HomeMy WebLinkAboutMaintenance and Disposition of Shelter Stocks 6.6.1972 •
11,11.'o\ [ {. 'P1 i1t Division of Defense and Disaster Relief CD -12
State Coordinator.
Date June 6, 1972
TO: Civil Defense Director
FROM: M. P. Bowden, Deputy Coordinator
SUBJECT: Maintenance and Disposition of Shelter Stocks
Attached are two documents relating to the above subject. OCD.Form 74+7 is
'being distributed in proportion to the number of stocked shelters. In the
event you have questions, please let us know.
May, 1972
Federally procured stocks of food, medical and sanitary
supplies, and water containers have been provided to local
governments for over 100,000 shelters. It is estimated that
.supplies issued could sustain 65,000,000 persons for up to two .
weeks", should" the need arise.
. r .
The supplies in place and in local storage, are the
property of local political subdivisions. which accepted ti
responsibility for their care, maintenance and .inspection.
No more supplies are available from OCD warehouses, and the
purpose of this appendix is to furbish guidance concerning
the .maintenance, inspection and .orotecti on of the materials
Condition of Supplies
. Most of the supplies are considered to have an indefinite
- usable life, if properly inspected and maintained. However, �.
special attention should . be given to the gradual deterioration
of certain medical components as well as to the palatability of
. shelter biscuits.
Cbmponents of Shelter Medical Kits .
- • Recent laboratory testing of sample components of the
medical kits by the U.S. Public Health Service revealed that
most of the components are suitable for use. However, two
of the items were determined to be unsuitable for use the
eye and nose drops, and the.kaolin and pectin mixture (liquid).
Due to the deterioration of ingredients in the eye and
nose drops, sediment and particulate matter were present in
most of the samples tested. This would cause the drops to be
an irritant to the delicate tissues of the eye. In view of
the probably detrimental effect, the eye and nose drops should
not be used for the eyes.
The kaolin and pectin mixture (liquid) has undergone
partial to complete solidification. No other changes in the
product have occurred and usage, if possible, would not be
harmful. However, in many instances the mixture cannot be
removed from the bottle without breaking it. The net effect -
is that usage is impractical. Nationwide, about half of the
kaolin and pectin mixtures distributed were the liquid type.
The balance were in powder form, and these: are in excellent
condition, suitable for use.
OCD will continue quality checks and testing of medical Q
components on a sampling basis, and if additional products
become unsuitable for use local civil defense will be advised.
Cereal - Based Shelter Rations _ I
Cereal -based shelter rations were procured under specifi-
cations anticipating a minimum shelf -life of five years. As f
the current i nventc; ^y of shelter rations was procured in the a
period 1962 to 1964, we can now expect to find evidence n
deterioration. While the five -year shelf -life has expired,
most of the rations are still usable, and it is possible that
they may continue to be good for several Years.
Deteriorating rations develop an unpleasant odor and /or E
taste (rancidity) because of oxidation of the shortening, but
their nutritive value is riot materially affected and they are
not considered to be harmful.
OCD will continue quality checks and testing of rations
on a sampling basis, and if a more severe problem develops,
local Civil Defense will be advised.
OCD recommends that the rations remain in place for
emergency' use as a supplement to other food supplies. However,
planners should be aware of the fact that some of the rations
may not be palatable if they have to be used
The carbohydrate supplement ration has shown little or
no evidence Qf deterioration. No time limit has been placed
on its remaining shelf- life.
Guidance on Ma : ntenance and P - otecti on
Medical supplies should be kep ' i n secure locations,
preferably locked in closets or other areas to which only a
few trusted persons have access It is especially important
that phenobarbital tablets b; removed from medical kits and
either . destroyed, transferred to an authorized agency or
locked up securely.
ood rations should be kept it cool. (40 0 F. to. CO °F.) dry.
storage. In the storage area, there should be a notice that,
upon opening cans of Berea i -based rations, the contents should 't
be well aired before use to di spe i i any rancid odor.
Inspection ;
See Part D, Chapter 2,. Appendix 9, of the Federal Civil
Defense Guide.
