " C Coaacc said. Edsel Jones said. eight 'yard line three minutes of his 31 players while the Tig- "We played a real good game up later. Pat M c G i 11 tossed to ers had to rely on the first team ' to that time, but we just didn't Mitchell, all alone in the end most of the ball game. A little have anything left." zone, and McGill kicked the ex- help on the Tiger bench could * * tra point. have made the difference. Columbus Two minutes later David Par- "CONSOLIDATED had a bet- Consolidated 0 0 0 0 sons, who quick kicked the Tig- ter ball club than we thought," Columbus Cons. ers out of serious trouble all Mitchell said. "We made some First downs 13 5 I night, had his fourth and four bad mistakes in the first half, Rushing yardage 152 101 punt blocked by defensive end and the Consolidated defense Passing yardage 180 0 Leon Kuhn. Right guard Billy Passes attempted 18 5 Kohleffel scooped it up and ran was a lot tougher than any of , Passes completed 10 1 had 46 yards for the touchdown. us expected. We had to go to the TOTAL 332 101 1 air, and as a result, we found a Mitchell converted for the ex- Fumbles/Lost 2 of 0 0 of 1 tra point with 6:27 left on the weakness." Penalties /Yardage 10 for 55 7 for 50 Clock. Netts /Ave 2 for 39 7 for 42.8 I' y�� �lipT, , l9 - itjt i( ic1s II I I ,,,,:ii,:' ,�, �,,,, , I I I+ II I I , I I till:, gal II11 + 1, 111 1' +, ff II oea1Ii I � 1 r ' {i�Illf i il'11 I I I � III I I ' I I I I I I ' I f ,II I 1 1 II I lull I I ,. ∎1111 1II; 1 1 11 1 111 II. III I ; II I I I f ��1� II I o 'Ill' I I I I II I Iluuu1' Ihl By JOHN WEST I , I� 1 hl' 1 11104„1 III 1, I I II I : 111 1 111 +, Eagle Sports Editor ,1 III-1111;111y ill 111 II I �! II Football grabs the top spot 1 1 II1 I IIII 1 111'j1i 11 1 1 I 111 tl I III 111 1 across the state tonight as all IIII (1111,ril�lll I I 1 1 111mlmlyp� (IIII I 11 I111', 1 1 II g q�g 111 l „HI, I I 111 I ll,�l1 1 1 1 111 I j 1 1 III p 1 _ schools except Class AAAA - l 1, , 1 II VIII f 1 111 III IIII 'IIII 1 '1' 1 I 1 11' over 700 teams - puts the pig - IIII Ih 1 1 1 tll II 1111 11 . ,, �1 1111ii , I � I, � 1 :111111 I I III skin into prominence. 1, I 1 1 1, 1 III For the r it .I,� 111 II 1 �,,1'1,,[ ;,,rli °II�i1 11 Brazos Valley League, 1111 1111 ( IIII which stretches from Navasota ! +Ii 1 1 Jr 1 in Grimes County northwest to it ni 1 1 � X1011111111, the seat of Milam County, it 1 I I ;I 1 � i,�' means a whole city of 4,481 in h1' " NI 'i,�} I,IgI g111 1 1 1 ,I11 I 1 the southern part of M i 1 a m ,,. {� ,1 , starts living, '. a ,I ; 1a 11 g, breathing and eat - ,, ' II , I 111 I III I � I I II I II 'CI I , I � I ing , g football. ,1� I;IIII I , II I I, 11 tl� 1 1111 � t , I I I 1 1111' �I yl 1 III;I dN' INI�I FROM MAYOR L. C. Mehaf- ',',1.1:111111[1410,411011; ji IIIFII I' 1 �� III �� I fey and city manager N. E. Al- i 1111 1 q I I It'l LI I �Iilllllllillllllllll Iv� y g i G111 ford down to the last working pl II I I Lei u , �q II1I� h 11111, 1 , 11 1 II , man able to get away on Frida ' II , i1 +i' I ' 11t I t1 , l 7W ;I'I III y ��II y IIl I + 11 �l 111,111;1,1 111111 1I 1 1il1 Im night • 111111,11,111,11II,:y.,,,,,,, �111>Ir 1 N'l17 4 V ,1 ilk �l I I i I 1 111, n ° �.ullll Rockdale has everything a 11 VII I 1 ' '11. football coach , ,1 , 1,, c o u 1 d ossibl l,pIul 111 11 111111, � I 1q 1 1 I 1, 1' � , N (I II' I I I'I l,l �l, fl�l hl 111111111, ��I I VI,i11111 111' „11111 ; 1 ;04; 1 isn't likely to let any of it go to ,Ifi� , IG ,,, I 1 1 1,11 ' 6 V III I .1 , I , I'1. hl 1 .1 �� waste. N .I f� I ., VII � I �I I , � II 1,, I I � i I I � ILI I want and Raymond Birchfield 1 1 The defending District 19 -AA +i 6 1 "� I I 1 1 + 1 111 I I I I I I II � 11 III I I 1 I II II 111 � ; 1 1 11 I � P�, g II ,'l 1 IV 1 1 1 �N ' Ii111� i1 I � � champion Tigers leads the six - ''�III';I , 111,1111„1 I 11 1 +1�I (' ,� 11 I 111 I team loop into action tonight 41 i k a H k 1 0111 1 1 II 11 , I 1 g i that finds games on tap in Rock- 4rl 11 1 N 11i� �� s�� 11 11111 d 1 � 1II1 1, 1 1� I Iillil jl dale, Caldwell, Hearne, Katy, I. 1 IVIII Columbus and Rosebud. r c COLUMBUS T T T T A &M Consolidated and Nay- LEAD TIGERS IGE RS A 1 r� COL lJ MB U S asota get the toughies of District A 113.1 .Consolidated football captains for the Tigers' 1963 opener at Columbus to- 21 - AA, Columbus and Katy, re niht are David Parsons (39), Russell Hanna (88) and Darrell Gossett (76). Bengal spectively. coach Edsel Jones and his staff will pick the captains each week according to Cameron playa at R g Caldwell entertains Madisoadiso n -' practice results. (Eagle Photo by Gene Dennis) ville and Hearne tries against the team it tied, 6 -6, at Conaliy' of Waco last year. All the game , have 8 p.m. starting times. ROCKDALE ran over Gid� dings, 19 -0, in their opener last year, then the Tigers breezed along virtually untested until engaging the Eagles at Hearne. Only Brenham of Class 10 -AAA caused anxiety to the patrons of the team that went to the state AA finals. Rockdale edged the Cubs, 8 -7. A big line, talented backs and excellent defensive club - a trifle weaker inside this year - makes Rockdale a hands down choice to repeat. But 19 is sh more 1 strength and unless the off tl clubs picked behind the Tig 1 1 results in "kill offs ", Rock may be hard pressed to r its feat of 1962. Three Tiger Starters To Be on Li m i ted Duty at Columbus By TOM NELSON discourage his running." Eagle Sports Staff The Tiger band, pep squad, Schoolboy football officially drill team and a student bus opens in the Bryan- College Sta- will follow the team to Colum- tion area Friday night when the bus. A &M Consolidated Tigers jour- COACH JONES announced ney to Columbus for their sea- that the starting lineup will con - son opener. sist of nine juniors, one senior The Tigers, suffering fl om lack and a sophomore. The all junior of experience and depth, receiv- backfield will have Walter Var- ed another blow Wednesday yell at quarterback, Fagan at when Coach Edsel Jones an- running back, Tommy Wolters nounced that three of his start- at wing back, and Harvell at ers will be on limited duty. fullback. Russell H i n a `and Fullback David Parsons and Ricky Carlton will be at ends • running back Frank Litterst Duke Miller and Bll White 4 have been sidelined with in- the guards positions, Larry G juries and guard J. Pewthers is frey and Darrell Gossett, tack out for disciplinary reasons. and Carl Gough, a 160 -pou Parsons suffered a knee injury junior lettermen, at center. and Litterst has a bad ankle. Consolidated picks the to JONES SAID that wing back captains at the end of the s Peter Fagan has been moved to son and has game captains the running back position and cording to performance dur Russ Harvell will fill in for Par- the week's practice. Jones said ,,., that captains for Friday's game s "We have only five proven will be picked after tonight's practice. backs, so we have to play check- ers wth them," Edsel said. Columbus, picked t• battle it out with Katy for the District 21 -AA title, returns 18 lettermen compared to the Tigers six. Tackles Billy Sweat (200) and Jerry Hajovsky (215) anchor the big Columbus line and provide good protection for backs Tootie Mitchell and Pat McGill. "Mitchell is a fine runner," Jones said. "But if. we hit him hard- enough, I think we can • T igers Unroll o G r id Frida By TOM NELSON that coach Lee Mitchell calls the Cardinals runs an 11.0, Eagle Sports Staff the fastest in Texas. Actually, hundred. Pat McGill (168) and Russ Hanna, Frank Litterst the Cardinals have such little Tootie (170) are members of the and Darrell Gossett will lead faith in the challengers from the sprint relay team and supply A &M Consolidated into battle the Cardinals with their scoring Friday night when the Tigers in PROBABLE STARTING LINEUP punch. Ernie Furge (180) and vade the home soil of the Colum- Consolidated Pos. Columbu Glen Stromquist (195 bus Cardinals. Hanna (160) LE Kuhn (170) q )round out Godfrey (190) ....LT Sweet (190) the backfield. The trio, picked by head Miller (167) LG Dehmer (160) AD 6 PT coach Edsel Jones and his staff Gough (160) C .... Schneider (190) to captain the '63 opener, will White (160) RG Brun (160) command the young Consolidat- Carlton (1s5> RE K Radke el (170) Y g Carlton (145) ....RE Rad (170) ed squad against the big guns varvei (16o) QB Mitchell (170) of District 21 -AA. Columbus and Wolters (145) ....LH McGill (168) Katy have been picked to battle Fagan (160) RH.. Stromquist (195) Harvell (170) FB Furge (180) it out for the 21 -AA crown. THE CARDINALS have a Brazos Bottom that they intend strong club with a backfield to use their heavy artillery sparingly. "We plan to play 27 boys Fri- day night," coach Mitchell said. "We have the size, power and speed to take our district, and I want to see a lot of my boys in action before we start our dis- trict play." Mitchell said that he will al- ternate three guards, three tac- kles and four ends during the first half, and will use the sec- ond half to take a look at some of his younger players. They return 18 lettermen from last year's 7 -2 -1 squad. "EVERYONE ON the team is) in fine shape, both physicallya and mentally," Mitchell added. "We haven't had any type of injury since the start of practice, so every member of the squad can go full speed." The slowest starting back for Light H Tig __ _ , ® e 11' 0115 Toni h °- r _,__ _______ ____,_____, __ ___ _____ .=_„,„______ _ ,_ _____„____,____ _ ___ _= _ erseel� fi?Ist Win From - -_,-7:-=„- _.