HomeMy WebLinkAboutKnow your government Part 1 11.14.1974 K r t - '111.0" " 0- now our governmen
Pa I and develop to serve this The starting salary of a promote good police- by city revenue. I
fast growing "small -town- police officer on the S. C. community relations. Traf- mediate needs of t
Editor's Note: During turned - city." force is $550 per month, fic violations are the most department, as fur.
September of this year, the Presently the C.S.P.D. which is slightly lower common type of offense become available, a]
League of Women Voters consists of seventeen than salaries in many handled in College Station. more officers, more pat
of Brazos County complet sworn personnel, all of towns of comparable size. Burglaries, thefts and cars and a holding cell
ed and published a survey whom are men; one is The average age of sworn vandalism are other of- the police station. So
of the executive and black. Civilian personnel personnel is thirty years. fenses most often investi- federal funds are availa
judicial systems of Brazos number six. Five of these A retirement {grogram is gated. "Leash law" invest for equipment.
County. The purpose of the civilians are women. Be- available to all municipal igations are considered In 1973 (to'October) 11
study was to educate cause the department is employees. College Station tedious and time consum- traffic tickets were issu
League members and the small, it is not divided into policemen do not belong to ing. 439 accidents were inve
community as fully as specialized units. Each a police association. College Station uses the gated; 68 juveniles wl
possible, to the facts and officer is trained to handle Policemen in College Brazos County jail to placed under arrest
functions pertaining to law all types of offenses. Station answer an average detain offenders. A fee of College Station in 1973.
enforcement agencies, the Recruitment and train- of 600 calls per month in $5 per day per person is The next installment
courts, and other related ing of police officers are addition to their regular charged by the county for Know Your Governmm
agencies in Brazos County. not considered problems in patrolling duties. They also use of its facilities. will provide informati
The goals of the League College Station as there meet with school children Average cost of an arrest about the Bryan Pol
were to understand the are many qualified appli- of all ages and community and booking is $10 -$12. Department.
present system of adminis cants for every job groups in an effort to The C.S.P.D. is funded
tering justice, and to opening. The city requires
determine ways of creating state qualifications for
more effective and respon- patrolmen which include
sive judicial and executive high school graduation, or
systems in Brazos County. its equivalent, a medical
The material in the exam, written tests and no
survey was obtained record of felony or major
through private interviews misdemeanor. A patrolman
and public meetings must be certified by the
throughout the past year state within twelve months
with many officials in after he has been hired.
Brazos County. Copies of This includes 240 hours of
the survey may be school, as well as on -the-
purchased from League job training. Presently, all
Publications Chairman officers have received
Marcia Lankin at 693 - 2927. training and experience in
The Pictorial Press will other cities before joining
present portions of the the College Station force.
survey beginning with There are many education -
today's issue. al opportunities for in-
service training. Funds are
The task of the College available from the city and
Station Police Department from the Brazos Valley
is to keep up with the Development Council for
mushrooming population of officers to attend school. A
the city. Chief Marvin serious limitation to these
Byrd has been with the opportunities is the small
department for seventeen amount of time the depart -
years. He is acutely aware ment can allow its officers
that his force must grow _ to take from their duties.
Marvin Byrd
Hired By: City of College Station
Salary, $14,000
Dept. Budget (1974): $241,173
Percentage of city budget: 6.49%
9 patrolmen 4 dispatchers
2 sergeants 1 secretary
1lieutenant 1 court cler
1 detective Base pay: $4,200
Base paY: $6,600
Part II
Kn ow Y our government
Ed. Note: This is the BRYAN POLICE $661,454. This amount The new patrolman works
second in a series taken DEPARTMENT comes form the General with various policemen on
from a survey compiled Fund of Bryan and the staff until he is able to
and published by the Chief of Police represents a percentage of attend TAMU's Extension
Or League of Women Voters Joe C. Ellisor the city budget: Service Police Academy.
Brazos County on the Hired by: City Manager PCR Division: Under State law requires that a
Executive and Judicial Salary Range: $13,740 - direction of Sgt. Gene trainee receive a minimum
Systems of our county. A $16,560 Knowles. Police Com- of 240 classroom hours
complete copy of the Asst. Chief of Police munity Relations within one year after
survey may be obtained for Major Charles W. Phelps Uniform or Patrol Bur- employment. Currently
50 cents by calling Salary Range: $11,280 - eau: Under direction of educational incentives are
Publications Chairman, $14,400 Capt. Howard Hill 3rd in in effect, although they
Marcia Lankin at 693 -2927. Dept. Budget (1973 -74) command* have not yet affected pay
Special Services: A raises. The department
Lieutenant with 8 other does participate in special
employees. Includes: Bud - police training programs at
get, Records, Maintenance TAMU in addition to the
of vehicles, Social services, Academy course. Some
Court Bailiff* special training sessions
Investigative Division: are funded by the Criminal
A Lieutenant with 5 Justice Department. Fed -
detectives. eral funding is channeled
Civilian Personnel: 5 through the Texas Crim-
clerks- secretaries, 4 dis- inal Justice Department.
