HomeMy WebLinkAboutA Guide for 4-H Civil Defense I MP -664 1 A GUIDE FOR y 1 l C I viL 1 DEFENsE 1 , i 1 ,•?-'-, . • s� �i. I , I • -; ts 7 . ` , •, • " � 1 h x ,� ��,� ". I � 1: . • • owl . d ; ,. ,,,,.*,... -. ____. _..,. THE AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE OF TEXAS College Station, Texas TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION SERVICE J. E. Hutchison, Director iiii iiil 4-H and CIVIL DEFENSE 4 -H club work is the youth phase of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service. 4 -H work is voluntary. It is not a school subject. To become a 4 -H club member, an individual must be between the ages of 9 and 21, €0 must want to be a member, must know about 4 -H club work and must follow the rules and policies of the 4 -H club, the adult leader, the county extension office and the State 4 -H office. 4 -H members learn improved practices in agriculture, home economics and many related fields, such as civil defense, by carrying on a 4 -H project chosen by the club member and his family with the advice of adult leaders and county extension agents. 4 -H members can do much in civil defense with the help of adult leaders and parents. They can study civil defense individually, with the family or a club or as a subject- matter group. Suggestions for activities and projects are outlined in this publication. A 4 -H subject - matter group is a small unit of boys and /or girls iiii working under the direction of an adult subject- matter leader. Civil iiii defense may be studied along with any subject matter. If a club has 4 -H members extremely interested in civil defense, it may form a group that studies nothing but civil defense. Subject- matter leaders are trained by county extctpsion agents and work directly with boys and girls in their ii particular group. There are more than 2 million 4 -H club members in the United States and more than 90,000 in Texas. Organizations similar to 4 -11 also exist in 52 foreign countries. The four -leaf clover is the accepted emblem. The letter "H" on each leaf stands for Head, Heart, Hands and Health. This emblem is protected by the United States Department of Agriculture copyright. The 4 -H colors are green and white. The 4 -H prayer is "Help me, 0 Lord, to live so that the world may be a little better, because thou didst make me. Amen." 4 -H members live by their motto and pledge— :::: :::. In support of the 4 -11 club motto, "To make the Best Better," I pledge: My Head to clearer thinking My Heart to greater loyalty My Hands to larger service, and My Health to better living For my dub, my community, and my country. 4 -H parents + adult 4 -H leaders + county extension agents, added to interested 4 -H members = useful citizens. This is the 4 -11 club team. All are an important part of this team. iiii A 4H C for Defense y TOMMY HOLLMIG and BOBYE RINEY Extension Rural Civil Defense Specialists . The A &M College of Texas T ORNADOES, HURRICANES, FLOODS AND OTHER an electric motor to a home water pump. Safety NATURAL DISASTERS have occurred throughout projects are a natural, with special emphasis on "`JJJ history. The development of nuclear energy shelter emergency care. Food and nutrition has created a new and uncertain element in man's projects could emphasize survival foods in a shelter world. On one hand, rapidly expanding horizons and special preparation without normal power. of progress are made through peacetime uses of Dairy and livestock projects might include emer- this new energy. On the other, the possibility of gency care of the herd or protection of feed and damage or destruction of man and his possessions water. threatens through the use of nuclear war arms. An important defense against widespread de_ Coordination struction from nuclear weapons or natural disasters The county civil defense director in each Texas is a population well informed about protection county is officially responsible for all civil defense and survival. 4 -H clubs, leaders and members are programs in that county. County extension agents responsible in time of peace for developing a should keep the county director and the local (city) program that enables citizens to be prepared in director informed on all programs conducted by case of natural or man -made disaster. youth and adults. Through county and local directors, many resources can be utilized by county This publication has been prepared to help 4 -H extension agents and local 4 -H leaders and adult leaders, parents and club members conduct members. 