HomeMy WebLinkAboutConceptual Proposal "America's Mile" • CONCEPTUAL PROPOSAL "America's rica's stile" J LJ I " 'OS E: To provide a historical, interI>reth a tt,alk that pt os it ►ry brief trio-tit-1i of the signilit°.ant recant that hat a shaped t the &lel t of At mit-a since 1774, LOCA 0. i) N . rim yraik it tit by iticatill in Venerates Pats. St Athletic Complex tan state llighwav Marvel Rood). "Ile walk will he cotrstrttetvti as part of the Phase 11 tiev eltt *tent r. >f the path beginning in the spring. 2007, (-. ()NCI PT: lhe nalk ill he construeted .,f t°tsrtcrtiet sip fret a and will he built in arc,trreianrt + ith Ant ricans with Disabilities Art tAliAi stanttartis.'I ta t{ to originate in die N icinflt of a new, late group picnic position that aid tic Harnett the "Attrtrivatt Pat Ilion". The walk wIH let exactly one milt in length. it Hill he marked each 213 feet with paten. that denote art individual year. the lust lrr ik paver win he "1776" anti each v ear thereafter will he tttart<ett at 20 Taut totem ats. 1 lie histor%ral aspect et the oath will he nieurpur reed through the use of information ergo ruing sign alwnni e4 "etttttt that raet°u rrrd during caeh of the. team *Inca 1 77, This factual inf nna gin will he illu*iratett through toorlaugs, engravings or other suitable and cost effective tneatt* thrt#uahour the tenth Air the tit arc, Tbg praiser ttratt tale wee iraf :t ears to complete rate to costs and time required for research, FUN 1) I : the funding for construction of the t :rtk is included with the Pit**tt project -costs.. Funding for the titterprotvo information will be determined once the tv.pc and quantity of displms a arts kntrwn. Several options mat need to lee developed to inert Midget tonxttasints 13 E N E tTS : his project will provide an eseellent tultteationatl tool tar Weal school children ct* NN ell as for those that a.itl that iht park for aihttrtie tournaments or other spacial events. It will oho were as AO additional feature to ettmpiinten* the lr flu. Vallev Veterans Memorial girt therohnding ;arm. Future plans will gApiinit the overall interpretive program in the plat to include information rehtted to the Native American population, that lived in the area and the flora and fauna of the rite.