HomeMy WebLinkAboutNuclear Course Exam Part 1 and 2 1968 ,/ w - �� ? i e,..... 8 ,7 s ( , .._ r ,, . , , ,..„,z,.. , i_._, ., ' ,, , ..,, r r ,, ,,,i,,,,‘,. Name ' ' 0 I/ L*4,2, - ,:l !..! 4 N A 4 v ti E:1; ---- '''''\ cwAj ('1.--51. jr.<'*''‘ PART 1 • Multiple Choke Questions ' TIME: 25 Minutes DIRECTIONS: Each question is followed by four possible responses. Circle the letter before the response which best answers the question. 1. The chronological order of events accompanying a nuclear detonation are: e. Fireball, fallout, thermal wave, blast. (, Fireball, thermal wave, blast, fallout. Y. Fallout, blast, thermal wave, fireball. d. Blast, thermal wave, fallout, fireball. 2. What type of nuclear burst would cause the most severe fallout situation? Air burst. Space burst. c. Surface burst. d. Subsurface burst. ( 3. A nuclear weapon differs from a conventional weapon in that part of the energy is released as (a): a. Thermal radiation. b. Blast. c. Firestorm. C Nuclear radiation. 4. The nuclear weapon effect that covers the largest geographical area is: Fallout. Thermal. c. Blast. d. Initial nuclear radiation. 5. Fallout monitoring stations will make a FLASH REPORT of fallout arrival when the dose rate reaches, or exceeds: ce 1.5 r/hr. `� .5 r/hr. c. 50 mr /hr. d. a measurable level. 6. Fallout shelters are primarily for the purpose of protecting people from: • a. Blast. b. Thermal radiation. Gamma radiation. d. Beta radiation. 21 • � L. 7. Assuming equal thicknesses, which of the following materials provides the best shielding against j gamma radiation? a. Wood. he Earth. V Concrete. d. Steel. 8. The CD V -700, 0 -50 mr/hr survey meter, will detect: a. Alpha and beta radiation. b. Beta radiation only. Q e Beta and gamma radiation. d. Gamma radiation only. 9. The instrument designed to measure the exposure dose to gamma radiation is a: 0 Dosimeter. b. Survey meter. c. Geiger counter. d. Charger. 10. The civil defense instrument designed to measure the rate of exposure to nuclear radiation is .jan: a. Dosimeter. Q Survey meter. c. Ion chamber. d. Charger. 11. The CD V -700, 0 -50 mr/hr survey meter, will: Produce off -scale readings for dose rates of 50 mr/hr to 1 r/hr. Jam and read zero at some dose rates in excess of 1 r/hr. c. Measure gamma dose rates from 0 -50 mr/hr. d. All of the above. 12. What instrument would a monitor expect to use in checking a person suspected of being contaminated with radioactive fallout? a. CD V -742 dosimeter. b. CD V -750 dosimeter charger. V CD V -700 beta -gamma survey meter. d. CD V -715 gamma survey meter. 13. How many seconds should a monitor allow for meter response before observing a dose rate? 5 seconds. 15 seconds. c. 30 seconds. d. 60 seconds. 14. The dose rate inside a shelter was .5 r/hr at the same time the outside dose rate was 60 r/hr. What is the protection factor of the shelter? a. 120 b. 60 30 5 22 • 15. The dosimeters in shelter A could not be charged. At 11+24 the dose rate in the shelter was 5 r /hr. Recorded dose rates at the end of the next three hours were: 7 r/hr, 5 r/hr, and 3 r/hr. What would be the approximate shelter dose for the three hour period from 11-(24 to 11+27? a. 20 r. b.16r. 6.6 r. . p., None of the above. 16. Outside dose rate readings should be taken at: a. Chest height. b. Ground level. Belt height. d. Knee height. 17. When using the CD V -715, 0 -500 r/hr survey meter, it is important that the instrument be: 014, Operationally checked. b. Warmed up for at least 10 minutes. c. Used with the probe shield open. d. Oriented level with the ground. • 18. Daily exposure doses of all shelterees should be determined by: a a. The shelter manager. b. Each shelteree. Q The radiological monitor. The radiological defense officer. 19. A shelter has a protection factor of 100. If the inside dose rate is 2.4 r/hr, the outside dose rate would be: a. 41.6 r/hr. l .024 r/hr. c 240 r /hr. d. 2400 r/hr. 20. How does fallout affect the air through which it passes and the surfaces on which it settles? a. The air and the surfaces become radioactive. b. The air becomes radioactive but not the surfaces. Neither the air nor the surfaces become radioactive. Neither the air nor the surfaces become hazardous unless moisture is present. 