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TheCommissionheardthisitemon4Novemberandvoted5-0 torecommendapprovaloftheitemwithaslightmodificationtooneofstaff's recommendations. TheCityCouncilheardthisitemon22Novemberandvoted6-0to approvetherequestwithconditionsrelatedtoconnectivitytoadjacentproperties. 7.Presentation,possibleaction,anddiscussionregardingtheP&ZCalendarofUpcoming Meetings. Ó December9,2010~CityCouncilMeeting~CouncilChambers~7:00p.m. Ó December16,2010~P&ZMeeting~CouncilChambers~Workshop6:00p.m.and Regular7:00p.m. 8.Discussion,reviewandpossibleactionregardingthefollowingmeetings:DesignReview Board,CouncilTransportationCommittee,JointParks/PlanningandZoning Subcommittee,WolfPenCreekOversightCommittee,PlattingRequirementsand StandardsSubcommittee,NeighborhoodPlanStakeholderResourceTeam,Code CoordinationSubcommittee,andMayor’sDevelopmentForum. 9.Discussionandpossibleactiononfutureagendaitems–APlanningandZoningMember mayinquireaboutasubjectforwhichnoticehasnotbeengiven.Astatementofspecific factualinformationortherecitationofexistingpolicymaybegiven.Anydeliberation shallbelimitedtoaproposaltoplacethesubjectonanagendaforasubsequentmeeting. 10.Adjourn. ConsultationwithAttorney{Gov'tCodeSection551.071};possibleaction. ThePlanningandZoningCommissionmayseekadvicefromitsattorneyregardingapendingandcontemplatedlitigationsubjectorattorney- clientprivilegedinformation.Afterexecutivesessiondiscussion,anyfinalactionorvotetakenwillbeinpublic.Iflitigationorattorney-client privilegedinformation issuesariseastothepostedsubjectmatterofthisPlanningandZoningCommissionmeeting,anexecutivesessionwillbe held. NoticeisherebygiventhataWorkshopMeetingoftheCollegeStationPlanningandZoningCommission,CollegeStation,Texaswillbe heldontheThursday,December02,2010at6:00PMattheCityHallCouncilChambers,1101TexasAvenue,CollegeStation,Texas. Thefollowingsubjectswillbediscussed,towit:SeeAgenda. Postedthisthe_____dayofNovember,2010at_______ , CITYOFCOLLEGESTATION,TEXAS By_____________________________ SherryMashburn,CitySecretary I,theundersigned,doherebycertifythattheaboveNoticeoftheWorkshopMeetingofthePlanningandZoningCommissionoftheCity ofCollegeStation,Texas,isatrueandcorrectcopyofsaidNoticeandthatIpostedatrueandcorrectcopyofsaidnoticeonthebulletin boardatCityHall,1101TexasAvenue,inCollegeStation,Texas,andtheCity’swebsite,www.cstx.gov.TheAgendaandNoticeare readilyaccessibletothegeneralpublicatalltimes.SaidNoticeandAgendawerepostedonNovember___,2010,at_______and remainedsopostedcontinuouslyforat least72hoursprecedingthescheduledtimeofsaidmeeting. ThispublicnoticewasremovedfromtheofficialpostingboardattheCollegeStationCityHallonthefollowingdateandtime: ______________________by_________________________. Datedthis_____dayof_____________,2010. CITYOFCOLLEGESTATION,TEXAS By_____________________________ Subscribedandsworntobeforemeonthisthedayof_______________,2010. NotaryPublic-BrazosCounty,Texas Mycommissionexpires: Thisbuildingiswheelchairaccessible.Handicapparkingspacesareavailable.Anyrequestforsigninterpretiveservicemustbemade 48hoursbeforethemeeting.Tomakearrangementscall(979)764-3517or(TDD)1-800-735-2989.Agendasmaybeviewedon www.cstx.gov.PlanningandZoningCommissionmeetingsarebroadcast liveonCableAccessChannel19. AGENDA PLANNINGANDZONINGCOMMISSION RM EGULAREETING T,D02,2010,7:00PM HURSDAYECEMBERAT CHCC ITYALLOUNCILHAMBERS 1101TA EXASVENUE CS,T OLLEGETATIONEXAS 1.Callmeetingtoorder. HearCitizens. 2.Atthistime,theChairmanwillopenthefloortocitizenswishingto addresstheCommissiononplanningandzoningissuesnotalreadyscheduledontonight's agenda.Thecitizenpresentationswillbelimitedtothreeminutesinorderto accommodateeveryonewhowishestoaddresstheCommissionandtoallowadequate timeforcompletionoftheagendaitems.TheCommissionwillreceivetheinformation, askcitystafftolookintothematter,orwillplacethematteronafutureagendafor discussion.(Arecordingismadeofthemeeting;pleasegiveyournameandaddressfor therecord.) AllmatterslistedunderItem3,ConsentAgenda,areconsideredroutinebythePlanningand ZoningCommissionandwillbeenactedbyonemotion.Theseitemsincludepreliminaryand finalplats,wherestaffhasfoundcompliancewithallminimumsubdivisionregulations.All itemsapprovedbyConsentareapprovedwithanyandallstaffrecommendations.Therewillnot beseparatediscussionoftheseitems.IfanyCommissionerdesirestodiscussanitemonthe Consent Agendaitwillbemovedtothe RegularAgendaforfurtherconsideration. ConsentAgenda 3.. 3.1Presentation,possibleaction,anddiscussionregardingthePreliminaryPlatofthe TowerPointSubdivisionconsistingof34lotson128.17acreslocatedat961 WilliamD.FitchParkway,generallylocatedattheintersectionofStateHighway Case#10-00500234(LH) 6andWilliamD.FitchParkway. 3.2Presentation,possibleaction,anddiscussionregardingtheFinalPlatofTower PointPhase8Aconsistingoftwolotson2.14acreslocatedat911and917 WilliamD.FitchParkway,generallylocatedattheintersectionofStateHighway Case#10-00500208(LH) 6andWilliamD.FitchParkway. RegularAgenda 4.Consideration,discussion,andpossibleactiononitemsremovedfromtheConsent AgendabyCommissionaction.  5.Presentationanddiscussionregardinglanduseandcapitalimprovementsinformation (DC) underlyingthepotentialcalculationofcitywidewaterandwastewaterimpactfees. 6.Publichearing,presentation,possibleactionanddiscussionregardingaRezoningfor 2716BarronRoadof3.49acresfromA-OAgriculturalOpentoR-1Single-Family Case Residential,generallylocatedbetweentheSonomaandEdelweissSubdivisions. #10-00500118(LH) 7.Publichearing,presentation,possibleaction,anddiscussionregardinganamendmentto theUnifiedDevelopmentOrdinance,Article2DevelopmentReviewBodies,Section3.1 GeneralApprovalProcedures,Section3.3PlatReview,Section5.2Residential DimensionalStandards,Section7.1GeneralProvisions,Article8SubdivisionDesign andImprovements,andSection11.2DefinedTerms,relatedtosubdivisionregulation Case#10-00500219(JS) standardsandprocesses. 8.Publichearing,presentation,possibleaction,anddiscussionregardinganamendmentto theUnifiedDevelopmentOrdinance,Section7.4,Signs,andSection11.2,Defined Terms,expandingtheuseofattachedsignstoincludesignageattachedtositelighting Case#10-00500069(LS) poles. 9.Discussionandpossibleactiononfutureagendaitems–APlanningandZoningMember mayinquireaboutasubjectforwhichnoticehasnotbeengiven.Astatementofspecific factualinformationortherecitationofexistingpolicymaybegiven.Anydeliberation shallbelimitedtoaproposaltoplacethesubjectonanagendaforasubsequentmeeting. 10.Adjourn. ConsultationwithAttorney{Gov'tCodeSection551.071};possibleaction. ThePlanningandZoningCommissionmayseekadvicefromitsattorneyregardingapendingandcontemplatedlitigationsubjectorattorney- clientprivilegedinformation.Afterexecutivesessiondiscussion,anyfinalactionorvotetakenwillbeinpublic.Iflitigationorattorney-client privilegedinformation issuesariseastothepostedsubjectmatterofthisPlanningandZoningCommissionmeeting,anexecutivesessionwillbe held. NoticeisherebygiventhataRegularMeetingoftheCollegeStationPlanningandZoningCommission,CollegeStation,Texaswillbe heldontheThursday,December02,2010at7:00PMattheCityHallCouncilChambers,1101TexasAvenue,CollegeStation,Texas. Thefollowingsubjectswillbediscussed,towit:SeeAgenda. Postedthisthe_____dayofNovember,2010,at_______ CITYOFCOLLEGESTATION,TEXAS By_____________________________ SherryMashburn,CitySecretary I,theundersigned,doherebycertifythattheaboveNoticeofMeetingofthePlanningandZoningCommissionoftheCityofCollege Station,Texas,isatrueandcorrectcopyofsaidNoticeandthatIpostedatrueandcorrectcopyofsaidnoticeonthebulletinboardat CityHall,1101TexasAvenue,inCollegeStation,Texas,andtheCity’swebsite,www.cstx.gov.TheAgendaandNoticearereadily accessibletothegeneralpublicatalltimes.SaidNoticeandAgendawerepostedonNovember___,2010,at_______andremainedso postedcontinuouslyforat least72hoursprecedingthescheduledtimeofsaidmeeting. ThispublicnoticewasremovedfromtheofficialpostingboardattheCollegeStationCityHallonthefollowingdateandtime: ______________________by_________________________. Datedthis_____dayof_____________,2010. CITYOFCOLLEGESTATION,TEXAS By_____________________________ Subscribedandsworntobeforemeonthisthedayof_______________,2010.  NotaryPublic-BrazosCounty,Texas Mycommissionexpires: Thisbuildingiswheelchairaccessible.Handicapparkingspacesareavailable.Anyrequestforsigninterpretiveservicemustbemade 48hoursbeforethemeeting.Tomakearrangementscall(979)764-3517or(TDD)1-800-735-2989.Agendasmaybeviewedon www.cstx.gov.PlanningandZoningCommissionmeetingsarebroadcast liveonCableAccessChannel19.  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Outline of UDO Article 8 Subdivision Design and Improvements Section 8.7. Purpose Outline of UDO Article 8 Subdivision Design and Improvements 8.1Purpose 8.2General Requirements and Minimum Standards of Design for Subdivisions within the City Limits Suitability of Lands A. Zoning and Other Regulations B. Reserved Strips and Tracts Prohibited C. Technical Standards D. Streets E. Streets on Thoroughfare Plan 1. Relation to Adjoining Street System 2. Street Projections 3. Adequate Street Access 4. Intersections 5. Dead-End Streets 6. Cul-de-Sacs 7. Geometric Standards, Street Design Criteria 8. Existing Substandard Street Right-of-Way 9. Street Names and Addresses 10. Alleys F. Blocks G. Lots H. General Requirements 1. Platting and Replatting in Older Residential Subdivisions 2. Lot Line Development 3. Cluster Development 4. Easements I.  Drainage Easements and Rights-of-Way 1. Utility Easements 2. Access Easements 3. Off-Site Easements 4. Non-Public Easements 5. Access Ways J. Sidewalks K. Bicycle Facilities L. Water Facilities M. Waste Water Facilities N. Special Flood Hazard Areas O. Drainage P. Utility Lines Installation Q. Gas or Oil Lines R. Street Lights S. Electric Facilities T. Monuments and Corner Markers U. Owners Associations for Common Areas and Facilities V. Private Streets and Gating of Roadways W. 8.3General Requirements and Minimum Standards of Design for Subdivisions within the City’s Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Standards Reserved Strips and Tracts Prohibited A. Technical Standards B. Streets C. Streets on Thoroughfare Plan 1. Relation to Adjoining Street System 2. Street Projections 3. Adequate Street Access 4.  0. Outline of UDO Article 8 Subdivision Design and Improvements Requirements and Minimum Standards of Design for Subdivisions within the City’s Section 8.7. General Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Standards Intersections 5. Dead-End Streets 6. Cul-de-Sacs 7. Geometric Standards, Street Design Criteria 8. Existing Substandard Street Right-of-Way 9. Street Names and Addresses 10. Alleys D. Blocks E. Lots F. General Requirements 1. Platting and Replatting in Older Residential Subdivisions 2. Lot Line Development 3. Cluster Development 4. Easements G. Drainage Easements and Rights-of-Way 1. Utility Easements 2. Off-Site Easements 3. Access Ways H. Sidewalks I. Bicycle Facilities J. Water Facilities K. Waste Water Facilities L. Special Flood Hazard Areas M. Drainage N. Utility Lines Installation O. Gas or Oil Lines P.  Street Lights Q. Electric Facilities R. Monuments and Corner Markers S. Owners Associations for Common Areas and Facilities T. Private Streets and Gating of Roadways U. City Participation V. 8.4Waiver of Subdivision Standards A. B. Waiver of Water Flow Requirements C. Waiver from Lot Size D. 8.5Responsibility for Payment for Installation Costs Developer Responsibilities A. Street Lights B. Street Signs C. Engineering Inspection and Testing D. 8.6Construction, Guarantee of Performance, and Acceptance of Public Infrastructure Construction A. Guarantee of Performance B. 8.7Requirements for Park Land Dedication Purpose A. Applicability B. Requirements C. 8.8Certifications  Í«³³¿®§±ºÐ®±°±­»¼Í«¾­¬¿²¬·ª»Ý¸¿²¹»­¬±Í«¾¼·ª·­·±²Î»¹«´¿¬·±²­Í¬¿²¼¿®¼­ ß®¬·½´»èøͬ¿²¼¿®¼­÷ ݱ²­±´·¼¿¬»­«¾¼·ª·­·±²­¬¿²¼¿®¼­·²¬±­¬¿²¼¿´±²»Ý·¬§¿²¼ÛÌÖ­»½¬·±²­ò Ó±¼»®²·¦¿¬·±²¿²¼´»¹¿´»ºº±®¬òÝ´¿®·º§¬¸»±®¼·²¿²½»¬±¿¼³·²·­¬»®·¬³±®»»¿­·´§¾§½±²­±´·¼¿¬·²¹ ¬¸»Ë®¾¿²¿²¼Î«®¿´Î»­·¼»²¬·¿´­¬¿²¼¿®¼·²¬±¬¸»Ý·¬§­¬¿²¼¿®¼­¿­Í»½¬·±²èò¼¬¸»­¬¿²¼¿®¼­ º±®­«¾¼·ª·­·±²­·²¬¸»ÛÌÖ¿­Í»½¬·±²èòíò ͬ®»»¬Ð®±¶»½¬·±²­ Ó±¼»®²·¦¿¬·±²»ºº±®¬òÝ´¿®·º§¬¸»­¬¿²¼¿®¼±ºÂ—”£—”Á°®±¶»½¬·±²±º­¬®»»¬­·²¬±«²°´¿¬¬»¼¿®»¿­ ©·¬¸³±®»»¨°´·½·¬´¿²¹«¿¹»¬¸¿¬³»»¬­½«®®»²¬°®¿½¬·½»¿²¼»¨°»½¬¿¬·±²øÍ»½¬·±²èòîòÛòíñèòíòÝòí ͬ®»»¬Ð®±¶»½¬·±²­÷ ß¼»¯«¿¬»Í¬®»»¬ß½½»­­ ׳°´»³»²¬Ý±³°Ð´¿²òλ¯«·®»¿¼»¯«¿¬»¿³±«²¬±º¿½½»­­¿²¼½·®½«´¿¬·±²¬±¿²¼º®±³­«¾¼·ª·­·±²­ ¾§¿¼¼·²¹­»½¬·±²¬¸¿¬®»¯«·®»­¿³·²·³«³²«³¾»®±º»¨¬»®²¿´­¬®»»¬½±²²»½¬·±²­¾¿­»¼±²¬¸» ²«³¾»®±º´±¬­¬¸±­»½±²²»½¬·±²­­»®ª»øÍ»½¬·±²èòîòÛòìñèòíòÝòìß¼»¯«¿¬»Í¬®»»¬ß½½»­­÷ò Ý«´¼»Í¿½­ ׳°´»³»²¬Ý±³°Ð´¿²¿²¼¼»ª»´±°»®¾»²»º·½·¿´»ºº±®¬òÞ¿­»½«´¼»­¿½´»²¹¬¸±²¬¸»´¿²¼«­» ¼»­·¹²¿¬·±²­·²Ý±³°®»¸»²­·ª»Ð´¿²¿²¼·²½®»¿­»¬¸»²«³¾»®±º¿´´±©¿¾´»´±¬­±²¿½«´¼»­¿½º®±³ î쬱í𴱬­øÍ»½¬·±²èòîòÛòéñèòíòÝòéÝ«´¼»Í¿½­÷ò Ü»¼·½¿¬·±²­¿´±²¹»¨·­¬·²¹®·¹¸¬­±º©¿§ò Ó±¼»®²·¦¿¬·±²»ºº±®¬òÝ´¿®·º§¼»¼·½¿¬·±²®»¯«·®»³»²¬­º±®°´¿¬­¿´±²¹­¬®»»¬­¬¸¿¬¸¿ª»­«¾­¬¿²¼¿®¼ ©·¼¬¸­øÍ»½¬·±²èòîòÛòçñèòíòÝòçÛ¨·­¬·²¹Í«¾­¬¿²¼¿®¼Í¬®»»¬Î·¹¸¬±ºÉ¿§÷ò Þ´±½µÔ»²¹¬¸ ׳°´»³»²¬Ý±³°Ð´¿²òݸ¿²¹»¾´±½µ´»²¹¬¸®»¯«·®»³»²¬­¬±¾»¾¿­»¼´¿²¼«­»½¸¿®¿½¬»® ¼»­·¹²¿¬·±²­·²Ý±³°®»¸»²­·ª»Ð´¿²øÍ»½¬·±²èòîòÙòîñèòíòÛÞ´±½µ­åÍ»½¬·±²ïïòîÜ»º·²·¬·±²­÷ò Þ´±½µÐ»®·³»¬»® ׳°´»³»²¬Ý±³°Ð´¿²òß¼¼¾´±½µ°»®·³»¬»®®»¯«·®»³»²¬­º±®Ë®¾¿²¿²¼Ë®¾¿²Ó·¨»¼Ë­»´¿²¼«­» ¼»­·¹²¿¬·±²­·²¬¸»Ý±³°®»¸»²­·ª»Ð´¿²øÍ»½¬·±²èòîòÙòìåÍ»½¬·±²ïïòîÜ»º·²·¬·±²­÷ò Ы¾´·½É¿§ Ü»ª»´±°»®º´»¨·¾·´·¬§òß´´±©¿Ð«¾´·½É¿§ø¿°®·ª¿¬»¼®·ª»¾«·´¬¬±½»®¬¿·²­¬¿²¼¿®¼­÷¬±¾®»¿µ¾´±½µ ´»²¹¬¸·²²±²®»­·¼»²¬·¿´¿²¼³«´¬·º¿³·´§¼»ª»´±°³»²¬­øÍ»½¬·±²èòîòÙòëåÍ»½¬·±²ïïòîÜ»º·²·¬·±²­÷ò  ͬ®»»¬Ú®±²¬¿¹» Ü»ª»´±°»®¾»²»º·½·¿´òÒ±¬®»¯«·®»²±²®»­·¼»²¬·¿´¿²¼³«´¬·º¿³·´§´±¬­¬±¸¿ª»º®±²¬¿¹»±²¿°«¾´·½ ­¬®»»¬¾«¬³¿§¸¿ª»¿½½»­­ª·¿¿²¿½½»­­»¿­»³»²¬±®Ð«¾´·½É¿§øÍ»½¬·±²èòîòØòïò¸÷ò ݱ´´»½¬±®ß½½»­­ ׳°´»³»²¬Ý±³°Ð´¿²¿²¼¼»ª»´±°»®¾»²»º·½·¿´òË°±²®»½±³³»²¼¿¬·±²±ºß¼³·²·­¬®¿¬±®¿²¼ ¿°°®±ª¿´±ºÐúÆݱ³³·­­·±²ô­·²¹´»º¿³·´§¼»¬¿½¸»¼´±¬­³¿§¬±¸¿ª»¼·®»½¬¿½½»­­¬±¿³·²±® ½±´´»½¬±®·º¬¸»´±¬­¿®»¿¬´»¿­¬±²»¸«²¼®»¼º»»¬©·¼»øÍ»½¬·±²èòîòØòïò·÷ò Ý´«­¬»®Ü»ª»´±°³»²¬Ñ°»²Í°¿½» ׳°´»³»²¬Ý±³°Ð´¿²òλ¯«·®»½´«­¬»®¼»ª»´±°³»²¬­¬±°®±ª·¼»³·²·³«³±°»²­°¿½»¿­°»® ¦±²·²¹®»¯«·®»³»²¬­¿²¼¸¿ª»¿¬´»¿­¬¿³·²·³«³±ºïðû±°»²­°¿½»øÍ»½¬·±²èòîòØòìò¾òë÷ò Û¿­»³»²¬Ü»¼·½¿¬·±²¿²¼Ë­» Ó±¼»®²·¦¿¬·±²¿²¼´»¹¿´»ºº±®¬òÝ´¿®·º§®»¯«·®»¼¼»¼·½¿¬·±²¿²¼«­»­¬¿²¼¿®¼­º±®¼®¿·²¿¹»ô«¬·´·¬§ô ¿²¼¿½½»­­»¿­»³»²¬­øÍ»½¬·±²èòîò×Û¿­»³»²¬­÷ò ß½½»­­É¿§ Ü»ª»´±°»®º´»¨·¾·´·¬§òß´´±©ß½½»­­É¿§­¬±¾»°«¾´·½¿½½»­­»¿­»³»²¬­·²­¬»¿¼±º®·¹¸¬±º©¿§¿²¼ ®»³±ª»­»¬¾¿½µ®»¯«·®»³»²¬º®±³»¼¹»±ºß½½»­­É¿§øÍ»½¬·±²ïïòîÜ»º·²·¬·±²­÷ò Ô±½¿¬·±²±ºß½½»­­É¿§­ ׳°´»³»²¬Ý±³°Ð´¿²òλ¯«·®»ß½½»­­É¿§­º±®¾´±½µ­±ª»®+44Å·²´»²¹¬¸¿²¼±«¬±º½«´¼»­¿½­¬± ½±²²»½¬¬±°«¾´·½º¿½·´·¬·»­­«½¸¿­­½¸±±´­ô°¿®µ­ô¿²¼³«´¬·«­»°¿¬¸­øÍ»½¬·±²èòîòÖß½½»­­É¿§­÷ò ß´­±®»¯«·®»ß½½»­­É¿§­¬±¾»¿³·²·³«³º·º¬»»²º»»¬©·¼»©·¬¸¿¬´»¿­¬º·ª»º±±¬­·¼»©¿´µøÍ»½¬·±² ïïòîÜ»º·²·¬·±²­÷ò Í·¼»©¿´µ­ ׳°´»³»²¬Ý±³°Ð´¿²òλ¯«·®»­·¼»©¿´µ­±²¾±¬¸­·¼»­±º¿´´­¬®»»¬­·²½´«¼·²¹½«´¼»­¿½­­¬®»»¬­ ©·¬¸­»ª»®¿´»¨½»°¬·±²­·¼»²¬·º·»¼øÍ»½¬·±²èòîòÕòîλ¯«·®»¼Í·¼»©¿´µ­ñÍ»½¬·±²èòîòÕòíÍ·¼»©¿´µ Û¨½»°¬·±²­÷ò Ü»º»®³»²¬±ºÍ·¼»©¿´µÝ±²­¬®«½¬·±² Ü»ª»´±°»®º´»¨·¾·´·¬§òß´´±©­«¾¼·ª·¼»®±°¬·±²¬±¼»´¿§½±²­¬®«½¬·±²±º³±­¬®»­·¼»²¬·¿´­¬®»»¬ ­·¼»©¿´µ­·²­·²¹´»º¿³·´§­«¾¼·ª·­·±²­¬±¬¸»¬·³»±º¸±³»½±²­¬®«½¬·±²øÍ»½¬·±²èòîòÕòëÌ·³·²¹±º ݱ²­¬®«½¬·±²÷ò Ò±²Ý·¬§Ë¬·´·¬§Ð®±ª·¼»®­ Ó±¼»®²·¦¿¬·±²¿²¼´»¹¿´»ºº±®¬òÝ´¿®·º§·²º®¿­¬®«½¬«®»­»½¬·±²­¬±¾»³±®»»¨°´·½·¬®»¹¿®¼·²¹²±²½·¬§ °®±ª·¼»®­øÍ»½¬·±²èòîòÓñèòíòÕÉ¿¬»®Ú¿½·´·¬·»­ôèòîòÒñèòíòÔÉ¿­¬»É¿¬»®Ú¿½·´·¬·»­÷ò  Ô±¬Ù®¿¼·²¹ Ó±¼»®²·¦¿¬·±²»ºº±®¬òλ¯«·®»³±®»­°»½·º·½¹®¿¼·²¹°´¿²­º±®´±¬­¿²¼¾´±½µ­·²­«¾¼·ª·­·±²­ øÍ»½¬·±²èòîòÐòìÔ±¬Ù®¿¼·²¹÷ò Ñ©²»®­ß­­±½·¿¬·±²­ Ó±¼»®²·¦¿¬·±²»ºº±®¬òЫ´´±«¬ØÑß®»¯«·®»³»²¬­±«¬±º¬¸»Ð®·ª¿¬»Í¬®»»¬­¿²¼Ù¿¬»¼Í»½¬·±²¿²¼ ³¿µ»¿­¿­¬¿²¼¿´±²»­»½¬·±²­±¬¸¿¬Ñ©²»®­ß­­±½·¿¬·±²­¿®»®»¯«·®»¼º±®¿´´Ý±³³±²Ú¿½·´·¬·»­ øÍ»½¬·±²èòîËñèòíòÍÑ©²»®­ß­­±½·¿¬·±²­÷ò Ü®¿·²¿¹»·²ÛÌÖ Ó±¼»®²·¦¿¬·±²»ºº±®¬òλ¯«·®»­«¾¼·ª·­·±²­·²¬¸»ÛÌÖ¬±³»»¬Ý·¬§¼®¿·²¿¹»®»¯«·®»³»²¬­©¸·´» º´±±¼°´¿·²³¿²¿¹»³»²¬®»³¿·²­¬¸»®»­°±²­·¾·´·¬§±º¬¸»Ý±«²¬§øÍ»½¬·±²èòíòÓÍ°»½·¿´Ú´±±¼ Ø¿¦¿®¼ß®»¿­ñÍ»½¬·±²èòíòÒÜ®¿·²¿¹»÷ò Ù«¿®¿²¬»»±ºÐ»®º±®³¿²½» Ô»¹¿´»ºº±®¬òλ³±ª»¬®«­¬¿¹®»»³»²¬­¿­±²»±º¬¸»°±­­·¾´»³»¬¸±¼­±º­«®»¬§ñ¹«¿®¿²¬»»±º °»®º±®³¿²½»±º°«¾´·½·²º®¿­¬®«½¬«®»øÍ»½¬·±²èòêòÞÙ«¿®¿²¬»»±ºÐ»®º±®³¿²½»÷ò Ý»®¬·º·½¿¬·±²­ Ó±¼»®²·¦¿¬·±²»ºº±®¬òÓ±ª»Ý»®¬·º·½¿¬»­­»½¬·±²º®±³Í»½¬·±²èòí¬±Í»½¬·±²èò迲¼®»¯«·®» ¼»¼·½¿¬·±²­¬±¾»·²º»»­·³°´»ô½±²­±´·¼¿¬»Ù®»»²©¿§­½»®¬·º·½¿¬»©·¬¸Ñ©²»®­¸·°¿²¼Ü»¼·½¿¬·±² ½»®¬·º·½¿¬»ô¿²¼¿¼¼½»®¬·º·½¿¬»­º±®Ý·¬§Ð´¿²²»®¿²¼Ý±«²¬§Ý±³³·­­·±²»®­øÍ»½¬·±²èòèÝ»®¬·º·½¿¬»­÷ò  DRAFT Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements 8.1Purpose The subdivision of land is a major factor in the process of sound community growth and ultimately becomes a public responsibility in that the streets and other infrastructure must be maintained and various public services customary to urban areas must be provided. These regulations seek to protect the interests of public and private parties by granting certain rights and privileges and requiring certain obligations in association with the subdivision and development of land. The welfare of the entire community is thereby affected in many important respects. Therefore, it is to in the interest of the public, to the developer, and to the future landowners, that the subdivisions and developments be conceived, designed, and developed in accordance with sound rules and proper minimum standards. These regulations encourage the growth of the City of College Station in an orderly manner. 