=_:„_, ____ ,, _ - - - , ______ __ ,,_ Del valie _ =____,_ ,_ = ___ _ By TOM NELSON 7 - - - — Eagle Sports Staff = - _ - — A &M Consolidated will have a chance to open up their of- _ _ = _ _ fense tonight when they enter- = — - - _ -_ tam the De Valle Cardinals at 8 p.m. in Tiger Stadium. The two teams, each .Cardinals at s - - =_ for the season, are faced with = = - = _ the same personnel problems — experience and depth. _ . Consolidated has a good back- field, but the line lacks good TIGER. CAPTAINS AG DEL VALLE blocking and quick hitting. Del Valle is just the opposite, with a Center Carl Gough (left), end Russell Hanna, fullback David Parsons good hard hitting line, but the backs have failed to produce. "WE P TO pa ss more," Coach Edsel Jones said. "We'll open up a little more on offense, but won't get too fancy. I think we'll be able to move the ball PROBABLE STARTERS CONS. Pos. DE VALLE• Hanna (160) LE Caldwell (165) White (160) LT Porch (170) Pewthers (170) LG Lynch (160) Gough (160) C Demond (155) Sicilio (170) RG Conner (160) Gossett (180) ....RT Gilberg (185) Wolters (145) ....RE... Jenke (180) Varvel (155) ....QB Smith (155) s Litterst (175) .. .HB Booth (160) Harvell (170) ...HB.... Mosteller (170) arsons (186) ....FB.... Williams (175) better even though Litterst and Parsons can't go full speed." Jones said that Jimmy Par- rish, just off the injured list, will start on defense for the Tigers. Peter Fagan was singled out by Jones as improving on defense. The visitors will have fresh man Don Caldwell, a 165 -pound end, starting at left end. Sopho- more Ronnie Porch (170), John- ny Conner (160) and Arnold Gil - berg (185) will also start for the Cardinals. "WE RAVE 15 boys that go both ways," Coach Jerry Anger - man said. "We don't have any depth and have only three sen iors on the squad. I think Con- I solidated has a lot better ball club than people think they do, and I only hope we can give them a good ball game." Del Valle runs the winged -T without the unbalanced line and a 5 -4 defense. The Tigers use an unbalanced line and a 6 -3 -2 de - fense. Terry Booth (160) and Tom Williams (175) are the boys to watch in the Cardinal backfield. Litterst Prexy Of Ti er Club g The Bengal Boosters, the adult planning meeting at the high rganization to boost athletics school. t A&M Consolidated, to ^k Frank Litterst Sr., president heir first steps as an infant or- of the club, told the group that anization Tuesday night at a the purpose of the organizatiLn was to promote athletics and physical education in all grades. This includes a football ban- quet for the football players and recognition to participants in all the other spots events. THE CLUB will meet every Monday at 7:30 p.m. in the speech room at the high school. Game films, a scouting report and a question and answer per- iod with the coaches is planned for every meeting. A business meeting will be held once a month and will be announced at a later date. Club officers elected Tuesday were Frank Litterst, president; C. W. Pewthers, vice president; Dr. W. A. Varvel, secretary; and Dr. R. L. Hanna, treasurer. J O. Alexander will head the pro- gram committee, Spike White the entertainment committee and Bill Gard will handle the publicity. COACH EDSEL Jones review- ed the Consolidated - Colum- bus game and singled out Carl Gough, David Parsons and Rus- sell Hanna for the fine defen- sive plays. Frank Litterst was also recognized for his outstand- ing offensive play. Jones said that Gough, Par- sons and Hanna will captain the squad Friday when the Tigers host Del Valle. "We ran basic plays Friday, concentrating more on defense," Jones said. "We'll open up a lit - tle more on offense this week." The Consolidated B -team will play their first game in Nava- sota Thursday. • l e Depth Shot or Ma d iso n v i ll e T By TOM NELSON since the eighth grade. pounds, and Dennis McWhorter, Eagle Sports Staff When Coach Don Hanks was a 150 pound freshman, will start Rain forced local football asked about some of his good at center. teams indoors for practice Wed- players, he said: "We don't have "When you have to play nesday, but if you were look- any, we'xe still looking." three seniors who haven't play- ing for the darkest cloud, it was The Mustangs were blanked ed a down of ball since the hanging over A &M Consolidat- by Caldwell, 34 -0, and Navaso- eighth grade, then you can see ed. to whipped them last week, 44 -0. what type of team we have," 01' Mother Goose never had The starting line averages 157 Hanks said. the problems that Coach Edsel Jones finds himself faced with on the eve of the Tiger jour- ney to Madisonville. In fact, Consolidated has just the oppo- site problem —not enough play- ers to fill a good shoe. THE SHOE belongs to David Parsons, the Tigers' fullback and defensive standout. Parsons was injured early this week with al charlie horse and will be out of action for at least a week. Jones announced that junior' Russ Iluss_Uarl will move to full - ackb from wing back, and that CONS. Pos. MAD'VILLE Hanna (160) ..... LE Tinder (160) White (160) LT McWhorter (175) Pewthers (170) LG. Gates (135) Gough (160) C .. McWhorter (150) Sicilio (170) RG Cannon (135), Gossett (180) ....RT Herring (170) Miller (160) RE Stevens (170) Varvel (155) QB Taylor (150) Litterst (175) HB Guenant (150) Carlton (150) ...HB... Kornegay (138) Harvell (170) FB Stewart (175) I ' Rickey Carlton will start in Harvell's position. If that wasn't enough, Peter Fagan received a similar injury and will not play Friday unless he is needed. The two injuries leave the Tigers without a rserve back. "If we get someone hurt," Coach j Jones said, "we've had it." Duke Miller has 'been improv- ing each week, and the sopho -' more will start at right end. Parsons was rated the highest for offense and defense in last Friday's game with Del Valle. Russ Hanna was second and Frank Litterst third. Litterst, 1 Bill White and Jimmy Parrish were picked by Jones and Asst. Coach Jack Churchill to cap- tain the Tigers against the Mus- tangs. MADISONVILLE runs the winged T with a balanced line. The squad is young, light and inexperienced. j h The Mustangs have five sen -! ors on the squad, but three of them haven't played football S'.y e g Y Y •n, ••r 0 • gii t3 co ' • 30F'0 00 U z 0 Rs y ° 74 -0 . °' (JD V1 g0 0 w 7 C° 'aU 0 0~ • � 4 ° � ° cu c , co 0 ° ° 0 '0 3� c °moo i ty - . 0 �' vJ w uJ U co > . . a) w h0 4 , i,"' 0 2 V/ k W - , • a -4- O c .% e I. • 4 Ca r) 11 . -..g 't.c2 g 413 4 rt., 5. i --, 8 a' 6 . 'O 1 U U U A 0 0, a) , a) '.0 :0'' vi I) .n b! y U 'O '0 0. . 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'" a' 'o a b o o t� '" o a to W W O ort U z • O N,N a A .. .- . y t0.� o 0. -4 ,- -. cd co r w > w ' ti� ,4 Xi a 4 g Ea5. f, u o6' co to bw i:-t LI � 0 n `tl o , E yg.0 c w O , C o a oo . O .�C t Al 49 2 Z �+ c 1:21:1 U to 0 U 0 .., 0 .p . o �'' W .ho p N X U O a) co U •--. � a) 4 ' U ., 0, ^'+ U a y • � . to ha 5 ,, .0 0 p o . � g 4 —1 c. 9 CD g .M v w a ) i � ao a ... _ . •x � + • a , _ C.) 71 oU � '0 � ., Cd $0 ; ; C O3,0 ` .00ai '' '~��; v 0 0 ,�'0 .0 C t0 F+ .1, a O V A+++ C1 O ., a - •. o •.y O qi a I/2 bi' 0 v� W *, . .+ 'L' .g 4., a0 D, • � .C1 0 .., O al +1 N y d � " d 0 — aDU O" _— _ _ 'U bA co 4-1 td to 70 .-, W — _ ___ -=._,, - =--. _ - Vj - - - -- r� __ Vl . V) G) N ' L3 t.1 — . , N O L". a) , 0 . j . G) — _ d+ crs 0) -- gam' - _ y � "r:100.,_, x = T a = O ilml .1/3 W 1.4 'd _ — _ _ _�_ (1 'a 0 Ed C� H _— — _ —: - U �C)[z O ,,_, .° , a c.) , o co O • h i B Back Buffs By TOM NELSON are big but not real fast. We Eagle Sports Writer didn't play a real strong team A &M Consolidated will be at last week, but I was real proud full strength this Friday when of the boys' performance," Jones they host the Giddings puffa- added. loes, but healing injuries will FRANK LITTERST, leading still hamper the Tiger running Tiger rusher, also was praised game. by Jones. David Parson s, recovering "Frank is a real strong foot - from a leg muscle injury, saw ball player. He has worked hard limited action last week in Mad- on our weight program, an4 isonville but has been moved along with his good natural abil - back into the line and will play ity, has developed into a real some at fullback. Peter Fagan competitor. also will be back in the lineup, "He's a real strong runner, even though he can't run full and real hard to bring down," speed. Jones added. WALTER VARVEL will also The Tigers won their second be slowed down by a bad bruise. straight iri three starts at Madi- Carl Gough, Bill White and sonville. Columbus took the Russ Harvell drew praise from opener, 21 -0, but Consolidated Coach Edsel Jones on their came back to drop Del Valle, 12- defensive plays last week. 0, and Madisonville, 30 -0. -." `We looked better offensive- Game time is 8 p.m. for the 'nd defensively against Madi- Tiger - Buffalo match. vine," Jones said. "But we have a better test this week Nearly 22 per cent of the 500 st Giddings. players on Southern Conference hey have some real strong 1963 football rosters come from s in their line, and the backs Pennsylvania. • ew Look' T Try ornets F rl a ' By TOM NELSON Eagle Sports Staff A &M Consolidated takes on a "new look" Friday when the Tigers travel to Huntsville for their final non - district game. ters will be Friday's captains. L i t terst Sophomore Duke Miller has The Huntsville line averages been moved from the right end 159- pounds, soaking wet, Top slot to the left end position, the Tigers will field a 165 -pound Darrell Gossett takes on the left line. Tiger tackle chores, Timmy Wolters "We have a small line for a Yard, replaces Miller on right end and 3 -A club," Hornet Head Coach Russ Harvell moves back to the. J. J. Head said. "But we're a • ru ng ack position as David scrappy Point Man Parsons returns to fullback. Huntsville runs the wing and TWO SENIORS, J. Pewthers flanker T formations with a bal- Halfback Frank Litterst holds and Lee Sicilio, one sophomore anced line. the offensive statistical honors and eight juniors will start THE HORNET line, with only for the A &M Consolidated Tig- against the Hornets. Injury three players that tip the scales ers as they enter their fifth hampered Peter Fagan will al- past the 160 mark, has two fine week of competition. ternate with Ricky Carlton in players in end Wesley Warner Litterst has carried the ball 54 the running back position. ' and tackle David Simons. War - Coach Edsel Jones announced ner plays linebacker on defense times and gained 656 of the Tig- that Parsons, Sicilio and Wol- and Simons doubles at the de- ers total 951 yards gained on the fensive end position. ground. The 5 -9, 176-pound run- Fullback Brute Smith, 5 -8, ning back, who averaged better than 12 -yards per carry, has al- 160, is the workhorse in the so scored 40 of Consolidateds' ; I Hornet backfield. Smith gained 75 points. 