The fact that the supplies have been inspected and the
stags of the supplies should be posted in the shelter so
•;;hat shelter users will have the information. To assist in
this posting, OCD has designed and printed a self - adhesive
label (Figure 1) which is available to State and local '
. . • e 3
7t S
OCD FORM 7=+7, JA ;. 1972
May, 1972
From time to time, it is necessary to remove shelter
supplies from buildings which are demolished . or for which
licenses are cacel 1, d. It is recommended that these
supplies be removed to other shelter facilities or placed
in short term local storage if necessary.. It is clear
. that this solution is not always feasible and the local
political subdivision may decide that the supplies should
be disposed of. The purpose of this appendix is to furnish
guidance concerning several possible methods of disposa..
rse by Political Subdivisions It is appropriate
that medical supplies be transferred to hospitals or
clinics, but only after full notice has been given of
their condition.. Prisons or - ..
other institutions with medi-
cal f a c i l i t i e s may a l s o make use of the supplies. I t
should be noted that special instructions govern the dis-
position of phenobarbital tablets. 'Phenobarbi tal is a
" con t rolled" substance under the Comprehensive Drug .Abuse
Prevention and Control Act of 1970. I f there are pheno-
barbital tablets in the medical kits, request guidance
regarding disposal of the tables from the Regional
Director, Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs (3NDD) ,
Department of Lustice. Your police department will knori •
or be able to obtain the of the appropriate BNDD
Regional Office.
Hopsitals or prisons may be able to use items from
sanitation kits Shelter rations and. wa er drums may be
moved to .central locations as a general reserve for .
possible use in the event of an attack or natural disaster.
However, because regular food is generally made available
• shortly after the onset of a natural disaster, it is un-
likely that then:: would be ,such demand for the cereal-
based shelter rations for this purpose. Drums in poor
condition should be junked.
Donations - Cereal-based shelter rations have been
-used successfully in disasters caused by cyclones and
floods in Pakistan, the Philippines, Colombia and else-
where. At a time when there was.mi.nimum drawdown on
shelter supplies, the Office of Civil Defense made sub-
-- .
• stantial donations of these- supplies for foreign relief
purposes. Local. Civil Defense agencies (where permitted
by State and local laws) have made similar donations,
• .generally in limited quantities to such relief agencies
as CARE, Inc. Church Wor`; d Service and Catholic Overseas
Relief 'Service. I t should be noted that agencies receiving
such supplies for overseas relief ordinarily generate.
requirements only in respect to a specific disaster which •
require:; prompt response. It is possible, however, that
. an agency may establish requirements for supplemental
feeains programs in a foreign land. Further information
concerni ng these programs may be obtai ned from OCD Regi onal
Directors .
Donations of supplies, pa':t;cuta•rly medical supplies,
may also be made to recognized char; Lable and relief organi
zati ons for use wi thin the United States ; f such donati ons
are in accordance wi tii State and local ordi nances .
Feeding Cattle ar,d'Swine - It is sometimes practical
to offer cans of cereal -based rat ;ons to cattle feedlots
or to farms which feed swine for the market. In this •
connection, the Agri culture Research Service , Department
.� r- culture advised that there are approximately o� Ar, � c�:l ' 181,500
cattle feedlots , and that there. are over 21,000 l6cati ons
feeding 500 or more swine. Ti. Service further advised that
it is inecono ical to move rations long cistcraces since the
cost of trarsporta ti on can well exceed the value of the
contents of one food 'cans
Incorporation of the food into the ration for 1 1vesLock
for „a : short period of time Goes . not pose a nutri ti onal pro -
bier,. The biscuits are composed 07 ;;rain with 'a Shorteni rag
and are not harmful to cattle or swine. They may be added
to standard feeding rations.
• Because the feedlot and swine feeding areas are rather
small and scattered throughout the country and the supplies
are also widely distributed, feeding• arrangements would be }'
made 1 ocal ly. The user's methods for opening and dumping
cans'wouid depend on the number of cans involved For -a
fai rly large operati on, a_band saw coul d be used wi th con-
veyor belts transferring the cans into the saw and from
the saw to the truck where the contents could be separated
from the cans. A simpler method more appropriate for
smaller operations is to have the operator of the feedlot •
open and dump individual cans mixing the contents wi th other
elements of the ration..
Sanitary Land •Fills - In the event that users are not
identified, it.would generally be economi cal to arrange for
'buri al of *cereal - based rations in sanitary 1 and fj 11 s . By .
trucking small quantities on each trash collection day, there
would be little or no additional cost to the community. In
no event, however, should medical supplies be disposed of . in .
this way. Incineration is a preferred method with the possi -.
bility that some medicines could be disposed of through
grinding. However, medical supplies should be disposed of
only in accordance with. guidance to be furnished by local
health officials. These officials should be asked to furnish'
suitable supervision or assistance in conducting the disposal
Civil Defense Insigne - When shelter supplies are trans
ferred to other than civil defense use, the civil defense' 1
• i
insigne on the containers should be obliterated. It is
recommended that this be done by painting or inking over
the insigne. .
Obliteration of the insigne is not necessary when the
supplies .are to be removed from the containers and the ,. I
container destroyed immediately after transfer to non- 1
- civil defense use Obliteration is also not necessary
when the supp lies .are to be consumed or destroyed immedi `
ately after transfer; such as use for stock food or land
. . .