HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963 Episcopal Youth Meeting i Dear "Council -er ", By reading the rest of this bulletin you can find out all about Council, but here are a couple of thoughts to have before you even consider attending this 27th Annual Council: Council means: Attending all the meetings - Meeting with everybody is the heart of Council; people who miss the meetings to sleep or goof off haven't really gone to Council. Get your money's worth -- be there' Keeping the schedule -- even 'lights out "' There's a full 15 1/2 hours of each day de- voted to meetings, eating, worship, and recreation; and you have to struggle, roll, or fall out of bed at the unearthly hour of seven in the morning. If you can get up at seven without going to sleep at 10:30, you are certainly permitted to lie there in the dark and twiddle your thumbs until you knock off! J.._ Be sure to read all this bulletin, including the election procedures: What should you look for in a candidate? What to bring? Don't forget a handy notebook for recording ideas! -- the new proposals for your approval -- what ways will they help you? -- and the report on pledges -- have y'all paid one? We've tried not to write real uninteresting"in- formation ". Now, if you still want to go, and think you'll have a good time despite the tough restrictions, you're the person we would love to host. See you! Say at Council? Faithfully yours, Betty Coerver President, Episcopal Young Churchmen DIOCESE OF TEXAS WHO CAN COME and WHERE This year's Council will be held at CAMP ALLEN and CAMP ROSS STERLING from August 21 - 24, 1963. The fee per person (young people and adults) will be $10.00 if_Qaid before July 1, 1963,. After this date there will be a penalty added to this amount, making it a total of $12.50. Attendance has been limited to Young Churchmen who have finish- ed grades 9, 10, 11 and 12. Each Parish and Mission will be allowed four (4) delegates. If facilities are available it may be possible that more than 4 per Church may come. Each delegation should be accompanied by at least one sponsor; more will be welcome. Registration blanks and fees, and nominations for office should be sent to: Judy Schas (Secretary) 5328 Whitaker Avenue Groves, Texas Please notice the questions at the bottom of the registration blank. We hope that you will take time to answer these, so that we can make any necessary shifts in our plans to make a Council that you can really enjoy. WHAT TO BRING All: Notebook Towels Soap Toothbrush Sheets and pillow slip Pillow Something to sit on for Services outdoors Thongs or slippers (to avoid splinters in the floor) Boys: A neat sportshirt and slacks for the dance, shorts and shirts (or whatever you prefer) for regular attire, swimsuit Girls: Low - heeled shoes for dance (stand on your toes if you must, but your pretty heels will be hurt in the dust), sturdy shoes for recreation (at least dust - proof), a neat sundress for the dance, (no semi- formals necessary), shorts and blouses (or whatever you prefer) for regular attire, swimsuit. Bring your musical instrument if you play one! This year for Council the Executive Board has chosen "My Responsibility as a Young Christian." We feel that this is a topic much cussed and discussed. We will deal, not with theories and concepts, but with real problems of the here and now, e.g. vocation, faith and ethics. We also hope to have a discussion of local, area and diocesan E. Y. C. problems that will result in the finding of much sought after solutions. Churches who do not have EYC groups are urged to send delegates in hopes that we might be able to be of help in supporting the youth work in a congregation, whether it has "youth groups" or not. We will see you at Council! -- The Executive Board Episcopal Young Churchmen of Texas * * * * * * * Our EYC Council Guest Leader: Mr. Wes Seeliger Born and reared in Lockhart, Texas, Wes Seeliger is a graduate of, the University of Texas. He has just completed his second year at ''x Perkins School of Theology, Dallas. Mr. Seeliger is much beloved in the Houston area where, in the summer of 1962, he conducted for young people and adults, "A Summer Experiment" in Christian Education at St. Francis Church. An accomplished cartoonist with a delightful sense of humor, Mr. Seeliger has the unique ability of enabling young people and their parents to see and face squarely the tremendous issues confronting them in their daily lives -- and to discover, as well, the relevancy"` ", of God's action in Christ Jesus to their own situations and decisions. Though he works with Junior High, Senior High, College and Adult groups, Mr. Seeliger's own