patchers, 2 animal control. This past August a session
Salary ranges: $2.21 - on Police and Community
$4.11 per hour. Relations was offered _
*Salary Ranges for: here, and in December of
Capt.: $10,320 - $13,800. 1973 a 20 -hour course on
Lieutenant: $9,420 - the new Penal and Family
$11,880. Patrolmen: $7740 Code was held. In the
- $9840. Bryan Department at the
The Bryan police depart- present time some 30 of
ment is responsible for the the 55 employees. have
safety and protection of all some college work.
persons and property of Starting salaries for the
the City of Bryan. Bryan police trainees are
Of the forty -eight sworn $590 per month; the
personnel on the Bryan maximum pay is $820
police staff, five officers allowable, but most of the
are black and four are patrolen earn $666 per
Mexican - American. There month. The police depart-
are nine Civilian employ- ment uses the city retire -
ees which include two ment and pension plan,
black persons. which is the Texas
For the past three years Municipal Retirement Sys -
the department has main - tem Mutual Fund. There
tained a relatively full are numerous police asso-
department. There are ciations at all levels . .
currently no vacancies. local, county, regional,
Most new recruits are state and national. The
encouraged by word -of- department has a Bryan
mouth communication with Police Benefit Association
members of the police which remains non -
force. Qualifications for political. The Brazos Val -
Bryan officers are basically ley Police Association is
I the minimum standards set regional. Chief Joe C.
by the State Commission Ellisor is a director of the
on Law Enforcement Texas Police Chiefs Asso-
Standards and Education ciation. Police officers
(1969). All patrolmen have belong to state and
a high school diploma or a national organizations.
GED with at least comple- Offenses most commonly
tion of the 10th grade. handled within the juris-
Currently several staff diction of the Bryan Police
members have associate are traffic problems; about
degrees, or B.A.'s. How- 39% of all calls at the
ever, recruiters first look dispatch desk concern
for common sense, then 6
look at educational credits. s P
from p l
family disputes and distur-
bances. There are often
times when calls can be
referred to other agencies
such as the County
Welfare Department or
the Central Brazos Valley
Mental Health Center.
Community Relations act-
ivities are currently under
the direction of Sergeant
Gene Knowles. Safety pro-
grams have been conduct-
ed for schools and civic
groups. The department
feels that more educational
programs directed to teen-
agers would be useful in
keeping them informed of
new traffic regulations and
changes in law, as well as
for drug education. All
officers are considered
community relations offi-
Juvenile records are
kept separate from others
as directed by the Family
Code. When a juvenile
arrest is made, parents are
called and 95% of the
youth are released to the
Juvenile Probation Dept.
One problem area is the
best way to care for
run -a -ways.
Bryan uses the Brazos
County jail to house
offenders at a cost to the
police department of $5.00
per day for each prisoner.
There is no city jail. In
Bryan, after arrest, a
person can make any
number of calls he needs;
and in felony or major mis-
demeanor cases, he is
warned of his constitution-
al rights. It is the practice
of the police department
not to detain anyone in jail
without a warrant for
arrest (charge). Persons
are not held for many
hours unless they are
picked up at night and
have to wait until morning
to be processed. Charges
are filed as soon as a judge
is available. A person is
detained until he has
satisfied the court's re-
quirements. Bond is set by
the judge, but the Chief of
Police can raise this to a
maximum of $200.
The next installment of
"Know Your Government"
will feature the Brazos
County Sheriff's Depart-
7 (lays. From filing to the 1973: 780 criminal cast
PART VI r/ � 1 11// Government first title Balled t takes 30 were filed; 95 civil case.
daN, (9($' plead guilty at were filed; 5 cases we,.
this point). 'Trial without pending from 1472; 1.
Iiiosv your from p 1 jury from the first time cases were disposed of in
called takes 2 to 3 weeks. 1973; 510 cases were
and justice courts. Trial with a jury form the pending at the end of the
government on docket call is held first time called takes 2 to year.
