HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 BCHC Minutes 10.09.2006 BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION Oct. 9, 2006 The seventh regular meeting of the Brazos County Historical Commission for the year 2006 was called to order by Chair Charles R. Schultz at 7 :05 p.m., October 9, in the Bryan Public Library meeting room. Present were Page, Batchelor, Van Riper, Carlson, C. Schultz, Smith, Schwart and mayo. The minutes for Sept. 11, 2006 were approved. The Chair distributed copies of the Commission's budget request and budget contract with the County Commissioners. Under unfinished business, the Chair said he had been informed test the Drill. Field marker was now.ir place. He said that the contract had been let for the Providence Church marker and that the Isom Palmer marker had been sent to Sexton Holmes for erection in the Bryan Cemetery. The Chair said that he expects the 0'd Bethel Cemetery to get both a "historical cemetery" designation and a marker. Batchelor advised us that the WEB site would not be complete for some weeks. This was followed by a discussion of the whereabouts of the OSR and Brazos River fftarkers. There was also a brief report on last year's Historical Fair. The Chair called our attention to the budget items previously distributed and explained their format. There were no reports from the committees on Archaeology, Education, or History and Research. Under other new business, Maya made a presentation about the recent history of Boonville, especially noting real estate developments in the area during the last decade. He said that the land was row exceedingly valuable. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7 :55 p.m. LL Paul Van Riper Secretary