4 -H club civil defense projects. Club activity ideas, project ideas, demonstration guides, exhibit ideas, float ideas and an awards program are included. Training Programs Available The civil defense youth program should allow A "Medical Self -Help Training Program" is 4 -H members to participate in civil defense projects sponsored by the Texas Department of Health and regardless of their subject matter group. The pro- the Office of Civil Defense. This 1 1- lesson course is taught in 16 hours. The course gives training gram offers excellent opportunities for community service projects and group activities. in case a doctor is not available. Before this course is conducted in any county, it should have the approval of the local medical association and the Your Opportunity local civil defense director. Phillip Gauss, Depart - All youth can make important contributions to ment of Health, Austin, Texas may be contacted civil defense in the event of nuclear attack or relative to this training program. Local leaders natural disaster by: interested in holding the program in their com- 1. Understanding the danger to people, live munity should see their county extension agents. stock and crops and taking an active interest in "Civil Defense Adult Education" (CDAE) is preparedness. conducted for the Office of Civil Defense by the 2. Giving other people in 4 -H clubs and com- Texas Education Agency. This is a 12 -hour course munities the basic facts needed to become prepared. in personal preparedness in civil defense. Contact the local school superintendent for this course. It Civil Defense and Other 4•11 Work is taught by State Civil Defense Adult Education Many activities in civil defense can be a part personnel or by trained teachers from the local of other 4 -H subject - matter projects and can be school system. This course is excellent for an entire included in 4 -H record books under a particular community. 4 -H leaders should contact county ex- project. For example, in an electrical project a tension agents who would coordinate the program member could make an emergency lighting system with the local school superintendent and the county for a fallout shelter or develop a way to connect civil defense director. 3 • 4-11 Civil Defense Projects who is responsible for certain assignments, who is taking what actions and what part can 4 -H youth A 4 -H civil defense project is conducted after play in the overall plan. 4 -H members have participated in group and indi- vidual study, individual, family and group projects The local civil defense director knows about and at least one method demonstration. the plan and how it functions. Perhaps a com- mittee could work with a local leader or leaders Group Study and the civil defense director in developing a plan if none is available. Present the plan to the com- 4-H clubs should study the subjects presented in munity to inform everyone. this section so individual members will be prepared to present and participate in project activities. 7. TORNADOES, FLOODS, HURRICANES. Study the This information can be studied on an individual community warning system for natural disasters, basis, in subject- matter groups or as a part of tornado precautions, evacuation plans for hurri- regular monthly 4 -H meetings. Publications are canes and flood precautions. available from your county extension agents. Use local Department of Public Safety personnel 1. RADIOACTIVE FALLOUT. Learn where it comes to present programs. from, what it is, how it is carried by the winds, its effects, protection ways, decay of radiation and Group Activities local hazard based on possible targets or wind patterns. All 4 -H club members can participate in activi- ties that make everyone more aware of the total Show the film, "Fallout and Agriculture" to civil defense effort and create interest. Successful the 4 -H club iembers. All publications and re- group activities include publicity on who, what, source material listed on page 10 could be used also. when and where through local newspapers and 2. RADIOLOGICAL DEFENSE, MONITORING, PUBLIC radio and television stations and continued follow - INFORMATION. Soil Conservation Service personnel up an all activities. Include the entire community have a monitoring assignment and could be asked when possible. Call an resource people to give to present programs. Local civil defense directors added program emphasis, giving everyone possible also are excellent resource people. a job to do. Be enthusiastic about undertaking and putting knowledge gained to work. Each 4 -H 3. FAMILY FALLOUT SHELTERS. Learn to use or club should complete as many of the suggestions improve what is available, construction details and as possible. other uses for shelters. Some suggested group activities are: Use H -7, Family Shelter Design, plus films on shelters, available from local civil defense directors. 1. Promote the 12 -hour Civil Defense Adult 4. FOOD STOCKPILING, WATER PURIFICATION, Education Course and the Medical Self -Help Train - CLOTHING NEEDS. These could be studied by the ing Course in your community. Courses are de foods and clothing subject- matter groups and pre- signed primarily for adults; however, older 4-H sented as a monthly program to the entire club. members would find them worthwhile. 4 -H mem- bers may encourage parents and other adults to Use H &G -77, Family Food Stockpile for Sur- participate in these courses. vival. 