8.2General Requirements and Minimum Standards of Design for Subdivisions within the City Limits A.Urban Standards 1.Community Assets In all subdivisions, due regard shall be shown for all natural features such as trees, watercourses, historical spots, and similar community assets, which, when preserved, will add attractiveness and value to the property. B.A.Suitability of Lands The Commission shall not approve the subdivision of land if, from adequate investigations conducted by all public agencies concerned, it has been determined that in the best interest of the public, the site is not suitable for platting and development purposes of the kind proposed. Land subject to flooding and land deemed to be topographically unsuitable shall not be platted for residential occupancy, nor for such other uses as may increase danger to health, life, or property, or aggravate erosion or flood hazard. Such land within the plat shall be set aside for such uses as shall not be endangered by periodic or occasional inundation or shall not produce unsatisfactory living conditions. C.Large Tracts or Parcels When land is subdivided into larger parcels rather than ordinary building lots, such parcels shall be arranged so as to allow for the opening of future streets and logical further subdivisions. If the Comprehensive Plan of the City requires thoroughfares to cross the subdivision, the right-of-way shall be dedicated to the public. D.B.Zoning and Other Regulations No plat of land within the force and effect of an existing zoning ordinance shall be approved unless it conforms to such zoning orand other pertinent regulations. E.C.Reserved Strips and Tracts Prohibited A plat Thereshall be nonot provide reserved strips or tracts of land. In addition, the effect of phasing of a plat, provision of common area or other land or easement shall not unnecessarily restrictcontrolling access to land, right-of-way, or easements dedicated or intended to be dedicated to the public by the subject plat or adjacent developments. F.D.Technical Standards All construction onstreets, alleys,or easementspublic infrastructure shall be designed Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.88" and constructed in accordance with the Bryan/College Station Unified Design Guidelines, and the Bryan/College Station Unified Technical Specifications,Bryan/College Station Unified Construction Details and all other applicable local, state, and federal requirements. Hereafter, these documents shall be referred to collectively as the “B/CS 8-1 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station, Texas  DRAFT Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements Unified Design Guidelines.” Where there is a conflict of standards, the more stringent standard shall apply, as determined by the City ManagerEngineer, or his designee, shall apply. The City shall accept for public use only streets, alleys, water, waste waterand sewermain extensions, drainage, and other public infrastructure that comply with these standards for construction. 8-2 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station, Texas  DRAFT Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements G.E.Streets Formatted: Heading 4, Justified, Indent: Left: a.Street Layout 0.88", Hanging: 0.38", Space Before: 6 pt, After: 3 pt Adequate streets shall be provided by the subdivider such that the arrangement, character, extent, width, and grade of each shall conform to the Comprehensive Plan of the City and shall be considered in their relation to existing and planned streets, to the topographical conditions, to the public safety and convenience, and to their appropriate relationship to theproposed use of the land to be served by such streets. 1.Streets on the Thoroughfare Plan Where a subdivision encompasses or is adjacent to a thoroughfare, as shown on the Thoroughfare Plan of the City, the thoroughfare shall be constructed and included in the subdivision plat to maintain continuity in the approximate location as shown, and of the type indicated. 2.Relation to Adjoining Street Systems a.Where there is an existing street adjacent to or through the area to be subdivided, the necessary street intersections to the existing street shall be constructed. Formatted: Font: 10 pt, Bold b.Where necessary to the neighborhood pattern, eExisting and planned streets Formatted: Normal, Left, Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0", Space Before: 0 pt and Public Ways in adjacent or adjoining areas shall be continued, in alignment therewith. c.When land is subdivided into larger parcels rather than ordinary building lots, such parcels shall be arranged so as to allow for the opening of future streets and logical further subdivisions. 3.Street Projections a.Where adjoining areas are not subdividedplatted, the arrangement of streets in the subdivision shall make provision for the properprovidestreet projections of streets into such areas by projecting a public street:. In each cardinal direction around the proposed subdivision; 1) At intervals no fewer than the maximum block length along the 2) perimeter boundary of the subdivision; and To provide street connection or street frontage to land locked tracts that 3) do not otherwise have frontage to a public street. 8-3 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station, Texas  DRAFT Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements a.b.In lieu of a public street, a Public Way may satisfy a required street projection when the Public Way is projected to future non-residential or multi- family development and can be continued through that development to a public street. 4.Adequate Street Access a.One external street connection is required for a street serving as roadway access for thirty (30) or fewer lots. b.When there are more than thirty (30) lots to be served by external street connections, a minimum of two (2) street connections to external paved public streets shall be required. The Commission may allow a Remote Emergency Access where development phasing or constraints of the land prevent the provision of a second street connection. Notwithstanding the foregoing, two (2) street connections to external paved public streets shall be required when one hundred (100) or more lots are served. c.Three (3) street connections to external paved public streets shall be required when two hundred (200) or more lots are served. b.d.Where more than one external street connection is required, at least one external street connection shall not be located over a potential hazard such as a high-pressure gas line or a creek where the 100-year floodplain overtops the street, regardless of its classification.No tract, lot or parcel shall be subdivided unless the required internal street system adjoins an existing, paved public right-of-way. 3.5.Street JogsIntersections Whenever possible, street jogs with center-line offsets of less than one hundred twenty-five feet (125') shall be avoided.In addition to the B/CS Unified Design Guidelines, proposed street and alley intersections shall meet the minimum spacing and requirements of the Access Management and Circulation section in Article 7 General Development Standards of this UDO. 4.Half Streets No half streets shall be platted. 5.6.Dead-End Streets Dead-end streets shall be prohibited except short stubs to permit futureextension. Temporary turnarounds mayshall be required for stubs in length of more than one- hundred feet (100’) or the depth of one lot, whichever is less. 6.7.Cul-de-Sacs a.The maximum length of a cul-de-sac is based on the land use designation on the Future Land Use and Character Map in the adopted Comprehensive Plan in which the cul-de-sac is located. The length of a cul-de-sac is measured along the centerline of the cul-de-sac street from the center of the bulb to the edge of the nearest intersecting through street right-of-way. Cul-de-sacs shall not exceed the following lengths: Four-hundred and fifty feet (450’) in General Suburban, Suburban 1) Commercial, and General Commercial designations; Six-hundred feet (600’) in Restricted Suburban and Business Park 2) designations; and Seven-hundred and fifty feet (750’) in Estate and Rural designations. 3) 8-4 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station, Texas  DRAFT Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements b.Cul-de-sacs are not permitted in the Urban and Urban Mixed Use designations unless the proposed subdivision is surrounded by platted property and where a through street is not possible. c.Regardless of length, Ccul-de-sacs shall have no more than twenty-fourthirty (2430)or fewer lots, and shall terminate in a turnaround not less than one hundred feet (100’) in diameter, with a pavement diameter of eighty feet (80’). 7.Street Intersections Formatted: Heading 4, Indent: Left: 0.88", Acute angles between streets at their intersections are to be avoided. Hanging: 0.38" 8.Streets on the Thoroughfare Plan Formatted: Heading 4, Indent: Left: 0.88", Where subdivision embraces or is adjacent to a thoroughfare as shown on Hanging: 0.38" the Thoroughfare Plan of the City, such streets shall be platted to maintain continuity in the approximate location as shown, and of the type indicated. In certain cases the City may have constructed a street through the area to be subdivided, in which case the subdivider shall develop the necessary street intersections at his expense, in accordance with the requirements of this Section.The Commissionmay require that, where practical, residential lots adjacent to arterial and collector be platted or restricted so as to prevent driveways opening into such streets. 9.Local Streets Formatted: Heading 4, Justified, Indent: Left: Local streets shall be laid out to discourage their use of through traffic. 0.88", Hanging: 0.38" 10.8.Geometric Standards, Street Design Criteria a.Design criteria for urban and rural sStreets and alleys shall be designed and constructed in accordance withare containedin the Bryan/College Station Unified Design Guidelinesand the Bryan/College Station Unified Technical Specifications. b.Rural Residential subdivision streets may be constructed to either rural street standards or urban curb and gutter standards except that thoroughfares that continue beyond the boundary of a Rural Residential subdivision to an urban one shall be constructed to urban curb and gutter standards. 9.Existing Substandard Street Right-of Way a.Whenever an existing right-of-way is within or adjacent to a proposed subdivision and such right-of-way width is substandard, the additional width for the street shall be dedicated. For development occurring on only one side of such a roadway, the amount dedicated shall generally equal one-half (½) of the deficiency in width based on the classification and type of street, as measured from the existing centerline of the right-of-way. If the parcel(s) on the opposite side of the right-of-way previously dedicated a portion, the proposed plat shall dedicate the remaining width. If the opposite side of the right-of-way has a permanent constraint such as a railroad right-of-way or conservation easement, the full width of the deficiency may be required. b.The Administrator may reduce, increase, or eliminate the amount of right-of- way dedication based on design considerations, existing land uses, existing development on adjacent properties, and dimensions of the proposed subdivision or plat. 8-5 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station, Texas  DRAFT Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements c.Notwithstanding the foregoing, additional right-of-way dedication is not required for Amending Plats. 11.10.Street Names and Addresses a.Proposed streets that are extensions of existing streets shall bear the name of the existing street, unless otherwise recommended by the Administrator. b.New Newstreets shall not only be named so as to provide continuity of existing streets, but shall be named to prevent conflict or confusion with identical or similar names in other parts of the City, Brazos County 911 district, or the City’s Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ). c.NewsStreets shall not be named after any living person. d.A proposed street name may be disapproved if it too closely approximates phonetically the name of an existing street, is too difficult to pronounce, or carries undesirable meanings or connotations. e.Street addresses shall be assigned by the Administrator. H.F.Alleys 1.Alleys may be required at the rear of all lots intended to be used for business purposes and may be provided in residential areaslots fronting a thoroughfare. 2.Alleys shall generally be parallel to the street that the lot it serves frontsand shall be paved.The right-of-way for alleys shall be dedicated to the public. 3.Where two (2) alleys intersect, or where an alley turns, additional width may be required to allow turning of vehicles or guying of utility poles. 4.Dead-end alleys shall not be permitted, except where the alley is one hundred feet (100') or less in length or the width of one lot, whichever is less. 5.Residential lots served by an alley shall only have driveway access via the alley. 6.Public alleys are prohibited in Rural Residential subdivisions. 4.7.Private alleys shall be constructed to public alley standards except that it shall be located within a common area or private access easement. The City reserves the right to not provide sanitation and fire service along private alleys. I.Easements 1.Drainage Easements a.Where a subdivision is traversed by a watercourse, drainage way, natural channel or stream, there may be required a drainage easement or right-of- way conforming substantially to the limits of such watercourse, plus additional width to accommodate future needs as determined by the City Engineer. No construction, including fences, shall impede, constrict, or block the flow of water in any easement or natural watercourse. Sucheasement shall not be considered a part of the lot area for purposes of minimum lot size requirements of this UDO. Drainage easements may be used for utilities. 2.Utility Easements Each block that does not contain an alley, as provided in this Section, shall have a utility easement at the rear of all lots, reserved for the use of all utility lines, conduit, and equipment. Theseutility easements shall be twenty feet (20') in width, taken ten feet (10') from each lot where the rear of the lots abut each other, and shall be continuous for the entire length of a block. These easements shall be parallel as closely as possible to the street line frontage of the block. 8-6 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station, Texas  DRAFT Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements Normal curb section shall be required where utility easements 1) Formatted: Heading 5, Indent: Left: 1.5", intersect streets. First line: 0" Where utility easements are not themselves straight within each block, or if the same do not connect on a straight course with utility easements of adjoining blocks, then an additional easement shall be provided for the placement of guy wires on lot division lines in order to support poles set on curving or deviating rights-of-way or easements. J.G.Utility easements may be required across parts of lots other than as described above upon recommendation ofthe City Engineer. Where the proposed subdivision adjoins an unplatted area, the full twenty foot (20') width of easement may be required along the rear of lots adjoining the unplatted area.Utility easements may be fenced if unlocked gates are provided to allow free movement of excavating machines, maintenance equipment, and personnel throughout the full length of the easement.Blocks 1.Blocks for single-family, duplex, and townhouse lotsgenerally shall be platted to provide two (2) tiers of lots with a utility easement or alley between them, with proper regard for drainage channels, wooded areas and other topographical features lending themselves to attractive treatment. A single tier of lots may be used if the lots back up to a thoroughfare, railroad, or floodplain. 2.In order to provide a public street network that is complimentary to the Thoroughfare Plan and that ensures uniform access and circulation to areas intended for similar land use contexts, block length shall not exceed the following dimensions based on the land use designation on the Future Land Use and Character Map in the adopted Comprehensive Plan in which the block is located: a.Six-hundred sixty feet (660’) in Urban and Urban Mixed Use designations; b.Nine-hundred feet (900’) in General Suburban, Suburban Commercial, and General Commercial designations; c.One-thousand and two-hundred feet (1,200’) in Restricted Suburban and Business Park designations; and d.One-thousand and five-hundred feet (1,500’) in Estate and Rural designations. 3.If a plat is not bounded by a public through street or other qualifying break to block length then the block length measurement shall continue to extend each way beyond the plat along the public through street until the nearest intersecting through street or qualifying break to the block is reached. 4.not exceed one thousand two hundred feet (1,200') in single-family residential areas and shall not exceed eight hundred feet (800') in other areas. In blocks over eighthundred feet (800') in length, there may be required,near the center of the block, anaccess way as hereafter defined.Anaccess way may be required at the end of a cul-de-sac to facilitate pedestrian traffic movement.Block perimeter shall not exceed the following dimensions based on the land use designation provided in the adopted Comprehensive Plan: a.One-thousand and six-hundred feet (1,600’) in Urban Mixed Use designations; and b.Two-thousand feet (2,000’) in Urban designations. 