HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Politics Behind the New Court 4.11.1975 Page 2 THE BATTALION
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The p olitics behind the new court
Sen. Moore, Judge Vance not best of friends
By ROD SPEER been significantly different from court. The new court -at -law will
Bill Vance, the county judge, recent years. have more civil jurisdiction than the raise their own pay.
didn't realize his job had become present County Court, which has a
Regardless of the reasoning be-
so complex that it would be split The commissioners passed a res- set civil jurisdiction under the state hind it, the Brazos County Court-
into two positions, until he heard olution condemning the creation constitution. at -Law is about to become reality.
the word from the State Legisla- of the new court, calling it an un- And in 1976, Bill Vance will have
ture. necessary expense. (The commis- Davis told Senator Moore the to choose between directing the
Early this year, State Senator sioners say the court will cost the time was approaching when a new paving of county roads or remain
Bill Moore of Bryan sponsored a county an additional $75,000 the district court would be added. the administrator of justice for
bill calling for the establishment first year and $60,000 in following Moore told him a new district court DWI cases and marijuana offenders
of a county court -at -law for Brazos years. (Those figures are padded would be hard to get, but he would by running for the judgeship of the
County. The bill somewhat, including salaries for be for the court -at -law. new county court -at -law.
will take the re- a court reporter and bailiff, which
sponsibility for the County Court is managing Vance is not sure what motivated
the county's civil without.) our state senator to push the bill
and criminal jur- on emergency basis, a bill which
isdiction away Neither Moore, nor State Rep. seems to serve only to split the
from the county . Presnal, who sponsored the authority and influence of the coun -
judge, allowing % bill in the House, talked with coun- ty judge. Vance does think a person -
him to concen- r - ty officials about the need for court- ality conflict could be involved. For
trate his efforts at -law. the record, he would only say, "I
as top administrator of the county. don't think he (Moore) likes me."
The bill, which will take effect Moore said in a tone of bitterness
t Off the record, Vance related a few
in 1977, transfers the work of the and impatience, "I certainly didn't recent incidents which have caused
County Court to the court -at -law, talk to them (the commissioners)," more than a small bit of friction
phasing out the County Court. The adding they're not qualified to between the two men.
County Attorney, County Clerk speak on the question. He said
and Sheriff will work for the new he's managed to introduce a host Moore denied any personality
court, but a separate judge will of bills in this legislature without conflict with Vance, but several
be elected to the new court -at -law. consulting the coun commis- times in Wednesday's conversation
sioners. Moore showed he has no love for
The bill has passed the Senate
the county judge or the county com-
and the House and awaits the gov- Presnal told The Battalion he missioners.
ernor's signature. ' talked with the record keepers in
Bill Moore contends the county Austin, who indicated there is a "If I really told you what I
needs a fulltime judge over civil need for the new court. He said thought about the man," Moore
and criminal cases. In an interview he also talked to District Judge said, "you wouldn't be able to print
Wednesday, he talked about the Bill Davis and "many constituents it." At another time, the state sen-
county's fantastic growth. and attorneys in Bryan." ator said Vance is being paid more
Judge Vance, County Attorney than he's worth.
Roland Searcy and the county's Judge Davis said Thursday he is
elected administrators, the Com- "not for or against" creating the new Moore called the commissioners
missioners Court, don't understand court. He said he told Presnal last court a "mutual admiration socie-
what's all the fuss over a county year the area needs another district ty," whose only objection to the
court -at -law, when the county court, but establishing a court-at- new court is having to pay for a
court's current caseload hasn't law would help the pressure on his new judge and having less funds to