100 -yards rushing last week in The Tigers have rolled up 1, -` Jasper, even though the game 051 -yards offensively, compared was played through a driving to the opponents 810. rain. Here's the four game results Right halfback J. Rodriguez TIGER STATISTICS is a fine pass receiver, quick (Through four games) runner, and a fine defensive Rushing s afety man. Litterst 54 656 12.14 + Name Att Yds Ave Smith and Rodriguez were a ' ' I Harvell 18 129 7.1 arsons 13 48 3.7 PROBABLE STARTERS Fagt Pete 12 79 6.0 CONS. Pos. HUNTSVILL Carlton 12 79 6.5 I Miller (155) LE Warner (175 Hannna na 1 20 0 20.0 Ha 11 -17 -1.5 Godfrey (188) ... LT Simons (170 Fagan, Paul 1 -4 4. , Pewthers (170) ..LG.... Chandler (145; Gough (160) C Cole (1 I Passing Sicilo (160) RG Watale (155'• =; Name Att C 1 Yds T Gossett (180) ....11T Praytor (180) Varvel 28 6 2 91 Wolters (145) ....RE Wilder (140.) HarveA 1 1 0 9 Varvel (154) QB Coffman (145. Receiving Harvell (170) ....HB.... Grisham (1 Name Wolters Hanna Carlton C Yds TD Avg ar on (145) ....HB ..Rodriguez (1 2 40 2 20.0 Parsons (186) ....FB Smith (1 3 38 0 12.6 2 23 0 us district last year and team Scoring with Warner to captain t, ame TD PAT FG T team. tterst 6 2 0 40 0 0 12 olters 2 CONSOLIDATED will be pro anna 1 0 0 6 tecting a three -one record going "arish 1 0 0 6 0 0 6 2 1 into Friday's game, taking their arvel 1 ,arsons o only loss in the opener from Team stati Columbus, 21 -0. The Tigers Cons. Opp. 30 33 951 549 100 261 haven't been scored upon since 'rst downs that game. et rushing as gassing The Hornets have a tie — the otals yds 1051 810 lone blemish on their record — asses att 27 44 along with two wins going into Passes comp 8 17 Consolidated's final non - district passes had int Punts punt ave 2 3 16 14 outing. The Tigers will be idle 36.0 33.5 next week. Huntsville and Bell - penalties 17 21 vine wound up in a draw, 6 -6. Penalty ydg 10 141 Fumbles s Io to The Green and White defeated Fumbles lost 6 9 San Antonio Central Catholic, - — 21 -8, and Jasper, 13 -6. Huntsville Capitalizes Ori Ti er Errors for 28-0 Win By TOM NELSON kickoff back from their 23 -yard Tiger 29 -yard line. Eagle Sports Staff line to the Tiger one, where they A series of rushing plays put 1 HUNTSVILLE — The Hunts - were stopped short by a great Huntsville on the five. Coffman ville Hornets took advantage of goal -line stand. again hit Warner in the end zone all the breaks here Friday night David Parsons, who kicked for the touchdown and a Coff- as they defeated a reshuffled the ball with vigor all night, man to Sidney Grisham pass A &M Consolidated squad, 28 -0. quick kicked 59 -yards to the gave the Hornets a 14 -0 lead. The Tigers, with four seniors The final two tallies came in out of the lineup, just couldn't Huntsville cons. the fourth stanza. On two differ - et back on their feet after the First downs 13 8 ent occasions, R i c k y Carlton g Rushing yardage 19 63 fumbled an attempted punt re- pass play early in the first guar- Passes attempte 1s 19 turn on the Tiger four -yard line, ter. An intercepted pass and a Passes completed 7 s settin u Hornet scores. p Passes had intercepted 1 2 g p pair of punt fumbles on the TOTAL YARDAGE 262 129 Fullback Bruce Smith got Consolidated four -yard line re- Fumbles/Lost 1 -2 3 -3 both scores on two and four suited in the other Huntsville Penalties /Yardage 7 -65 5 -30 yard plunges, and picked up two scores. Pu /Avg 4 -43.0 5 -45.2 extra points the same way. THE HORNETS gave up only Hornet 36, but on the first play Smith was the leading Hornet rusher, picking up 72 -yards on two first downs in the first half quarterback Charles Coffman 's 17 carries. and allowed Consolidated their pass hit end Wesley Warner just deepest penetration — to the past the mid -field marker, and "THE BOYS put forth a real Huntsville 32. good effort all night," Coach Ed- he outraced Peter Fagan to the sel Jones said. "We just couldn't Huntsville had marched the end zone. move the ball on offense. The point after failed but it "We'll just have to start all was enough to put the Tigers on over from the beginning and the rocky road. take up from there. You sere HUNTSVILLE nearly scored can't blame Ricky for dropping again, seconds later, when Wal- the ball. It was the first time ne ter Varvel's pass was intercept- had played in the deep safety ed by Warner. The Tiger de- position, and he just got excit- fenders were all blocked out ed," the head coach added. and Warner had a clear field, Huntsville __.... 6 8 0 14 -28 but he tripped and fell on the Consolidated __.._ 0 0 0 0— 0 I II 11111111Willllr"IIIII�II IItIhN j IV1 u .1•111111.11,11,1,11111:11111j; .. • li I'1 JI IIIIj11 ; .. ! uI1I I I J 1 � , 1 .. , ; ; 1 , 1 1, 1 1 I I I 1 1I I > 1 1 II IIII 1 1111 m Ili 1 Irl 1 V ��I IIIMI 11 I1 1 1 I � tI1 111 II :1 1 1 II . 1 11 1'; , 111. 1 1;1 1 ;11111111.1' ,1 11 1 •;111 1 1 III I • I 'I I 'III 1 ' 11 IN ;III' IIIlil1liih 1 111111 I III I II VIII I 1111111 Ii 1 I II III 11 I1 IIII IIII li II 1 1 I'll 111 1II Il I1 1 1{ Ir I,;;;11:1,,,;;;';11.1. 1 I 1 1 I I II 1 1 „Ill,' II I th 1 ..•11,.. II � 1 IV r 1 h I I ,III 1 I 411 1 I, I I I 1 I I I I I 1� 111 11 n� 1 1 1111 1 I 1 I g11llh I 1, 1 ph �r 11111jI1I II II 11 III III 1 11 1 h1 1 1 1 11 1 1 III 1 I 11 II quit; 1 1 1 11 IIII II,I i1 IVI II II 1 111 �� III � 1 X11 1 IN 'r iii � 'I V 1 1 I IIL I 1 I ,I 11 III 111 I I 1 I I 1 III 1 1 I I I I I ' �I II I 11 1 .1111111119'10' ii� I I 1.I�1 VIII 1 1 1 I I 1 11 a 'Vi I 1 • I 11 1 I I II I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I M I II 1 I�� ci �I y II 1 9I 1 1 II �� � 11 1 II I IIII 1 IIII 1 11,111,11,;,111111',1 11 1 1 II 1 i �. '1 I I I I II 1 111 11 III I I 1 1 11 1 11 I 1141 111 1 III 11 1 1 1 1 IL I � 1 u�1 u I • I I I 1 1' I I1111V II I 11'1;1' I 1 Ild I "III 1 .111 II 1 u ! 1 , till; - III . 1 1 1 1 1 I lpl j 1 1 1 l 1 111 II 1 II III Ii IIII 1 1 P II II 1 111 I I I 11 ICI III 1 1 1 1 I. IIII u 1 II. IIII 111 II1 ,;111,. 1 1Ii h l 11 1 �l � III 1 III VI 111 IIII 1Q 1. II h II I III' II 11 1 1 1 . I II 11 1 ' 1 1 11 VII ; 1 q 11 1'11 11,11 11 1 I II I Ipl I IV 1 IIII 111 h 1 1 : III 1 1111 II1111111 11 I h II 1 II 11 I 'I I I i 1 1jI 1 1 j 1 1 1 11 llllt II'I 1 1 I I 1 II I t II III 1 1 1 11111 1 II, I V II p 1 1 11 11 IJ X11 I 1 h II 11 '1111,1 I VIII II I III 1 .I 1111 1 1 11 I Id l 1 I 1 1 I 111 j 1 I 1 111 1 :1111 1 1 1. 1 11 1p 1 1 I u11 IrI 1 1 II �1 1 i 1 11 111 1II 1, 1 � tl I III 1 111 1 ja 1 11 1 1 11 i t 1 Ih I 1 1j ' I 1 1 1 , 1 II II I 5 I 11 :i :.... 1 I ,. r ' �: 1 1 111 1 ,. , 1 ,11 1 1 1 1 '1, IIi1 1 i 111 1 .. 111 1 1 I I, L I 1 . L 1111 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 i 1 III' I : II 1 ! 1 161.II I If. 1 IP I 111 11 IIII 11 1 1 1 I III � 1 1 I I I I III t� 1 1 1 1 1 111 1 11 I � I �li � l u 1 1 I � I . I �I I. I � I 1 I 1 111, ,,. I L.. J I III 11 1111,1111 III IIIh1 „ 1. .1 1 1 1 t���I111 1 V 11'I 1I 1 II I ' J .' I I III I I II 11 III .1,1,1.: li,, 41 111i11l11 ,11l11 11hINI1V1 w V ia l , r l!oI�Il 1 , 4,1 I ll 1 � 'I I� I t III �I1' 11 I , 11II 1 I !' 4,,,d4 11''It�ll q 1, 1..11 1 iii I IIIIIL IJt :.L. :II, . 116!1 II II t111la1' :t1 :�111I11 tIVVII11�111II '�11I11VIVII1V11�1111,1 :1''11 I IVh II J1IIVIIII °;1 IN PRE -GAME HUDDLE Consolidated Tigers who will meet with officials before the kickoff of their ame at Huntsville tonight are (1. to r.) captains end Timmy Wolters . icilo and fullback 49•417. parsons. The Consolidated - Huntsville game ' guard Lee hgassa 7:30 .m. starting time. eiN11 J Giddings t0 Enter Tigers Dell Tonight By TOM NELSON than their results show," Jones there we may have to throw a Eagle Sports Staff said. lot," Jones added. Giddings has gone scoreless in CARL GOUGH, Russ Harwell "Big, strong and Coach three starts. Rockdale trimmed and Walter Varvel will captain Those were the word ch E Those se wee to describe be ash them 36 -0, Caldwell won 26 -0, the Tigers tonight. David Par - Edse Giddings Jones used to the and La Grange beat them last sons, who was i n j u r e d two host the District of seh fa es. . The he team at week, 27 -0. weeks ago, will s t a r t at left h h st the tonight at Tiger team "It will take a team effort to guard and is the only change in 8 beat them," the Consolidated the lineup. JONES SPENT most of Thurs- head coach said. "They have a Jones said that Parsons will day afternoon viewing movies strong fullback and a heavy see a limited amount of duty at of the Buffaloes. line. If they ever come alive — "They've made a lot of mis- well, I just hope it isn't Friday. PROBABLE STARTERS takes this year, and I think they "We plan to throw the ball A &M Cons. Pos. Giddings have a much better ball club more, and with that big line up Hanna (160) LE Sandoz (148) White (160) LT...._.... Kilian (168) .