5.In lieu of a public street, non-residential and multi-family developments may opt to construct a Public Way to satisfy block length and block perimeter requirements when the Public Way connects two public streets. The plat shall dedicate a public access easement that covers the entire width of the private drive and sidewalks for the Public Way. The private drive and sidewalks may be constructed with the development of the property. A Public Way shall not substitute for a thoroughfare identified on the City’s Thoroughfare Plan. 8-7 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station, Texas  DRAFT Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements 6.Block length or block perimeter shall not require a new street, Public Way, or Access Way to enter the face of a block when the surrounding area of the block is subdivided so that a through movement is not possible or a new block cannot be created. K.H.Lots 1.Lot ConfigurationGeneral Requirements a.Lots shall be identified in numerical order within a block. a.Side lot lines which make acute angles with front lines shall be avoided where practical. In general, an arrangement placing adjacent lots at right angles to each other shall be avoided. b.Lot size and setback lines shall be in accordance with the applicable zoning requirements. c.Lots established for special purposes such as common area, open space, parkland, floodplain, drainage, utilities, or other similar facilities shall be uniquely named and are not required to meet the minimum dimensional standards for the applicable zoning district. d.Side lot lines shall be substantially right angle to straight right-of-way or radial to the curved right-of-way. e.Land located within the FEMA designated floodway shall not be included within a lot intended for residential occupancy. f.Lots abutting on access waysshall be treated ascorner lots.Lots shall be laid out so as not to cross municipal, county, school district, or utility service area boundaries. g.A subdivision shall not cause an existing structure to encroach into the setback of a proposed lot line. h.Single-family, duplex, and townhouse lots shall have frontage on a public street or a private street constructed to public standard. Lots intended for other uses that do not have frontage on a public street shall provide access via a Public Way or a private access easement containing a drive that meets City fire lane standards. The construction of the private drive may be delayed until the time of site development. b.i.No single-family dwelling, townhouse, or duplex lot shall have direct access to an arterial or collector thoroughfare; however, these lots may face toward a thoroughfare if driveway access is provided via a public alley. Notwithstanding the foregoing, single-family detached lots that are at least one-hundred feet (100’) in width may have direct access with the recommendation of the Administrator and approval of the Commission. Access restrictions and determinations shall be noted on the plat. 2.Platting and Replatting within Older Residential Subdivisions a.This section applies to all property subdivision in which any portion of the proposed subdivisionatproperty meets all of the following criteria: Any Such portion of the property subdivision is currently zoned or 1) developed for single-familydetached residential uses as of January 1, 2002 with the exception of NG-1, NG-2, NG-3, NPO, and NCO zoning districts; and, The subject propertySuch portion of the subdivision is part of a lot or 2) building plot that was located within the City limits when it was created on or prior to July 15, 1970. This also includes lots that may have been 8-8 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station, Texas  DRAFT Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements vacated or replatted after July 15, 1970 but where the original plat predates July 15, 1970. b.In addition to the other provisions of this ordinanceUDO, no plat, or replat, vacating and resubdividing plat or other plat intended to provide for the resubdivision of an existing lot or lots in a residential subdivision which meets the above criteria may be approved unless: The plat does not create an additional lot or building plot; or. 1) A plat which does create an additional lot or building plot must meet or 2) exceed the average width of the lots along the street frontage, for all of thelots in the block including the subject lot(s) and contain at least eight-thousand and five-hundred (8,500) square feet of space for each dwelling unit. For the purpose of this section, a lot shall be defined to include the lot, lots and/or portions of lots that have been combined and used as a residential plot or building plot, as of July 15, 1970. c.It is the applicant’s responsibility to provide documentation during the application process regarding the original plat in which the lot was created and/or the configuration and ownership documentation of the properties since July 15, 1970. 3.ZeroLot Line ConstructionDevelopment The following requirements apply to all proposed subdivisions with single-family residential developmentlot line construction. a.Description A zZero lot line development is where houses in a development on a common street frontage are shifted or offset to one side of their lot. This provides for greater usable yard space on each lot. These developments require that planning for all of the house locations tobe done at the same time. Zero lot line developments are allowed by right. Review for compliance with the standards of this Section shall occur during the subdivision platting process. Restrictions that assure the minimum distance between houses and any required easements must be recorded on the plats of the applicable lots.Proof of such recordation must be submitted as part of the building permit application. b.Setbacks The side building setback shall be zero on one side of the house. This reduction does not apply to the street side setback or to the interior side setback adjacent to lots that are not part of the zero lot line projectportion of the plat. The minimum distance between all buildings within the lot line development must be fifteen feet. Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.25", Hanging: 0.25", Space Before: 6 pt c.Additional Standards Eaves d.c. Eaves may project a maximum of eighteen (18) inches, excluding non- combustible gutters, over the adjacent property line. Maintenance Easement e.d. A maintenance easement shall be dedicated between the two property owners to allow for maintenance or repair of the house built on the lot line. The easement shall be unobstructed, located on the adjacent property abutting the 8-9 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station, Texas  DRAFT Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements side wall and must be a minimum of seven and one-half (7.5) feet in width. Required maintenance easements shall be shown on the recorded plat. Privacy f.e. Windows or other openings that allow for visibility into the side yard of the adjacent lot are not allowed. Windows that do not allow visibility into the side yard of the adjacent lot, such as a clerestory window or a translucent window, are allowed. All materials within three feet of the property line shall be fire- rated to meet building code requirements. 4.Cluster Development a.General Purpose A cluster development is a residential subdivision in which the lots are allowed to be smaller (in area and width) than otherwise required for the underlying, base zoning district, but in which the overall density of all the lots collectively do cannot exceed the maximum density limit for the underlying zoning district. Through the cluster development option, a subdivision can contain no more lots than would otherwise be allowed for a conventional subdivision in the same zoning district, but though the individual lots within the development could canbe smaller than required in a conventional subdivision. The average lot size in a cluster development must be less than the minimum lot size of the base zoning district. Smaller lot sizes within a cluster development are required to be offset by the provision ofa corresponding increase in open space as set forth below. a.b.Conflict with Other Regulations If there is a conflict between the cluster development standards of this Section and any other requirement of this UDO, the standards of this Section control. Where no conflict exists, a cluster development is subject to all other applicable requirements of this UDO. Where Allowed 1) Cluster developments are allowed in all residential zoning districts. Approval Procedure 2) Cluster Developments are subject to the subdivision procedures set forth inhereinthis UDO. A note shall be provided on the plat that states the subdivision is a cluster development with additional descriptions as necessary. Lot Size 3) There is no set minimum lot width or depth requirement within a cluster development; however, the lot size (area)may be reduced by up to twenty-five percent (25%) as long as individual lot sizes are adequate to meet all other required density, district, and development standards. Setbacks and Building Separations 4) The minimum setback standards of the base zoning district apply along the perimeter of a cluster development. All detached structures within a cluster development must be separated by a minimum distance of ten (10) feet. Open Space 5) Amount of On-SiteOpen Space (a) Cluster developments shall be subject to the minimum lot coverage and on-site open space standards of the base zoning district, if applicable. 8-10 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station, Texas  DRAFT Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements Common Open Space Required for Cluster Developments (b) Minimum Requirement i. Common open space is required within a cluster development to ensure that the overall density within the development does not exceed the maximum density allowed by the underlying zoning district. Common open space must be provided in an amount of at least ten percent (10%) of the gross area of the development, massed together in areas to benefit the majority of property owners as well as protecting natural amenities. The minimum common open space area must be at least equal to the difference between: The actual, average lot area per dwelling unit within the a. cluster development; and a. Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 10 pt The required lot area per dwelling unit for conventional Formatted: Normal, No bullets or numbering b. development within the underlying base zoning district. Use of Common Open Space ii. Common open space must be set aside and designated as an area where no development will occur, other than project- related recreational amenities or passive open space areas. The Commission may require that up to fifty percent (50%) of required common open space be useable recreational space, if deemed necessary by the Commission to ensure adequate recreational amenities for residents of the development. I.Easements 1.Drainage Easements and Rights-of-Way a.Where a subdivision is traversed by a watercourse, drainage way, natural channel or stream, a drainage easement or right-of-way may be required in accordance with the B/CS Unified Design Guidelines. b.No construction, including fences, shall impede, constrict, or block the flow of water. c.A drainage easement or right-of-way shall not be considered a part of the lot area for purposes of minimum lot size requirements of this UDO. d.When feasible, utilities may be located within drainage easements and rights- of-way. Likewise, enclosed storm drains may be contained in utility easements. In such instances, the utility easement width must be adequate to provide space for storm drains, utilities, and maintenance access. 2.Utility Easements a.Minimum Utility Easements General Subdivisions 1) Except as expressly provided for otherwise in this UDO, each block that does not contain an alley shall have a utility easement at the rear of all lots. The rear utility easements shall be twenty feet (20') in width, taken ten feet (10') from each lot where the rear of the lots abut each other, and shall be continuous for the entire length of a block. These easements shall be parallel as closely as possible to the street line frontage of the block. Rural Residential Subdivisions 2) 8-11 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station, Texas  DRAFT Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements For Rural Residential subdivisions, utility easements not less than sixteen feet (16’) in width shall be provided along the front of all lots on each side of a street. Where the front easement is impractical on one side of the street, a utility easement no less than twenty feet (20’) in width shall be provided on the other side of the street as determined by the City. Additionally, utility easements ten feet (10’) in width shall be required along the side and rear of all lots. b.Additional Utility Easements Additional utility easements or additional easement width other than as described above may be required by the City Engineer or B/CS Unified Design Guidelines based on the number, size, configuration or depth of existing, proposed or anticipated utilities. Where the proposed subdivision adjoins an unplatted area or future phase of the subdivision, the City Engineer may require twenty foot (20') width of easement along the rear of lots adjoining the unplatted area and/or an additional ten feet (10’) in width along the boundary of the subdivision or subdivision phase. c.Improvements in Easements Buildings, signs, masonry walls, and other vertical structures that require a building permit are not permitted within utility easements. Landowners may place a fence in utility easements if unlocked gates are provided to allow free movement of excavating machines, maintenance equipment, and personnel throughout the full length of the easement. 3.Access Easements a.A private access easement shall be required to provide access to property that does not have direct frontage to a public right-of-way or a Public Way. Private access easements may also be required when shared driveway access is necessary to meet driveway spacing requirements along a public street or Public Way. Driveways in required private access easements shall be constructed to City fire lane standards and their installation may be delayed until the time of site development. When private access easements are provided, construction and maintenance responsibilities shall be assigned and noted on the plat or the recorded volume and page of the access instrument shall be referenced on the plat. b.A public access easement shall be provided for a Public Way, for public sidewalks on private property, and when serving as an Access Way. Fences, gates, parking, or other obstructions that restrict or block access are prohibited. 4.Off-Site Easements All easements outside the boundaries of a plat that are necessary for the installation of public infrastructure to serve the subdivision or development plat shall be acquired by the applicant and conveyed by an instrument approved by the City Attorney. 5.Non-Public Easements Except as set forth herein, dedication of rights-of-way, easements, and public infrastructure shall not be encumbered by private easements that have pre- existing rights. Minor crossings are allowed. L.J.Access Ways 1.Access ways, where required,shall have a tenfoot (10') right-of-way,dedicated to the public. A fourfoot (4') sidewalk shall be constructed in the center of the right- 8-12 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station, Texas  DRAFT Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements of-way conforming to the City Engineering standards.Existing and planned Access Ways in adjacent or adjoining areas shall be continued in alignment therewith. 2.In Blockfaces over nine hundred feet (900') in length, an Access Way shall extend across the width of the block near the center of the block. 3.To provide additional pedestrian and bicycle circulation, an Access Way shall be required on a cul-de-sac street to connect to existing or planned facilities in the vicinity such as schools, parks, transit stops, and multi-use paths. 4.An Access Way may be required to provide additional pedestrian and bicycle circulation within a subdivision, between subdivisions, between cul-de-sacs, or to provide access to schools, parks, shopping centers, multi-use paths, transportation, and other community facilities in the vicinity. 5.If an Access Way is greater than three hundred feet (300’) in length then an additional access point to the Access Way shall be provided. M.K.Sidewalks 1.Policy Sidewalks should be located and constructed so as to provide a safe and effective means of transportation for non-vehicular traffic. 2.Required Sidewalksment a.Except as may be provided elsewhere in this Section, sSidewalks shall be required on both sides of all streets, including cul-de-sac streets, except as follows or as provided elsewhere in this UDOhaving a right-of-way width equal to or greater than sixty feet (60’). b.Where a multi-use path is shown along a street on the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan, the sidewalk may be incorporated as part of the multi-use path. Formatted: Heading 4, Left, Indent: Hanging: 3.Sidewalk Exceptions 0.38", Space Before: 6 pt Except as set forth herein, a sidewalk shall be required on only one (1) side of all Formatted: Heading 4, Left, Space Before: 6 streets having a right-of-way width less than sixty feet (60’). For streets having a pt right-of-way width of less than sixty feet (60’) with cul-de-sac streets, no Ssidewalksshall beare not required: a.Around the bulb of a cul-de-sac street unless needed toan Access Way is provided out of the bulb for through non-vehicular access; b.Along a street classified on the Thoroughfare Plan as a Freeway/Expressway that does not have frontage roads. Sidewalks, however, shall be provided along frontage roads of a Freeway/Expressway; c.Along streets identified on the Thoroughfare Plan with an Estate/Rural context; d.Along new or existing streets within a Rural Residential subdivision constructed to the rural section; or a.e.Along existing residential streets unless sidewalks have been identified in the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan or in the applicable neighborhood, district, or corridor plan. 3.4.Standards Sidewalks shall be constructed in accordance with the following criteria: 8-13 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station, Texas  DRAFT Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements a.The Bryan/CollegeStation Unified Design Guidelines and the Bryan/ College Station Unified Technical Specifications and all applicable state and federal requirements; b.Consistent with the minimum standards necessary to meet the projected non- vehicular traffic demand in the area;and c.Sidewalks shall maintain a minimum of clear width as set forth in the Bryan/College Station Unified Design Guidelines; and c.d.All sidewalks shall terminate into streets or driveways with ambulatory ramps. 4.5.Timing of Construction Unless eExcepted as set forth belowinthis Section, all required sidewalks must be constructed concurrently with the street, or, if the street is already constructed, prior to acceptance of allany public improvements. a.Residential Subdivisions At the time of final plat application, the subdivider may opt to defer the construction of sidewalks on residential streets along single-family, duplex, or townhouse lots until the construction of the residential dwelling. If so opted, the builder of a residential lot shall be responsible for the construction of sidewalks along the street frontage(s) of the residential lot prior to receiving authorization for occupancy of the structure. The subdivider shall provide a sidewalk plan with the final plat construction documents and installation of the sidewalks shall comply with this plan. