HomeMy WebLinkAboutFertilizers, PA-540 1962 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee 307 South Main Bryan, Texas April 1, 1963 Mr. Jake Cangelose County Civil Defense Director 402 Mitchell Bryan, Texas Dear Mr. Cangelose: Enclosed for your information is pamplet, PA -510, Fertilizers. Sincerely, James E. ierson / Chairman, USDA / f County Defense Board 111 11 1 1111111 41111111P Cr) 41•111. 4111110 ,f,._.1 411011110 •111111) C‘kii AMP. AIM IOW illallo 411011• 41100 41•111. FERTILIZERS 411111, 41W 411110 41.11 4 INIP 41•11. 41101. 41111I■ •IIMIP 41111111). 411111. 11111111• What Manufacturers _� o Distributors and Dealers Should Do With Them in a National Emergency 1 411111) k 41ww• le l am" _ Keep With Important Papers! MOW AMMO 1 11.1111 10 41111111 4WD. PA -540 1 — U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 11/1 101 0 11111111\ TO FERTILIZER MANUFACTURERS, DISTRIBUTORS, AND DEALERS In the United States, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands This folder tells you what to do with your fertilizers if there should be a surprise enemy attack upon the United States, or if the President should declare a national emergency because an attack is believed imminent. We must be prepared for prompt, effective action in case of an attack. Advance knowledge about what to do will aid survival and recovery. Your cooperation will be needed. The U.S. Department of Agriculture is responsible for programs relating to the domestic distribution of com- mercial fertilizers in an emergency. A standby order governing this distribution has been drafted in consulta- tion with representatives of the various national trade associations. It will be issued in an emergency to pro- vide the legal bais for actions described in this folder. HOW TO USE THIS FOLDER • Study it thoroughly. • Keep it with your important papers. • Review it now and then. • Show it to new personnel who should know its contents. • Follow its instructions in an emergency. FERTILIZER DEFINED For the purpose of this folder, fertilizer means any product or mixture of products which contains one or more of the elements nitrogen, phosphorus, or potassium, and is prepared for plant nutrition. Excluded are unprocessed manures, peat, humus, and basic slag. WHAT TO DO If Fertilizer Is Going to a USER ... If Fertilizer Is Going to OTHER THAN A USER ... You may sell or otherwise transfer fertilizer to a If you are a manufacturer or distributor you should user only if he or his representative gives you a continue to ship fertilizers to established trade fertilizer use certificate. This certificate must be areas. You should do this as equitably as possible, in essentially the form shown in this folder, signed considering the disruption of sources of materials, communications, transportation, etc., that may have by the user or his representative and approved by the USDA Agricultural Stabilization and Conserva- occurred. You may not make shipments outside your trade area unless you get approval of the tion Service (ASCS) office for the county in which USDA Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation the fertilizers are to be used. Service for the State in which this distribution is planned. You and others in the fertilizer trade Any user who wants to obtain fertilizer, and who should maintain liaison with officials in ASCS State does not have an approved certificate, should be and county offices. These officials have responsibil- referred to the local ASCS office. Approval of the ity for controlling distribution and use of fertilizers, certificate is required to insure that fertilizers are and will need your cooperation in making supplies used only on crops considered by the USDA to be available. essential. ar Manufacturers and distributors must comply with You should attach each certificate received to a any directives from national headquarters of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, or from the USDA copy of the related purchase order and keep both Regional Defense Representative for the region in until USDA advises otherwise. which the fertilizer is located. 'USDA has a Regional Defense Representative in each of the following Regions: 1. Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands. 2. Delaware, District of Columbia, Kentucky, Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia. 3. Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee. 4. Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin. 5. Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas. 6. Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming. 7. Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Utah. 8. Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington. FERTILIZER IN TRANSIT Some fertilizers in transit at the beginning of an emergency may not reach their destination because of emergency conditions. The carrier's representative is to try to get information from the shipper on the disposition of undeliverable shipments. If he cannot get this information he is to notify USDA county officials about the ship- ment. These USDA officials are to assume responsibility for the shipment and make arrangements for it to be redirected or held in storage pending instructions on its disposition. FERTILIZER USE CERTIFICATE In accordance with the Defense Food Order and Suborder in force governing the distribution of fertilizer, I certify, subject to criminal penalties for misrepresentation, that all fertilizers covered by this certificate will be used on the following crops: GRADE OF TOTAL CROP ACREAGE FERTILIZER POUNDS (Signature of fertilizer user, or his name (Address of user) (Date) and the signature of his representative) Use of above fertilizers to produce the specified crops is hereby approved. Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service By (County and State) (Date) PLAN TO SURVIVE The message of this folder has no meaning for persons and businesses that fail to survive. Plan now for survival of yourself, your family, and your business. SELF- SURVIVAL —It's Your Decision • Support your community in developing and planning for the use of public fallout shelters and an effective civil defense program. • If public shelters are not available or you prefer a private shelter, provide for your protection and emergency survival supplies. BUSINESS SURVIVAL —Also Your Decision • Encourage your employees to support the pub- lic fallout shelter program or to prepare and stock their own shelters. • Consider providing a fallout shelter at your place of business for your employees and visitors. • Plan for continuity of management and opera- tions, including alternative sources of fertilizers. • Protect vital records and documents. Consider duplicating and storing them in an alternate safe place. !F • Consider additional fire protection for business facilities. Your local fire department may be ineffective or inoperable because of emergency conditions. • Be alert to possibility of sabotage. • Plan for emergency repair and restoration of business facilities if damage is light to moderate. Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service U.S. Department of Agriculture Washington 25, D.C. December 1962 U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1962 0 - 661340 1