2. Conduct a door -to -door survey and cam - 5. FARM PROTECTION. Include information on paign on civil defense to learn the feelings and animals, crops and soil, exposure time of animals reactions to civil defense and to determine how and farm action and preparedness plans. many people are prepared for disaster. Find out Use PA -516, Protection of Livestock, PA -514, how much preparation they have made; distribute Soil, G`'rops and Fallout and Your Farm Prepared- civil defense publications and other useful material. ness Plan. The film, "Fallout and Agriculture," Material could be used to determine future civil also is available. defense programs in the community. 6. CIVIL DEFENSE IN YOUR COMMUNITY. Include 3. Make a tour of family and community fall - the actual plan and how it fits into the county plan, out shelters. 4 4. Conduct a community program on tor- 1. Prepare a "Family Survival Plan" with the nadoes, hurricanes and floods. Information can be entire family. This may be a simple checklist obtained from the county civil defense director. showing who will be in charge, who will be next 5. Encourage each 4 -H family to prepare a in "command" or what actions are to be taken. "Family Survival Plan" and a "Farm Preparedness County extension agents have guides. Plan." Outlines for these plans can be obtained 2. Plan the family fallout shelter. Learn about from county extension agents. the need for a family fallout shelter, decide what offers the best protection for immediate use and 6. Have at least one regular 4 -H club meeting if it may be improved or if new construction will on civil defense and invite the entire community. be necessary to provide fallout protection. (a) Resource people who present programs Use H -7, Family Shelter Designs and H -6, What can include local civil defense director, to Know and Do About Nuclear Attack. county USDA defense board members, school teachers trained by Texas Educa- 3. Youth can assist in having each family make tion Agency and State Health Department decisions and plans on fallout shelters concerning personnel. the amount of space required, specifications for the (b) Films from the Texas agricultural in- shelter, supplies required for the family for 2 weeks formation office that would make good and use of the shelter as a playroom, extra bed- room, workshop, den, photographic darkroom or programs, especially for 4 -H clubs in- other. elude, "A Is for Atom," "Fallout and Agriculture," "Medical Aspects of Nuclear Use H -6, What to Know and Do About Nuclear Radiation," "Duck and Cover," "The In- Attack, and H -7, Family Shelter Designs. visible Enemy" and "Operation Cue." Other material on this subject is available from 7. Help your local civil defense director in the local civil defense director and county extension every way possible. For example, make a survey agents. of community facilities for public shelters or de- termine what buildings offer protection for live - ` 4. Build and test the family shelter by actual stock. Make resource inventories. construction and preparation, either improving an existing building or building a new structure ready 8. Build and display exhibits such as model to use. Rehearse the family in taking shelter shelters, food supply or lmergency lighting at local according to family survival plan and in staying in stores, schools, county fairs or on achievement days. the shelter for at least several hours to test the See page 9. plan. 9. Prepare and show a float in parades. See 5. Learn about fallout on the farm, why it is pages 9 and 10. harmful to animals and crops, and protection 10. Prepare and give a civil defense program, against it. Prepare a farm preparedness plan. method demonstration or skit for a civic group Copies of this plan can be obtained from county such as the P -TA, service club, federated clubs or extension agents and should include decisions on church groups. the following factors: 11. Interest a group in another community in (a) Number of farm animals; which are most civil defense and assist them in beginning work valuable. on the program. (b) Buildings available for livestock shelter; which provide most protection and what Individual Projects and Activities animals go in each building; how many 4 -H club members can fit civil defense into animals have no protection. other suliject matter projects of interest. Local (c) What could be done to make farm build - leaders can give guidance on these activities. Fol- ings more protective now and later. lowing is a list of ways for each 4 -H member to further his knowledge of civil defense in the com- (d) How to provide stock with fresh water munity and 4 -H club. and feed; how long stock can go un- 5 attended; what risk could the farmer take The principles of fallout protection. in caring for animals. Tornado precautions. (e) Whether any pre- emergency actions should Clothing preparedness. be taken about power, water, fuel or other farm needs. Other topics that 4 -H members could develop include: Test these plans by actual practice. Protection from hurricanes and floods. 