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this provision does not allow the deferment of the construction of sidewalks along thoroughfares, sidewalk ramps at all street intersections, and sidewalks along residential streets that are not adjacent to a residential lot such as along a common area, creek crossing, or park. Other pedestrian facilities such as Access Ways and multi-use paths shall be constructed at the same time as the public infrastructure of the plat. a.b.Fee in Lieu of Construction Fee in Lieu 1) Except for development located within the Northgate zoning districts, a developer may request to pay a fee in lieu of constructing the sidewalk(s) required in this Section upon approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission as set forth below. Amount of Fee 2) The amount of fee in lieu of sidewalk construction shall be a unit cost determined by the City Engineer based upon current estimated costs. The unit cost fee shall be kept on file in the Office of Planning and Development Services and made available to the pubic upon request. The unit cost fee calculation shall be reviewed at least annually by the City Engineer and adjusted as necessary. Criteria to Allow Fee in Lieu 3) The Planning and Zoning Commission may authorize a fee in lieu of sidewalk construction when it determines that one or more of the following conditions exists: An alternative pedestrian way or multi-use path has been or will be (a) provided outside the right-of-way; The presence of unique or unusual topographic, vegetative, or (b) other natural conditions exist so that strict adherence to the sidewalk requirements contained herein is not physically feasible or is not in keeping with the purposes and goals of this UDO or the City’s Comprehensive Plan; 8-14 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station, Texas  DRAFT Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements A capital improvement project is imminent that will include (c) construction of the required sidewalk. Imminent shall mean the project is funded or projected to commence within twelve (12) months; Existing streets constructed to rural section that are not identified (d) on the Thoroughfare Plan with an Estate/Rural context; When a sidewalk is required along a street where a multi-use (c)(e) path is shown on the Bicycle, Pedestrian, Greenways Master Plan; The proposed development is within an older residential (d)(f) subdivision meeting the criteria in Section 8.2.A.11.bH.2 Platting and Replatting within Older Residential Subdivisions of this UDO; or The proposed development contains frontage on a Freeway/ (e)(g) Expressway as designated by Map 6.6, Thoroughfare Plan- Functional Classification, in the City’s Comprehensive Plan. Use of Fee 4) The City Council hereby establishes sidewalk zones as show in the map attached as Figure 1 of this section and which map shall be kept in the Office of Planning and Development Services and made available to the public upon request. Fees collected in lieu of sidewalk construction shall be expended in the sidewalk zone within which the proposed development is located. Fees collected in lieu of sidewalk construction shall be used only for construction, reconstruction, or land acquisition costs associated with sidewalks, multi-use paths, and other non- vehicular ways. Reimbursement 5) The City may, from time-to-time, acquire land for sidewalks or make sidewalk improvements related to actual or potential development. If this occurs, the City may require subsequent sidewalk obligations to be a fee rather than construction in order to reimburse the City for the cost associated with acquisitions or construction. Figure 1 – Sidewalk Zone Map Fee Due 6) Fees paid pursuant to this Section shall be remitted to the City when the guarantee of construction of public improvements for the proposed development is due or upon commencement of construction, whichever occurs first. Special Fund; Right to Refund 7) All fees received by the City in lieu of sidewalk construction shall be deposited in a fund referenced to the sidewalk zone to which it relates. The City shall account for all fees in lieu of sidewalk construction paid under this Section with reference to the individual development involved. Any fee paid for such purposes must be expended by the City within seven (7) years from the date received by the City. Such funds shall be considered to be spent on a first-in, first-out basis. If not so expended, the landowners of the property on the expiration of such period shall be entitled to a prorated refund of such sum. The owners of such property must request a refund within one (1) year of entitlement, in writing, or such refund will be barred. 8-15 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station, Texas  DRAFT Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements Per Ordinance No. 3267 (August 12, 2010) Formatted: Justified N.L.BikewaysBicycle Facilities 1.General Bikewayswillbe required in accordance with the Bikeway Master Plan. BicycleBikeway facilities are planned and located to provide connectivity to the existing street network, parks, schools, greenways, neighborhoods, and other key destinations; increase safety, and promote health and wellnessintegrate with the existing City street and park system. The facilities are strategically located so as to minimize their numbers and to provide bikewaysto certain areas or neighborhoods within the City. 2.Timing Bicycle facilities shall be required in accordance with the Bicycle, Pedestrian and Greenways Master Plan and the B/CS Unified Design Guidelines and constructed along with other public infrastructure required pursuant to this UDO. 2.3.Types of BikewaysBicycle Facilities There are at least three (3) types of bikewaybicycle facilities that shall maybe requiredutilized. These types include the followingare as follows: 8-16 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station, Texas  DRAFT Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements a.Bike Multi-use Path:,a facility completely separated from auto traffic and within an independent right-of-way or within the right-of-way of another public facility; b.Bike Lane:,a facility where part of the roadway or shoulder is striped, signed, and marked for exclusive or preferential bicycle use and where vehicle vehicular parking is not permitted, unless otherwise specified; and c.Bike Route:,a facility designated by signing and sometimes pavement markings to help make motorists aware of the presence of bicycles which share the right-of-waysame area with motor vehicles. 1) Formatted: Normal, Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0" c.Bikeway Location Criteria Formatted: Heading 4, Justified, Indent: Left: Bikeways shall be located to integrate with the existing City street and park 0.88", Hanging: 0.38", Space Before: 0 pt system. Important criteria used indetermining bikeway facility types and locations are: Formatted: Heading 5, Justified, Indent: Left: Safety; Existing street width 1) 1.25", Hanging: 0.25", Space Before: 6 pt Existing and potential demand for use 2) Continuity and directness 3) Spacing; Relationship to other bikeway facilities 4) Location of schools and other public facilities frequented by bicycle riders 5) Location of linear parks and greenbelts 6) 3.4.Geometric Design Criteria All facilities shall be designed to meet or exceed standards set forth in the "Guide for Development of Bicycle Facilities" published by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) and the B/CS Unified Design Guidelines. Signing and pavement markings for such facilities shall be in accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Geometric design criteria for each type of bikeway facility are as follows: a.Bike Routes Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.5", No bullets or Bike routes shall be indicated as follows: numbering The placement of bike route signing and shared lane pavement markings 1) identifies bicycle-compatible streets that will serve as bike routes.;Bike route identification and directional signs shall be located and installed as indicated on the Bikeway Master Plan. Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.5", Hanging: 0.38", Space Before: 6 pt Bike Routes provide an important function in that they provide for 2) continuity in the overall bikeway system. Typically most bike routes will occuron local and collector streets as they are often most compatible for bicycle use without additional pavement. A minimum of sixteen-foot (16’) of thefeet outer lane offorcollector and arterial streets measured from the outer lane line to the back of curb shall be required for bike routes. A typical bicycle compatible routestreet is shown in Figure 1.; and Bike route signing should not end at a barrier. Information directing the 3) bicyclist around the barrier should be provided. 8-17 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station, Texas  DRAFT Arrticle 8. Subddivision Desiggn and Improvements Theoadway width, along wih factors such as the vlume, spee, and rrttoodd typeof traffic; prking condiions; grade and sight istance shold be aatt;dduu consiidered whendetermining the feasibility of a bike route. Roaadway imprvements, sch as safe rainage graes, railroad crossings, sooth oouuddttmm pavements, mainntenance scheedules, and signals respoonsive to bicyycles, should always b consideredbefore a radway is idntified as bike eeooeeaa routee. b.Bike Lans ee Bike lanes shall be as foollows: Thebbike lane is located withinn the vehicular roadway in the outsidee lane 1) and is intended for the excluive use of bicycles. Bik lanes in th City sseeee of Cllege Station must be eveloped a one-way fcilities and carry ooddssaa traffic in the samme direction aas adjacent mmotor vehiclee traffic. Twoo-way bike lanes are no permitted ;and tt because: 1) The require uncnventional turns at interections, yyooss 2) Theyy are conduciive for bicycllists having tto go the "wwrong way" and to 3) weae across trafic to bike in the proper lne, and vvffaa Theyy require that bicyclists ttravel in a direction oppoosite the adjacent 4) autolane. Typial bike lanedesign and layout is illutrated in Figure 2. A on-way ccssee 5) bike lane againstt the curb reqquires a minimum of 5 feeet (5’) measured fromthe edge ofpavement, ot includingthe gutter. he bike lan shall nnTTee be deelineated bya continuouss painted stripe. The diaamond preferrential lane symbol (asdesignated in MUTCD) shall be loated immediately cc aftereach interssection to innform motorrists turning of the restricted natue of the lan. rree At itersections,bicyclists roceeding sraight and motorists trning nnppttuu 6) rightmust cross paths. Sttriping and signing connfigurations wwhich encourage these crossings inadvance of the intersecion, in a mrging ttee fashion, shall b preferredto those that force th crossing i the eeeenn immeediate vicinityy of the interrsection. Typpical treatmennt of bike lannes at intersections is illustrated in igures 3 and4. F 8-18 Unified Deelopment Orinance City of Cllege Station,Texas vvddoo  DRAFT Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements Adequate pavement surface, bicycles safe grate inlets, safe railroad 7)2) crossings, and traffic signals responsive to the bicyclist shall be provided on roadways where bike lanes are designated. Raised pavement markings and raised barriers can cause steering difficulties for bicyclists and should not be used to delineate bike lanes. In general, parking in bike lanes is prohibited. However, parking may be permitted in a bike lane in specific areas during specified times. Where parking in a bike lane is permitted, signs shall be installed to provide notice to bicyclists of when parking is allowed. Parking in a bike lane shall be limited primarily to spillover parking for public uses or events, but parking for non-public uses may also be considered. c. 8-19 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station, Texas  DRAFT Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements 3)Multi-UseBike Paths Formatted: Font: 9 pt The criteria for multi-use paths is as follows: Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.06" 8) Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 10 pt Multi-use paths Bikepaths are facilities used exclusively for bike traffic Formatted: Normal, Left, Indent: Left: 1.5", with minimal cross flow by motorvehicles. They should be located First line: 0", Space Before: 0 pt primarily in greenbelt areasgreenways,or park-type areass, or occasionally within street rights-of-way. If a bike multi-usepath is to be located in the right-of-way of an street,adjacent roadway there should be a minimum of five feet (5') separating the bike multi-usepath from the roadway.; 8-20 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station, Texas  DRAFT Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements 1) The standard width for a two-way multi-use path shall be ten feet (10’). 9)2) In areas with projected high volumes of use, multi-use paths shall be twelve feet (12’) wide; The paved width and the operating width required for a bicycle path are 10) primary design considerations. Figure 5 depicts a bicycle path on a separated right-of-way. Under most conditions, a recommended all- paved width for a two-directional bicycle path is ten feet (10'). In some instances, however, a minimum of eight feet (8') can be adequate. This minimum should be used only where the following conditions prevail: (1) bicycle traffic is expected to be low, even on peak days or during peak hours (2) pedestrian use of the facility is not expected to be more than occasional, (3) there will be good horizontal and vertical alignment providing safe and frequent passing opportunities, (4) the path will not be subjected to maintenance vehicle loading conditions that would cause pavement edge damage. Under certain conditions it may be necessary ordesirable to increase the width of a bicycle path to twelve feet (12'); for example, because of substantial bicycle volume, probable shared use with joggers and other pedestrians, use by large maintenance vehicles, steep grades and where bicyclists will be likely to ride two abreast. The minimum width of a one-directional bicycle path is five feet (5'). It 11)3) should be recognized, however, that one-way bicycle paths often will be used as two-way facilities unless effective measures are taken to assure one-way operation. Without such enforcement, it should be assumed that bicycle paths will be used as two-way facilities and designed accordingly.; A minimum of threetwo-foot (3’)width graded area should shall be 4) maintained adjacent to both sides of the multi-use pathpavement; however, three feet (3') or more is desirable to provide clearance from trees, poles, walls, fences, guard rails, or other lateral obstructions.; and Multi-use paths shall be located in a public access easement of a 12) minimum twenty feet (20’) in width.A wider graded area on either side of the bicycle path can serve as a separate jogging path. Formatted: Heading 6, Justified, Indent: Left: The vertical clearance to obstructions should be a minimum of eight feet 1.5", Hanging: 0.38", Space Before: 6 pt (8'). However, vertical clearance may need to be greater to permit passage of maintenance vehicles and, in under crossings and tunnels, a clearance of ten feet (10') is desirable. Formatted: Font: Verdana, 9 pt 13)5) 8-21 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station, Texas  DRAFT Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements O.M.Water SupplyFacilities 1.All subdivisions shall be provided withhave access to water supply and distribution systems for adequatefire protection and domestic use.All water mains, distribution and service lines shall be provided to each lot and constructed as provided byin accordance with the Bryan/College Station Unified Design Guidelines and the Bryan/College Station Unified Technical Specifications and all applicable state and federal requirements. Where there is a conflict of standards, the more stringent standard shall apply, as determined by the City ManagerEngineer, or his designee, shall apply. The City shall accept for public use only water mains, distribution and service lines that comply with these standards for construction. 2.Water mains within the City of College Station Certificate of Convenience and Necessity (CCN) areas shall be extended in accordance with Chapter 11, Utilities, of the College Station Code of Ordinances. 3.Where a subdivision contains a water line as shown on the Comprehensive Plan of the City, such water line shall be designed and installed to maintain continuity in the approximate location as shown, and of the size indicated. 4.Water distribution lines shall be extended from the nearest City approved point of connection to the furthest boundary line of the platted subdivision. 5.For water systems that are not part of the City of College Station’s water utility, the subdivider shall provide a letter with the construction documents from the non-City utility that the non-City utility is able to properly serve the proposed subdivision. Construction of all water facilities within a subdivision must comply with the B/CS Unified Design Guidelines. Plans for such systems will be subject to City review and inspection. City involvement with such water system ends at the sanitization of the line. 1. P.N.Sanitary SewersWaste Water Facilities 1.All subdivisions shall be provided with an approved sanitary sewerage system meeting the standards of the City Engineering department. Curved sewers of not less than one hundred foot (100') radius are accepted, as are manholes of not overfive hundred foot (500') spacing. All subdivisions shall have access to waste water facilities. All collection mains and service lines shall be provided to each lot and constructed in accordance with B/CS Unified Design Guidelines and all applicable state and federal requirements. Where there is a conflict of standards, the more stringent standard shall apply, as determined by the City Engineer. The City shall accept for public use only waste water facilities that comply with these standards for construction. 2.Waste water mains within the City of College Station Certificate of Convenience and Necessity (CCN) areas shall be extended in accordance with Chapter 11, Utilities, of the College Station Code of Ordinances. 3.Where a subdivision contains a waste water line as shown on the Comprehensive Plan of the City, such waste water line shall be designed and installed to maintain continuity in the approximate location as shown, and of the size indicated. 4.For waste water systems that are not part of the City of College Station’s waste water utility, the subdivider shall provide a letter with the construction documents from the non-City utility that the non-City utility is able to properly serve the proposed subdivision. Construction of all waste water facilities within a subdivision must comply with the B/CS Unified Design Guidelines. Plans for such systems will be subject to City review and inspection. Waste water lines for these systems that are outside the subdivision are not required to meet City standards. 