21. Radiological monitors, whether assigned to community shelters or fallout monitoring stations, generally: follow the procedures and techniques developed by the shelter manager. b C) follow the procedures and techniques outlined in the OCD Handbook for Radiological Monitors and /or the local SOP. c. develop and follow their own procedures and techniques. d. follow instructions given by the Atomic Energy Commission. 22. The primary problem associated with an approved temporary emergence from a shelter is that of: a. Radiation sickness. C) Fallout contamination. c. Initial radiation. d. Gamma radiation exposure. 43 j3 23. The primary duty of radiological monitors assigned to fallout monitoring stations will be: a. Analyzing radiological reports. b. Personnel decontamination. 0 Measuring, recording and reporting radiological information. d. Briefing shelterees on the radiological situation. 24. The first and possibly the only necessary personnel decontamination procedure(s) which need to be used is (are) : a. Vacuum cleaning clothing. b. Dry cleaning clothing. Brushing and shaking clothing. d. Change of clothing and use of soap and water. 25. Almost 100% of the exposed people will die within 1 to 3 weeks if they are exposed to a short -term dose of: 0 600 roentgens. b. 400 roentgens. : c. 200 roentgens. . d. 100 roentgens. 26. When monitoring food for contamination, the probe should be held approximately one inch from the surface of the food. The probe shield of the CD V -700 should be: Ca2 Fully open. b. Half open. c. Closed. d. The position of the shield is not important. 27. If the dose rate 1 hour after burst is 80 r/hr, what would, be the approximate dose at 11+8? a • r/hr. 0 r/hr. c. 9 r/hr. d. 11 r/hr. 28. At 11+3 the dose rate is 30 r/hr. If 4 hours is required to accomplish a mission, when can the i operational crew enter the area and not exceed a dose of 25 r? a 11+14 11+11 c.• 11+9 d. H+7 29. Additional food must be obtained from a nearby warehouse. The dose rate in the area at 11+12 was 25 r/hr. What is the estimated dose to be received by each individual on the mission if it requires 1 hour to secure the food and they begin work at 11+24? 0.. 5 r. V b. 10 r. c. 15 r. ' d. 20 r. . 30. When can a. monitor leave shelter to perform a 2 hour mission, if the dose rate was 26 r /hr at 11+10 and his dose is not to exceed 25 r? 11+15 . 11+18 c. 11+21 d. 11+24 24 - ,......) 31. Upon returning from a survey mission, a monitor noted a reading of 14 r on his CD V-742 dosimeter. The reading before the mission was 5 r. What exposure did the monitor receive during the mission? a. 19 r. b. 14r. 0 9 r. ' d. 5 r. 32. A monitor on a survey mission observes a reading of 2.8 on the 0.1 range of his CD V-715, 0-500 r/hr survey meter. The measured dose rate is: a. .028 r/hr O . .28 r/hr c. 2.8 r/hr d. 28 r/hr 33. In decontaminating a bushel of potatoes, the best method(s) would be to: a. Store the potatoes until the radioactive fallout decays to tolerable levels. b. Brush the potatoes. 4 Wash, peel and wash potatoes. Vacuum the potatoes. 34. After the need for frequent reports of monitored data from fallout monitoring stations becomes less urgent, there may be a continuing requirement for the monitoring of: 1 6 ) Specific areas. 'b. Personnel and equipment. c. Food and water. d. All of the above. 35. It is expected that all monitors will receive technical direction and supervision from; a. The Civil Defense Director. t () The shelter manager. V c. The organizational radef officer. d. All of the above. N - • .-- • • 25 COURSE E A' A NATION PART 11 Proficiency Test Grading Sheet TIME: 25 Minutes Scor 1. Zeroing a CD V -138 ( e 2. CD V -715 Operational Check (4) 3. CD V -700 Operational Check ( /' 4. CD V -700 Dose Rate Measurements Distance Dose Rate 2 ft. ( / 4 ft. (1 ) 6 ft. ( ---- Sub Score Part II (15) / �= Sub Score Part I (35) Total Score (50) 27 •