6. Prepare a team demonstration on civil de- (Contact local civil defense director and local fense to be given at county elimination contests. highway patrolmen for information.) Present these demonstrations at local 4 -H club What is radioactive fallout? meetings, to home demonstration clubs, to civic (Reference, H -6, Fallout Protection, page 11, organizations, to Parent - Teacher Associations and and F -2107, Defense Against Radioactive on television. Subjects of these demonstrations can Fallout, pages 4 -7) . be in line with other 4 -H subject- matter projects. For example, if a 4 -H member is interested in foods, Storing water in a fallout shelter. prepare a demonstration on family food stockpile. (Reference, H &G -77, Family Food Stockpile for If the member's project is livestock or dairying, Survival, pages 10, 11, 12; and USDA "You prepare a demonstration on how to protect live- Can Survive" Fact Sheet, No. 12) . stock in case of atttack. Safety could include a How fallout will affect soil and crops. demonstration on tornado precautions. See pages (Reference, PA -514, Soils, Crops, and Fallout 7 through 9. from Nuclear Attack, entire bulletin) . 7. Put civil defense publications in doctors' Use of contaminated land. and dentists' offices, libraries, beauty parlors or (Reference, AH -234, Protection of Food and any place where people sit, wait and read. Pam- Agriculture Against Nuclear Attack, pages phlets could show a 4 -H symbol. A note should be 21 -25, usually only one copy in county office). attached asking people to read the pamphlet and Emergency sewage disposal. leave it behind for others to read. Also point out (Reference, H -11 -1, Emergency Sanitation at a copy is available from the county extension office. Home, entire bulletin) . • 8. Members can help their 4 -H tub by co- First aid supplies for emergency use. operating on all club and group activities, by (Reference, L -12, First Aid, Emergency Kit, encouraging family members to take an active Emergency Action, entire bulletin) . interest in 4 -H work and by encouraging 4 -H members to work toward a better understanding Cooking without power. measures. (Reference, MP -665, Emergency Food and of civil defense preparedness Water) . Method Demonstrations rips for Demonstrators Civil defense method demonstration contest Do NOT ATTEMPT TO MEMORIZE YOUR DEMON - finals are held in connection with State 4 -H Round- STRATION. Study it until you have it clearly in up. Contests are held on the local, county and mind, read the references thoroughly, then make district level. Rules and regulations also can be a few notes that will guide you during your found in the Texas 4 -H Roundup Handbook. This presentation. Use your own wording. may be given as an illustrated talk or a method MAKE CHARTS TO HELP YOU. Have at least one demonstration. Method demonstrations also may chart to state clearly the title of your demonstration be given to local 4-H clubs, home demonstration and another for orderly summarizing. The more clubs, civic clubs, P -TA's and other groups. demonstration materials you use and the more Six demonstrations and illustrated talks have action that you incorporate, the fewer charts you been outlined in this publication. The topics are: may need. A presentation involving no equipment Fallout problems with livestock. and little action, but based on charts and photo- graphs for visuals, would be called an illustrated Emergency food supply. lecture. This is acceptable if it is advanced and Fallout shelters for the family. clearly presented. 6 MAKE LETTERS ON CHARTS LARGE. Lettering On strations, also MP -564, Speak Up —Tips for Public charts should be large enough that people in the Speaking for 4 -H Members. back of the room can read them. A good rule is: the height of the smallest letter should be 1 300th 4 -H Club Team Demonstration of the distance to the farthest people. Example, 25 feet distance X 12 = 300 inches. This divided No. 1 by 300 equals 1 inch for letter height. At 20 feet TITLE — Fallout Problems with Livestock. away, letter height should be about 3/ inch, at MATERIALS— Charts may be made up from in- 40 feet, about 11/ inches. formation on pages 10, 11 and 16 of reference LOOK AT YOUR AUDIENCE. Do not lose eye con- bulletin listed below. tact except when you are looking at the things REFERENCE— Protection of Food and Agriculture you are doing with your hands or referring to your Against Nuclear Attack, USDA Agriculture Hand- charts. Audience attention then will follow what book No. 234. you are doing. Look at your audience frequently. SUGGESTED OUTLINE — PROJECT YOUR VOICE. Talk to the people in How fallout affects animals in the field. the Last row in the back, not just to those at the front. You will need to practice. Speak slowly How fallout shelter helps prevent livestock enough so you can pronounce words clearly. losses. What is the best protection? EVALUATE YOUR OWN DEMONSTRATION. As you What water and feed can you give? practice