� Parsons (186) ,LG Mueller (160) „ IiIgT 1 i ; � ('� IT ITT lli Gough (160) C Harms (150) i 1 111 '11111] Sicilio (170) RG Dube (160) Gossett (180) ....RT C. Kissman (165) 1i 1 H Miller (60) RE 11. Kissman (188) of r 1I'i III l 11 Varvel (155) QB Nitsche (173) 1I Ilia ill'il ��liili Ii Litterst (175) HB Hilton (152) 4 I,IIII IIIVI,IIIl IIIi'�ll'I.'i'� Carlton (150) ....HB Stewart (179) ', I II. I u I 'I tI I Harvell (170) ....FB Pieratt (175) III hl1'I� IpIII I I I t alll 10 'll it I, I 1i I fullback, but will play in the e � IIII �t l i l l l I 1 line until the injury has healed. 1 de Smith '�"� I Clyde head o ry ���I III, 1 Y coach at 'ilk 'if ih I I III I Giddings, reported that his two 11 ll'I'l starting tackles were injured 111 I1IIII' y 1 two weeks ago and will miss the I ll ll � lilll' game tonight. it '� 11101" and John �I,tlLI � I Gre gg Rogers g ( 196 ) f, Baird (206) s r I' I ( ) e e d broken arms in workouts a f t e r the Caldwell ame and they r re- e g � Y P „, sented a lot of beef in the Buf- faloe line. QUARTERBACK John Dur- renberger, who works both of- ,, ,, , owiE fense and defense, played last week against La Grange, but II III has missed school all week with Ii � r�I, I I1 'li I I stomach trouble. 1 N Illi �I,II; ' 1 ,I (II , . �I�U, II Frank Dube is the only senior loOtilic 'lll1l ,I' "III starter, with six juniors and I� I I i four sophomores on the first I{ „ ;�01' II I'I I string. llI I II In the backfield, sophomore 1'I� ' I fullback John Pieratt and half- 414111141160'11' 1 I 4I'l l i "11 1 1 back Jack Stewart will combine " 1IIIII 11 forces with QB Kenneth Nitsche �'I'Ii�I1II I) 1111b4 to try and break into the end iilll� ,' zone for the first touchdown of the season. Stewart and Nitsche are juniors. "We play a lot of young play- ers," Smith said. "Most of our CONSOL CAPTAINS squad is greener than grass, and A &M Consolidated captains have a hard time telling who for the Tigers' 8 p.m. game and what to hit." with Giddings tonight at�,o -. FIVE LETTERMEN failed to lege Station will be show up for drills this season Harwell (top), wingback; 'Val- and Smith said that factor has ter (bottom photo), really hurt the team. quarterback, and center Carl The Buffaloes run the straight Gough, one of A &M High's and winged T formations. tri- captains against Del V, +r "Consolidated has a hard hit - ting team, and we respect them," Smith said. "Frank Lit - to E G iddin g s nter T igers Den Tonight By TOM NELSON than their results show," Jones there we may have to throw a Eagle Sports Staff said. lot," Jones added. Giddings has gone scoreless in CARL GOUGH, Russ Harvell "Big, strong and tough." three starts. Rockdale trimmed and Walter Varvel captain Those were the words Coach them 36 -0, Caldwell won 26 -0, the Tigers tonight. David Par - Edsel Jones used to describe the and La Grange beat them last sons, who was i n j u r e d two Giddings Buffaloes. The Tigers week, 27 -0. weeks ago, will s t a r t at left host the District 20 -AA team at "It will take a team effort to guard and is the only change in 8 p.m. tonight at Tiger Field. beat them," the Consolidated the lineup. JONES SPENT most of Thurs- head coach said. "They have a Jones said that Parsons will day afternoon viewing movies strong fullback and a heavy see a limited amount of duty at of the Buffaloes. line. If they ever come alive — "They've made a lot of mis- well, I just hope it isn't Friday. PROBABLE STARTERS takes this year and I think they "We plan to throw the ball A &M Cons. pos. Giddings have a much better ball club more, and with that big line up White (160) LT LE...._.... Kilian (168) Parsons (186) LG Mueller (160) Gough (160) C Harms (150) Sicilio (170) RG Dube (160) Gossett (180) ....RT C. Kissman (165) Miller (160) RE H. Kissman (188) r Ih, ' i I ilia w ,, fill n ' Ow ;l Litterst (175) HB Nitsche (173) (152) it l) ' +I ` ,f� " a,(' rI l�il Carlton (150) ....HB Stewart (179) I I 1 ,11 1 Harvell (170) ....FB Pieratt (175) ii i li I III I i I� I I11,,Itjllr I lh I� I lu Illllr!h'll; I 1 li�ll,�l IIPII III'PI 1 Ir fullback, but will play in the I , � ,,IN, L 1 1 ,, , I,1, iIif11,1 II ,, line until the injury has healed. uo�ll11ll Clyde Smith, head coach at I : II �� I � I do 101 1 11111111111 II Giddings, reported that his two Ili i; i ll I � I starting tackles were injured two weeks ago and will miss the 1 ' 1;, �') � ' JiJIIIIJII game tonight. I�I ,, �� 1 I iI Gregg Rogers (196) and John , 11� r ' I i I �I I (I WII1I Baird (206) suffered broken ' arms in workouts a f t e r the II Il lll�l jll l''�1�� Caldwell game, and they repre- sented d' I, a lot of beef in the Buf- faloe line. QUARTERBACK John Dur- :,I renberger, who works both of- fense and defense, played last week against La Grange, but has missed school all week with ,, m , , I stomach trouble. Frank Dube is the only senior �i, ; starter, with six juniors and 1;1 I I 'I 1 1 four sophomores on the first I string. �, ' III I I II j I l I111,„ In the backfield, sophomore � IIIIP I � Ii/iii 41,1 ''I II � fullback John Pieratt and half- II I I �II I I II I back Jack Stewart will combine forces with QB Kenneth Nitsche "' "�'11III�' ��I to try and break into the end 1 I I 1 ! � , zone for the first touchdown o IL '1, ,. r f I I wlll�l� I' 1 the season. Stewart and Nitsche 1 , I I'' I 1jhI,j;ili , ' ' o h,,,, , are juniors. 1 j "We play a l ot of young la 11 ,III P Y Y g F Y- iI I ers," Smith said. "Most of our squad is greener than grass, and have a hard time telling who and what to hit." CONSOL CAPTAINS FIVE LETTERMEN failed to A &M Consolidated captains show up for drills this season for the Tigers' 8 p.m. game and Smith said that factor has,. with Giddings tonight at Col• really hurt the team. lege Station will be ' The Buffaloes run the straight Hat, - 11 (top), wingback; Wal- and winged T formations. ter Varvel (bottom photo), "Consolidated has a hard hit - quarterback, and center Carl ting team, and we r e s p e c t Gough, one of A &M High's them," Smith said. "Frank Lit - tri- captains against Del Vr terst worries us more than our mistakes. We seem to do all right until we pull a blunder, ' but from then on we can't seem to pull ourselves together. "I have a lot of respect for Coach Jones and I only hope we can give them a better game than we did last year." The Tigers took that game, 31- . 0. This writer predicts the out- come: Consolidated 21, Giddings B. Tigers B e s t Since 1959 I A &M CONSOLIDATED'S 5 -4 -I. record for 1963 is the best pos ted by the Tigers_ since 1959, when A &M High won five, lost three and tied one. 'the Tigers won five and lost five ed Taylor in District 21 -AA tied three ways and Consolidated play bi- district. or 9 oemen Tie 4,n Homecom Contest By BOB HEATON two and had two aerials picked ball again. They worked the ball Eagle Sports Staff off. to the Cameron 27 before they Cameron's Yoemen fought a RVELL fumbled the ball. found it hard to move. On a four period defensive battle to on a 1r and 10 play with fourth down play Parsons at- tie the Tigers of Consolidated 7 :50 left in the first period of temped a field goal. The snap 0 -61 Friday night on Tiger Field. play, 25 seconds later the Tiger from center was low and the The Bengals were 82 yards bet- back recovered a Cameron fum- ball was not placed on the tee ter on total offense than the Yoe ble on the Yoe 19. in time to allow a good lick. and are credited with the unof- C a m e r to n and Consolidated The ball dropped short and to ficial win on first downs, nine were only one yard apart in to- the left. to five. Seven of these came in tal offense at the end of the PAUL FAGAN intercepted a the last half. first half. Consolidated had a to- Yoeman pass on the second play "We were very pleased with tal of 44 yards to Cameron's 43. of the series to give the Tigers our defensive effort F r i d a y As the third period of play be- one more chance with less than night," remarked the Tiger head gan the Tigers were one first a minute left to play. The Ben - man, Edsel Jones. "We thought down behind, Cameron led in gals tried to move in for the we had a fine team effort. We that department 3 -2. score but as the clock ticked off need to improve on our quick - The kick -off from the toe of the final seconds Walter Varvel Hess and especially our block- Merlin Lester sailed out of the fell on the ball and the game ing." end zone and it was first and 10 was a 0 -0 deadlock. A &M Consolidated's head man for the Tigers on their own 20. Strangely the Tigers kicked went on to remark, "We didn't Coneof Cameron four times for a 31 give the Cameron team the cred- First downs 9 5 yard aver - it we should have, they were Rushing yardage 124 60 exa, all four the kicks were much tougher than use thought." Passing yardage 48 30 exactly 31 yards. Parsons punt - Passes attempted 10 9 ed three times and the other 31 FULLBACK DAVID Parsons Passes completed 4 5 yarder belongs to Harvell on a and runningback Harwell Passes had intercepted 2 2 third period quick -ZEE led the Bengals offensive attack TOTAL YARDAGE 172 90 Fumbles/Lost 2-3 2-3 THE TIGERS, now 3 -2 -1 on with a total of 103 yards be- Penalties/Yardage 2 -10 3-25 tween them. The backs gained Punts /Avg 3- 31.0 4 -32.8 the season, will hit the road to take on the tough Caldwell Hor- 53 and 50 yards respectively. ON THE FIRST play f r o m nets. Caldwell is undefeated, un- In the first half both teams s c r i m m a g e Parsons b u r s t tied, and unscored upon in six moved the ball short distances through the Cameron line and games. before having to give the pig drug part of the secondary with "They haven't been scored on skin up. Each team punted only him for a 27 yard gain and the and whoever you play t h a t once in the first half, both of Bengals third first down of the means you still have a real tough these coming in the second peri- gams. defense," said Jones. od. With about 2:50 left in the Friday night was the first Fumbles and pass intercep- ball game the Tigers were ad- night of league action for 19- tions were the key reasons for waning into Yoeman territory AA clubs, the Hornets clipped the lack of fourth down kick- when they lost the ball on the Navasota Rattlers 17-0 Fri- ing. Consolidated lost one of two downs. After three plays and a day night. fumbles and had one pass in- short punt the M a r o o n and Cameron 0 0 0 0 -0 tercepted. The Yoe lost two of White took possession of the Canso). 