preference is the High School age group -- and he is looking forward to being with us at EYC Council. look forward to having him with us. To all Young Churchmen in the Diocese: Each year the EYC takes on a project to help out certain departments of the Church, usually those which need it the most. Last August at Council it was decided that the project for the year 1962 -63 would aid the Missions in Ecuador. Out of the total of approximately eighty churches that were represented at Council, only ten offered a pledge. I did not worry about it much at the time, consoling myself with the thought that the churches' youth groups would give generously anyway. Well, eight months after Council it would appear as though my illusion has been shattered. As of today, April 28, 1963, we have a balance of $398.61 deposited at the First National Bank of Orange, Texas. It should at least be one and one half times again as much. A few churches have done their part and more, but the majority of the youth groups have grossly neglected the commitment made at Council to earn or otherwise obtain sufficient monies to bring our bank balance up to a level which may reflect a real Christian concern for others than ourselves. I might sound a little on the mercenary side in this letter, but just remember -- these Missions in Ecuador cannot work on good will alone. We must support them for the purpose of extending the great circle of Christian Fellowship to include those who are not as fortunate as we. I am sure you can find it possible to exert that extra bit of effort to make this, our 1963 Project, an accomplishment that we will be able to look upon with pride, knowing we made a noticeable contribu- tion to the international effort of missionary work. I remain confident that you will answer my plea, Michael Black, Treasurer Episcopal Young Churchmen Diocese of Texas INFORMATION AND ISSUES FOR VOTING The offices to be voted for at Council will be: President, Vice - President, Treasurer, Secretary, and two delegates to attend the United Christian Youth Movement of Texas Conference. In area meetings after the election of the Officers, Area Chairmen will be elected. Article III, section C. From the Constitution of the Episcopal Young Churchmen of the Diocese of Texas. 3. Candidates for President shall have completed their junior year in high school. 4. Officers shall be of ninth grade through high school age. 5. Diocesan Officers shall not be Area Chairmen. 6. All candidates for diocesan or area officers shall submit letters of recommendation from their clergymen to the President. Section D. 1. The duties of the President shall be: a. To preside at all diocesan meetings of the Young Churchmen and at all meetings of the Executive Board. b. To represent the Young Churchmen on the Board of the Department of Christian Education of the Diocese. c. To submit a written report at the Annual Council. d. To cover and coordinate all activities of the Young Churchmen of the tiocese of Texas. e. The President of the Young Churchmen of the Diocese shall have the power to appoint, with the consent of the Young Churchmen's Executive Board, such persons or groups of persons as are needed to fulfill special positions or any vacancies on the Executive Board. 2. The duties of the Vice - President shall be: a. To assume all duties of the President in the absence of the President. b. To assist the President in the coordination of all diocesan activities, and the Department of Christian Education Bulletin. c. To provide the Texas Churchman and the Depart- ment of Christian Education Bulletin with articles concerning the activities of the Young Churchmen of the Diocese of Texas. d. To assist the Secretary in registration for the Annual Council. 3. The duties of Secretary shall be: a. To keep records of all diocesan meetings of the Executive Board. b. To receive and compile all area reports. c. To notify members of meetings of the Executive Board. d. To serve as registrar for the Annual Council. e. To provide all members of Council, each Execu- tive Board member, and each parish with a copy of the Minutes of each Council. 4. The duties of the Treasurer shall be: • a. To have custody of all funds of the Young Churchmen and to disburse the same with the approval of the Young Churchmen. b. To file all bills and to prepare such reports for the Young Churchmen as may be required, and tell the Annual Council of the condition of the finances of the Young Churchmen. c. To assist the committee, that may be appointed by the Executive Board, in conducting an audit prior to Council. Be sure, if you wish to be a candidate, that you meet all require- ments, will wilfully fulfill your duties if elected, and that you include a letter of recommendation with your nomination form. If you are a voter take care in voting, because all officers must fulfill duties assigned them for a good Council. Nominations will be accepted from the floor. The following are proposed amendments for your consideration. 