your demonstration, consider how you did, following D -462, Score Card for Judging 4-11 How to provide water and feed during the Method Demonstrations. Consider the following critical period while livestock is unattended. items: Protection of feed and water. Introduction. Is it brief and clear? Did you Special treatment for dairy cows. • tell them convincingly why you believe this Special treatment for poultry. topic is important? Disposal of dead animals. Demonstration. Is material organized logically? Decontamination of animals, buildings and Can people see clearly what you are doing? Are feed. signs and charts readable? Did you hold audi- DISPLAY REFERENCES —Tell where people can ence interest? Could the audience repeat what obtain a copy. (Since USDA, AH -234, is fairly you did or at least become interested enough technical, there may be only one copy on file in to want to look up more information on it? county extension office.) F -2107, Defense Against Did you show good results? Radioactive Fallout on the Farm would be a good Conclusion. Did you tell them where you got handout with this demonstration. your information? Did you review the main points that you want to put across and in the 4-11 Club Team Demonstration same order in which you presented them first? Are you prepared to answer questions? No. 2 You, personally. Did you speak so all could TITLE— Emergency Food Supply. hear? Were you dressed properly for the job EQUIPMENT NEEDED — you did? Well groomed? Did you smile, act Variety of sealed containers. friendly and as though you enjoyed what you Type foods to select per length of storage time. did? Did you handle your equipment and material well, as though you were familiar with Special foods for different age groups. it? Did you use good English and speak neither Equipment for cooking and serving. too fast nor too slow? REFERENCE— Family Food Stockpile for Survival, Further information is available in D -510, The H &G -77; Emergency Sanitation at Home, OCD 4 -11 Method Demonstration —A Guide for Leaders H -11 -1; Fact Sheet, "You Can Survive" No. 4 and and D -462, Score Gard for Judging Method Demon- No. 7. 7 SUGGESTED OUTLINE— book No. 234. (Available from county extension Effect of radiation on food. agents.) Type of containers for food. SUGGESTED OUTLINE— Kinds and quantities of food suitable for storage What is fallout? (chart) . following Food for Fitness Guide. What are the dangers from fallout? Availability of cooking facilities. Effect of distance (chart) . Storing and rotating foods. Effect of time on intensity of radiation (chart) . Equipment for cooking and serving. Effect of shelter and shielding. Decontamination of food. Decontamination. DISPLAY REFERENCES —Tell origin of informa- DISPLAY REFERENCES —Tell where information tion; availability of further information. USDA came from, and where they can get further in- H&G-77, Family Food Stockpile for Survival could formation. H -6, What to Know and Do About be a handout. Nuclear Attack would be a good handout with this demonstration. 4-H Club Team Demonstration No. 3 4-H Club Team Demonstration TITLE— Fa llo u t Shelters for the Family. No. S MATERIALS —A sample shelter could be con - TITLE — Tornado Precautions. structed by team members using a scale model. Use MATERIALS— Charts to illustrate tornadoes, their charts to explain other aspects. effects and protection from them. Could display 66 REFERENCE —H -7, Family Fallout Shelter De- model storm cellar. signs. (The best plan to do this particular demon- REFERENCE— Publication, Tornado Precaution, stration with would be No. 7 on page 23.) can be obtained from local civil defense directors, county extension agents or by writing the Depart- SUGGESTED OUTLINE— s ment of Public Safety, 5807 North Lamar, Austin, Stress need for family shelters. Texas. Indicate why this structure was chosen to SUGGESTED OUTLINE — demonstrate. What are tornadoes? Mention construction material, cost, availability, construction time and life expectancy. Where can they occur? Explain protection factors; give examples. What do they look like, where do they move and what damage do they do? Mention other type shelters and cost. Safety rules of precaution for universal pro - Explain other uses of shelters. tection, in open country, in a city or town, DISPLAY REFERENCES —Tel 'where information in school, in a factory. came from and where further information is avail DISPLAY REFERENCES —Tel where the informa- able. H 7, Family Shelter Designs, could be used tion came from and where audience can receive a as a handout. copy. 4-H Club Team Demonstration 4-H Club Team Demonstration No. 4 No. 6 TITLE — The Principles of Fallout Protection. TITLE— C lo thing Preparedness. MATERIALS— Charts to be used from information on pages 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 of reference below. MATERIALS —Bag packed with clothing and grooming items needed for shelter living. Special REFERENCE— Pro of Food and Agriculture protective clothing needed for reconstruction Against Nuclear Attack, USDA Agriculture Hand- period. 