0 0 0 0--0 s Tigers Calll? "W they're a bunch of head hunters. tea It's a g ball m with some d sound real foot out - standing athletes," Jones said. • THERE WAS nothing b u t o r n e t Mark, praise for the defensive job done by' the Tiger player s against one of th best, if not the best, passing team in 19- r By TOM NELSON so far this season, 17 in district tied for third place. 'AA. Jones singled out David Eagle Sports Staff play. The Hornets are tied with Elsewhere in the Brazos Val. Parsons as the outstanding de- David Parsons, Darrell Gos- rockin' -a -long Rockdale for first ley League, Rockdale meets New' fensive player against Camer- sett and Russ Harvell will lead place (Rockdale is currently asota in Navasota and Hearne on and said that Gossett, Carl a fired up A &M Consolidated ranked first in the state in Class hosts Cameron. All district 19- Gough and J. Pewthers also did squad into battle tonight as the AA) and Consolidated's score- AA games have a 7:30 p.m. a fine job in the line. Tigers enter the Hornets nest less tie with Cameron left them starting time. The real big p 1 a y of last at Caldwell. — game, and one that drew The College Station tri -cap- , equal praise from Jones, came tains face the Scrooge of 19-AA on sophomore Paul Fagan's in- when they meet the undefeated, terception of a "bomb" pass on untied and unscored upon Hor- the last play Cameron ran in nets. the game. CONSOLIDATED has failed to All systems are GO for the Tigers as they enter their first PROBABLE STARTERS game of the year without an in- CONS. Pos. CALDWELL jured player. ) Miller re (1 55 ) ....LT Skrab Tr aiek (150) West of the Brazos, C o a c h Pewthers (170) ..LG Roses (130) Max Webb lost two starters in Gough (160) ........0 Barnett (135) ' last Friday's game with Navaso- Sicilio (160) RG Plemper (155) ta. Gossett (180) RT Telg (170) Lonnie Graves, a 150 -pound Wolters (145) ....RE Davis (183) Varvel (117) QB Jancik (160) halfback, suffered a broken an- Ha (170) ....RH Langham (160) kle in the 17 -0 win, and full - arlton (150) LH Scarmardo (140) back Larry Lina, 165, broke his Parsons (186) TB Dubcak (185) elbow the same night. REPLACING Graves and Lina ; score in the last two games, tak- will be Sam Scarmardo, 140- ing a 33 -0 licking from Hunts- ville in a non - district contest, s c a m pi n g back, and Charles and tying Cameron, 0-0, last Charles Dubcak, 185 -pound re- week in their district opener. serve fullback. W e "We did a real good job on e b b, who captained the defense," Jones said about the Rice Owls in 1961, said that he was more surprised than any - no- winner decision last week. "But our blocking and quickness one that no one had scored on on offense was real bad. his team this year. In fact, the "We rushed the passer hard closest anyone has come to the and covered the flanks good, but Hornet goal line was Rogers, feel that we shoald have scor- I who penetrated to the 9 9 yard line. 1 et Caldwell has scored 185 - points Consol Cameron In District 1 Opener By TOM NELSON "Everyone Is in good shape" the air against Consolidated." Eagle Sports Staff the head coach said. "We've Sophomore quarterback Mack It's homecoming at A &M Con- been especially pleased with Da- McKinney stands 6 -1 and tips solidated tonight as the Tigers vid Parson's performance. He the scales at 152, and he's the open District 19 -AA play against has improved his running and fellow that commands the Cam - the Yoeman of Cameron at 7:30 blocking and we feel that he eron passing game. The Yoe - will be a real threat." man backfield is Irish domina- p. m. in Tiger Field. ted with McKinney, McFarland s Harvell, Carl Gough and Parsons has been hampered and McDaniel. J. Pe a ill captain the with a leg injury all through "WE HAVE about the same non - district play but is now re- problems that Coach Jones, on- Officials at the A &M Con- ported to be in fine physical solidated High School were in shape. PROBABLE STARTERS formed last week that the "Wg expect to throw a lot to Miller LE Cameron Tigers' will be playing in a stay up with their passing Godfrey (188) ....LT Boman (175) different league next Septem- game," Jones said passingly. Pewthers (170) ..LG Mikulec (152) ber. "Our receivers have looked real Gough (160) C Manley (155) Consolidate& now a mem- good all week and Walter Var- Sicilio (160) RG.... Dohnalik (195) , Gossett (180) RT ICoranek (195) ber of District 19 -A A, will join vel's poise and accuracy has Wolters (145) ....RE Plentl (155) the 10 -AAA *inks in the fall improved a great deal. Varvel (155) QB ... McKinney (153) of 1964 with Conroe, Cypress- Harvell (170) BB. McFarland (153) Fairbanks, i' u z r, Brenham "WE'VE BEEN real pleased Carlton (145) HB Jestil (149) or Manley (127) and Huntsviils. with the boy's work all week, and we just hope we can get Parsons (186) ....FB ... McDaniel (185) Tigers in the game billed as a that team effort." ly in our case we are playing . battle of pass defenses. The Yoeman run a pro foot- sophomores where Consolida THE TIGER have a 3-2 rec- ball type offense with eight dif- ted plays juniors. We don't ord and Cameron posted a 2 -3 ferent sets. plan to rifle any long passes, play. t non-district "We like to throw a lot," but we'll be content with those oach Edsel Jones praised Head Coach George Kirk said. shotgun blasts for the short eral of his players for per- "We've been hitting over 75 gain." mance during the last two per cent of our pass attempts Coach Jones will be content eks. and we're planning to take to with a big, fat win. +I �rne t s rl • 1 0 • T i gers , 1 T - By BOB HEATON Eagle Sports Staff CALDWELL — Caldwell's Hornets were kept to their lowest score of the season here Friday night as they work- ed their way past the A &M Consolidated Tigers, 10 -0. Caldwell scored on an intercepted pass, good for 63- yards and six points, and Ben Tracalek hit the point after and of penalties would beset the a 30 -yard field goal for the oth- Bengals. er four. Consolidated suffered a big CONSOLIDATEDS' DEFENSE blow to their squad on the op- sparkled throughout the night, ening kickoff when fullback as all but the last 30 seconds of David Parsons broke his wrist. the first half was a scoreless "He (Parsons) may be out for battle. The win gave the Hor- the rest of the season," Coach nets their second league victo- Edsel Jones said Saturday. "We ry and kept their record spotless hope he can still kick extra for the season. Caldwell has not points and field goals. been scored on through seven "We think our kids did real games. well defensively, but when we Jamie Langham broke the ice lost Parsons and had to juggle with a half minute left in the our offense, we lost all of our poise." First downs Caldwell ConsSol. NEXT WEEK, the Tigers take Rushing yardage 119 80 on Hearne's twice beaten Eagles Passing yardage 31 13 and Caldwell travels to Rock - Passes attempted 12 8 dale for the battle of the giants. Passes completed 3 1 The Cald - Rockdale Passes had intercepted 1 2 game TOTAL YARDAGE 150 93 could well decide the District Fumbles/Lost 1 -1 2 -2 19 -AA champion. Punts/AvPenalties 5 5-45 5-35 -28.2 4 -33.5 "We know that the Eagles have a real fine ball club," Jones said. There's no doubt about first half by intercepting Walter that. They just had a big let Varvel's pass on the Hornet 37 down after being beaten so bad - and racing with a clear field all ly by Rockdale. the way to pay dirt. "We know they're tough, but Ben Tracalek, Caldwell's gold - we thin; we can beat them, and en toe, put the ball through we'll certainly be trying." the uprights and Caldwell led, 7 -0. Consolidated — 0 0 0 0— 0 After the third quarter kick- Caldwell _____ 0 7 0 3 -10 off the game was a defensive battle as before. It wasn't until deep into the fourth period thl Tracalek kicked the ball 3, yards through the air and mac __ the score, 10 -0. i = = - DARRELL GOSSETT was c - of the standouts for the '1 _ on defense. The husky lin _ __ — put the big rush on QB J f _ Jan constantly and silo = — = _ — • ed in blocking one pass al is l fleeting another. _ — Consolidated moved we bet -- till they got inside the ' ually at this point an unt in - - fumble, a large loss or a 19, _ - _ - = ------ - - - = _ I'VE GOT IT COACH! Ricky Carlton pulls in a pass from the arm of Caldwell's Jimmy Janick in the third quarter. Carlton's interception set up a drive that stopped some 20 yards short of I " pay dirt with a Consolidated fumble. The hidden tackler is Murphy Davis, for whom the pass was intended. Caldwell took their seventh straight win to keep the record perfect, 10 -0. (Eagle Photo by Gene Dennis) -c • f • • 11 .,, l i I � 1 19 - AA Ti_gem w' �� .1 I., ��I„II „, ,,,„, I „,„ 'i I i ( II�'�, i ll i l l �„,„„„ I Nl�l „ �� " I 1 III I I1 . . l' 111111. 11 1' 111 1 111 1'il *j[11,11111 II Il l. . 1111 u. 01''11 f i1 i:' I'I IfI � f' I 1' 11 11II 1 1111j111j1 1Itll I' I11I I 1, . h� ,111. �l ' I1l 1 I II, 11 1 1 11 I1 i 11 11 11 1 1 14I I 1 � By JOHN WEST " II III „,,1 1 1 1 111,11 111 1 1 1IIIg 1 11 1 11, 1 i' ';1I 1111' 1,:111111' 11 1 y ' 111 ' � 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 III 1 I Eagle Sports Editor P1m1 111111 I I 1 l l l l l lll ' III 111 111 11 1 1 1 1�i 11 ' The Tigers of the Brazos Valley League — A &M Con- I � �� ��11 , � � i � �� ''' 1 '111;I ■ ! 