Tuesdays; criminal 3 months. Budgeting is one of the
docket call is held each Jury trials are usually many problems faced by
Wednesday; and the jury held in the county court the county. There is a need
Ed. Note: This is the for road bond retirement. trials are held on Thurs- once a month. Petit Juries, for expanded staff and
sixth article in a series A person must be days. At docket call, an in the county court, are facilities. The county needs
taken from a survey twenty-one years of age alleged offender in a six -man juries. They are a full -time county attorney
compiled and published by and a resident of the misdemeanor case may selected by drawing from a and a full -time county
the League of Women county to qualify for the Plead guilty and receive a container into which are judge with additional staff
Voters of Brazos County on office of county judge. No fine or sentence at that placed the names of all and office space for each.
time. If the pleads not registered voters in the Because of the increased
the Executive and Judicial college or law degrees are
Systems of our county. A required. Judge Vance, guilty, a trial date is then county. These lists are case load in the last few
complete copy of the however, is a licensed set. Approximately 35-40 updated once each year. years, more court days are
survey may be obtained for attorney. cases are heard on each Thirty -six names are needed.
50 by calling League Presently the county docket call day, according drawn. A person called for County Attorney
Publications Chairman judgeship is a part -time to County Attorney jury duty may disqualify Brazos County
Marcia Lankin at 693 -2927. position. Vance stated in Searcy. (When a person himself for specific rea- Roland Searcy
our interview that the pleads innocent to a sons, or he may be
COUNTY JUDGE judgeship should be a charge, he has the choice of automatically disqualifiedi Elected official: to serve
The Hon. W. R. Vance full-time paid position. He a trial with or without a if he has already served a a four -year term.
Elected Official: to serve also sees a need for a Time elements involved certain uain number of days on Salary: $12,000 paid by
a four -year term. full -time county attorney. jury. The attorneys in the county.
Salary: $13,500 paid by The Brazos County Judge in a criminal case from the case each have three Staff: 1 secretary.
the county. wears many hats. His inception to completion pre-emptory challenges of Rud +TF t: "ten r< ost"
Staff: 1 secretary; salary duties include administra- (average figures) in the the potential jurors. A from the otrnty commis
$6,000. tive head of the county Brazos County Court: person chosen for jury sione•r, I 1 '
Jurisdiction: Brazos duget officer; head of From offense to the filing duty receives $10.00 for The county attorney
County. county civil defense; chair- of the complaint takes 5 to each day that he serves. must be a licensed
Location: Brazos County man of the Brazos County Persons awaiting trial attorney and a registered
Courthouse. Health Board; presiding may be released on bail voter residing in Brazos
County budget: officer of the county com bond or personal recogniz County.
$1,546,530 and $135,980 missioners and judge of the ante, or they may be The office of county
county court. Judge Vance detained in the county jail. attorney differs from
also engages in the private Pre-trial release is not county to county. In some
practice of law. It has been used. Any person who counties of Texas there are
suggested that the "judge might be assessed a jail no licsned attorneys resid-
of the commissioners sentence and cannot afford ing in the county; in others
court" and the "county legal counsel must sign an the same person serves as
judge" should be separated affadavit of indigence -- both the county attorney
positions. then the court appoints and the district attorney.
As administrator of the counsel to represent him. Some handle only civil
Brazos County
Commis-Attorneys are appointed cases. In Brazos County
sioner's Court, the jduge is on a rotating basis from a the county attorney is a
in charge of the budget; he list of thirty attorneys in part-time position; how
coordinates all elected the county. These attorn- ever, Mr. Searcy stated
offices of the county; he eys are paid (by the that the position requires
coordinates government county) $50 for each court about 95% of his time. He
agencies. He also repre appearance and $350 for has a private practice of
sents the county on other appeals. $8,000 is allocated law also.
committees, although pre- to the county court to The county attorney
sent county commissioners cover these costs. (District takes complaints and files
are doing more of this. The Court is also included in them against alleged viola -
jduge negotiates and the $8,000 for indigent tors of the law in the
works in acquisition of defense.)* justice and the county
right of way, and handles *The Brazos County Bar courts. He prosecutes mis-
problems of the county as a Association has a legal aid demeanors. He is the chief
whole. program which renders legal advisor to the county
In the county court the help in civil cases. This is ... i.d. he draws up papers
judge presides over cases also set up on a rotating in such matters as the
that involve: all civil suits basis from a list of proposed county park, and
where the amount in attorneys. he is available to the
controversy is not less In the county court in county commissioners for
than $200 nor more than legal opinions.
$1,000; midsemeanor trim Mr. Searcy stated that
inal cases where the 7'lie next in he feels the county
punishment does not ex o � talhnent of attorney should be a
year in the county feature Govern futll time position, and that
ceed one
Y Y will eat the 85th more adequate staffing is
jail and /or a fine of $2,000; s tric t C o
and probate matters. All SYstem. needed for this office. The
lunach cases are processed caseload handled by the
by this court. Tlie court
. also has appellate juris-
diction over the municipal
see p 7