8 REFERENCE —L -606, Clothing Preparedness for project that even showed the flash of the bomb Disaster, available from county home demonstration exploding and a time switch to come on a short agents. time later starting the fan and showing a time lapse from the time the bomb explodes until fallout SUGGESTED OUTLINE— starts. A chart showing average time of fallout Measure of protection offered from clothing. arrival based on certain distances and wind direc tions could be used in connection with the display. Basic clothing for shelter living. (Reference: AH -234, Protection of Food and Agri - Guides for selecting clothing. culture Against Nuclear Attack.) Special protective clothing. 4. Family fallout shelters. Build a model Decontamination of clothing. shelter of display size for demonstration purposes. Personal grooming supplies. Show different type shelters that can be constructed out of existing buildings. (Reference: H -7, Family Storage (where kept) . Shelter Designs.) Special treatment for stored clothing. 5. The family becomes a team again (double display) ; one side of display portrays father aiming Civil Defense Exhibit Ideas musket, child holding bullets, wife loading a spare Exhibits provide an excellent opportunity for gun or similar scenes to indicate a family banded promoting local 4 -H clubs as well as civil defense together to ward off danger. The other side of information. An exhibit shows that 4 -H clubs are display shows a family survival plan. The guide "doing something" and provides prestige for 4 -H for a "family survival plan" could be displayed, members. and have guides available as a handout. Exhibits can be used in many places. The most 6. Protection of livestock and feed. Make a recognized are at county fairs, local achievement model barn showing how livestock, feed and water days, county achievement days, in store windows can be protected. (Reference: AH -234, Protection and shopping centers. Any place where a large of Food and Agriculture Against Nuclear Attack, number of people will see the exhibit is suitable, pages 10, 11 and 16.) • even busy street corners. 7. All demonstrations outlined on pages 7, Some suggested ideas follow, however, county 8 and 9 of this publication could also be used extension agents, adult leaders and 4 -H members as exhibits with a few modifications in charts. can think of many additional ideas. 1. What is needed in a family fallout shelter? Civil Defense Float Ideas Show foods, clothing, medical supplies and other Above - ground Shelter equipment that would be needed to survive 2 weeks in a shelter. (References: H &G -77, Family Food SETTING —An above - ground, earth - covered lum- Stockpile for Survival, and H -6, What to Know and her, A -frame shelter. Do About Nuclear Attack.) REFERENCE — Complete design illustrated in 2. Recreation is important. A display show- Family Shelter Designs, Office of Civil Defense, ing games and other recreation equipment that H -7, Plan 7. could be used in a natural or nuclear disaster, or at any time a family must be confined to quarters STAGING —Build an A -roof, leaving both ends such as quarantines, sickness and others. open (crosswise of the wagon so that people can see through) . Bales of hay or straw could be 3. What is fallout? A model farm community stacked on the roof to resemble 24 inches of soil, showing homb explosion (mushroom cloud) in or fill sandbags with a light material for easy the background. Electric fan blowing dust particles handling. These may need to be tied to hold them over farm. The fan could be controlled by an in place. An assortment of shelter equipment electric switch and wording could be something should be placed inside with one occupant. Two like "Turn on switch to see how fallout can con- or three other 4 -H members could stand outside taminate areas." This could be a detailed electric the shelter. Make signs to tell your story. 9 This Family Will Survive Slide sets: SETTING —A lean -to basement shelter with emer- No. 523, Fallout Shelters gency survival equiment. No. 530, Physical Aspects of Nuclear Weapons REFERENCE —This is the No. 2 plan from the No. 464, Rural Civil Defense OCD H -7 bulletin, Family Shelter Designs. Films: STAGING —Build a lean -to shelter with back (curved portion) covered with sandbags or bales No. 424, A Is for Atom of hay or straw to simulate sandbags. Bags could No. 473, Basic Physics of A -bombs be filled with a light material for the float, with a No. 225, Duck and Cover sign to explain what they are supposed to be. Leave the "wall" side open so people can see into No. 468, Fallout the shelter, which should be equipped and stocked No. 486, Fallout and Agriculture with supplies. Have three 4 -H members (parents No. 476, Medical Aspects of Nuclear Radiation and child) inside the shelter —one reclining, one sitting preparing food and the child playing a No. 441, Rural Community Defense game. No. 535, The