1 ' ' 1 1 Ii I X 11 I _ _ solidated and Rockdale — unsheath their talons and fangs 1,11 1 11 111 V lt, I 1 1 I �1�1i1 111 in Rockdale tomorrow night and o1 g 11 X11' X 1 1 11 1 1 IIUI II 1 V 1' 1l ' 1 1 11 i1 the weight advantage of the p �1�� 1 1 ; jj; II1 II 1 I 1 1'l1' (110 1 unts well and not make any 1111 u 1 1 1 1 District 19 -AA leader isn't slow- mistakes,” Jones went on, "and I ,11iq °a1 °111N1w° ' 1 1' 1 1 1� 11 '11 1 1 ing the frenzied preparations in we can't fumble four times like 1''IIIII Il 11 1 l 1 III i1 1N�I Illpl 11 College Station. I lI we did against Hearne. 1 1 Rockdale, whose goalline no 1 1, 'I 1 1 I g We think Rockdale can be 1 11 1 11 1 1111 ;1llll I II1 team has crossed for a six-point- " 1 11 1 P 1 1 1 11' 1 1 1 11 I d p beaten, the Tiger mentor stat- 1 1 ,1,1 u'1' "'1 ul er since Coach Ray Birchfield s 1 11 1111111 I I eleven went down before Jacks- ins pired ball club." its going to take an 11 111:11,; ' 11 � 1p1r "o1 1 I inspired 1 1 11 1 1 , 11 11 1 1 1 The Tiger coach plans only 1 11 1 1 11 11 1 1 P 1 11 g I> Y 11� dl 11 1j1j 1111 11 1 PROBABLE STARTERS three changes in the starting of- 111 1 1 11 g g 1 1.11! I 1.. 1 1 1 1 u Hanna, LE Laurencekd175 fensive lineup that took on 1 11;1 I '�1 111', 1 1P1 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 11' 11'1 IIII IIIij .11,1111 l j;,111IJI1111111111 1 1 1 1 41 Godfrey, 188 LT Remaley, 243 Hearne la week. Frank Lit 1 101 ill i� il11i11 1.11111111u11i1;;;Iiii111 1 'hllidJ11;i1111,1;;,;1111 i VIII,I11111j11iI111I1 i ii111 1111111 1 1,pd 111 1 III Pewthers, 170 ... LG Young, 183 terst returns to runn back Gough, 160 C Cumbie, 181 and Russ Hanna goes to left - - TIGER CAPTAINS S icilio, 165 RG Killen, 150 end. Either Peter Fagan or Ric- Gossett, 180 RT Holliman, 255 = A &M Consolidated captains Wolters, 145 RE Perry, 168 ky Carlton will start at wing- - against Rockdale in the Ti Varvel, 155 ....... QB Summers, 180 back. - _ — - g Litterst, 176 RB Menn, 192 THE TIGERS who'll be out to - v -----,=._-_ — = ers' District 19 -AA battle there Pete Fagan, 165 WB Moses, 157 Friday at 7:30 p.m. will be or Carlton, 150 stop Rockdale's sluggish offense, _ = center Carl Gough (upper Har yell 170 FB Kubiak, zoo off since the Blue and Gold — = - _ - left), end Timmy Wolters smashed Hearne, 40 -0, sets Russ boro, 52 -0, in the state finals I3ar and Duke Miller a'�`Li'nms = --t--:-;----- _ (right) and QB Walter Varvel last year, is favored to win its Darrell Gossett and Jimmy Par- Coach Edsel Jones and his eighth straight game of the sea- (See TIGERS Page 9) - __=-___ = staff appoint the captains on �` - — p son. the basis of their performance BUT THE TIGERS of Coach (Continued From Page 8) - during the previous game and Edsel Jones are unintimidatedish at tackles, Bill White an. - — __ week of practice. "Gough James Carter at guards wi played his best defensive and go into the outing looking for their second straight leagueLarry Godfrey probably to se= = game," Jones said Wolters victory. action, Carl Gough and J. Pew - ▪ = = caught a 43 -yard TD pass dur- "We didn't play a good gamethers at linebacker, Litterst and = = = = ing good offensive play and last week," Jones commented-. Wolters at halfback ands — — - - = � Varvel received the honor for on Consolidated's 15 -12 defeat arlton or the Fagan brothers = - - - his leadership in Consolidat- of Hearne, indicating blockin ter or Paul, at defensive safe-1 - = = ed's 15 -12 win over Hearne. could have been better. Gough, Wolters and Varvel "It's going to take every ounce will be tri -ca tains. of effort our kids can give tc p win this week," the head coact Consolidated carries a 4 - - 1 added. " Rockdale has an excel season record into the game with ' lent defensive ball club. The3 which is led offen- I play fine defense ball and le'lvely by fullback L. B. Kubiak, their opponents make mistakes and Summers. That's the way Rockdale beat Brenham and Navasota." "They're big and strong and that's where they've beaten ev- erybody." ROCKDALE USED three re- turns, two punt returns of 58 and 77 yards by halfback Ronny Menn and a pass interception of 48 yards by end Ernie Laurence to beat Caldwell, 27 -3. Dickie Summers passed for the other TD. "We think we can cover our 0 • "ROCKDALE AND Uameron Eagles Tigers gave us a good physical beat- " Batson said. "We're not down, and won' t quit. We'll be there to play Consolidated a Try to Escape good game: we haven't quit.' CeIlar Hearne will have a weight From e dge on the Tigers tonight with several real good strong line- , men. By TOM NELSO as • Batson said that either Bill Eagle Sports Staff Jackson or Frank Martinez w''' There's an old saying around quarterback the Eagles, w these parts that "Highway 6 sill Birdwell and Jim F runs both ways," and that's just he halfs and Bill S about the way things stack up 'pile, in the for the losers bracket in Dis- +ackle to t trict 19 -AA. «te A &M Consolidated and Hearne will be fighting to get out of at bracket tonight the Tig- PROBABLE STARTERS Consolidated Pos. Hearne filler (155) LE Russell (150) Godfrey (188) ....LT Rains (190) ewthers (170) ..LG Mathis (171) ough (160) C Martine (173) icilio (165) RG Cotropia (145) Gossett (180) RT Pursley (186) .Wolters (145) RE O'Neal (161) Varvel (155) QB....Jackson (155) or Martinez (145) agan (165) HB Birdwell (145) Carlton (150) HB Reeder (148) arvell (170) ... FB ... Seabaugh (175) ers host the Eagles at 7:30 p.m. in Tiger Field. Consolidated is fourth in the district with a tie and loss, while Hearne went undefeatd in non - district play but has been beaten twice in 19 -AA. The: Tigers tied Cameron and lost: to Caldwell; Hearne took defeats from Rockdale and Cameron. THE EAGLES went 3 -2 last year in district play and edged Consolidated, 14 -7, on their home field. The Tigers were 2 -3 for the same period. David Parsons is the only Tiger on the injured list with a cracked wrist. Coach Edsel Jone: hopes to use the Tiger fullback for points after and field goals, Parsons' specialty. Jones put the Bengals through a light workout Thursday, con- centrating on kicking and pass- ing. The only change in the lineup will be th moving of Russ Harvell from wingback to and Peter Fagan moved back into the lineup, after a season of injuries, to fill Harvell's posi- tion. Hearne will be playing with- out the services of the Batson twins, Tim and Jim. Jim is out for the season with an injured knee and Tim has had the flu all week and is on the doubtful list. Coach Ken Batson, the twins father, said that about half of the Eagle regulars are injured in one way or another. TAI 15 -12 SLAM � „ ,f.,- , .? ��9 T i gers Trump ' By BOB HEATON for six points, putting the Ben- by Hearne's sudden comeback 1plh @Ii11! 111 °II ,!1,111,11, 1111 ,Iplglq; 9illVl� il� 'm Eagle Sports Staff gals ahead 6 -0 with 9:23 left in the Bengals began to operate on : :Id �!�'' III hredding a three-game los- the half. their own 35 after the kick -off. 11 1! 1 ill " 1 ;1 4 111 I'Iul I and scoreless streak, A &M After an off - sides penalty It took the Bengals only eight Iil g g III :::,,t,,,::::;,:11.,:: Illll Jl�l'ilI Ili '1 11 11 11 1 , I 1I���II 11 11. ill I pl, solidated s nifty Tigers against Hearne and an illegal plays to move 65 yards. Fagan 1 1,!! ! : ! , 1 1 ,!j!!!!''''., 1 1 I �� l I �' 1 11 1 111 red Hearne, 15 -12, in a Dis- procedure penalty against the sparked the Ti 19 -AA battle at Tiger Field Tigers Varvel flipped a pass to with carries of 11, 15, and 17 Igers on the march I i�� 111111 i111j luldllhll� I l II i1 Y g P Tigers Di Ill, l u 111 JII I I II IIII l , II II 1J1p I ay night for the Bengals' Duke Miller for two points and yards. Varvel connected with „ II Iu 111 II �1 th victory of the season. the Maroon and White took the Wolters 30 yards away to ring 111 �� I � I 1 ' 1 1 its lead, 8 -0. up six more points. Pewthers 11111,1 i iI II I I 1 l 001 I II III l ull ,I onsolidated was taking 1 1 I II �11 1 li I! :IIII '11 ;1 league win against a loss The Eagles were not to be de- split the up -r ghts to give Con- ! I I I �1 V �Il�f' il�p 1 9 g g 1u� , I ll111, i, r nied. On the following kick -off solidated a 15 -6 margin at the I I ' a tie. The Eagles, unde- 1 :1 1 III °!IH I I 11 11�j 11 1 111 1 6 1 1111 il�l'l the ball was returned to the 30. end of the first half. lu V I I ed in pre -loop action, suffer- I 1111 1 1 1 I ,II 1 1 1 ' heir third loss. Hearne had FOR THE LARGEST part of j I1y1; l I 111 lu II I'1!IIIIVi111 r 11 I �I 11I 1 1 11 p 1 1 d11 1 ! Consol. Hearne III operate without one of its First downs 16 15 the third period both teams 11 1 1 ' , � l � 1 li 'n ball carriers, Jim Bat- Rushing yardage 229 156 moved within the 30s. Just ov- 1 1 ,11 I� p Batson had a knee opera- P assing yardage 30 91 er midway in the period the lhll' „, 1 II' 11j11 11 , ri,;!!llll'l' III 111 I II ! , 1 Ali P asses a 4 19 Ea leS started to drive toward 11111 I ' II ' I 1116 I I II il I V,11!1 last Sunday and is out for Passes completed 1 9 g • I 1 I 11 11 1 : 1'I 111 11', • season. Passes had intercepted 0 1 Tigerland. The drive came to 1 1 1 111 I II Ii1�11I1 TOTAL YARDAGE 259 0-0 eleven lost the ball 1 on downs. 