1. The requirement for the privilege of voting, for a parish or mission, to be a pledge of any amount. 2. One year's previous experience on the Executive Board as an elected officer (Area Chairman included) for candidates for the office of Vice- President. Also to be voted on: The sending of a petition asking the Bishop to bring before the adult Council the suggestion of changing the voting age in the Church for adults from twenty -one to eighteen. PROPOSED ARTICLES and RESOLUTION RESOLUTION: We, the Young Churchmen of the Diocese of Texas, feel that the voting age in parish meetings should be lowered to eighteen years of age. We feel that with the voting age as it now stands that the young person between the ages of eighteen and twenty - one, unless he or she is attending a major university, has very little to say in the affairs of his or her church. We members of the EYC Executive Board wish to propose an amendment to the requirements of Vice - President. The require- ments for the election of Vice - President and other officers as they now read are as follows: 1. All officers shall be elected by a simple majority at the Annual Council of Young Churchmen. 2. Only the Executive Board of the Young Churchmen and delegates of the Annual Council shall be allowed to vote. 3. Candidates for President shall have completed their junior year in high school. 4. Officers shall be of ninth grade through high school age. 5. Diocesan officers shall not be area chairmen. 6. All candidates for diocesan or area Officers shall submit letters of recommendation from their clergymen to the President. We would like to keep the election of diocesan Officers the same, with one addition: We recommend that the Vice - President must have served at least one year on the Executive Board. We would also like to say that the EYC Council is for those who have completed the ninth grade or above in school. We hope you will think seriously on these matters. EPISCOPAL YOUNG CHURCHMEN DIOCESE OF TEXAS NOMINATION FORM has been nominated for the office of (He or She) has been nominated by (Church or Individual) NAME ADDRESS CITY PHONE PARISH OR MISSION AGE GRADE PROMOTED TO Signature of Clergyman recommending Nominee I have read requirements for this office and am willing to commit myself to this task. Signature of Nominee SCHEDULE for the 27th ANNUAL COUNCIL of the EPISCOPAL YOUNG CHURCHMEN, DIOCESE OF TEXAS NOTICE: Lunch will not be served on August 21, 1963 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1963 12:00 - 3:00 p. m. Registration 4:00 - 5:45 Orientation, Introduction and Nomination Speeches 5:45 - 6:30 Supper, first shift 6:30 - 7:15 Supper, second shift 7:30 - 9:45 First Address: "Somehow, Someday, Somewhere ", Discussion, reports thep Surprise: 9:45 -10:00 Compline. 10:00 -10:30 reparation £`ar its ffi' 10:30 tight Gam, lit6EUW THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1963 7:00 a, m. Get Up1_ 7:30 Holy Communion 8:00 - 8:45 Breakfast, first shift 8:45 - 9:30 Breakfast, second shift 9:30 -10:30 Second Address: "To Be or Not to Be ", Discussion 10:30 -11:15 Canteen Break 11:15 -12:00 Reports of Discussion 12:00 -12:45 p. m. Lunch, first shift 12:45 - 1:30 Lunch, second shift 1:30 - 2:15 Recreation and Rest 2:15 - 3:45 Discussion of mutual EYC group problems 3:45 - 5:45 Election of Officers and Area Chairmen 5:45 - 6:30 Supper, first shift 6:30 - 7:15 Supper, second shift 7:30 Third Address: "The Hustler" (movie) 9:45 Compline 10:00 -10:30 Preparation for Lights Out: 10:30 Lights Out FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1963 7:00 a. m. Get Up.' 7:30 Morning Prayer 8:00 - 8:45 Breakfast, first shift 8:45 - 9:30 Breakfast, second shift 9:30 -10:30 Fourth Address: "The Style of Life", Discussion 10:30 -11:15 Canteen 11:15 -12:00 Reports of Discussion Schedule, continued 12 :00 -12:45 p. m. Lunch, first shift 12:45 - 1:15 Lunch, second shift 1 :15 - 2 :15 Recreation and Rest 2:15 - 4:15 Fifth Address: "Venture and Task ", Discussion and reports - Summary 5:45 - 6:15 Supper, first shift (GIRLS) 6 :15 - 6:45 Supper, second shift (BOYS) 6:45 - 7:15 Get ready for dance 7:30 -10:30 The Dance 11:00 Communion and Installation of Executive Board 12 :30 Lights Out! SATURDAY, AUGUST 24, 1963 6:00 a, m. Get Up! 8:30 Breakfast, Farewells & Departures H ELLO... any name is N 1 8 a \ A \3 ‘7., 0