Invisible Enemy No. 534, Operation Cue References and Resource Materials Publications Resource People Available in quantity: Local: F -2107, Radioactive Fallout on the Farm. Civil defense directors H &G -77, Family Food Stockpile for Survival. Fire Department personnel H -6, What to Know and Do About Nuclear Public Health personnel Attack. Red Cross H -7, Family Shelter Designs. Teachers trained by the Texas Education PA -514, Soil, Crops, and Fallout fgm Nuclear Agency Attack. Soil Conservation Service technicians trained in PA -515, Fallout and Your Farm Food. radiological monitoring PA -516, Your Livestock Can Survive Fallout Representatives of county USDA Defense • from Nuclear Attack. Boards PA -517, Rural Fire Defense —You Can Survive. Medical authorities and medical association MP -666, Family Survival Plan. members MP -665, Emergency Food and iVater• County extension agents L -606, Clothing Preparedness for Disaster. Highway patrolmen and safety engineers Not for general distribution, but available to State and Regional: 4-H leaders and 4-H members as reference: Regional Office of Civil Defense, Denton, Texas No. 1 -20, You Can Survive Fact Sheets, pub- Rural Civil Defense Specialist, Texas Agricul- lished by the Federal Extension Service. tural Extension Service AH 234, Protection of Food and Agriculture Director, Civil Defense Adult Education, Texas Against Nuclear Attack. Education Agency, Austin, Texas PA -574, What People Can Do About Rural Civil pefense. Office of Defense and Disaster Relief, Depart- ment of Public Safety, Austin, Texas Visual Aids Visual aids are available to county extension Award Programs agents through the agricultural information office, Civil defense should be a part of a member's College Station, Texas. total 4 -H program. Activities and projects in civil 10 l __ defense conducted by 4 -H club members should be 4•N Method Demonstration Contest incorporated into each project area and each 4 -H record book. The State winning civil defense method demon- stration team determined at State 4 -H Roundup Record Books will be presented with an award each year. Since the award may change from year to year, refer to Most activities in civil defense can be a part of the Texas 4 -H Roundup Handbook for specific 4 -H members' projects and can be included in 4 -H listing of the award. record books under specific projects or in the award program area they are entering. 4 -H record books Local 4 -H Club Award in award program areas of citizenship, achievement, leadership, Santa Fe, home economics and other Each year ten 4 -H clubs in Texas will be general 4 -H work should include all work done honored for conducting outstanding civil defense on civil defense. programs in their local 4 -H clubs. Refer to the Texas 4 -H Awards Handbook for details. Sugges- There is no special form for including civil tions on what a club can do to be considered for defense in an individual 4 -H record book entered this award are included in this publication. in any award program area. Civil defense work should be included in the standard report form; The record form that follows should be the basis the general story, "What I have done and learned for reporting club accomplishments and should be in 4 -H work "; or in the project activity summary. turned in at the time all county 4 -H records are Some pictures and news articles could be included due. In addition, it is suggested that clubs include when they pertain directly to the award program pictures and news articles of individual and club entered. activities in civil defense. Report on Local 4-H Club Civil Defense Program To be filled out by local club and submitted to county extension office for awards in rural civil defense. County extension offices should submit this form from two clubs in the county to the district office. The district office will submit all records entered to the State office. Ten clubs will be selected from the State. Note — The term "program" includes both projects and activities. State County Name of local club Names and addresses of local 4 -H leaders Number of 4 -H members in club: Boys • Girls Total Number of members receiving training in civil. defense: Total Number of meetings held (or to be held) by your club: Number of your club meetings in which civil defense was included (or is to be included) Number of 4 -H club families preparing a "Family Survival Plan ": Write narrative answering the following questions: 1. What Iwere the major group activities of the club in this program? • 11 2. What were the major activities of individual 4 -H members in this program? 3. How did the club work with other groups in this program? 4. What methods, procedures and techniques have been particularly effective? 5. What were the important results achieved in this program? Date Signature Local 4 -H Leader Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, The Texas A &M College System and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and June 30, 1914. 10M -6 -63 12