1 1 I 101 1 1 1 , ;1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i ll ; 1 Ill ICKY CARLTON and Peter Fumbles an ate up 171 yards of the Penalties /Yardage 5 45 4-26 h1 1 1 gals' 229 on the ground. Punts /Avg 2-3 3 -50.0 Th th rega lif a nd QB RICKY CARLTON ;ton carried the pigskin 12 power in a hurry as Fagan fum- Tiger Attack Led Successful From there the Eagles drove 70 bled the ball on the first play es for 99 yards. Fagan toted yards in 13 plays with Bill Jack- from scrimmage. were unsuccessful, 1 e a v i n g '3 times to average 5.5 yards son climaxing the march with a Hearne took over on the Ben- themselves three points behind. rry as Consolidated ripped 26 -yard aerial to Steve O'Neal gal 37. On the first play Reeder rne's defense to ribbons. in the end zone. carried the ball 12 yards to a IN THE FINAL stanza most of rlton and Fagan picked up JIM REEDER and Jack White first down on the Bengal 25. the time was taken up by the f the Tigers 16 first downs, teamed up for 33 of the 36 yards Then White found a gaping hole Eagles trying for the tie- break- each. on the ground on the drive. The in the middle of the line and er. Hearne was penetrating alter Varvel completed one other three were by Tim Batson. burst through the secondary and deep into Tiger territory when ss out of four attempts for a The try for two failed and the into the end zone before the a Jackson pass was picked off average, slightly below his Eagles were behind 8 -6. Tigers could recover. by Lee Sicilo on the 27. al average. However the Not in the least disheartened The Eagles tried for two and were guests Friday on the Texas went 30 yards and came to - A &M Consolidated's s q u a d in the hands of Timmy Wol- ran four plays and was forced to standing in the end zone. punt. The Eagles took the ball on their 31 and moved into Ti- EARNE FOUND the Tiger I "WE LOST the ball too much ger territory. As soon as Hearne nse like a brick wall in the last night on fumbles, or we crossed the midfield stripe t h e t period. They could net would have scored more,” he T i g e r defense stiffened and 12 yards, none of which added. pushed the Hearne team nine " e in a lump big enough to Jones stated that the whole yards back leaving them 19 a first down. Darrell Gos- club did a good job on defense, yards from a first on fourth , J. Pewthers, and Carl but he singled out Carl Gough down. The Tigers took over gh were three of the tougher as doing an outstanding work, , and ran out the clock to win its ks in the wall. Pewthers "He gets after people real ,, cell," first league contest in three Gossett spent a good bit of said Jones, "he WAS them like tries. in the Hearne backfield. he owns them; " "We didn't look as well in the first period both teams In regard to the coming con- winning as we did in losing" ed the ball from 30 to 30 test with Rockdale the Tiger Y' said Coach Edsel Jones. "Our then punted, fumbled, or leader remarked, "We are going boys were slower and not quite the ball on downs. T h e to be playing the number one as alert it seemed." • game was some 10 minutes team in the state. They're big, when Fagan racked up the fast, tough, and have a good - al first down. deal of depth. They have ev- FTER THIS two more f i r st erything a coach could want. I `" ns followed, the last setting feel that our boys will make the a first and goal situation on trip worthwhile. They haven't Eagle two. Russ Harveli quit this year and they won't d an opening offer against Rockdale." big enough and took advan- The contest is scheduled for of the daylight to drive in 7:30 on Tiger Field in Rockdale. 1 • Hearne ___ 0 6 6 0-12 1 Consolidated....0 15 0 0-15 u c 'b ti c a) am N b co ry) a) 0 -0 0 a› ., .+ o co co U 0 11 a S Q) '�1" Y \Y Y Y ° a Ca y G4 U O F � ,.y,- s. q w N 3 a. y O . 3 t' •OU A Q' .. O O .7 c. 0 E * 0 O " - a ••.4 I `I'S a ox ax' ate'" ^ti o a ›+ o0 a CJ u y u ° o iti y N a) * N P 0:: 1 0 0 .-, CO .f_O, "0 uj S•. I * 1 Ik101: cn . > a 0 as ° . N 4, S O >, N u 0 N x .0 s Y N • a w a) > r o 0„ * ° u c0 u p t~ a 0 ^ - ° s~ co 74 a) N 0 a) i o w c 0 > O 0 `O •, Y O -0 O . al 0 Y a) ao a ,-., as o w 0 .6 P. . U . " " ° U as •+y' rd . O b -4 .'4-. N , ' p0 F , -w .5 oN �' a � °u O a )cuas ° x o .21 c o ' El 'U N TS ..�'•I N N Y Y y CL •�' N .5. ' N q N ac ' ' " o s. ' „x " !U i . il (0 O ,.Ci t.,� 0] i,. 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N 0 c, o 0 4 , vi u 3 oU a ao3 3 3 3• Tiger Caravan in Search Of 1st Oasis Since Sept. 27 By TOM NELSON neyed to Caldwell with their JONES PRAISED the fine de- Eagle Sports Writer jack -of -all- trades, David Par- fensive job done by the Tigers A &M Consolidated, the hard sons, fit as a fiddle. But on the against Caldwell, a team that luck team of the Brazos Valley opening kickoff Parsons cracked has not been scored on all year League, hasn't scored a touch- his wrist and will be out of ac- and has some of. the toughest down since their 33 -0 win over tion for the rest of the season. runners in 19 -AA football. ddings Sept. 27, and that's "David was our b e s t all- Jamie Langham's interception around player," C o a c h Edsel of Walter Varvel's pass, good TIGER STATISTICS Jones said. "I think we could for 63 yards and six points, and (Through two district games) have moved in and scored if he Ben Tracalek's point after and RUSHING hadn't been hurt. It just threw field goal was about all the Hor- e Att Yds Ave our timing off and we lost all nets could do against the spirit- ell 22 68 3.1 ons 13 53 4.1 our poise when we had to shuf- ed Tigers. an 12 45 3.75 ' fle our backs to replace David." Russ Harvell has been moved ton 9 43 4.8 Parsons led Tiger statistics in to fullback and Peter Fagan will el 1 -4 -4.0 the district opener against Cam- move back to his starting role at 1 PASSING e Att Comp Int Yds TD eron, netting 53 yards on 13 car- wingback as Consolidated pre- •' reel 24 5 3 64 0 ries for a 4.1 average. He also pares for Friday's game with RECEIVING punted for Consolidated all sea- Hearne in College Station. Name C Yds TD Avg r a son, v e a i n 36.5 Miner 2 29 0 14.9 g g yards Fagan, Paul 1 18 0 18.0 through six games. Ha I 1 9 0 9.0 - ton 1 8 0 8.0 SCORING (none) TEAM STATISTICS Cons Opp t down 14 13 rushing 204 179 passing 61 61 is yds 265 240 'sses att 18 21 Passes comp 5 8 ses had int 4 3 .s 7 9 ave 32.4 30, ?:1ties 7 8 sty ydg 45 75 ,bles 5 4 , bles lost 4 , 3 :er than a camel can go out water. 'Every time the picture gets rosy for the Tigers, something happens to turn it into a night- mare. LAST WEEK, for example, the College Station team jour Rockdale F ocuses 19 -AA Mistakes Hurt Grid Championship Pi cture Consol Dr The Brazos Valley football a hole from which the Eaglea 15- s' I n IEo c l�dale (1- o League focused more e picture focused more never recovered in tak sharply last week with the de- 12 win l week to set the stage fending champion Rockdale Tig- for this week's round of games ers removing the third obstacle Rockdale, Caldwell and Nava- Mistakes — fumbles and pen- . mers running the 66 yards in 10 for a repeat. alties — paired with Rockdale to plays to start the scoring. Cameron faces the once- beat - But Coach Ray Birchfield s en Hornets in Caldwell in a send the A &M Consolidated Tig- RICK CARLTON returned the Blue and Gold — against which squabble over second place and ers to their fourth loss, 38 -0, TD kickoff 10 yards to Consol's only five points have been scor- the Rattlers and Eagles will be against four wins and a tie Fri- 10 and on the first play this ed in 1963 —still has two pitfalls trying to escape the cellar day. time, a pass from Walter Varvel to consider before the Tigers Navasota. Starting time for all The Maroon and White will to Litterst that would h a v e start thinking about playoffs. be trying to break past the .500 stood for 14 yards, was called games is 7:30 p.m. mark when it closes the 1963 back. The Tigers had five step- ' ROCKDALE, WHICH bas SEASON season at Tiger Field this week ped off against them for illegal scored 264 points in winning Team W L T Pot Pts Op against Navasota. procedure. eight straight, has a Friday en- Rockdale - . _.._...8 0 0 1.000 264 5 Harvell and Litterst account- gagement at Tiger Field with Caldwell .... 1 0 .875 178 27 Rockdale defense — w h i c h Hearne - _. 5 3 0 .625 213 104 hasn't allowed a touchdown in ed for five yards rushing and A &M Consolidated. The College A &M Cons. _ 4 3 1 .563 90 . 71 nine g ames — played a large na with a look -in pass for 13 Varvel found end Russell Han - District 19 -AA game last week Navasota 4 4 0 zoo 152 137 hand in blockading the College and a first. But a Station Tigers won their first Cameron 4 3 1 .563 83 73 and could continue to roll. Station Tigers, but Coach Edsel again the flags DISTRICT J ones' team detracted from its flew on the first and 10 snap Birchfield's bruisers disposed Rockdale _.... »._ 3 0 0 1.000 102 3 from A &M's 37, and the Ma- Cameron ...._....._ 2 0 1 .833 47 26 own offensive showing. roon had 15 to cover for being of the state's best point - defen- Caldwell ...._..