5.Alternate Waste Water Facilities 8-22 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station, Texas  DRAFT Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements a.If waste water main extension is exempted as per Chapter 11, Utilities, of the College Station Code of Ordinances or if the subdivision is located outside of the City of College Station CCN or otherwise not served by the City, the subdivider may provide temporary alternative waste water disposal as follows and as may be conditioned by Chapter 11, Utilities, of the College Station Code of Ordinances or otherwise: Organized Waste Water Collection and Treatment System 1) A subdivider may have a proposed subdivision served by a non-City organized waste water collection and treatment system. Such system must be permitted to dispose of wastes by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) in accordance with 30 TAC Chapter 305 and obtain approval of engineering, planning and materials for such systems under 30 TAC Chapter 317 from the TCEQ prior to approval of the final plat by the Planning & Zoning CommissionIf the sewerage system includes treatment facilities, the plan must be approved by the Texas State Department of Health, and the subdivider must have a permit for the discharge of effluent from the Texas Water Quality Board, before the approval by the Commission. On-sSite Sewage Facilities 2) A subdivider may have a proposed subdivision served by on-site sewage facilities as set forth below: On-site facilities which serve single family or multi-family (a) residential dwellings with anticipated waste water generation of no greater than five-thousand (5,000) gallons per day must comply with 30 TAC Chapter 285 and other applicable law; Proposals for sewerage facilities for the disposal of sewage in the (b) amount of five-thousand (5,000) gallons per day or greater must comply with 30 TAC Chapter 317 and other applicable law; The Brazos County Health Department shall review proposals for (c) on-site sewage disposal systems and make inspection of such systems as necessary to assure that the system is in compliance with the Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 366 and rule in 30 TAC Chapter 285, and in particular §§285.4, 285.5, and 285.30 – 285.39 and any other applicable rules or regulations within the purview of such department; and In addition to the unsatisfactory on-site disposal systems listed in (d) 30TAC §285.3(i), pit privies and portable toilets are not acceptable waste disposal systems for lots platted under these rules. b.Sanitary Sewer Master Plan A gravity sanitary sewer master plan shall be designed for subdivisions that contain lots that are two (2) acres and smaller and that utilize alternative waste water disposal methods. This master plan is required to assure that all lots, at some future date, can be connected by gravity service line to the future sewer collection system. Adequately sized sewer lines shall be provided within the subdivision’s sewer master plan such that they conform to the City’s Utility Master Plan. All lines designed within this master plan shall meet the B/CS Unified Design Guidelines and all applicable state and federal regulations. This master plan shall consist of: verbiage explaining all design assumptions, plan and profile layouts of all future gravity lines to be constructed within the subdivision, and a minimum finished floor elevation established for each lot to assure a connection to the future gravity sewer collection system. All minimum finished floors established by this master plan shall be placed on the respective lots on the final plat. waste water disposal systems, including 8-23 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station, Texas  DRAFT Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements private septic systems, may be used in areas where topography, density of development and/or other factors make sewer collection facilities impractical. Such systems, when allowed, must meet the requirements of Brazos County. O.Special Flood Hazard Areas All development encroaching into a FEMA special flood hazard area shall be in accordance with the B/CS Unified Design Guidelines, Chapter 13 Flood Hazard Protection Ordinance, and all applicable local, state and federal requirements. Where there is a conflict of standards, the more stringent standard shall apply, as determined by the City Engineer. The City shall only accept improvements for public use that comply with these standards for construction. Formatted: Font: 10 pt, Bold Formatted: Normal, Left, Indent: Left: 0" Q.P.Drainage 1.All drainage shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the Bryan/College Station Unified Design Guidelinesand the Bryan/College Station Unified Technical Specifications,Chapter 13 Flood Hazard Protection Ordinance, and all applicable local, state and federal requirements. Where there is a conflict of standards, the more stringent standard shall apply, as determined by the City Engineer. The City shall only accept improvements for public use that comply with these standards for construction. 2.Rapid conveyance, the phasing of development, the use of control methods such as retention or detention, and/or the construction of off-site drainage improvements as means of mitigation, as provided in the B/CS Unified Design Guidelines and as may be required and approved by the City. 3.No construction shall impede, constrict, or block, the flow of water in any drainage pathway. 4.Lot Grading a.Lots shall be laid out so as to provide positive drainage away from all buildings. Individual lot drainage shall be coordinated with the general storm drainage for the area. Drainage shall be designed so as to avoid the concentration of storm drainage water from each lot to adjacent developable lots. A subdivision grading plan shall be provided with the construction documents. A general drainage pattern that meets all applicable rules and regulations shall be provided for each proposed block and lot. Subsequent permits for each lot shall comply with the approved grading plan. a.b.All single-family residential lots must be graded to meet the elevation of adjoining property with positive drainage. Multi-family and non-residential lots shall be graded to match elevations at adjoining properties to provide good access and to minimize the use of retaining walls. R.Utility Lines All utility lines that pass under streets or alleys shall be installed before the street or alley is paved, with embedment, backfill, and depths as approved by the City Engineer, or the crossing shall be bored. S.Q.Gas or Oil Lines 1.Identification High pressure flammable gas or fuel lines are defined as those which are operated or may be expected in the future to operate at a pressure of over sixty (60) pounds per square inch. High pressure flammable gas or fuel lines, installed on public property, shall be buried with a minimum cover of thirty inches (30"), and shall be marked by an all-weather typed sign, installed at each crossing and at intervals of not more than three hundred feet (300'). The signs shall be installed 8-24 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station, Texas  DRAFT Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements by the utility company, state that the line is high pressure, identify the utility company name, provide an emergency phone number, and state shall name the type of product or products transported therein. 2.Notification to Utility Company The subdivider shall provide written notification to the utility company regarding any proposed construction over an existing facility or within a utility’s easement and provide proof of such notification to the City Engineer. T.R.Street Lights 1.General StandardsBasic Policy a.It shall be the policy of the City of College Station that adequate street lighting for the protection of the public and property be installed in all new subdivisions. Street lights shall be designed and iInstalledation procedures and acceptable standardsfor street lights shall be governed byaccording to the utility standards of the College Station Utilities in effect at the time of subdivision construction or addition thereto. b.a.General Standards c.The actual number of street lights to be required, as well as the type and size of luminaire, and the installation, location andquantity, size, and type of street light services, shall be determined by the Electrical Engineer for College Station Utilities. Pole type for mounting of street lights pole and fixture shall be selected by the Developersubdivider,fromsubject to the approved City of College Station street light pole standardsof the College Station Utilities. d.b.Street lights shall normally be required at all street intersections and access ways, in cul-de-sacs, and at generally three hundred feet (300') intervals or less on tangent streets. c.The developer subdivider shall furnish satisfactory public utility easements for the installation of services to street lights, with said easements to normally be five feet (5') in width. Formatted: Font: 10 pt, Bold Formatted: Normal, Left, Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0", Space Before: 0 pt 8-25 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station, Texas  DRAFT Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements e.d.Where underground electric service is provided, all street lighting and site lighting equipment shall be placed underground except for the poles on which the lights are to be affixed. Where overhead electric service is provided, street lighting and site lighting equipment may be placed overhead or underground. 2.Basic PolicyStreet Light Locations a.Street lights shall normally be required at all street intersections and aAccess wWays, in cul-de-sacs, and at generallyapproximately three hundred feet (300') intervals or less onalong tangent streets. b.In Rural Residential subdivisions, street lights are only required at street intersections and at the end of cul-de-sacs greater than three hundred feet (300') in length. The subdivider may request additional street lights at other locations within the subdivision, provided the frequency does not exceed the general subdivision location standards recited above. a. 3.Installation and Maintenance b.The installation of subdivision lighting shall be performed by either of the following: c.By the City, subject to cost reimbursement as provided in this UDO a.By tThedeveloper subdivider or his authorized construction representative shall be responsible for furnishing and installing all street light facilities in accordance with the electric utility’s design and specifications and this UDO., subject to compliance with the utility street light installation standards of College StationUtilities All conduit installations shall be inspected prior to acceptance for conformance with the utility specifications. b.Street lights shall be owned and maintained by electric utility provider with Certificate of Convenience and Necessity (CCN) for that area. c.The electric utility provider shall not be responsible for the installation or maintenance of street lights on alleys, private streets or drives. d. Formatted: Font: 10 pt, Bold Formatted: Normal, Left, Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0", Space Before: 0 pt 8-26 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station, Texas  DRAFT Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements U.S.Electric FacilitiesService Installation 1.All subdividers shall ascertain which electric utility is certificated to serve the proposed subdivision. The electric utility design and facilities must meet all applicable City ordinances. 1.2.All electric utility service shall be installed underground in residential, multi-family residential, commercial and industrialall subdivisions. All lateral electric lines and service lines supplying electric utility service shall be placed underground except Rural Residential subdivisions may have lateral electric lines and service lines supplying electric utility service placed overhead. 2.3.Overhead feeder lines may be placed within the above-listed subdivisions in the following locations: a.Along the perimeter of thea platted subdivision; b.Adjacent to or within the right-of-way of thoroughfares identified on the current tThoroughfare pPlan of the City of College Station and approved for the location of overhead utilities.; c.Within alleys or dedicated easements identified for the location of aerial utility service feeder lines on the approved subdivision plat.; or 3.4.TheSsubdivider shall dedicate public utility easements upon forms approved by City for the installation of electric utilities, including electric. All liens and other ownership interests shall be subordinated to the easement use. 4.5.Where electric service is placed underground, all auxiliary equipment for such service, including but not limited to transformers, junction enclosures and switching devices, shall be pad-mounted on grade or shall be placed underground. 5.6.Where the electric service is placed underground, all street lighting and site lighting equipment shall be placed underground except for the poles on which the lights are to be affixed. The City or the electric utility shall not be responsible for the installation or maintenance of street lights on alleys, private streets or drives. 6.7.TheSsubdivider shall be responsible for furnishing and installing, and the expenses related thereto, of conduit for thethe costs and installation of all on-site underground development feeder, lateral, and service lines utilized to provide electric utility service to the subdivision. The specifications for the conduit shall be approved provided byCollege Station Utilitiesthe electric utility prior to installation. All conduit installations shall be inspected prior to acceptance for conformance to utility specifications.Where electric service is placed underground, all auxiliary equipment for such service, including but not limited to transformers, junction enclosures and switching devices, shall be pad-mounted on grade or shall be placed underground. 8.Temporary utility service may be provided via overhead line extension. 9.The subdivider shall contact the appropriate electric utility provider to determine any additional requirements. V.T.Monuments and Corner Markers 1.All block corners, angle points and points of curves, and all corners of boundary lines of subdivisions shall be marked with a one-half inch (1/2") steel rod, two feet (2') in length, set in the center of a concrete monument six inches (6") in diameter and thirty inches (30") deep, with the top flush with the finished ground surface. 2.Where, due to topographic conditions, permanent structures or other conditions, the view is obstructed between any two (2) adjacent monuments, intermediate monuments shall be set as to assure a clear view between adjacent monuments. 8-27 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station, Texas  DRAFT Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements 3.Corner markers, consisting of a one-half inch (1/2") steel rod or three-fourths inch (3/4") pipe, two feet (2') in length, shall be driven flush with the ground surface to mark the corners of all lots. W.U.Owners Associations for Common Areas and Facilities Formatted: Justified 1.A Homeowners Association or Property Owners Association (“Owners Association”) shall be established with direct responsibility to, and controlled by, the property owners involved to provide for operation, repair and maintenance of all common areas, fences, walls, gate equipment, landscaping, and all other common facilities, including private streets and sidewalks, which are part of the subdivision (the “Common Facilities”). 2.TheOwners HOAAssociation shall prepare and file for record a legal instrument establishing a plan for the use and permanent repair and maintenance of the Common Facilities and demonstrating that the association is self-perpetuating and adequately funded to accomplish its purpose and shall provide that the Owners Association hereby unconditionally and irrevocably agrees to indemnify, defend and hold the City and the City’s officials, agents, employees and contractors harmless, from and against any loss, liability, demand damage, judgment, suite, claim deficiency, interests, fee, charge, cost or expense (including, without limitation, interest, court cost and penalties, attorney’s fees and disbursement and amounts paid in settlement, or liabilities resulting from any charge in federal, state or local law or regulation or interpretation hereof) of whatever nature, even when caused in whole or in part by the City’s negligence or the joint or concurring negligence of the City and any other person or entity, which may result or to which the City and/or any of the City’s officials, agents, employees and contractors may sustain, suffer, incur or become subject to in connection with or arising in any way whatsoever out of the maintenance, repair use or occupation of the Common Facilities, or any other activity of whatever nature in connection therewith, or arising out of or by reason of any investigation, litigation or other proceedings brought or threatened, arising out of or based upon the operation, management, maintenance, repair and use of the Common Facilities, or any other activity in the subdivision. Formatted: Justified, Indent: Left: 0.88", 3.The budget for the Owners HOAAssociation shall include a fund reserved Hanging: 0.38", Tab stops: 1.25", List tab for the repair and maintenance of Common Facilities in the amount approved by the city staff.Indemnity Formatted: Font: Not Bold a.The Association hereby unconstitutionally and irrevocably agrees to Formatted: Heading 4, Indent: Left: 0.88", Hanging: 0.38" indemnify, defend and hold the City and the City’s officials, agents, employees and contractors harmless, from and against any loss, liability, demand damage, judgment, suite, claim deficiency, interests, fee, charge, cost or expense (including, without limitation, interest, court cost and penalties, attorney’s fees and disbursement and amounts paid in settlement, or liabilities resulting from any charge in federal, state or local law or regulation or interpretation hereof) of whatever nature, even when caused in whole or in part by the City’s negligence or the joint or concurring negligence of the City and any other person or entity, which may result or to which the City and/or any of the City’s officials, agents, employees and contractors may sustain, suffer, incur or become subject to in connection with or arising in any way whatsoever out of the maintenance, repair use or occupation of the common facilities, or any other activity of whatever nature in connection therewith, or arising out of or by reason of any investigation, litigation or other proceedings brought or threatened, arising out of or based upon the operation, management, maintenance, repair and use of the common facilities, or any other activity in the subdivision. Formatted: Heading 4, Left, Indent: Left: 3. 0.88", Hanging: 0.38" 8-28 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station, Texas  DRAFT Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements X.V.Private Streets and Gating of Roadways 1.Purpose Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.25" To achieve orderly development of a secured (gated) community. To protect and promote the health, safety, and general welfare of the City. 2.1.General Requirements The following applies to platting of roadways: a.Gating of a public roadway is prohibited. a.b.Streets required to meet block length, block perimeter, or street projection requirements shall not be private or gated. b.c.Private Ddriveways are considered public roadways for the purpose of these gating requirements herein. c.The gate shall not block area-wide through routes or block access for roadways to serve future development. d.Vehicular aAccess shall be provided on all private and public roadways at all times for police, fire, city inspection, mail delivery, garbage pickup, dial-a- rides, utility, school buses, and other health and safety related vehicles. Access must not require drivers to exit their vehicle. e.A private street subdivision willmay not cross an existing or proposed public thoroughfare as shown on the City’s Thoroughfare Plan. A private street subdivision willmay not disrupt or cross an existing or proposed City of College Station public park or pedestrian pathway, hike and bike trial or park as shown on the City’s Parks and Open Space PlanBicycle, Pedestrian and Greenways Master Plan. e. Formatted: Font: 10 pt Formatted: Normal, Left, Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0", Space Before: 0 pt 8-29 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station, Texas  DRAFT Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements f.The gate design and implementation shall be such that it does not pose a threat to public health, safety and welfare as determined by the City. g.The infrastructure main lines (electrical, water, and sewer)shall be maintained by the City of College Station. Formatted: Heading 4, Indent: Left: 0.88", h.Homeowners Owners Association Requirements(HOA) Hanging: 0.38", Space Before: 6 pt 3.2.A Homeowners Association shall be established with direct responsibility to, and controlled by, the property owners involved to provide for operation, repair and maintenance of all common areas, fences, walls, gate equipment, landscaping, and all other common facilities, including private streets and sidewalks, which are part of the subdivision (the “Common Facilities”). a.All property owners within an existing residential area that is proposed to be gated or have private streets shall agree to become members of an operative Homeowners Owners Association(HOA). b.a.The HOA shall prepare and file for record a legal instrument establishing a plan for the use and permanent repair and maintenance of the Common Facilities and demonstrating that the association is self-perpetuating and adequately funded to accomplish its purpose. c.The budget for the HOA shall include a fund reserved for the repair and maintenance of Common Facilities in the amount approved by the city staff. d.b.The legal instrument establishing the Homeowners Owners Association must provide for a, street maintenance agreement, the approval of the and reserve fundby the City Engineer or Director of Public Works, and as well as written permission for the City’s access to the subdivision all of which must bewill be submitted for approval by the City Attorney prior to the submission of the final plat. e.c.The City will be given written permission for practicalmust have access to private roadways at any time without liability when on official business. This includesThe City will also be given written permission to remove obstructions including any gate and guard (house) upon non-compliance by the Owners AssociationHOA of any terms of this ordinance or if asnecessary for the emergency vehicle access. In the event the City must remove obstructions to access the development, the Owners AssociationHOA will be assessed all costs of removalsubstantially associated therewith. d.In the event the City deems that substantial repairs to private street(s) within a gated community are necessary in order to insure ensure safe access and passage for emergency service vehicles, the City will notify the Owners AssociationHOA and a public hearing before the City Council will be set for input on the projected repairs. Should the Owners AssociationHOA fail to provide the satisfactory repairs deemed necessary in a time frame set by the City at the public hearing, then the City will make the necessary repairs and assess the Owners AssociationHOA all costs borne by the City in repair of the private street(s). Should the Owners AssociationHOA fail to reimburse the City within 90 days, the Owners AssociationHOA shall be subject to lien and possibly foreclosure of all assets including but not limited to the maintenance reserve fund. 4.3.Geometric Design Guidelines Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.25", No bullets or The following applies to the design of private roadways: numbering a.All Private streets in the development shall be constructed in accordance with cityto public street standards but located within a common area, private right- of-way, or private access easement. b.The gate(s) location shallmay not be placed on a public right-of-way or easement. 8-30 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station, Texas  DRAFT Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements c.All gate mechanical or manual operating functions shall meet Fire Department requirements and provide passage with unobstructed vertical clearance. d.The throat depth for a Ggated entry way throat length designs taking access from residential, major and minor collector roadwaysshall meet the following requirements (Ref. Figures 1 & 2): A minimum of 20 twentyfeet (20’) for one (1) residential single-family 1) lot. A minimum of 60sixty feet (60’) for up to twenty-five (25) single-family 2) lots. A minimum of 100 one-hundred feet (100’) for twenty-six (26) single- 3) family lots or greater. e.The gated entry way lengths taking access from major and minor arterials shall be determined and approved on a case by case basis by the City Planning Department. f.e.Gated entry ways shall provide adequate access for pedestrians and bicycles. g.f.Gated entry ways to subdivisions shall provide adequate turnaround areas for vehicles that are denied access in order to prevent backing into a public street. (Ref. Figures 1 & 2) h.g.The gated entry way driveway pavement widths to subdivisions, for both egress and ingress, shall be a minimum of 20 twentyfeet(20’) per driveway and are required to provide a minimum 4four feet(4’) center median. (Ref. Figures 1 & 2) i.h.The gated area shall provide a minimum unobstructed vertical clearance of fourteen14 feet and six6 inches (14’-6”) from finished roadway surface over the entire width of the entry roadway. j.i.Public safety elements and signing shall be included in the gate entry way design. 5.4.Converting Private Streets to Public Streets Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.06", No bullets or The following is required when converting private streets to public streets: numbering a.Upon a written request signed by duly authorized Owners AssociationHOA officers and submitted to the City Council of the City of College Station, dedication of private streets to the public may be accomplished providing the private streets are brought up to the City standards for thepublic streets in the City and the City Council has agreed to accept the streets. b.The written request by the Owners AssociationHOA officers will be accompanied by a petition containing the signatures of the owners of 100% of the existing lots in the subdivision, except when in the public interest. c.All repairs or reconstruction of private streets to City standards must be accepted by the City prior to conversion. All conversion dedication costs will be paid by the Owners AssociationHOA. Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.25", Hanging: d.Indemnity 0.25" e.c.The Association hereby unconstitutionally and irrevocably agrees to indemnify, defend and hold the City and the City’s officials, agents, employees and contractors harmless, from and against any loss, liability, demand damage, judgment, suite, claim deficiency, interests, fee, charge, cost or expense (including, without limitation, interest, court cost and penalties, attorney’s fees and disbursement and amounts paid in settlement, or liabilities resulting from any charge in federal, state or local law or regulation or interpretation hereof) of whatever nature, 8-31 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station, Texas  DRAFT Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements even when caused in whole or in part by the City’s negligence or the joint or concurring negligence of the City and any other person or entity, which may result or to which the Cityand/or any of the City’s officials, agents, employees and contractors may sustain, suffer, incur or become subject to in connection with or arising in any way whatsoever out of the maintenance, repair use or occupation of the common facilities, or any other activity of whatever nature in connection therewith, or arising out of or by reason of any investigation, litigation or other proceedings brought or threatened, arising out of or based upon the operation, management, maintenance, repair and use of the common facilities, or any other activity in the subdivision. Existing Gates 6.5. Any gate as defined by this ordinance Section existing at the time of adoption of these provisions (Ordinance #2280) which has received an approval from either the City or the County is deemed exempt from the requirements of this Section except when the City must remove such gates in order to ensure the access for the immediate health, safety, and welfare of the public. The Owners Association responsible for such gate assumes all costs associated therewith. 8-32 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station, Texas  DRAFT Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements 8.3General Requirements and Minimum Standards of Design for Subdivisions within the City of College Station Extraterritorial Jurisdiction The following sets forth standards of design for subdivisions situated within the City of College Station Extraterritorial Jurisdiction: A.Reserved Strips and Tracts Prohibited A plat shall not provide reserved strips or tracts of land. In addition, the effect of phasing of a plat, provision of common area or other land or easement shall not unnecessarily restrict access to land, right-of-way, or easements dedicated or intended to be dedicated to the public by the subject plat or adjacent developments. B.Technical Standards All public infrastructure shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the Bryan/College Station Unified Design Guidelines,Bryan/College Station Unified Technical Specifications,Bryan/College Station Unified Construction Details and all other applicable local, state, and federal requirements. Hereafter, these documents shall be referred to collectively as the “B/CS Unified Design Guidelines.” Where there is a conflict of standards, the more stringent standard shall apply, as determined by the City Engineer. C.Streets 1.Streets on the Thoroughfare Plan Where a subdivision encompasses or is adjacent to a thoroughfare, as shown on the Thoroughfare Plan of the City, the thoroughfare shall be constructed and included in the subdivision plat to maintain continuity in the approximate location as shown. 2.Relation to Adjoining Street System a.Where there is an existing street adjacent to or through the area to be subdivided, the necessary street intersections to the existing street shall be constructed. b.Existing and planned streets in adjacent or adjoining areas shall be continued in alignment therewith. c.When land is subdivided into larger parcels rather than ordinary building lots, such parcels shall be arranged so as to allow for the opening of future streets and logical further subdivisions. 3.Street Projections a.Where adjoining areas are not platted, the subdivision shall provide street projections to such areas by projecting a public street: In each cardinal direction around the proposed subdivision; 1) At intervals no fewer than the maximum block length along the 2) perimeter boundary of the subdivision; and To provide street connection or street frontage to land locked tracts that 3) do not otherwise have frontage to a public street. 4.Adequate Street Access a.One external street connection is required for a street serving as roadway access for thirty (30) or fewer lots. b.When there are more than thirty (30) lots to be served by external street connections, a minimum of two (2) street connections to external paved public streets shall be required. The Commission may allow a Remote Emergency Access where development phasing or constraints of the land prevent the provision of a second street connection. Notwithstanding the foregoing, two 8-33 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station, Texas  DRAFT Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements (2) street connections to external paved public streets shall be required when one hundred (100) or more lots are served. c.Three (3) street connections to external paved public streets shall be required when two hundred (200) or more lots are served. d.Where more than one external street connection is required, at least one external street connection shall not be located over a potential hazard such as a high-pressure gas line or a creek where the 100-year floodplain overtops the street, regardless of its classification. 5.Intersections In addition to the B/CS Unified Design Guidelines, proposed street intersections shall meet the minimum spacing and requirements of the Access Management and Circulation section in Article 7 General Development Standards of this UDO. 6.Dead-End Streets Dead-end streets shall be prohibited except short stubs to permit future extension. Temporary turnarounds shall be required for stubs in length of more than one- hundred feet (100’) or the depth of one lot, whichever is less. 7.Cul-de-Sacs Cul-de-sacs shall not exceed seven-hundred and fifty feet (750’) in length. The length of a cul-de-sac is measured along the centerline of the cul-de-sac street from the center of the bulb to the edge of the nearest intersecting through street right-of-way. 8.Geometric Standards, Street Design Criteria Streets shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the B/CS Unified Design Guidelines with the following modifications: a.Local streets shall be constructed to the rural residential street standards with a minimum right-of-way width of seventy feet (70'); and b.All thoroughfares, regardless of classification, shall be constructed to the rural collector standard with a minimum right-of-way width of one-hundred feet (100’) or larger if the thoroughfare classification requires additional right-of- way width. 9.Existing Substandard Street Right-of Way a.Whenever an existing right-of-way is within or adjacent to a proposed subdivision and such right-of-way width is substandard, the additional width for the street shall be dedicated. For development occurring on only one side of such a roadway, the amount dedicated shall generally equal one-half (½) of the deficiency in width based on the classification and type of street, as measured from the existing centerline of the right-of-way. If the parcel(s) on the opposite side of the right-of-way previously dedicated a portion, the proposed plat shall dedicate the remaining width. If the opposite side of the right-of-way has a permanent constraint such as a railroad right-of-way or conservation easement, the full width of the deficiency may be required. b.The Administrator may reduce, increase, or eliminate the amount of right-of- way dedication based on design considerations, existing development on adjacent properties, and dimensions of the proposed subdivision or plat. c.Notwithstanding the foregoing, additional right-of-way dedication is not required for Amending Plats. 8-34 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station, Texas  DRAFT Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements 10.Street Names and Addresses a.Proposed streets that are extensions of existing streets shall bear the name of the existing street, unless otherwise recommended by the Administrator. b.New streets shall be named to prevent conflict or confusion with identical or similar names in the City, Brazos County 911 district, or the City’s Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ). c.Streets shall not be named after any living person. d.A proposed street name may be disapproved if it too closely approximates phonetically the name of an existing street, is too difficult to pronounce, or carries undesirable meanings or connotations. D.Alleys Public alleys are prohibited in the extraterritorial jurisdiction. E.Blocks 1.In order to provide a public street network that is complimentary to the Thoroughfare Plan and that ensures uniform access and circulation, block length shall not exceed one-thousand and five-hundred feet (1,500’). 2.If a plat is not bounded by a public through street or other qualifying break to block length then the block length measurement shall continue to extend each way beyond the plat along the public through street until the nearest intersecting through street or qualifying break to the block is reached. 3.Block length shall not require a new street to enter the face of a block when the surrounding area of the block is subdivided so that a through movement is not possible or a new block cannot be created. F.Lots 1.Lots shall be identified in numerical order within a block. 2.Lots shall be a minimum of one (1) acre in size. 3.Lots shall be at least one-hundred feet (100’) in width as measured at the street; except for lots around the bulb of a cul-de-sac shall be at least seventy-five feet (75’) in width. 4.Lots established for special purposes such as common area, open space, parkland, floodplain, drainage, utilities, or other similar facilities shall be uniquely named and are not required to meet the minimum lot size or lot width. 