- 2 1 0 .667 30 22 27 live team — Caldwell -27 -3, for A &M __. - 1 1 5 0 0 0 ized was penal- offsides. Litterst, on the way to zed seven times for 46 yards in rushing honors with 64 yards on the Tiger's third district win in Navasota 0 3 0 .000 12 7 s y a row and the loop lead. i ts last road game of the cam- 21 assignments, got eight of it LAST WE EK paign, Rockdale turning down back but an incomplete pass And before Rockdale can start Rockdale 27, Caldwell 3: A &M Con- two penalties A &M High fum- sent .I3arvell for the quick kick la off plans, the Tigers solidated 15, Hearne 12; Cameron 27, bled four times and lost two, all on third and seven.. laying p y P Navasota 12. four bobbles coming at inoppor- AND SO IT went. A. fumble must cope with the big surprise of the district, second -place THIS WEEK tune times. stopped A&M on its net posses A&M Cons. at Rockdale, Cameron at The first five times A &M laid Cameron. The Yoeman came C aldwell, Hearne at Navasota. slon, Wayne ale. F up recover from behind Friday to send Nay- -- hands on the ball, Consolidated's asota to its third straight defeat, own miscues were materially mg for Rockdale. Fumbles, one Cameron's second success in a destructive to Tiger offensive of w went ede to the B G o and e Goll row. Coach George Kirks' tear maneuvers. d, slowed t then next Rockdale Jones said is unbeaten with only a scor attempts and d b byy theen id before his t m was winging, away, 26 -0. , less tie with Consolidated to mil went into the game it would its loop record. take an inspired effort, one in- Bright points for Consolidated THE TIE WILL figure a to which the Tigers would have were few and far between. Lit - loss if Cameron should becd to put every ounce of effort terst's running accounted for a title contender. For should bee ' they could, to beat Rockdale. the majority, his best of a night 1 ship purposes, A &M High Tin "We're not going to be able to a 23 -yard jaunt to Rockdale's 44 the scoreless contest on '' fumble four times like we did on the first play of the fourth i against Hearne," the A &M High quarter. j downs, nine to five. mentor said. Harv added 23 yards in 10 Consolidated stuck Heart totes, is best a first half 9 -yard THE MAROON held Rockdale 1 carry. Peter Fagan accounted to one first down and 19 yards I for 16 on two and Varvel car- e after Consol kicked off, forcing ried four for 7. The junior QB the Tigers from west of the , passed 13 time and hit on four, Consol on Rebound Brazos azos 40. Fullback muss H na. River to punt at Consoli- dzos the longest a 13- yarder to Han - vell banked across 1 ackle Litterst hauled in the other fFr six yards on the first play. three, for 10 yards. j For Rockdale Tilt Then running back Frank Lit- terst tried the same spot but a 15 -yard h o l d i n g penalty put A &M in a second and 19 hole. A &M Consoliated carries new- a 33 -0 romp over Giddings Sept. Harvell quick- kicked 52 yards found vitality into its rugged 27. It set the College Station a en immy Wolters killed it Brazos Valley League outing eleven squarely on the .500 mark at Rockdale's 34. But the un- with the other District 19 -AA in 19 -AA play with a win, a beaten Blue and Gold rammed it Tigers at Rockdale Friday night. loss and a tie. back down Consolidated' s Coach Edsel Jones Tigers un- THE 0 -0 deadlock with C throat, L. B. Kubiak, Mike Liles leashed a surprise on Hearne's eron will count as a Bengal tri- Ronnie Menn and Dickie Sum - , ailing Eagles last Friday for a umph if either gets into cham- a_ 15 -12 victory, the first time pionship consideration, Consoli- A &M High has beaten Hearne dated winning on first downs, since 1960. nine to five. CONSOLIDATED split Dis- In trying to stop the mighty trict 21 -AA honors with two district - leading Tigers, unbeaten others and represented the lea- and untied in eight games, Con- gue in bi- district against Tay- solidated will be seeking to re- lor. The Tigers whipped Hearne verse the form in five previous then, 45 -0. It was a first for contests with Rockdale. Jones, whose 1961 and '62 teams Rockdale counted only a 14 -7 fell to the Eagles. win over A &M High last year The victory sent Consolidated enroute to the district crown and ahead of a .500 season with four state finals. wins, three losses and a tie, and Kickoff for Friday's game will was the Tigers' first win since be 7:30 p.m. k. o y pi 4 Z iiii: AD d s4 ti, 0 - v aa) . a, .' 4 3: N y w u 0 Z4.4. L. O O to wo xx CD ra C) 0 d Elmo( t flu :C: T7 .d ��O s_ b .� 4 a) ma m as G °0 atx°'y r. a Wo g a r i ce a 0 ° up 0 3 y o ▪ Z -, v� <v> .ti W 4 Q) d I, t 4) '1-' a) Y I. Lam. 1 y 1. 1 1 m h O b0 M ♦.1 aP 04 d S . d �"�' 41 °i1 4 � -» o q, a� as i w it T. , O .► "., O w+ . 4 +' a �4 f'.. C! , L'' ti . B f+' a0 cp f„" O A m s !.1 .. 4a 4 O Pr4 $4 !'.. •O a .y .qj w , 03 O 4 41, cilmil 5. A S ao a � " .,, V O !". 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I 1 1111 I, I 1 vI 11 1 1 11 I� �' Illl 111 l l 1 l 11 1 11 1 1 I I ih I h' 1 11 1j 1 r. 1 1 11 1 11 1111 I f 1l l 1.i l l i � a " 1 1 1 I I � VIII I 1 ,111 II 1 'l A Np , . 1' • III u I 1 o'' I' � i , 111 11 II , I ,1 1 ICI 1 . �! 1 r „� . ., III tl I 11 I I I 1,, II 1 11111, Pl I 1 ll'i 11 11 II N 1 II 1 111 I11 , 11 II � 11111111 ',1,11,,11,;,,, 1p I ■IIII ''1111 I 1 ■ III I li ,1 '111 1 N 1 I 1 II I , 1 11 i 1 NNII '1'.! 1 , II 11 hl 1411 11 III M IN I 11lIIlUI 1 i1 ' 1 1 , IN 1i11�111� II I,IP1N111p,11u,IU ,N11� 101 Irhi o� ,1, r,I, 1 111 1 11 01)11, H1 1111111 1 11101 11111h 111�Ii 1 i II�1Iq 141rlll,l II hl II.J 11'1,' HERE I COME ... READY OR NOT A & Consolidated wingback Peter Fagan (25 ge ts his pinkies ready just in case Lee Sicilo (36) misses his block on Navasota defender Bill Lucas. Fagan picked up four yards on this play late in the first quarter, as the Tigers went on toi defeat Navasota, 28 -8. Mike Moore (66) and Eu a Harvell 45) watch the action. mo w, » , :. • bjr O ipul F r 2 . 0 r %It the el e Cie I' , ip A oilt.4/ . i , ff 0' I 1 7 fill ‘1. e 110 9 )0 � '` �' i I 0 int ) ) ) i 1 1 i i l l* ' lib-.::41P ` . i ■ _ ; -E 4;�J121,' Li:, . iriv r ` .,,,� it ) (�� , �.�1i . , 4 I ,,,,.,,..,„ � oft.. t M U S T A N C S t 0 4 h e A s s 0 o • r , ,- ,:. • l 1 \ N et.1 • 1 -...._.......„--- 1 III CO E thl I LI Ct E a". =cri toal- Princesses to Miss Holland were Joy Cooper, the daugh- ter of Dr. and Mrs. O. C. Coop - er, 1101 Walton, and Linda Harve]J, daughtei' of E. L. Harvell, Old Koppe Bridge Road. 11 crowned homecoming queen during half- time cere- monies Friday at College Station's. Tiger Stadium. They are, left to right front row, Sherry Holland, Linda Wil- ii hams, Joy Cooper, Cathy Duke; back row, Susie Brcwn, �� iii 'I�IIN Linda Harvell, Daisy Sloan, Georgie Herita e- and •NSOL QUEEN SHERRY HOLLA ; Kathy Litterst. (Eagle Photo by Gene Denni A& T. i [ER MATTO rt'itt r " 900tiati eag Triangle Ballroom * December 18, 1963 7:00 ND. M I. ee#1 eomevid :-.- %, a Adria PM . ,... BENGAL BOOSTERS 4 „1 13 ) /4 1963 ?oath Saaguet 7 i * L 1 -,,.,---- :\ ____A_____ CALL TO ORDER FRANK LITTERST SCHOOL SONG CHEER LEADERS Sharon Covey, Diana Weirus, Janet Whitehead, Daisy Sloan, Sallye Sorenson INVOCATION J. PEWTHERS MASTER OF CEREMONIES FREDDIE WOLTERS Recognition of guest Introduction of speaker SPEAKER R. E. "BUCK" WEIRUS Director of Development Fund of the Association of Former Students Texas A & M University PRESENTATION OF AWARDS Introduction of Team Head Coach Edsel Jones Introduction of "B" Team Coach Art Bright Most Valuable Player Marion Pugh Outstanding Back J. O. Alexander Outstanding Lineman M. L. "Red" Cashion IP - l DANCING 9:00 Til 11:00 � / A Music by "THE AVANTIS" t -, 1 Y /.1. 1 , . lir 2 5 77 ' 17 55 , 74 86 V it, �� : r : y ' u a 2 4 75 37 87 3961 rJ� - s �s :s s.w �� - 36 7 , 62 . 60 'g p ti ,t•* COP f� , i ' + " $ Xk tr " . 'i ,, "" 4, ,, Edsel Jones - Head Coach Jack Churchill - Asst. Coach A & M CONSOLIDATED HIGH SCHOOL " TIGER " Varsity Football Roster No. Name Class Position Experience Special Awards 39 Frank Litterst Senior Running Back Two letters Tri -Capt. 88 Russell Hanna Senior End One letter 60 J. Pewthers Senior Guard Three letters 36 Lee Sicilio Senior Guard One letter 61 Bill White Senior Guard One letter 86 Jimmy Parrish Senior Guard One letter 18 Robert Morris Senior Back Varsity Sqd. ! Bill Duke Senior Back Varsity Sqd. 17 Walter Varvel Junior OB Two letters 76 Darrell Gossett Junior Tackle Two letters A11 -Dist. 55 Carl Gough Junior Center Two letters Tri -Capt. 37 David Parsons Junior F. B. - Tackle Three letters 77 Larry Godfrey Junior Tackle One letter 45 Russ Harvell Junior F. B. One letter Tri -Capt. 85 Timmy Wolters Junior End One letter 75 James Carter Junior Guard One letter 15 Ricky Carlton Junior Wingback One letter 25 Peter Fagan Junior Wingback One letter 63 John Perry Junior Guard Varsity Sqd. 74 Bill Gilmore Junior Tackle Varsity Sqd. 44 Tommy Meinecke Junior End Varsity Sqd. 87 Duke Miller Soph End One letter 24 Paul Fagan Soph End One letter 50 Joe White Soph Center Varsity Sqd. 62 Stephen Prescott Soph Guard Varsity Sqd. Student Managers: Ralph Smith, James Creswell, David Barrow, "Tiger" Gard 1 AGGIELAND STUDIO BARRON BRITTON. INC. BANKS OF BRAZOS COUNTY CLEARING HOUSE ASSOC. COLLEGE STATION KIWANIS CLUB 2, .. 9 • \ c 0- ' --T- 55 85 • 15 87 �', 50 86 ck: , 11,7011 34 l r . � , ` . er 4 , I7� 3 i 76 Yet 3925 �� ; 37 , 1 .,.. 4 4 I I mo► r ' tii Coach: Art Bright A & M CONSOLIDATED HIGH SCHOOL " TIGER " Junior Varsity Football Team No. Name Class Position 44 Bob Bishop Junior Wingback 86 Eddie Goldsmith Soph. End 50 Bob Holcomb Soph. Tackle 17 Willie Edmonds Soph. QB 22 Glynn Wallace Soph. Wingback 61 Mike Hensarling Soph. Guard 25 Mike Robbins Soph. Tackle 1 5 Terry Logan Fresh. Running Back 62 David Alexander Fresh. Guard 88 Wally Williams Fresh. End 36 Fred Davis Fresh. Center 55 Larry Holt Fresh. Tackle 63 Terry Jones Fresh. Guard 24 Jimmy Bradley Fresh. Running Back 76 Nolan Young Fresh. Tackle 85 Larkin McNiel Fresh. End 45 Steve Boring Fresh. Back 87 Kenneth Murphy Fresh. End 39 Paul Becker Fresh. Fullback 37 Bill Price Fresh. Back Jimb Robison Soph. OB COLLEGE STATION LIONS CLUB COMMUNITY SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION CULPEPPER - MANNING INSURANCE MARION PUGH LUMBER COMPANY BURGESS - CASHION & HADDOX INSURANCE 1 o"1 , .••• 1Le ' Ike'' ■ N --i C e.,.4:-.Ge*') 'r - . , rse.2, i ef - 2 2. a= 4, ,---,4 4-0 ... . __. v.... la; 'r-- . / Ce e - e . . . • I el-e"..€4 ---"elD Aftle ., e>r,/ afr • >10 a- `"ttl 1 , - ,- ....i, 1 • , ' , ••■• ‘:'• , silr. ,..,' e!' r , , ... .. . - ..- . , die.A.-- 1 /4-tep ad a I ‘-,41 6 t...elL .r•Ce..;:c., ... ',....,,._ ' ''',...,,..........,..,, 1....4.....a... Ot *,.." R .0'