5.Side lot lines shall be substantially right angle to straight right-of-way or radial to the curved right-of-way. 6.Lots shall be laid out so as not to cross municipal, county, school district, or utility service area boundaries. G.Easements 1.Utility Easements a.Minimum Utility Easements Utility easements not less than sixteen feet (16’) in width shall be provided along the front of all lots on each side of a street. Where the front easement is impractical on one side of the street, a utility easement no less than twenty feet (20’) in width shall be provided on the other side of the street. Utility easements ten feet (10’) in width shall be required along the side and rear of all lots. 8-35 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station, Texas  DRAFT Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements b.Additional Utility Easements Additional utility easements or additional easement width other than as described above may be required by the City Engineer or B/CS Unified Design Guidelines based on the number, size, configuration or depth of existing, proposed or anticipated utilities. Where the proposed subdivision adjoins an unplatted area or future phase of the subdivision, the City Engineer may require twenty foot (20') width of easement along the rear of lots adjoining the unplatted area or ten feet (10’) in width along the boundary of the subdivision or subdivision phase. 2.Off-Site Easements All easements outside the boundaries of a plat that are necessary for the installation of public infrastructure to serve the subdivision or development plat shall be acquired by the applicant and conveyed by an instrument approved by the City Attorney. H.Access Ways Public Access Ways are prohibited in the extraterritorial jurisdiction. I.Sidewalks Public sidewalks are prohibited in the extraterritorial jurisdiction. J.Bicycle Facilities Public bicycle facilities are prohibited in the extraterritorial jurisdiction. K.Water Facilities 1.All subdivisions shall have access to water supply and distribution systems for adequate fire protection and domestic use. All water mains, distribution and service lines shall be provided to each lot and constructed in accordance with the B/CS Unified Design Guidelines and all applicable state and federal requirements. Where there is a conflict of standards, the more stringent standard shall apply, as determined by the City Engineer. 2.Water mains within the City of College Station Certificate of Convenience and Necessity (CCN) areas shall be extended in accordance with Chapter 11, Utilities, of the College Station Code of Ordinances. 3.Where a subdivision contains a water line as shown on the Comprehensive Plan of the City, such water line shall be designed and installed to maintain continuity in the approximate location as shown, and of the size indicated. 4.Water distribution lines shall be extended from the nearest City approved point of connection to the furthest boundary line of the platted subdivision. 5.For water systems that are not part of the City of College Station’s water utility, the subdivider shall provide a letter with the construction documents from the non-City utility that the non-City utility is able to properly serve the proposed subdivision. Construction of all water lines within a subdivision must comply with theB/CS Unified Design Guidelines. Water lines for these systems that are outside the subdivision are not required to meet City standards. L.Waste Water Facilities 1.Private Septic Systems On-site sewage disposal systems (private septic systems) shall be designed to and meet all requirements of the County Health Department. These systems shall be licensed through the same agency and the license shall be kept current. A note shall be provided on the plat indicated such as above. 8-36 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station, Texas  DRAFT Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements 2.Gravity Sanitary Sewer System Gravity Sanitary Sewer Systems shall be in accordance with the B/CS Unified Design Guidelines and all applicable state and federal requirements. M.Special Flood Hazard Areas All FEMA special floodplain hazard areas shall be according to the requirements, jurisdiction, and enforcement of the applicable county regulations. N.Drainage 1.All drainage shall be in accordance with the B/CS Unified Design Guidelines and all applicable local, state and federal requirements. Where there is a conflict of standards, the more stringent standard shall apply, as determined by the City Engineer. 2.Rapid conveyance, the phasing of development, the use of control methods such as retention or detention, and/or the construction of off-site drainage improvements as means of mitigation, as provided in the B/CS Unified Design Guidelines and as may be required and approved by the City. 3.No construction shall impede, constrict, or block, the flow of water in any drainage pathway. 4.Lot Grading Individual lot drainage shall be coordinated with the general storm drainage for the area. Drainage shall be designed so as to avoid the concentration of storm drainage water from each lot to adjacent developable lots. A subdivision grading plan shall be provided with the construction documents. A general drainage pattern that meets all applicable rules and regulations shall be provided for each proposed block and lot. O.Gas or Oil Lines 1.Identification High pressure flammable gas or fuel lines are defined as those which are operated or may be expected in the future to operate at a pressure of over sixty (60) pounds per square inch. High pressure flammable gas or fuel lines, installed on public property, shall be buried with a minimum cover of thirty inches (30"), and shall be marked by an all-weather typed sign, installed at each crossing and at intervals of not more than three hundred feet (300'). The signs shall be installed by the utility company, state that the line is high pressure, identify the utility company name, provide an emergency phone number, and state the type of product or products transported therein. 2.Notification to Utility Company The subdivider shall provide written notification to the utility company regarding any proposed construction over an existing facility or within a utility’s easement and provide proof of such notification to the City Engineer. P.Street Lights Public street lights are prohibited in the extraterritorial jurisdiction Q.Electric Facilities 1.All subdividers shall ascertain which electric utility is certificated to serve the proposed subdivision. 2.Electric utility facilities may be installed underground or overhead. 3.The subdivider is responsible for contacting the appropriate electric utility provider to determine any additional requirements. 8-37 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station, Texas  DRAFT Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements R.Monuments and Corner Markers 1.All block corners, angle points and points of curves, and all corners of boundary lines of subdivisions shall be marked with a one-half inch (1/2") steel rod, two feet (2') in length, set in the center of a concrete monument six inches (6") in diameter and thirty inches (30") deep, with the top flush with the finished ground surface. 2.Where, due to topographic conditions, permanent structures or other conditions, the view is obstructed between any two (2) adjacent monuments, intermediate monuments shall be set as to assure a clear view between adjacent monuments. 3.Corner markers, consisting of a one-half inch (1/2") steel rod or three-fourths inch (3/4") pipe, two feet (2') in length, shall be driven flush with the ground surface to mark the corners of all lots. S.Owners Associations for Common Areas and Facilities 1.A Homeowners Association or Property Owners Association (“Owners Association”) shall be established with direct responsibility to, and controlled by, the property owners involved to provide for operation, repair and maintenance of all common areas, fences, walls, gate equipment, landscaping, and all other common facilities, including private streets and sidewalks, which are part of the subdivision (the “Common Facilities”). 2.The Owners Association shall prepare and file for record a legal instrument establishing a plan for the use and permanent repair and maintenance of the Common Facilities and demonstrating that the association is self-perpetuating and adequately funded to accomplish its purpose. T.Private Streets and Gating of Roadways 1.Gating of a public roadway is prohibited. 2.Streets required to meet block length or street projection requirements shall not be private or gated. 3.A private street may not cross an existing or proposed public thoroughfare as shown on the City’s Thoroughfare Plan. A private street subdivision will not disrupt or cross an existing or proposed public park or pedestrian pathway as shown on the Bicycle, Pedestrian and Greenways Master Plan. 4.Private streets shall be constructed to public street standards but located within a common area, private right-of-way, or private access easement. 5.All other private or gated street requirements shall be according to applicable county regulations. U.City Participation The City will not participate in the infrastructure cost of a subdivision outside the City limits, including The City will not participate in the cost of the subdivision or utilities outside the City limits, including garbage collection and street maintenance except for utilities dedicated to the City of College Station with a Development Agreement. Such utility service shall be in accordance with City Council Resolution #2-9-2006-13.04 (as amended) Regarding the Extension of Water and Sewer Utility Services to Properties within the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ). 8-38 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station, Texas  DRAFT Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements 8.4Requirements and Minimum Standards of Design for Subdivisions within the City of College Station Extraterritorial JurisdictionStandards A.Streets Streets shall be in conformity with the requirements of the Streets subsection, except that rural sections, as defined in the Bryan/College StationUnified Design Guidelines and theBryan/College Station Unified Technical Specificationsshall be used. Theminimum right-of-way width shall be seventy feet (70'), and if a thoroughfare, as shown on the City’s or County’s Thoroughfare Plan, crosses or forms a boundary of the subdivision, a rural collector section shall be required. B.Lot Size The minimum lot sizeshall be one (1) acre. C.Lot Width The minimum lot width shall be one-hundred feet (100'). D.Water Supply Water for all ETJ subdivisions shall be as provided by the City Standards. The requirements will include the fire flow requirements as provided by theInternational Fire Code and the Bryan/College StationUnified Design Guidelinesand theBryan/College Station Unified Technical Specificationsand all applicable state and federal requirements. E.Sanitary Sewers Formatted: Heading 4, Indent: Left: 0.88", Private Septic System Licenses a. Hanging: 0.38", No bullets or numbering On-site sewagedisposal systems (private septic systems) shall be designed to and Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.25" meet all requirements of the applicable County Health Department. These systems shall be licensed through the same agency and the license shall be kept current. A note shall be provided on the plat indicated such as above. Formatted: Heading 4, Indent: Left: 0.88", Gravity Sanitary Sewer System b. Hanging: 0.38", Space Before: 6 pt, No Gravity Sanitary Sewer Systems shall be in accordance with the Bryan/College bullets or numbering StationUnified Design Guidelinesand the Bryan/College Station Unified Technical Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.25" Specificationsand all applicable state and federal requirements. Formatted: Heading 3, Indent: Left: 0.5" 1.Drainage Drainage may be by surface channels. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.88", First line: 0" Formatted: Heading 3, Indent: Left: 0.5" 2.Street Lights Street lights are not required. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.88", First line: 0" Formatted: Heading 3, Indent: Left: 0.5" 3.Electric Service Electric service will not be supplied by the City. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.88", First line: 0" Formatted: Heading 3, Indent: Left: 0.5" 4.City Participation The City will not participate in the cost of the subdivision or utilities outside the City limits, including garbage collectionand street maintenance except for utilities dedicated to the City of College Station with a Development Agreement. Such utility service shall be in accordance with City Council Resolution #2-9-2006-13.04 (as amended) Regarding the Extension of Water and Sewer Utility Services to Properties within the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ). 8-39 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station, Texas  Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements 8.58.4Waiver of Subdivision Standards A.The Commission may authorize a waiver from the regulation when, in their opinion, undue hardship will result from requiring strict compliance. In granting a waiver, the Commission shall prescribe only conditions that it deems not prejudicial to the public interest. In making the findings hereinbefore required, the Commission shall take into account the nature of the proposed use of the land involved, the existing use of land in the vicinity, the number of persons who will reside or work in the proposed subdivision, the possibility that a nuisance will be created, and the probable effect of such waiver upon traffic conditions and upon public health, convenience, and welfare of the vicinity. No waiver shall be granted unless the Commission finds: 1.That there are special circumstances or conditions affecting the land involved such that strict application of the provisions of this chapter will deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of his land; 2.That the waiver is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant; 3.That the granting of the waiver will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or injurious to other property in the area, or to the City in administering this chapter; and 4.That the granting of the waiver will not have the effect of preventing the orderly subdivision of other land in the area in accordance with the provisions of this UDO B.Such findings of the Commission, together with the specific facts upon which such findings are based, shall be incorporated into the official minutes of the meetings at which such waiver is granted. Waivers may be granted only when in harmony with the general purpose and intent of this UDO so that public health, safety, and welfare may be secured and substantial justice done. C.Waiver from Water Flow Requirements A waiver This Section shall not apply to fire flow provisions set out in the Water Supply subsectionof the Urban Standards, Rural Residential Standards, and Extraterritorial JurisdictionFacilitiesSstandards contained hereinin this UDO is prohibited. D.Waiver from Lot Size This Section shall not applyA waiver to Llot Ssize provisions set out in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Standards contained hereinin this UDO is prohibited. 8-40 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station, Texas  Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements Certifications E. CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP AND DEDICATION STATE OF TEXAS) ) COUNTY OF BRAZOS) I (we) ______________________________, owner(s) and developer(s) of the land shown on this plat, and designated herein as the ___________________________ Subdivision to the City of College Station, Texas, and whose name(s) is/are subscribed hereto, hereby dedicate to the use ofthe public forever all streets, alleys, parks, infrastructure, easements, and public places thereon shown for the purpose and consideration therein expressed. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Owner(s) STATE OF TEXAS) ) COUNTY OF BRAZOS) Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared ____________________________ known to me to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he/they executed the same for the purpose and consideration therein stated. Given under my hand and seal on this ________ day of ________________, 20__. ___________________________________ Notary Public, Brazos County, Texas (Seal) CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR AND/OR ENGINEER STATE OF TEXAS) ) COUNTY OF BRAZOS) I,_______________________, Registered Public Surveyor (Engineer), No.___________, in the State of Texas, hereby certify that this plat is true and correct and was prepared from an actual survey of the property and that property markers and monuments were placed under my supervision on the ground. ___________________________________ CERTIFICATE OF CITY ENGINEER 8-41 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station, Texas  Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements I, ________________________________, City Engineer of the City of College Station, Texas, hereby certify that this Subdivision Plat conforms to the requirements of the Subdivision Regulations Formatted: Font: Not Bold of the City of College Station. ___________________________________ City Engineer City of College Station APPROVALOF PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION I,__________________________________, Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of College Station, hereby certify that the attached plat was duly approved by the Commission on the day of ______________________, 20___. ___________________________________ Chairman ATTEST: _____________________________ City Secretary CERTIFICATE OF THE COUNTY CLERK STATE OF TEXAS) ) COUNTY OF BRAZOS) I,___________________________________, County Clerk, in and for said county, do hereby certify that this plat together with its certificates of authentication was filed for record in my office the________________________________________ day of, 20___, in the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, in Volume ________ Page ___________. WITNESS my hand and official Seal, at my office in Bryan, Texas. ___________________________________ County Clerk (SEAL)Brazos County, Texas CERTIFICATE OF GREENWAY DEDICATION 8-42 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station, Texas  Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements STATE OF TEXAS) ) COUNTY OF BRAZOS) I (we) __________________________________, owner(s) and developers of the land shown on this plat, and described herein as ________________________ Subdivision in the City of College Station, Texas, and whose name(s) is/are subscribed hereto, hereby dedicate in fee simple to the use of the public forever all greenways thereon shown for the purpose and consideration therein expressed. Owner(s) CERTIFICATE OF NO ACTION TAKEN I, , Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission, hereby certify that the plat was filed with the Planning and Development Services Departmenton the day of ,and that the Planning and Zoning Commission failed to act on the plat within 30 days after the plat was filed. 8-43 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station, Texas  Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements 8.68.5Responsibility for Payment for Installation Costs Formatted: Heading 3, Left, Indent: Left: 1.[to remain as current written] 0.35", Hanging: 0.35", Space Before: 0 pt 8.78.6Construction, Guarantee of Performance, and Acceptance of Public Infrastructure A.Construction 1.Development Permit Upon approval of the construction documents by the Development City Engineer and upon issuance of a Development Permit, the developer subdivider may proceed with the construction of public infrastructure. Construction of private improvements is prohibited until the requirements for constructingor guaranteeing construction of public infrastructure are met as set forth herein.Neither the developer nor the contractor nor the subcontractor shall make a connection to or tap into the City water distribution system, electric system, or sanitary sewer system until this requirement is met. The developer shall furnish all necessary materials to make the final tap or connection. Formatted: Justified, Indent: Left: 1.25", Space Before: 0 pt, No bullets or numbering 8-44 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station, Texas  Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements Letter of Completion and Acceptance 2. When the developer constructs the required public improvementsinfrastructure, all such construction shall be inspected while in progress, by the CityEngineering Division, and must be approved upon completion by the City Engineer. A Letter of Completion will be issued by the City Engineer when: a.The construction conforms to the approved plans and the Bryan/College Station Unified Design Guidelines and the Bryan/College Station Unified Technical Specifications and all applicable city, state and federal regulations; b.The developer provides construction red-lined record drawings signed by the contractor acceptable to the City Engineer that contain the following attestation: ”I, _____________________, General Contractor for ___________________ development, certify that the improvements shown on this sheet were actually built, and that said improvements are shown substantially hereon. I hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge, that the materials of construction and sizes of manufactured items, if any are stated correctly hereon.” ___________________ General Contractor c.The developer and his agent/contractor, if applicable, signs the Letter of Completion which furnishes the City a written guarantee that all workmanship and materials shall be free of defects for a period of one (1) year from the date of acceptance by the City Engineer; and d.Off-site easements relating to the public infrastructure have been recorded, or are presented to the City and acceptable to be recorded. 3.Upon completion by the developer, and formal acceptance by the City of the public infrastructure required to be completed by the developer, they shall become the property of the City of College Station, Texas. B.Guarantee of Performance 1.In lieu of the obligation to construct public infrastructure as set forth above, the developer may elect to file security guaranteeing construction of the same in order to obtain final plat approval and to commerce construction of private improvements. This may be accomplished in one of the following threetwo (2) ways: a.Performance Bond The developer may file with the City Engineer a bond executed by a surety company holding a license to do business in the State of Texas, in an amount acceptable to the City Engineer of the City of College Station, and in a form approved by the City Attorney. The developer shall state in writing a timeframe acceptable to the City by when such public improvements will be complete; or b.Trust Agreement The developer hasplaced on deposit in a bank or trust company in the name of the City, under terms andconditions approved by the City, in a trust account, a sum of money equal to the estimated cost of all public improvements required by this chapter.The cost and the time of completion for such public improvements shall be in writing and be acceptable tothe City Engineer. Theselection of the trustee mustbe approvedby the City,and the term asand conditions of the trust agreement acceptableto the City Attorney. 8-45 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station, Texas  Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements Periodic withdrawals may be made from the trust account for a progress payment of installation costs. The amount of withdrawals shall be based upon progress work estimates approved by the City Engineer. All such withdrawals shall be approved by the trustee; or c.b.Unconditional Guarantee from Local Bank or Local Savings and Loan Association or Other Financial Institution as Approved by the City of College Station The developer has filed with the Administratora letterCity engineer an irrevocable letter of credit, in a form approved by the City, signed by a principal officer of a local bank, local savings and loan association, or other financial institution, acceptable to the City, agreeing to pay to the City of Col- lege Station, on demand, a stipulated sum of money to apply to the estimated cost of installation of all improvements for which the developer is responsible under this Section. The guaranteed payment sum shall be the estimated costs and scheduling as prepared by the developer's engineer and approved by the City Engineer. The letter shall state the name of the subdivision and shall list the improvements which the developer is required to provide. 2.If one (1) of the threetwo (32) types of security is filed by the developer and accepted by the City as described above, the City Engineer shall inspect and approve the construction of public improvements in accordance with the requirements of this UDO when same occurs. If the developer fails to properly construct some or all required public improvements, the City Attorney shall, on direction of the City Council, proceed to enforce the guarantees provided in this Section. 3.The City Engineer may extend the period of time by when completion of public improvements is to occurwhen posting security. Such extension of time shall be granted upon a showing of good cause and shall be reported to the Commission and recorded in the minutes. No such extension shall be granted unless security, as provided herein, has been provided by the developer covering the extended period of time and provided that such extension does not jeopardize the general public health, safety, and welfare. 8.88.7Requirements for Park Land Dedication [To remain as currently written] 8-46 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station, Texas  Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements 8.8Certifications CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP AND DEDICATION STATE OF TEXAS ) ) COUNTY OF BRAZOS ) I (we) ______________________________, owner(s) and developer(s) of the land shown on this plat, and designated herein as the ___________________________ Subdivision to the City of College Station, Texas, and whose name(s) is/are subscribed hereto, hereby dedicate to the use of the public forever all streets, alleys, parks, greenways, infrastructure, easements, and public places thereon shown for the purpose and consideration therein expressed. All such dedications shall be in fee simple unless expressly provided otherwise. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Owner(s) STATE OF TEXAS ) ) COUNTY OF BRAZOS ) Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared ____________________________ known to me to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he/they executed the same for the purpose and consideration therein stated. Given under my hand and seal on this ________ day of ________________, 20 __. ___________________________________ Notary Public, Brazos County, Texas (Seal) CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR AND/OR ENGINEER STATE OF TEXAS ) ) COUNTY OF BRAZOS ) I,_______________________, Registered Public Surveyor (Engineer), No.___________, in the State of Texas, hereby certify that this plat is true and correct and was prepared from an actual survey of the property and that property markers and monuments were placed under my supervision on the ground. ___________________________________ 8-47 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station, Texas  Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements CERTIFICATE OF CITY ENGINEER I, ________________________________, City Engineer of the City of College Station, Texas, hereby certify that this Subdivision Plat conforms to the requirements of the Subdivision Regulations of the City of College Station. ___________________________________ City Engineer City of College Station CERTIFICATE OF PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION I,__________________________________, Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of College Station, hereby certify that the attached plat was duly approved by the Commission on the day of ______________________, 20___. ___________________________________ Chairman CERTIFICATE OF THE COUNTY CLERK STATE OF TEXAS ) ) COUNTY OF BRAZOS ) I,___________________________________, County Clerk, in and for said county, do hereby certify that this plat together with its certificates of authentication was filed for record in my office the________________________________________ day of, 20___, in the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, in Volume ________ Page ___________. WITNESS my hand and official Seal, at my office in Bryan, Texas. ___________________________________ County Clerk (SEAL) Brazos County, Texas 8-48 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station, Texas  Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements CERTIFICATE OF CITY PLANNER (for Amending or Minor Plats) I, ________________________________, City Planner of the City of College Station, Texas, hereby certify that this Subdivision Plat conforms to the requirements of the Subdivision Regulations of the City of College Station. ___________________________________ City Planner City of College Station CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL (for ETJ Plats) This subdivision plat was duly approved by the Commissioners Court of Brazos County, Texas as the Final Plat of such subdivision on ______ day of ________, 20___. Signed this the _____ day of _______, 20___. ___________________________________ County Judge, Brazos County, Texas CERTIFICATE OF NO ACTION TAKEN I, , Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission, hereby certify that the plat was filed with the Planning and Development Services Department on the day of , and that the Planning and Zoning Commission failed to act on the plat within 30 days after the plat was filed. ___________________________________ Chairman 8-49 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station, Texas  UDO Definitions in Article 11 Access Way (replace existing definition) An Access Way consists of a minimum fifteen foot (15') wide public access easement or pubilc right- of-way. A minimum five-foot (5') sidewalk shall be constructed in the center of the Access Way, except where the Access Way provides connection to a multi-use path, a minimum eight-foot (8’) sidewalk shall be provided. Block (replace existing definition) A tract or parcel of designated as such on a duly recorded plat. Blocks are surrounded by streets or a combination of streets and other physical obstructions such as a railroad or 100-year floodplain. Block Length (add definition) A measurement of the linear distance of land along a Blockface that is bounded on both ends by public through streets or by a combination of a public through street, Public Way, railroad, or 100-year floodplain. As such, gated streets, private streets, cul-de-sacs, alleys, private driveways, or Access Ways do not divide land into separate Blockfaces. Block Perimeter (add definition) A measurement of the linear distance of land around the outside edge of a block, which is a total of the Blockfaces for each block. For measurement, the point of origin and end point are the same location. Public Way (add definition) A Public Way provides circulation and through movement similar to a public street but is a privately maintained drive, constructed to certain street standards, and granted unrestricted access via a public access easement. The drive shall be designed to the geometric design, construction standards, and driveway spacing of a Commercial Street according to the Bryan/College Station Unified Design Guidelines with the following modifications. A Public Way shall have a minimum pavement structure constructed to City’s fire lane standards, a minimum drive width of twenty-four feet (24’) back-to- back when no parking is provided, and a minimum horizontal curve radius of two hundred feet (200’). No head-in parking is permitted but parallel parking is allowed if the drive is widened an additional ten feet (10’) for each row of parallel parking provided. Parking on the drive may count toward the minimum off-street parking requirements of this UDO. Five-foot (5’) sidewalks shall be provided on each side of the drive and placed a minimum three feet (3’) from the back of curb. The public access easement shall be a minimum of forty feet (40’) in width or wider to incorporate the entire width of the pavement section and sidewalks on each side.  Remote Emergency Access (add definition) An emergency access consists of a semi-permanent all-weather surface according to the City of College Station Site Design Standards. An access is remote when the two access points are placed a distance apart equal to not less than one half of the length of the maximum overall diagonal dimension of the property or area to be served, measured in a straight line between the points. Subdivision, Rural Residential (add definition) A subdivision that is predominately single-family lots and where one (1) acre is the minimum lot size of the base zoning district. Included are developments where lots are clustered to smaller than one (1) acre as permitted by the zoning district and/or the cluster development provision.  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Background AspartoftheannualUnifiedDevelopmentOrdinance(UDO)reviewearlierthisyear,therewasa discussionatCityCouncilconcerningrelaxingthesignregulationstoallowsignsattachedtositelighting poles.Currently,signsareallowedtobeattachedtositelightingpolesintheWolfPenCreekareaand bannersareallowedtobeattachedtositelightingpoleswhenspecificallyauthorizedbyaresolution approved bytheCityCouncil. ThisUDOamendmentwouldexpandthedefinitionofattachedsignstoincludesignageattachedtosite lighting poles.Followingisasummaryoftheproposedchanges byUDOSection: Ó AttachedSigns(Section7.4.I):Languagewasaddedtoestablisharealimitationsand mountingrequirementsforsignsattachedtositelighting poles. Ó Definitions(Section11.2):Languagewasaddedtoexpandthedefinitionofanattachedsign toincludesignageattachedtositelighting poleslocatedon privateproperty. Attachments 1.UDOSections7.4.Iand11.2 (proposedchangesarehighlighted) 2.PoleSignGraphic  ProposedUDOAmendmentRelatedtoSigns I.AttachedSigns 1.AttachedSignsarecommercialsignsunderthisSection. 2.AttachedSignsonanycommercialbuildingortenant leasespaceshallnotexceeda totaloftwoandahalf(2.5)squarefeetperlinearfootofallpublicentryfaçades, withamaximumof500squarefeetofattachedsignageallowedforanyone tenant.Multi-storybusinesseswillbeallowed100squarefeetofadditional attachedsignage. 3.Thedivisionofallowablebuildingsignageamongstbuildingtenants,includingsigns mountedtositelightingpoles,shallbethesoleresponsibilityoftheowneror propertymanager,andnottheCityofCollegeStation. 4.Signsattachedtofeaturessuchasgasolinepumps,automatictellermachines, mail/packagedropboxes,orsimilaron-sitefeatures,ifidentifiablefromtheright- of-way,asdeterminedbytheAdministrator,shallcountaspartoftheallowable signareaoftheattachedsignsforthesite.Informationcontainedonsuchfeatures pertainingtofederalandstaterequirements,andoperation/safetyinstructionsare notcounted.Allothersignageonsuchfeaturesshallcounttowardstheallowable attachedsignarea. 5.Architecturalelements,whicharenotpartofthesignorlogoandinnowayidentify thespecificbusinesstenant,shallnotbeconsideredattachedsignage. 6.Anattachedsign: Shalladvertiseonlythenameof,usesof,orgoodsorservicesavailablewithin a. thebuildingortenant leasespacetowhichthesign isattached; Shallbeparalleltothe faceofthebuilding; b. Shallnotbecantileveredaway fromthestructure; c. Shallnotextendmorethanonefootfromanyexteriorbuildingface,mansard, d. awning,orcanopy; Shallnotobstructanywindow,door,stairway,orotheropeningintendedfor e. ingressor forneededventilationor light;and Shallnotbeattachedtoanytreeorpublicutilitypole. f. 7.AttachedSignsmaybemountedtosite lightingpoles locatedonprivateproperty andmaybeconstructedofcloth,canvas,orother flexiblematerialprovidedsuch signage ismaintained ingoodconditionandcomplieswiththe followingrestrictions: Nopartofanysignattachedtoalightpolewillbeallowedtooverhangor a. encroach intoanyportionofthepublicright-of-way; Lightpolesignsshallnotexceedtwelve(12)squarefeetinareaandshall b. haveaminimumofeight(8) feetofclearance fromthegradebelow; Lightpolesignsshallonlybeattachedtoonesideofa lightpole; c. Lightpolesignsshallnotprojectmorethanthree(3) feetfromtheedgeofthe d. lightpole;and, Lightpolesignsconstructedofcloth,canvas,orotherflexiblematerialshall e. besecuredonaminimumoftwoopposingsidestopreventwind-driven movement.  Page2 Section11.2DefinedTerms AttachedSign:Asignattachedto,orappliedon,andtotallysupportedbyapartofa buildingormountedtosite lightingpoles locatedonprivateproperty.